#1000w #adventure #bafang #bicycle #carrera #cycling #ebike #ebiking #electricbike #mountainbike #Leicester #canal #bafang


    Hi guys welcome to the channel today we’re up in Leicester there’s Leicester city football stadium yeah so was up in the area so I thought I’d ever jump on the bike blast around see what’s happening in leester cycle P up here yeah I’ve been here a couple times before and

    Uh thought why not bring the bike see as I’m passing through here let’s see where this one takes us did type in on Google local TR or Woods near me so let’s see what it does oh my guys give me a b chip these this yeah know like PA just stops just left

    Road and then it just starts again oh you got to love it I mean you don’t feel safe in this bike path by any stretch of imagination here I mean couple of slabs in between you and the traffic then it just stops so you expose there again

    So yeah I love the way it just starts and stops randomly one minute you’re on the path next minute you’re literally on the payment what is it one or the other there’s a little bit more consistency in the paving here but it’s rough man ah anyway little bit of

    Terrain you got the old magic pedestrian H I love them pedestrians all right let’s get somewhere that’s still a good start coming out with me go just Google Maps thinks some a car at the moment so let’s just see where it takes me say just up here

    Have to s that from mud guard again hey actually get in there let’s have a look ideally I want to be on the other side here so how do I get around there not this way stre let’s have a look like a little bridge over here for

    Got there do right let’s check it out and yep so it gets me on the other side let’s use the pavement here cuz can’t see where I’m going it shows a picture of the let’s have quick look down here M rout oh this is lovely imagine this little Canal comes

    All the way around imagine having that outside your window every day this is really nice this is what makes it worthwhile bringing the bike I’m going have a look all over the place here where I can um get to well someone’s lost their little bones that it’s caught fire at some

    Stage that’s a shame there a real shame look at that Bumble hole W can imagine that’s on some travels oh it’s absolutely cakeo water on the left side ah anyway hope everyone else out there enjoying rides around and I’m always scouring YouTube to um find videos

    So if you are posting I’ll probably find it oh oh this is Muddy as hell all this is not going to be too fun didn’t really want to go down there but just take my time it’s cuz we’ve had so much bloody rain which is normal but someone’s hel a little kids

    Helmet it’s annoying it’s annoying that we have so much bloody rain and when the summertime comes along it’s uh never long enough I see videos out there you guys have got sunshine nearly every day in some places even if it ain’t hot Embrace that sunshine I tell you what we don’t really

    Get it here enough yeah I’m not I’m not bombing through none of this I say it’s good to have good set of tires like sliding all over the place to be fair don’t particularly want to be covered in mud but fuing help I will a look at this

    Wo it’s a lovely little bit of canal is it it’s a shame about the m is it look like it’s some up there on the cross it’s not much better proper slow around here W Jesus ni bit firmer here nice I’m just going slow in this one cuz I don’t want to get

    Covered this guy’s on for it he see some TR through the woods there again I know I say it a fair bit but you can tell during the summer time these will be fantastic to ride down and I will pop in the video the name of the place across the top of the

    Screen you know what I think I’ll find the exit here and go all the way around and come back con through it from where I came in a minute ago and then see what that takes because I can imagine the uh the Woodland there or whatever that is

    It’s going to be the exact same ah Thorns dreaded [Applause] Thorns know while just done this all the way down look at this that’s some ducks someone else enjoying the ride oh this is lovely look at this steps going down as well supposed to be like one of their

    Little cut through from them up here this is where the boats come in and raise the water up so they can continue on or down see might fly off don’t even want to think out at the back so should be pretty good thank you oh have a little H bridge this is lovely

    This is look at this so what this is brilliant cheers and left the football ground again a so I came around the other way didn’t I you see it was on the right side now it’s literally facing us yeah interesting this how a far this goes on I can see far enough enemies

    To make sure it’s safe a little bit slow down not scary Wildlife just take it easy ah some rers supposed to be L the Rowing Club here we go not my thing but they get great F right through that cheers guys This is I wonder how far this actually goes down this is I can see this going down quite a way I don’t want to go too far boy got bear in mind I’m not from ler can getting lost up here but just give some up here let’s see where I

    Am I can come back down so want to see exactly where I am this it is aesome yes so I just had a quick look on the map and see that it went quite a distance down quite Fair away so we’ll just go the floor for a minute see where it takes

    Us see have side up ahead just take it nice and easy friend folk as well here’s some more RS clearly enjoying the water nice nice Fe the birds let’s make a PA here we go we CAU up oh was not an electric bike they both are right in parallel Brave

    So I was going to say some lovely swans thank you thank you this come help around hey what this is not bad loads of space for riding around here think these two no there guys so going to follow these for a minute both on um Hub

    Motors you see this is how you move around the city this is brilliant ton of construction going on yeah sorry I’m not talking too much this time guys it’s just uh I’m just taking e in as Well swiping that’s a big dog Bo that’s a big dog good dog looks evil she said it’s fine I love dogs well that one just looked a bit I don’t know scary there man yeah I’m going to come back the exact same way what a lovely path to ride I mean

    Look at this up in Lester guys check it out there on friendly there’s been no issues there tons of other little paths to go off on I’m just going in a straight line to be honest cuz uh I’ve got to get back as soon as I get a phone call but this

    Is this is a load of fun honestly let’s get it in a log here and this have it pulling me up here easy load r space shitload absolutely lovely I go back all the way around it’s like nice big circuit You’ got here you can see on the left there that

    People made their own little tracks little donut tracks and I’m just gliding down the hill no no power no pedaling no nothing yeah that’s where we came through that’s the other part but I can see it’s covered in mud look up not paying any attention that young

    Man I’ve just dropped it down into like second gear or up into second gear if you like just takes all that extra strain on the motor away so when you do touch the thr throttle sorry he do a thr it’s it’s near enough inant look at this he coming through on the

    Right so I think we came down here thank you that looks like a little that’s prob look soaking wet man Curiosity has got old of me I’m interested to see what this is can’t come oldest man I ever nosy around yeah it’s got PS and stuff yeah yeah it’s a quick blast

    Run ah yeah let’s let just show you the slid up here so you see exactly where that is rough here so between oh it’s on route two gby 63 that was that beautiful little bit of waterfall bit there look at that swans over there a look at that another little Hub motor

    This is what you call Canal run thank you you know my guys always be polite cost nothing it’s a nice cruise down the bement here on the canal sorry beside it here I think that’s where I came back in a minute ago that let them through another little Hub motor there

    Seeing quite a few Hub Motors up here these people are using them excellent a little little just reminds me of the canal somewhat where we went uh when I went down to um wol from store Wetlands let’s go around the sky on your left Oh yeah need to go back up oh was this where I came in from ah I could have carried on gu straight down there no been R Port that it was yes this where I came in look this where I came in I Bring me down the back streets of the back streets nice he hey what this is wicked for a bicycle all these little cut throughs this for recycles ah yes that pass little pass the canal I imagine it don’t it won’t take long to get used to a place like this

    And you can find yourself easily navigating your way around just keep looking for that building there and use that as a moer yeah they’re uh bicycle Lanes up been bit a bit off to say the least but having said that it’s in place and there is something there and trying to find

    Right came me back in feeling this there there and yeah the screen turn right hope you enjoyed that little ride around thanks for watching guys and I’ll um catch you next one take care for now


    1. Hello. I'm nearly ready to test my 1000w ebike and was wondering if the shifting is that of a Manual Stick shift like that on a Car? If I shift into a high gear for speed and then slow down should I shift down to a lower speed? The question may be silly as I know it is a Bicycle ,but it is why I'm asking 😊

    2. Great ride a bit up and down with these muddy paths and l think l saw evel knievel ha ha but as I said well done sightseeing around Leicester some think new to watch keep up the good work

    3. 🔥🔥🔥🔥never been Leicester before, thanks for showing us a round ..next time watch out for the mud 😂 felt sorry for you a bit there 😂👍🏻

    4. HI i just bought the Carrera Vengance yesterday and going to order the BBSHD kit this week great minds think alike…What battery did you buy? I was going to go with a Hailong 48v 17 AH

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