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    #halfmarathon #raceday #triathlete

    Guys it’s race day not South Africa don’t worry That’s guys it’s Reay now it’s not I’m man South Africa don’t worry I haven’t got the dates wrong it’s bar Half Marathon today which is a bit of a lower key event uh than Iron Man South Africa but I’ve decided to lace my shoes up do

    The bath half marathon try and get a relatively quick time essentially what I’ve done is I’ve come off a 2 and 1 half week Peak block of training for South Africa feeling well pretty tired actually I’ll be totally honest uh and then I’ve got a few easier days the Bal

    Marathon lands quite nicely Within These few easier days and then we’re going to do another Peak phase uh over the next few weeks towards South Africa so it felt like a really good opportunity to just lace up the shoes do a half marathon effort I haven’t done an out

    Andout half marathon for years now so um yeah interested to see how I go how I feel the Run form has been been feeling pretty good don’t want to speak too soon but I think we’ll be all Right got the usual race day breakfast super simple oh that’s a bit burn isn’t it oh that looks better let’s head it that way toast and jam and bit of pH as well manag to got myself a last minute entry so uh luckily I’m at the front of the

    Race which is really cool uh won’t be at the front of the race for long don’t you worry about that uh yeah we’ve got some new stuff to test out today which I’ll be totally honest do as I say not as I do it’s not the best idea to test out

    New stuff on race day however it is just a half marathon so you know how bad can it be um I’ve got these bad boys so if you follow me on Instagram you will have seen that I actually got some Nik vaporfly 3s and in the past I’ve used

    The vaporflies absolutely love them for some reason the third model just don’t get on with them at all got really bad Arch pain so if you’re someone who experiences Arch pain especially with like the alpha flies which I did the new version 3 VAP flies are not well they’re

    Quite similar so for me didn’t work so I sent them straight back and I got these puppies which I’ve never used before um but I’ve been training in the A6 Nova blast absolutely love them so I figured I’d give these a go loads of people seem

    To be running pretty quick in them um so they seem like a really good shoe a lot wider and I’ve got quite fat feet so we’ll test these out unfortunately it’s a bit wet today so they might not stay white for for too long now I guess the main thing to talk

    About the main thing you’re going to question is what time do I want to go for that seems to be everyone’s question whenever you mention you want to do a half marathon or a marathon uh so my last um try at this at this event it was a slightly different

    Course and I did a 111 High I believe might have snuck into the 112s so I’ve told myself anything sub 70 I’d be quite happy with to be honest um considering like the training volume and the training load that I’ve had but I do feel like I can do better than

    That uh so like a 68 a 69 I’d be really really happy with um so tactics for this day and this race um there’s a bit of a hill at the end so you almost need to uh positive split it it’s kind of pretty Impossible on this course to negative

    Split so going to go out like maybe around 3 15s 316s see if we can hold that and just try and push on a little bit that should sneak me under the 70 Mark with a bit of a buffer for that last Hill we’ll see that’s the plan

    Anyway uh basically I’ve been given by the coach like you know free reign to just go B to the wall if I blow up I blow up but that’s that’s going to be the goal today is just run hard and you know if if your legs fall off your legs

    Fall off but that’s going to be the goal breakfast done now time to head over to Bath um parking is going to be an absolute nightmare so I’m going to park at one of my coached athletes houses and then we’re going to run in so running in

    With a backpack probably not going to be the most enjoyable experience in my life but we’ll figure out uh and then we’re meeting James there so hopefully he can get some good footage well I mean I say good footage I’ll probably look horrific running round um trying to be as quick

    As I can but we’ll see what we can do let’s crack on uh because it is what quarter 8 now race starts at 10:20 we haven’t got too long how do I feel I don’t know I’ll be totally honest but I’ll see you in a bit helloo copyright music Yeah 6 5 4 3 2 [Applause] [Applause] 1 come on [Applause] Harry How was it I beat I beat Ben um what’s his name Ben is running his YouTube channel is sick actually his YouTube channel so good he came past me in the last I was like no you L [Applause] Don’t the price you pay for having a black bag seem to find the bag this the hard part of the day is finding the bag It split the G or go the whole way yeah how did today go how many point um two shut up 68 something so happy with that got to 15K cred up but man the last deal was pretty horrific so future who’s going to do yeah I think it it was good Training

    Day towards South Africa so and now we’re Yeah rehydrating rehydrating tomorrow’s going to be emotional don’t tell your coach don’t tell your coach don’t put it on my fitness find out not feeling great already very good we’ll see you in South Africa then big boy you can do that like like share and

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    1. It's insane how good you are at running while it's not your primary sport. For reference (I live in Croatia), the best time ran by a Croatia athlete last year was 1:08:02, (with only one more sub 1:10 result). You could comfortably make a living here just by winning half marathons.

    2. i was impressed you beat Ben is running – if you look at his channel today they have taken him as a poster boy for Adidas! I dont know why but from the videos i had seen of you – i diidnt realise you were such a strong athlete. Sub 70 Half is great running. And you can drink Guiness – shit! BTW – Did you see woof woof Skipper broke 31 for 10 km the other week!

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