Renowned Journalist/ Boxing Corespondent. Radio & TV Presenter. Gareth . A . Davies joins Lady Chann in her studio to talk BOXING!! Wednesday 27th March 5pm (UK) 1pm (et) on COME BOX WITH CHANN🥊

    #boxing #canelomunguia #furyusyk #anthonyjoshua #joshuangannou #parkerzhang #matchroom #queensburypromotions #eddiehearn #frankwarren #daznboxing #talksport #comeboxwithchann #ladychannboxing #ladychannboxeo #boxeo #boxing #boxingnews #garethadavies #ladychann #dundemseason #britishboxing

    The Hall of Fame y’all must have forgot y’all must have forgot Sure V came in at one this is a mega it’s pise j on the panel T minus 30 seconds T minus 20 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero shot round one Fight Round two fight yo hey there L lean and welcome to combox with Sham we’re in the build Disney ding ding ding dinging what up do Kaboom I know this is the different one guys this is the one that we’ve all been waiting for and I’m very excited but like I shall always do

    In True Form we shall do the members only roll call are we ready so guys I hope you’ve had a glorious day uh depending where you are I know my American Compadres it’s very early for you guys I’m not usually on at these times but you know

    We we can you know play around and you know accommodate everybody I am from the UK sometimes I forget and I think I’m American because you got me on American time all the time guys but okay so let’s get the members um let oh God come on Lappy you technicalities as

    Usual where did you where did they go let me just reload the reload the page guys you know why did it do that okay so what it wants to do it doesn’t it it’s trying to isolate you guys it doesn’t want me to there you go there’s the members you

    Know I was trying to cheat you guys and I would never do that see all members there we go right so we’ve got M King boxing what up Mark Andre no dere Lincoln Daniel AG what up Dan cooking with senior expect the unexpected [Applause] Donald Leon fig what up Leon

    Don’t dark right side Steven team sister the [Applause] queen retro boxing and documentaries blad boxing [Applause] inis [Applause] [Applause] dayj last but not least Wales is finest got to PE Okie doie this guy doesn’t really need an introduction I’m exhausted I know I already tied as well I’m exhausted so can see we’ve got a bit of glare let’s to to are you tired already I know no

    Not really I you’ve got so much great energy and it’s great to be with you on come boxing with ch yeah we’ve got Gareth a Davies Dam season Dam [Applause] season that’s right oh Gareth it’s so nice to have you here and thank you for

    Even coming and um being a part of this Wacky World of mine yeah well it’s nice to be here great Studio set up thank you um I think we we talked about 25 different things before we came on air um that’s why we’re late that’s why

    We’re late and uh I had to find it first of all all the way through from uh lunch with Frank Warren yeah tell them about yeah lunch with Frank Warren today you know talking about massive plans upcoming um without giving too much away um and then cycle through uh Mayfair

    Cross the uh Cross Park Lane L not much fun on a bike Park Lane Park no not really along the along um what is it hi Park hi Park hi Park Serpentine yeah um as a ventriloquist in the background yeah a little dog back there dog bit me

    On my big carbs on the way but the dog was smaller than my carbs um but the but the um no so cycled over running out of battery juice on my phone thinking how am I going to find it but then here you are in glorious Tech color in W9 w14 I

    Tried yeah West 14 um I had you down as a Notting Hill girl though oh that’s where my mom’s from right I thought so I had I’m a North London boy that’s why I was going to ask you Town High yeah but you live in Essex now don’t you I live

    In Essex deepest darkest ESS which is an experience in I live in Lon so I was near to ESS it’s almost like it’s almost tribal out there yeah I love Essex yeah know Beau place yesterday I was paddle boarding on the sea in South End Le on

    SE cycling with my girlf my friend lives in South Leon onc it took me about three hours to drive there from late and on time like it’s f it I switch yeah you went the wrong way no it isn’t you went to the wrong you went to the wrong Leon

    C in that case you went to the wrong County I went there because IP switch is in suff no but it switch I’m not trying to get one over on you no but it was just the the next little bit if I it’s all lovely up there sou then into

    Norfolk three rows of te up there they’ve got yeah where’s my um lip gloss saying Lucky Bastards I know I know it’s the dog we got a talking dog as well Delroy yeah deloy the Nipper he’s a proper little Nipper is he never nied me before

    No he I thought what’s that on my jeans did he just bite me did he just bite me he sure [ __ ] well did why did he do that I don’t know is he a boy yeah yeah he doesn’t like another male yeah that’s what it is I was at my girlfriend’s um

    She was dog sitting yesterday yeah the male dog how did she have you I didn’t I didn’t realize it was that kind of show it’s a joke come on boxing let’s come boxing with go on tell us the story you no no again the the the the the the

    Female dog there was really friendly but the male dog was was it was sizing you up is it yeah yeah cuz they’ve got their hierarchy haven’t they and then once a male voice comes and the male dog is like wasal yeah humans are the same but that another day we’re do it that’ll

    Be another show guys about herd mentality and pack mentality but yeah thank you for joining me GTH and um pleasure yeah and usually I usually do uh the weekly wrap-up show and talk about um what’s happened in the sport of boxing over the last previous seven days

    We can do that yep and that’s what we’re going to do cover the fights you know we’ve got and what’s coming up or not y what’s coming up and then make our it’s a big week it’s a big time in boxing at the moment you yeah talk about it well

    I’ve been involved in boxing a very long time you know over three decades and um you know this is a very very exciting time because you know top middle and bottom are all moving um I see that everything’s an Ino Endo of what I say on this show so I’ll

    Be careful I’ll be very very selective with my words boom um so I’m being immature sorry no the the top end of the sport obviously Saudi Arabian investment’s massive at the everybody knows every every’s got everybody’s got a debate at the moment on who are the top 20 heavyweights in the world and

    Which I want to do with you today yeah we can do that because yeah we because this is Gareth Davis and Lady Chen come G davist show it’s no not at all I know you’re very knowledgeable I’m the co-host I I know that you’re very knowledgeable you’ve had some amazing

    Guests on your show yeah but I’m always here to learn like from people like yourself so by the way yeah because it’s a sport that I’m just it’s forever growing and layered yeah multi layered and Peaks and troughs so we’re in a Peak at the moment yes we are um and you know

    In the last seven days obviously the the big things are um Dalton Smith’s um developing very well Sandy Ryan’s developing five versus five weight divisions being frank yeah and uh Eddie Hearn ready so we’ve got two heavy weights so one of those is tur shakes so then Frank’s got the middle weights yeah

    And then Eddie hern’s got the light heavy weights light heavy and feather and feather yeah so 130 yeah I mean 120 yeah 126 yeah 126 so that’s interesting and then we knew turkey Al Shake he like he said he likes the big Lads he that’s why he’s been focusing on that first and

    Foremost so um how are we gonna think about what those matchups are going to be with the heavy weights because there’s um it’s all this Twilight moment with par I mean go I like that yeah I know it’s just creepy this is it a reason for

    All those sound things is it cu cu I’d like them Gare no no no because you are you are a musician anyway artist just very very good you’re going to rap for me today a little bit come on give me some Jamaican rap let’s get I I yeah see only only as to

    Can do this and then he’s going to do my ad Li as long as you ad lib for me oh I don’t F out I don’t the end you bought it so you I I I wondered today annoyingly I I was sitting at lunch at

    Milo’s with such a hard life do you know Milos no um Greek food Greek me with Frank and several other people about 10 people yeah it was lovely I’m stuffed full of fish Mesi oh love and bavar oh my God don’t tell me about bavar I

    Bought trays and trays of it when I was in Germany PR yeah what’s well um and I was thinking really I should um should have bought me a doggy bag but no I should have thought about three or four lines to spit out you know yeah you

    Should have but which I didn’t because I had watched some of your work on BBC Radio man you can rap thank you no you no it’s I mean I I um I watched that one on bbc1 S or radio one extra sessions was it Radio 1 yeah it was Tod man yes

    And he was he was riffing off it wasn’t he it was absolutely brilliant by the way no I appreciate you are genuinely an artist genuinely yeah thank you yeah I’ve had the pleasure to travel around the world and perform like no you a big star in in doing that you know I know

    You’ve sat back a little bit Yeah sat back a little bit you know life life sometimes but you know onwards and upwards I will be doing what I can do and you know I know you’re asking me about boxing but I want to know why you’re so fascinated in boxing is it

    That jamaan blood I don’t know no do you know what do you know what do you know what you allow to say am I allowed to say it like that yes all right then you said it actually better than me um um I was in our household we was team Mike

    Tyson so I grew up with a stepfather so my actual dad he loved Muhammad Ali and then and then when my mom uh got with my stepdad we were all we was just team Mike Tyson I’m afraid but we we only loved Frank Bruno when he fought we

    Loved Frank Bruno but we loved Frank Bruno when he fought Tyson then we was like not team Tyson and solely so after 89 or 96 what it was 96 I was literally like 28 years ago to the day Saturday before last that that Mike Tyson won

    That WBC title from Frank 28 years ago and it was only two weeks after he’ announced he was gonna fight Jake Paul um he wasn’t even born then he let get that for now but no no I me fascinated about so so look at Mike Tyson brought you in yeah basically there was

    Something about him yeah because it was like staying up until 500 a.m. just to see him knock and then just to see him knock someone out in 60 seconds like gosh I think he’s human being you know and I’ve had the privilege of having a couple of dinners with M recently yeah

    Out in Saudi Arabia and he um he is an extraordinary human being who’s gone through massive transformation and I think we have to treasure him because I think he’s definitely one of the most amazing people alive one of the most recognizable people on the planet and also I think emblematic of the struggle

    You can go through and what you can emerge into on the other side and it’s the vulnerability still there there with him and I think he’s an amazing human being I I I I want to sit down and record him a little bit to be honest

    Have you would you not be because of what’s coming up would you not be to I’m gonna try I’m gonna try that would be epic if you could do that so Mike Tyson did you did you fight no you a lover not a fighter it was a fight up but it was

    In the streets G it was in the streets um that’s where the fight was you shouts out to assistant Regina love you and the biting dog so but have you always obviously you went into music then yeah I was always that fascination with fight Sports um no so what I did

    Was so my dad was is a uh is a musician as well and he was in the sound system so he t with like beanie man and people like that so I grew up in that kind of world and then I J Shaka J Shaka abash

    Shan the rocket the rocket on the hall and see him I’m talking yeah talking back 1991 92 maybe okay I yeah I went there but you weren’t alive I was alive you were alive I was alive you were like yeah I wasn’t there primary school I

    There I W there no but we were really into we we that we progressed onto that a friend of mine Dominic um who was at Uni with and he’s he’s a homeopathic doctor now but we used to go down there and it was I mean you you you went close

    To the sound system yeah you wanted to feel it we had longer hair then and we were like white not white r yeah but you there’s a hipness about they come together well you know you you smoke get iry vies Vibe but Vibe VI Vibe no but

    Vibe is always there isn’t it yeah yeah yeah but it’s always but that’s there’s a time for it and there’s a time to stop yeah yeah yeah yeah you know but I I just remember it was um because we’d been into heavy dub but also we’ve been into real Roots reggae

    At the time watching country man watching all kind of you know Jimmy CLE all that stuff because there’s a culture in it and it that was my earlys it was that’s your era you know scar was around came in all it scar Clint Eastwood in general saying all of those

    Burning Spear blah blah blah yeah those are my was your dad into that massively yeah massively massive L massively I want to say it that white black and white were together own that by the way in a big way big black white everyone and everyone yeah yeah yeah no blacks no

    Dogs no Irish everyone was together I can you believe that can you believe that I know that kind of died out late 70s I think those signs yeah my mom told me about it I never ever saw I was like really she was like yeah there was

    Signed up like only in certain places went across the board down um Port Bella road that that well outside some of the billiard halls there might have been which is so wrong CU When you think Notting Hill the area was so vibrantly Jamaican West IND India

    It you know more more West Indian than African time oh definitely yeah that’s why we had not in ill Carnival exactly that arrived from that you played there yeah oh of course yeah I played on there Shawn Paul and Shawn Pauls and I’ve been on all those stages at not know so tell

    Me because I because I’ve done a lot of interviewing yeah have you and I’m fascinated by why why boing yeah why boxing what is it about it for you um okay I just find the sport I don’t know the savagery of it in one hand but also the sweet science part

    Of it in the on the other the heart the will the determination theater I the drama I don’t I poito I I think there’s the drama in in the the buildup the press conferences and stuff like that so I’ve got used to like sometimes when you see a boring

    Presser you’re like oh God this you feel a bit like but I’m in the drama in the fight oh anything can happen anything can happen spec uh specifically 200 and up so anybody can be knocked out yeah yeah definitely I can’t do stones So when you

    Say inone no no I don’t I I’m not that great do some of them wel is about 10 Stone something wel 10 St yeah I’m done after that I don’t know super middle weights 12 stone okay yeah I just light heavy weights 1277 yeah and then you got that big jump to

    Cruiserweight 200 and then it’s Bridger to whatever it’s 225 bridge is not really there one sanction WBC we be cooking we be anyway um I don’t want to get in trouble My Views about the WBC I think you’re very very outspoken I think you need to tone it down lady Chen I

    Know I I I get told that I’m not outspoken enough that was a lie but anyway yeah oh my God you got it two let me let people know also same birthday Gareth and I have the same birthday September the 10th not the same age clearly you can see we’re not the same

    Age but um the same very old looking 60 I I’m not going to guess your age it’ be really but but amaz and you won’t I didn’t know that walked in and your research team had done done their digging around they they knew all about my life everything I was very taken back

    When I came in by the way you know my birthday is same as yours and it’s like oh wow this is going to be a little bit off the CH I didn’t I didn’t realize he was a Virg I didn’t even pick up on it usually

    I could pick up but then once she once I got told I was like I get it I got it yeah because you are specific with times and orders and how things are org chaos you are yeah I that’s how I say organized chaos it could be untidy but it’s way

    Untiy everything is someone moves one tiny little into a draw and they think they’ve done you a favor my cleaner does that yeah sends me Loco yeah just keep my [ __ ] where it is clean under it and then put it back you know I mean that’s

    How I see it and then they get used to it but yeah but so basically all of that with boxing and then I when as I was growing up then I was touring I got a record deal so was touring and stuff like that so I would chime in and keep a

    Breast of some parts but then I’m I’m Mayweather I’m a Mayweather fan girl Floyd Mayweather best I’ve ever seen live in my time you’re so lucky I’m so I feel like and you know what because I always remind people when you go to um con by the lights lights dogs lights is

    Um there’s there’s a there’s a thing about um great um moments that are live you only you can only see them once so when you’re live watch it live and when you’re working on it and writing and um You’ got to look down every now again

    Yeah but you don’t want to miss anything I don’t want I never wants to miss anything I mean I know your friends with Shane Mosley yeah Shane Mosley senior Shane Mosley probably what is he now is he 45 he’s 52 is he really 52 well I remember his fight with Mayweather and

    Him getting him with the right hand second round in the second round and I’ve never seen Mayweather Bo Leg gave away a little bit the the the speed and the adjustment that he makes is just unbelievable it’s just unbelievable and me be being friends with Shane mosy right at the time when I

    Watched that obviously I’d grown up also watching shanes mosle but because I was a Mayweather fan gu I was like get in Mayweather beat his ass beat his ass and I me I said isn’t the universe crazy because I’m like you’re one of my favorite boxes that Shane’s amazing he

    Was 36 then I think 35 36 must back 2006 2007 I think he was slight maybe a little older yeah I was doing all those fights at the time I think he was 38 he was 40 when he fought Canelo yeah yeah four or five times a year I was doing

    Either have you seen fights yeah several times um um either obviously traveling from here to cover Manny Pacquiao was in his Pomp and and Floyd Maya was in his pump and we were trying to drive them towards each other it came late but like you say I get being a I’m

    Mayweather no not Fanboy anyone Fury Fanboy I’m not a fury Fanboy a littleit called a fury Fanboy right time’s running out so don’t leave them those questions too long I’m not a fury Fanboy I get access to him I work with him you know I’m not anybody’s Fanboy here I’m a

    Fan girl of a few boxes I told you yeah but I don’t I’m I’m a proud fan girl I’m not a fanboy I’m not no cuz I don’t feel like a fanboy because if I have to have a rail with him over something yeah Will and if I have toen don’t do

    That I Haven sit down for six months yeah because he banned you he didn’t ban me no you’re not Bann Bann banned from anything I thought us lot was banned lot is not sometimes you got to get with the eastand I grew up in eastand for 11 years so sometimes I say

    You no no I get it but what I’m saying is I’m I don’t belong to a group I Bann talk sport I would say then yeah because there were there were a lot of comments about him I but G we understand that no fighter is above reproach and everybody can be critiqued

    And criticized absolutely no no fighter bigger than the sport but we criticized Muhammad Ali we criticized Mike Tyson what’s your biggest criticism of Muhammad Ali then Muhammad Ali he stayed in the ring too [ __ ] long and also my uh my criticism of him is um that

    Sometimes he went a bit bad on the jering it went a bit it it was a bit below the Bel somebody the I don’t I think it was all natural I know but some of was a free spirit same as social activism what I’m saying Fearless but

    Tison Fury doesn’t even get a a bit a bit of that like and he gets CR criticized only on the slightest things and then he bans people yeah he’s sensitive I love fight a lot of Fighters Joshua is quite sensitive he doesn’t it’s generational he doesn’t generational um I think it’s a lot

    Genuinely I think it’s a lot to do social media and and and the prism of uh kind of the the the the the poison that is there so you don’t get the true it’s a bit like at the moment where Frank Warren and Eddie Hearn are now working

    Together they hadn’t been in a room together or sat at a table together for like 14 years and yet there is a grudging admiration and respect between them I know I’m so happy of course there is because they’re both brilliant of what they do yeah and like they like

    They’ve come together right and you it just looks natural like it doesn’t look fake forced or contrived it’s like why didn’t you guys do like this before yeah yeah do you know what I mean because it’s so we still have a healthy uh competitiveness against each other but it’s healthy right you know

    Right what are the fights you’ve got I’m gonna go through your No get Joshua nanu Fury us let’s do that quickly then no let’s start with Joshua and G your researchers are sleeping in the corner no it’s fine disagree let let’s let’s start with what’s at the top on Joshua

    And garu why why did you go straight to furi there’s not a lot to be said about Joshua there is we’re GNA cover it are okay so leading up into that fight yeah I even as a Anthony Joshua um supporter and this is I I do play Clips on the

    Show let’s go baby let’s go now now they can hear where they think um he’s fantastic Anthony I first met him uh on two seats he was sitting on one of his giant legs was sitting on massive he yeah he is he’s an Adonis he’s a beautiful human being there’s no

    Question about it and he’s a bad guy trying to be good that’s how I always look at him yeah and one of his giant bluming thighs sitting on my seat at the York Hall Beth MC green and I went can you move over a little bit and he looked

    At me in that sirly way and he was with a couple of his mates in Watford and he would have been 18 19 oh so newly newly yeah but we but he probably had a tiny chat with him then I didn’t know who he was yeah then he won the silver medal at

    The world amateur championships and do you know what he did then Lee mroo who works for um the amateur boxing Association PR guy I said I used to run School sports awards for the telegraph at the time and we had a ceremony at Twickenham stadium and he

    Came along and present an award to a tiny little dancer and that day he Enchanted every W and of course that was 2011 following W oics and I think you know he had everything in his favor yeah I think he was surprised by his own success at that point yeah and he’s

    Really grown he’s a he’s one of the most critiqued and observed this is human beings we ever see I’m very close to Ben Davidson is training so glad of that and and exactly he’s with the right team now George Foreman said this to me a long time ago and I’ve had few interviews

    With George Foreman over the years and I consider myself luy again go ahead um and he’s a great man George yeah I like his grills I like his grills and as he says before I die what I’m going to event is shoes that help old people walk you know that’s

    Well I mean there have you seen those well George we’re still waiting you seen those packs now that they put on older people if they fall over it just becomes a pillow straight away well like a [ __ ] thing in your car like an airbag on on your neck they

    Shoes that walk um but George said all Anthony needs to do is work out who he is and just be that so loses five and wins 35 he’s a wrecking Bol so I’ll bring you back to Joshua nanu yeah nagu was the perfect style for Joshua you can

    You say enanu because that’s how you pronounce it it’s not nagu unu yeah how’d you say my name Gareth no it’s Gareth Gareth with yeah there you go with I say say listen I’m I’m I’m I don’t I don’t what say again for me nanu nanu yeah

    Yeah I don’t need wor say nanu it doesn’t really matter but I always say everybody say is it adelay or adelay adelay or adelay it’s adelay because just like how you say Ad we’re having a phonetic it’s like how you say Ad so it’s Adel ad okay in Nigerian G Inu

    There you go Francis nanu yeah Francis the Predator the Predator beautiful man as well he ISU okay um I don’t mind so I was saying going into that fight a lot of people didn’t really give Anthony Joshua not a lot an an option of really winning

    Everyone of you not said it’s going to be a tough F can I do an impression of you can I do impression it’s going be a really tough fight for Joshua you know um he’s going to have to really be careful because this is the heavyweight Division and everybody’s dangerous at

    You know 200 pound upwards so but I think if Anthony Joshua with the pairing with Ben Davidson maybe he’ll just be able to Edge it was that good Tommy good very good go ahead Seas no one gave and I even I even said I think Joshua will win but I think

    It will be on on on point I would like him to uh to just knock him out but I thought it would be right I’ll tell you what I actually said yeah I know I just made upu yeah is a beautiful name um against Joshua I actually said I saw four

    Outcomes Anthony Joshua stopping him early Anthony Joshua winning on points Anthony Joshua knocking him out late or nanu nanu catching him at some point during the fight and beating him and just knocking him out catching him yeah and we’ll see him maybe hit the canvas Joshua I mean is that what

    Thought we everyone that said it was an easy fight has capitalized on that and great for them that I didn’t say that yeah I couldn’t say that I didn’t know it should have been an easy fight any yeah it should have been Styles make fight yeah and ganu was always going to

    Come and throw his hands at Joshua because he had to he switched Southport too early wrong idea but that’s because he caught Fury of the leoc South exactly it doesn’t work with everybody like so Styles make fights I thought it was a brilliant performance by Joshua is it

    Over is it overrated because no he’s supposed to have done that I’m just asking the question because I see a lot of people I’m telling you what I think not what everyone else is saying I think it was an amazing performance momentum he has with four wins in 11 months um I

    Think he he fights soon in my view in Saudi Arabia and maybe he fights August uh Frank Smith told me today who was at the Dalton Smith a breakfast that I went to before the brunch oh before the lunch fre meals already no I no I just had a

    Tequila at the brunch and then I had did I have a tequila at the lunch yeah he did he did um but um the Frank Smith said he expects Joshua to be out in August or September great momentum and it’s a shame that we have to wait for

    Two fights between Tyson Fury and Alexander usk which is I was going to go on to yeah we could seg before we see Joshua because everyone wants to see Joshua against Fury yeah we do who do you have winning that I’ve always said I

    Think Fury win I I know you’re wrong I I I might be wrong but you don’t know I do know bring bring out that One what round he he what round he stopped fuing he stopped furing round seven he’s golden round round seven remember I said that here it might stop him seven okay we say that I just think Fury and Y can have a very close beat Fury as well by the

    Way which round points okay points I think it’s points decision I think it might be a draw that first fight you know God please don’t if it’s a draw then it warrants a rematch if usix just gets slaughtered we don’t need a rematch if Fury just gets totally out pointed

    And it’s like a an an 84 or a 93 we don’t need another rematch of that we won it if it’s tight if it’s tight that one I see it the other way around if Fury gets youi out of there let’s have Fury Joshua next yeah we don’t need a

    Rematch that’s what I’m saying either way know either way if one beats the other I think you might have Joshua’s number yeah for me for me those two fights I think he’ll have a better account of himself maybe on the third fight Trilogy I thought he was good in

    The second by the way I had five four up after did you know you’re boxing yeah a lot of people say what you about no up and then used SK and then after that ninth round he just went into the 10th and then he held all those

    Championship rounds and that was all she wrote basically but I I mean what was I gonna say Gareth you just made me forget what I was gonna say because I’m looking at the time I’m you time I EXA producing you I know the time because oh yeah God

    Look time goes quick do it so yeah so blood well it actually doesn’t but it goes quickly when you’re enjoying yourself yeah when you’re you’re engaged very engaging conversation you got bronze stuff on your nose yes G it’s called it’s a slight highlighter the sorry Gare you’re not

    Supposed to say that no but it looked very interesting the show’s over guys put the mic down put the mic down get the [ __ ] out of man my well I’ll see you next time yeah told you your researcher just said I told you yes she does but she doesn’t know what

    It look look at me on the camera it looks amazing it looks like natural light that’s what it’s for to look like there’s natural light hitting at the points the tips of your nose if you go out in the sun natural light hits you on your forehead the tips of your nose and

    Your chinny chin chin you do look fantastic thank you you do look fantastic you had to bring that one back you had to claw back for that one go ahead I don’t think I did a allour yeah he had to we’ve got someone that’s paid us $9.99 we won’t be

    Going we won’t be going half all proceed do go that is for you I hardly Ever no no it came these are all presets but that is a Gad one so so this is what I play when somebody send in money so we get the bugles out like that shouts out to AJ all day for dropping that half a why is he paid for that because he

    Likes me yeah is he like he likes your shows yeah like people that like the shows they they donate what was that what was that um super fans or super members you read out first oh because so members only members only I go in the build in the building okay so

    Like Snoop Doggy Dog so look he said it Gare day Davis in the building in the building I don’t like Snoop dogs Twitter oh well we’re not we don’t care about that Gareth Keep On Track no no I do I did follow him but G keep on track track

    Time is not of our Ence 603 yeah and if I you’d be doing over time you’ll be going to that event late Gareth with me and toe anyway um I’m having a good time me too amazing so what was I saying so GTH so move your phone off of the

    Notes so so can I have a coffee please I get you a white r do you want a white Ram in so no thanks I only drink tequila I only drink tequila just getting back another do you know how to do the coffee thing God look at this show it’s it’s

    Organic and authentic that’s why you guys come in have organic coffee please no I’m having a lovely time thank you no thank you so what I was saying with the uh Fury it yet we don’t we we hopefully Fury or get the key with do

    You think that if us beats Fury just say this do we still we still a second Fury fight but we still want a fury and a Joshua fight even if say Fury lost they won’t do it what they not I don’t think so because that’s who’s going to be the

    Best out of the UK heavyweight wise we still have to do that here’s the thing there’s there’s the May 18th event which is Fury and and Y there’s the June the 1st event which is Warren and and Hearn and better be EV bivel on the top of

    That right two amazing weeks I mean unprecedented time there’s four Undisputed fights at the moment yeah um going on um a different weight division over the course of about five or six weeks they’re talking about a September event at Wembley have you heard about that yeah to bring in that could be

    Another Mega EV be another mega event involving it could involve Joshua could be and then there’s the opening of the Reed season again so that’s probably the second Fury USC for it okay yeah okay so what how does so what does Joshua do in the meantime has a fight in in the

    Summer yeah but who with I don’t want to hear I don’t want to Doan if if Deontay Wilder beats y Jen deont Wilder no do you know why I say no against wild do will smash him anyway but listen we’re not rewarding like bad behavior your

    Part of the deal was to beat Joseph Parker you didn’t do it Joshua did his thing you put the shoe on the other foot if Joshua lost his his fight and Wilder would have won his do you think that they they would have F do you think the

    Fight would have happened Wilder would have rubbished Joshua oh you’re this and you know you know here’s a thing that might happen Chen yeah um if with the ibf title that might become vacant after Fury mus fight herich is the mandatory yes he is fights Joshua and Joshua won

    It off herovic for example yeah that would put him as a three-time world heavyweight champion then he’d be sitting ready to fight Fury us Fury and he’s kept busy this year because he’s had two fight four fight he’s had four fights in 11 months now but he would

    Have had five in 18 months and he might have another one at the end of the year and and fight in February March next year against Fury USC he doesn’t mind I think Joshua’s quite youthful I don’t think he’s got loads of mileage on the clock no he hasn’t been a lot Wars

    Hasn’t he not a lot I think I think those fights with wilder might have taken something out of yeah I think all I’ve seen is every time you call me a fanboy but I’m I’m more of an obser no no I don’t mind I get called it every

    Day I know that’s why I call because I know but the the all I’m looking at is what he produces when he’s needed PR when the chips are down got the best remember he is from we talked about before we came on out culture and DNA and

    And our bone structure and where we’re from you know you’ve got South American in you you’ve got jamaic in you got Irish well I I’ve got Welsh and I’ve got Italian I’ve got Mediterranean you know where you’re from you know what your your parts are you know where you’re

    Explosive qualities are where your passion lies where your emotion is and I think thank you oh amazing did you put sugar in I don’t need it I don’t need it thank you anyway I’m allowed to have this up here I won’t spill it I promise

    Don’t you I’m used to being in studios I prom even though I flat my hands around yeah I know no go ahead that that what what we have Furies from 10 generations of bare knuckle Fighters Bartley Gorman King of the gypsies fought 40 men in a Day related

    To Nathan Gorman right yes yes Nathan Gorman was his grandson or nephew something like that um so I as as someone that observes a lot of fighting in boxing and MMA and looks at you know you do get tribal physiques I’m talking about the the the the Eastern European

    Tribes and the mountain people the bone structure strong chist the the St the people that are from the St like where Bia they’re all of a certain El Jamaicans in in the West in the west Indians I call it West Indian yeah it’s West Indi they’re the warrior tribe they like

    Beans are Brits they call they’re they’re something more gentle want to go to Barb I feel the seab breeze Dair in the rest of w class as little Brit you’ve got to front up a bit more in Jamaica Haven you it’s different it’s a different different tribe in my VI it is

    Tribal in Jamaica as well it comes from tribes to to to not be misinterpreted all this no you’re not um all of that I mean it’s amazing when we all mix and our bone structures mix and and and it creates amazing things all the way back

    In time this is why interested in fight Sports it’s in us and I think it’s in you that’s what I was trying to get to there’s a big fighter in you and I know there is because you’ve shared things about your history with me today that I

    Know what a fight of you and I know your energy I can feel your energy and no but there’s there’s um there’s special qualities of people yeah it’s a very weird thing to be a professional fighter I think oh I could very unusual I do it I could

    Get vable no one wants to be I know the idea is hit and be hit but the fact that they do it though that’s amazing go back to Mayweather yeah go back to Mayweather he swims and doesn’t get wet the only time I’ve ever really seen him in

    Trouble Miguel Cotto yes a little bit but but then he enjoyed it Castillo yes Castillo Zab Judah Zab Judah and the first fight with Marcos maanu the ropes for six for six um six rounds rounds yeah yeah Marcus M yeah I love Floyd but yeah but say that heavy

    Weights yeah can we do our top 10 yes let’s do our top who’s the number one in the world uh so so who’s the number one in the world drop the money here yeah drop the money now so if we’re doing It got do we’re we’re rocking out yeah it took me a thought go on who’s the number one heavyweight we’ll have to go with Tyson Fury’s number one okay agreed yeah and then I then I will go with usk’s number two yeah and then I’ll go with Joshua’s

    Number three yeah and then I’ll have to put Joe Parker at yeah like it yeah um I’m gonna have to this is where it gets a bit this is where this is where it gets interesting yeah so Joe Parker number four you could argue that will

    You put X Jang at number five You could argue that yeah yeah or they’re interchangeable so let’s just go I’ll I’ll go with Jiang five y I’ll go with herovic six but I’m not mind if they’re interchangeable yeah six I’m gonna have to just because of what he achieved still even though he’s

    Inactive I’m gonna have to put no I’m gonna put Andy Ruiz then oh that’s a good call actually I haven’t been talking about him but because he’s not very active yeah cuz he’s not active is he active no no he got that money and he

    Said you know I’ll fight two two got the rematch the rematch is where he got the money yeah and that was it we haven’t really seen two fights after that so I yeah I’ll put I’ll put H him at what seven Wilder at eight you think Wilder doesn’t beat

    Ruiz not why what his resume says you know Wilder resume is really poor unless it’s only Fury is the only name on Wilder’s resume let’s not go with Lis orti I he lost the draw as well by the way I thought Wilder lost the draw I

    Thought he edged it on that on the edge just edged the Battle of Los Angeles in 2018 yeah I had him edging it but just Edge but I now there there I can see if Tyson Fury won if Tyson Fury got his hand raised I wouldn’t have gone no

    That’s a robbery it’s either it was neither there or there do you understand it was still close okay so then the next four five six so I so I said Andrew reiz Deontay Wilder Daniel D where’s he go um I’m I’m GNA put I’m gonna put

    Dani yeah so they would come under so do you want me to order them well I think yeah well you just know they’re the next crop all the way around to Frank Sanchez Martin B dillian white Joe Joyce Dora he really Jared Anderson jar jar Anderson top 10 maybe already no no no

    No he struggled with Charles Martin you’d have to put Char he didn’t have a good night against Charles Martin really bad and when Anthony Joshua knocked him out in two rounds people said oh he was a rubbish champ but then when Jared Anson had problems with him oh but

    Remember he was a former champ which one is it you know you know I mean so like just he’s either rubbish all the way through or he was good all the way through which one is it so so those are the the other crops that that’s the the

    Other tier that I would say Martin moli has all the options to be able to move up he’s not active enough though and I mean Tony Y you wouldn’t even put him in a top 20 now would you you couldn’t looking like looking liking all the

    Comments yeah yeah yeah I I can put them up um the the so my point is talk about that a year ago we weren’t even talking about it and now every day either with fans in the street yeah with colleagues on shows like this I am talking about

    The top 20 in the heavyweight Division and you could literally apart from the top four if you take Parker um Joshua you and fur you you but you could now put all their names on balls in the bag pull them out and just match pairs up

    And and that’s where boxing is now alive again yeah and that heavyweight division it’s like Champions League football I’m not a football guy I’m a rugby and martial arts guy and a cricket guy but you you can put all the are you yeah that’s where I was from I’m an Arsenal

    I’m from Chelsea lapsed very lapsed yeah I’m from Chelsea yeah yeah yeah well what I’m saying is These Are the Champions League yeah events with the heavyweights there’s so many great so we can have like round Robbins and tournaments and stuff like that tournaments there’s the word yeah yeah

    Yeah we can have Tour tournaments yes because of Theus me to round Robins everything like that like you know like the boxing Super Series like we can have one of those for the heavy weights I I think okay fights at the weekend is still heavy weights we’re getting there we’re getting fights

    At the weekend um we did the Warren Hearn Saudi experience fights at the weekend yeah well so yeah it’s not a big fight but it is a big fight the last weekend dton Smith looked good I mentioned but this weekend yeah we’ve gotas clar’s putting a lot on the line

    Against Fabio wardley who’s got all the momentum Fabio might belong in the top 20 in the world he’s great Fabio love him yeah and there’s another Adonis physically I love him yeah iaz 6 fo6 250 odd pounds yeah and and not only that when he’s in trouble he can fight

    And he Pro it twice now he goes into like this Hulk mode like he he gets hurt that’s when game over after he get wounded tiger danger so Fraser Clark’s better just to box him Fraser Clark losing this fight I’m afraid yeah I I think Clark’s getting stopped he might

    Get stopped but he’s a big strong tough experienced fighter don’t write him off I’m it’s not a write off he hasn’t fought anybody even at uh even at the level of of uh he outside the heav outside the the amateur the elite amateur he hasn’t had serious test standings People cancelled last minute

    Changes it’s been a bit of a bad run for him in that way and that’s not his fault I need a bit of that bronzer on my nose yeah I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I would I would I would no not I can’t do

    That onos no I I would have I wish I wish I’d noticed it before we started then I could have put some actually the reason why I have to add it because I’ve got makeup on which then Matts my whole face makeup on so got out the hole then didn’t they

    The research team like that okay good yeah good yeah yeah I know I haven’t Natural season GFF is a [ __ ] trip I tell you what was we saying you I know I’m just doing it to Mesmerize you so we’re gonna wardley and Clark yeah wardley and Clark so I’ve got good event

    Are you going are you taking me are you bringing me with are you not going to report on it no I I have do you know what I haven’t done press at fight that’s in the M that’s we speak about that off a yeah because I will be going

    To do I hear you want to go to the cover the par Olympics in Paris this summer yes please are you bring are can you hook a [ __ ] up sorry we don’t talk like that at the Paro Olympics it’s body and spirit we do today I can’t I don’t I don’t know if

    I’ll be hooking a [ __ ] up for it I have good connection destroy my studio then to the left clearly I’ve got good um contacts but that means hooking a [ __ ] up no it’s not a term I will use that I no you don’t have to use it I’m clearly

    Using no no but I can I can all right can you just hook Shan up go okay yeah sh out yeah no but Paralympics is very special it needs more coverage it’s amazing I just want to say which again you amazed me when I arrived your research team and said oh you’ve done

    Like a million par Olympic Games on you par is my award but only because no one else was writing about it but um the the yeah we did well towards Telegraph and three times because we get it yeah and and let me tell you you your spirit yeah

    That that you have that kind of love in you that passion and people will see it will be revealed in time and and why I’m going to advocate for stuff like that yeah the the par Olympic Games reminds me go when I go to it it’s always

    Reminded me of some of my best writing best broadcasting because the the fighters that they have in their Spirits they got the fight in them they’ve got the fight in them they’re very similar to people I support and follow and cover in the boxing and and mix martial arts

    Yeah when you that that’s a weird correlation it is a weird correlation but I actually get it now that you said it like yeah it’s something to think about for sure but I’d love to to be there cover it and um yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll hook lady Chan up oh you hook yeah

    Not a [ __ ] up just well no because you’re not a [ __ ] I am sometimes I’m not even Del you hear research say she is we heard that ad Li there but we’ll ignore we can’t edit on this is live so go ahead next one on the list

    Smitha we did that g stop I can see your eyes piercing at the at at them thinking what have I got myself into no not at all not at all and there so so Valdez yeah we’ve got Oscar Valdez versus Liam Wilson yeah so right so that’s going to be at

    £30 was it lightweight or not super feather super feather I covered Oscar Valdez against Scott quig broadcast it poured with rain in Los Angeles we were Outdoors it open top open top not joking we had to have we just found a ground sheet to put over all the microphones are so imagine a

    Leak from someone above you right now States oh no it it was we were squatching don’t they give you like canopies for [ __ ] like that no it wasn’t meant to electrical equipment it was a nightmare Adam Reed who’s been we were at talk we’re doing talk sport

    For that event on Saturday night Sunday nights yeah Clark and wardley and Adam Reed is our engineer yeah he was doing that night and it was yeah shout out to Adam Reed for keeping us on air that night Ray balran and Don mcginness were doing the commentary with me okay um no

    Was it was a weird night and I tell you what Oscar valz broke his jaw in that early in that fight and still be still beat remember yeah yes I do yeah brilliant brilliant fight and he broke I got report it he broke it in two places

    Also um this week but what I was gonna say is with Liam Wilson I have Liam Wilson actually beaten Val he’s a faded he’s faded Liam Wilson fresh he came very close to beating navarete yeah and that was an amazing performance I just feel that he’s gonna actually be able to

    Achieve that with valz yeah I don’t disagree with you I think that’s a good shot also on that card um is the amazing and interviewed her earlier in the week s oh my God yeah fting minimum yeah for the Undisputed fighting v v yeah yeah Maria

    V yeah she’ll win that I’m really do you know what great can I say this I’m a bit of a fanboy of C she’s gorgeous she looks like a small Jennifer Lopez yeah she does I’m not a fanboy of her I just be a fanboy of a woman um there is she

    Has I’ll tell you something about women’s boxing I’ve supported it all way back to when Jane couch was the first woman to get a license Jane’s going to the Hall of Fame inth I’m Delight nominated yeah I mean the SPL with assassin The Lunatic that

    She was G love your hair give us a kiss you knowed to all the F yeah it’s brilliant shouts out to her for that there is something special about our female warriors and I’ll tell you a little story okay I’ve got this like in to go

    Deep about things in like the half sleep I’ve had this dream many times like when when we were all kind of inhabiting the giant caves and we needed to go and hunt the giant buffalo in the winter maybe not even the an but just young as human

    Beings I mean the planet’s billions of years old it and and and we’ve been around you know thousands of years but um I just have this feeling that there was a time when there’s two neurot tribes the hunters and the gatherers and we’re clearly from the hunters

    Clear ADHD and all those kind of things it’s it’s a NE you go get 3 in the morning and you gather with half or a tenth of the tribe 90 men and there’ll be 10 women in that group and they’ll all be going together to get the two

    Giant buffalo to bring them back otherwise the tribe and just cook it up and exactly but there will be certain group of people yeah that the greatest warriors will be the ones putting the Spears in at the end but some people will be fearless and hering the giant buffalo

    Some people will be strategists some people will know the strategist I think I’m a strategist we exactly we’re strategist but we don’t give a [ __ ] F we’re going to if we die we die we have to prot the we die with the tri we take

    Out 20 you know what I mean you know we will you know so um that’s why I I kind of have that Vision sometimes when I think about female boxers and female Fighters yeah that there’s um there’s a a deep innate Warrior spirit and very often the women’s stories on why they

    Fight are more interesting than the men’s cuz I love a back story story yeah cuz you’re a journalist and journalists do like a back story I love a back story in life in life and anything yeah like your back story yeah you’re like a back I will help you tell your backstory yeah

    Will you yeah okay yeah needs telling doesn’t it yeah it does it does and to the masses for sure and what’s the best person to do that someone that’s like definitely critically acclaimed telegram Telegraph sorry tegram did you do in telegrams when you’re in the stripper

    Days when you a stripper not going into that part sorry off camera sorry I thought we was off camera for that little bit sorry my bad sorry goad um so yeah so critically acclaimed you know and uh be the best person to tell my story by the way our fight night

    Show on talk sport has just been nominated for an area s an area title s area it’s good to be nominated of course it is of course it is congratulations to the talk sport team you know yeah um you can have have to get a splash of color

    In there don’t worry I’ll be on Route um well you’re going to be doing a bit soon AR you yeah so that’s why I’m saying football or no I’m gonna be doing boxing oh good yeah so I’ll be next to you at some point well I think your knowledge

    Is fantastic and I think your passion for it is amazing just don’t come on air and keep calling me a fanboy of Tyson Fury let the they do that anyway I know they do I know I don’t have to do that I actually come and defend you I don’t

    Need you’re September the 10th so it’s all of us my yeah exactly they can’t [ __ ] with us leave us alone SP leave us alone the thing the thing is I’ll go back to it yeah because we’re we we you know we we’re we’re going around the houses my fault as usual but

    Go ahead um but yeah but the the the key is I try to be as consistent as I can be Tyson Fury loses to YK and Tyson Fury loses to J as it is we will you will we have to reassess the era you know and and hopefully there is an opportunity I

    Want to see those two fights yeah I do but this is what I’m saying you’re saying even if Tyson Fury loses that he don’t think Joshua would fight I think it’s still a great fight to have no I really want no no what I’m saying is if

    If Tyson Fury loses to YK he’ll have the second fight with yusk yeah but say and just say he loses again we just say no he’ll want to put the record straight okay but just say Gareth to cut out of fanboyism because now you’re not even

    Being able to see but he’s got two fight deal yeah but what he could still lose twice is what I’m saying right yes so even if he loses twice for me I still want to see him fight Joshua absolutely that’s my whole point is that’s not going to Define

    Him to see if you go back to when was it was it August 2020 and they was it during lockdown that they they they signed to fight twice until Wilder on his case with the court of arbitration or or with an arbitrator in the United States watch it that wild

    Animals behind us God is she go ahead yeah do you remember this one was to do what I I do best you know um that’s their sight the get the fans what they want to see you know at the end of the day no one wants to see a 12 round fight

    It’s a whole bunch of heavyweights up here and we the hard hitters and um at the end of the day people have things to do yeah and me too having a lot of fun yeah we have a lot of fun on this Chan Wilder Wilder for me is an amazing

    Character by the way oh God I think I just think that have you met him no have you met Telly Swift his wife as well no I think they’re they’re beautiful did they why does he like be one person in front of the cameras like when it come

    To the you know the press conference when it was the Jose that that Joseph Parker fight he B he he gave any all plaudits to Joseph Parker all plaudits to Anthony Joshua and then in one foul swoop 10 minutes later he had a he had an interview with one of the broad

    Sheets and and berated Joshua and said Joshua’s scared of me he ducked me didn’t want to F see that type of [ __ ] I it doesn’t fly with me yeah so like so if I met him or meet him I would have to ask at least whatever you believe mate

    Whatever you believe you believe but just be consistent don’t be too f it does seem inconsistent but I think sometimes people respond to questions they’re asked no no no but I’m always consistent my answer is never going no you you are yeah and I expect others to

    Be so on those days when they do those when they do those media days they do the they do the top table and then they might have done 15 interviews over two and a half hours and that those little sound I I don’t disagree yeah

    But these guys yeah there’s a lot of I think it’s it’s a performance I heard was a really nice guy when he’s being he’s very interesting man he’s very when he becomes bomber that’s when he becomes that super villain so there’s two it’s Alter Ego is it when AJ becomes FEI is

    It does he become FEI or not is that is that yeah FEI that’s the road man in him like when when when Josh Taylor becomes Hank when Tyson Fury becomes the Gypsy King Gypsy King yeah you know why because we’re not naturally disposed to go and

    Do that so it’s like me when it’s like when Chanel becomes lady Shan it’s the same you’re not lady Shan all the time oh no I’m very disappointed in that no sorry yeah I mean it’s not it’s it’s a bit of too much energy to do that to be

    Me is it an Al though yeah for sure it’s an exaggerated version of myself so when I have to cam up when I have to cam up I don’t come on as Chanel because nobody would want to watch Chanel because Chanel just po can I just tell you I

    Don’t know you were exactly the same when I came here when we did our talk half an hour before that’s [ __ ] true but what you do what you’re a bit harder a bit rougher on it yeah yeah you know whereas I’m a little bit more contain yeah you’re that’s my that’s my that’s

    Your old my breeding it’s my education and I’m I’m on the Mich and I’ve come from the main stream media so no I’m [ __ ] wild really yeah I know but and everyone knows really but yeah but you only show what you need to show and give them a little bit of this

    But then obviously your education and what you’ve gone through and I’m talking about the education within doing media media yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about what you graduated two one or one one what did you I was terrible I was just playing sports all

    The time yeah I did get a in hang on hang on sorry vene grandmother Venezuelan is wellon yeah and and and those that will know the how to pronounce Venezuela know it’s a strange way to do it but it’s got an o in it that way I

    Just say it in English I just say vene Venezuela it’s a bit technical at times we got another Super Chat here G so I’ll do we get the bugles out yet again where are you boogles boogles there you are shout out to De foring that water of venezuelana venezuel vene I told you

    There’s o in it is it yeah it’s very Tech why they do it like that so what was that shout out for just we got a 4.99 Super Chat just from D thank you D where’s d uh I don’t know dies in America a lot of the Billy H I live in

    Texas and I use various currencies via the VPN what does that mean RZ game Jay will that means he they watch British fights using a VPN pretending that they’re in the UK are those messages for you or not for all of us Billy you lived in guadalahara mooved to South Africa

    When you and M met BBC I don’t know maybe they’re talking to each other in the chat sometimes they some it gets a bit untiy in unsavory in the chat yeah absolute fils see you know the butons already how have you done that I should have sat on

    That side you should have just did this side next time do you I just like pressing the button brilliant it’s very exting I’m get one of get one you it’s 400 quid yeah no I’ve just got myself a load of different GE we’ll get one get one it’s called a

    Roadter I’ll send you the link so you know which one to get this part two what’s next on the thing can you putting your phone on there Canelo mongia hey oh yeah America America no we fondor yeah good fight Sebastian fondor 6′ five and a half five and Tim

    5102 I do think ridiculous two might even stop him towards the end of that fight I feel so as well um we saw him get lit up by um uh Brian B off and but I do like the fact that Tim 2 at late notice said yeah I don’t care fight I’ll

    Fight him we didn’t want cut Furman one time done time long time don’t have no time Once Upon a Time Furman you’re done leave please leave the boot is in done fed up I’m fed up I’m glad we don’t have to speak about him it was just disgraceful don’t and our

    Pay-per-view for that is 1999 too much I I think so it should be a tener uh should have been free and the Americans have to pay $70 so for them so also on Amazon Prime yes Amazon Prime for us it’s on fight TV triller whatever yeah so April 20th we’ve got Haney Garcia

    Tell me about the Antics I don’t think this fight’s happening Ryan Garcia did a a Weighing on his live and he weighs 154.181 15 to make your 140 limit that’s fine in five weeks Gareth no no no no no he already looks gaunt and horrible have you seen what looks like yeah he

    Does the the New York commission are going to be checking in if he’s going to be able to make that weight healthfully he’s not going to be able to he’s got to get off the marry hanana right because you can’t fight if you test positive for

    It no you can’t um do alcohol is [ __ ] him up whatever I I conspiracy theories I’m keeping consistent about this I’ve said this in a few interviews I am not a psychotherapist I’m not a psychologist it might be doing him some good at the moment to keep training if he’s going through

    Something um he is a bit Bania at the moment a little bit um if that there’s there’s the antidote to saying oh he shouldn’t be fighting and all of those kind of things maybe it’s good for him to be in training at the moment because if he wasn’t in

    Training what would he be doing yeah but he’s are going to make the fight he’s got people around him his mom and dad love him is he going to make the fight yeah I I don’t know tell me cuz I know you’re smart cuzz you’re born September

    The 10th right you got to do the math Gareth the fight’s April 20th he weighs 154 you tell me how you lose 15 responsibly and healthily in five weeks five weeks if it was two weeks no but he’s got five weeks but like you say

    He doesn’t look like he’s got a lot to lose no he already looks like he’s already gaunt and blackened under the eyes oh he does look a little bit rged it’s a difficult one I think I think heey py will beat him Haney could be the next Mayweather yeah or just beat him

    Anyway I think I think he’s going to have a tough time Kean Davis oh he’s the kean’s great and yeah Shak might be a Haney might try drag Shakur up to 147 to fight him well 140 no he might to 147 well Shakur is quite big or even he’s long and lean and

    Bean pole yeah I like I’ve said to him so many times that there’s something special about you he might do he might he might do a Shan Mosley and Skip 140 and go 47 go to 47 exactly yeah may do that yeah just skip that out you know

    You’re already out that yeah so I may see that happening on the cards but yeah we’ll see we you’ve heard us say it guys so um we will reflect good division that in America though 135 13 135 and 140 it’s a stacked division isn’t it and then we’ve got Canelo mongia what’s this

    With this benido thing what say you is he ducking or is he not um he’s he’s just playing the I’m the aide and he is and you can do that and in some ways Mayweather chose his opponents very very carefully at one point at some point

    Victor Berto didn’t fight I mean but he was old by the time they came but it’s still managed I mean canelo’s quite old in terms of ring time yeah he’s got a lot of miles on the clock but lot of miles on the clock been a pro since he

    Was 15 20 years in the sports still fight David Benavides please oh would love to don’t get me wrong love to see that fight I’d like to see him he doesn’t taint his record if he doesn’t he’s a Hall of Famer we know he’s going going there but he’s also strategically

    Chose certain things as well he doesn’t do he doesn’t fare well with movers when he fought elanda Lara that was a hard fight for him even though I had eding it I had him edging it and Lara let it go towards the tail of the fight but m is a

    Problem yeah I I wouldn’t be adverse to that but movers give him problems and he does he tends to since the Floyd Mayweather he doesn’t Ben as the no Ben as the Mover but he’s a come forward fighter no it’s a great fight it’s he gets better his engine is massive and

    Canelo flails down the stretch he does he flails so if you’ve got this guy that’s 25 years old six foot odd come forward pressure fighter dominating under massive pressure and he would be against I would still have kello wining winning yeah it’s a great

    Fight but I just want to see it happen I see it yeah that’s all really and also on that whole axis of Demitri bivel um be there’s been talk hasn’t there from Saudi Arabia about putting David Benavides in with the winner of that I wanted to see Canelo in with the winner

    Of that but I don’t think that his excellency’s that interested in it not at the moment not at the moment why though why is he not interested in a Canelo maybe they’ve reached out to him and he’s not interested no Canelo said he would want the 150 to 200 I know

    That’s ridiculous so he knows he’d only get that with the ridiculous money yeah that’s ridiculous okay how we okay all right so we’ve oh yeah do you want to just cover that before just to wrap the heavyweight champions in history real quick well I’d

    Like you to ask me about that can I just take a a brief Comfort break for one minute while you do your WRA thing yeah go ahead yeah go ahead yeah g everything’s okay this is my show we do what you want go ahead look I even let

    You get off with without being on camera thank you go ahead so yeah is it’s all the coffee we’re back now it’s all the it’s all it’s all the coffee so guys um I’m going to look at all of what you are sending on the on the on the chat thank

    You so much what you’re sending it’s uh we’ve got a lot of um they’re having their smooching and all that over there research plus Gareth you know come huh um one second let me just mute e your wife and son they are lost to me now the same pain Sears both our hearts

    Brutality clawless Victory we are lady in the back lady in the back in the back is my is part of my research team she’s my assistant you nosy nosy lot you asking who’s the lady in the back you lot are so nosy they’re so nosy yeah you can

    Come right through for I have opinions just like anyone else you got opinions but unlike what you’re doing is I bring facts data statistics things you can go look up yourself Kevin Samuels and he was dealing with like uh relationships and why women shouldn’t stay single and

    Stuff like that but he deals with stats facts and data so I just play that clip yeah he’s quite funny but he passed away unfortunately a couple of years ago yeah so we we play this like hey get the [ __ ] out of here because I’m I’m G to [ __ ] you out right now

    [ __ ] and yeah yeah that was andr yeah for a fight yeah oh was that was that does that taint his thing not fighting onra because we can clearly see when Canelo doesn’t want to fight someone he does he just doesn’t fight him uh he didn’t want to fight Andrade

    Made the excuse Andrade is a horrible fighter not a good umic match up no it’s not but I me Ben can is Right heavyweight division yeah okay so one of the things that I wanted to I mention to you today is you know we we talked a

    Little bit about culture and Creed and color we did and in in the fight world and in the fight industry and and you being a black guy it’s you need to tell me about being a black man in the industry how hard it has been for

    You well I I no it hasn’t but I’ve worked very hard easy as a black man in the industry yeah maybe um you got me on the wall there but what I wanted to talk about black men in the industry was the heavyweight the africanamerican the African the black um

    Influencing the heavyweight division over time and it’s been enormous and I think it’s been quite you know I mean I don’t want to be a university lecturer here but it’s been quite big and quite societal yeah all the way back from spoke about Jack johon Le ex Muhammad

    Ali Mike Tyson Lenn Lewis and now Anthony Joshua’s that’s a nice list to be a part of isn’t it absolutely it is um why wouldn’t Wilder be in that list I wouldn’t put him in there but I want to know why because I don’t think I don’t

    Think he’s been promoted properly in the United States I don’t think been resonant enough and he should have been while he was on that long hasn’t taken the tough fights out bar Fury let’s be real cuz I do resume deep Dives and breakdowns he hasn’t fought nobody G I

    Don’t understand why he and Anthony Joshua didn’t fight each other I don’t understand if it was even by that you have to remember he was a pro five years earlier than Anthony Joshua Anthony Joshua came and cleaned up yeah like there’s no excuse for the people that he

    Hasn’t fought like he hasn’t fought anybody bar Fury and now time at the time it was about money timing and ego and they were all in their own channels get I think Joshua would have taken the fight with him yeah I get it then Pal’s at be things that happen I don’t really

    Hold that him to Ransom just for that but his entire resume that’s why you can’t put him here do you know how long we’ve been talking about Wilder and Joshua fighting do you know when it goes back to 2017 18 yeah I think late 17 yeah it’s seven

    Years I know I’d still like to see it me too I I think we will at the moment i’ see now now you now the the insurgence of Joshua you def a lot of defitely the Resurgence of Joshua you would definitely don’t correct me on on words

    No I know what you meant Resurgence no I meant Resurgence oh okay no I meant res okay well I was being I was being kind in our I was I wasn’t trying don’t go you got get when I’m joking it’s is sometimes people get offended guy me too I like Grandma as

    Sometimes even though I say use and use I like it it’s cultural but yeah the reur the Resurgence of of Joshua you would have to then say he’s the favorite in that fight would you not I do at the moment definitely I always had let’s say Wilder and Jiang fight and Wilder deals

    With Jiang for have just sorry Jang knockout I’ve got Jang withn in that within six rounds easy me too light work he’s so dangerous I I had Parker and Jang a draw by the way I didn’t have Parker winning that fight oh didn’t you no he dropped him twice I know but then

    Jang just let his foot off last four rounds he was all four yeah I I I had Joseph he thought he had it won I had Joseph Parker win it he thought he had it won yeah and that was the arrogance I guess but but sorry let’s go I I digress

    Um was that all we do is digress yeah I know it’s the digression show that’s what it is right here I mean nothing’s on track to September the 10th in the Buddhism I’m really sorry today my biggest fa par what is that is talking about bronze on the nose I don’t know

    It’s fine it makes the show I loved it I think what it is I’ve got such a tint on these glasses that became very obvious so on the when you take it off is it brighter with the like a beacon yeah a beacon of light it looks it looks like there’s copper on

    Your nose yeah that’s what the color is yeah yeah I have to do it because as you look on the screen not like that stops light how you look at in real life it doesn’t it it’s not as blatant on the screen because I’ve got lights bouncing

    Off me and cast shadows and stuff I’m from the music industry so I know how to you’ve got to be able to once you take things away with makeup you’ve got to then add the angles back in dunem season dunde season makeup show now he’s turned

    It into a makeup show we was talking about pivotal heavyweights wild you know he’s not pivotal but then and went back to the beacon of Light which I am but go ahead well group no no wild is not in that group no because I mean we put Lennox in

    There because he resonates more an atg atgs that Joshua at the minute uh potential potential if he beat usk in the third fight and he beats and he beats what if he doesn’t yeah if he beats usk in the third fight still an incredibly successful human being I know I know I

    Mean he started boxing when he was 17 18 isn’t it ridiculous won a gold medal two time former how far would he have thrown a javelin um how fast would he been as a cricket a fast bowling Cricket how good been at a number eight I was in a

    Cricket team were you yeah I used to do Cricket tournaments everything net ball team goal attack I was in the basketball team do you know AJ have you had him on the show never are you GNA get him on would you have him on do you think could

    You get him on there for me I don’t know if he would want got his agents name numbers we’ll speak off all right Co cuz I’d love to have AJ well we’re going to WP yeah we’re going to wrap now but we just got one we just got one more paid

    Person look look someone’s just paid one more I don’t know what that money is 2117 219 what’s TR what country are you from um what is that country could you do a quick soft Google what TIY Cy while I read it out um because yeah let me do

    The uh because I have no clue but I appreciate it um let me do the bugles uh course hang on let me do the Bugles and then out my gyus is still Googling even though it just takes two seconds I would oh is it oh shouts out for the Turkish L

    Turkish L shouts out to the Turkish lra thank you for dropping that 21999 Turkish L Gareth Americans don’t know the concept of sports watching in the Middle East PBC Canelo want a mega fight introduction like furi USC investment Samson and are foreshadowing a Benz narrative that was a lot take it

    In chunks I don’t know make it as so there isn’t any sports watching Americans don’t know the concept of sportswashing in the Middle East so you trying to say what with uh what let’s take that off there it goes through if people call me um I I don’t I

    Don’t know about what happens in the Middle East has to do with I don’t know the politics about it’s a very interesting point i’ have to I’d have to look I’d have to look about it before I could make a informed comment I can’t comment something I don’t know any

    Knowledge of PBC Canelo wanted a mega fight introduction like Fury usyk investment Turkish around 750 got you Dr P thank you so much thank you so PBC Canelo want a mega fight introduction like Fury usyk investment I don’t get it do well they’re trying to get mega money from um

    From Amazon Prime and and then have the Benz yeah they’re trying to they’re kind they’re kind of show that um is benitz with um PBC they’re just trying to make a huge I thought we were heading towards that fight Benz and yeah like we said Canelo canelo’s got himself out of it

    Hasn’t he well maybe we still are you never know we’ll see what happen in his fights in September you know we never ever thought he s De we never ever thought it was going to be Benz let’s have that right it’s a three fight deal you never going to do the toughest fight

    On your first on your first part very interesting point I’m going to look into it I thought about it you know what I mean so Samson and Elby are foreshadowing a Ben okay yeah so that’s a part of that okay well thank you thank you Billy Hy and The Pimps wow great

    Name that is W like that you part of a band or not maybe you’re not I don’t know but great name and and GTH has got to go to an event and I think you’ve had enough of us to yeah we we’ve kind of the list and we’ve covered over

    Everything on the list yeah very interesting I really enjoyed G me too Gareth me too me too too yeah me too and and and some more to come for sure we covered everything guys you have been amazing for being here with us um we massively appreciate it all of the

    Donations and let me as I call the members only in wrapping up GTH this is what I do just to say bye to the members as well because they pay monthly subscription to subscribe to me that’s what the members are by the way these your only fans yeah not only fans just

    Fans fans only that’s what I meant they’re only your fans yeah they’re no they’re my fans only I’m going to get you mon King boxing Andre Noble inm Derek Lincoln inm Daniel inm inm expect the unexpected inm Donald inm Leon figur in the budhism don’t touch your BM in the budism DU right

    Side in the budhism in budism Lisa B the queen never fails in budism N Bedford in budism what up what up retro boxing documentar blood boxing what up sister [Applause] thej [Applause] the and last but not least Wales and finest to PE guys youve been amazing you

    Know I’m here to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so this is the outro of how I do it Garff so help me God you can’t help colon jckson did you order the code Ray you don’t have to answer that question I’ll

    Answer the question you want answers I think I’m entitled you want answers I want the truth you can’t handle the truth that’s why cuz knowledge is worled isy is it yeah that’s me S for for they like we wouldna like them this arst actually opened on Saudi uh Riad

    Season flow down with little baby he was one of he was the MC yeah so this is our song actually won a Grammy off of the back of that amazing no you’re a great artist I’ve watched some of your work for I came in fantastic artist yeah

    You’re doing much more at the moment or yeah we’ll be getting some into some bits we’re heading into the one extra the new freestyle so that will be launching off but yeah so stand by got a few other bits to record as well but yeah so I’m a Taylor with the boxing so

    Yeah put fire on a pag aim for theum turn off the newval ra man in for and every one of them dirty guys and if they want to go around old I guarantee somebody young yep that’s right like we when like them P he tried he tried he tried you know he

    Said it wrong but Caleb plant give him a give him a 10 out of 10 for the effort anyway am that [ __ ] always will be that [ __ ] always going to be that [ __ ] I signed up for the job and you are stuck with me acceptance is key I am the female stringly that’s

    Right any I am theultimate can’t that’s right and guys I thank you so much for chiming in tapping in thank you for all the super chats thank you for coming through got to thank this guy G September makes forever makes forever you can’t get rid of we’re bonded for Life G we’re bonded

    For life so thank you for coming through and everybody loved and look the chat was full thank you for sending your people over the chat was full and everybody is saying nice things and we can watch what people are saying back even on the playback so thank you so

    Much G let’s sign off in True Form This is what I anyway I’m gone he girl it’s Leo Shan nless come box with Shan Gan say bye Gareth we’re gonna get go get I yeah we’re gonna get iie lady Shan and Gareth a Davies is LIF the round Fight Round two fight


    1. Garith A Davis says he’s not a fan boy he has a relationship with Tyson that’s all .
      But he use the same argument aghast Spencer Oliver to accuse him of being a fan boy because he’s in Aj Watts App group
      Let him say anting negative let’s see how many more dinners he has with Frank Warren 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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