Hear about our MSc Remote Sensing and Environmental Mapping course from Professor Mat Disney.

    Find out more: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/geography/msc-remote-sensing-and-environmental-mapping

    This is a a program that’s intended to introduce students to a wide range of of um analytical tools and computational tools and as well as the kind of the whole um environment of applications in remote sensor first part of it is getting everybody up to speed with um

    The kind of fundamental principles that that everybody needs so analytical tools and methods um whilst introducing them to the to the sort of fundamental principles of remote sensing so the kind of um the physics the engineering you know the background of how we put instruments in space and on uavs and how

    We do measurements on the ground and how we use mobile phones and acoustic measurements and all of these different kinds of new technologies to measure the environment around us and use that to solve important scientific environmental and Commercial and we have a our core modules which include things like um so

    Methods background so so getting it all the students up to speed with some of the kind of basic statistics and uh you know mathematical tools that they’re going to need as well as um scientific Computing so that people can read in data so they can analyze it and produce

    Scientific plots and get information out of all kinds of quantitative data options modules which cover a very wide range of things from things like close range measurement through to um the carbon cycle and um using geographical information systems for looking at kind of coastal modeling and um ocean environments

    Thinking about the atmosphere and thinking about forest and carbon we have um lectures and seminars and we have uh quite highly involved computer practical element lab based you know using pieces of equipment and using different data sources um there’ll be seminars involved we have some traditional examination based assessments

    Uh essays and coursework um collaborative coursework that can involve things like um producing reports it can involve blogs um we have poster based assessments verbal presentation based assessment um through to the the dissertation itself we have you know students doing a wide range of things in dissertations

    And and for students who do really good uh pieces of work on the dissertations we quite often have people go on to public things in in high level journals looking at uh redwood trees growing in the UK and the history of redwoods in the UK and how fast they’re growing and

    How much carbon they’re taking up and how they’re how rapidly they’re growing in comparison to other trees and and Woodlands that have been planted and managed in the UK students using a combination of airborne and satellite data looking at status of urban forests and you know the kind of rate and lo of

    Gain and loss of trees in in urban areas and how that affects um the the urban lived environment people who’ve come through our master’s program are now professors in remote sensing and environmental modeling and mapping people going into government people going into Nos and Charities using geospatial data mapping

    Um a lot of people going into uh sort of geospacial data um commercial side of things Isa the European space agency and NASA um UK government overseas governments Computing based stuff and um system admin and an IT and financial modeling and working in the finance sector so a very wide Range

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