Let us explore the Roman temple in Tawern, 20 minutes from Trier. The temple dates back to Roman times and is partly reconstructed.

    Hi guys welcome I hope you can hear me I hope you can see anything I’m not seeing people here so anybody here guys or did I mess up my timings let me check guys oh great hi so welcome to Tavern Temple we are in the middle of the woods

    So I hope my signal behaves I checked it earlier so it should be okay I had at least two to three bath we are here in front of an old Roman Temple we are as you can see really in the middle of the woods here our Temple was built on the first

    Century but first let me give you some nice spring flowers here so looks really nice today we got 4:00 about 18° sunshine and really lovely weather today we are going into our Temple but first we are going into our profane building so they probably had Stables here they had maybe a

    Kitchen places where people could rest could spend a night it’s still used today by uh hikers to put up tents at night here so really a lovely place and in Roman times we were about yeah half a day to a day from Tria today it’s about half an hour 40 minutes by

    Car and in Roman times yeah when you traveled you often went to temples oh do you still get buffering or is it okay it tells me I got a good signal I hope you don’t get buffering any Longer so when you traveled in Roman times you often uh stopped at temples just to sacrifice to the gods to give them something and the hope they would protect you so it was normal for you to stop and the Romans had many gods so our Temple is for mercury but here you see

    How you could have traveled in Roman times but only if you were Rich so normal people had to take an ox wagon or to walk and you walked I would say not more than 30 miles per day probably and I have no idea about the English names of the flowers sorry guys we got some Roman Maps yes the Romans even had

    Maps but not everybody had some so if you traveled you asked other people’s you asked other people where to go to so if you wanted to travel um to Rome you asked on the way and if you traveled to Rome from Tria it took you at least 20 days uh by

    Wagon a lot longer if you Walked so really difficult and dangerous if you traveled I mean people could try and steal your things they could try and yeah kill you or they could try and kill kidnap you and saell you as a slave so things you don’t want to happen and that’s why you stopped in

    Temples offered something to the gods and the hope they would protect you and we will be going down here towards our Temple oh I hope it will be better down here because I’ve got the same um signal that I had in town so I hope it will be better

    Guys if not I have to come back and film it for You but hopefully it will be better inside of our Temple we usually have the best signal um at the main entrance down here so we came through a side entrance and we will be entering our Temple now and during the first century until the middle to the end of this fourth Century

    They used this Temple and then Christianity became more prominent and later on state religion and you were not allowed um to sacrifice in public for temples for Gods any Longer but now imagine you are a Roman you made it until tavan today tomorrow it’s your last part of your trip going Tria so you see this really really pretty Temple and you can even see Tria in a few minutes and all those temples here were reconstructed during the last century so

    It’s yeah 20th century but some of the walls are still original so our outer wall here is original our seage canals which we are going to see quite soon are original and I added a few things and copies of a few things they found Here and they had smaller houses here as well where added things like carriages and yeah things people offered here on the right hand side you see Emperor Augustus a copy of original is in the museum there is no guard here at night so that’s why we don’t have original

    Things here people would steal them hang on so this wall is original the outer one and the steps down here are all the original ones here our biggest temple you’re going to see it soon from the other side that’s the one for mercury and Mercury he was a God for travelers Commerce

    Thieves quite a lot of things Actually and if you wanted to sacrifice something you gave it to the priest who did it for you and they usually sacrificed it in front of the building could have been um yeah some crops some wine some animals so really a variety of things that you can can donate to your Gods

    Money and if you donated wine they just poured it out if you donated sacrificed Life Animal they did kill this poor thing burn parts of it and gave Parts away also for poor people and here we had a Fountain and they found the head of a Mercury statue in the fountain and many more things so let’s have a look that’s what you did find here nice statues Rel leaves some coins and you see the temple was um yeah sadly damaged destructed when Christianity became a state religion taking you down Here oh yeah I mean we got a chariot for benu so we actually could reenact it here parts of it you see I had several smaller temples one of them also dedicated to Celtic goddess we are going to see later On I’m just trying not to fall over here it’s a bit slippery today and you don’t want to see me falling down So here we had a tiny house and here they actually um yeah took the things to that people um sacrificed so if you sacrificed money more stuff they kept it here in one of those small buildings it’s not so big and it’s first second century but I mean you needed all kinds of

    Tools things like that so you needed those tiny houses and now let’s go and See who were our main Gods Here I’ve got to warn you we are going to see a statue of mercury but he doesn’t wear trousers So Close Your Eyes if you don’t want to see a naked Person but first let’s meet Iona she was a goddess of the Celtic people so I’m trying to squeeze you through here and the Romans actually um they adopted the Roman god the other gods so the Celtic gods and she was a goddess of horses yeah and I mean even today we

    Sometimes have this tradition yeah to throw coins in water if we want to come back or if you want to be lucky so it’s still a tradition people sometimes do and the colors here that’s original they reconstructed it and they believe it looked like this and that’s a small one for

    Aona and now I’m going to take you to the bigger one and the bigger one is Mercury and I hope you YouTube doesn’t uh kill this Video it’s just history I’m going to show you Mercury but only for a short while because you see yep he’s naked so trying to focus on his face swiming in and TR R times all statues they were actually colorful so they were yeah lifelike oops sorry so you see could be a real

    Man they also believe the different um colors where the original ones they did reconstruct it I’m taking you to the side zooming out again quite soon and showing you our W decoration without showing you um naked Mercury again and they found his head in the fountain so it was really dedicated to

    Him this Temple taking you out again here and that’s how they believe it looked like when people sacrificed to the gods so you could watch the priest doing it and they always did it on an alar in front of the temple and the temple is actually Gall Roman

    One that’s typical architecture we got here and I’m trying not to fall down here so you got all those pillars you can walk around this Temple and that’s a typical architecture they used here So we are going to see the colum that they found we’re going to see the entrance and I’m going to take you through the woods towards the Car but first our Roman sewage system that’s still the original one so whenever it rains you will have one water in here and today I use this Temple as a museum you can marry here and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to walk down here let me

    Check so they use it for yeah bigger events but it’s free to enter so you can’t spend a whole day here if you want To but first let’s take a look towards Tria at the back so the village down here that’s Tavern small village down here and the town at the back that’s true so I’m trying to zoom in so you see it’s a back that’s where you want to go to and it’s about 20

    Miles so you can still walk it on the old Roman Road if you want to takes you probably yeah a day or so half a day a day depending on how fast you are in Roman times we had no uh Woods here so it was on top of a

    Hill next to your main Roman Road and people were really glad when they managed to reach this point because it was like yeah I will be at my destination tomorrow turning you around again and giving you a nice view of our Temple here and here it just says when it was

    Uh reconstructed the names of the Mayors and yeah work done by our state museum in Tria they found this column here they did reconstruct it on the side we had Hercules and Juno so you can still see our Hercules Here oh yes all statues were colored in Antiquity so but later on people believed uh yeah white is pure Antiquity was considered the good pure times so we are used to see them white but they were actually all colorful and they found uh rest of the colors remains of the

    Colors that’s why they decided let’s show people how it really was And here Areo they also got a nice reconstruction of this column here and you see colorful again must have been really impressive if you came just out of yeah the woods just walked up the hill and saw this so you walked for a long time and then you see pretty statues a huge

    Column a temple so let’s let me take you towards our map in front of the building want to show you where we Are and let me show you a little bit of our nature Here first here that’s more that’s a kitchen and toilet but toilets are still closed because of winter and that’s Mercury again and here we got actually two maps so Tavern is where we are Tria where people probably went to and that’s our Roman Street map and if you want to see a modern

    Map it’s down here and now let’s go through our Woods let’s have a look at some early spring flowers I hope I don’t fall it was a nice walk up but it’s much easier um taking you down quite Steep I added more tours I have to add some on TV as well that’s something I’m going to do for the weekend I already have a few more on my YouTube we are going to be in LX work on Monday we are going to the big band next to our SAR River

    In two weeks or 3 weeks and we’re going to go to Trier to Parts where I haven’t taken you so you’re going to see the southern part of our town and bit of our northern part and there a few more things as still have to schedule I’m going to take you to The

    Vineyards again but we still need about I would say 3 weeks more to get more white flowers and to get a little bit more life into our Vineyards and here let’s take a last view up so that’s our pretty Temple here oh I can’t even hear a

    Bumblebee and I’ve seen a ladybug coming up so it’s nice and warm today but we expect a temperature drop of about 10° for tomorrow so I’m glad I can show you our woods today and let’s just enjoy nature a little bit sometimes all you need is a little bit

    Of nature some flowers some Birds I’m going to walk slowly because it’s slippery and trying to show you just some parts of our Woods here and as you know I’m afraid of spiders but we usually don’t have Dangerous Ones that’s why I’m showing you the spider web and I don’t see a spider

    Here and it’s quite early for our trees to get leaves it’s we are middle end of March So nature is early this Year so look down here quite steep yeah I met a hiker earlier he’s going to stay here probably for a night doing a long hike told me really steep 19% Here and I mean we are not far from the village but it’s still it’s quiet it’s nice and for the next few meters I’m watching my step guys there is more nice nature coming up I just need to get through this muddy part without falling Over and now you realize why I’m taking you down and didn’t take you up with me up would have been really a lot of heavy breezing and not so Nice so let me see I did even see somebody with a bike coming down here when I walked up so you can bike here in our Woods you just have to pay attention uh to hikers and it’s open for everybody here you just shouldn’t be in the woods

    When there is a hunt going on but they usually um put signs Out and and here it’s really slippery so sorry for not watching my Chat and managed the worst Part you see lots of pretty purple flowers here already down here set it Hide I’m also waiting for our blue bells to arrive at first more do you hear the birds really nice and quiet here at the moment lots of bird song And the beginning of our white flower season I hope I can take you to more um wild flowers it really depends on the weather I mean you can’t go through the woods when it’s raining at least I can’t with a gimbal I’m going to fall over and in summer times it’s really

    Nice and cool down Here Yeah I did see something like a bench over here coming up well it was a bench once it’s a moment it’s just a Mood That looks quite Nice you see nature takes the things back so we had a tiny bench here in for more times lots of spring flowers here and everything here looks purple and blue and we came from up up the hill so really nice Walk interesting MTH interesting nature and

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