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    Young sultan Mehmed conquers Istanbul and marks the beginning of a new age in the Old World.

    Polymath, polyglot, strategist, young, and sultan. Mehmed II has one, big ambition: Conquering the city of Istanbul and succeeding the Roman Empire as the new Caesar. And he does not stop there.
    Serkan Çayoğlu, Selim Bayraktar, Fikret Kuşkan, Tuba Ünsal, Sinan Albayrak, Kenan Çoban, Bülent Alkış, Savaş Özdemir, Esila Umut, Ali Nuri Türkoğlu and other brilliant actors are playing in “”Fatih: Sultan of Conquests””.

    Director: Şafak Bal, Yücel Hüdaverdi
    Producer: Eyüp Gökhan Özekin, Berk Özkin, Halis Cahit Kurutlu
    Writers: Ozan Bodur
    Music: Can Atilla
    Genre: Action, History

    Fatih: Sultan of Conquests and more on tabii💚

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    #tabii #FatihSultanofConquests

    MEHMED SULTAN OF CONQUESTS NEAR MEDINA THE END OF 626 Selamünaleyküm. Aleykümselam, O Ayyub. Are you not ready yet? We got stuck on this rock. Is there any news from the polytheists? They’re a few days away. They’ll be here soon. We must hurry. O Ayyub. Everyone in the city is worried.

    The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is coming! The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is coming! O Muslims! O Muslims! O Muslims! Don’t be hopeless! The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) just gave good news in Hendek. I swear to Allah, who sent him with the true religion and book… …that I believe in what he says.

    My brothers! The Messenger of Allah… …said that everything from Kisra’s palace in Medain… …to Yemen and Damascus… …will belong to the believers! Then he gave another good news. Maybe for today, maybe for beyond the ages. Our Effendi’s good news is this. Constantinople will definitely be conquered!

    What a great commander the commander who conquered it is. What a beautiful army that army is! O Ebu Ayyub! Who is the commander who will conquer? Allah knows. Allah knows. We’re ready, my Sultan. Shall we go on the offensive, my Sultan? Wait. Saruca. What is that? The new magic of our young Sultan.

    We have other guests, too. Orhan didn’t come alone. There are Byzantine knights on the front line. Our spies didn’t provide such information, my Sultan. Science is infallible, Çandarlı. Judging by the equipment, these are the Emperor’s Varangian Guards. Şahabettin. Pull the raiders back. The Janissaries will go to the front line.

    We brought in your raider subjects to meet the rebels, my Sultan. That would’ve been the case if we were only up against the rebels. They’re a regular unit. Only the Janissaries can fight them. What about Zağanos, my Sultan? Nothing changes. He’ll take action when he gets the signal. Çandarlı. Come with me.

    Hold it tightly. So it can keep you alive. Where is the Deli troop? They never come without their names being mentioned, Pasha. The Deli Troop. What is he doing? Shame on you, Çandarlı. You’ve become the laughing stock of a young boy who calls himself his Sultan.

    Being a vizier to the Ottomans isn’t like being a stick to the Byzantines, Orhan. We know who you came here with. Mighty vizier. That boy cannot become a Sultan. I’m here to take what’s rightfully mine. You know this. But let’s follow the rules. State your conditions. There are… …no conditions.

    You’ll take refuge in the justice of Sultan Mehmed Han. You’ll kiss his almighty door and consent to the decision he’ll make about you. You know best… …how I’ll die on a bowstring… …when I surrender. Only the ones I want dies in the Ottoman, Orhan. Your father said the same thing for my father.

    Kasım Çelebi trusted his own ambition. Not my father. But we both know how his end was. Then may what you know be a lesson to you. And may what you don’t know be a lesson to you, Çandarlı. That Mehmed, whom you are siding with, will one day be the end of you.

    O fighters on the path of Allah! O my heroic army! Those who couldn’t stop us with the Crusades… …wish to stop us with Orhan, sitting on the lap of the infidel… …with an enemy of our own blood. While we’re fighting for the order of the world for the sake of the Divine Word…

    …they want to kill us with our own relatives! My brothers! Don’t relax just because our enemy looks like us. A hypocrite is equal to an infidel! Traitors are lower than the enemy. There’s nothing left to say! Today is the day of ardor! Today is the day of patriotism!

    Today is the day of martyrdom! May Allah be with us! Allahüekber! Allahüekber! Archers! Attack! Allahüekber! Allah! Allah! Allah! Şahabettin. Now! Come on! It’s battle time, Pasha! Draw your swords! O Allah! Allahüekber! That way! Hurry up! A Byzantine ship. You’re wounded, my Sultan. It’s just a little cut. It’s not important.

    A sword cut hurts badly. Don’t let the Janissaries see it, my Sultan. There’s a Greek village just behind us. We know the doctor there. Let them take care of your wound. O Pir. O Allah, O Muhammed, O Ali. It’s over, Doğan Agha. I remember the first day he came to the Guild.

    Now, I’m burying him myself. There’s martyrdom in the fate of war, Agha. This all happened because of that degenerate Şahabettin. Don’t despair. Don’t frown. I’d tell you if there was anything beyond this. The Sultan made us come forward on purpose, Pasha. Don’t keep it from me. You– You didn’t succeed, did you?

    Not this time. I told you it wasn’t the right time. I can’t return to Constantinople anymore. Ioannis will bring me to account for this. Don’t worry, we’re returning to Peloponnese together. When the time comes, you’ll be the emperor of the Ottoman… …and I’ll be the emperor of Byzantine. Captain. Crew! Set sail!

    Let’s take precautions. I’ll wait. Is Tatyos here? Zağanos Pasha? Our Sultan has a small wound, Tatyos. Forgive my confusion, my Sultan. Please, come in. HUNGARIAN PALACE Does the young king know the truth? He’ll find out sooner or later. But when he finds out, Cardinal, I’ll have already become a king.

    No one will forgive a commander who sold out his own father. That’s not important. I doubt he’ll live that long anyway. Quit talking nonsense, Janos. It’s too early for that. Or does the Vatican not trust me? We’re on the same side for now. But the issue isn’t about us.

    Then who is it about? What happened in Varna is very new. No one believes that we can defeat the Turks. Even the English and the French. The English, the French, they’re all cowards. Do you think I will ignore the Turkish invasion… …because of their lack of courage? No.

    But first you have to prove yourself to the Papacy. How? Despite your defeat in Varna, you have an army. The Vatican will persuade the other Christians… …if the Orthodox principalities agree to fight alongside you. So you’re saying the Serbs are the only salvation. The Serbs or Vlad. What difference does it make?

    Time is passing quickly, Yanos. You must act fast. The cut is deeper than I thought. Your hand is shaking, Tatyos. The days when I was a famous doctor are long gone. I’m too old now. My hands will shake, my eyes won’t see. We need to clean it. Eleni, my dear?

    Take a look at the wound. I didn’t know you had a daughter, Tatyos. Eleni isn’t my own daughter. But she’s no different from the daughter I lost. Does she know what she’s doing? She is much better than most of the herbalists. Plants speak when they see her. Good.

    Your skin under the armor is irritated. If we don’t clean it, it will fester. What’s that? I read it in the book of a Muslim physician… …named Akşemsettin in my father’s library. The book was called “Maddat ul-Hayat”. It says that the real cause of our diseases…

    …are illnesses that are too small to see with the naked eye. I’d like to get rid of that illness. With vinegar. Hang in there, my Sultan. Did it hurt? No. A little. Thank you. I would be glad if this incident doesn’t leave this room. As you wish, my Sultan.

    Serving our Sultan is priceless, Pasha. Please give that gift to someone who needs it. Don’t cry, my Ahmed. Your father is working. Don’t bother him. Leave my shahzadah alone, Halime Hatun. He’s just a baby. He sometimes cries and sometimes laughs. I don’t want him to distract you, my Han.

    He won’t distract me. On the contrary, he’ll inpire me. Listen to this. Sons are the heart of the father. A good son takes all worries away. To a father, a son is his equal. He’s the vineyard of pleasure, his garden. It’s beautiful, my Han. Did you write it for Ahmed?

    I wrote it for my Ahmed. And for my late Alaaddin. But I haven’t been able to finish it yet. I need one more verse. Come in! A messenger has arrived from the capital, my Han. Sultan Mehmed Han determinedly prevailed over Orhan at Yenice… …and the rebellion was suppressed.

    May Allah grant that our Sultan’s sword always be sharp. İnşallah. If the son prayed… …and his prayer was accepted… …he’s the pride of the state of our ancestors. My Mehmed did an outstanding job, Karaca. One more thing, my Han. You told me to deliver… …if Hüma Hatun sent a letter no matter what.

    My Effendi. My happiness. My love. My Murad Han. I was very happy to hear… …that you were in good health… …as you were contemplating in Bursa. I know now that my illness is your grief… …and my health is your happiness. You suppressing the rebellion made your father the most proud, my lion.

    The only thing my father cares about is you, mother. And I’ve got you. You know that he wouldn’t let me stay here for a second… …if he didn’t believe that the doctor’s here found a cure for my illness. So stop boasting. Still, don’t tell him you’re better, okay?

    Speaking of healing, let me see your wound. It’s just a small cut. It’s not important. I didn’t now Zağanos was so talented. His hands are too rough for such fine talent, right? The laces are very skillfully crafted. Who’s the talented girl? Her name is Eleni.

    Since she makes you smile like this, she did a lot more than heal your wound. Thank Allah. Chatting with my mother was most pleasurable. Of course I’m smiling. The door! SERBIA So the Turks finally expelled you, Princess Mara. I’ve been among them for 20 years…

    …but I’ve never seen them sell out their friends. That’s not what I heard. Your husband left his throne to a boy and ran away. And you came here because you’re afraid of that boy? I want to ask you a question, Brankovich. Why do you think I’m not cutting your beautiful daughter’s throat…

    …and spilling her noble blood while looking her in the eye? Because I won’t harm anyone who’s been loyal to me before. That’s why… …you don’t need to be afraid of me or my army standing in front of the door. Being at odds with the Ottomans was the biggest mistake I ever made.

    And I paid the price alone. Never again. You won’t be alone this time. But you still shouldn’t make any hasty decisions. But know that I won’t be so friendly… …when I visit you next time. Sultan Mehmed Han sent news for you, Yanos. If I let you leave this place…

    …it’s thanks to our Sultan’s mercy. Sultan Mehmed Han said… …that if you correct your mistake as soon as possible… …your innocent people won’t have to pay the price. This is his last warning to you. Tell your Sultan– Our Sultan won’t listen to the words of the evil.

    He knows what you’re doing and who you’re talking to. I hope you continue with your mistake so I can see your head in a sack. Thanks. Here. He’s going to inspect the artillery masters? Yeah. What an addict of progress. He loves new weapons. Excuse his excitement. It’s about the province of Hungary.

    You talk about youth, but it’s hard to understand what he’s going to do. I wonder what he’s thinking. He got rid of the trouble caused by Orhan. I think he wants to go on the Hungarian campaign with powerful cannons. Aren’t you afraid of that, Pasha?

    He thinks he can do anything with new weapons. No. There is no need to worry. I’m holding his ropes. You say that, but… …it’s not the child that Sultan Murad, who’s on the throne, entrusted to you. He’s getting more powerful each day. Power… It’s tradition, custom. It’s knowledge. Power…

    …is not seeing beyond 100 arşıns with a glass lens on a wooden stick. It’s being where you’re not and knowing what’s coming 100 years later, İshak. Mehmed will learn this, too. Fine then, Pasha. Attention! His Excellency Sultan Mehmed Han! Do you think it’ll happen this time, Agha? We finished the sketches.

    It’ll work if we can make the consistency of the metal right. Why isn’t it solid? We make it from forged iron, my Sultan. We tied everything other than the barrel with flax cuffs. Isn’t there any more ore? Is iron a must? I use it so it’s easier, my Sultan. Because it’s lighter.

    That’s only on paper, agha. I wanted light cannons so that we could easily carry them to the siege area. The lightness of the cannon that cracks upon shooting isn’t important to us. Why don’t you try bronze? Isn’t it easier to cast? It’s four times more costly, my Sultan. It’ll yield 40 times more.

    Use bronze. Actually, we tried it, my Sultan. But the muzzle swells after the first shot. That’s not because of the bronze. It’s because of the gunpowder you use. But these cannons are too small. They must be at least five times more destructive. That’s impossible, my Sultan. Why?

    It’s never been done before, my Sultan. No one was able to do it. Except for one man. He’s from Hungarian lands. An infidel called Urban. I heard he did it with a casting method he found himself. If the infidel did it, we must do it too, agha.

    Science is the lost property of the believer, not the infidel. I’m grateful for Allah’s blessings. Agreed, my Sultan. I was talking about our opportunities. Keep your chin up, agha. If there is faith, there is opportunity. CONSTANTINOPLE I was almost sure that Orhan would succeed. I warned you, your Excellency. With such…

    …a young sultan on the throne… …we had no other choice but to try. Thanks to you, that young Sultan… …gained a reputation that he couldn’t earn in 10 years. Congratulations, your Excellency. I heard that Orhan escaped. Your brother Constantine… …saved him from death at the last moment. He took him to Peloponnese.

    So, he’s in Peloponnese? I’d call him spoiled… …but I know that my mother Helena, gave him this courage. I wish courage and talent… …was something that could be given to everyone, your Excellency. You’d wish… …to see him on the Byzantine throne instead of me. That isn’t important, your Excellency. My only fear…

    …is how much more daring the Turks will be. Forget about the Turks. Come here. Can I… …give you some advice? My mother. Don’t trust Helena this much. I am aware… …that you both want Constantine to sit on the throne… …when I’m gone. And… …I won’t allow it. I won’t allow it.

    No one can predict what your little brother Demetrios might do. Do you think… …it’s right for such an unstable man to sit on the throne? Leave that decision to the emperor… …Notaras. Not you. THE PELOPONNESE PENINSULA You know what I’m wondering? Was it worth taking such a risk for a Turk?

    Rabbit hunting again? Although we haven’t seen you do anything else yet, little brother. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. I’m a hunter who knows how to control his dogs, brother. You were hunting again, weren’t you? Don’t poke your nose into things that are over your head… …Demetrios!

    It’s not about being over my head. I’m talking because I have a right to the throne… …Constantine. You’ll never be the Byzantine Emperor! Shahzadah. You honor us with your arrival. Let them show you your room. You must be tired. While the Ottomans derive their strength from unity…

    …the heirs of the Byzantine throne cannot even speak to each other. Are we going to achieve unity… …by partnering with an Ottoman Shahzadah, mother? The salvation of our empire lies in Orhan becoming the Sultan. Him sitting at the throne in Edirne will divide the Ottoman. You need to understand this.

    Okay, but understand this, mother. The dogs of our enemies make us prey, not hunters. The emperor will decide about that when the time comes. Don’t worry. When I become the Emperor, I will hold you accountable for all of this. Yanos, the Hungarian imperial regent is right here. In the south of Buda.

    But he still hasn’t calmed down. The infidel was keeping quiet. What does he want? According to our spies, he’s collaborating with the Vatican. I think he’s looking for an alliance. If we act first and go on a Hungarian campaign… …we’ll be all over him… …before a new Catholic union is established, my Sultan.

    After the defeat in Varna… …it would take a few years for a possible alliance to be formed. Let him struggle. Besides the Catholics, there are also Vlachs and Albanians, my Sultan. The sectarian division between Bogomils, Gregorians… …and Orthodox Christians is deepening day by day. I doubt they’ll unite.

    The infidels care about their interest. We’ve seen this many times, haven’t we? We also saw what happened when they formed an alliance. Yes, but we can’t be sure. Even the Serbs alone would be enough for Yanos to take action. I took precautions for that, too. Don’t worry, İshak Pasha. Undoubtedly.

    I’m sure, my Sultan. However, this is the best time to attack Hungary. The time is right. Attacking is right, too. But the direction is wrong, Pasha. Every time we turn our face to the west… …they stab us in the back. Right? We saw it with the Orhan rebelion yesterday.

    They tried to stop me with a man of my own flesh and blood. Could they appear again tomorrow? Is that possible? It is. Why? Because Byzantine is living like a disease… …right in the middle of the Ottoman lands. This is the obstacle…

    …in front of the order of the world in which I believe in! If we want the Ottoman Empire to become more powerful… …and become a supreme state… …we should march here. To the city the messenger of Allah heralded to us. Our first Red Apple… …is Constantinople!

    We’ve seen through bitter experience that this is impossible. No one could gather an army to overcome those walls. I’ll build an army so great… …that the ancient city has never seen before. The wise old man called history tells many stories. The Avar Hans and Ottoman Hans tried. 32 times.

    All these states and orders couldn’t demolish those walls. Why? Because they didn’t have the cannons to bring the walls down. Moreover, the cost of this siege will break our backs. Pasha! -All those soldiers… …tools, equipment, navy… Allah protect us, we can’t handle that. -Pasha! -There’s also the Janissaries.

    Troops want to go on a campaign to Austria, to the Hungarian lands. Moreover, even your powerful father, Sultan Murad Han… …who stopped the Crusades, couldn’t do it. Enough! I’m not Sultan Murad, I’m Sultan Mehmed, Pasha! Don’t get me confused with my father! Because I walk with those who believe…

    …not with those who are convinced. I want to conquer Constantinople because it’s an obstacle for me. Don’t you be the obstacle, Pasha. I have no other goal than to achieve the good news of the Messenger. I’ll be that glorious commander. Those great soldiers will be my soldiers! Treasurer Agha.

    At your service, my Sultan. Gather your clerks. Work with finesse. Let’s see what the red apple of Constantinople costs. Let’s see. As you command, my Sultan. I sensed that he changed. I did but… …even I didn’t expect this much, Pasha. His eyes are wide open. We broke his crutches before.

    This is the work of Şahabettin and Zağanos. They affected the Sultan with their poisonous ideas. You still don’t know him. Do you think that Mehmed who doesn’t listen to me, listens to them? That’s what you say. You do, but… …what about the idea of Constantinople? How did it get so big?

    We were expecting a Hungarian campaign. I know him since childhood. I raised him. He thinks that the conquest of Constantinople is a pleasant dream. He doesn’t know that it’s nothing but a nightmare that’ll lead the state to chaos. O the great Sultan Murat!

    Come and see who you made us a laughing stock for. Come in. Dear? Give this to Karaca Bey. Let him take it to Hüma hanım, to the capital. As you wish, my Han. You can go, children. Don’t be late for Tawabet class this time. Come on. Good for you. Good for you, Bilal.

    The children are happy. Tell me, Zağanos. Who made my son so happy? On our return from the rebellion, we stopped by a village to tend to his wound. There was a girl there. The doctor’s helper. She seems like a talented girl. You know best, my Sultana. Did she do something you didn’t like?

    Not at all. On the contrary… …she was a decent enough girl to reject a bag of gold… …we offered her in return for her service. But… …she’s from a lineage that is no match for our Sultan. She’s a medical assistant who was bought as a slave. I was originally a slave concubine.

    What are you implying, Zağanos? Forgive me, my Sultana, I exceeded my purpose. That’s not what I meant. Tell me. Which village does the doctor live in? My soul, my happiness, my heaven, Hüma Hatun. Although the doctors have found a cure for me… …the cure to being without you depends on your beautiful face.

    The medicine for my heart is in your heart. I, too, heard about Mehmed Han’s bravery… …like the rest of the world. What are you waiting for? Come to Bursa to heal my soul… …as soon as possible. He invites Hüma here. I’ve had enough of being ignored. What have you done, my Sultana?

    What will you tell Murat Han? While Hüma was reigning in Sultan’s garden… …I shouldered his troubles. I was with him while he mourned for Alaaddin. Get out! Out! Come in. Şahabettin Pasha is here, my Sultan. He’s asking permission to enter. You asked for me, my Sultan? Sit, Lala. Go on, sit down.

    Don’t let me feel shame for making my teacher stand. Do you know what the procedure is with gems, Pasha? My Sultan knows better. The wise people answer this question by using the right gem in the right weapon. Ruby. The gem of courage and victory. Just like you, Lala.

    You put a lot of effort into me. You know your value. But I believe that your passion will shine in a better place. However… The tool whose body you’ll decorate is a bit challenging. Whatever you command, my Sultan. You’ll go to the Janissary Guild. What is your wish, my Sultan?

    Find out what they think about the seige. I see you’re hesitant, Lala. You know how close the Guild is to Çandarlı, my Sultan. What’s the wisdom of your command? Using the right gem… …with the right weapon, Pasha. My Sultan. You planted all the seedlings, right, Dilaver Agha? Murad Han wants to see…

    …a flower blooming on our Shahzadah’s grave, whether it’s summer or winter. I did, Karaca Bey. Don’t you worry. But daffodils and hyacinths, they all have bulbs. They won’t come out of the soil before their time. You should see them… …when they blossom. Murad Han is coming. Does our Bey come here often?

    The pain of losing a child is unbearable, Agha. The great Sultan Murad Han… …left the throne after the pain of Shahzadah Alaaddin. Yes, he comes here often. You should already be halfway to the capital city. What are you still doing here, Karaca? I don’t understand, my Han.

    I’m talking about the note I sent you. What are you still doing here? No one gave me a note, my Han. If I knew– Halime. My Sultana, there’s a doctor named Tatyos Effendi. The woman who dressed our sultan’s wound could be his assistant.

    The one in the brown cloak at the fountain, just ahead. Ladies? I’m coming from a long way. I can see there’s a line, but please let me drink some water. Since you came from the road… …you sit and rest, I’ll bring you water. Thank you, dear. Out of my way, Lina.

    -Come on, Eleni. We’re waiting. -Hurry up, Eleni. We’ve been waiting all morning. Shame on you. Shouldn’t we give water to someone who’s been on the road? What about us? Don’t mind them. Our water is good but flows little. They’ve been waiting for a while now.

    -It’s fine, dear. -You said you were on the road. Drink it slowly. It’s very cold. It could even crack a stone. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I came to see a doctor called Tatyos. Do you know where he lives? Of course. He’s like a father to me. I’ll take you there. Poor thing.

    How didn’t I notice this? Is something the matter, dear? The machete injured its back. Carrying a load would be torture for it. What are you going to do? I’m going to carry it. Thankfully, I’m strong enough. I’ll be fine. Come on. Take this. Let’s go. O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

    O Allah! O Allah! What on earth happened? I can’t talk about it in the open, Doğan Agha. Get to the point. Speak. It’s a state affair. Let’s go to the agha room. This is the state’s office, too. The agha room isn’t available, Pasha. When will it be available? Whenever Çandarlı Halil Pasha arrives.

    I’m not a crude man who doesn’t know the rules and good manners. I came here with the order of the Sultan. Our Sultan asks about the condition of the Janissary subjects before the siege. Everything is good and well, thankfully. The only thing we want from our Sultan, is for him to be healthy.

    Even if we had a problem… …we wouldn’t reveal that secret to anyone who enters without permission… …we’d reveal it to Çandarlı Halil Pasha… …whose ancestors’ blood is in the foundation of this guild. Where’s the letter I sent to the Capital, Halime Hatun? Not the Capital, the letter you sent to Hüma.

    How dare you stick your nose in my business, woman? Of course I dare, my Sultan. I dare because when you lost a child and left the throne… …I was the only one beside you. I… …didn’t force you to do anything. Hüma, who you miss so much… …doesn’t leave her Sultan son’s side.

    You envy her. You’re being unfair. But I gave you a shahzadah to hold on to in your most miserable days. You both are mothers. That innocent woman mothered my Alaaddin… …without separating him from her own child. When will you see me, Murad?

    When will you understand that I’m burning with my love for you. I’m fed up with your poisonous ways while hiding behind my Shahzadah. Collect your things and go back to your father’s house. You have no place with me anymore! You’ll separate me from my shahzadah? -Attendants! -No!

    Take the Shahzadah to his wet nurse. I won’t leave Ahmed. I won’t give him to you! I won’t. Don’t do this! Don’t take my son away from me! Ahmed! Don’t take him away! My Sultana! Please show me mercy, in the name of Allah! The late Shahzadah Alaaddin also grew up an orphan.

    I don’t want my Ahmed to grow up without a mother! May this be a lesson to you. Just this once… …for the sake of my Alaaddin… …I forgive you. -But if this happens again– -I promise! I promise, my Sultan. Never again. I can’t live without Ahmed. Forgive me. The door!

    -You bothered all this way, my Sultan. -Welcome, Mara Hatun. You’ve come a long way. How are you? I pray for your health. I received the news you sent about Yanos. It’s nice that your father didn’t make the same mistake again. Yanos won’t sit still. I know. He also visited Wallachia after you.

    I don’t think Vlad will support him. Don’t you worry about that. How was the trip? Not well until we received the news that Hüma Hatun had recovered. Let’s keep the news that Mother is getting better… …from my father a little while longer, okay? How long will you stay? A few days.

    Then I must go to Bursa. You know Halime Hatun. She’ll be uneasy. Mother will be so happy to see you. Where is she? I thought she’d greet me. Couldn’t you put the load on woundless part of the animal’s back? No. They’re God’s mute subjects and are entrusted to us.

    If it hurts when we load on it, it won’t be able to tell us. Even if I get a little tired, I won’t be betraying what’s entrusted to me. You’re right, dear. Every soul given by Allah is precious. Rest a little. You’re tired. Rosemary. Let me pick some.

    It’s good for pain and healing wounds. Its oil will be good for the animal’s wounds. I tell you to rest. But you find something else to do. Maşallah. You know your herbs and medicine well. Tatyos Efendi taught me. He says I’m good at this stuff. I can see that. That’s why I’m here.

    You heard about Tatyos Efendi’s talent? No, I mean you. I saw your skill… …in the bandage of the brave man whose wound you treated last night. Excuse me, lady. But how do you know… …who was here last night? Because he’s my son. Forgive me, Sultana Mother.

    I didn’t know who you were. If I did… I don’t like to beat around the bush. You are a compassionate person who knows good manners. I’d like to take you to the capital, if you like. What a compliment, my Sultana. But I owe so much to the doctor.

    Your offer is a great blessing. But I can’t leave him and come with you. My compassionate girl, we won’t leave the doctor alone if you wish to come. Don’t think about that. So that’s the matter, Pasha. Look at the Sultan we call naive. He’s trying to make Şahabettin shine.

    No. His intention is not Şahabettin. Then what is it? Mehmed knows that the Constantinople campaign… …is nothing more than a dream when the Guild is behind me. What do you think, Doğan Agha? The battlefield… …helped us learn about the species called humans, Pasha. He wasn’t worried or afraid. Apparently he got reassurance.

    I don’t want to say it but I think Şahabettin… What? Wants to be the grand vizier. This is the Sultan’s garden. Here there is only the Sultan… …and the young Shahzadahs as men. The rest are the concubines, the black and white boys. Everyone has a job in the Harem.

    Here, people are busy with something all day long. Or they learn things. Like what, my Sultana? -Pull downwards. -To speak gracefully. To read as if they’re chanting. Those who are sharp learn accounting. Those who are honest learn the law. Those who can play the harp learn to sing.

    You’ll learn the art of medicine, inşallah. Midwife Vesile. Midwife Vesile. This is Eleni, who I mentioned. -Welcome, my Sultana. -Well-received. Welcome, dear. I can personally vouch for the skill of dear Eleni. My wish is for her to be as skilled as you in medicine. Be her master.

    As you wish, my Sultana. Don’t you worry. Also, make her learn the medicine you prepare for me. I want her to bring me my medicine from now on. She’s entrusted first to Allah, then to you. My Lady? My Lady? My Lady? My Lady? My Lady? Are you alright?

    You haven’t said a word in hours. Please say something, my Lady. Tell me you’re okay. I’m not okay. I’m not okay at all, Didar. Shall I call the doctor? Command it and I’ll call her right away. Maybe he’ll solve your problem. Shall we let him know? Yes. But let Vesile know.

    Vesile is the cure for my troubles. Midwife Vesile is at the capital, my Lady. Let’s call another doctor. Write to Vesile, Didar. They put me in this situation with one letter. Now you write a letter. If Murad Han finds out, both of us– Hush. Do as I say. Tell Vesile.

    It’s time for her to pay back for everything I did for her. Do you have an order, Pasha? I’m going to perform namaz and go to bed. You rest too, Bahadır. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Sultan Mehmed… …gave me this apple… …but I like Amasya apples better. How did you get in here?

    Don’t throw cold water on this. What I’m going to say is crucial. Sit and listen. Amasya apples… …are broad and has a thin skin. We ate these a lot when we were students… …at Kara Medrese. The Amasya people call them “Misket”. Do you know? Misket. Its flesh is crispy. And juicy. It’s light.

    Why are you here? I came to show you that I won’t share anything else but an apple. Stay away from the boys at the gate. I practically raised them. Listen, dear. Two dirhams of amber… …and two dirhams… …of dried rose. And four miskals of sandalwood… …and galangal. -Got it? -Yes, Mother Vesile.

    Good for you. Maşallah. Good for you. You learn fast. Look. Whether I’m here or not… …you’ll prepare Hüma Hatun’s medicine this way. And then… …you’ll mix it like this… …and seal the top of the bottle with red wax. Okay then. Take Mother Sultana’s medicine. Yes, Mother Vesile. My Sultan.

    I’d like to give you this ring made by Serbian artisans. Thank you, Mara Hatun. You shouldn’t have bothered. Nice. Very skillful. Sapphire is difficult to work with. It is. From where I’m from, they believe that sapphire… …is the stone of the sky and heaven, due to its color.

    And I don’t know why but they believe it protects lovers. You and my mother know… …that I still haven’t found a love that needs protecting. But you keep on talking about it. We’re talking about the heart, my Sultan. Only God knows the right time. Come in. Your medicine is here, my Sultana.

    -Here you go, Sultana Hüma. -Put it down, dear. My Sultan. Bring the ledgers… …of the month of Rajab and Dhul Hijjah, I’ll look at them again. Revered Grand Vizier, I was distracted, I’m sorry. It seems like… …the seige planning is difficult, Treasurer Agha. There’s dust and smoke all around.

    We even took out the ledgers that had never seen the light of day, Pasha. But we’re almost there. What’s the situation? Do you think the treasury will allow the siege? With Allah’s permission, even if it’s a little hard, we’ll be able to do it.

    Are you sure, Agha? We’re talking about the siege of Constantinople. It’s not like trapping Orhan in Yenice. The accounts don’t lie, Pasha. We can look together if you like. No. I won’t look. Because… …these ledgers do not record… …the things you bought for your mansions in the Meriç resort…

    …and your children in the bazaar. Not at all, Pasha. Of course it’s true. The pen doesn’t write everything anyway. We know that. We know everything but we write it down somewhere. Not where everyone can see it. I’m thinking… …that you… …should close this ledger. Start a new one. Start a new one…

    …so I can close the old ones. But Pasha… What will we tell the Sultan? Treasurer Agha. What is the state of the treasury? Where did all the taxes and income go to? My Sultan. In order to have 55 small ships… …with 12 pulleys and 80 decks built…

    …slipways must be built in addition to the shipyard building. The total sum of these is a lot. Convey my order to the Sanjak Bey of Gallipoli. Let him personally undertake everything necessary for this job. What else? The cannon foundries you commanded, my Sultan. They’re expensive.

    However, in order for them to be transported to Constantinople… …a large number of horses, mules, camels… …and many animals had to be confiscated. Under current conditions, the state treasury cannot cover these. What’s the reason for this, Agha? My Sultan, the Shahzadah Orhan rebellion… …the Janissary salaries, the fees of the cavalrymen…

    …emptied the treasury to a great extent. Time is required for such large expenses. Enough excuses, Agha! Will such excuses come between me and the goal I want to achieve? Either give me a solution or I’ll find someone who will. My Sultan. There are two ways to cover such heavy costs.

    Tell me what they are now! The first is to increase taxes. But getting the fruits from this will take a long time. Years even. We don’t have time. Forget about that one. I can’t wait that long. -The other way? -The other way… …though it may cause problems with your subjects…

    …we could decrease the amount of silver in the coins. Do you think it’ll work? I think so, my Sultan. If we pay the salaries that are already due, the new coins… …the remaining silver will be left to the treasury. This way, the treasury will be ready for the expedition in no time.

    If the expedition is victorious… …the treasury will be overflowing with spoils. No pain, no gain, Agha. Since it’ll be fast… …it’s the way to go. Start right away. Selamünaleyküm. -Aleykümselam. -Are our daggers ready? They are. Here you go, brave man. You can’t find anything sharper or more sturdy than this one. Good.

    It’s just as you said. But you need to pay two coins more. We said it was 10 coins. You’re right, but these are the new coins. Coins are coins. What are you talking about? The silver in this coin has been tampered with, my man. That’s why it’s not as valuable.

    Vesile Hatun, the incense burners you requested from the market have arrived. And I’ve got news from Bursa. It’s time to pay your debt. From now on, you will not cure your patient, you’ll cause her suffering. Your son and daughter-in-law who lives here… …will stay with us until I here from you.

    Their lives depend on you. Handle this as soon as possible. Then I’ll consider your debt paid. -Are you okay, Vesile Hatun? -Let go. I’m fine. Did something happen? Did you receive bad news? It’s nothing. Keep on working. And stay out of my business! I think…

    …the people made the same mistake we made, my Sultan. They are also incapable of understanding your purpose. What’s more… Finish your sentence, Pasha. What’s more, there are some complaints… …at the Janissary Guild. It’s the doing of unwary men who don’t know… …what they’re doing. Allah forbid… …they’re questioning your decisions.

    What are they saying? As you know, they love and respect us. I went there and spoke to them. I spoke to them, but… …they didn’t listen to me either. What’s the worry, Pasha? To be frank… …I’m afraid they’ll get agitated and start a riot. What I’m trying to say… …is that either you…

    …will conform to the Guild… …or… …the Guild will conform to you. As you know, Pasha. To rule means to ride on the back of a tiger. Everything will be fine if we hold on tightly. But if we get off… …the tiger will rip us to shreds. The Janissary is like anthrax.

    You shouldn’t get off their backs. Bring me some of that, too. Yes, the same one. O Allah, O Muhammed! O Allah! You can speak, Agha. There are no strangers here. I’ve brought news from Halil Pasha, Agha. He said that the Sultan won’t change his mind about his decision…

    …that he won’t cause any difficulties… …and that the customs should be followed. There’s nothing more to say. From now on, the weapons will speak. Odas! Ortas! Comrades! The Sultan… …who deliberately and forcefully broke us in the Orhan Rebellion… …now ignores our troubles. While we expected a great expedition and booty for the Hungarians…

    …he’s playing with the value of our coins and mocking us. While the Kubbealtı viziers like Şahabettin… …fills his pouch with a lot of gold… …our comrades cannot find the coins to go to the covered bazaar. In short, it’s time for a challenge. Go out there and burn everything down! Take what’s yours forcefully!

    Let the entire capital see the force of the Janissaries. Ask for your coins! Ask for your coins back! Bismillah! Allah, Allah! Let’s say Allah! Let’s say Allah! O dervishes among dervishes, O the accepted among the accepted ones! We came, our heads bare, our chests bare, our eyes covered in red blood!

    We are the ones who made Yezid vomit blood. We shielded our breasts and saved our heads from the lion’s clutches! We came here to sacrifice our lives. To become a martyr. Let’s pray for the Prophet Muhammed. For the generosity of the heroes Shah Ali. Let’s pray for Abdals with all our respect.

    Let’s pray for Khorasan Shah Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli. For the Time of Truth! Let’s all say Allah! Let’s say Allah! Behead or stab! Behead or stab! Behead or stab! Behead or stab! Don’t forget about Şahabettin! Behead or stab! Behead or stab! Attack! Burn the place down! The Janissaries are coming! Run! What’s wrong, Bahadır?

    You miss your mother’s house? I guess you tend to housework when you’re alone. No, Pasha. It’s my mother’s advice. She always told me not to tarnish the word of Allah. When I saw that you were in good health… …I had them prepare your horse, pasha. Your handkerchief is all red.

    Isn’t this one of the handkerchiefs your mother embroided and sent to me? Yes, Pasha. It’s Albanian. As you know, my mother doesn’t separate you from her children. Is there any news from your mother? I got a letter from my sister yesterday. She’s not doing well, Pasha. Where’s that traitor?

    Stop, aghas. This is a pasha’s mansion. What’s going on here? How dare you enter my mansion? Let’s take you out from the back, Pasha. A brave man never runs from the battlefield, Bahadır! Pasha! Bahadır! Bahadır! Traitors! Scoundrels! Janissaries! You obviously want to die. We want what’s ours! We want what’s ours!

    We want our coins! We want what’s ours! We want what’s ours! Even if it is Sultan Mehmed, he’ll give justice to the Janissaries! We want what’s ours! We want what’s ours! We want what’s ours! It’s up to Sultan Mehmed! If he doesn’t give us what’s ours… …we’ll bring the sultan from Constantinople.

    Coins or heads! Coins or heads! Coins or heads! Coins… Aghas! Brave men! The loot is over. We’ll give Sultan Mehmed one last chance. We are retreating to Alatepe with our loot! Come on, brave men! Edirne. Belgrade. Constantinople. Come in. There’s an important matter, my Sultan. What’s the rush, Kazım?

    My Sultan, the Kazan-i Serif has been overthrown. The Janissaries rebelled and brought chaos to the bazaar. -They burnt the place down. -What are you talking about, Kazım? Didn’t Kurtçu or the middle aghas stop them? Kurtçu Doğan was the one leading the riot, my Sultan. Nowhere is safe.

    A fire doesn’t chose which tree to burn. Since they burned down the capital… …from now on, Allah knows who will burn. What are you looking for, dear? I’m going to prepare Sultana Hüma’s medicine, Mother Vesile. I’m looking for the jars you showed me. I just prepared it. Take this to Mother Sultana.

    It’s color looks different. Can there be a mistake? It’s her medicine, dear. Come on, take it to her already. And quit stalling me. I hope there’s no mistake, mother. Give it to me. I’ll take it. You just got here and are trying to teach me what to do?

    It may hurt a little, Pasha. Please hold on. O Healer. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I didn’t think they’d go this far, my Sultan. Forgive me. I couldn’t stop them. Don’t blame yourself, Pasha. It’s not your fault. None of us saw this coming. But they’ll see! They’ll find out the price of rebelling against the state.

    What’s your command, Sultan? What do you wish to do? The decision is clear. The state will not obey the Guild, but the Guild will obey the state. Quickly inform my raiding servants so that they can come to the capital city. Is it right to make brothers hurt each other, my Sultan?

    So much blood will spill. Even if my own feet and hands disobeyed supreme command… …I’d cut them off! Come in, Midwife Vesile. Mother Sultana is available. My Sultana. Are you okay, Vesile? You look tired. I’m okay, Sultan. I couldn’t sleep much last night. I wanted Eleni to prepare my medicine from now on.

    Where is she? I looked for her but couldn’t find her, my Sultana. I brought your medicine so you didn’t take it too late. You looked for Eleni but couldn’t find her, Vesile Hatun? No, Mara Hatun. I just said it that way. We know that you lied. So, tell us the truth now.

    What’s going on, Mara? Eleni says that this medicine is missing something. I think there’s other things in it. What do you think, Vesile Hatun? I swear there’s nothing in it, my Sultana. I added a few things so it was more effective. Nothing harmful. Since it’s not harmful, you drink it first.

    Please let me go. I’m innocent. Then tell us who isn’t innocent. Your son and daughter-in-law is our guest until we get news from you. Their lives are in your hands. Forgive me, my Sultana. It’s true. It is. We disagreed… …on the Hungarian Campaign and… …the Siege of Constantinople.

    I also had shortcomings and mistakes. But who knows? Maybe… …I resented the fact that he sent Şahabettin to the Guild instead of me. Still, all this disgrace could have been prevented from the beginning. But I couldn’t do it. The Guild is like a child to me. I thought I knew it well.

    I left you… …as regent to Mehmed so that he wouldn’t make a mistake. Now you come here and tell me… …that the janissaries revolted. I never wanted this to happen. But things got heated up. Our Sultan is stubborn. Especially after this he’ll never take a step back. If we don’t stop it…

    …our brothers’ blood will turn into a river and flow. What do you want from me? Forgiveness. Even if it’s not for us… …do it for your state, which is the blood right… …of so many martyrs. I know the traitors among you, one by one.

    All the tyrants who spit at the gates of the state where they eat their bread… …will taste my punishment. But now I appeal to the innocent among you. You all swore to be faithful. You made your confession while entering the Shah-i Khorasan gate.

    Is this the right to salt! Is this the right to bread? I swear to Allah, who holds my soul in His mighty hands… …that the whole world will know… …what it means to destroy my capital city! Now. This is your last chance. I offer mercy from the Sultan.

    Put down your swords and submit to my justice. I think they’re going to surrender. Attention! Guardian of the world! Great Sultan! His Excellency Sultan Murad Han. Look at what you’ve done… …to the state I left you. This will come at a cost. Go to Manisa. Wait for my decision. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

    Didn’t we open your chest and expand it? Didn’t we remove the burden that bent your back? Didn’t we raise your reputation? Surely there is a difficulty with ease. Really, there is a difficulty with ease. So, when you finish one task, move on to another. Only turn to your Allah and pray.

    Everything is over, Akşeyh! It’s not over, Mehmed. Everything is just beginning.


    1. Господи храни всех людей от маразма религии любой пусть останется любовь прощение идобрая душа и никакого обозления друг на друга

    2. Everybody please unsubscribe this fraud he uploaded episode 1 and then he is charging for the next episodes..🤮🤮
      Why pay when you easily find an alternative in browser.

    3. Everybody please unsubscribe this fraud he uploaded episode 1 and then he is charging for the next episodes..🤮🤮
      Why pay when you easily find an alternative in browser.

    4. I watch ertugrul gazhi all the episode and now the kurulus osman and the new series salahhuddin ayyubbi the muslim who conquer jerusalem every tuesday availble in philippines online, what i noticed that muslim are brave enough they win if they go side by side to fight for war for the sake of Allah, and why they failed is because there are muslims leader who are blinded for power and money, they betrayed the sultan, the islam state because they want to be the leader, a leader for corruption, bribery, tyranny and allowed the evil deeds. If we all muslims in one place get united for allah's sake, no one can defeat us.

    5. when there is betrayal there is no peace at all and what hurts is ,traitor is from muslim leader, a brother to brother killed each other just for the throne/the power and money and conniving with the kaffir.

    6. Akhirnya bs nonton di website lain dari ep 1 sampai ep 5 tanpa byr sepersenpun… beda dg dsni. Sdh lanhganan ternyata ga bs buka eps 2. Mau buka eps 2 hr naikin level langganan lg… channel ini maruk uang.. auto batalin langganan…

      Finally I can watch on another website from ep 1 to ep 5 without paying a cent… different from here. After subscribing, it turns out I can't open eps 2. I want to open eps 2 in one day, increase the subscription level again… this channel is making money

    7. هذا هو الجيش الذي قال عنه رسولنا الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام ونعم الجيش ذلك الجيش؟ للأسف أرى أشخاصا متعطشون للفوضى والخراب بمجرد تعرض مصالحهم الشخصية يقومون ضد السلاطين ويعيثون في الأرض فسادا، ورأينا أنهم قتلوا سلاطين ونكلوا وعزلوا آخرين إلا من رحم ربي طبعا …. ويقولون الجيش الإنكشاري العثماني أقوى جيش هذا ما فعلوه بأهلهم فما بالكم بأهالي الدول التي كانت تحت إستعمارهم 🙄

    8. لماذا تستخدمون السيف ذا المقدمة المزدوجة هذا نفس السيف الذي قتل به المجرم ابولؤلؤ المجوسي الشهيد الفاروق أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه و ارضاه؟

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