In today’s fast-paced digital era, where industries globally are evolving through rapid digital transformation and digital assets form the core of industrial innovation, ensuring software integrity, safeguarding intellectual property, and enabling software monetization through sophisticated and adaptable software license management systems are of utmost importance.

    In the realm of IoT devices and PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), memory cards frequently serve as an essential component of the infrastructure. Recognizing this, we’ve chosen to expand upon this foundation by enhancing an already crucial element in practical scenarios with additional functionalities. This strategic extension aims to not only fulfill a fundamental requirement but also to elevate the utility and performance of these devices by integrating advanced features into the existing framework.

    Join us for a webinar that showcases the groundbreaking collaboration between Swissbit and Wibu-Systems, introducing CmReady – a revolutionary solution at the nexus of state-of-the-art technologies designed to meet these critical needs.

    What is CmReady?
    CmReady revolutionizes software protection and licensing by enabling the binding of a CmActLicense – a software license container – to a certified CmReady memory device in the form factor of an SD or microSD card, rather than tethering it exclusively to the target device running the protected software. This innovative approach grants unparalleled mobility to CmActLicenses, equating their portability with that of traditional dongles, yet with the added convenience and flexibility of removable memory devices.

    Why CmReady?
    Industrial memory cards, integral to manufacturers for specific project needs, already populate the field in diverse capacities and features. Recognizing the necessity to enhance these deployed units for increased sustainability, CmReady emerges as a groundbreaking solution. It not only upgrades existing memory cards with new functionalities but also transforms them into secure anchors for IP protection and software licensing. This innovative approach ensures that existing infrastructure can adapt to evolving security demands without the need for complete replacement, representing a leap forward in sustainable technological advancement.

    All the Benefits of CmReady in a Nutshell
    With CmReady, industrial customers gain access to a plethora of benefits:

    Portable licenses bound to CmReady memory cards
    Effortless activation and renewal processes
    Seamless compatibility with CodeMeter Runtime starting from release 8.00 and CodeMeter Embedded starting from release 3.00
    Plug and Play functionality, eliminating implementation hassle
    Enhanced data protection and integrity features, safeguarding against piracy and unauthorized access
    A Partnership for Progress
    Leading the charge in this technological revolution are two industry heavyweights: Swissbit, a premier European provider of storage, security, and embedded IoT solutions for critical applications, and Wibu-Systems, a worldwide pioneer in software protection, licensing, and product security. Swissbit stands out as the initial supporter, recognizing CmReady’s capacity to transform the benchmarks for security and mobility within the industrial sector. Both companies are poised to showcase CmReady at Embedded World 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, demonstrating the product’s innovative features and its potential to set new industry standards.

    Join us in unveiling the future and witness firsthand how CmReady reshapes the landscape of industrial security.

    Greetings to all and a warm welcome to our latest live webcast unlocking the future empowering industrial security we’re thrilled you’ve decided to join us for this enlightening master class with each episode we provide new highlights technical tips and success stories that will leave you inspired and ready to get

    Your protection licensing and security techniques another step closer to perfection at vibu assistance we Empower software Publishers and intelligent device manufacturers with cuttingedge Technologies new business models and tailor made Consulting training let us help you upgrade optimize and automate your entire license life cycle management so you can focus on

    Monetizing your business at a higher level my name is danela previtali Global Marketing Director of viu systems and I’m delighted to have you here with us today we are joined by Marco blumer product manager for edic Technologies at VI systems and Christian olish head of product management security at Swiss

    Beat to give you a road map for today’s session here is what we will be covering CM ready is a sustainable technological advancement that empowers intelligent device manufacturers to leverage industry-grade memory cards in the field beyond their traditional roles of executing firmware software and serving as storage mediums

    Certified CM ready SD and micro SD cards are now also pivotal in IP protection and Licensing with licenses intricately linked to the card’s unique attributes the result is a seamless blend of portability and simplicity ensuring a secure digitalized industrial future before we dive into the content let’s quickly address a few housekeeping

    Items for all of you tuning in today with set assigned a special segment at the end of the session exclusively for Q&A we warmly encourage you to drop your questions into the live chat box as they come to mind if you can get your question during the live session rest assured will’ll

    Make it a priority to engage with you individually at a later time to address your queries this session is being recorded and a link to the on demand replay will be sent straight to your inbox within the next couple of days this this way you can revisit the

    Insights shared today at your leisure and don’t forget stick around for the entire live session and see the opportunity to win an invaluable four hours of personalized kmra consultation with our industry leading experts as the webinar concludes a new browser tab will automatically open presenting you with a

    Quick quiz we randomly select a lucky winner from those who answer correctly and make the big announcement when we release the webinar replay kindly note that if you win you’ll be ineligible for any other priz drw we host in 2024 be also aware that this brief questionnaire includes additional

    Questions engag in the quality of this master class while these questions are optional your valuable feedback will Empower us to announce the quality of our offerings and taor our online events more precisely to meet your specific needs and now without any more delay I’m delighted to hand over the Reigns to

    Marco the Sages yours thanks Dana and good morning or good evening to everybody listening wherever you are currently in the world and uh we begin this CM ready presentation with uh Christian ulich um who is from swissbit and swissbit is our partner in this um topic

    Providing the SD cards we use for CM ready so let me hand over to Christian and he will do the first part of this present thank you Marco and welcome from my side too my name is Christian and I’m the head of product management for spit Security

    Solutions and today I’m speaking to you from beautiful Switzerland um first of all a little background information about swissbit for those of you who don’t know us yet swissbit was founded in 2001 as a management buyout of SE Seaman semiconductor Switzerland and has more than 450 employees worldwide today

    The headquarter is located you can see it here um in brunov and Switzerland um right in between the in the lake constant and Zurich um the production and Main development site is located in Berlin um with further development sites in constant Germany and West for in the

    USA the security division um which we call embedded iot Solutions uh has its main office in Munich U and our sales and support teams as you can see on this map are spread around the world including the US east and west coast Japan Taiwan and China Swiss bit is divided into three

    Divisions um firstly memory secondly embedded iot Solutions and thirdly heer stone um with these three divisions TW serves customers form from the industrial NETCOM Automotive medical fiscalization iot and data center segments um let’s start with the memory division um which develops and markets highly reliable memory Solutions in

    Various form factors from the smallest like a Micro SD card to the largest like a PCI SSD for example in the ud3 um form factor for data center use cases the portfolio includes pluggable solutions for example USB SSD or memory cards um but also permanently solded variants um in the BGA format like

    Emmc the hyperstone division which you can see on the right um focuses on man flat controllers for industrial and security applications and hyperstone controllers are also used for many of our um Swiss speit products um finally I can tell you the most about the embedded iot Solutions divisions um because that’s where I’m

    Based um the core topic is security um specifically the protection of data and network devices um we offer hardware and software based solutions for this which can consist of micro SD cards or USB sticks for example um and these Hardware products are always accompanied accompanied by

    Some piece of software or a web service that’s why we call them hybrid products um embedded Solutions um like emmc which which you can see in this photo here um are also included in addition to customers from industry and NETCOM and the public sector um one important Market segment

    Um for my division is uh also POS Solutions um so when you go to a retail store sometime you need to pay um so you go to a p system system and that’s where we come into play so if you have been shopping in uh and around Germany in the

    Recent years so let’s say 2020 and and after that you have probably often had a piece of paper in your hand which is uh for which swissbit has a decisive role um because since 2020 every um receipt that you get in a shop in Germany and

    You have to have get a receipt either electronically or printed um every receipt contains a digital signature printed on the receipt um either in in raw format or as a QR code um and that was actually an initiative by the geran government to let’s say promote tax

    Honesty um so actually exclude any kind of manipulation or uh deletion of fiscal records after they have been made um and for that purpose um what you require to have what what you required to have is a so socalled TS um that’s by law you need to have it otherwise um

    You’re subject to finds um so this tsse that’s official German language for technical security equipment technicial very formal German um and basically it’s a sign a certified signature device which goes into each POS system and then is connected by some kind of software and makes the whole POS system a legally compliant

    POS um so this BSI certified unit the tsse is manufactured by swissbit amongst others and we are proud to be the market leader in the field of Hardware TS we are currently also working on a subscri subscription based TS variant for cloud cash registers um which runs as a pure

    Online web service um without any hardware to be plugged into the cach register the largest ssit site is located in Berlin in uh the part of Berlin which is called matsan um the site has an area of 10,000 square meters um production and office space um and the production has a

    Capacity of two to three million units per month the um ssit is certified for automotive um uh applications according iatf 16949 and has also a um ISO 270001 um um certification for our isms with the made in Germany um tag we are um playing an important role in

    Securing Supply chains so the production side you can see here in the background it has been um put into production 2019 before that we were in a shared space now this is U an exclusive production site just for us um which has been built on the Green

    Field um as a semiconductor back end we have a high level of vertical integration um includ including own smt lines but in particular also including coob technology which is uh stands for chip on board so we are actually processing raw silicon Wafers um and therefore can respond flexibly to customer and Market

    Requirements I hope I haven’t bed too much with the information now let’s come to the SD micro SD cards um So based on our robust industrial memory cards we have added some essential security features that are otherwise not found on SD cards um these include Hardware based

    As 256 um XTS encryption of the entire memory card um and um this feature enables um confidentiality prot protection so you protect your data um and you also get an optional crypto eras by discarding the symmetric key in addition to confidentiality the card can also help protect Integrity um which is the completeness

    And correctness of the recorded data moreover the authenticity of the card can be securely checked um I will come to the um secure memory functions like um CD ROM private petitions and hidden storage in a second on the next slide um for now let me just mention

    That we are supporting Linux Windows um operating systems on x86 x46 um and armm platforms so now let’s take a short Deep dive into the data protection functions of a DP card um the animation shows an exemplary use case of a customer from the manufacturing industry all partitions

    Shown on the card are to be understood as examples um so that means you can adapt their type and number to the individual customer requirements so first let’s take a look at the boot partition um this is initially written by the issuer and once you set it up in your production

    Environment um you write an image to it and then you set it into readon mode um this is the boot partition it can be read as a normal memory without authentication by anyone um which is required by the um by the system to boot correctly however the read only

    Partition much like CD R is protected against unor mod modification of the bootloader yeah it’s just read only unmodifiable the second partition this example is um in this case called OS partition um so let’s say we use it for storing an operating system and this partition has been configured so that

    Can only be read after successful authentication um which is is in this case uh done via a pin which needs to be entered correctly other variants are of course um possible you can use a dongle you can use some some kind of uh fingerprinting of the system um in this

    Example it was really a a pin that needed to be entered during the boot process um this partition is also uh protected against um unauthorized changes um since it is mounted as a readon partition the third partition um called private data is used in this example to store

    User data this partition can be read and written but also requires um in this case successful authentication before it can be accessed so this will only turn visible once you have entered your pin and uh will then be read and writable the last partition is special

    Because it is not part of the visible memory of the SD card um so let me put it up fully so as you can see the gray part is the um the physical memory area but what will be displayed to the system as a block device is only the green part

    So the NVM is excluded um this partition partition is special in in the sense that it requires um authentication as well as the other partitions but but it is only accessible through an API so it is not accessible using onboard tools like DD under Linux um this is just not as transparent as

    The other memory um which allows to use this hidden area for use cases like audit Trails black boxing um copy control things you can imagine that you want users not to do with your card because when they try to dra new card they only get the blue of the

    Bra coming to the next slide uh and let’s take a look inside the cart and see what it makes so special as an industrial memory card um first of all um the power fail robustness we test all our SD micro SD cards for 10,000 unexpected power interruptions and the C

    Needs to survive that without any loss of operation or loss of data in addition we use only highest quality net memory which means the temperature range and the low error rate of our specification our cards are continuously monitored for the status and degree of wear um using our lifetime monitoring

    Tool um so that you can replace the memory uh in advance if needed um the components are selected for longest possible product availability which we call Longevity and the products and have a lock bomb while changes are announced via a PCN process the production takes place in our own 6949 certified

    Factory um all our products are pre-tested over full temperature range um in our production facility so if you ever visited um you can see the small U temperature Chambers and every single product is being put into that before it be sent it out to customers um our firmware on the cards

    Is optimized for industrial applications with the application with the um use typical use Pro usage profiles of embedded and iot customers um and we also have customization options to tailor our cards um depending on the customer needs finally the dedicated industrial grade controller which is um hardened

    For the intended use and this is a controller in this case from our um hyperstone supplier which is now part of the suit group to make it a little bit more Vivid I have selected two examples to illustrate the difference between industrial memory cards and Commercial memory cards

    Firstly you may have come across corrupted micro SD cards on Raspberry pies because this platform up to and including the Raspberry Pi 4 does not have a proper off switch so in everyday practice yeah you just simply plug uh pull the plug to to turn it off and on um which is

    Bit little bit harsh uh and so this way of shutting it down instead of a controlled manner um sooner or later leads to corrupt the data on the memory card which prevents the system from booting and user data can also be lost in this scenario so the swis PS 66u was

    Subjected to an in extensive stress test by Raspberry Pi and survived over 11,000 unexpected power interruptions unharmed so without any loss of data or performance degradation second example is about environmental robustness so swis industrial memory cards are already qualified for a wide temperature range but for one of our customers this was

    Not enough um so the customer was from the uh oil grilling uh industry and in this specific use case the card had to withstand uh a temperature of 165° which was almost twice was the specified maximum temperature of 85° um after 60 hours in the oven the

    Housing was deformed as you can see on this picture but you could still insert it into a reader and the good news all the data was uh still intact that had been written before the procedure so we had a caps customer who was happy um and

    Uh the solution even though it was used out of specification was still able to fulfill all all the needs now coming to the um product portfolio with CM ready features um it comprises as you can see here fulls sizee SD cards and micro SD cards um in the capacity 16

    To 64 gab on request we also provide eight and 4 GB variant as so-called extended over provisioning variants um these are basically 16 GB cards which are downsized to four or 8 gigabyte um for legacy use cases um or for even more extended endurance the card support the industrial temperature temperature range

    Of minus 40 to 85 Dees and can be written sequentially um with over 30 megabytes per second you can see this by UHS one class 3 and video speed class 30 certifications um Random Access which is also um very important to Industrial and embedded environments um is also very

    Fast with applications spe class um A1 which means 1500 iops read and 500 iops write the memory cards are equipped equipped with the very durable pslc n um featuring best endurance for long-term right operation finally a quick word about our distribution channels in case you’re are

    Wondering how to get C ready cards um so our SD cards are available through our distribution worldwide channels and the logos are shown here in the upper right part um so aror EET sosonic um in elro they have been on our we have been on their line card for a long time computer

    Controls in car are more recent additions and um especially if you’re looking for smaller quantities and next day delivery I can recommend you our webshop partners T key 14 final Mousa ronic 24 um so for smaller quantities next day delivery um yeah like Amazon for for professional use um if you are

    Um in the need for larger quantities feel free to ask for a quote directly from ssit and with this I’m at the end of my part of the presentation and now I’m happy to hand over to mark yeah thank you very much I just take over the

    Screen so and therefore let me go on with the presentation of weo systems for all those of you uh not so familiar with weeo a few words also to viu and the company itself uh we have been founded in 1989 so a lot of years ago and in the

    Meantime we have a staff of more than 150 people worldwide U most of them sitting in our headquarter in Carl school it’s the place where I am also at the moment in this picture you see our new building we have since two years and uh besides offices development

    And so on in K we have our production line here so every uh dongle or every SD card from viu systems is programmed and fil loaded here on our KW side for sales and support and um Professional Services we have subsidiaries for instance in the US in

    China in Japan in Europe and uh more is planned there um we are financially independent so the company is completely uh privately owned there’s no other one uh involved and we are of course ISO 901 and 24 27,000 certified uh we are holding patents we are involved in different uh research and development

    Um projects together with univers unities uh companies from industrial suppliers and um different more we are market leader uh and provide a comprehensive solution and of course we also gather for technology leadership so our main claim is perfection and security licensing and protection that is what we mainly

    Do our main part is licensing and protection of your software and we do this together with a lot of Partners which you can see in the next slide if it comes there it is um we have Partners from the industry from uh Automotive from manufacturers of medical

    Equipment cut software on desktops so we are in the desktop world in the embedded World down to microcontrollers I think you will find a lot of logos here uh which you have seen before so let’s come to a few words about protection licensing what are we talking

    About the core component is called Cod meta Cod meta is like a complete Universe of of products it starts with a Cod meter runtime for desktop systems for instance we have the Cod meter embedded like library or source code for implementation um mainly for industrial or um iot devices embedded systems and

    When using a microcontroller we have the Cod meta micro embedded this is something like let’s call a driver it’s the core component you always need and we have different variants of cod meter containers I come later to what is a container that’s where we store the

    License and then this is just one side this is uh the part which everybody with protected software needs but we also want to help the software manufacturer the service provider to integrate this and therefore we have the Cod meter protection Suite this is a bunch of programs which uh does the protection of

    Your software which integrates the security functions and make it easy to concentrate to your core business and we are doing the protection later on when your product is ready or during development that you don’t need to think about how to do all this cryptographic stuff and how to get this in a secure

    Way this is something we can offer you by support from the Cod meta protection suite and then you have a protected software but how to get the license to the customer the third big issue that is our back office integration with a tool Cod meter license Central this is um

    Databased database based system which uh connects to your Erp system like sip or other CRM systems and do all the stuff from your seller license and how to get this license in a secure way to the customer how to monitor how many licenses you have sold and so on and so

    On the whole business process during the lifetime of your product is done via the license Central this just to get an overview what is code meta what is viu doing what are our products so now let’s come a little bit closer to what we are talking today

    About and this is the license needs a secure anchor that means if you give a license to somebody you make have to make sure that this license can’t be copied it can’t be moved except you want it and so on so imagine the license uh or the codem

    Container which contains the license as an anchor the anchor has the job to keep the ship which is in this case your software in place regardless of uh how harsh the conditions outside are the anchor is stable and your ship your software can be attacked but the anchor holds it in

    Place that’s how I uh like to to describe what a security cure anchor or the license container does now to the real container um we have a lot of different formats of containers or anchors on the left side you see the cloud-based it’s only a small logo which

    Does not mean that it’s only a small thing um that means this works for systems which have internet access and then you have all the key material all the um light in the cloud so if you have systems which um are connected to the internet you can use the cloud you can

    Uh move licenses you don’t have to think about uh stealing or breaking of a dongle or whatever then on the other hand we have the file based licenses for those who know the system already it is the codema act license and of course a file needs to

    Have an anchor if not you can just copy it somewhere else and then you have moved or copied the license that’s what we do not want so this file based license always means it is bound to A system that can be done automatically you know it from from activation of

    Windows systems for instance uh this works on desktop systems and if we are talking about embedded systems iot systems and so on um usually you implement The Binding to a specific Hardware to special Hardware features and then you have a properly anchored um file based CM license and

    Then we have this whole bunch of different dongles or Hardware um containers they are all based on an infinion security element or a secure element it’s one chip and we have different interfaces from the essc on the left side over different form factors of USB sticks different

    Connectors for USB sticks um SD cards CF cards and so on and we call it the Cod met universe that includes all the stuff here the license containers additionally as mentioned before the software integration which we do for native code for managed code script languages we have a compile time protection where we

    Integrate the protection Suite directly into your build process and can automate all your um your roll out process and of course the back office integration now let’s have a look on what systems we are running our usual usual operating systems are of course Windows Linux MEC OS but in the embedded

    World world also different realtime operating systems like VX vers or others like q andx and when providing the source code we are also able to run on more systems with other other operating systems but these are the main ones and of course the standard architectures uh Intel arm power PC and

    Mips we support different environments also something I stated before we have the micro embedded a very strip down version for microcontrollers just a few kilobyte in size then we have the Cod meter embedded which is available as a source code in or as a pre-tested library to integrate

    In your own products the standard Cod meter runtime is the part which runs usually on PCS but also can be run on embedded devices um when there is enough um enough Hardware resources to to operate this as a service and with an additional product called certificate

    Walt we are also able to uh provide a pkcs um API to store x509 licenses on the dongle to be used for uh authentication for instance so especially for this uh embedded world what are our Target groups um we have the independent software vendors companies providing or programming and

    Selling software and we call them the intelligent device manufacturers that is our um embedded specialty where we talk about iot systems Edge systems and all the stuff which is not running on a desktop but it is a computer in the end okay so much for the overview let’s

    Come to codema ready what is codema ready this is new this is a new solution we provide as an additional possibility of how to store license this to tell it quickly is we use an industrial SD card in this case the swissbit DP card we use a file based

    Codemeter act license and then we get a codemeter ready license container that means it looks like ah you have dongs you have act licenses you have Cloud licenses and now you have additionally Cod met ready licenses but not exactly in fact it a code met act

    Licenses and what we do is we have um a plug and play binding to these code meter ready certified SD cards because as we heard before the DP card from swissbit has different special functions like the NV Ram like uh an API to access special functions in the firmware of the

    Cart so the card has no secure element like our dongle but it has an advanced firmware which does more than a standard SD card in the market so we have this as a version or variant of the codemeter ACT license and it works with the already released codemeter runtime version 8.0 and the

    Cod meta embedded 3.0 there this um functionality is already integrated so let us compare where we stand with this card in this table um on the left side you have the Cod meter act license and we just marked here what are the functionalities and specialities of the different container

    Types on the left side the ACT license on the right side the maximum security uh dongle and in between these two things we have the Cod meter ready um license container based on the SD card that means we have some advantages of the dongle for like the uh movability the

    Mobility of the device and we are based on an ID license I won’t explain every uh point in this table here it’s just to give an overview where we are standing so let’s have a look on the different points of view Cod meta ready at first

    The view of the software vendor for the software vendor what is the advantage of cod meta ready we have an act license which um is bound to an individual SD card that means as said before we have this anchor stuff uh the license file is

    Located on the SD card but if you copy it to a different card it won’t work because it is anchored inside the card and that you can use it this out of the box we integrated this as a ready to use plug-in so you can use it like a dongle without programming a

    Binding or whatever and besides this that’s why we use the big SD cards with different configurations of memory of course you can use this card as a boot medium for data storage and additionally for licensing you can create different partitions you can uh integrate this in your factory processes because the

    Programming is completely independent of the device you don’t need a fingerprint from the target device you just need to program the SD cards and later on you can handle this SD card as a license pluck it into the device and it will work in the field and this works with Cod meta

    Runtime and codem embedded that means you can have a system operating codemeter runtime which programs the cards in your factory for instance and then run it with the license later on in the field now the perspective from your customer the the the person who buys your software or your

    Device they have the advantage of using an SD card and they can use different kinds of SD cards maybe they just need 8 gigabytes maybe they just need uh 64 gigabytes and this can vary all the ready devices are compatible and can be used they can also be interchanged and

    So on a bit like a dongle and of course the customer can use the card for his own purposes he can put own uh software or licenses on the card and of course you can also use it for um his own licensing so uh like the dongle we can

    Have more than one um license provider on the card and again of course it works together with runtime and embedded so for the view of a SD card manufacturer in this case like Swiss bit the advantage taking part in this Cod met ready um environment is we have the certification of the cart

    Um you can extend your product portfolio uh we have the Synergy of working together with swissbit giving our customers the opportunity to uh use uh SD cards in um a configuration he needs and using the same card for our licensing system without needing anything else without needing to um

    Adapt it to the hardware or whatever so now let’s have a look at some technical aspects I think this is especially interesting for people already knowing our architecture um how does it work on the top we have your application whatever it is and this application uses an API to

    Communicate with Cod meta embedded or code with runtime the application can also be protected by a protector and then they do the communication to embedd it and what is new now is we have the codem runtime tension in form of a plugin it is shared object which is

    Included in the delivery package of cod meta 8 Z for instance and that is a plug-in which enables us to load a vendor plugin the vendor plugin is a library from swissbit in this case where they do the abstraction between their own Hardware the DP DP card and the API of cod meter

    To bind this uh card to the Cod meter uh ready plugin and of course now we have a stack of shared objects linked together um for security reasons these are signed I come later to this point but that’s why you see this small symbol with a um with

    With a signing or with a certificate on it and of course the standard operating system system functions are still in place your application can communicate with a DP card directly or over the other stack of uh libraries stated before still the picture with the anchor we have a

    Binding and The Binding is anchored inside the firmware of the Cod meta ready card so something which canot be manipulated on a simple way um to make sure we are communicating to the right partner the libraries are assigned and we ALS uh um only accept signed libraries so

    Exchanging the library and um faking the ID is not possible in in this way and of course we have secure counters also located inside the firmware which prevents uh customers for instance when when using time based or number based licenses to play back an old license so there is a counter every time

    We um change the license the counter is increased and this counter can’t be reset so that’s one of our security features here and of course we have an operational safety because if somebody accidentally uh deletes the license file in the file system then we can automatically res store this license

    File from the NV in the SD card so even if a customer or a technician in the field loads a new image to the card um with a next access the license file will be restored and it will still work some technical dat the um window specific plugin

    Is available for Linux and windows so I think this covers currently 99% of the systems in the market of course for all processor platforms and we have some prerequisites to operate this that means we need one partition on this SD card where we can read write by the code meta process that

    Can be a shared partition with other functionalities or it can be an extra partition um that is up to you how to handle this and how to um partition the device of course it is compatible with booting and we can put in up to four license containers so that means like

    When having FM codes four different companies can put their licenses on one Cod met ready device so if you want to get started how does it work the first steps for you you need an FSB from viu system and you need to install the Cod meter SDK which is also provided by

    Viu which uh is used to um encrypt the software and you have all the environment you need for development and then you’ll need to download the vendor specific Library this is provided by swissbit because it belongs to the swissbit um SD ready card um there will be a direct link where you

    Can get this Library it’s just small uh file and you need to install the library which means just copy it into the plug-in directory and then it is ready to use you can use the codem ready device in a plug and play manner um just like a

    Dongle if you deliver your software um you just protect it at first with the protection Suite the same process like using codm ACT or a dongle based software and then you distribute your software including the card vendor Library so usually you make one package and that package installs the Cod meter

    Runtime or Cod meter embedded and you also deliver this vendor specific library that means for your customer it is just installing the protected package as today as every software installation usually this comes together with a c meter inst contrer and then of course he needs to get the license from the portal

    Or sometimes you deliver it already loaded to the CM ready car that’s something we usually do in the uh um embedded environment and then to use it just plug in the card into the device run the software the same with a dongle the same with a codm act license so for the

    Customer quite easy that was a quick run through what is cod meta ready so now we come to the point if I haven’t talked too much questions one question um the participant asks is it possible to use certificate Vault with Cod meter ready um no this is not possible as this

    Um is in codemeter ready is based on a codemeter act license and codemeter certificate vault is an API which is bound to the pkcs1 um API and pkcs1 by definition is for talking to um to secure elements so as this is a technical software license codm a

    Certificate Vault cannot be used with um Cod meter ready the same way as it cannot be used with Cod meter act license next question why do not use codem SD cards what the difference to a codem ready certified card um the difference is the code meta SD card is a

    Dongle which holds a secure element and we do not have this whole bunch of different configurations of the um of the cards with different memory layouts with different memory sizes and so on and a Cod meter ready card um from swissbit is you have much more variants

    And this is mainly a storage device and a Cod meta dongle is mainly an dongle device so that’s a different also a difference in in in price and therefore um a Cod met ready card is available in in different um memory configurations cian do you have also a

    Question there yeah maybe maybe there’s one which is uh fitting quite well here so we had a question how much how much do CM enabled SD and micro SD cards cost um and the answer to that is um maybe also fitting well into the previous question so why do we have the

    The two variants so the CM ready card is is an industrial memory card um so it’s competitively priced within um to be in line with the market of of high reliabil reliability industrial SD memory cards um but it does not have a dedicated secure element um so that’s a cost

    Advantage that we also transfer to our customers so um it’s intended to be used as an industrial M memory card which is already there in many cases um and which is now upgraded with security features to um to have a very good in between between the software pure software

    License and the the um the hardware token that is provided by by Vivo already to have the CM ready as um a very good in between solution I have one more question here can I mix cards in an environment of cod meter runtime and embedded yes because because uh usually with the today’s

    Implementation we can’t mix act licenses between embedded and runtime they are not compatible but with Cod meta ready we um integrated this compatibility that means it is possible to uh move cards between an operated runtime and an embedded system you can also load the license on an embedded system and use it

    On a runtime system and the other way around so yes this is compatible even if it is a cmx license technically oh next question I see it’s it’s to Christian yes so uh the question is um I already use Swiss bit DP cards um the

    Ps46 um are the new ps66 cards back but comp compatible um so the answer is is basically yes um we we ported all the data protection features from the uh old product variant to the new um there were some extensions of the of the functionality but the new

    Product has been designed to work um in the use cases that the previous just generation has been successfully used it I say thank you for listening thank you for taking part in our presentation for COD meter ready if you are guest at the embedded World in in the beginning of April viu

    Is there in hall four swissbit is there uh I will be available at the exhibition and at our booth on the first two days of the exhibition um Christian will send his colleagues because he will not be available no more questions in the meantime so let me say thank you for

    Taking part in this presentation uh take a chance to answer the um the questionnaire in the end and win some free support from us so from my side good night or have a nice day wherever you are thank you very much for joining also from my side yeah

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