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    Right I am at a customer’s house and I’ve just bought fogar battery well in fact I bought two and uh only once for this customer and I’ve got all me kit out on the floor on a fa nice hous in estate thank heavens um I’ve got everything slid to

    The back got everything out got all my boxes of connectors got a box of cable spanners I got this motor home to replace the solar on because the solar is uh 30 WS just not worth that got me trusty little bike torch so I’ve managed to trace all the cables and I’ve

    Got a hole there which I me just made a little bit bigger because I don’t know whether you can focus on this cable here right I mean look at the size of that cable compared to my thumb let’s get it against the white there that’s the the size of of the

    Cable for the solar and there’s two cables inside that it’s like an aerial FL aerial cable it’s got a one down the middle and a braided on the outside I would have said it was uh a aerial wire but I’ve had to take the interior light

    Down to be able to get behind there so now I have to trace all these cables back through this conduit take this conduit off here I should be able to get that out enough to drop the cables down into there um I should be able to get behind that

    Draw over the top of the heater and it’s going to come out through that Gap there because that’s where the conduit ends up and as I say he’s got a 280 uh ow uh lithium fog fog star drift and it’s going to replace two um I don’t know whether they’re

    Ordinary Leisure batteries or whether they’re agms um if I can get the strap undone with one hand we’ll have a l we have luk let’s have a look it’s 105 Hamp hour and I think it’s just or it’s it’s definitely not a an AGM no it’s not an AGM that’s when he

    Had it 4th of the 9th 23 so but he’s he runs out of power way too quickly but again look at the size of the cable this is this is these motor homes that’s the size of the cable supplying the whole van and one little fuse box down there

    Um this has got even although it looks like it’s a big cable it’s not um it’s got two cables inside it I don’t know if you can see in there just got two cables inside it these two here connect the two batteries cuz he’s as I said he’s he’s

    Got two two of them in here and so I said he just as well take the one battery box out let’s see if I can lift that off yep there’s the other one and it’s done wrong anyway because he’s he’s taking that’s the inverter 2,000 wat inverter the inverter is running on One

    Battery only right and then rely in on this little tiny cable you know there’s a big difference between that cable and that cable so it’s relying on those to he’s draining that one and I it’s being charged by that one you know uh and it I think they only have Mains

    Charger anyway through the sergeant um I don’t know I think they might have a trickle charger through the uh split uh B2B um but anyway he’s only going to have one box now so we we might as well take that box out he has got a make Mega fuse in line

    For the inverter only and just one three little tiny fuses in that fuse box so I don’t know where they’re all going yeah one will be the lights um what’s that one there uh I don’t know what that one turns on and off right but anyway it’s

    Only tiny cable and it’s all spooled up behind so yeah I’m going to take that one out well they’re both coming out and one fog start in there this one will then be redundant I’ll have to move the uh Mega fuse down down this way more cuz that Mega fuse is

    Going to be that’s not going to be long enough this is going to be long enough but that won’t so I’ve got to move it there more roles right yep so that’s where I’ve got to so far and I’m not going to be filming it

    Um I can point the point let me just turn the torch off cuz right cuz I’m going to go up on the roof now and feed feed the cabling through he’s managed to get a nice Square panel uh and I’ve Had It Up on the Roof

    And you know what it has got 5 mil clearance all the way around there you go between there you can see where the bracket I drew pencil marks so I know where to clean off to Sil Flex um from there look you I Got 5 mil there and

    Here it does overlap but that’s the thickness of the bracket so it does miss this one it does still tip up so it fits in there lovely he’s I I can get sort of two fingers down the side of it so it’s not going to interfere with the Skylight so

    Now uh I got a new new entry gland cuz the other entry gland was broken anyway got the cable and I’m going to feed that through there so bear with me I’m going put this on the stand it is very very windy I don’t see if it’ll stay put if

    It doesn’t stay put tough oh this is what they ate right I’ve left the plugs on the solar panel end I marked them as though I knew which ones to cut off and just like to run these through that Hill if I can get them through can’t see who turn the torch

    Off right I’m back I can see the light now and I’m going to walk towards it it is supposed to be directly straight down don’t think I’ve made the hole in the ceiling big enough there that need went then torch is gone nope right one moment

    Please third time I’ve been up and down the ly ladder and is what it is I don’t think made the hole in the ceiling big enough for the fear of I’ve got the one the black one’s gone through look at that didn’t he at least I can see the torch lightning

    Do you know what I just done how do I get him through those hes and I cutting the bloody plugs off and putting a new pair of plugs on it that was your fault find its way through into the floor it’s a beautiful van it is

    Nice so anyway all right back to the job and yeah even that cable that’s the old um solar cable and it look how much thinner than the cable it is so here we go I hope it’s not too washed out for you right this is the solar cable let me

    Take the light to the side of it look the wires are ranging out of it it’s done through a couple of spade Terminals and the the blue wire is split there and that’s for the factory as far as I’m I’m aware but even the blue wire

    Is bare the red wire’s be up there and it’s just crimped in there wow I managed to get that enough now that I can get the cables down into the into that box there um that’s the under side of the sergeant right that’s it uh look the sun’s come out

    Solar hopefully that’ll be charging mine up right I’ll carry on without you look what he did I don’t know what the time is now but um I think this is the fourth one I’ve had since I’ve been here I know it’s not lunchtime yet there right mppt is down there now and

    I’ve just come taking this battery out and there’s no drainage hole and it’s full of acid yeah right what time is it yeah C past one right I’ve got rid of the old battery box all together now the battery box when I uh took took the battery out uh they

    Were just ordinary lead acid Leisure batteries and uh they hadn’t connected this pipe which is a must when you have lead acid agms or or ordinary uh uh car batteries anything like that anything with lead in it um acid in it wet cells you got to have that and it’s got to go

    Outside right that one both both batteries that I’ve just taken out neither of them had any vents on them that was the one that was in the bottom of the box and that’s what’s left of whatever it is that that was in in the other one and uh so uh obviously lithium

    Doesn’t need ven in like that um so we eventually got it all mopped up with uh loads and loads of uh I’m glad it didn’t go through because it’s a plastic box glad it didn’t go through the box I mean if if it if it would have

    Been lead a um acid on on that Bloody floor it would have burnt into that no problem whatsoever I mean I have got a bit on my fingers but I’ll just go and wash them off now but that was over half an hour ago right that’s all cable

    That’s all wired in I moved the fuse box had to spin it around and face it Forward uh mppt is down there and that that’s in and it’s flashing away is all I’ve got to do now is put the panels on the roof well panel on the roof right solar’s

    All squitch down got a brick on there told him not to forget to take it off before he drives off told him not to move it for a couple of days anyway so that’s all C Flex down can do with the clean this end now he’s got a a c

    Ctec uh main main charger and they come with a little lead well they did honestly they did yeah there it is yeah not that one cuz that’s the Croc one there it is that one I’m going to stick it onto his main van battery so we can charge his main van

    Battery up so that’s next then we’re going to go for the next base dash cam and it once a USB socket really so I got to find I might have to put a USB soet Lo it in for him I’ll find out right that’s everything now that’s all done um dash cam

    In that’s I’ve set it up for him as though it’s on movement sensor as well if anybody gives a car a bang uh it comes on and off with the ignition and goes into Auto record um the cuz he’s got um uh what did I call it I had to connect that to

    The battery to the van battery um uh ech ztec whatever it is battery charger cuz he wants to charge the van battery up every now and then the sergeant I’ve turned the sergeant on and that is charging the fogar that’s all in there nice and tidy now that’s all in

    There um there’s the cover I’m better take that out uh so that that’s all working perfect charger on the wall blood that’s hard to push down so yeah that’s it all done yeah um when I was sat on the seat cuz I’ve I’ve put that cable in all the way

    Around go goes all the way down through and I’ve come out and I’ve come out there so it’s plugged into the cigarette lighter there anyway um the uh my trim my trim uh uh what you call it Splat spatcher um it’s dropped down there and

    It’s of all the places to go we went straight in there straight down the side of the battery and past all the bloody clamps and there’s no way I’m totally unwiring that so that’s it that’s uh that’s all I’m doing oh he’s back down yep so that’ll do It


    1. Thought it was just me who had that problem feeding cables and it getting stuck then remembering the gromit or whatever 😀 Nice job, bet it makes the world of difference for the owner. All the very best, David & Rachel 👍

    2. Thanks kev for doing this job for us.its so difficult to find and trust tradespeople who provide the perfect job from start to finish.Your advice proved invaluable and after using it last weekend it was a real game changer!keep up the good work and hopefully see you again for more improvements.

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