Some parts of our planet are home to some very interesting means of transportation that are quite surprising to see.

    Bicycles, cars, buses, trains, airplanes… These are popular vehicles that are widely used all over the world. But there are other means of transportation that can be used while traveling.

    History, culture and geographical conditions are among the most important factors that determine the nature of transportation processes and the structure of means of transportation in a region. For this reason, in some parts of our planet, it is possible to come across some really unusual vehicle designs.

    Here are some interesting transportation vehicles from around the world that will surprise you.

    00:00 Intro
    00:45 Suspended train, Germany
    01:07 Coco Taxi Cuba
    01:41 Monte Toboggan, Portugal
    02:10 Maglev, China
    02:31 DUKW trucks, England
    03:04 Dog sleds, Alaska
    03:33 Barco de Totora, Peru
    04:00 Cyclos, Vietnam
    04:28 Ice Angel, United States of America
    04:51 Bamboo train, Cambodia
    05:09 Finish

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    Some parts of our planet are home to some very interesting means of transportation that are quite surprising to see. Bicycles, cars, buses, trains, airplanes… These are popular vehicles that are widely used all over the world. But there are other means of transportation that can be used while traveling.

    History, culture and geographical conditions are among the most important factors that determine the nature of transportation processes and the structure of means of transportation in a region. For this reason, in some parts of our planet, it is possible to come across some really unusual vehicle designs.

    Here are some interesting transportation vehicles from around the world that will surprise you. Suspended train, Germany. This unusual mode of transportation, known as the Electric Tiered Railway or suspended train, is at the top of our list. It is an important part of the monorail network in the city of Wuppertal.

    In operation since 1901, this interesting means of transportation is used by more than 85,000 passengers a day. Coco Taxi Cuba. It’s worth noting that some parts of our planet have very complex transportation systems. For example, in some countries, locals and tourists travel in different vehicles.

    It is often the shape or color of a car that determines who can ride in it. Cuba is one of those countries where tourists and locals use different vehicles. The capital Havana is home to some very interesting and cute vehicles called Coco taxis.

    These vehicles, which are mostly used only by tourists, are very popular because they are faster and cheaper than normal taxis. Monte Toboggan, Portugal. Of course, a means of transportation doesn’t have to have big wheels, an engine or a steering wheel.

    In the Monte region of Portugal, the Monte Toboggan, a 19th-century vehicle, is the number one destination for those who want to go down the high hills of the region in a fast and fun way. These vehicles, which wait in a certain area with their drivers, are roughly formed by

    Placing wicker baskets on a sled-like device. Maglev, China. How does a means of transportation move? China’s magnetic levitation train, or Maglev for short, needs neither manpower nor any fuel. The vehicle on the railway line, built with special magnet systems, moves thanks to the

    Magnetic field and can reach a speed of 431 kilometers per hour. DUKW trucks, England. Some transportation vehicles are interesting because they are not actually designed as a means of transportation. The DUKW trucks that take tourists around London, the capital of England, were not built

    To navigate the tourist streets of a gigantic city, but rather the grim war fronts or mine-filled seas. Designed by the American army during the Second World War to operate both on land and in water, the DUKW vehicles nowadays carry curious tourists, not armed soldiers. Dog sleds, Alaska.

    We have already mentioned that geographical conditions are one of the main determinants of transportation practices and, consequently, means of transportation. Dog sleds, which are still widely used in Alaska, especially by the locals, are one of the best examples of this.

    Dog sleds are one of the few means of transportation that make it possible to get from one place to another easily in the snowy and icy terrain of the region. Barco de Totora, Peru. Some of the means of transportation that first appeared in ancient times still exist today.

    One of them is the Barco de Totora, which you can find in different lakes of Peru, but mostly on Lake Titicaca. These interesting boats made of bamboo branches for the Peruvian people are also works of art. The front parts of the boats are produced as a kind of sculpture depicting various figures.

    Cyclos, Vietnam. The Far East is a geography where “transportation” is indeed quite chaotic. It is therefore not surprising that it is home to some very interesting means of transportation. Vietnam’s famous tricycles called Cyclos deserve a place on the list of interesting means of transportation.

    These “bicycle taxis” with a section in the front for passengers are one of the most common elements of Vietnamese traffic. Ice Angel, United States of America. If you want to go from Madeline Island in Wisconsin to Bayfield in the United States

    Of America, especially if it is winter, the most interesting and safest vehicle you can use is undoubtedly the Ice Angel. Because thanks to the huge air propellers of the Ice Angel, you can easily move over the frozen waters. Bamboo train, Cambodia.

    Norry, Nori or bamboo train is the last on our list of interesting means of transportation. Cambodia’s bamboo trains consist of an independent seat section, four wheels and a simple electric motor that runs on a railroad track.

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