GP Dr Abdul Wahid, who heads the UK branch of the Islamist terror group Hizb ut-Tahrir, was ‘suspended’ by NHS England.

    Jewish News reported that the suspension came after the Government officially outlawed the group last week with Home Secretary James Cleverly branding the group “antisemitic” and warning it “promotes and encourages terrorism”.

    Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned in several countries around the world, including China, Germany, Pakistan and Indonesia and has organised rallies in London alongside pro-Palestine marches in recent months, following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

    Reacting to the development, TalkTV’s Mike Graham says: “We should deport him to the nearest country that hasn’t banned Hizb ut-Tahrir.”

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    Now every now and then here at the independent republic we get something to cheer about and tonight I’m particularly proud to bring you some very good news indeed thanks to my colleague Piers Morgan at talk TV an NHS Doctor Who also operates as the UK head of a baned

    Terrorist organization called hisb teria has been suspended from his job as a GP working in North London Abdul wahed has been practicing as a doctor for more than 20 years and he’s attached to a GP direct practice in Harrow since 200 two but he appeared on Piers Morgan’s

    Uncensered show last year and revealed his true beliefs about the Hamas terrorist attacks on October the 7th he consistently refused to condemn the brutal murders denying that they had indiscriminately slaughtered more than 1,400 civilians and he labeled them a resistance organization at one point he even doubted that the killings and

    Atrocities had ever happened one man’s terrorist is another man’s Freedom Fighter he said naturally Pi gave him short shrift but there was a public outcry that an Islamic extremist with such views could be allowed to continue to work as a doctor in the NHS on another occasion he told a baying crowd

    At a pro Palestine rally outside the Egyptian embassy Victory is coming and everyone has to choose a side whose side are you going to be on he also welcomed Hamas giving Israel a very welcome punch on the nose well speaking of someone who’s seen what happened on that

    Terrible day I would not call beheadings burnings rape or torture as anything being like a punch on the nose this man is abhorent and he has no business being anywhere near the NHS never mind Jewish patients who would be forgiven for wondering what treatment he was actually

    Meeting out to them Abdul wahed is also known as Dr wahed aif sha you’d have to wonder why he needs two names and what else he’s been up to while everyone on the independent republic should rightfully praise the NHS for removing him from his place of work there is

    Nothing to stop him working privately and that surely must also be a concern the General Medical Council must now do the right thing and strike him off their register for good I’d say we should not only make it impossible for him to work we should seize his 850,000 house and we

    Should Deport him to the nearest country that hasn’t banned hisb Tera and that would outlaw most of the Middle East where it is recognized as a dangerously extremist terror group finally the UK prescribed it as such just this year but here’s what I want to know how many

    Other dos of Weds are there in Britain in the NHS in the police in our local councils and attached to community groups all over the country Tony Blair wanted to ban them because of their perceived role in the 77 bombings in London let’s root them out now before they do any more damage


    1. Deport this dangerous moron!
      We don’t want him in our jails cos WE, the taxpayer will have to pay his upkeep, get him on the next plane out of the UK.
      If SUNAK hasn’t got the balls then I suggest he asks the FRENCH how they can do it within EIGHT HOURS!
      SPINELESS ALLPARTY POLITICIANS in this country are the inept fools who got us in this mess and now because they are getting threats for their own safety and their families they now start to squeal about it and sod the rest of us!

    2. These guys have different names. Official, in the house, friends call me this, so many lives lost because of them so much poverty, always playing victims, don’t assimilate. India has been raising this for a very long time but west found these guys to be beneficial allies until they are not. You reap what you sow.

    3. He’s probably still on full pay and nothing will be done because his NHS bosses support him – they hired him too.. He and his family should be deported. Now.

    4. Deport him immediately , or else he will ,make you all fool one day as he called the person interviewing him fool , U.K will one be what Pakistan is today , because it has no control over mulims , jihadist group and refuge .

    5. I WISH Britain had the courage to deport ALL islamofascists living there. Sadly, the political class hasn't the balls to do it. Leading to a breakdown of all that Britain was, now a failing state.

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