🔴Join us LIVE at Montréal–Trudeau International Airport for a Plane Spotting Live Stream with your host, Michael, and our special co-host Jon (FlightSpotterJon)
    March 9, 2024

    13:43 Air Inuit B737-200 to Puvirnituq YPX
    43:35 Air Transat A321neo to Liberia LIR
    1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319 Crosswind Landing
    1:33:55 Air France A350 from Paris CDG
    2:03:11 Arajet B737 Max 8 to Santo Domingo SDQ

    Crosswind Landing
    1:05:42 Air Canada Express Dash 8-400 from Saguenay
    1:08:00 Porter E195-E2 from Toronto YYZ
    1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319 from Halifax YHZ
    1:52:40 Challenger 600

    Cool Flights and Moments:
    13:43 Air Inuit B737-200 3H700 to Puvirnituq YPX
    40:05 Mike and Planespotter John
    43:35 Air Transat A321-200nx TS600 to Liberia LIR
    52:20 Air Canada A330-300 AC845 from Frankfurt FRA
    1:05:42 Air Canada Express Dash 8-400 Crosswind landing from Saguenay
    1:08:00 Porter E195-E2 Crosswind Landing from Toronto YYZ
    1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319-100 Crosswind Landing from Halifax YHZ
    1:33:55 Air France A350-900 AF344 from Paris CDG
    1:52:40 Challenger 600 Crosswind Landing
    2:03:11 Arajet B737 Max 8 DM723 to Santo Domingo SDQ

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    Stream Day: 126

    47 depart A4 32 clear for take off left clear take off left depart air he all right it is Gusty today so we’re going to do our best here until we get completely knocked over which is not impossible excuse ma oh thank you all right let us see what we got Bravo cross

    Char Bravo cross Char in 22 a 737 Max 8 to start the show and that one is headed to to Toronto a Canada 407 welcome to Montreal it is very very windy as you can hear I’m sure we got a 25 knot winds gusting 35 knots it’s uh ridiculous so I have to keep my headset microphone hidden in my in my neck warmer it’s where we’re at right now das8 headed to Billy Bishop currently here Jaz 7954 holy

    Wind sorry I need to adjust these notifications my computer keeps notifying me of things that I just don’t care about I’m going to turn the headset down there we go uh there that’s about there and make sure the microphone is where it needs to be we got ATC

    Going all right we are getting there getting there I’m doing a One camera setup because uh the rain is supposed to come in a bit and uh have to be able to pack up quickly should it start to pour all right welcome folks lovely to have you here it’s uh

    Nuts John can you do me a favor can you just hold this microphone up here I got to go down and adjust that microphone down there just because My all right well it is what it is it’s going to be windy too bad I got to stand in it y’all can listen to it for a bit wish there was a way to anyways whatever Wow all I’m getting is crackly wind over here it’s not crack CL well we’ll stay as long as we can and then uh we may have other plans for us this might be the windiest stream I’ve ever done okay well I think I’m going to lose my computer at this rate

    I’m going to move it in a minute to further down dashy taking a turn this is wild this is theya okay well I’m making a couple of adjustments already this microphone is not sticking around today sorry Road I keep a microphone on top of my camera just for when I have to

    Record certain things and I’m going to remove that cuz we are 87 pardon me make an adjustment here oh I see what happened the wind knocked out the actual microphone plug from the laptop that is unusual wild wild wild things are happening here there we go laptop you stay down

    There I can’t really see what’s going on on the laptop anymore but that’s okay there are worse things that could happen today put that over there I should do we’ll try that all right something like that okay we got a 73700 Air inoy flight 700 I put it down there because it was

    Going to blow off Random Starbucks cup because people like to leave their garbage around here cuz they are inconsiderate Neighbors I looks like a heavy on the other side Beautiful crosswind happening today I don’t think we’re going to see any more of that they are landing on two4 right taking off from 24 left which is where we are looking at right now that’s going to go folks this is going to be a very short stream today just giving you a

    Heads up I don’t think the wind is going to allow the gear to stay today so should be we’ll go as long as we can weather gust yeah all right 73700 s up That’s fine that’s not going anyway I wonder if this acts like a sail and it helps the wind that’s F it’s it’s dirty that’s fine all right how y’all doing folks we are struggling to stand upright here at Montreal these are definitely wild winds going on here Where all right the taxing is beginning now this is probably going to be our last stream to be honest from Yul for a bit tomorrow’s weather is not looking good at all so think we will probably cancel that one head back to Toronto early to get ready for our Monday night

    Stream rj900 headed to septi this is jazz 7988 what is cool is almost a direct crosswind like 90° wind here so we’re going to see uh some corrections to compensate as the planes get knocked around and you’ll see some corrections by me on my feet to try to stay upright as a gust just knocks knocks into the side of

    Us I’m in a lighter setup mode right now so essentially should things get horrendous we can just drag most of it back to the car as is 79 clear left 798 7988 cleared for takeoff two four left RJ 900 left P 112 ready p 11 Republic Republic 45505 you can see the plane getting knocked around by the wind 4 L left L Left 4 oh yeah it’s making Corrections these are guests quarter 112 headed to Toronto Pearson2 355 gusts yeah we can feel them out here today for Sure for welcome to Montreal everybody we are wake turbulence Aviation thank you so much for watching us today yeah ER that’s just how the sound’s going to be we’re in uh 35 knot gusts and it’s overloading everything so I’m not going to risk myself by running

    Up and down to the microphone so that’s how it’s going to be today yeah John and I are both shrugging what do we what do you want to do what are we going to do it’s all good if it’s too uncomfortable um I do recommend uh putting on your own soundtrack in the

    Background of perhaps um soft jazz or something it matches with jazz Aviation so you got little theme going on there but uh no we’re we’re product of the environment that’s the wind we are dealing with y5 you ready to go yeah we’re readying depart theing with little Dash Jaely that correctly we’ll head over and see the dash dash8 q400 As It prepares to depart here at Montreal it’s neat watching the wind knock them around and all the corrections they have to make with the gust it’s uh it’s intense today is intense as the wind comes down the sound gets

    Better there only so much a little wind sleeve can do on your microphone I wanted to take some photos today but I’m doing the video camera here so maybe at one point I’ll switch over and let John do some panning he’s got a steady Hand lot of birds a lot of birds around today let’s uh hope they stay away from the airplanes look at that correction already knocking the tail oh yeah crabbing already bra J ready to go bra J line left Know to R 1963 with you left Right PC2 see how this handles the 193 this thanks for joining us everybody we are Live on YouTube turul Aviation Che out see the channel mostly live streams from Toronto if you want to see any of that but today we’re in Montreal on a special weekend getaway with flight spotter

    John oh look at that wind that is rattling that plane it’s going to get off the ground soon oh look at that wow John look at that crab that is wild fantastic that’s way over my head there Now we’re going to come back to our good friend the wind sock that’s what we’re talking about here today with gusts wh can’t even hold the camera it’s on a tripod that’s kind of gust we’re getting it is knocking knocking us around right to 320 Departure Kristof my pleasure yeah for sure Robert for sure Landing practice today definitely it is uh fun fun times we can watch a little crosswind Landing until it disappears behind the buildings but there’s an a319 coming from Quebec City Rouge 1963 let’s see if we can see it do a little wobble at

    All as it makes its way in follow it as best we can from this far away a bit challenging in the gusts because every time it gust my arm I lose lose it a bit but doing our best here see if this three night oh oh yeah that is fighting those gusts look

    At that I have a feeling we’re going to see a few of these disappear behind the building and then pop back up again with this crosswind I wonder how much mechanical turbulence they get on the other side with the uh the winds going over the terminal good

    Questions that I do not have the answer to that’s making an adjustment here if you’ll excuse me getting rid of this unnecessary table which is not helpful today wind you can rest over here I can see the computer a bit better John this can just rest back here

    There we go that takes a little pressure off the uh the wind the wagon is very sturdy wagon but I had a thing sticking up from it so All right back into a lull lulled into a false sense of security and then we’ll get uh some more aircraft actually I might use this time to slightly adjust where my camera sits just because so you’re G to I’m going to put this up in the sky so it’s less obnoxious for

    You but I want to be a little bit closer in so I can see my uh actually I’m going try something want to see my computer a bit better but also have a little bit more space on my um headset right now it’s giving me playing a bit

    Tight run running out of cord and I’m trying to mitigate the wind oh I just of course chopped that why not why not there we go that helps and then I’ll turn this computer a bit like so it is directly got some sunlight glare but that’s okay we’re we’re

    Laughing laughing and running hey hey along the waterfall with you my big wind plane you my big Wing plane do you remember when turn that that way all right good making some adjustments there we go making it work better I want to be able to see what I’m doing here in a convenient

    Way all right we’re going to have some air transa action coming at us Transat 600 to Liberia on a 321 Neo be taxing toward us love the Neos they’re fantastic great looking planes actually I stand Here My Shadow blocks the glare so I can see the

    Computer oh wow this’s a very windy day folks like I said it’s gusting to 35 we have 25 knot winds at almost a direct crosswind these are tough conditions on the upside we have hard boiled eggs in the car my gloves have seen better days eh

    These are my blue jays mths from like six years ago and the thumbs have now worn out but true I could just turn them into gloves with yeah fingertip L gloves why not just doing a One camera setup today because there’s expect they’re expecting weather later and I want to be able to

    Basically unhook a few things and dash to the car when needed but uh let’s hope it holds off as long as we can so we can get some unique action here at Montreal Airport I doubt we’ll be back tomorrow based on what the weather’s doing but uh stranger things have happened maybe

    We’ll do a quick stop a yaow on the way home grab a couple of photographs of some things and then uh back to Pearson for our Monday night stream weather permitting of course all our streams are weather permitting can’t do much about the weather but we did get the bonus

    Last night which was fantastic nice to come out and do some night spotting here didn’t think we were going to get to do that 321 Neo to Liberia sometimes I like to take some photographs Sometimes for well hello there we are sorry May fix that a bit definitely dressing up for the weather today the wind is uh brutal my name is Michael behind me although you can’t see him it’s flight spotter John he’s here as well maybe he’ll oh

    There’s his face hop in on uh hop in on this side here John there’s John we’re here at Montreal International Airport Pierre Elliot trudo airport doing some plane spotting and uh thanks for joining us we’re having a good time so far we’re actually loving the weather the

    Wind is pretty cool now that we figured out how to not knock everything over with one gust we’re secure we’re good we’re doing we’re doing all right all right I’ll get rid of this screen cuz it’s uh annoying there we go back to the 321 Neo let’s get up in

    Close up close and personal is what I was trying to say I got a face full of wind John you want to do this one yeah so you got you know the zoom this going to be John doing the camera work so if it’s garbage it won’t be

    It’ll be better and you’ll be like why doesn’t John do all of the streams and I’ll be like hey that hurts my feelings I want to see if I can take a picture of the plane rotating so I don’t get to take pictures anymore every once in a

    While right now I like doing the stream though so you can all watch what we’re doing butth once in a while I don’t stream but I’m still at the airport just cuz there’s no stream doesn’t mean I’m not at the airport quite a bit taking some shots of things going to

    Sail I got to stand more in a point if I spread my arms the wind catches my jacket like a sail thanks for subscribing everybody Welcome nice to see you ER always nice to have you on the in the chat there appreciate this a three-year-old plane delivered in June of 2020 to Air

    Transat for takeoff a321 Neo to Liberia hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already give us a like join us on our next live is Tower 52 7 270 win is 60 23 up to 30 turn line CLE two land and two4 right J teams with you on the visual 24 right

    6270 number two you’re the RJ Transit off to Liberia we got a brief calm down of the Wind RJ 900 coming in from JFK on the other side Endeavor air for Delta connection let’s see how this although I’m not getting a whole lot of gut right now which is nice well let’s

    See how this uh how this fares whoops in the in the wind [Applause] today oh it’s Rocking Around Rocking around the Christmas Tree Endeavor having a happy holiday looks like it’s going to make it though tower for your info 190 at 50 knots here I don’t know if you heard that on the tower it sounded like the pilot was reporting 190 at 50 Knots that is windy can5 with on the LS4 right knocked around a bit after a smaller plane coming Frankfurt currently way off in the distance and I can stand I learned how to stand at one point difficult to spot at the moment let me see what I got there it

    Is getting that crosswind though it is getting a crosswind workout this like the CrossFit training for airplanes we’ll get to watch it make its Corrections anyways 190 is not a direct crosswind that’s more of a 60° crosswind but even so it’s more than 45 it’s getting on the getting on Sideways hey

    Look at that crab that is an intense crab right now the plane is moving from the right to the left of our screen although it is viciously pointing to the left trying to make adjustments I can’t loosen the tripod too much in this wind because every little thing will cause it to blow

    Violently Air Canada 845 from Frankfurt A330 300 be landing on 24 right it is a butter machine so now is the test of the butter how sharp and spreadable as its knife this metaphor is getting old but I will never give it up like rastle passengers will be having a great time right Now char 22 2 the flo all right we’re got our last shot here well established there it goes if we see it pop up then gust has done its damage but uh seems to be seems to have landed they got their work cut out for them there it is well these

    Are definitely not calm conditions today here in Montreal fantastic head over to departure we got an 320 Toronto 409 what’s the weather doing in Toronto right now it was raining earlier I called home to see what the family was up to suppose I could Google

    It I was trying to figure out how to turn off all notifications from everything but I don’t know how to do that my computer just keeps beeping at me and it’s like I don’t care about this random email I must have once hit allow it’s every five seconds I’m going

    To the wind doesn’t really affect the camera it just mostly affects the mic microphone so even though I have a cardioid microphone down below the hill with a a wind sleeve on it it’s still uh still affected oh we got a landing I heard that checking in earlier

    Jazz Tower hello Jaz 958 with you visual to far right [Applause] van go thought I heard van go that was somebody in this one checking [Applause] [Applause] in Canada 49 is ready they’re going to be lining Here in Montreal I’m just gonna bury this microphone a little bit not too far though because then it gets stuck in my beard there we go hiding it behind the neck warmer 49 the win is 17 at 26 only gusting 26 right now that’s not so

    Bad that’s a a gentle breeze 26 not gusts the wind is gently batting you on the back or on the side in this case wind is coming from behind me right now here comes a 320 takeoff Tower set jet 764 with you il4 left go 76

    Two4 left so that’ll be on our side and there’s a embre for United Express what do we think Republic is in a Brickyard I haven’t clicked the button yet so we’ll see apparently I can’t click a button without it is Republic without not being able to follow with my camera there we

    Go Republic 3680 headed to new Yark on an ember air 175 for United Express Republic’s call sign is brickyard one of our favorites Although our favorite call sign is no longer flying I say our I mean mine I speak on behalf of the channel I guess so me and me and this inanimate

    Object that is the channel our favorite call sign was dauntless for Lynx air farewell Lyx great views though hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already for more live streams more Aviation content we’re normally live from Toronto Pearson it’s our home base we like to get around John and I took the weekend at Montreal we got a Bonus night stream last night we got

    Today until we get rained out tomorrow looks like a bust but uh we’ll keep keep following keep following we want to come out we want to come out but we’ll see what the weather’s doing if you want to support the show you can send a super chat you can become

    A channel member which gets you uh custom emojis and we’re also having a we have a members only Google meet once a month and uh this month we’re going to have a uh employee of Toronto Pearson’s air traffic control tower who works for NAV Canada he’s a tower

    Controller and we’ll be able to ask questions about what goes on in Towers in general as well as Toronto Toronto’s Tower I know people have questions such as why do you make this decision sometimes versus this decision and what constitutes certain rules and whatnot so join us on March 20th 20th of

    March it’s a Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. eastern time we’ll be an Eastern Daylight time there so that’ll be 2300 Zulu for that members only chat that’s available to members who have purchased a monthly membership for our Channel other than that you can also visit wake turbulence CA and send a

    Tip support the channel anyway you like it’s always going to be a free show I’m never going to charge to watch this show but uh all your support goes a long way cuz it’s uh quite an Endeavor just the gas to get to Montreal good fun thank you for being here folks

    All right [Applause] freaky think that was an EXA chat that was I was watching the brickyard [Applause] 74 headings in new Yark Republic 3680 on an ember 175 is [Applause] 160 24 left 368 thank 7913 is just over at this final for the visual 24 left thank you very

    Much really appreciate that Mel with a $15 tip enjoy your time in Montreal try some s hu be sauce John I just got a $15 tip it’s going to go towards St hu bear sauce John you can’t hear John cuz he doesn’t have a microphone today but he just said oh

    Nice John’s taking pictures today also I didn’t set up the full mixer cuz uh weather is weather is iffy this afternoon I want to be able to make a quick exit if we need to to not uh damage and Destroy things that’s more zoom than I’m comfortable

    With we got a dash eight landing on this side this will be fun we get to see what the wind does to the little dashy on Landing here we go here we go I get to see what this 65 3 16 207 right I see got to look over these things there’s the

    Dashy Canada 833 right that is a crab look at that crab 6 207 right 33 Roger the computer’s live the tablet is delayed check Tower good day 113 uh the visual for Runway 24 left number left the okay clear land and roll to the end Porter one [Applause] 3 ja 7913 from [Applause] 7133 rolling to the end well done dashy Porter coming in on this side Porter 113 from Toronto Pearson on two for left John Porter Landing two far left get to see some more crosswind Landing I know how to stand I can do

    This I put my camera right on this ledge got a little div here so I’m constantly walking into it but that’s okay I haven’t died yet Yet although it looks like I’m working on it I will get to a little bit more zoom than usual but just to watch this crab holy moly where are you going are you getting back on the center line confirm clear land portter 113 thank you clear land no 80° that wind Off The

    Runway we haveing right 3 have [Applause] Apron Jazz 635 uh Bravo 4 for G7 You’re Still Still To that was cool what did yall think of that Landing an internet land thank you Jonathan I miss the uh for the ptin fund thank you Jonathan $10 Super Chat see that on the screen I was so laser focused on our uh on that Crossman Landing really appreciate that Jonathan $10 Super

    Chat for the poutin fund we’ll get some poutin after and some uh St hu bear sauce could you get poutin with st H bear sauce like does St H bear do poutine cuz that would be fantastic cheese curs and St hu bear sauce instead of gravy is there a more perfect combination heavenly

    Really appreciate that Jonathan you’re too kind thank you so much Paul R says the best poutine I ever had was at a truck stop somewhere between pahwa and Pembrook just emerged cold and wet from the east side of Ain Park and it hit the spot that sounds like a good way to

    Uh good way to do that all right j900 Jazz 941 coming in on the North side let’s flip over see how this uh battles the wind and see how I’m battling the wind apparently wow getting blown around here there we go that’s exciting there we go free advertising

    Fore our Canada maybe they’ll give me a deal on a flight one day they won’t they won’t that’s why I’m collecting my points last night I was like John we need to go to this gas station so I can get my points and then it didn’t even give me

    An option enter my card number so I did not get my points that’s okay points will come I used my credit card enough the points credit card right3 right 263 d463 the call sign we learned yesterday for the quter d8 is okay clear line right which is and say wi check again

    Please uh wi check3 that’s the wind that knocked my arm that was a gust and a half think I going to get my hand warmers out soon just to so I can stay stay focused I can’t imagine these planes in the air I don’t even have a ground to hold on to king

    Oh felt that one dash for you know for the middle of the day there’s not many people here at this plain spotting Park it’s almost like it’s freezing cold and windy all right hand warmers coming out 44 [Applause] 63 John giving you the terminal shot and providing some really great narration by the way except there was no microphone on him so I was listening very intensely I’m like oh thank you John that’s a pretty good explanation of what’s going on we’re um very specifically avoiding extra equipment today

    Because sticking those hand warmers up the glove we are live from Montreal Pier Elliot trau International Airport a220 Air Canada 2 uh sorry Air Canada 751 from Boston coming in to Montreal on the other side though two4 right vancat dwat as opposed to V go get a

    Gust I’m pretty stable actually in the Gus 220 doing its thing Okay 7 bra r900 coming in on the other side it’s far away now good question Sandy so most um Canadian airports most I say start with a y and that has to do with father-in-law told me once when they’re making radio stations years ago there was a reason there was a

    Why remember but there’s a reason for it you can look that up and so then the other two letters have to do with the code for whatever reason some make more sense why y YZ is Toronto there is a reason for it it just uh it’s mostly to do with like codes and

    Location codes rather than some airports which are you know JFK LR London Heath if you look at their other code I think it’s the iao or the I I don’t remember which one it is four digits for airp 12 Paul I’ve considered it I don’t uh

    Always know the best place to stand for that so the thing is as busy as it gets Pearson is always busier so if I’m going to go to an airport on a nice summer day I’ll usually just just go to pieron and watch the Jets I would enjoy a Billy Bishop stream

    Maybe as a oneoff but uh I would do that if somebody had a a balcony that could see the the island from like a condo we’ll do a balcony stream but there aren’t too many places I feel comfortable setting up all my equipment downtown yeah I can zoom into you knew

    It there’s not much going on there you go ja 58 4 Charlie [Applause] thank you Alex that’s a that’s a good bit of information thank you the UL and cyl stands for the ADF which is upper lashin Southwest of Montreal there you go there is logic to some of these like

    In terms of location based some not as much but some there is logic we don’t see air eny in Toronto at least I don’t think I’ve seen an air in Toronto we got something coming in on two4 left I’m just going to knock over my chair so the wind is just going to

    You3 action here see what kind of crab situation we’re in a half decent crab in Spanish that’s a Kreo unrelated information that you did not need today I don’t know why I didn’t say it in French oh because I don’t know what it is but I did learn it in Spanish once

    And it became one of my favorite words I was learning Spanish on du lingo and that was one of the words and it gave the English translation not as fun kjo crab put her down that’s going to be a go round maybe maybe not well done I thought that gust was going to

    Wow Standing Ovation from me and John that Rouge pilot dealing with that last minute that was fantastic 392 at that un [Applause] 29 legit thought that was going to be a go around right number three [Applause] See from the outside does not always represent what’s going on in inside so what we think is a go around for much less of a reason could actually be a much more serious reason based on what’s going on in the plane so thank you J just making an adjustment to the

    Here sitting on a hill in these chairs was not a great idea should have been further up the hill but what are you going to do it works it works thank you Lucy we’ll see what happens with the rain hey we are expecting it today so that wind sock is definitely telling

    Us a story about today yeah I did a stream in Ottawa it was uh I mean I enjoyed the planes but as a live stream it was not very interesting not much action so not a lot of people are interested so I’d rather just go and take photos of cool things and stay

    Warm but out busier airports make for more interesting in terms of streaming but I definitely we might go spotting at Ottawa tomorrow but we won’t go live because there’s just not enough happening to make a broadcast it’s like me staring at the tower for 40 minutes

    At a at a time and then people in the chat yelling at me for why is it so dead dead and I have to explain that I don’t control the airplanes I just take videos of them uh the 848 definitely a lot of Border action in ya for sure2

    22 yeah we definitely go to take a lot of Porter pictures do a few little Porter videos but as I said I’ve done a live stream there and it was uh much more convenient for me to just stay in Toronto most of the time and go to

    Pearson but it’s cool to see Airlines we don’t see all that often if at all it’s a long drive too just to have a couple hours of spotting which is kind of what we’re doing this weekend but uh we’re enjoying ourselves anyways doing something different braving the weather seeing what we see

    Yeah well that Gus was brutal whatever that was I felt like 50 knots that was huge big gust [Applause] 73 while off topic although it’s Loosely related to Yul I do agree you Briner was fantastic righte one just enough a and we oh thanks for helping us get to 200

    Likes everybody please subscribe if you haven’t already we got Air France a350 coming in shortly that’ll be on 24 right so we get to see an a350 battle some of these Crosswinds hey Scott embrace the journey everybody thanks for subscribing all the new folks welcome

    Happy to have you here give us a like the more people that subscribe the more people learn about our Channel and the more we get to meet some really cool folks I really enjoy our member Chats on the Google meet got to meet some really cool people hear some cool cool

    Stories it’s fantastic thanks thanks for joining us oh that’s cool Romano thank you thanks for sharing that that’s really neat lot of cool folks I will spin around a look at the the 350 than still a ways out but we’ll be able to see it shortly and then uh we might

    Get rained out soon but you know what that means s you bear chicken is calling oh yeah it’s definitely dark over there rain’s coming in heading our way it looks yeah it looks really nice actually not seeing the 350 yet through the cloud but we’ll spin around anyways and we’ll wait for it

    There it is lights just came on of course it’s gonna thank you Auto Focus you’re very kind gray sky gray buildings gray planes what do you want there it is definite crab happening there A35 900 coming from Charles deall air FR 3 44 in a whole lot of wind

    Yaza hold on to your hats hold on to your hats everybody [Applause] here friends talking French to the tower these gusts are getting getting rough hard to hard to stabilize also it’s so far away that I have to zoom in so much does not make it easy to do that the Up [Applause] crisp yeah it’s going to hit us there’s the 350 landed successfully on two4 right [Applause] Lo local hey we could get lucky maybe all the weather will come through today and then tomorrow will be gorgeous forecast is always subject to change although it’s supposed to be even worse tomorrow stranger things have happened not might not be raining right now all right still get a little bit little

    Bit of Time watch this beautiful bird as it approaches a terminal here at morial how we’re still standing up here this is this is ridiculous Air France a350 Tim what airport are you referring to cuz uh this airport is named after a deceased individual unless you’re referring to a different airport I missed earlier in

    The chat could have been could have been some else all right we got a dash8 taxing for departure Jazz 3 and it’s going to Y might be my first ya of the day yza zoom out a bit we’ll find the the dash dash AQ 400 Jazz three easy flight number to remember hey

    John three flight Three or Air Canada 8003 which is their eight is their Jazz Express codes usually to find the Jazz flight number you just take the eight off the Air Canada number for the four-digit on Air Canada 803 is not Jazz 3 that’s that’s a usually a heavy from somewhere

    I don’t know if that’s an actual flight number but I know a lot of the three-digit eights are like European flights 854 Heath throw Etc to Toronto yeah that’s got to be a short flight mail good point what does a Montreal to Yao flight take considering we drove here in like

    An hour and 40 from Ottawa this morning this dash8 is going to battle some crosswind on takeoff W we’re getting bombarded wild hopefully we can get another 20 minutes in at least so we have a 2our 2our stream I like to give even numbers I don’t know why it’s a power 25

    Two right turn left two for right exit Bravo 4 Delta 2597 [Applause] power3 down straps would be nice keep my feet firmly planted it is uh it is something else something else don’t say that you’re going to jinx it 4:00 terrain apparently that’s what we’re we’re hoping we’re banking on all

    Right that is getting whoa getting blown around by the wind there in the air nice job Dashy you know for 7° it feels likeus 10 wind they’re not messing around with that wind chill 35 knot gusts is like getting punched in the face with knives Mama Mia show you how quickly that Dash turned by the way it’s right up up there feels like three to you

    Maybe does not feel like three to me there too far away to get on a good zoom let’s go back to the terminal for a minute so I can stand in one spot quietly and contemplate why I do this Actually we can also watch a crab landing on two4 right although I didn’t see what was coming in correcting Birds That was Delta 2597 from Atlanta on an a 319 see that pop out on this side assuming it made it down which I’m sure it did otherwise it’ll be popping up above the building for go around there it is we’re in the province of Quebec you can

    See the Quebec flag there next to the Canadian flag and I can’t really read the other flag cuz it’s flapping so Fast Arrow mag Del 2597 contact 2 on the side contact I fig 122 that’s 127 2227 Delta questioning question life choic wondering why it went to windsock Academy could have been a baker making cookies indoors but no it’s hanging out the wind3 right I believe this windstock graduated 6 years

    Ago class actually did really really well so very proud of this wind and its parents are very proud of it too but uh it is questioning its choices right now right bravo bravo for for the exit over 48 standing at attention though it is on guard this wind sock stands on guard for the I do not physically know why we are still here but here we are ah I’m loving it actually it’s a lot of fun it is the winds make it really

    Cool and I mean cool in both the figurative and the literal sense 600 with wind is 21 33 left bardier Montreal flight test coming in on a challenger say various models Bombardier Challenger various models it’ll be from bombard Montreal I guess they’re building it’s new I guess I don’t

    Know yeah it’s coming on too far left it is a test flight so it’s not even doesn’t even have an age yet on flight radar anyways I just see the birds I see the flock of birds it’s still a ways out it’s over like the North End

    There I like that you can see Mount Royal from here just when you got to go to this side though in between the buildings there well well before I go find the plane let’s go see if we can show the viewers Mount Royal which is right near downtown

    Montreal just over uh this way that’s it back there that Hill that mountain so downtown Montreal is all that way behind that running dude trying to stay warm don’t blame that’s a good move actually I would run back and forth but then I can’t control the camera all right just under the

    Birds just under the flock of birds that went by we got uh the Bombardier there it is found it test flight so I’m G to have to use way more zoom than I’m comfortable with at this stage because it is so far away yeah that’s cool 600 flight 600

    Too this call TI was 600 this is cool I can’t wait to start seeing like test flights in Toronto now that the factory or the plant or whatever they call it oh yeah test flight oh Nice oh yeah that’s cool oh I saw that one yeah on the flight spider John Instagram page oh getting blown over here holy moly yaza and not in the good way in the Ottawa way ya baby no this is uh Montreal although if the weather is garbage I think we’ll go to Yao

    Tomorrow watch some watch some stuff I won’t go live there’s no really no point going live in Ottawa especially in bad weather it was a beautiful Sunday day we although if there was a beautiful Sunday day we’ probably back2 oh those are gusts those are gusts Gusty Gusty

    Still the ways out that’s a little Challenger the uh hand Force One is a 600 right like except not the big one but the little one you flies in it’s either the like one the A330 whatever it’s called CC 130 pois but uh he also flies in the 600 a

    Lot probably a lot less fuel burn than an Air Force One this is a time to test these planes Wow Let’s see how it handles ridiculous gusts nice work Tri It’s new so why not 56 Conta depart air6 [Applause] 32 I got a little take off over here off that Coes I can’t zoom that well there we go The It’s funny how I put the thing on the hill at the front here so he would avoid all the people there are no people it’s just me and John and this kid running back and forth left to right in a repeated pattern staying warm Smart and the snow pants are a nice touch smarter than me wearing the worst possible material for the wind denim worst this looks like uh ARA jet 723 maybe not yeah yes it is it’s clear when it turns says it’s headed to Santa Domingo which makes perfect sense because it’s a Dominican

    Aircraft 737 Max 8 we watch this taxi great shot here great view from this hill I got to say I wish we had a hill like this in Toronto it would be full every day and I feel like everyone would would leave their garbage around cuz that happens all over Toronto Airport people

    Are not very respectful of the space or the rules much 83 right [Applause] for for hour good morning Dominic 723 with for for the traffic that just landed is going to be doing a 180 on the runway the back line [Applause] Turn at 111 from Paris coming in on their right side so I think we got a minute before this is lined up we can have a peek and Ro this uh also battles the wind here today so do we lot of birds if you get your Lo is open S

    And the Dominican lining up for departure on two4 left 723 contact departure one Airborne wind is 1 25 32 up left take off left herborn depart to 12045 uh 124 Dominic [Applause] 723 [Applause] set Will [Applause] C battling the wind as it heads off to Santa Domingo the Dominican Republic Dominican 723 uh wait the departure 24 left arrival 24 right yeah g yeah 27 KN winds with 35 kn Live on YouTube next one is400 just push back Porter 2468 with a call sign dash for

    The porter dash8 got his right engine started left engine engine number one still waiting and this is headed to Toronto City Center airport Billy Bishop on the island the only time I flew to the island was from Montreal and I did a jazz das8 when I was coming back from Chicago we overflew

    Pearson everybody said why why would you want to overfly the airport and backtrack I’m with more more flying more takeoffs more Landings lots of fun thanks folks we got 250 likes appreciate that I don’t anticipate me staying out here much longer it’s getting much harder to

    Stand and it’s getting a lot colder the wind is uh really picking picking up so we might end very shortly and then John and I will probably hang around and take pictures for a bit and then we’ll have to see what the weather does but uh

    Still fun we’ll have to come back in the summer yeah it was cool we’ll hang out around Ottawa tonight got a friend in Ottawa we’re going to say hello to Maybe we’ll pop by ya ya in the morning just get some get some photos if the weather’s nice I’ll go live I don’t think the weather will be nice car a car live yeah oh I did a car live stream didn’t I can’t really do it here cuz the

    Car is too far from the uh from the spot but we can get a we can do a car live I can try Carline I didn’t expect a Yow a Yow live stream oh this is brutal Brut br oh yeah that one is uh Sunwing to Mexico Cancun

    737800 yeah I like 737s are great 800 the NGS all right Porter thank you Saker Rob appreciate that $20 tip drop yourself down and keep warm soon as he says that that’s hail Here Comes precipitation oh you can see it actually over at the airport I I think we’re going to shut this

    Down let’s not uh let’s not yeah give it a second it’s not uh it’s not wet yet it’s just yeah what do you got on the radar there 6 minutes for air P air St Pierre the new livery air aler when’s that coming in8 minutes all

    Right let’s see we can do it it is but I’m zooming out to show people what we’re dealing with here this is uh we are getting hailed upon now I think we might have to let you just take this with photos John cuz uh

    I’m not uh I don’t want to ruin all my equipment today nothing personal the sound you’re hearing is hail I love it always an adventure here at wake turbulence Aviation thank you soccer Rob I really appreciate that I might use that $20 sooner than you think to go get a warm

    Beverage maybe the hail will pass I don’t know see what Porter’s up to can we handle a six or eight minute wait I’d open an umbrella to cover the computer but it will get blown away instantly that’s okay for now it’s very light not so wet it’s more like

    Pebbles this might be the last plane though if I even finish this all right I’m going to I’m going to shut her down I’m going to miss this take off thank you so much folks for watching we’re just uh the weather if it clears up in a bit we get a little break

    We’ll come back if not we’ll catch you on the next one thank you folks left Romeo for wind is ridic


    1. Highlights:

      13:43 Air Inuit B737-200 to Puvirnituq YPX

      43:35 Air Transat A321neo to Liberia LIR

      1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319 Crosswind Landing
      1:33:55 Air France A350 from Paris CDG

      2:03:11 Arajet B737 Max 8 to Santo Domingo SDQ

      Crosswind Landing

      1:05:42 Air Canada Express Dash 8-400 from Saguenay

      1:08:00 Porter E195-E2 from Toronto YYZ

      1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319 from Halifax YHZ

      1:52:40 Challenger 600

      Cool Flights and Moments:

      13:43 Air Inuit B737-200 3H700 to Puvirnituq YPX

      40:05 Mike and Planespotter John

      43:35 Air Transat A321-200nx TS600 to Liberia LIR

      52:20 Air Canada A330-300 AC845 from Frankfurt FRA

      1:05:42 Air Canada Express Dash 8-400 Crosswind landing from Saguenay

      1:08:00 Porter E195-E2 Crosswind Landing from Toronto YYZ

      1:21:15 Air Canada Rouge A319-100 Crosswind Landing from Halifax YHZ

      1:33:55 Air France A350-900 AF344 from Paris CDG

      1:52:40 Challenger 600 Crosswind Landing

      2:03:11 Arajet B737 Max 8 DM723 to Santo Domingo SDQ

    2. eyy yo tomorrw i will go too same airport YUL! and the same rw and the same place is there a mini grass mouthen rhight sorry my english not good im normally speaking french

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