World no. 1 Magnus Carlsen and World Champion Ding Liren play the GRENKE Chess Classic, a 6-player event happening alongside an open with almost 3,000 players! Two rounds are played each game at a “fast-classical” time control of 45 minutes per player, with 10 seconds added per move. Watch the games:

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    E e W N I Yeah I For for for I here from [Applause] this Of [Applause] [Applause] We are at gret Chas classic it is the first day and we had round one and two and here with me is Dinan after two draws today with ML and Dort yeah welcome to K welcome to gr hi uh what is your initial impression of coming to

    This tournament your first time here yes it’s my first time here in K and I found the city very beautiful there are green glass or just outside of the building I manage to vage there after the first round so I un like my days here very nice what actually motivated you to play

    This tournament uh of they are very strong players including Manus C and good playing to win the tourament where she playing always a difficult things also my friend Richard rord doesn’t play we talked before the games we had very good relationship and that’s from uh last year for CH the time

    Control is very time control it’s longer than normal rapid games so we have more time to think especially in first first round I think uh longer than year in the opening phase I I think the form one is quite interesting M so do you like it better than the classical better than

    The usual RIT or how can you compare it to it we have more time to think in this time contr I think it will helped us to improve the quality of the game was there any special preparation you did before this tournament because you had some not such successful events before

    Did you change something in your training routine uh I playing some chaining games with my uh no second with with players being strong players MH yeah it’s a mean change I did comparing to the previous tournament very nice thank you so much for your time Ding and we wish you luck

    In the next round thank you thank you Hello and welcome to day number two of the gret chess classic we have an absolute Banger of a match up Magnus Carson versus ding Len my name is Jan Gustafson and I found some company the bad news is it’s just Lawrence Trent International Master Aller viewers might remember him

    Him with her we couldn’t find anybody better at short notice but Lawrence good to see you yeah thanks yeah uh yeah unfortunately nobody could be found at short notice our dear Peter Leo uh cannot talk at the moment literally uh he’s lost his voice so um Yan very

    Kindly called me at 11:00 last night and said uh how’ you fancy coming down to ksro to to help me out and to commentate on The Talk I said with absolute pleasure because Yan this isn’t my first rodeo that’s exactly how that call went and round number three is coming up if

    You guys have watched yesterday you know that we have two rounds per day of 45 minutes plus 10 seconds increment games it’s going to be 4 hours of almost non-stop action just a 15 minute break in between let’s have a look at the par ings of the first round for today we

    Have Daniel Freedman with the black pieces against Maxim V graph Daniel had a solid day yesterday but lost a g to Magnus which I’m sure he’ll have some regrets about in some end game that Luke dra Magnus finally managed to get the best of him then we have R rort our

    Tournament leader one and a half out of two after winning against yesterday facing the other Local Hero Vincent kimer the 19yearold who started with two draws then we have Carson versus ding L Lawrence which of these parents shall we focus on well I I think we’ll end up focusing

    On pretty much all the games of course the standout game is Carlson against ding the uh ex world champion against the current world champion although many people uh of course with Magna still so active um uh find it difficult to not associate magnus’s name with being world

    Champion Still Still number one on the rating list obviously so it’s an interesting uh matchup they’ve always had quite a good tussle uh historically so it should be a very very decent game um I’m actually looking forward to seeing raport against kimer uh we saw uh Rickard take advantage of a unar

    Characteristic blunder by Magnus yesterday blundering a whole piece uh is he going to carry the momentum through to today against Vincent who let’s face it he is the The Local Hero the local star um I saw Vincent in vion House at the freestyle goat chess challenge a few

    Weeks ago uh he’s an incredibly mature young man and he has got all the I would I would say talent and work ethic to to really become you know not just a top 10 player but potentially challenge for the world title itself in my opinion I think

    He’s got everything you need as a chess player so really interested to see how Vincent um continues to progress and in the last match NBL is obviously just massive favorite against Daniel fredman but we saw Daniel he can play no question about it if you get overconfident and push too much he will

    Punish you he’s uh he’s a you know he’s an an experienced professional and MBL can’t take this for granted but obviously Yan it’s for me the MV the Magnus against ding match where I do expect a Magnus bounce back I think this is a good spot for him to bounce back

    With the white pieces today yeah he did win against fredman so he’s on one out of two and very much looking forward to that one as well ding started sort of slowly with two draws but of course now all eyes on him Magnus with white pieces what’s he going to do

    Want to E4 PTO D4 um very difficult to say I mean I have to be honest Ian I’ve been so out the loop with top level chair for so long now um it feels so long anyway uh not compensating argue your whole life could argue that um but it wasn’t

    So long ago you and I were sitting in a in a studio in Hamburg you know I had a full head of hair you had a full face of eyes and it was it was glorious that was the the start of something beautiful times have changed you’ve had a family things have

    Moved on but I I still get a bit of nostalgia I have to admit yeah good to see you too how things uh yeah at home things are things are good I’m still in Berlin work now for a digital asset fund which uh a lot of people may or may not

    Know if you want to check that out go to my Twitter I was wondering how much time would pass until you start plugging your nonsense well not plugging pluging it’s the company I work for it’s a regulated company thanks very much yeah uh but yeah uh no obviously moved out of chess

    For for a uh well not entirely obvious obiously but focusing on other things but it’s nice to be back in the in the hot seat and having a look at some some decent chest and also rapid chest which I’m really looking forward to because the last time I was here it was

    Classical tournament in fact Yan I think me and you did some classical tournaments that here were seven eight hour long like ridiculously long days I do remember am I right in thinking that or am I going insane times have changed and I guess we have to thank Magnus

    Carson for it I’m not sure we want to thank him but he’s of course big advocate of Rapid chess and this format having two games per day mainly I believe because he’s done with a grind of preparing for long classical games he’s mentioned he’s not sure he’s ever

    Going to participate in a regular super tournament like the ones in gr chess tour really again at least that’s what I read oh wow but he will play in Norway chess which is sort of a hybrid format coming up I think next month or in two month so he’s obviously still very

    Active but clearly we can tell magnus’s influence in the kinds of tournaments we’re seeing the chess 960 event and now the double repid EV here yeah I guess the question is does the level of play actually differ that much in a 45 minute plus 10 seconds per move game versus uh

    A classical game and probably the level is not that much different uh or maybe there’s a few percentage points here and there but you would tend to think that these guys can still play basically at optimal level with this time control um or maybe that’s magnus’s main argument interesting to see perhaps we

    Can talk to him one day about that yeah he didn’t play at his top level yesterday he’s a bit of a slow starter and this time control is a bit confusing because with these 45 minutes people have time to think early on but then once you get to the Finish Line there

    Will often be down to 10 seconds per move and yeah we might see some blunders it’s coffee thank you yeah we’ve got coffee thank you very much y it’s been an early start got up at 5:30 to get a 6:30 train so it’s been a been a very

    Early start but really really happy to be here and of course tomorrow also uh we can see people are watching uh the tournament organizer Sven noas give a press conference but tomorrow starts the grer open the open event which uh is probably one of the biggest opens in

    Europe actually I guess by now the the hall there is absolutely full of chess boards there you can see it how many boards there are and that’s not all of it by the way how many boards are those I don’t know but that’s that’s a lot of

    Chess boards there’s a crane as well um they are not playing tomorrow as far as I can understand they’re only helping people who need additional assistance but that’s that’s that’s the humor you think yeah yeah um but no I mean the I remember I’ve played the grer open

    Myself a few times really enjoyed playing it but I have to say Yan two games a day classical not for me anymore can’t do it one game is more than enough but two games a day not my cup of tea unfortunately but these guys will be playing two games today over the Easter

    Holidays and uh you can see there on the left as well some of the players being introduced for today they are playing not where that Hall is they’re playing in a separate uh separate part of the uh complex so with all that said I think that’s pretty good should we do some

    Predictions then Yan we we’re good at the predictions okay mvl Friedman I don’t think we’re going to differ too much here draw draw okay okay yeah I’m going to go with an mvl win I think with the white pieces uh he’s going to give Daniel a tough game today rort against

    Kimer that all three results feel in play with that one I’m going to go that one’s tough um draw yeah I was going to pick draw for that one as well actually so I will St to my guns and finally Carlson against Rickard rort nice playing against ding l oh

    Sorry against ding Lin I said that because I saw Rickard walk onto the screen so I got confused uh Carlson against ding one zero let’s go okay I agree so hopefully we get a lot of decisive results this round and how can everybody get in touch with us they can

    Get in touch no no you can’t get in touch with us this year ban foron cannot do it you can however follow the grank kid chess Twitter handle they’re very active and they tweet a lot of interesting stuff uh so please do that and uh yeah we can see a little

    Little audience there as well for the players a bit old school for the audience to be that close to the to the players do you remember Yan years ago talking getting nostalgic but the I used to love the demo boards the manual demo boards do you remember behind the top

    Boards of a tournament no no there we see Magnus arriving there you go looking well rested and oh he’s had a haircut that’s good yeah fantastic ding Len checking out the first move but that is just ceremonial first move done by a sponsor and and Magnus might take it back and play something

    Else let’s see bit of posturing here I like it oh no just press the clock is that even allowed it’s gone for it I thought you have to take it back and then make the move to not confuse the digital boards but Mangus probably knows what he’s

    Doing there you go so D4 Knight F6 on the board C4 what are we going to get here Many top players play and it’s an attempt to sort of kill the game by being very concrete and by going C takes D5 first you make sure that doesn’t happen cuz black has to recapture and now Knight C3 guaranteeing sort of a c spot structure the drw is that white

    Committed to this a little early in black is some ways now to try to bring out his Bishop to the F5 Square which in an Ideal World if you had started with Knight C3 usually black wouldn’t be able to do but this is a a trendy Battleground and we’ll see how ding Len

    Handles it can we move on to the mvl game cuz that got very spicy very quickly oh I’m an am I an expert nah not an expert but that’s the French the advanced French correct fredman fredman has played the French in the carakan most of his life

    Um he’s definitely a specialist in both we had an advanced French he was a Petro player this is surprising he’s been a p player but definitely I mean I’ve played him with white and he’s played the car against maybe I’m just a terrible player against the Caro which is very true but

    Um definitely knows these systems well Queen B6 before Knight C6 is uh a little wrinkled but okay justos just transposed Knight C6 A3 uh one of the top lines for sure um yeah A3 is the old main move here in my new course I’m giving Bishop to D3 very

    Aggressive sacrificing a pawn but Maxim he goes classical goes Pawn to A3 and Daniel doesn’t play Pawn to C4 which is what used to be considered the main line here trying to lock the position now that white can no longer break it open with Pawn to B3 now D plays Knight to H6

    Also typical French business trying to bring this Knight here and now I’m not I’m not a big expert I think B4 here is the main move um yes but I think think the move that NBL played is very also very trendy B maybe even transposing to a lot of

    What you’re covering in your course yet yeah yeah it’s very similar to my stuff he’s sacrificing a Pawn Yeah Bishop D3 and now you can take back on D4 of course which we should point out to uh to players because of course well if you’re new to to this opening you cannot

    Take on D4 here with the Knight because after takes takes there is a discover check on B5 and you lose your queen so you can do this but I wonder if here the problem is that black has got the move Knight F5 I think Bishop D7

    Maybe it comes down to the same thing but it’s attacking this Pawn now that there’s no longer a discovered check then you have to go Bishop somewhere and now Knight F5 and this structure sometimes you get it by different move orders but it’s not something Maxim wants black is usually quite s

    Put the bishop on E6 and then playing Pawn H6 Bishop E7 so he’s decided sacrifice yeah this is a this is a kind of a spin on The Milner Barry that when was this first played about 5 years ago something like that I think it appeared I think mvl himself played this

    Actually with white um a few years ago so white white simply gives up the porn and he says well if you want to take the pawn on C3 you just accelerate my development and uh White gets a lot of initiative very very quickly so Daniel says nope I’m not interested in winning

    The pawn I just want to prevent you from getting your pieces out Maxim now plays Pawn to B4 which is also totally standard here and Daniel once again insists on nope I’m not interested in uh winning a pawn and once again you know NBL is not interested in taking on D4

    Because after Knight takes D4 there’s no longer the bishop B5 check so mvl finds another very useful waiting move in the form of H3 yeah it’s typically a sort of a game of chicken black doesn’t want to take on C3 too early white doesn’t want

    To take on D4 so both sides try to make as many useful moves as they can before either side decides okay and time to force it so here Bishop E7 would be another move trying to get some pieces out when Maxim could keep it going with moves

    Like rookie E1 or Rook A2 trying to swing The Rook over or he could decide it is now finally time to open the position with takes and let’s say Bishop here trying to gain some some tempy so it’s it’s a very sharp attempt but surprisingly dangerous for black to

    Handle it’s not like there’s anything direct happening but there’s always a little you you don’t you don’t want to play play this no this is very loose for black this I mean this position right here is already critical so and this is the danger of playing this you’re kind

    Of provoking mvl who excels in these sorts of positions with the initiative um I’m not sure how much of a good choice this was by Daniel but we’ll see if he’s analyzed it deeply enough and he can get castled and get out the opening okay then he’s got a chance but

    Um doesn’t look like he has he starting to take time yeah we keep an eye on it let’s briefly check the Rapport kimr game before returning to of course our game dour cson versus ding this is a slow Italian opening Rapport he’s become a little more theoretical but he still likes to

    Go his own way in the opening and here he plays Knight to F1 which is not unheard of at all trying to transfer this Knight typically to G3 before castling but it’s still considered to be bit of a sideline when yeah black has a choice in the old days I was playing D5

    Here then after Queen to E2 Bishop to E6 this used to be a debate but these modern computers they’re showing all kinds of moves saying you can wait you can go Bishop E6 you can play H6 Bishop A7 so Vincent will have to make up his mind here he

    Should know this this is not yeah Uncharted Territory at all but it’s an old line and it’s what you do against the kids you play some stuff that was trendy 10 15 years ago they might have forgotten or they might not have been around for although Richard is not that old

    Himself I’m not sure yeah how old is he was his birthday 2 days ago but I don’t know how old he turned like 27 maybe I actually don’t know uh but something is he really that young I think he’s uh pretty young wow they’re all so young Vincent for

    Sure is very young this Vincent is 19 years Vincent is 19 this much we can confirm uh yeah this this game has yet to get started as Yan said this position or varant of this position have been played thousands of times and what Vincent is doing now is he’s just trying

    To work out what setup he wants to go for because they are many he can go H6 he can wait as Yan said or he can go D5 and that’s his critical decision at the moment which one he decides to go for but nothing really of Interest yet much

    More interesting is the Carlson ding game now let’s see what happened because we got exactly what you said yeah had Knight C3 C6 Bishop F4 and Bishop F5 okay ding manages to get the bishop to the ideal Square E3 Knight B D7 and now we see Carlson’s idea Knight H4

    Chasing that Bishop yeah that’s become a big Topic in these situations going for an early Knight H4 saying you can’t stay on this diagonal without making a concession black could could go back nothing bad has happened but then white at least can start fighting for this diagonal again with Bishop to D3 and

    Things get a little more complicated but ding instead plays the move Bishop to E4 and many moves Bishop G4 was also possible but he goes Bishop to E4 saying if you take you will lose a bunch of time and I will punish you just losing actually right giving a check yeah Queen

    A5 is even stronger yeah Queen A5 is that’s very nice and queen B5 yeah that’s you can’t block with Knight D2 because of Bishop B4 and after this this you take here and Bishop B4 will end the game swiftly yeah this is bad news this is

    This is game over so of course you don’t take on e4 instead well why typically does this play Pawn to F3 and then dink’s argument will be not sure I agree with it that F3 has weakened the white position a little bit compared to going Bishop G6 directly see some similar

    Stuff in the slav opening I agree with it I agree with thing beautiful by the way after F3 there’s also the counter idea Knight H5 I think which is very interesting I don’t know how good it is it’s really looks terrible M murky is it just

    Bad look pretty bad yeah G3 no but I wanted to take on F4 but maybe I see I wanted to take on F4 but even this after EF Queen H4 G3 it’s and then Queen E7 G3 here okay you’re losing stuff yeah losing stuff yeah this this doesn’t work

    At all actually no you cannot play like this you have to put the bishop back on G6 okay that’s what I think will happen in the game cuz what else is Magnus supposed to play here he could play Queen B3 yeah could play moves but F3 very much looks like the

    Normal way to handle this here F3 Bishop G6 on the board and now he faces a choice off often you don’t want to take here too early after HG then you KN H5 idea also becomes a a topic it’s not straightforward for white here though like where to put the pieces

    G4 is interesting but already have to calculate what happens after Knight G4 then Knight G6 Knight E4 could lead to all kinds of mercury that’s a typical set for this line like one of my Blitz Games I see this setup but uh it yeah backfires a lot

    Though um yeah it’ll be interesting to see how Magnus decides to continue here I don’t think he’s feeling that comfortable actually um he’s got some decisions to make who doesn’t hate decisions um what’s he doing well he’s trying to work out which which which is best the best way obviously to proceed

    Obviously he’s doing that but he doesn’t look overly thrilled here but then again it’s quite difficult to read Magnus I feel um in other news uh Maxim vashir lra has put his Bishop on B2 which is kind of a concession in inverted commas but Freeman played A6 continuing this

    Waiting game Maxim goes Bishop B2 attacking this Pawn saying please take yeah but black still doesn’t bite and inste he goes Knight F5 which is logical trying to get the same structure or similar structure to the one we talked about earlier after takes Bishop Pawn takes and pawn takes

    D4 when Black’s position would be a lot easier to handle you go Bishop E7 you put the other Bishop here then you play H6 and you the castle will play G5 white of course has his own stuff he can go Knight C3 Knight A4 triy

    To put the Knight on C5 but I would guess Daniel would welcome this change of pace get a more stable structure and not having to deal with all this tension which maxim of course enjoys he’s not forced to take but I’m not so sure about the alternative like if you keep

    Waiting at some point you you have to do something yeah like you can’t just wait forever here basically as why you you run out of moves you have to make some forward progress um so I think we will see Bishop takes F5 and I think that position actually

    Daniel Freeman’s going to be very happy with I think he’s going to feel like you know what why hasn’t got much here and I agree and this might actually be the sort of way to approach this new uh Milner Barry setup or sacrifice just don’t take on C3 ever Force white to

    Take on F5 put a bishop on E6 park the bus as Mourinho used to say park the bus yeah he used to say that opponent’s defenses often parked the bus in other words they weren’t interested in attacking they just kind of put all their defenders in a line never had any

    Men in front of the ball all men behind the ball park the bus all right I don’t follow the NFL so this is all news to me soccer oh oh yeah so of course for all of you that don’t know but Yan at least was when we used to commentate all the

    Time a big basketball fan but Yan informed me on the way here that doesn’t watch so much basketball anymore no time no time no time Dad life busy life and looks like we’ve got some guest okay e e two one go welcome back everybody we have a guest on the show which is

    Excellent news cuz I was getting a little sick of Lawrence right we’re welcoming the CEO of the Gran group and first tell us your name cuz honestly I don’t know I just know you called Sebastian yes Sebastian is right and um my name is H so a warm welcome from my

    Side happy to be here so tell us about this event it’s been 5 years for I think um the biggest chess tournament in Europe to return but Gran of course has been supporting chess on many different levels within at least the German and I think even some French teams in the

    Bundesliga what’s with the chess engagement are you a chess player I’m I’m not a chess player I know how to move move the figures in chess but that’s all and my kids are much more better in chess than me because they learn chess in the cooperation with the

    OSG b b and I know the game and I’m very happy to see how to play the professional players but also to see very young players playing chess um with passion and that’s the driver for our engagement in in chess to supporting chess as sport on a professional way to

    Supporting teams players on a very International level but also the very young boys and girls playing chess so grer how long has it been I think 17 18 years I used to play for the B B team for 15 years and it’s very rare to have such a long-term commitment to our

    Little little board game how does the the future look can you tell us and chess is part of our DNA it’s part of our our heart so to say and Wang grank himself was is a chess player and brought that passion into the company so we are well committed to to chess um

    Overall for us as a connection important to connecting people with the sponsoring and to Bringing more than two and a half thousand people here to cardro with chess is amazing for granka and whenever it works like this and we will be part of events like this and we will also be

    Part as I mentioned before supporting chess as a professional sport and supporting an opening doors for CH for young people yeah we are certainly very thankful and to have such a tournament here have you gotten a chance to meet any of the players are you a fan of

    Magnus or who who are we ruling for I think winon wi ker is well with us so I support Vincent I also like Magnus I saw some years ago and um it’s a SM meeting Magnus Carson with earling Holland I’m supporter of B Dortmund in football so also um a well

    Player for sure but um it’s a sport and to see how to to to see the Battle of that guys is very impressive but again wincon ker he’s a cyclist as well as me and we talked some weeks ago a bit about sports and a bit about sighting so

    Supporting wincent yeah hard to argue with that and of course from a German perspective vincos of course the star of the national team it’s great that he has this support and to see him up there battling the very best in the world the vice rapid world champion he was like

    Two years ago already at a very young age and we have very very high hopes although this cycling Vincent has this trainer Peter Leo they hang out a lot in s in this Village and I think Peter he just loves driving up the mountains and forces Vincent to go I know cuz they

    Used to be there he gives him this small crappy bike and Peter has this modern ebike so it’s very very hard work at Forin I don’t feel it’s fair so what does gr do other than supporting chess it always says this do you still have this techline with the

    Facturing I never figured out what factoring is or is that old news so we are focusing on leasing so we decided that year to to sell the factoring business our Focus was Leasing and it’s not really about leasing it’s to supporting small medium Enterprises bringing invest on the road so that’s um

    Our part of of the game our part of the whole business cycle in more than 30 countries and that we we are passionate in that we um are nearly perfect in with digital Solutions and that we would like to do in the future thank you so much for giving us

    This wonderful event here today it’s only the CL classic with some of the best players in the world but tomorrow I think we have 2,700 people coming in in the open which I don’t know Sven you probably know this the biggest event in Europe right the biggest open I think it’s the biggest

    Event in the world yeah and it’s probably in the whole web world and it’s very very impressive and we are very grateful for the continued support of Gran for everything that happens in chess in Germany so thank you so much for stopping by and any any last wishes for the

    Participants all the best um in nor say a fair game but I think it’s also important CH to to being fair to to staying Fair uh on the field so to say and enjoy the huge number of players because it’s quite amazing to see a wide

    Field like this a huge number of of players enjoy it everybody the players the supporters the organizators it’s up to you now to enjoy the event thank you so much we’ll be back with regular coverage in just a minute thank you m e 3 2 1 welcome back everybody round number

    Three of the grank chess classic Magnus Carlson facing ding Len Lawrence what’s going on well uh we’ve had a few developments uh since we heard from the CEO of grer by the way years and years ago I think you and I together interviewed Wolf Gang grer uh I don’t know if he’s still

    Involved a bit in the chess side perhaps he’s taking a step back from the business as well but really nice to see the top level management of this company still being so uh so involved and so passionate so yeah grank of course the man that made it all happen not only did

    He start this big company grank but he’s been supportive of chess for at minimum 20 years and frankly all the big events in Germany recently or a lot of the big events in Germany and the Bundesliga team have been made possible absolutely the support of grink yep uh and long may

    Continue in the game itself Carlson against ding um we have one of those typical slav positions uh maybe the btop formation with those pawns is slightly different but white has got the two Bishops which aren’t firing on all cylinders just yet but uh his he’s got this long-term potential if things open

    Up but at the same time ding is now targeting a Pawn on H2 after his last move Queen C7 that pawn probably well maybe it’s not on PR actually because for example if white would play King B1 let’s say after Rook takes H2 you take twice and maybe go F4 and is

    This bishop trapped even after Knight takes G4 Queen G2 something like this uh I don’t know it gets a bit gets a bit hairy oh cuz say Knight takes E3 sorry P says G5 yeah this is weird yeah it wants to gain a Tempo it’s actually very clever

    F3 Queen e somehow ah it’s the Knight that ends up being trapped yeah are good at chest yeah this is this is this is incredible yeah Queen 6 h Knight F3 and then Queen anyway The Rook wow the Knight tries to escape oh goodness Queen h8 yeah that’s that’s nasty some tactics

    There but goes to show black shouldn’t be too greedy still you have to calculate this if your Magna is not the most straightforward of Lies he could play H4 if he wants to not deal with it but maybe that gives ding some extra options try to get rid of the bishop

    Pair with Bishop G3 cuz the bishop here is not doing much right now but it has this long-term potential as I say only has to be on the board Bishops are long range pieces it doesn’t matter they’re standing there let’s see what Magnus decides I I like his position but yeah

    It’s this tactic tactical stuff has to work out now cuz King B1 is normally a move you want to play anyway on all just ping the king safer clearing this Square for The Rook but he has to calculate he will play King B1 here I’m pretty sure

    About that it it’s just so multi-purpose and so useful um and he’ll work out very quickly that you can’t take on H2 so I’m I’m very confident that he’ll play King B1 and then it will depend on ding if he wants to Castle on the long side that’s

    Kind of typical as well yeah for sure uh black king has to go here castling King’s side where these white horns are ready for action doesn’t look like a good idea yeah yep so expect King B1 and I have to agree with you the more I look at it the

    More I like the long-term potential of these Bishops and I I’m struggling to see exactly where black is you know after let’s say I don’t know King B1 Castle’s long uh Rook C1 what is Black’s plan is he going to shuffle as well with King B8 probably I would say uh you

    Know let’s see King B1 played you were right daring thing to take and it could be a bit tempting but no he castles Queen side quickly these guys are too good there yeah not taking poison pawns now H4 is played this isn’t 1972 I wish it was were you around in 72

    Yeah I was a teenager and follow in the Fisher spasky match a great time no wait no you it was a bit before your time 72 yeah so here Bishop G3 was no longer possible that’s a cute tactic I want to show cuz now he has Knight to

    B5 if the Knight gets taken after Bishop takes G3 the queen cannot recapture because it’s pinned and after Queen takes C2 King takes C2 white will have an overwhelming position with the two Bishops and the better structure so you don’t want that as a thing therefore he quickly plays King to

    B8 Now setting up the idea of Bishop G3 therefore Magnus goes Rook to G1 stopping it you can see these guys they’re protective of their Bishop pair it doesn’t want it’s not only that it’s it’s about really being conscious of your opponent ideas and threats right

    That’s what the top players do so well every single move there has been countering an opponent’s idea rather than being overly focused on your own uh plans and and desires so uh still like white I think this is in general a difficult position for for ding to play

    I can definitely see white playing G5 followed by F4 at some moment and getting that kind of structure because uh the white Bishop would suddenly then become quite a quite an important piece um but there’s a long way to go and ding is not going to fold e in a position

    Like this so but he’s worse he doesn’t have def active prospects here no ways to change the structure C5 is never realistic you can’t play on The Queen side G5 also doesn’t help black very much even if white went H5 black would be stuck there so I think he lost the

    Opening battle this bishop E4 Bishop G6 I wasn’t in love with and Magnus typically well he likes this look at look at this move by way Bishop E1 showing how much he values the bishop even if it’s hidden back here yeah Magnus likes the structure he likes his

    Bishops and it’s a typical Magnus gson position so he should be should be quite happy oh figh didn’t happen that was yeah I think another person who’s going to be very happy is Daniel fredman yeah because uh mvl has been forced to take on F5 after Knight F5 and take on D4 and

    Now what a beautiful move here by Daniel fredman exploiting the pin on the B4 the bishop is hanging and allowing this Knight to get to this massive outpost on C4 and forcing the white Bishop to go all the way back to C1 and I think if

    You manage to achieve this as black uh Bishop C1 Queen C6 protecting D5 Rook e one and Bishop E7 I think if you know if you had to take anybody here it would be black all all day long white doesn’t have a clear idea in this position in my

    Opinion once the bishop comes to E6 there are no Pawn breaks there are no ideas and this Knight on C4 just sits there beautifully I would take black all day here um in a in a practical situation what what about you yeah I sort of I don’t think black is better

    Necessarily but at least it’s easier to play often you also want to go H6 G5 five so for white this Knight is a little shaky so typical idea would be to try to transfer it here often you have to play H4 to sort of stabilize it but

    It does look like Daniel made it made the position at the very least easier to handle for him he’s also way ahead on the clock now mvl taking time so something’s probably Gone Gone a little wrong and fredman can be happy with the outcome of

    The opening I think I think if you get this after 16 moves with black against NBL this is about as good as you could hope for I was wondering yeah I was just going to say I was wondering if Bishop G5 is an option to get rid of the two

    Bishops the question is after takes and H6 I think if you have to go back then sorry to be just to be really pedantic Knight B2 is not a move because yeah I was I wasn’t sure Queen H5 I guess que thinking about that’s why I wanted to start

    With the KN you’ve got to be sure that this wins yeah yeah but Maxim is pretty good calculator I don’t think he blundered here rook f8 and Knight H7 simply something it’s going to going to E6 OR7 oh E6 E6 E6 E6 that’s massive so that’s what he was calculating but I was

    Wondering if I start with H6 cuz you now you play back then I have Knight B2 to do something else Queen H5 is Queen H5 is definitely legal or Pawn to E6 as you mentioned but even this if white doesn’t have anything better than retreating I think black’s just fine

    Here like maybe there’s something something direct like the computer say a knight D2 fancy move even if black just stabilized here I don’t think it’s too bad computer disagree computer says Yan computer says y read out the moves that I’m telling you no but I think you but I think the move

    E Queen H5 E6 is the way yeah this is this is a really big move so if hg5 E7 what is this position check King D7 and queen F3 is that the idea and yeah must be Queen F3 double attack and Knight D6 Knight takes D5

    Right here like compy says it’s fine for black but against Maxim you have a king in the middle um there are all kinds of tactics all kinds of potential jumps I feel a lot less comfortable than with this fixed structure that earlier right but yeah compy says nothing to worry

    About Rook E8 and it’s equal y did have to allow this I was wondering can you start with H6 is there any direct punishment I like this move you know to y stay tight go Bishop E6 Bishop E7 I like this move but probably thought Bishop G5 wasn’t possible because of the

    Knight B2 options actually even now you can say you know what I made a mistake I’m going back of8 next move W this this is a really nice move yeah has to do though after you last move was Bishop of8 Bishop E7 maybe it’s possible no this is a beautiful idea to

    Get that position with the pawn on H6 really like it yeah I can see it happening I mean Daniel is definitely strong enough to make this move so uh can definitely see it definitely see it happening in the Rapport kimer game uh it’s a sort of position which I am super

    Happy for Rickard rapot I think he’s got about as optimal as a free role you can ever hope for right in in these structures no I disagree I think black is perfectly fine it’s very typical position you go Rook d8 Queen E6 King H7 C6 D5 yes white goes Knight F5 you take

    And then sometimes you have to go Knight G8 but I think it’s F okay but I might be biased cuz I only play this yeah you got to be a little bit careful like I put the queen on F3 and then yeah it’s all so like very

    Queen f33 you go King H7 stop H6 KN F5 you take and go you and you have to go Knight J here it’s it’s all inside part of the plan yeah Knight J this is a typical defensive setup King H7 I8 which cons obviously will know as well then

    Normally you’re in time to go D5 and stabilize I don’t think there’s much here okay I agree Vincent is this and okay you could have ni piano in the mix but let’s say for two 2700 players is it going to be a Harrier game out there oh I see you literally mean yeah

    Like does anybody is there a matchup where you could have longer hair on average Magnus has got growth potential he can grow Ser very quickly early he just got a haircut it’s not happening yeah but Vincent has got a a good head of hair as does Rickard

    Um yeah what about you is this your real hat or did you watch tun 2 and you got inspired and got some some makeup done my real head I actually got a a a wet shave at the Turkish Barbers yesterday beautiful yeah in regards to your barara

    You told me about it no this is a new guy differenty he did a very good job he did the whole U wax uh lighter in the ears to burn the hair you know ear hair and nose hair and we’re very happy very good job highly recommended any of you

    Guys out there in uh in Berlin check out the Turkish Barbers they’re very good meanwhile talking of getting a haircut three let’s let’s go back to mag ding ding is strong yeah he for this G5 H5 which didn’t help his position I think but he has to do something and now he’s

    Going for Pawn to C5 looking for some activity but once again creating some weaknesses Carson takes ding will want to take with the bishop and then try to go D4 yeah that’s why he went G5 as well to get a square for this Knight here or here I actually

    Really like ding’s decision to do this I I I think if he was just going to wait too long he was going to just get in more and more trouble you can’t be passive against guys like Magnus it’s scary but it’s not real a bit like uh Freddy Krueger do you remember those

    Films Nightmare and El Street no not familiar I think you’re trolling me I don’t think I’ve ever watched it to be honest like this guy Robert England in his sweater the poster already cracked me out so I don’t think I’ve ever seen okay by the way that’s one thing if you

    Remember guys from years and years ago Yan and I disagree on many things but taste in film and and series was one thing we surprisingly uh agreed on it is very surprising it’s really very quickly before we get back to the chess unfortunately Richard Lewis died from

    Kir your enthusiasm just a few weeks yeah ago that was a big rest in peace rest in that was so sad to hear fantastic um I liked him as a talk show guest when he was on letter man talking about fantastic being in the Lakers locker room that’s right yeah I watched

    That clip Knight A4 by Magnus yeah this is uh this is probably a genius move because Bishop takes E3 Queen B3 with the double attack so deep it’s so deep well what’s going on Queen B3 threatens the bishop and Bishop takes A6 so it’s not it’s not that deep it’s about as

    Deep as your blowup pull in your garden in the summer not not very deep it’s not that deep no but I love it it looks dangerous here yeah this is coming and Rook G2 by the way just a few moves ago this is such a classy move um I think

    What Magnus was going to do is if ding didn’t end up going C5 is he was going to go something like King A1 Rook B1 B4 A4 and bring the other Rook I knowing Magnus nowadays he’s a bit more you know Carefree I could definitely see that if if black just

    Waits here I think you just go King A1 Rook B1 and minority attack with the Rook on G2 performing a key role swinging over so I really love how Magnus this is just an awesome game to watch so far so Knight A4 played now ding will not take on E3 but what will

    He do maybe have to what else is there ah you’re just saying go back I guess but it’s not really awful softening the impact this queen b32 is just very very there’s some random Bishop A5 at the wrong moment as well it’s just looks very dangerous oh goodness actually this

    Could get out of control just immediately for black be out of control it might just be out of control we just praising C5 but actually I A4 very easy move to miss you think white has to cover the P right go Rook D3 whatever Knight A4 super strong brilliant move by

    Magnus Magnus feeling good today he seemed upset yesterday about his level of playing clearly about the blunder against rorts but today so far yeah that’s right right up his alley like getting the Bishops getting nice little cpot structure forcing black to open the position and now he’s yeah slowly but

    Surely using these dormant Bishops that here yeah this is a lot of range this is an awesome game actually so a instructive game how to play this uh I’m very fearful for uh ding’s position I can see this it’s already spiring out of control but in just a few

    Moves I can see this almost being being over you can’t even go Bishop A7 here cuz Bishop G3 just immediately wins yeah it’s tough now this is just brutal um very bad news for Ding and he hasn’t done much wrong it seems but maybe going going for this done some stuff wrong well

    Yes wrong is relative but yet to give Magnus I’m not in love with this whole Bishop E4 Bishop G6 business to begin with I think this is already a critical moment where you have to sort of figure out what you want to do cuz this line is

    Very similar to these slav lines but white has a much better version of it I think the way this went CU sorry this will take only two three hours to set this up and I guess these these positions were on on ding’s mind when he when he went for

    It here this is mainstream Theory Bishop E4 F3 and now Bishop G6 but this is a better version for for white cuz first of all here after C takes the off and recapture with the c Pawn or with the Knight while in the game he’s already

    Commit to e takes D and also the bishop is locked up here while in the game it was out here I know it eventually returned but in general I think he’s just got a much worse version of that and probably that wasn’t I doo now he’s taking his time what can he

    Do really tough to suggest a move here I think you got to fight okay but after Queen B3 I don’t understand what what you do well you just go D4 Rook C2 definitely looks horrible what can you do RS two queen D6 Bishop B4 is coming I mean Bishop A5 Bishop

    B4 a bishop yeah Bishop before Queen D5 just got Bishop C4 so give me give me all your pawns yeah ah but importantly D1 is hanging here even this is not yeah it still looks scary but I don’t think there’s any way way back for black yeah you have

    To go try to weather storm like this yeah this is this is this is tough this is really tough Daniel fredman did not play Bishop f8 I would have liked to have seen him play Bishop f8 but he could couldn’t find the what he did is

    Also very reasonable he takes and now no adventur is not allowing any E6 Shenanigans he just castles we were looking at H6 E6 or Knight B2 Queen H5 this kind of stuff but Daniel yeah keeping it tight and this tension here is actually annoying for white cuz Rook C1 then A3

    Might be hanging Knight takes E5 followed by Rook Queen C3 might be in the air I would like to go Knight E2 just to re reposition this guy that compy is not very impressed compy is never impressed to be fair impressive hard to impress computer we see Maxim and Daniel studying the

    Position yeah I think Daniel’s still much happier and he does totally understandable I played Daniel fredman a few weeks ago in the German 960 chess championships wow I had no idea yeah it was took place in Berlin and I was lost in three moves wide it’s hard to do it’s really hard to

    Do it’s really hard it was it was it was a not very pleasant game sorry to hear that yeah but Daniel was very nice I’ve got absolutely the worst score on Earth against Daniel fredman tough player great player understands chess um and I think his position is

    Fine I think his position is just F yeah Maxim does not look overly thrilled but he’s used to suffering lifelong grunfeld player are we still tricky in the French School of suffering is that still a thing looks like it how is no home by the way who’s

    It yeah I don’t know wow I hope he’s doing well you just I cut all ties just Lone Wolf now huh yeah Peter me myself night don’t know what happened to the to the podcast I quit no you didn’t I did did you really yeah

    No wow what wow okay I’ve got a lot to catch up on clearly yeah yeah W I’m sorry to hear that I really enjoyed that podcast I was always really like when I had a long flight and I needed a good relaxing listen mhm I would listen to

    You guys oh I’m glad to hear it really put me at ease all my fear and anxiety on a plane here are you afraid of flying uh no I I don’t like flying I’m not afraid of it anymore but I don’t enjoy the the bumps and the to turbulence

    And so you guys so that’s that’s that’s it I’m on a spiritual journey you know cut all my world I can believe it are you are you taking yasco or aasco whatever it’s called not yet I got to we’re getting there got to expand my mind first like but I got very inspired

    I’m not sure if you’ve seen this by the interview by Victor lnka no no I haven’t seen it I recommend it okay vict I remember great football player actually Victor lash can really play football ah that I didn’t know yeah really good very very good I think he’s got a very good

    Left foot if I remember correctly meanwhile the Knight is well the Knight is landed on B2 in this game but let’s have a look at this we’ve got exactly what we just looked at with Rook C2 and things very quickly getting out of hand for for ding here yeah this line we

    Started wasn’t that clear though like Queen D6 Bishop B4 Queen D5 compy says you could also go here what’s the point Rook C8 oh then ah oh wow that’s hid that’s hidden see that’s nice yeah yep that’s a winner so if the Rook has to stay on the

    Defile to cover the queen super ugly right7 Knight B6 now this is probably what ding would have to do is to sacrifice an exchange here with Knight to5 yeah and I think he will do that he might not be thrilled about but at least the game continues

    You have a porn and some pieces near the center so maybe this is not the end of the world just I think this is actually far from the end of the world I think this is so fight very fightable fightable yeah fightable is that is that a word

    You’re the native speaker so yeah fight sounds that may be true but as you know I my English is I I do know that is under all the pigs as we say understand only Train Station train station right all right you know that expression no means I don’t understand it’s hard to

    Okay humor humor very funny Germans you know you know we’re funny people oh honestly the funniest and very very funny B is under attack it is yeah this is this is pro oh Queen ding says all right let’s do this but the endgame version of it and I like

    The I like it because he’s going to take take on B3 takes takes and this on E3 is not so bad it’s controlling the white Rooks reasonably well so D is showing why he’s actually Chess World Champion he’s not just rolling over he’s putting up a fight fight here but Magnus

    Probably still better Bishop C4 if you were allowed to take and then stabilize with Knight C5 he would be winning so you have to go here still Knight C5 yeah important to point out that Bishop takes F7 there being super greedy might run into D3 uh and then you then the guys are

    Running and maybe it’s possible but it looks yeah you no yeah I don’t think you want to do this I agree yeah this is uh this is a very good practical decision byting I like it very much you you cannot just hope to hold on to the exchange there this is

    The correct way to play um Magnus doesn’t seem to have a choice he can’t take cuz then The Rook would recapture and black will emerge a pawn up so you got to take on d8 and play this type of end game which both probably won’t mind C his b ding

    Has survived the direct onslaught and we go from there what’s happening in the mvl game a fredman did something interesting he went Knight to B2 and his point is if the queen goes anywhere he has Queen C2 I guess to force the Queens off and that’s what’s going to happen

    He’s going to play Queen solid Queen C2 then oh sorry not here then he puts the bishop still on E6 probably to keep the structure in oh yeah after this move for sure yeah then exchange queens and either Knight goes back or if there’s time even The Rook can

    Enter I still still take black here all day I I you know I think black is better but also not worse you think black is better but also not worse I don’t think black is better oh you don’t think I think it’s equal I think the word I’m going to kindly disagree that’s

    All right look at Vincent played all these fantastic K8 King H7 Knight G8 What a chess expert he really is yeah but this is such a well-known scheme that I don’t think he putting that much pressure on Vincent’s position and there he is he has this this Famous Stare where

    He can look right into your soul and you feel so stupid when he’s looking at you and he gives you his look like what are you doing if you saw Vincent in the street yeah and you didn’t know he was a chess player I changed SES he’s an imposing

    Figure no but seriously what if you saw Vincent industry and you didn’t know he was a chess player yes and you had to choose a profession what would you say he most looks like I think with the hair he looks artsy know like musician like are musicians exactly I was going to say

    Some sort of classical uh musician some piano players exactly that’s exactly what I would have said which is also his background from from home like his parents are both musicians I think right right yeah good answer definitely odsy doesn’t work on a construction site for example right you never know zero

    Chance I think hands are too soft that’s yeah that’s always a good tell Y what about your hands mine I got calluses but um you know they’re soft enough soft enough for uh hand shaking mm yeah when you go to the gym cuz I know you’re a big workout guy do you wear

    Gloves to keep your hands like soft for if you need them to be soft or no no I like running the risk of picking up germs no I don’t mean that but you get this right yeah no I know I don’t wear them I if I if I get the calluses I what

    Do you call this calluses calluses yeah that’s what you’ve got you’ve got a lot of them there yeah yeah Yan’s working out a lot ladies and gentlemen um even though it might ripped you might not be able to see but might not look it but

    He’s in good shape and I’m in the worst shape I’ve been in years never mind sorry to yeah it’s okay we carry on MBL we can go work out together here it’s going to be going to be great fun you kind of ignored me when I arrived so

    I was in the gym you called me I did instantly announcing your arrival on the station and I said what do you want I’m sweating Lawrence he said nothing so I think it was a good talk G5 by fredman he’s saying now that the Queens are coming off I can weaken my

    King a little bit I’m actually yeah I would have stopped that with H4 maybe thought okay gives the Knight is square the Knight happy like just F4 it’s not a happy Knight F4 this is this is what Daniel wants to do he wants to allow the bishop to come to F5 Knight F6

    Is just a check he can jump here no yeah the horse he can jump no no this is this is this is dangerous for white this is dangerous which also was the name of a I think an album by Michael Jackson or was it dangerous yeah it’s just

    Dangerous it was called Dangerous the album yes no this is dangerous no just dangerous Rook A2 Maxim is also dangerous or as we say in French donos yeah Rook takes B1 the Knight oh actually do we so we can’t what’s going on here so taking on A4 is definitely

    Not possible takes Knight C3 Knight f8 is a problem why is this so bad for black this do look too terrible this is good for no compy says white is better yeah A5 is a A5 is a very cold move you get some play here but is this such an

    Incredibly tough position like if you showed this to somebody who’d never seen this position before and you said the comp thinks white is better very difficult to believe that white is better you’re actually surprising because black looks so table but I guess that’s what he wants

    And I have a I have bad news for you I need a little bathroom break will you be able to yeah you know handle the mouse for a couple I can do it would you mind passing the uh appful Sher on the edge of the on the cuz I’m parched I’m

    Absolutely parched I’m going to drink this while you go to your break um I’ll be back please be back all right I have control of the mouse univers sorry you’re Master of the UN I’m Master of the Universe now love it supreme leader supreme leader uh kn5 played by ding against

    Carlson and I got to say fair play to dig for finding this because this is by no means an easy conversion for white in fact I don’t really even know how you would make progress here as white the Knight um is very good on D5 if white

    Plays Knight takes E6 black will play F takes C6 and now in some positions the Knight can come to E3 the Knight can come to B4 the Rooks are not really firing here this is a protected pass Pawn I don’t really see any reason why black should be worse here even to be

    Honest so Bravo D for finding uh for finding some really nice resource here and uh yeah I actually don’t see him losing okay white plays the move Bishop D3 played and now what will ding do will he move the bishop would he play Knight B4 all kinds of moves available uh for Ding

    And I think he has probably many to keep keep the balance here so really love this and look at this in the MBL game this is very surprising after Rook a 2 Daniel Friedman decided to take on B1 and just take on F4 which is strategic ially a surprising

    Decision because of course you’re claiming that well despite ruining my structure I now have triple pawns and a bad Bishop despite this when you take on B2 whichever way you take I don’t even know which is the best way black is going to play the move Rook C4 I assume to

    Uh kind of dead the Knight Knight can’t move cuz d4’s hanging and the Rooks are a bit impotent and then Black’s idea is very simply to double on the C file and then probably to play a move like Bishop D7 just ask some questions with these pawns

    Try and create some weaknesses on the light square and despite this wrecked structure it’s the activity that black has probably fully compensated so again kind of really interesting decision making by Daniel here um and as I say I think that uh I think that he’s probably doing just

    Fine so Bravo to him it’s been a really good performance so far in the rapo game we get a move that makes a ton of sense to move Pawn to C4 by white putting a Pawn on light square but most importantly preventing a break with Pawn to D5 the absolute natural followup is

    To go C 6 after which I guess Richard’s idea is to go Bishop E3 and ask a question about this bishop uh on B6 and after takes I think actually this is one of those positions where white has got three legitimate options maybe even four maybe every single capture here is

    Legitimate F takes E3 is kind of tempting but um after G6 the problem is that this Knight hasn’t got uh good a good Retreat Square so actually after Bishop E3 perhaps in this position here after takes why should take back with the Knight preventing D5 but now this

    Knight’s going to come back into play either via F6 or E7 and black is going to set up this break and with such reduced material and with such uh well uh a safe King now for black I find it very difficult to believe that this is

    Um bad for black at all I think I think black is doing more than fine but uh vinon decides to go for Rook E6 which is also very interesting um I’m not entirely sure if the Rook wants to swing over to F6 or G6 um however you kind of putting the the

    Ball back in where it’s Court yeah I think he wants to prepare Knight E7 without allowing any Knight takes H6 or queen H5 Adventures to have the Rook the there to defend in case need Sly reclaim the mouse reclaim PTO C4 interesting choice by rort he’s stopping

    D5 but also softening his own structure no I think Vincent is fine yeah yeah raport not putting a lot of pressure on the German star in this one so far did he cover this already yeah interesting structure yeah yeah looks messed up but the Knight doesn’t have

    Anywhere to jump so maybe black is still okay yeah that’s what I’ve been saying I I can imagine Rook C4 here just to tie up the Knight one some for all and I think that um Daniel is doing fine despite the structure yeah white would

    Love to go Knight E1 Knight D3 and then Round Up This pawn and put the Knight on C5 but he might not be in time because he has to defend this guy as well you really do need so many moves for that um so what we got we have roughly equal

    End game in mvl against Freedman Magnus took the exchange but ding is doing stuff yeah I I think ding is doing just fine what’s going on here like Rook C4 take takes yeah I just don’t think that this position is worth for black after F6 you’re just Uber solid the bishop can

    Just park itself on f4 on E5 it can park itself anywhere King is safe where it is yeah it’s parked well where it is and I just don’t see a plan here for what you can’t enter you can’t really Target any any any anything in the black

    Position I don’t see why this is just you would need yeah open open the H file but not so easy to to get that done yeah ding fighting back well this Knight is also very hard to touch it got attack can just defend it with A5 just restricting the white

    King Carson does take on E6 yeah okay that’s probably smarter and now Rook C4 similar but the black structure is a little looser than with the pawn on F6 like what we were looking at it might still be okay yeah I think this go Rook C5

    Rook yeah now I think you have to go Bishop F4 here exactly to prevent Rook E5 because Rook E5 might actually win a pawn um then there’ll be Bishop C4 so yeah Bishop F4 is the most clean logical move here no doubt about it um and as I say I

    Think ding is uh holding you can even after Bishop F4 in some positions if the Rook disappears from C5 play play A5 and just bolster that Knight on B4 and then white has actually got back rank issues for the entire game yeah has a bunch of Rooks that

    Still take white but it’s going to be hard for me really to to create inroads I’m a simple you’re a simple man also that but yeah we have a rook it’s worth like five points and black has a has a knight and one PA are you a bigger Pawn Grabber than yasa San

    I don’t know I usually get in trouble whenever I get too greedy but I’d still take white here okay uh and look at this we Dan what’s Daniel doing he didn’t go Rook C4 he went for a check and Rook d8 no that can’t be true no Rook C8 he play yeah

    That makes more sense Knight G1 instructive little maneuver from Maxim tries to get the Knight to E2 maybe that was a drawback of not going Rook C4 this night as as a move yeah no I I really like Rook C4 tying White’s Knight down I think this move is actually miss knight1

    Yeah this is a good move no now I’m not so in love with Black’s position because Knight E2 is just coming regardless so it’s not a deal tough one so not winning or anything but now at least black has to be very very careful can still go some Rook to

    C4 then yeah Knight E2 and white can slowly try to make progress yes indeed sneaky little maneuver this Pawn structure is so messed up yeah and interesting things happening in the Magnus ding game where ding offered an exchange of Rooks wow Magnus didn’t do it surprising cuz normally I was

    Taught um that if you have two Rooks and your opponent has one you want to exchange one pair of Rooks to you know enhance who taught you that Rook it’s in German German chess School German chess school yeah f fam German chesco the the famous German chesco yeah west or east

    West okay um Rook D5 but Magnus decided not to take when Rook C4 now ding is stable again after A5 no this is this is good for black then B6 yeah Rook E5 and Bishop F4 and no black is just totally solid here I see Zero issues for ding TimeWise uh

    Also massively up on the clock so see absolutely no issues yeah Rook C5 played yeah he’s going to go B6 here he’s trying to provoke some light sare weaknesses but um the only way in is round the AG file which looks very unlikely yeah why’s problem is this Rook is not doing

    Anything it’s sort of dominated so this has to become topic but then you also let the Dort off the leash so you have to be you have to be careful with the timing yeah B6 played Rook goes back to C4 yeah what can ding do doesn’t have to do anything no you

    Just put the PA on E5 keep on H6 oh maybe maybe actually just to keep an eye on H this is not a this is not a ridiculous suggestion at all thank you sorry the Assumption being that you you know you think I think you’re capable of making ridiculous

    Suggestions but that’s not true I don’t you’ve ever made one ridiculous suggestion no can’t recall since 2:00 um sorry I keep jumping around now we can stay here for a bit see yeah see how it develops in Rapport kind there’s not much Appling as equal and in mvl

    Against fredman things have developed a little bit but looks like mvl is now in the driver’s seat Magnus decides to return the exchange he’s annoyed by this Knight on B4 but this is is this a winning attempt he wants to go Rook A1 Rook A8 maybe meet him there

    Yeah this is this is a stone cold draw offer maybe not draw offer but this is you know Rook D7 Rook A7 is just interesting decision by cson saying this Knight long near E5 played so you couldn’t really see any M prospects for for the poor Rook maybe didn’t go to German chess

    School he doesn’t know a rook is five and a knight is three wouldn’t have done it who was your teacher at the German chess School uh selftaught was was school was like selftaught yeah these modern supermarkets we you have to check out all by yourself I was I do hate that

    About modern supermarkets I don’t like it I like the personal personal touch like do you collect points and you pay Casher with carts like I need that little interaction one thing you do notice about Germany is the rush that the cashiers are in to put your food in it’s

    Very stressful it’s very stress feel a lot of pressure to you know in England they do clear quickly supermarkets is they help you pack your bag and you know they’ll have a conversation with you and stuff sounds horrible true story guys that is they are just scanning scan scan scan pushing

    And then you you’re under enormous pressure to get it all in the bag before the next I think that’s a great comedy bit for you you could be like an English man in Germany and then somebody’s already done that you know back at home they pack your bags and you have a

    Little chat and here here they just nothing nothing no chat just cash or card and Bo Bo Boop and please hurry up there’s a guy who already does that unfortun work in that Germans are cold and efficient no just just for your bit like all right here Vincent Kim very efficiently

    Get rid of the scary looking knight on F5 now we just have Rooks and queens left looks looks equal Vinson looks bored he’s looking at the screens above him checking out the other games come on Vinnie Focus I think do you have the haircut Vincent has now like in high school yeah

    Like Nick Carter backst stre boys yeah I was going to say do you remember Saved by the Bell no no oh that one you never okay was that a comedy program yeah it ring it was a com it was an American about uh teenagers in a high school comedy SL

    Romany slash but yeah mostly a comedy sitcom thing um and the guy who was the main character in it just turned 50 the other day and I’m like whoa time is rolling on cuz he was a teenager in the in the series or you take the rook and if the Rooks

    Ever come off it’s an immediate draw uh and there are no more permutations you can’t leave that pawn you can’t go King B1 here that’s scene you can actually lose at D2 Rook C6 and you can be in or rather Rook D7 Rook C7 and you’re in

    Some sort of zwang at some point yeah no point doing that no it’s just going to end peacefully well defended by ding correct like yeah still I’m a bit curious this moment where he went Rook D5 because a retreat it seems a bit OD you can you can take better take yeah no

    This this is definitely the way forward Yep this is uh this is going to be a a draw yep in mvl versus Freedman yeah after this night G1 Freedman went Rook F1 trying to stop Knight E2 because of F3 but it happened anyway and and the Tactical point is we see mvl

    How tricky is so he can’t take because this Rook would get trapped so Freeman went F3 takes and takes now the King has to go to G3 but overall this little interaction seems to have helped white black doesn’t have enough play with Bishop locked up Maxim goes for Pawn to B5 Pawn to

    A5 and Rook C2 he’s slowly taking over here nice end game play yeah Daniel okay the structure he went for was of course very shaky but it was so key not to allow this Knight to go anywhere so I think he’ll be kicking himself a little bit that he didn’t play

    Rook C4 just ti ti white up somewhere now it looks like he’s probably going to lose yeah I think that Rook C4 moment was the key moment in this game I think you have to play that move both games here Rook C4 and here also Rook C4 y let’s see

    Yeah okay anyway they’re exchanging Rooks Magnus noticed that if he takes with the bishop he can’t escape anyway and I guess a handshake is imminent but he might try to you know go after this he’s going to go Bishop C1 here D yeah why wouldn’t you King C King C4 take on

    B2 well take you bring the king okay doesn’t oh I miss King D5 King E6 and I lose oh my goodness oh my goodness was hard to spot especially no after I drew this who could have thought but black is in time to go King D5 King

    D7 and typical business with OPP called Bishop the king takes care of the enemy King invading here yeah that’s what happened now just King E7 PA’s a matter here there’s no way to create a passer now you just chill Bishop D2 Bishop E3 King G six King f8 there’s no way for

    White to make any progress as far as I can tell yeah Bishop G2 plate King here King here I think yeah the handshake is coming very hard to suit s black when his Bishop can move around eternally yeah they’ll repeat I think Magnus is seen enough yeah draw great game

    Yeah two different halves no Magnus dominating the first half putting pressure out of the opening then slowly looked like out playing ding but ding defended very nicely with this exchange sacrifice and made things at the very least difficult for Carson after it looked like he was getting steamrolled

    Here but this D4 Queen D6 and queen D5 CH the idea of giving The Rook was born out of necessity he’s just here didn’t have any other options but he held things together very nicely and once again I don’t understand why Magnus didn’t yeah this this is a big mistake

    This is this is the mistake now with only one Rook things are very different like here this Rook H1 H6 plan is very much there I guess you put the King on C2 and then you start trying to activate the rook and if e takes D5 I guess he

    Didn’t like e takes D5 but still Bishop anywhere Bishop somewhere and Rook H1 H6 to activate the Rook once again compter even gives some moves like F4 and f g f then G5 H6 or Bishop F4 Rook D4 so I’m not sure what he disliked here I think he justed

    Was the moment I think he just missed it or he missed the black was just building some some kind of a fortress but yeah this is uh this is probably winning yeah still not much happening in the ra ker game so let’s focus on Maxim against Daniel

    Fman Maxim with the white pieces has a decision now if he wants to take on C4 or not he’s thinking about it yes um the problem is what you want to do is take go Knight C3 and D5 the problem is after takes takes Knight C3 Rook C1 you

    Have to go Rook to A3 which looks very passive but it might not matter cuz white can then follow up with D5 King F4 bring the king over and maybe Black’s activity is just temporary so that’s what he’s trying to figure out yep agreed what can you tell us about Maxim

    Vash what can I tell you yeah uh I can tell you a lot of things about Maxim Vash he’s do he’s uh Leon supporter true he is a maths wizard he studied math right studied math he’s a really strong mathematician and He the goal is get you to a comfortable spot in those first 10 opening moves and just have you hit in that guas That’s all folks thanks so much for checking out my E4 course here on chessable I do hope you enjoy very good very good guys I don’t have any super novel

    Ideas obervation you do he’s been around forever MBL I mean MBL yeah I know all of these I got introduced to chess because uh my family is obviously both my mom and dad’s side is from uh former Soviet Union uh and it’s kind of part of the culture there

    So only I was playing with my grand father when I was about five and I I I think What attracted me when I was younger is I just got the game I got the game probably on the level how most modern day Grandmasters got the game I

    Could see something once and I could just go demolish adults kids uh and and for most talented players that’s how it is for a long time they just K that generation but the old guys the 30 somethings now still pretty good like Carson neomi Karana Kiri

    Wait is Anish is in his 30s he might be a year younger than these guys he might be 29 still count of that generation he also been around forever so you’re you’re classing that generation as 19 hang on hang on something up oh Knight C3 Rook

    C1 Rook A3 this was played Rook C2 D5 Bishop D7 here compy was extremely happy with the white position yeah but then D6 was played and compy was no longer happy why is he not happy he wanted the move Knight to D1 yeah this is a class classy little move threat the

    Knight cuz the the king sits so beautifully on F4 in this position and whoa Bishop E6 now he’s happy again this is typical this will spot yeah in in a heartbeat tricky guy and E6 was a mistake like had to play Rook to D2 to restrict that

    Knight cuz now the Knight is jumping all over the place C7 or F6 and even on F6 it’s going to be very unpleasant restricting the king in the distant future you could try to Checkmate like King F4 Rook A1 oh I love that G1 Rook G8 I love that and that’s definitely in

    Mbl’s uh say wheelhouse wheelhouse it does no Checkmate answer the game yeah this is this has just got Knight F6 King F4 written all over at this position no this is this is going to end badly for Daniel um looks like just to go back to this moment here apparently D

    Had a chance to play Rook D2 right which still looks bad but the Rook is actually restricting the Knight stopping Knight D5 and also this Knight D1 business and it looks like black is in time to play F6 then bring the king and survive that said he play Bishop E6

    Which looked very natural of course trying to stop Knight D5 but it turns out this does not stop it because if you take this Pawn queens and the bishop blocks the dile king now this is tough this Knight will set up shop here yeah this this is very bad news for

    Daniel yeah well played mvl uh for finding finding an idea um I think Daniel started to lose the thread a little I there’s still a big discussion as to whether allowing this triple pawns was was at all necessary I think the key moment for me was Rook C4 not

    Having played Rook C4 and making that Knight passive was was bad by Daniel um now I fully expect him to lose yeah although this still has to be calculated sort of carefully yeah so like if I go ah so if I go Rook A1 first yeah I guess

    So but with this Pawn off the leash it has to work but I guess it does work like Rook A2 Rook G1 and it’s just this king is takes a then just King F2 so you just go the other yeah and Rook G8 is an impossible threat to meet

    Incredible let’s see if he goes for this yeah he will 100% of course he could just go Rook A1 here forget that Bishop takes D5 is that two what spot yes so tournament wise what do we have we have rad rort on one and a half out of two

    Magnus Carlson and ding both have one and a half points as well but out of three mhm and Di fredman is on half a point mvl is on one out of two as is Vincent kimer so whoever wins can join the leaders except Daniel

    Yeah or if RoR wins he’s in the in the very Soul lead well let’s have a quick look at that position because we have a a major piece end game uh Vincent has just played F4 which makes a whole bunch of sense that’s it I

    Have I like F4 it’s just I don’t think I because of D4 yeah and he’s sort of um making it harder for him to activate his heavy pieces it’s an ambitious move he’s trying to attack here but it’s quite committal yes yeah I agree uh Queen F22 now we go

    D4 next yeah maybe you’re right maybe this was just a little bit too premature um you’ve you you’ve got to know Vincent quite well uh over the past couple of years being the coach of the German men’s team um what do you think his biggest weakness is still as a

    Player I don’t know he’s without being too negative but I’m just C because we all know his strengths he’s you know incredibly mature in his approach but what’s his biggest the thing is maturity is his biggest Str yes so who’s the most mature guy out there Vincent Kim Vincent is the most

    Mature yeah chedi is mature gotcha you know cheddar cheese has got different levels of maturity yeah but that’s only thing in England because it’s the only cheese you have it’s cheddar so you rated by different levels of maturity to make it sound like it’s exciting that you only have

    Cheddar wow um that’s true wow anyway Vincent’s weaknesses he’s of course Very around like every 2700 player is I would say sometimes he’s too ambitious too much of a fighter doesn’t like draws sometimes he’s too mature in his approach like sometimes he has too much cheddar cheese before a game when he

    Goes to England all he has is cheddar cheese it’s terrible F you have any real weaknesses of course I wouldn’t say on the air I’m rooting for our boy in the last tournament but I think there was more of quinci than anything else in PR he played G5 in almost every game with

    Black and G4 in a couple games with white and sometimes you know this G pawn moves they weaken his King so maybe G5 is as big as we chess trivia G5 is which famous grand Master’s favorite move Vincent kimman Keith arle yeah he’s a well world renowned greetings Keith if you’re watching

    Hello greetings we all know you love gim horrible player not play the computer move and Knight wow he didn’t play KN goodness maybe it’s good enough but two and Knight E3 and all of a sudden it’s all to play for again wow this is Rook A2 he missed whoa that’s actually

    Crazy this is this is really unexpected um yeah this is King King F4 okay Rook takes A4 takes no he’s going to take on F5 yeah look before this is anybody’s game wow that that is that is very surprising the Knight on F6 Rook Rook A1

    Rook G1 setup was just begging to be played it was scary cuz it lets the seaa off the hook off the leash off the hook as well off the hook yeah no off the leash off the leash M prefer leash yeah off the hook means something you just rewrite

    English no right but I know my English is better than your no no you just go ahead and rewrite these idioms I can’t explain letting it off the hook means you let it get away which right where if you were would have almost captured it but then you didn’t

    But letting it off the leash means you let it run free which is what I meant no it’s now it can go here so off the leash there but if you ever have any questions about your native language or your German front by all means and what’s going on here Vincent well

    This is the sort of position that you get with black and then you realize oh yeah there’s no ma in construction here or even close and I’m just going to get crushed worse I really dislike this4 business H do you have the power to drop

    People from the team or are you yeah oh okay so like on this performance you could just say look buddy it’s over yeah okay yeah sounds reasonable coroi wouldn’t have played F4 where dead well there there’s there’s that issue as well in fact he wouldn’t have played any

    Move did you ever play coroi yeah did you yeah how did you do draw oh yeah have you ever not drawn before no okay just wanted to clarify that recently I started losing on my oh did you it’s even less fun than oh no what are you playing the Bundesliga yeah I keep

    Losing what what are we at nowadays 26 bar barely barely barly 26 hanging in there here’s some chess trivia who has got a 3,000 plus performance in a German Team Championship this year probably you Vincent ker MH faban Carana mvl or me probably you you wouldn’t bring it up

    Otherwise maybe they do as well but I think I do Rook C2 now Rook D2 yeah that would be we yeah I’m not a fan of wood you’re not a fan of wood here oh what what sorry you’re not a fan of what Vincent has done yeah me neither I think

    He could lose this position oops borderline lost he’s trying to stop Rook D7 cuz now he can take and here nasty that will be spotted so here’s a question mhm um nice one if Queen floats away we’ve got Rook takes H3 check right so let’s say queen C5

    Mhm and we just make a draw or what I know we’re losing a rook but get a couple of checks more than a couple of checks right yeah cuz because yeah but yeah so they Rook H yeah so we have to calculate all of this

    Looks like a draw to me okay but I queen F2 Queen H1 Queen G1 Queen F3 and then you put the King on E1 then I have another check uh or what do I do after King E1 Rook F2 still Rook down but yeah we

    Just take on e4 Play It’s it’s very pla that’s why he played Queen F1 cuz he was scared of all of this yeah Rook G5 that’s very hard to create a threat with just this very small army is yeah but white also doesn’t have a white still needs to break through like he

    Needs to find the right moment to to do something over here wow yeah this is still all three results but I can’t see no black is never winning this black is never winning never never 0% 0% okay I’ll take that all right I still owe you about eight Diet Cokes from six years

    Ago uh yeah oh there’s some repetition going on here I don’t think Richard is is wanting to repeat person that’ be surprising i’ be really surprised he has a serious edge with the control of the only open file this king is fairly secure maybe he just thinks that there’s

    No real way because like after Rook d8 is he afraid of Rook E6 yet yeah could be but even Rook E6 does not create a threat right even if the Rook shows up here like Rook E6 Rook D7 go6 I take where um that’s where I have to cook something

    Up huh I don’t think there’s any any cooking to be done like this K check yeah we’re just lacking a a piece to sacrifice here this is uh no yeah why should definitely play on meanwhile in the mvl game hold on holding whoa oh Daniel’s turned the tables

    How did this happen what has he done B Pawn’s running no B2 and B2 no B2 not happening what yes time is still appar winning but what was wrong with B2 sorry King D2 yeah take on F3 yeah I’m not saying white oh wow C2 Bishop E6 now the bishop

    Sits on F5 and B2 is really GG and you take the H3 PA and the H porn runs this is just awes controlling everything on this Diagon wow this is bad news I called it did you yeah where was that in the opening I said Daniel’s got a great position

    Uhuh no this is this is over this is really over yeah this is resign this is reable now tough break for maxim yeah this what did he do big moment KN F six was winning not trivially but winning well then wow position here was already mess and then it kept getting worse and

    Night A3 was a big blunder missing this Rook B3 move panicked a bit how do you miss Rook B3 by the way it’s the most obvious move you have to go Knight E3 here Knight E3 Bishop E6 King E4 or something like that try and but

    Then Rook B3 King D4 A4 that can take on C4 it’s okay no thisal quickly yeah did he go H4 no he no not yet but it’s between H4 and resigning cuz if you give the H Pawn what can you ever hope for the bishop takes goes back to E6 then you push

    H5 no it’s just over massive catastrophe for him 4 B2 you also resign no I think it’s resigns frankly it really is resigns no this is just uh massive massive massive result for Daniel fredman um and a massive setback for NBL when you look at a tournament and you

    Look at the pairings there are some you say really got to like put maximum pressure on here White against Daniel fredman in this tournament that’s one where NBL has to take something away from the game he’s not going to win this tournament if he doesn’t s like he

    Didn’t put pressure he played a sharp opening sacrific his horn and I’m sure everybody knows that Daniel is very very good rapid player he’s a rapid specialist actually so not to King D4 yeah and he’s going to play Bishop F5 King C5 King D7 yeah he’s going to try

    King C5 King B6 but King B7 King C8 keeps everything under control yeah he’s just going to the only way but good enough I guess you can make a queen here right and it’s good enough just go for this and then we still have to deal yeah cuz

    There’s a king C7 here yeah if you go Bishop E4 King C7 R whoa we should show this this trick that’s the last that’s the last trick that’s actually the last trick yeah no Daniel is he’s been around it’s just never in a million years he’s going to let that

    Happen yeah King B6 and now A4 just to can you go A4 yeah sure yeah I think yeah he’s just yeah King now now you’re Queen can Queen yeah and the bishop just controls all the pawns this is just yeah typically one day actually resigning would have been

    Premature he’s still at this trick so Kos to mvl for finding it but yeah this position Bishop C2 he played this is gorgeous this is gorgeous oh this PA and he wants to go B6 check first yeah this is just so good yeah I mean it’s like a it’s like a

    Total like even after King B4 you can even go H5 or something just improve if you want yeah you can do whatever you like but it will come down to the same at some point you got like Queen you will lose probably the A4 Pawn she King

    B4 B6 maybe wants to him yeah King B4 B6 is just not even H5 King E6 that’s it yeah that’s it and MV resigns big victory for Daniel fitman huge see a little smile fair play to Daniel I think he you know gave himself every chance yeah mvl did have a

    Winning position at some point but I think I think uh he deserves it massive loss for for NBL yeah can’t be thrilled but that’s the brutal top level chess circuit you have to be ready to play in in 15 minutes continues that’s another game what time is the next round exactly

    I don’t know 15 minutes after to this one ends okay so I guess it’s oh wow he took on G6 whoa why would he take that what an why not Queen D2 and just carry on and Force black to make a move leave The Outpost wow this is a he wants to go

    Queen D7 but he wants to go Queen D7 this feels perpetually you know like Queen G3 no Queen G3 King F1 yeah no I think what he’s going to do Vincent here is he wants to capture the defile so he’s going to play no I think

    He’s going to ah no yeah and now2 and on time then Queen F5 no now I think he wants to go Queen H4 yeah Queen G3 King F1 played played Queen H2 that’s what I was wondering Queen F5 King h8 what is this and if Queen H1 King F2 king queen C1 and

    There always a Perpetual with these Kings well he has to take on E5 right but it’s just it’s going to be draw well Queen D4 why is it a draw uh King G1 okay okay but I play on now I’ve got the pass dewn I mean I always play on no

    I I absolutely would not have played like this no here I am uh you’re I H2 E5 winning I’m not sure but yeah what is better and yeah Queen C1 plate no Queen D4 is just like Queen D4 plate no this is by no mean I think

    Vincent can still lose this position yep so what should he do should keep giving checks and then go here oh and he just get and he’s just yeah white is not on the right circuit to uh yeah white can go King H1 Queen G1 but then he’s stuck

    So if E5 Queen G B3 it’s hard to make progress and yeah he’s played it he’s good no of course what’s the time situation one minute left for rard and now this is yeah you can’t go E5 well if you can’t go E5 you don’t actually have a move here this is a

    Problem no like there’s no Perpetual but you don’t need one yeah no if we hang B before I’m maybe that’s what we do though we hang B4 and after Queen takes B4 we play a move like Queen F2 we can no but Queen C1 sorry just no

    Queen C1 is much better ROM moves no this is this is Queen takes F4 massive game don’t even know who’s better yeah but can we can we have some ground rules if we if we hang before then we can’t hang after it’s one of them two queen d8 check queen d8 king H7

    Queen d33 is this a draw three he wants King G1 and then no I don’t maybe it’s just a draw for maybe said enough I think they usually repeat once get some extra time on the clock then proceed he does go Queen one Queen B4 it’s it’s

    Unclear you could actually be wor well so like it’s it’s a decision I actually think he’s going to bail here with his little time on the clock King H2 plate Vincent should repeat again and they’re done yeah draw wow rich is saying wow I had nothing then you almost messed it

    Up but I guess draw fair and we have three results in this round Daniel fredman the surprise winner with the black pieces against Maxim Vash gra so that means Daniel’s back to 50% and Maxim is a minus one R rort we just saw tough fight drawn against Vincent kimer and the

    Clash of the world champions Magnus kson put pressure on ding but ding defended nicely and it did end peacefully we have 15 minutes then round number four you just saw the parents there on screen will’ll start and Lawrence we should take a breather so we can be as

    Fresh passionate entertaining as we were for this one as humble in the next one as well I think we did a pretty good job we’ll be back for the next round see you then don’t go anywhere the goal is get you to a comfortable spot in those first 10 opening moves and

    Just have you hit in that gas That’s all folks thanks so much for checking out my E4 course here on chess I do hope you [Applause] enjoy [Applause] I got introduced to chess because uh my family is you know obviously both my mom and dad’s side is from uh former Soviet

    Union uh and it’s kind of part of the culture there so I was playing with my grandfather when I was about five and I I I think What attracted me when I was younger is I just got the game I got the game probably on the level how most modern

    Day Grandmasters got the game I could see something once and I could just go demolish adults kids uh and and for most talented players that’s how it is for a long time they just obsessed over the game I hate to compare it to Art but in

    Many ways it is I find it fascinating every day I can teach myself something played it for 20 years and there’s still so much I don’t know I can play Blitz Games and I can make Masterpiece or chaos with white with black what a time to be alive you know because I still

    Have insecure chess teacher syndrome from 2019 when I was just going to private lessons and nobody knew who I was and I still remember those days and like I very easily just think about them and I I’m not I’m completely the same guy I just happen to do it on camera

    Now the last World Championship I was looking at five streams at the same time like getting all the information trying to understand the position more uh like I keeping in mind what I’m going to say in the recap a couple hours later who who said what that’s the stuff that that

    I really get excited by just knowing that it was it was a good recording it was funny it was I presented everything I want to present uh that stuff I guess is like a cycle that that gets me more energy I really enjoy making a high quality piece of content it is very

    Natural for me uh to do the presenting like I’m not fake at all I think that’s one of the reasons I can I can stream and stay San but like sometimes even I’m exhausted and after I record a video I have more energy which doesn’t make Sense I feel good about the current career I I don’t spend a huge amount of time being uh introspective about the current career I I’m just working as hard as possible with me it’s just me and the camera which which is even I don’t know I would even argue it’s more weird that

    It’s just me in a room from 2020 until now I’m still just some dude who likes to talk about Chess and I just so happen to do it in a uh in an exciting way for a lot of people and obviously okay my confidence has grown in presenting and

    Knowing that what I put out will get watched which is you don’t have that guarantee when you start it’s very nice and it’s not something I I take uh lightly but at the end of the day if you really break it down and just a dude who talks about

    Chess ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video I’ve taken an approach in this course where I will happily enter the main lines of certain openings for the first 5 or 10 moves before deviating into something that’s aggressive interesting uh and will definitely one Pawn five suspects bring your deductive

    Skills to the chessboard this March and help solve the mystery was it the movie star Tina Tempo the ays beatric bishop the green ponds coach Remy Rook tournament organizer metam mate perhaps or the Arbiter Professor pant play them all gather the clues and find out who done it on All right now for this next problem stockfish cannot solve it no matter how long you leave it for and I also should say there’s it’s not technically a forced mating line there is a way that black can get out but the resulting position is still winning let’s look at

    The most forcing line to start Knight F6 check the king does not want to go up here because this would Queen with check check so it goes towards the Knight King G7 we check it again again black king is attacking this Knight but it’s protected by the bishop but we can sacrifice the

    Knight here with Bishop C2 check King takes and now the engine is starting to catch up with where we’re at now we’re free to promote to a queen but wait wouldn’t promoting to a queen lead to this Knight Fork on F7 and we’d lose our

    Queen yes but that is all part of the plan I should say that at this point the engine can figure out that this night Fork is actually the only way to lose there’s only way to lose right away block can play a number of other moves but this position is technically winning

    For white we’re up a queen and a piece against three pieces these pawns we can take care of so let’s look at the far more interesting Knight Fork Knight F7 and we we’re not even going to try to protect this queen we’re going to go

    King E6 let them take it with check and then the King goes to F5 and now you’ll notice we’re barricading in this King this black king cannot go anywhere all of the squares are com off so what we’re trying to do at this point is threaten

    Any check and that would be made so we are threatening Bishop D1 Checkmate what can black do they can stop it with E2 well we’ve got ideas we can go Bishop E4 threaten Checkmate over there and the only way they can stop this is by promoting to a knight covering the

    Square well all our game is not over yet Bishop D5 and now we’re threatening Bishop C4 and Checkmate here on D2 well black can temporarily stop this promote to a knight again covering this Square hang on we’ve got still ideas Bishop B5 threatening Checkmate over here well

    Block can give up a knight for nothing delay the inevitable Knight C7 protecting this Square that’s fine for us we’ll just find another way to do it Bishop A4 threatening this Square Checkmate once again now this time there is nothing black can do to stop this Unstoppable action C4 Bishop D1 and all

    You can do is get some Knights the way to block but eventually we find Checkmate students did you know that you can get a discount on any premium membership if you’re enrolled in a college University or High School in a participating country you can get 50% off any yearly or monthly Premium plan diamond platinum or gold that’s unlimited game review unlimited puzzles

    Unlimited Bots unlimited lessons and no ads all at 50% off go to students and get your discount today I’m here with Magnus Carlson world number one and to many greatest chess player of all time we’re going to ask him a few questions I’m going to name a

    Sport you have to tell me the greatest of all time mhm sounds good yeah basketball LeBron James soccer Messi I agree with both baseball Barry Bonds what did he say Okay football like American football Tom Brady I guess okay yeah good one uh tennis jovic golf tiger Fair poker dog

    Bson that’s a unique one chess gar Kasparov are you allowed to say yourself I don’t know if I’m allowed but I think Gary is the best while time still chess boxing I’m on Hamilton I agree we’re going to play this or that would you rather go on a cruise or a road trip

    Road trip comedy or thriller comedy coffee or tea te but only slightly preferably neither how do you get energized the Sun cats or dogs cats but I like dogs too it’s like a this or that is a little bit tough with you you like everything

    Shower or bath oh shower for sure okay I don’t have the patience to take baths are you a morning person or a night owl Night Owl for sure would you rather get on a phone call or text message text probably I feel like the answer for you

    Is neither feel like it’s just usually yes just go sunrise or sunset sunrise winter or summer summer how many beers would it take for you to drink for me to beat you in a classical chess game that’s a very difficult question uh because I’d probably sober up during the

    Game so I’d probably have to keep drinking probably start with 20 and take it from there 20 okay how what’s the size of the cup um pints wow okay 20 name your price if you have to chess box um $10 million do you prefer to play

    Chess on a computer over the board or on your phone I rarely play on my phone I I would say I prefer to play on the computer in your entire career have you ever had a day where you went I think this guy might be as good as me in chess

    No uh well I mean not not not you know since not the last 10 years for sure okay has it ever been this guy might be kind of close to me if I have a bad day yeah uh I would say Fabia his best was um very close in

    In classical for sure my other question was going to be who do you think is the second best chess player in the world so I suppose yeah I think Fabian corana is the is the second second best player thank you Magnus for sitting down with us and doing these rapid fire questions

    Now get out of here the fourth cycle of the variant Community series is the most explosive variant yet Atomic chess where every capture on the board triggers a fatal explosion for the pieces around it six weekly Arena tournaments held every Thursday will be followed by a championship event with cash prizes

    Including a $1,000 first place prize the third and final weekly Arenas will be streamer Arenas featuring gifted Subs as prizes win any of these events to qualify for the championship and show the world what you’ve got join the variant club today to learn more about upcoming events how to participate and

    Much much more see you in the arena on A I N W [Applause] W [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Welcome back everybody r number four of the Gran chess classic about to start let’s have a look at the pairings we have ding versus Vincent kimer we have Magnus Carlson didn’t win his first round game but he has another white against Maxim Vash gra and we have

    R rort against the surprise winner of round number three against d fredman rort he’s still the sole leader with two out of three I don’t do math yeah he’s still in the lead uh just I believe because that fredman Victory uh was well obviously a turnup for the books

    Uh we’re not we’re not gambling men anymore Yan but uh if you had to price a fredman victory with black against MBL you’re probably looking at seven eight to one uh something that’s the expected expected result uh so it’s a massive massive uh shock um statistically speaking we can see

    That the good news for maxim is now he gets a break he gets black against mag and we got another in invited guest and Pawn in the uh Pawn to D4 that looks like E4 to me wow he can go he can go left he can go right through the center Triple Threat

    That Magnus cars what do you think their lifetime score is Carlson mvl in all formats didn’t look it up but it’s probably pretty good for Magnus he has a pretty dominating score against most of the top players yes I would assume that that’s the case I do recall Maxim beat

    Him once on the sinkfield cup but overall I’m sure Magnus is said gets real the jacket and the Sicilian yeah mvl one of the last night aifos out there when the rest of the top players they’ve all Become Berlin guys I like how Berlin Petro I like how you switched to Spanish there

    AOS yeah we can say afficionados but I like how you put the the strong Spanish yeah well done thank you nice let’s see if we get a idol Main are we going to get a bishop B5 check are we going to get some Bishop C4 or what what

    What are we going to get are we going to get Queen takes D4 so many options curious what Magnus has got cooking probably hasn’t spent a lot of time preparing for this Knight C3 love it he might he might mix it what do you love about it great move now he’s now

    He’s going to go E5 I know what he’s going to do is he yeah is he actually going to go E5 no what what I bet you didn’t expect that one told you I knew he was going no you didn’t um Bishop to PL and the point

    Is if black plays E5 then you put the bishop on C4 with a delay but if black plays A6 indicating he wants to play the Knight off then white is probably not going to play Pawn to D4 but either going to play Pawn to A4 asking black

    Again what do you want to do you want to go E5 then I’ll go Bishop C4 we play this boring structure or do you want to put your knight on C6 then I’ll play D4 and you won’t be playing your typical position because you committed your knight here so it’s a

    Somewhat um small sideline that Magnus is chosing showing that yeah he doesn’t want a theoretical debate just to be absolutely clear you’ve actually looked at this position before yeah of course I spent lot of my free time studying be too really yeah what’s the difference

    One draw is Knight C6 now when the best move is Pawn to D4 yeah takes takes and we play a classical where the vision E2 is not great so black can play Pawn to E5 now but Mangus could also after Knight C6 you know keep the tension go

    Go short castles and once again invite Maxim to play Pawn to E5 when he wants to do this bishop C4 business then black could play G6 and switch to good version of the dragon and yeah Pawn to E5 on the board Bishop C4 Bishop E7 white is losing a Tempo compared

    To um more standard lines like Knight C6 Knight C3 and pawn to E5 here where the bishop goes to C4 and one go I guess his argument is in such a close structure the loss of tempo it’s not fatal what’s a Tempo between friends is there another way to wait

    There just as I’m getting the creative juices flowing can you go H3 instead of Bishop B2 is that is that a move no because why I don’t know why is A3 notm well no because after A6 you want to go A4 mhm but H3 similar similar concept no I don’t

    Know if I go A6 A4 yeah yeah and again if you go E5 I go Bishop C4 in one go and I can claim that H3 is more useful than the double bishop move and if you Knight C6 lines might not be still maybe you can pitch it to

    Magnus for his next okay I will in the break I’m going to do precisely that can I also copyright it delighted can I copyright it yes every CH move can be copyright I think they can all right we’ve got this position here which is kind of fine for black um only only

    White is to move here normally white gets to play Knight D2 now it’s black to move yeah the the way players have tended to deal with this is well there have been a few ways um I’m curious how MBL wants to deal with it though MH maybe

    Castle not sure maybe you’ll go Knight C6 first just in case Knight A5 is a threat yeah and now do you have to take a timeout here as Magnus probably do yeah no it’s thr no okay you don’t think he’s okay magnos he usually likes to play

    Bishop G5 he does get rid of this guy and plug a knight in here but after Bishop G5 I would guess Maxim will try to offer the exchange of Bishops also stand up maneuver yeah it’s not much it’s kind of just trying to get a random position

    That is non- theoretical where you can play but it’s definitely not much for white he does Play Bishop G5 who knew now black face the decision like7 even castling is just fine yeah takes takes Knight D5 is just so what yeah it’s not winning or anything but

    Typically he likes this type of position and against Maxim maybe he’s saying Maxim likes you know the board on fire let’s play a more close st6 okay let’s see it’s interesting meanwhile we’ve got a a sicilian I haven’t seen since Gary Lane played it in the toy open in

    1989 yeah rort going his own way fredman successful in in Mainline French last game so raer is saying not today or not again today plays 2 D3 and D play C5 not going D5 transposing to C we get some hybrid close Sicilian but a little different cuz why is not

    Committed to Knight to C3 yet so slightly better version for white of whatever these positions are I think this is called the big clamp if you put the pawn on C3 rather than the Knight on C3 I think it’s called the big clamp new English weekend circuit players call your random

    Anti-sicilians whatever you want to call them to be honest though um not in love with it for why and you don’t like the big clamp not a big fan of the big clamp no I think uh Daniel can be very happy that he’s going to get chances

    Um yeah it’s just a close Sicilian with and it’s not played that much nowadays for various reasons but uh I’d be curious to see how Richard wants to do it if he wants to go really old school English weekend circuit Castle C3 Queen E1 G4 Queen H4 could do

    Cuz it’s just a reverse Dutch um effectively let’s see if he goes let’s see if he goes C3 and then Queen E1 yeah he goes C3 for sure and then ask black what he does probably black doesn’t want to play D5 cuz then after E5 it’s slightly no I don’t think you awkward

    With Bop you you never tend to go E5 here N I think you want to go E5 let’s agree to disagree yeah that’s fine but I’m still right that’s why Freedman goes D6 okay not allowing this d55 business and now yeah you have choice you can make any move in

    The world A4 Queen E1 Knight A3 Whatever Gets your juices flowing white is a broad broad Choice he goes and he goes A4 trying to stop B5 B6 play put the Knight on A3 now 100% 100% yeah I would I would say it’s close to 100% wow there you go

    100% that’s why they call me the big clamp the big clamp no of course not when you you play A4 to play Knight A3 and if the guy goes Bishop A6 you can put the Knight on B5 that’s why Daniel’s gone Rook B8 now the

    Next move is not so clear I’m going to go for King H1 interesting and I’m nowhere near my 100% not 100% no I’m going to say as an option no he’s going to go King H1 37.5% interesting yeah how often is’s going to play Bishop

    E3 he’s going to play Bishop E3 29% of the time any other moves G4 is a bit PR G4 two premature he not going to do it it’s Bishop E3 or King H1 and that’s about it exclusively that’s it yeah B he goes for the he goes for the 29% which

    Is so if it’s Bishop we three of King H1 why was one 37 and the other 29 there was all the other little like the The Queeny ons and the h3s and they all composed the the rest of the moves yeah I’ve got it all it’s all in it’s all

    It’s all in the database okay yeah so we E3 played yeah and now Daniel’s going to try and complete development he’ll probably put the bishop on B he might have a little think if he wants to go for A6 B5 or if he just wants to play random moves like Bishop B7 Queen

    D7 not clear to me but maybe A6 you get hit by D4 I wasn’t sure he’s going to play Bishop B7 here Daniel’s Daniel’s a professional he wants to connect things and then he he yeah because then he falls a little bit loose right after Bishop B7 D4 I can maybe even think

    About taking it’s still possible and then maybe I’ve even got F5 ideas I mean I’m not sure I’ve got some ideas or Knight B4 Knight A5 it’s a little bit loose D5 is not ridiculous here yeah it’s pretty ridiculous this structure it’s probably the do not want well even but okay how

    Bad is F5 here I’m curious probably also Prett bad Knight B4 was good yeah Knight G5 Queen H D5 is really crushing yeah this is this is very bad yeah okay yeah I can get behind this being but yeah he has to play Bishop B7 for first which I think he will play

    Um and I I don’t think he’s going to go D4 actually there I no the thing with Bishop B7 is it doesn’t match well with Rook B8 since he already W Rook B8 he put the bishop on a66 like it the Knight comes to not Knight B5 can block here

    Maybe then he wants Bishop B7 and kick it with I actually like it I like it I really like it after Knight B5 Bishop B7 you’re like a kendle in the wind Elton jum yeah you’re like Elton Trum I am like El joh in some ways in

    Many ways we both like a fry up we’re both from England and we’ve both got no hair yeah that’s exactly what we’re thinking that’s what you were thinking yeah and we we both like certain areas of the park like the park park yeah Park that’s that’s blur blur yeah you’re a

    Bit like D alurn I am actually I listened to a bit of Park life the other day in the park ironically it’s fascinating Stu it was yeah okay Bishop A6 very look briefly Ed ding versus kimer this is this is another Vincent kimer special he likes

    His nimos and then playing Pawn to D6 he feels very strongly about it and you know he insists on his weird openings well looks like he’s still in book He’s blitzing out all the moves on to E5 nonstandard play from kimer normally after Knight F3 people Castle or play C5 or

    D5 but Vincent he’s a fan of this D6 setup mhm I don’t know why Queen to C2 Bishop D2 typical stuff by ding he wants to recapture here with the bishop leave the queen to cover the E4 Square Pawn to B6 and pawn to E4 Pawn to C5 yeah this is

    Probably still known to kimer and ding already took 10 minutes so he has to find his way here through this Vincent homework you know Vincent in Germany he’s known for building lots of opening trees yeah I know he I was going to get him a shovel for his birthday but

    Um I don’t know how that would go maybe he misinterpret it how would he misinterpret it like he was digging his own grave ah got it got it no no he he plants more trees than a gardener for sure no he’s he was on the German program I saw it yeah talking

    About the trees did you see me on the program many many years ago the same one right no I was on the show where he was I was dropping knowledge about vinc oh yeah no that’s right I did see you but you were on was it zdf years and years

    And years ago do you remember I don’t remember there was a show like maybe 10 15 years ago you were on the TV you were interviewed by a lady there and you know you were talking about Chess you might as well have been talking about Tiddly Winks what’s Tiddly WIS that game where

    You you kind of flick the little disc and you have to to kind of put it in in a cup anyway okay you were very good I have to say thank you thank you yeah no you it was you were much younger more hair the curly big hair do

    You remember that yeah uh more like more optimistic about life and the world yeah just Faking It for the cameras okay Magnus after Bishop G5 Knight D7 was played offering the exchange of Bishops cson takes now Knight D5 Queen d8 logical enough he goes H4 M so

    Aggressive Pawn to H6 Maxim does not want any Knight G5 business yeah I was going to say after castles you go Knight G5 immediately right just immediately pre moove pre moove Knight G5 doesn’t work but I H6 and you go Queen H5 and you just carry

    On yeah and A6 Queen G6 that’s beautiful that yeah yeah yeah oh baby you should have allowed this cuz it’s pretty this is so pretty check me by the way I’ve still got the eye I might be out the game but I can still see it very impressive happy with that

    No no okay I was quite happy with that one I know it’s beautiful it is beautiful very nice Queen G6 put that on the board again for the for the folks at home that’s that’s the itic so Knight G5 the point is after H6 you go Queen H5

    And it on voice should mention Knight F6 and black is much better but apart from that so the folks at home don’t get tempted yeah like this this is just Queen G this is beautiful threatening Checkmate and the double check is and even if you if you’re a genius and you

    Try to bail out you’re still in trouble yeah because now oh we take the Rook yeah I actually didn’t even see that but you you just have to be tempted by Queen G6 you should you should go here to rub it in we don’t even need the

    Double oh my goodness that’s too much that’s actually too much Rook F7 and Knight G6 mate is just way too much that’s that’s way too much okay where we’re having fun we’re having fun we’re having fun and instead after H4 H6 was played Pawn to C3 Knight F6 and

    Knight D2 back to shuffling but it looks to me like black is perfectly fine actually I’m not so sure about this H4 move to be honest no 97 whever Bishop goes somewhere now we Castle then Bishop E6 or D5 one day looks like Black’s doing great great for black yeah and

    That’s the problem with this opening you try and avoid n off by playing you know losing a Tempo But ultimately it’s a full Tempo on a on a well-known line where black is already doing okay so this is just not really much of a an attempt I’m just looking forward to pitching my

    H3 I will yeah meanwhile uh so that’s that’s looking good for MBL uh back to raport quickly very very quickly so we’ve had a few moves he didn’t actually play Knight B5 he played Bishop F2 Queen D7 Rook E1 pring D4 ah okay he wants prefare D4 Rook B d8 and D4 I

    Guess Yep looks logical also delay it but but takes takes Knight B4 it’s a little bit loose for white4 yeah you’re threatening to jump to D3 yeah I got it yeah I don’t love it to play some clumsy move it’s way too clumsy Rook e 3

    And then you get hit by this F5 at some point and then the D5 score and then you can just lose actually this is a disaster so I actually is better disaster F5 what is better oh my God I would take black all day here MH what you have some random Queen

    B3 and you’re just calculating you just calculated everything okay fe4 you just calculated and everything’s just Rook takes E4 and you’re not worried about a knight landing on D5 like any human in the world would just be horrible play no I no I understand he6 is weak but I

    Things have to be calculated as well right anyway okay for Knight C2 was also typical typical move like Gary Lane would play Knight C2 Gary Lane would play no Gary Lane would play King H1 yeah Gary Lane would have the Rook on one he will do it for the

    Queen so Knight C2 is there any other clever move here Queen D2 stops light B4 a clever Queen D2 Knight A5 o true I don’t like Queen D2 Queen C2 Queen C2 I like more no first queen D2 A5 Queen C2 are you just want to protect

    The pawn uhuh okay stop the fork Big Choice here for rort he’s studying the situation probably thinking about D4 takes takes KN B4 Rook e 3 yeah I don’t think he’s going to go for it personally you can’t play G4 either because you get hit by G4 F5 you want

    Usually maybe H4 you know these Mar kits in their H pawns oh he does go D4 surprised big surprise I am surprised okay this isn’t now well no this is just getting critical now and Daniel uh I think Daniel plays these positions really well I think never seen him play position

    Like that at all no I mean in general you know I just don’t think you know if you’re going to play Daniel I think you’re giving him everything he wants um he’s really good at finding squares and oh it’s a bit like Finding Nemo but finding squares okay he’s just he’s just

    Really good at these kinds of positions I think Daniel is so his strength is finding squares yes his weakness is not finding squares not find he takes yeah maybe he found the D3 Square yeah I think he found a D3 Square R good bail out with Knight takes

    D4 which is not uncommon in these positions either it wouldn’t surprise me if he plays Knight takes D4 it would not surprise me one bit but then it’s kind of like Black’s position makes sense yeah it doesn’t look too scary no meanwhile ding has put

    His Knight on F5 whoa that’s a lot ding good at finding squares or it’s not his specialty I think he’s just yeah of course he’s good at finding square I think to be in order to be a top player you have to be able to find squares so they’re all good at finding

    Squares they’re all pretty good at finding squares but some are better than others at finding squares yeah takes takes D5 is let’s go kind of serious this typical thing where you give up the two Bishops but then you open the position quickly because normally White had to pay a

    Price to get these two Bishops in the form of lagging behind in development so this old wisdom or never really was wisdom that you should keep the position close against the two Bishops is usually inaccurate because if you wait here white is going to be better two castles

    Per Rook on D1 so you have to make something happen before white is fully developed Vincent weighing his options here but takes on D5 looks very principal but if he doesn’t do that let’s say he just decides to get some pieces out which is also reasonable

    Problem is Rook D1 is coming so you you kind of have to take on D5 on F5 at some point right probably yeah wow that could get super Shar actually they’re all getting a bit sh which is good for us and rapper when C takes D4 yeah yeah yeah I think Daniel

    Will be over the moon yeah finding all these squares he’s now on a pure Square finding Mission I think I’ll talk to Peter about this tonight ler sounds great yeah sure you can’t wait to he’s watching hi Peter about what squares to find hi Peter I I

    Don’t think he’s watching I think he’s what do you think he’s doing he’s in bed drinking drinking tea cam mile tea yeah watching not watching anything no Peter loves to watch football hooligan movies yeah but not his favorite genre who’s isn’t I like it the firm Gary Oldman

    Really recommend it probably the best The Firm yeah yeah it’s an old British it’s an old BBC film you got to watch it the firm Gary Elman to kman no no no the firm Gary Oldman everybody here you like your your your British um hooligan football hooligan movies that’s one

    Peter Leo is currently going to be watching if he’s not night before he found the square no no he’s on the Square finding Mission he hasn’t found well he’s found it he’s looking for this one okay then he’s on the landing Mission so rookie 3 covers

    It or Knight B5 if Knight B5 is too clumsy yeah Knight B5 is his idea yeah I like rookie 3 there’s no way he’s playing rookie 3 what’s the percentages it’s like Knight B5 100% no Knight B5 is like 75% rookie 3 is 25% approximately what’s Bishop F1 0% um yes yes

    Yes meanwhile D has has castled queenside which is actually very exciting but Vincent hasn’t played D5 come on V Rook C8 no this is let’s just talk about it off screen we’re waiting for 75 KN B5 75% yeah I know Richie yeah no bigger Richie expert than

    You are you a big Richie expert no oh okay Richie is like the player I wish I could have been uhhuh cuz for years and years he played utter garbage and then he got serious and then he just became a super genius I mean he was always a Super Genius but

    Super reliable top 10 grandm so Magnus did some funky stuff here Knight to F1 and MV goes king h8 that’s provocative very provocative because it’s begging for G4 G5 going with the King to the H5 before white has Castle and white rep play H4 Knight E3 Queen G6 more

    Provocation not sure what Maxim’s doing there he could have played knight7 Bishop E6 some boring stuff but he’s asking for it maybe he’s in the mood for action after this last game but ask and you shall be given G4 Knight d8 headed for F4 Queen F3

    Looks very scary all of a sudden these pawns the Knight can jump here yeah he wants to put a knight on F4 A6 ah here maybe you can take cuz the F Rook is unguarded but it’s probably not much after takes Bishop takes E6 right but it’s a little bit

    Unpleasant CU after Bishop takes F5 you can always take the E Pawn maybe it’s fine for black but It’s Tricky if you can get in a timely D5 it’s it’s probably good for black so see it goes for Knight E6 there are different options of course Knight D5 to cover the F4

    Square if I go G5 you just go H5 it’s not doing much MH yeah got complicated Rook e 2 so Rook C8 Rook e 2 in the raport game covering the C2 Square Daniel F square and now Rook A8 is just begging to be play no it’s not

    It’s never he’s never playing Rook A8 here in a million years pretty little move covering the pawn in order to take a yeah actually it’s it’s hard to play it’s really hard to play so what move is Daniel fredman going to play here what’s the sort of move Daniel would play

    Um might play Rook eight no that’s a 10% move you never want to play D5 also while Knight E5 F5 also looks very weakening so what is is there yeah it’s it’s not it’s not straightforward maybe you could fish for some squares here but then your pieces are also a bit tight up

    All of a sudden yeah Bishop E1 is a very strong stopping A5 yeah you can’t do that actually H this is a this one I I I’m I’m really unclear about see you think it’s Rook A8 10% and then 90% unknown yeah Rook A8 Rook C7 a 10% each and then

    Maybe there’s five or six other moves like yeah this is a nice move yeah if takes takes and if not you’re threatening to take here I mean there’s something so awful about it but at the same time takes directly yeah don’t know what were the odds no that was a 10%

    Um in this game Knight in play D5 looked like D5 was begging to played he went Knight C6 which is natural but now at least ding got his King to the queen side and D5 is a little tougher to do with his Rook already on the dile so Rook C8 is

    Logical and dingo Queen D3 not worried about development he’s just saying give me that P not sure yet wants it I think he mainly wants to get out of the C file why doesn’t he want it takes 94 ah thank you oh sure so then he wants so but so

    Basically if ding is given four moves in a row he’s going to go King B1 you don’t think he wants to go F3 no no what should we to develop and then G4 G5 yeah this this can actually like if you don’t organize D5 quickly here as

    Vincent if G4 lands on the board it’s over actually strategically right I know guess it depends but it’s certainly dangerous for Vincent yeah this is he has to act quickly now this is uh this is definitely dangerous just go D5 anyway who cares here wow live a little King

    B1 yeah I haven’t found all the squares here yet so you got to find the you know how important it is to find the squares right so sorry you just want to take on F5 check yeah yeah and this is probably obviously fine for black Bishop D3 so sure so

    Bishop I guess is a little better but not that much yeah this looks logical enough wow he might go D5 here yeah I agree I like it it’s very concrete it’s very concrete it’s not the time Fort cemento no um mvel Carlson we’ve had Bishop D7 so a bit of waiting um

    But saying if you Castle are you ready to go B5 but so what Bishop D5 yeah it’s winning what you saying I mean I would Castle here every day of the week and twice on Sundays I don’t think me’s got to Castle castling is a 22% move is other moves are

    A4 Queen G3 Knight F5 but I actually think he is going to Castle I think he’s going to say you know what MBL I’m not afraid of I’m not afraid of B5 he might play King D2 but maybe that’s a bit too sophisticated 0% 0% yeah he not

    Playing King D2 okay if he plays King D2 will you walk out and never come back gladly okay gladly okay gladly he says like retire from chess leave the Chess World retired a long time AG i’ please play King D2 one time Rook takes A7 played by rer I’m not

    Sure why it took so long for that one probably calculating Knight D3 because Rook C1 is a threat ooh squares yeah he’s this is this is only about squares and he does it just slides it in there now this is actually quite interesting because you can’t actually

    Uh like if you go Rook C2 which is a natural reaction does that just lose I don’t know feels like it loses looks terrible yeah Queen B3 yeah it felt that’s it that’s the end of the game wow so you have to go Bishop F1 here yeah it doesn’t

    Lose okay but sure one looks nice yeah but uh you can take take Queen E8 protect the Knight and then you’ve got the dark Square Bishop that is true Rook C1 Queen D yeah all tied up but he’s going to Let’s see yeah play Bish one

    Yeah yeah I guess white is a little better but not by that much takes takes the queen has to go all the way back not the pra of moves but what to do the Knight can jump no but I think you take black here the the the dark Square Bishop is

    Just so massive here what what’s it doing well it’s going to come alive oh that’s a good question actually we don’t have a good lever here am I just maybe I just don’t know what I’m talking about but taking me anyway taking me 30 years to realize I’ve got no idea what

    I’m talking about it’s just dawned on me why am I here lack of other options at short notice that’s actually the truth oh boy G5 didn’t playing D2 that’s it’s big relief G5 still slightly surprising to me cuz I thought he wants to keep keep this tension on the king side and

    Reserve both both options I think he wants to go H5 Knight F5 that’s possible but ah so 96 we just don’t care about Knight takes D6 I don’t know Knight F4 and we just sacrif so Knight B7 Queen B6 loses a knight G4 is there and if Knight F yeah this is too

    Dangerous yeah yeah and if Knight F5 after Knight F4 how what am I am I we just you okay take take yeah but I would take white here Castle long Bishop D5 next Bishop comes to E4 okay but the Knight actually can’t be moved from F4 this is quite a big

    Problem I’ve totally misunderstood this position probably fine for black yeah I don’t think he wants to do that then so what does he want to do after H5 cuz you have to go H5 I well this feels very likely maybe you don’t have to go H5 I know what he

    Wants seems taking his time here what’s he thinking about is he really thinking about allowing gh6 looks so risky yeah H5 looks so normal we still got loads of time as and he’s got 30 minutes on the on the clock meanwhile we’ve had a bunch of trades in

    Ding what happened here I took the pawn he he ignored my my knight4 warning wow then play Queen C7 and ding took allowing Knight E4 a bit surprised D7 is he happy here so Knight F2 Rook G1 yeah Knight F2 I’m also a bit curious if Knight C3 is an option

    But Knight F2 R G1 comes here takes takes black has to be doing fine here Knight D4 or something this is just the pieces are just so well coordinated like how can how can black ever be worse yeah I don’t think he is um bit surprised Dingle out this whole business maybe didn’t

    Like his position I thought it was time to bail out but yeah what can I say I’m surprised whove played G4 like we do on the weekends was probably better move whoa Rook C1 played by Daniel fredman that’s a mistake as we’ve learned earlier cuz you’re to Tangled that of the qu2

    So now the point is that take we take if you go Rook C8 then we can take no the E7 Knights hanging yeah hold on Queen D2 and if you move the let’s say you move I don’t know um what can you move can move this guy a

    Three oh your pieces are hanging now what that I’m actually surprised he spotted the square but now E1 whoa B actually a bunch of different ways and yeah with these black pieces falling all over each other it’s not too surprising this is not working this could be bad news for

    Daniel he found the squares but he didn’t yeah he he found them but then he claimed them too quickly yeah he invaded too quickly and sometimes you’ve got to dce dance around the squares chess is like a dance ritual your pieces dance around certain areas sometimes you got to put your foot

    In and sometimes not and unfortunately Daniel has put his foot in it too early yeah that was very instructive thank you for for sharing Jonathan rousin is watching this will be in the the next chapter of the seven deadly sins of so you’re saying chest is like a dance sometimes you got

    To put your foot in and sometimes you don’t correct so Queen D2 forced yeah this is just instantly play if he were to go here then oh he’s banking on Queen H5 counter Queen H5 and all of a sudden it all makes sense again but is not going to allow that no he’s

    Not well after Queen D2 Queen H5 doesn’t work because the Knight on D3 is still on Queen A4 would be a gift from the gods where’s rort is he even there he’s walking around he’s walking around rapid game sit at the board plenty of time it doesn’t have that much time 23

    Minutes what’s he doing it’s plenty of time yeah and mvl indeed did not play H5 yeah this is this can get out of control pretty quickly so after Queen takes cuz then Knight F5 takes now Knight F5 oh my goodness and there’s a check on oh my

    Queen F4 Queen H5 Knight E7 is instructive that would be Checkmate here yeah that’s that would be unfortunate yeah that probably won’t happen but I don’t know if he really wants to gh6 looks so ugly yeah it seems Seems like he has to n is smiling to himself yeah should be I

    Think he understands that yeah GH plate now now either castles or King D2 to put Rook on G1 is really is King D2 still a 0% no it makes some sense okay what what would you estimate at it hard to say but 20% could be yeah

    Looks like the most natural move in the in the position to me I don’t know why isn’t castles more natural um future checks the king is has the shadow KN check from the Knight on F4 as caraston Miller would say whereas on C1 it’s there is still

    Some checks when the Knight lands on F4 and you still want to go Rook G1 anyway so there’s no additional benefits having the King on C1 fair enough to think about the shadow KN checks Shadow KN checks are a big thing yeah Knight D5 Knight D5 play hate it why just feel

    Like if black can play F5 in one go and if if it works then he relying on some yeah 97 some which I completely missed by the way obviously and I would just but okay I and if I take oh that’s counter playay yeah but it feels like something Maxim could do

    Activate 100% he’s sleepy pieces 100% he’s he’s looking at he’s he’s yeah even need very long yeah just it’s just at he gives Magnus a look yeah yeah now this was a this was this was a this was poor by Magnus this was poor this was done way

    Knight D5 was played way too quickly King D2 keeps some squares was the way now uh Maxim is in his element this is now I think actually uh all three results back on the back on the table uh yeah surprising computer says now to Castle Queen sight but would be weird to

    Allow F5 and then to do it so I guess he was banking on 97 but maybe he underestimated that oops sorry let’s go to H7 that black gets so active here of course that’s so actually so let’s just try and understand it so ah the point is you’re threatening D5 that’s the point

    Takes Rook F6 no no Rook F6 that’s what compy says oh my goodness Bishop C6 you can feel black has all this activity on so something could go wrong yeah yeah no this is this is nasty Magnus no no no it’s not the kind of thing you want to give Maxim like all

    His activity and all these tricks so I’m a bit surprised by Knight D5 as well don’t know if King D2 or long castles or whatever but get the king out of the way invite everyone to the party and then you think about where where the Knight goes probably Magnus thought that

    After King D2 Knight F4 Rook G1 Queen F6 was kind of holding guess Queen H5 maybe what ah Queen H5 here no but I think Queen F6 is and importantly Knight D5 I can take it because I protect my queen amazing and yeah okay but too there’s no

    Threat right and I think this is probably the position that Magnus thought yeah this isn’t that much actually mhm which might be true but now he’s in danger yeah I I actually think that Maxim’s got a serious chance look at Maxim taking a little walk yeah yeah enjoying

    Himself oh yeah he looks like he’s having a great time yeah by the way ding against kimer has just ding did take Vincent did take on C3 that’s what I was wondering if you don’t want to go for this Knight F2 business just do this and although why

    Does a pawn up it’s not the prettiest Pawn in the world with all these double Pawns yeah next you bring your king then you try to shuffle the Knight around I think it will be a draw but I would take black every day of the week

    And twice on Sundays here no I’d take white would but how do you if I put a king on E7 and a knight on D6 what what’s your next move well you can’t make four moves at once I’ll go Bishop D3 Rook e one

    Ah you play Rook e one and you have F4 yeah okay right okay agreed let’s have a look at Dani fredman and his squares but no he’s just losing no knight1 hasn’t been played yet that is true but if he plays knight1 it’s just over right or rookie

    One oh rookie one is cute as well Rook E1 is weird cuz there is actually this move and you can take on B5 why the rook’s protecting F3 ah it’s double check double check oh my goodness but what you can do is after Knight takes E1 to go Bishop takes E1

    All of a sudden yeah every black piece is under attack okay there’s no way he’s playing Knight E1 a rookie one sorry just Knight E1 is just it’s so much more human yeah makes a lot of sense yeah knight1 removing the defender of The Rook is just yeah’s just

    Overexposed looked very very active but yeah and after 91 Daniel’s going to go for a think and he’s going to realize he’s busted if he he might realize it already of course most probably rapper looks unhappy though maybe he’s just trying to calculate Richie is fine well this is a fun

    Round yeah lot of complicated positions not so fun for Dan Freedman no looks like he’s going to going to lose this one and Magnus Carlson yeah may we can switch back we report if rort has wrapped it up but Magnus now in deep thought after allowing this

    F5 probably also not thrilled about the overall situation compy said is all fine he should just Castle Queen side and he’s in business but yeah but after C’s Queen side what are you doing against fe4 sorry okay Queen E3 but I thought just no but then I take take and take on F2

    Or you just I noticed but D6 is also sort of lose uh lose here we’re doing all right and yeah he did play castle Queen sight after prolonged think good decision Maxim will probably push B5 yeah very sharp Rook D5 by ding F6 where what’s the Rook doing there

    Ding actually can this get a bit out of control no okay I’d still take black but no D how ridiculous is the move C5 here prob be fine I mean I know it’s not a winning winning try but just to make my if I really don’t think I’ve got genuine

    Winning chances anyway yeah because if you take I can take but the bishop on F3 now you’re probably slightly worse with these D pawns Knight F7 Knight D6 well I don’t think you’re worse here to begin with yeah I can’t quite if you want to change something you can do

    This oh yeah but now I give the E5 Square for the Knight yeah just black up I don’t think black never loses this position ever right I how do you lose slowly King C2 A4 A5 comes over nah Rook goes to C4 five yeah no black should be

    Fine I don’t see black losing this ever ding in deep thought yeah it’s not straightforward at all no it could make some nothing move but Black’s position is very easy to improve with this Knight coming to D6 or even C5 or A5 depending on the circumstances yeah then it’s going to be

    Hard to make any progress not sure I have this Rook coming to D5 I think it’s time to bail out play F4 no he plays King C2 and yeah Knight B7 blitzed out and King B3 he’s going forward what’s going on here is this King it’s pretty safe actually I maybe it’s a

    Draw King can’t keep going forward because of the fork and if King A4 third Point Knight C5 then you can keep A4 and then King B5 Unstoppable but we have more jumps we do we do yeah some how else to draw okay just King A6 ah but if you take on C3 no

    No Rook C7 I’ve got to be careful here as white right yeah I think there’s not too unlikely this whole Knight C5 Knight A6 business and studying the situation Al so Vincent normally wants to keep the game going so he probably won’t be too thrilled by having spotted potential move

    Repetition but can you ever win this4 F3 I don’t think so yeah we’ll find out okay keeping an eye on that Daniel fredman is yet to move which is totally understandable because he’s just coming to terms with the fact that the position is lost he might he’s just losing in peace

    Yeah if Knight takes F2 let’s say many moves win but just Rook takes F2 yeah and B4 is under attack this under attack this under attack Queen goes somewhere white takes here just a whole piece down and what else can you do there’s just nothing to do Rook fc8 is the other

    Logical move but it doesn’t take on D3 it it’s just a piece no this this might be resigns uh wouldn’t surprise me if he just resigned report cruising looks like another one and a half out of two day for report in the making which would solid his tournament

    Lead okay B5 played by mvl by the way yeah no surprise there but the next move will be the real decision for should B3 is going to happen and now he has to make choices yeah I wanted to play C4 but I know I know did you it seems like it’s not

    Good of course that’s it’s the first instinct the black king is also weakish so so stuff like this this could very well happen this looks a lot logical but comy boy says white is better can very logical you could see Maxine totally playing what wow okay yeah we shall see so freedman’s

    Lost kimer against ding Vincent now has his option to go Knight A6 check which I would Blitz out hoping for the move repetition but Vincent is wired differently so I’m not sure he’s got to the okay let’s stick with Magnus Magna is making some faces what’s he thinking about are you thinking about

    Throwing in Rook G1 right here right now or wait for Queen has to go to H7 yeah trying to figure out in these fe4 lines if he wants that included or not I don’t have an answer me neither um H still very complicated even these end

    Games take Pawn 97 we went white jumps around well super tricky chest is so hurt yeah why did we choose this game why didn’t we choose something easy like drafts are we going to get a lot of heat from the drafts Community now I don’t know what drafts is Checkers Checkers ah

    You call drafts I’ve never I don’t even know the rules they move they move side in diagonal you jump over enemy pieces exactly and you can make a king and then it comes backwards so they move like pawns they can’t go backwards and when

    You get to the end you can make a king and sounds fun I’ll try it out I’m very good at connect for I thought you would be you’re a connector you’re a natural connector yeah you’re a natural broker you’re a natural you know people person yeah love people connect for I agree

    Here’s a view of the stage bit more old school with the demo Boards of course digital above nowadays as I was saying to Yan before I used to love the wooden demo boards I remember doing the demo boards for British championships when I was young MH I think it was

    97 I was doing a demo boards where it was four-way tie for with for Mickey was there Matthew Sadler I think I used to look up to these guys and think wow I want to be there one day and my dreams came true they did

    No still a beautiful story no I did I actually did make board one with the British championships I think once or twice congrats there you can see the hall for tomorrow for the open tournament there a lot of boards to be set a lot of boards

    You don’t see all this work behind the scenes someone has to set up all these boards like yeah 1,350 boards unbelievable and they’re not even all set up I’m too lazy to set up one at home frankly I know I know you need all these

    Cables you need a lot of cables you need a lot of I mean it’s kind of insane but the biggest tournament in the world apparently quite impressive right here in Mariel Deutschland no it’s c c Magnus went Bishop now he went Rook G1 threw that in there yeah Queen H7 and

    Bishop B3 and now it’s Maxim’s turn to figure out C4 or F takes C4 look like the obvious follow-ups but there could be other moves Bishop C6 I don’t know if we have time for A5 or something probably not so let’s check this F takes e Queen

    Takes E4 is obvious Queen E3 is some computer suggestion but it’s too deep for me particular I probably transpose anyway after Rook F3 so this you have to take I guess takes takes C4 is the most natural move in the world here C4 is also logical blocking his Bishop out C2 takes

    Logically enough as well Knight E7 Knight F4 huh yeah Knight E7 I don’t know there are alternatives I know Rook G6 or Knight E3 Knight E7 keeps the option of giving a check here on G6 maybe so makes some sense even that check might not be that dangerous after King H7

    And if Rook takes D6 here add is Knight E2 check excuse me there’s a fork yeah excuse me this seems to be but this is this is dangerous for black right after Knight because D6 and H6 are both very weak after Knight G6 you shouldn’t take no

    You can’t take and Rook takes d i sorry we’re falling for the same trick so takes yeah and Daniel Freedman has resigned after too many of his pieces got taken Knight E1 Knight takes E1 and rort didn’t didn’t even recapture which was also good but you know what fre Rook why

    Not and then he took the other Knight bd3 no he took goodness you’re running out of stuff yeah Daniel get a little carried away there with all these squares on the on the queen side I guess with hindsight this bishop takes B5 turned out to favor white to play one

    Of these we weirder slower moves like Rook to C7 CU here it looked active but rapper just has more pieces in the danger zone and yeah Freeman was lost quickly so rort three out of four so far crushing the tournament absolutely ding has played A4 meanwhile in his game trying to grind something

    From this ending yeah interesting that kimer played Rook d8 didn’t go for the repetition he’s kind of tricked him now cuz after A4 Knight A6 there’s no King A4 anymore so you have to go back so you have to put the King on A3 or something Vincent wants more then I think Vincent

    Wants more now yeah he’s an ambitious ambitious fell do you know else is an ambitious fell Sebastian Sebastian Sebastian which Sebastian fella over ambitious You could argue does he still play I don’t know I don’t of course a long time he is a fellow who was embroiled in some controversy a few years

    Ago was a controversy you trolling no I didn’t think it was that controversial Sebastian fella yeah wasn’t it ah you established right yeah there’s that of course yeah so Vincent whenever I think of Vincent uhuh I don’t think of vanov which Vincent do you think of Cel Cel

    Yeah good actor yes we all know laan is your favorite movie it is of all time great movie it’s actually up there with one of my favorite movies Vincent kimer 94 and he’s feeling he’s feeling it so if you go F3 he wants to flick in A5 check this is the key Vision

    Took Intero inter medo cuz if King B5 Knight takes C3 is check and if you go back to B3 now I can take on D5 and or you can go check but yeah you can go check what is this and then take it’s just losing for white this is

    Just losing the king is awful on A3 yeah E4 no no no this is bad the Knight can rout to D6 it’s just a little bad no I’ve got a I’ve got a weird feeling here that uh that VIN questions compy says why should bail out

    Now with your C5 similar idea makes a lot of sense but yeah yeah not something not e no I don’t know if ding’s going to do that but we’ll see C4 played by MV by the way yeah which apparently is a massive mistake natural but computer really hates it here Queen

    E3 Rook F3 what queen E1 or something or what queen D2 it looks like a mess I don’t know I mean it might be bat but I know why he would be it’s this move this impossible move KN reach this position earlier Knight

    F4 don’t ask me why so if I take I I take on D6 and you just have everything hanging even with a check there’s just nothing to do this is hard to do you have to find Knight F4 a while a while away which is not easy maybe you don’t

    Have to maybe you can go here just attack the pawn without any mhm any craziness but no after C4 Magnus plays Bishop C2 he doesn’t want any part of this mess trying to keep things under control and that gives Maxim another chance to transposal this line we were looking at

    Earlier with takes takes takes takes take on F2 and things should be roughly equal but anything could still happen Knight C5 looks sort of PRP insisting on making stuff happen here but then the Knight is bit offsite in in this action I don’t know it’s actually it’s all very

    Complicated to me I have Rook F3 now we can take mhm and if B takes C4 yeah and now Knight C7 exists and Rook takes D6 still random but here with a weak black king this is not so surprising but twice should be better Al four looks nice wow big Clash

    Here Max must be extra motivated after having play F3 massive massive moment massive moment Knight C5 he’s going to do exactly what we said he put the King on D6 E4 and Vincent his big favorite what bad wow thing is playing Just dreadfully huh Vincent’s nodding sorry Vincent is nodding yeah

    When Vincent starts to nod you you you pay attention Rook D6 but he doesn’t take play is Rook D6 he wants E4 anyway or what yeah not sure of course taking and UND doubling the pawns is a bit content to but it looked very strong yeah just but you’re getting so much

    Momentum D6 plate Bishop D1 by ding trying to bring his Bishop to cover as many pawns as possible now that C4 is no longer on PR Rook D5 might still be good but usually you don’t go Rook D6 and then Rook D5 so what’s he going to do

    E4 I think E4 Rook takes D5 uh I thing is maybe Vincent is also not realizing that he’s better according to the computer maybe just wants to sit tight do nothing no I know I wouldn’t be too surprised but something like this yeah he’s got no risk now or at least very

    Little actually maybe it’s just zero risk here for black if you just sit I don’t see how white can ever win but maybe black can’t ever win either maybe it’s I think he’s going to go for it I think he’s going to go for it E4 either this or the next move I

    Think he’s going to go for it I don’t think so no okay all right right we got to get these Diet Cokes down from six years ago we got a Diet Coke n I’m off Diet Cokes okay um what do you do nowadays water water yeah just still water off

    The tub all right I’ll we can I’m on a journey okay you’re on a journey mhm to valala don’t know what’s going to take me open to everything there’s just no way Vincent just passes here I think he see he feels the moment a lot about Chess is is feeling the moment

    Uhuh and I think he feels the moment but he’s going to give it a good thing which is the correct thing to do so once you feel the moment you should think yeah um feel feel first think later yes MH in you feel it’s not the moment you

    Should not think or like no you should still think so you should always think think first but you just said feel first feel first think after whether your feeling is good or bad okay so if you feel the moment you should think and if you don’t feel the moment you should

    Also think correct that’s some some advice boys and girls correct sometimes you can feel the energy of your opponent like you can see ding’s nervous energy as body language it doesn’t look thrilled yeah he looks really nervous and this is what I would be picking uph and whatever move I would

    Play next I would play in a sort of your decisions are often based on your opponent’s body language right I mean it’s it’s big big effective for you then yes the position of the board yeah the moves themselves in the Magnus andv game were headed down this road we were talking

    About they got this end game andv canot take on F2 you can also play some other move it’s a pawn take it and seems like it’s still roughly equal even though some potential fireworks the mainline went something like this I’ll just check King H7 important move takes takes takes D6 Bishop G4

    And Tiny Plus for white but Maxim is about to not take he wants to I don’t know move the Rook looked like he was getting ready to play like Rook A8 no bishop8 oo a little bit passive but okay covers the square gets out of the defile maybe he’s preparing B H5 nice

    Maneuver I was Magnus I would play Rook D2 cover the pawn but I’m not do you remember when you played youran Solomon but it wasn’t your hand Solomon yeah I remember cuz I’m being asked about it every day no you’re not 2015 are you yeah really ruin my life basically

    Ruined my life minutes no it didn’t it’s painful he made you famous yeah that’s kind of Fame you want to you remember when Magnus beat you with a different account isn’t that funny he used an IM account and the IM played better than the IM would typically play hilarious and yeah not over

    It one of my favorite Clips by the way I know really I’ve watched it quite a few times I know you have some weird I don’t know what to call it FES what watching you get beaten by Magnus okay he all right Vincent come on this is

    Your moment come on he got take he’s going to do something with E4 I don’t know how he’s going to do it but he’s going to do it I think he’s going to take take K D6 C4 and then go for it with E4 with this white king so badly placed

    Yeah could happen but it’s going to be tougher since he already went Rook D6 yeah that’s the only issue once he put the Rook there it’s much hard to even think about capturing on the next move he’s taking a big big time out here that’s what I like about

    Vincent he he invests I’ve noticed already when he really identifies critical moments critical positions he gives it SP time in the critical moment but then play Knight to A6 well this doesn’t change very much but um doesn’t it well Bishop C2 what’s the move back I don’t think he realizes he could

    Be better I think he’s just trying to keep it together he wants go Knight C7 that’s what I was thinking Force The Rook trade like this and put a king on C5 and then you can put the Knight on D6 and keep shuffling yeah and then um white has to put a king

    On B3 and a bishop on D3 and then you’re trying to look for a zook but there isn’t one right no I don’t think there is one yeah interesting idea can white no white has to has to exchange Rooks well no well yeah you do sorry I

    Mean you can go D3 but it’s the same so Bishop C2 played Knight C7 takes takes I’ve got an absolutely in no it’s just too insane I’m going to get killed for suggesting it anyway how ridiculous and it is ridiculous but how ridiculous after KN C7 is Bishop E4 one more

    What Bishop B4 Bishop E4 Sor yeah probably fair and takes takes with the pawn and now it looks complet insane I want to get my king to yeah I wanted to go put my king on C3 just in time that’s completely lost what are we

    What we do yeah yeah no I know I just thought is there any element of a fortress here but there’s just not it’s just so insane I I can’t even believe I suggested it okay well we get this now space Knight A6 now he wants to go back make up your mind Vincent

    Why is it going here now it’s not like this Knight is doing very much okay maybe it doesn’t matter white has to wait anyway but it looks like cuz Pawn in games I guess are fine for white yeah oops MH yeah you got enough Tempe here to waste as

    White yeah even if you lose a pawn it’s still not oh over no actually it is oh there’s a B5 that’s now B5 is coming we don’t want that but we don’t have to so then goes G4 but hang on G4 can’t be on love maybe that’s some of this

    Tempe that we need it for later Knight C5 played why is G4 such a big deal I don’t get it Bishop C2 E4 should go somewhere and now and you’re in we’re running in now we’re really in with the pawn G4 no this is massive oh wow G4 was a mistake G4 big

    Mistake thing why is I’m still confused so if we just wait King B2 no you put the bishop on C2 King A3 then there’s nothing King A3 after G4 Knight C5 wear in s yeah likez this position with the PA on G2 was fine G 4 is not here H3

    H6 H4 has some sort of mutual T that’s very complicated now H5 takes King C7 and still e4y to give up all your pawns that’s tough that’s tough if we see that that’s going to be game of the round that would be very spectacular you give up I don’t know how

    Many pawns you already Pawn down you give up two more pawns then you make a quiet move and then you win that’s pretty sick special huh look at these white pawns by the way in this position have you you don’t see it every day that white is three pawns up in a

    Bishop night end game his move and he could to resign get it we could get it H4 he has to go H6 you have to go H6 sorry was it H5 sorry H5 is also good to it’s H5 G5 no earlier we had H3 H6 H4 H5 so here

    Was H5 and if G5 G5 oh I can just take create yeah it’s over actually it’s just immediately over I just take the bishop sorry it’s immediately over H5 is very tough no no he’ll find H5 he finds H5 H5 takes King C7 and Su it’s very

    Sick also that yeah E4 breakthrough wins for black but he could find it no he finds it I have faith seems very very difficult as John F Kennedy once said if been I’m believer fny because he said Bina right but you changed it to a Believer because because

    I believe in I thought that was you like Murdoch Mok rert no what am I thinking of another guy I was thinking of Moulder from X he wants to believe uh David dof that’s Jillian Anderson that’s the go can’t remember anybody else I think was just those two

    Bigcoin wow never watched X that takes me back the xas I can remember the intro music why is H5 so important if we go King C7 also wi also wins yeah everything he goes H5 been I’m believer wow I knew it GH and now he finds King C7 trust

    That was a sick part where you have to well there are no other moves just wait and then but there are no other moves there are no other moves it’s it’s not like you can move the Knight here I’ll be I mean you can but I’ll be very

    Disappointed oh he’s giving him Vincent look yeah the quick look King C7 Bishop moves E4 this is so natural didn’t say he never seen that movie don’t look up keeps no he’s never seen that movie he seen it he moves the king good good enough so the last hurdle is if the

    Bishop moves which it will do you go E4 yeah you just do just with it you just do I mean it’s so natural there’s just you you park the King on E5 F4 there’s no breakthrough it’s it’s just beautiful I’ve never seen anything like this where you just you’re literally

    Three pawns down and just totally winning just totally winning quietly amazing clearance sacrifices what is bad Bishops can be yeah this is like the perfect game to show model good night bad Bishop yeah it really is I’m going to be using this where where yeah for my own

    Purposes you know some people they still well some people still watch me and or want to learn some stuff like where can people watch you they can’t watch me but they could sometimes they want to learn you know so I can still teach them so you have a full-time job and you’re

    Still a CH chess teacher from time to time I do some chess lessons yeah when do you find time for I don’t the the pleasures of life do you I there are no Pleasures dance or are you are you out there like no Pleasures wow no nothing

    No life is this is my pleasure being here with you I know not really but it is well this is your holidays it is my holiday correct it is my holidays this is brilliant what a player wow a German World Champion wouldn’t that be great press we haven’t had one since [Laughter]

    Yeah you have to know a guy this is a bit like the firm this game yeah this is just beautiful I mean this is the king come move because then we drop the pawn the bishop has to go somewhere or you can throw in H6 doesn’t matter GH H5 BL

    Just keeps waiting till the bishop moves anywhere really that look there’s his breakthrough takes no matter how white takes it’s very unfortunate actually cuz now you’re not time to go F4 build a wall cuz this holy I mean this position is just so beautiful King just goes L just take all

    The all the pawns and there’s nothing you can do yeah you need way too long you can try and come back and we take F3 I guess no we don’t even take anything apparently no this is too much this look at this Knight D3 we PA game three pawns

    Down no no no this is beautiful no this is too this is like retire from chess stuff no this is too much this is amazing Stu no this is too much I’m sorry let’s bring the Knight you know what p n game three pawns Down cast

    Miller is this in your book caraston if you’re watching this is this is going to be in your book holy cow no we take all the pawns wow that’s that’s just too much W Vincent knows as well by the way there’s been action in Magnus against MBL we should go there

    Yeah but briefly we we want to keep watching the Zend game so after Bishop E8 Magnus went F4 very aggressive Bishop H5 hits The Rook Rook goes ef4 mistake what is this all these sick tactics today Knight C7 why exactly and he spots it wow Knight takes Rook takes D6 that’s it GG

    And if King H7 E5 check holy cow got Rook F7 E5 E5 oh my goodness guy is really producing masterpieces today and the point is after Rook G7 Rook H6 King G8 now finally reclaim the piece with mass takes and either takes or check wow the check is so pretty as

    Well now that’s it that’s going to be GG what a move Knight C7 Knight C s Take a Bow Magnus Carlson oh what a day for mvl he’s going to write this one off this one goes straight in the bin rough day at the office rough day at the office for mvl

    Today Knight C7 that’s beautiful that is stunning okay Bishop C6 on the board in the D are we going to go time for Vin has to play he might go King D6 first cuz he get then to square one he’s definitely going E4 thinking about it big

    Moment Vin K that’s what we call him actually yeah everybody calls him V I’ve never heard that in my life oh it’s it’s what they call they they yeah people E4 played beautiful Vin K on fire giving ding little look yeah this is such Peter is going to be so happy

    Watching this at home Peter’s having a heart attack there waiting for E4 happen I’m actually happy that he’s not here he would too much for be way too emotional yeah Fe King D6 only move here comes the king Bishop D5 only move basically or Bishop A8 actually maybe

    But doesn’t matter what a useless Bishop can’t attack anything can’t defend anything what can Okay so let’s so Bishop back to C6 can I just take on e4 or is it too premature no I can can cuz I just take F5 and it’s just it’s just

    Really over have no I I mean I wouldn’t even go King F4 here it’s good and then this drops wait and if takes takes C5 takes King B3 King F4 King C4 to King B3 you can also just shut the door with King D3 D3 oh my goodness what a a lesson in

    Domination King and pawn Rook versus knight uh Rook vers sorry Knight versus Bishop what a lesson in Domination we’re going to get three to size results very much looks like it what a round I’ll honest I I haven’t been this excited about around since my second year at

    University oh yeah wasn’t sure where you were going to go with this I thought maybe Rocky V Apollo create something rest in peace y wow we’ve lost a lot of good people this year okay what we got going on here we got a lot of moves Rook G1

    Bishop ah this is just a piece yeah he decided not to go down passively and a typical Maxim St yeah but F3 Knight F4 is just decided to go for Bishop G4 One Last Stand but it’s not working no F3 what is the cleanest way against F3

    F3 he has to go f F3 Rook F2 Rook F2 logically Rook G2 just Rook F1 I guess mhm and there’s a pin oh my can’t go F2 oh that’s brutal so he goes Rook F1 okay now we need just a good move yeah just Knight D4 Knight D4 is so clean isn’t

    It yeah this is over peace up in Mr Carlson’s hands should suffice what king C2 I think he goes Knight E4 reorganizing here cuz he’s also threatening B5 yeah F3 King C2 and you’re pinned yeah it’s not enough to work with here for mxim let’s look at the final stages

    Of the Vincent game just going to he’s winning the race what a game he blundered oh oh as as I said it what’s going on King B3 King F5 what did he do C5 BC King C4 he had to go to G4 he went King E4 it was was still

    Complicated why is E4 losing uh why is E4 drawing let’s figure this out king here F5 C4 F4 C4 f46 F3 C5 F2 C6 F1 this is a draw apparently in what universe is this a draw this is the sickest position I’ve ever seen this is a draw no

    Way no way on the board C7 this is absolutely brutal and apparently this was winning with the King on G4 can take the pawns and win the pawn in game oh my goodness now seems to be a draw this is sick this is actually one of the sickest position you have Che

    This we can keep giving checks but then the king probably hides on A8 and but I can even take a pawn here right like I can even play Queen takes A4 and play that Queen ending and I’ve got good chances that’s a draw no no no no no I

    No why is it a draw I take the pawn on a no problem is you can’t get closer cuz the pawn controls the B5 Square no but what I’m saying Yan is I take the I understand it’s a the I understand theoretically it’s a draw but I think

    Practically like if I put the queen on D4 and just play A4 and your king is on A8 I’m still going to win that position a lot okay looks fairly drawn to me this is just like never fairly drawn all right like there you have to worry about all the queen D5 checks

    Randomly blocks no a that what you’re talking about okay wow you just have this random H6 you haven’t calculated Queen D5 at all like it’s just like Queen ending with two versus two this is a weird what two versus two it’s one versus one and I

    Have a pass pawn two vers two yeah okay okay this is absolutely draw but yeah this position is a draw it’s just insane strange and and yeah and this was hard to anticipate cuz normally you just calculate that you get your queen first and then you stop yeah you had to go for

    This 21 and then the same way now you can go for any pawn game yeah the difference is you just go behind and you just yeah I mean just take the want wow Queen it’s pretty sick that even here you know time is this just a draw how is this even

    Fair oh sorry you have this losing yeah we have to Queen sorry this mouse is not agreeing with me feels like it’s close but and You by one tempo no white is just in time yet to take b a pawn see take take yeah SMS that’s absolutely brutal that this

    Is one tempo as well oh my God okay just just don’t put the King on B6 no no no no that loses that’s the only trick wow and tce just time yeah that’s pretty pretty sickening wow poor Vincent cuz it was such a modern Masterpiece he was playing and we talked about this

    Position with three pawns down and then he gets Wing position by walking in here by the way it wouldn’t surprise like after King E4 a lot of players might just resign here as wide by the way yeah push see what happens holy cow it’s a key factor that

    There are a pawns on the board so the queen can’t go to B5 Drive the white king into the corner I think he’s going to end up going for that a porn ending and I think the the odds of him winning are still yeah you’re still just as wrong as you were

    Earlier well am I by poor Vincent I’m a Vincent I’ll take 10 to one it’s amazing wow yeah he’s going to be kicking himself because G4 of course he just thought everything wins so you don’t even think about it but it was only King G4 wow probably got a rush of

    Adrenaline Rush of Blood to the Head yeah how was Magnus doing Magnus converting oh also not so clear what every game we’re writing off immediately stuff happens he’s got 15 seconds Magnus and mvl laughing mvl with a smirk but look at the move he had to

    Play all the moves are sick today you had to play Knight to H yeah this is just the most like the engine’s broken no it’s a great move M H5 what did he do he went check and King C2 why is this a draw H5 Knight E5

    F2 all of a sudden oh my goodness be careful not to can you Lo Bishop G4 Rook C1 check well he’s going Rook G6 but King H7 but now you have to go take oh my good you can lose if he loses that’s it to might be over yeah yeah he

    Just he might just leave now he just leaves if he loses today there’s just no way he continues I think there is a way he continues I would think it’s 90% actually but he’s got 15 seconds and this is an impossible position Bishop takes D Bishop D1 King

    D2 then King Bish G4 he might still win here King E3 ah King E3 and if I take on e4 probably H oh no I’ve got Rook E2 check uh how do I do this so if I go Bishop D1 King D2 Bishop G4 King E3 Rook e one

    Check King takes F2 you making all the moves in your head or yes Rook E2 King G3 now the question is do I take on e4 or take on B2 is this is what I don’t have clear okay I take on e4 okay yeah and I should make a draw

    Here as black was I cover Rook G6 Rook I’ve got Rook G the king Rook F5 I’m not sure that helps you ah Rook G6 Rook F5 Rook Rook E4 what’s this move and then rookie two yeah okay let’s see okay stay with it King to

    E3 yeah Rook E1 and Rook takes E4 maybe you go Rook E4 without Rook e two well magna’s not going to lose most likely but he might not win this after being a pie up o he’ll be sick probably be underestimated practical chances Max seems still had cuz compy was of course

    Saying game is over wow a tricky guy that is unbelievable Vincent Queen F uh queen of what is going on here he’s gaining some time on the clock yeah his promise he can’t he’s going to win you need the square yeah you you don’t have access to

    It so he’s now realizing it’s a draw and he’s not happy Queen D7 King B8 o BR tough break and of course he’s also realizing that if his King was here the game would be over so he’s kicking himself a little bit the good news for M to has great

    Winning chances in the queen and G if he takes on A4 and some developments here yeah let’s stick with with this one Rook H4 probably it’s just a draw Rook H1 and you attack whatever Pawns are left undefended or Rook G4 same same thing yeah the H Point as a

    Decoy okay so Vincent did take the a pawn and oh I’ll take my 10% thank you very much sir looks winning I think he wins yeah um King H3 just Rook E4 no yeah A4 is Magnus going to grind this out I guess not yeah rookie

    Three Rook e two counter play I like rookie three just to gain a Tempo you mean just force the king back King H4 Rook E4 why King H4 he’ll go King G2 no yeah A6 also ah this is the professional way ah yeah now you make the Rook passive

    Now Rook E6 and Rook B6 go do you have to be careful now rookie four check and rookie six will be played yeah could go rookie six he wants to force it things going Rook E6 he’s going to go Rook E4 Rook E6 100% right again really can’t have wi vincon winning

    This yeah Rook C5 Rook B6 it’s just should going B6 to check okay it’s a draw of course but I think he’s going to come with the king king F5 Rook A6 King E4 jettison the uh the H Pawn meanwhile uh no he he goes backwards wow oh draw and D versus

    Vincent it’s a bit surprising to me cuz I thought this end game no but he has he has the was that um yeah tough break tough tough break for Vincent kimer who yeah played the Masterpiece and then when he thought it was over when King E4 which

    Looks winning because he Queen first but study like fashion this was not losing while after King G4 D could have resigned and would have fairly shortly after so when we thought we were getting three decisive games we might just get one just might just get the

    One cuz this is also I think this fairly straightforward draw you put the pawn on H2 and chill chillax yeah this is an easy draw there’s nothing even to really worry about now wow what a round huh unbelievable round poor Vince Paul Vincent that’s poor Peter Leo Paul Peter

    Leo we should mention Peter Leo was supposed to do com commentary here but he got sick so he couldn’t join us um and he’s also Vincent Ker’s coach Mentor advisor and Peter’s one of the few guys in chess who care like we are pretend we care we’re rooing for this guy but Peter

    Actually cares deep I okay you you and Peter and that Peter actually cares deeply and of course he’s rooting very hard for Vincent every game so this must have been a roller coaster H2 King D6 will be played one last try C4 C4 played actually no you go Rook B4 here right

    And know Rook B before King D6 and your Rook is stupid um what you do here actually H maybe you just come with the King to C8 but King D5 and you have to start calculating or what what are he calculate I don’t know what did he do Rook D2 ah this is

    Good this is the way this he has chess culture yeah he really does this is the way and now the king the king sits C5 King comes to C8 and it’s 85 and you just chill and when the king comes to E3 you go Rook A2 at the right moment can even do

    It now what you do when the pawn comes to A7 you can even do do it now Rook A2 ah Rook A2 C6 one last trick yep but Maxim goes Rook D1 he’s such a sicko he gives up the pawn wow showing off that he can this is really

    Showing off hold these forms this is really showing off wow I mean I he didn’t do it to show off he thought he was dangerous to the a so Rook H6 and just but if he loses he’s going to really hate himself yeah I’ve seen people lose this

    Plenty I mean it’s a draw everybody learns that f&h or ANC is a draw especially with the King cut off like it is yeah and you have plenty of checks when the king here the pawns aren’t arranged and the scariest battle formation but still no now it’s decision

    Rook H6 plate yeah magnos ah he he can give he can give endless checks set these squares cover oh my goodness how sick is that you can just give checks the King goes to E7 and then there rook and then no you can still go even the

    King of PA is the king of Pawn winning a drawing no it’s lost uh because a is yeah say he goes King C7 wow but you’re kind of I don’t know I’d lose this 100 out of 100 no Rook A1 Rook A5 yeah lose Rook D7 check King E6 King C6 is

    Just yeah that’s nice that’s just for sick sick humans I like it yeah cuz you cover A7 that’s really beautiful but Rook A1 is there yeah the king is just the side there’s just nothing to do now actually cuz Rook A5 is just a you can lose with white with King E6

    For getting Rook takes A6 it’s not that simple wow what was that what happened Rook A1 Rook D6 yeah okay so what do you do against Rook D6 I don’t know I guess nothing but it’s far from E he all this oh my goodness R H1 no he’s going to

    Lose if he loses this he’ll really be disgusted with himself because there was so many ways he didn’t have to be cute at all in that ending there were a thousand ways just to get a simple loot um fador yeah aw he might hold it’s still a draw but there’s all kinds of

    Trickery and Rook H1 I would find it but A7 now is a threat all7 takes that Rook D7 winning the pawn in game Rook D6 played this is it or did he play Rook F6 oh no he went Rook F6 now Rook A5 works I didn’t manage to ask

    The question that was the one question had to ask Rook D6 Rook A5 a s now it’s simple again oh man magna’s going to be kicking himself let play Rook D6 wow you played Rook F6 that’s really uncharacteristic not yeah not asking a question oh it’s just over no take the

    PA wow he’s going to be sick Magnus to not win this he’s going to be really really really upset what around lot of drama started early with Daniel fredman getting his pieces all tied up against rort and losing Dan Vincent kimer looked like he was on the way to create a modern Masterpiece

    Against ding Len sacrificing three pawns and quietly entering the black position with his King and yeah draw great there Magnus was a piece up against mvl and also draws so only rapper will be happy after this round maybe Ding and mvl for saving it but o there you go uh

    Rort with the only convincing victory massive chance missed for Magnus Carlson after finding a beautiful tactic uh and a massive chance missed almost a a model game from Vincent kimer just uh an error at the end in a position where it looked like you could play any move and it won

    But that just shows how tough chess is you have to be precise until the very end and with that the standings after four rounds Richard raport out in front by a hole Point followed by mag Carlson Vincent kimer and ding Len Daniel fredman and MBL at the bottom of the table yeah no

    One except for rort is going to be happy like but yeah was a lot of spectacular games and there are still six rounds three days of these games to come and then there’s going to be the playoffs first ver second third ver fourth fifth versus 6 but yeah what a round Lawrence

    It’s been a pleasure to see you again sorry that I’m so toxic and negative all the time I do mean it but I’m still sorry about it I know more of this tomorrow looking forward to it uh we’ll be back same time same place hopefully

    With as good as well as good at the action as we had today would be fantastic what a round we’ve had especially that last round see you all tomorrow Bye-bye N N Oh I N A [Applause] [Applause] W Spee spee


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