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    Hear what you have to say Sir send in your opinions to GB views at GB newws keep them clean and you never know I might read them out with my panel here on jubes and Co we debate we get stuck into the issues of the day on a show

    Where all views are welcome Especially Yours GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Christopher hope and I’m Gloria depierro bringing you pmq live here on GB news whenever Parliament is in session on a Wednesday at midday we’ll bring you live coverage of prime minister’s questions we’ll be asking our

    Viewers and listeners to submit the questions that they would like to put to the Prime Minister and we’ll put that to our panel of top politicians in our Westminster Studio that’s pmqs live here on GB news Britain’s election Channel join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the

    Key player in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila

    Tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel GB news is the home of free speech we were created to Champion it and we deliver it day in Day Out free speech allows us all to explore and debate openly the issues most important

    To us our families and of course the British people having challenging conversations to Enlighten each other which is why we hear all sides of the argument we are the people’s Channel we will always stand by the freedom to express yourself on TV radio and online this is GB news Britain’s News Channel

    A very good afternoon to you it’s 3 pm. and welcome to the Martin dney show on GB News broadcasting Live From The Heart of Westminster all across the UK today sakir star says protests outside schools should be banned after that Batley grammar school teacher was targeted

    Three years ago in a sitdown with GB news and next up a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicious of attempted murder after a stabbing on a train in South London yesterday had two matter in a critical but stable condition after an accident just a few miles away last

    Night what can we do about knife crime next up Queen Camila has attended the Royal mday Thursday service at Worcester Cathedral without the king in a pre-recorded message the king reaffirmed his coration pledge not to be served but to serve and would you believe that some British students are so so utterly

    Stupid that they’ll happily sign a petition backing the hooty terrorists yeah we did a nice sting on them and that’s all com up in your next Hour welcome to the show always an absolute joy to have your coming we got a cracking show coming up ahead today Christopher hope our political editor sat down with Siria starma we put some questions to him that no other broadcaster would particularly about the Batley grammar school teacher stick

    Around for that knife crime the cancer of knife crime a scou on British Society what can we do about it whatever we’re doing now isn’t working we’ve got some great solutions from activists and coppers who know what works and that sting yeah we sent somebody down to kings’s College London can you believe

    It they signed a petition backing the hotti rebels um spoiler alert they’re a prescribed terrorist organization that’s all coming up in the next hour but first it’s time for your headlines with Aaron Armstrong very good afternoon to you it’s 2 minutes past three I’m Aaron Armstrong Michael go has described the management of T’s water as a disgrace the firm’s bosses have admitted it could face the risk of emergency nationalization as its funding crisis deepens it comes after shareholders refuse to give give the trouble company

    Half a billion pounds of extra money describing a rescue plan as uninvestable instead they want the off offat the regulator to increase customers bills by up to 40% over 5 years which has so far been resisted the community’s secretary says Tam’s water must take responsibility for its failings for

    Years now uh we’ve seen uh the customers of Tam’s water taken advantage of by successive management teams that have been taking out profits and not investing as they should have been so so the answer is not to hit the consumers the answer is for the management team to

    Look to their own approach and ask themselves why they’re in this difficult situation and of course the answer is because of Serial mismanagement for which they must carry the c a teenager’s been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a knife attack on a London train yesterday afternoon it happened

    Between shortlands and Beckham just before 4:00 the victim in his 20s suffered life threatening injuries from the attack which was recorded and shared on social media it shows a Masked Man attacking another man with a large knife in front of passengers who can be heard telling him to stop and calling for

    Help meanwhile a man’s been arrested in connection with the death of the goggle box star George gilby who died on Wednesday after a fall at work he was best known for appearing in the channel 4 Series which takes viewers inside the home of people while they’re watching television he also appeared on Celebrity

    Big Brother in 2014 Essex police have had detained a man in his 40s on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter sir stammer says Britain wants change and he’s vowed to revive leveling up four regions during Labour’s local election campaign speaking at an event in the West Midlands sir Kier said

    He had hoped to be there to launch a general election campaign but accused the prime minister of bottling it he’s pledged a national renewal promising to ax zero hours contracts and lo give local Mayors new powers to rejuvenate the High Street stability with labor or more chaos with the Tories Unity or

    Division renew or decline a changed labor party ready to serve the interests of working people or a conservative party that has forgotten how to serve anything other than itself now plans to reform Britain’s uh leasehold property laws have been criticized by peers who say the bill doesn’t go far enough

    Leaseholds are a form of ownership that allow homeowners to live in a property for a set number of years while paying service charges however there’s been mounting criticism of the system with many residents seeing their charges rise dramatically often with little explanation it means homeowners can be locked into costly contracts with little

    Right to redress the government dropped its plan pledged to scrap leas holds last year a Labor’s housing spokesperson baroness Taylor called the government’s current proposal a shell of a bill that won’t offer the security homeowners were promised the Archbishop of Canterbury has called on people to pray this Easter

    Weekend for the jail journalist Evan gershkovich a good Friday marks a year since the Wall Street Journal reporter was detained in Russia on charges of spying no evidence has been presented to back up the allegations he’s the first US journalist to be arrested in Russia since the Cold War Justin Welby says

    Journalists around the world should be protected and should be free to hold those in power to account millions of people are being urged to send meter readings to their energy supplier to ensure they don’t overpay the average household bill is to fall to its lowest point in two years

    From next month after off gem lowered its price cap it drops 12.3% from next Monday uh lowering those typical yearly bills from £1,900 to just under ,700 an average saving of about 20 per month and you might want to think twice if you’re planning on traveling this

    Easter weekend or perhaps set your alarm clock early the RAC is warning of shock horror long delays on the roads with Journeys on some of the most popular routes taking twice as long as normal uh it’s the bank holiday coinciding with the Easter holiday so some 14 million

    Journeys are expected uh much of the congestion will start this evening so you if you’re planning to travel are being advised to travel outside peak times and a personal message from the king’s been broadcast to Worcester Cathedral marking the Royal Mundy service the queen was in attendance as

    His majesty told the service Britain’s blessed by services that exist for our welfare he paid tribute to those organizations and their selfless staff saying we all benefit greatly from those who offer us friendship he also red his pledge to continue to serve and not be served get the latest on all of our

    Stories by scanning the QR code for GB news alerts information is also available on the website now it’s back to Martin thank you very much eron now we’ll have the latest on those incidents in London very shortly but we start with our brand new interview with sakir starmer and the labor Le told GB news the protests outside of schools should be banned a Batley grammar school teacher is still in hiding of course

    Three years after he was targeted for showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad during a re lesson a report out this week said that protest should be banned within 150 meters of schools Mr Kia spoke about a wide range of topics with GB news’s political editor Christopher hope s thank you for joining

    GB news here in Dudley um you mentioned Zero Hour contracts in your speech there you said yes we will ban them when asked directly Rachel Reeves though says own exclusive ones which is it are you going to ban because lots of people do like these zero hours contracts don’t they

    Well if you’re trying to find a gap between Rachel Reeves and me I’m afraid you’re not going to um what we’ve said is the the low commission a low wage commission as you know has looked into this and it said basically that after 12 weeks you have a right to say look

    Looking at the hours that have been worked um I should have a contract on those hours so that’s the way it works there is the equal right of an individual say I don’t want that um so look we’re pragmatists on this but what we want to do is get to the heart of

    This exploitation of people who are on zero hour contracts don’t know uh the hours they’re going to work don’t know what income they’re going to have and that produces huge in insecurity and we need to end that that’s right so you planning a new leveling up act you’ve

    Announced that in Dudley Boris Johnson’s idea um would he give him a job in a labor government have we got interesting appointment for you no definitely not definitely not and I’ll tell you for why because leveling up as an idea the sense that we need more Regional

    Equality um is really important but in order to make that work you need a viable plan um and you need to do the hard jards of implementing it I’m afraid Boris Johnson didn’t do that um but I intend to make sure that um every area whether it’s Dudley where we are now or

    Anywhere across the country country feels the benefit of a growing economy that I’m Absolut determined a good idea needing better wiring essentially well it needs a viable plan it needs something which actually work but it also does frankly need the hard shards of delivery and that’s I’m afraid what

    We haven’t seen yeah three years ago this week the a grammar school teacher in Batley um discussed in a at a blasphemy conversation the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad he’s been in hiding for three years Dame sarak Khan independent advis of the government on this area uh said it was part of

    National curriculum he’s now got PTSD should he get compensation and how would labor stop other teachers being hand out of their jobs well I do feel very concerned about this um individual and I do think that we need to take extremism very seriously um the strategy needs

    Updating I think it was last updated nine years ago I thought the repor to what happened in Batley um raised some very serious issues most of which I agree with particularly this idea that there shouldn’t be those sorts of protests outside of our schools so I do think it’s a serious issue serious

    Recommendations um and I think that in so far as we can this shouldn’t become a party political issue we’ve all got a an interest in making sure we’re tackling this this kind of extremism would you move any protests 150 yards away or meters away from the school gate as Dame

    SAR is arguing for I do think uh that we should do that I think there should be a buffer outside of our schools uh schools should not be a place for protest yeah on issue of an Angela Raina the discussion by her second home um have

    You seen the legal and tax report into this uh into the sale well Angela’s answered no end of questions um have you seen have you seen the report uh she’s answered all questions she’s been very clear she’ll talk to any of the authorities that want more information

    She’s taken legal advice um my team have seen it I have never felt the need nor do I think it’s appropriate for me personally to see it um I’m satisfied um with the answers that she has given repeatedly now on this but you’re saying she’s cleared but you haven’t asked to

    See the actual evidence to show she is cleared I don’t need to it’s not appropriate for me to see that legal advice uh if the police do launch their for investigation should she resign stand back from her job well Chris I’m not going to get into hypotheticals

    We’ve been down this road many many times before um look we the police have made their decision they need to now get on with the decision and the process that they’re going through and if of course if emerge that she hasn’t given given uh talked properly about to the about on

    The Electoral register was that an issue for you look Angela’s given this her answers many many times over she’s taken legal advice on it um that has satisfied her her team and my team I’m confident in the answers that she’s given it’s a big weekend for Easter eggs um Peter

    Manson thinks you need to lose some weight will you be off the eggs well all the eggs eggs in our household go straight to our children there’s no end of eggs and to all my friends and relatives I’m take this opportunity please a present of them eggs for our

    Kids no eggs would would be very very welcome they’ve got more than enough Easter eggs already and you said an interview today that you’re about the impact of being in tend street with your children how will you protect them because you don’t name them do you I

    Don’t want to get ahead of myself um on this because we’ve got to earn the votes the respect to voters to be able to win that election um we will have very daunting decisions to make because of the damage that’s been done to the country they those decisions um I’m

    Ready for the one thing I’m very concerned about is my children my um boy is 15 he’ll be 16 later this year my girl is 13 so they’re young teenagers um and we have done everything we can to protect them we never name them we never

    Do pictures with them um they walk to their local secondary schools and I want to protect that um we’ve protected so far and I’m absolutely determined to protect and that will carry on in D Street but I I do worry about it because you know they are young um it is a

    Difficult age I think we you a young teenager and so um if there’s anything keeps me up awake it’s worrying about the impact on my children the utor have been given a 1% chance of winning the general election by Professor sjn Curtis this week it’s your it’s in the bag for

    You now isn’t it we had the worst general election result since 1935 when we lost that last election to get from there to even a one or two seat label majority is going to take a bigger swing than 1997 so I’m focused not on opinion

    Polls but on the task in hand which is um learning the lessons of 2019 and earning votes by putting forward a positive case but to do it humbly um I know that we must persuade people of our positive case and I take nothing for granted we have a positive case I want

    The chance to go out there uh and Ade people to vote for change turn our back on 14 years of division and chaos and Usher in um this sensor of a decade of national renewal where we take the country forward well s thank for joining

    Us today on GB news and dadley thank you thank you great stff well Sak stor we’re speaking to our political editor Christopher hope who joins me now Chris fantastic interview Easter eggs Angela Raina it had a bit of everything a special thank you to you for mentioning of course the Bley grammar school

    Teacher a subject you know is very close to my heart and the Heart of GB news viewers we convinced about what sakir Storer said on that issue did he seem a bit non-committal yes I mean yes of course he’s heing Dudley to launch the May the second local election campaign Martin

    Not necessarily talk about issues that that we’re always talking about on GB news and concerned about rightly at GB news um he went further than government Dame Sara Khan ear this week said she’s spoken to the Batley grammar school teacher said he has had Suicidal Thoughts said that he hadd been ignored

    And and and let down by authorities um and that made it made it worse for him he made clear the cir armor he is concerned about it and also he will he will adopt if he comes prime minister one of Dame sarak Khan’s ideas there should be this 1 M buffer zone around

    Schools that you can’t protest at the school gate you must withdraw um 150 me or so we haven’t yet seen what the government will do the Tory government we’re going to hear from their response before the end of July so clearly sir Army is going ahead of that and trying

    To go on the front foot about the issue of the of the battley grammar school teacher and also I asked him will you try and make sure the other teachers aren’t bullied out of their jobs by protest for a teacher simply teaching what’s in NA national curriculum it’s on

    His radar he’s concerned about it so that’s probably quite promising for the teacher and other teachers concerned about this matter and well done for putting it on his radar Chris you should feel very proud on behalf of our viewers for doing that thank you very much on

    Angela rer is no doubt going to be asked endless questions about that he seem to bat them away yeah he did he’s clearly Taking Angela Raina uh at her word as he should do he said in his speech earlier uh when he launched this this um uh campaign in

    Questions to journalist he made very clear he backs Andre r he said that she has my full confidence and full support um of course that prompted questions um how do you know that that there’s no problem here with Andrea and of course viewers might remember that she sold her

    Home in 2015 there were claims an apography by Michael Ashcroft um that she that she made me living elsewhere she says it a primary home therefore no capital gains tax was due and the Electoral register was correct great maner police are reviewing whether this matter needs to be looked at by officers

    So it’s in in flux Andrea makes very clear that she has done nothing wrong and she’s had legal advice and tax advice to say so the interesting point is that sis Arma supports andela Rena as he should do his Deputy but he won’t say whether he in fact he says he won’t look

    At the advice she’s got either legal advice or tax advice some might say that’s that’s interesting because of course he’s a very senior King’s counsil and a a director of public prosecutions if you’re that person you may want to look at the legal advice you received to

    Check that it’s all okay in your mind but for him he said no so I think this one is going to run and run there’ll be pressure growing this weekend from the into next week particularly if the Tory party why won’t Andre waya publish This legal advice or tax advice Siri starm

    Said today that he didn’t think that was necessary okay Chris hope superb stuff loads more to unpick from that interview throughout the course of this show of course fantastic stuff now lots more reaction to What Sak St said throughout the show and there’s plenty of coverage on our website GB and you’ve

    Helped to make it the fastest growing national news website in the country so thank you very much now time is running out on your chance to win our spring giveaway there’s a shopping spree gadgets and 12,345 quid in cash taxfree lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow so here’s all the

    Details that you need to enter It’s the final week to see how you could win big I’m Charles I’m on £18,000 cash as sent a text through my mobile phone it was just amazing as soon as it goes into your bank account it’s fantastic there’s a massive

    12,345 in tax-free cash to spend however you like along with £500 in shopping vouchers you’ll also get a garden Gadget package you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow for another chance to win the vouchers the treats and 12,345 in taxfree cash text GB win to

    84902 text £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb03 P box 8690 derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow full terms and privacy notice at a 19-year-old has been arrested on

    Suspicion of attempted murder after a man was stabbed on a train in s sou London yesterday we’ll have the full story on that soon I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel farage Monday to Thursday from 7 p.m. now the massive debate back across the pond is NATO yeah everyone’s talking NATO every day uh it was your comments about them not paying enough not and you said this you said it again recently you made a comment well the

    Russians can do whatever they want if these guys don’t pay that’s now being used well they can use it I don’t really care if they use it because what I’m saying is it’s a form of negotiation uh why should we guard these these countries that have a lot of money

    And the United States was paying for most of NATO and when I went there and I already had it out with them and now they stop paying again but now they’re paying because of those comments that you saw two three weeks ago the question was asked by the head of a major country

    In front of everyone else 28 countries at the time including us they said so if we don’t pay our bills are you going to protect us from Russia I said you mean you’re delinquent you’re not paying the bills yes nope I’m not going to pay you

    We’re not going to do it we’re not going to defend you if you’re not paying your bills we’re not going to defend you it’s very simple and hundreds of billions of dollars came flowing in now if I say yes I am they’re not going to pay their

    Bills why would they do that NATO has to treat the us fairly because if it’s not for the United States NATO literally doesn’t even exist but they took advantage of us like most countries do if they start to pay their bills properly and the club is fair are places

    Like Poland defended will America be there I believe the United States was paying 90% of NATO the cost of NATO could be 100% it was the most unfair thing and don’t forget it’s more important to them than it is to us we have an ocean in between some problems

    It’s more important for them they were taking advantage and they did they took advantage of us on trade and they took advantage on so if they play fair if they start to play fair America’s there yes 100% 100% thank you I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for

    Free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two comedian panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with

    Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8: till 9 on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions

    Free join us every night on GB news at 11: p.m. for Headliners which is three top comedians going through the next day’s news stories which is exactly what you need because when the establishment has gone crazy you need some craziness to make sense of it so join us 11: p.m.

    Every night on GB news the people’s Channel breton’s News Channel welcome back to 3:24 I’m Martin Dorney this is GB news as it emerges at the controversial New England football shirt is selling rather well later in the show I’ll ask was this a brilliant piece of marketing by Nike are they

    Taking us all for a ride before that a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a stabbing on a train in South London meanwhile two people are in a critical but stable condition after a further incident at Kennington station last night well our home security yet Mark

    White is outside Kennington station while Ray Addison is outside shortland station with the latest on this shall we start with you Ray Addison what’s the latest on the shortlands incident well the latest information marting good afternoon is that we know British transport police have also recovered a knife along with that arrest

    Of the 19-year-old uh male suspect police being called just before 4:00 yesterday afternoon to reports of two men fighting on the train Victoria bound between this station shortlands and Beckham Junction now that was about a 2 to 3 minute Journey but it must have been terrifying for the passengers on

    Board that social media uh footage being released online showing uh a man dressed completely in black and another man slumped on the floor now when it got to Beckham train station it was uh obviously the train stopped police emergency services responded and a man were told now in his 20s uh was treated

    At the scene and then removed uh bya air ambulance to a major Trauma Center his uh condition is uh critical but stable we’re told and police are liasing with his family providing specialist support okay thank you for that Ryan now let’s cross to Mark white outside Kennington station Mar what’s the latest

    On the situation there well still an active Manhunt for the attacker at the center of this incident that unfolded at 10:30 last night on the Northbound platform at Kennington Tube Station a man was attacked by another man stabbed and then another commuter who was on that platform moved in intervened very

    Bravely to try to stop this man and help him and then was attacked himself both men were taken to a major Trauma Center in the area they are described today as being in the critical condition uh but also stable at this hour now we haven’t as yet from British transport police had

    Any kind of description of the attacker any photographs released now that might indicate that British transport police are pursuing a positive line of inquiry and they don’t yet need the help of The Wider public to try to trace their suspect only uh the hours ahead will uh

    Tell us if that is a correct assumption but clearly a real concern surrounding this incident as British transport police say that they don’t believe that either victim knew their attacker okay thank you Mark white outside Kennington station and Ray Addison from outside shortland station for those updates I’m joining in the

    Studio now by the former metropolitan police officer Chris Hobbs cribs welcome to the studio this isn’t that common is it unfortunately um it’s been called a night of Carnage in the Press but you know as well as I know the stabbings are on the increase particularly in London

    Particularly in Birmingham in the major cities whatever we’re doing to tackle knife crime it ain’t working what needs to be done it is a challenge without a doubt and these are these are the crimes that are reported there’s an awful lot of stuff goes on that is unreported you

    Know L The Gangs even have got scoreboards when two gangs face off so many points for a murder so many points for stabbing so many points for shooting so many points for making someone run away but in addition to the gangs the knife seems to be a go-to weapon almost

    A fashion accessory now for many people to carry around with them what needs to be done well for a start in London the Met are stretched to the Limit yeah when is it how many times do you hear the Met needs to do more about this the Met needs to do more

    There’s a whole list of things the Met need to do more about knife crimes obviously should be a priority because it’s our young people who are getting stabbed in the main um there needs to be stop and search stop and search so I’m told and the figures prove it is falling

    Through the floor yes hared I think uh compared to this time last year um that’s partly because stop and search is controversial it can be career ending if you get a controversial stop and search in a public place draws a crowd you have to use Force to conduct your search uh

    Mobile phones are out and then of course if there’s a complaint you get an investigation that could possibly go on for years it could be career ending but Chris it works stop and search works where it’s been put in place in violence reduction units across cities such as

    Liverpool Glasgow London it works why can’t the police be given more powers and say to hell with people who criticize us it works it’s effective we need it we need to save lives well I think that is the issue I think the critics seem to to forget that every

    Time you take a knife or a gun or a weapon off the street and the Met take about somewhere almost 400 between 3 400 deadly weapons off the streets every month that’s potentially a life saved and unfortunately when you do get something a fatal stabbing many of which

    Are almost under the radar it’s only if there’s a particular twist that they get publicity but you don’t get the same activists coming out and saying H maybe we should have stop and search they Reserve their wroth not for the Fatal stabbing or the victim or the victim’s

    Family they reserve the wroth for the police whenever it is a stop and search becomes controversial how do we how do we break that cycle the bodies are continuing to pile up and the facts don’t lie young black men are disproportionate more likely to die and young black men are disproportionate

    More likely to be the ones doing the snabb ons data it’s factual why we are we having this barrier about about stop and SE being racist about policing being racist if we just look at things as they stand factually and being colorblind why can’t the police just be given the tools

    They need to clamp down I I think there’s an admission amongst police officers that a lot of the stabbings are linked to poorer socioeconomic conditions in certain parts of London that’s where you you get most of the stabbings I think if you’re a young black lad and you’re constantly being

    Told by activists that the police are brutal racist perverted oppressors then even if you’re quite a reasonable lad and you’re stopped by police you’re probably going to bristle a bit but the police also themselves tell us all the time that they’re institutionally racist does that help no

    It does I don’t but we could talk for for an hour why I don’t believe police are institutional racism has got a variety of meanings but what it what it boils down to most people interpret that as as police are racist it’s police who rased to the scene of these stabbings

    And often save lives by rendering because now a lot we’re very or the police are very much better at first aid they save lives they save black lives no one seems to be interested in that what I think perhaps the public needs is a bit more shock and a there’s a lot of

    Controversy about the clip we saw from the station should that be shown I would show clips personally that are more graphic bring it home to the school children and so on this is the consequences of knif gr when someone gets disembed by a knife and is inard

    Are over the pavement that’s the horror of knife crime and then the families who have to endure the loss of a loved one and they’re not all gang members sometimes you get innocent Lads caught up in this this this knife crime so it needs a Fresh Approach community

    Policing that sort of died in many parts of London get on those Estates get to know the gang members or the potential gang members it works tough love needed stop and search needed all these things at the moment we’re struggling because the are drowning under cases under

    Bureaucracy and uh and at the moment there’s no sign things are going to improve dramatically over time but they have to Chris Hobbs former met police officer fantastic starts of the show oozing Common Sense great stuff now there lots more still to come between now and 4:00 and I’ll speak to the man

    Who got students to sign his fake petition wait for it backing hooty terrorists but first is your latest news headlines with Aaron Armstrong it’s 3:32 I’m Aaron Armstrong in the GB News Room sir stammer has told GB news labor will get leveling up back on track speaking shortly after an event in the

    West Midlands to launch their local election campaign the labor leader dismissed suggestions Boris Johnson might be giving a role in Reviving The Policy leveling up as an idea the sense that we need more Regional equality um is really important but in order to make that work you need a

    Viable plan um and you need to do the hard yards of implementing it I’m afraid Boris Johnson didn’t do that um but I intend to make sure that um every area whether it’s Dudley where we are now or anywhere across the country feels the benefit of a growing economy well

    Meanwhile T’s water shareholders have said its business plan is uninvestable and they won’t put in half a billion pounds to fund it shareholders wanted the regulator ofwat to allow a 40 % Bill hike over 5 years for customers and more lenient penalties for falling file of

    Regulations the extra cash was to be put in by the end of this month the uh Community secretary Michael Grove has described the management of TSW as a disgrace saying they should not be putting their losses onto consumers a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted

    Murder after stabbing on a train in London yesterday afternoon it said to have happened just before 400 p.m. between shortlands and beckingham on a TR train Bound for Victoria Station a graphic footage shared on social media showed a Masked Man attacking another man with a large knife while concerned

    Passengers can be heard calling for help the victim remains in critical but stable condition in hospital and King Charles has reaffirmed his coronation pledge not to be served but to serve in a personal Easter message his pre-recorded comments were broadcast at the Royal M service at Worcester Cathedral the King has stepped

    Back from Royal duties while he receives treatment for cancer the queen attended in his absence and you can get the latest on all of our stories by scanning the QR code on your screen for our news alerts or go to our Website for stunning gold and silver coins you’ll always value Rosland gold proudly sponsors the GB news financial report quick snapshop of our Marcus the pine buys you $1.26 to4 and 1.65 1.1 1695 a gold will cost 1753 P 97 P per ounce and the 5100 is at 7,972 points Rosland gold proudly

    Sponsors the GB news financial report thank you eron now the King has made his first public comment since the the Princess of Wales announced that she had cancer I’m Martin dney on GB news Brit’s News Channel the latest GB news travel good afternoon I’m Jules Buckley this Q’s in South Yorkshire the southbound M1 just before catcliffe Junction 33 the outside Lane is ConEd off aition course in Q’s not help to course by the ongoing roadworks delays to Northbound for the

    M1 redborne at N9 up to the lon airport SP out at Junction 10 queuing part blocked there’s been a Kish and there’s one as well for the clockwise M25 that’s part blocked and slow just after South Mims at Junction 23 queuing for the M4 in South Wales around Cardiff Junction

    33 to 32 but all Lanes back open eastbound following an earlier collision and the a30 in Somerset the West coka road is currently closed both ways there flooding between gusa Lane and the bunford hollow roundabout that’s causing delays as well this afternoon and for now that’s your latest you can stay up

    To date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws docomond not spend their money as they wish the Church of England can do amazing things for this country and for the world and I’m not sure why it’s chosen to focus on this specific issue you know one of the causes that I’ve

    Always thought the church was very good at were things called arms houses which were basically houses that would be built on Church Estates for the needy not only did they want to spend 100 million on this fund that they wanted to spend 1 billion on reparations as well

    But why not spend a 100 million or a billion pound on a new generation of arms houses as opposed to just helping one group of people black British people why not just help all people in need Alex well I I just don’t understand what the Church of England is trying to do

    It’s on its deathbed congregations have have reduced reduced I mean death bed is maybe I mean if we look over 20 years it’s dramatically lower than it used to be and and and a lot of criticism from actual Christians come from the the values that the Church of England are

    Now propagating and Justin WBY has a lot to answer for because you know not only are we seeing in the news this Mass conversion of illegal immigrants to a gayar system in the UK but now we’re seeing them spending money and as Alby actually pointed out correctly in in a

    In a way that doesn’t really benefit broader Society it benefits a very small group of people so I I just don’t know where it’s going to end this committee has also said 1 million’s not enough 100 it’s 100 million sorry um it’s Church Commissioners are now hoping to for a target of 1

    Billion it’s what nonsense isn’t it you could make the argument that this is Charity Austin welby’s job is to be a virt virtue signaler is it charity discriminate I mean that’s what he’s saying we’re only going to give this to people from a specific skin color or

    Background I don’t think that’s a very Christian of them join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over

    Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel welcome back it’s 3:39 I’m Martin Dorney and this is GB news now

    Later in the show I get the latest on the travel situation ahead of the bank holiday weekend getaway are we facing karmageddon this Easter now Queen Camila visited Worcester Cathedral today for the Royal m d Thursday service and the King said it was with great sadness that this year

    He could not attend in a pre-recorded message played out of the service the king reaffirmed his coronation pledge not to be served but to serve a wonderful message and join me now is GB news’s Royal correspondent Cameron Walker Cameron give us a full update on the Royal Easter festivities good afternoon Martin of

    Course it’s a hugely important event in the Royal uh family’s calendar the Royal M service and it was very poignant because as you said uh King Charles could not be here he is still undergoing cancer treatment so Queen Camila was here in his place but there was an audio

    Message which the king recorded inside Buckingham Palace a few weeks ago as you said he reaffirmed his coronation pledge but he started by reading a passage from the Bible from Gospel of John uh talking about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples which of course is rooted uh

    Well that the M service is rooted in that particular story so the queen on the king’s behalf distributed moury money to 75 men and 75 women who have served their local community a red and white pouch were given to each of them containing commemorative miy money coins it’s happened every year for hundreds

    And hundreds of years the last time it was in Worcester cathedral was in the Year 1980 so long time ago uh the heavens opened a bit this afternoon and when her majesty the queen arrived there was quite there was a little a few noisy Republican protesters there was however

    A vastly a bigger crowd of monarchy supporters and actually when the queen had entered the cathedral the the anti-monarchy protesters retreated inside because they didn’t want to be in the rain but the monarchists were full support of the queen and braved the elements so when she came out of the

    Cathedral the queen could do a bit of a walkout with them and she got to greet lots of members of the crowds in fact she really overstayed the time that she was meant to be departing which just shows I think how much she was enjoying meeting the locals here in Worcester and

    How much they were enjoying meeting her there was lots of very good wishes for the king and the Princess of Wales who are continuing cancer treatments they are members of the public asking the queen to pass on messages of good will and it shows that the queen really is

    Holding up the for of the royal family at the moment with both Prince William uh the king and the Princess of Wales all off we are however expected to see the King on Easter Sunday in a few days time at St George’s Chapel in Windor alongside the queen they will be

    Attending the Easter Sunday service in St George’s Chapel Royal sources tell me it’s going to be scaled back because the King on medical advice cannot be in twoo many crowds at the moment but it will be a scaleb back service with members of the close family well walk lookss beautiful there

    In Worcester outside the cathedral there the sun shining down on Monday Thursday thank you very much for that wonderful update now about to speak to the man who persuaded countless students in London to sign a petition supporting the hoti terrorists I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel hello again here’s your latest GB News weather forecast brought to you by the Met Office if you’re hoping for something a little bit drier then there is something of a rest fite over this weekend but for the time being the unsettled theme continues low pressure firmly in control like it has been

    Through much of this week bring more blustery showery weather to many places we still have some strong winds across the South Coast as we go through the end of the day and some heavy rain affecting Eastern parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere it’s a blustery showery theme across many parts though the focus of

    The rain pushing its way into more northern areas overnight with some clearer drier weather for a Time across some parts could allow for a touch of frost and a few fog patches to develop particularly across parts in Northern Ireland elsewhere most places starting tomorrow on a relatively mild note

    Otherwise as we go through Good Friday and there will be some further show rain around again we could see some hail and some Thunder mixed in with this but we should also see some dry and perhaps even bright or sunny spells in between any heavier downpours temperatures will

    Be a few degrees higher than today highs of around 134 14 C and the winds will be easing as we go through the day so that should make it feel a touch more pleasant perhaps as we look towards Saturday and yes there will still be some showers around but they don’t look

    As intense and they look a little bit fewer and further between compared to what we’ve seen over some recent days so greater chance of seeing some dri weather to come and that’s a similar picture for Sunday but more unsettle weather arriving Again by Monday see you later join me Camila Tomy every Sunday

    At 9:30 and I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive

    Incompetent that’s the Camila tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel I’m Michelle jub and I’m not here to tell you what to think I’d much rather hear what you have to say so send in your opinions to GB views GB newws

    Keep them clean and you never know I might read them out with my panel here on jub andco WE debate we get stuck into the issues of the day on a show where all views are welcome Especially Yours GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel 2024 a Battleground year the

    Year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment

    The highs the lows the twists and turns we’ll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel GB news is the home of free speech we were create ated to Champion it and we deliver it day in Day Out free

    Speech allows us all to explore and debate openly the issues most important to us our families and of course the British people having challenging conversations to Enlighten each other which is why we hear all sides of the argument we are the people’s Channel we will always stand by the freedom to

    Express yourself on TV radio and online this is GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back it’s 3:47 I’m Martin Dorney and this is GB news now at 4:00 with the Batley grammar school teacher still in hiding three years on find out what sakir starm has said about the prospect of banning protests outside

    Schools now hotti Rebels are terrorizing British vessels in the Red Sea but some students in London well they couldn’t care less check out what happened when a contributor for websites reasoned KES Hussein presented them with a fake petition backing the terror group it’s about the hoodie Rebels if you support

    Them against the US and uh the UK and Israel do you agree with it yes I’m collecting petitions to show to University that people who support who Hy Rebels okay do you agree or um yeah it’s in support of the hoodies do you know much about the

    Hoodis or not really I don’t think so no don’t study politics no no um the houthis are oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh what do you know about the houthis yeah you know about them yeah what do you think um not too sure what he I do

    Know what’s I know a rough idea of what’s so you support them I think so yeah oh good I’ll let you go when you sign my petition sister what is it for it’s in support of the hoodies in Yemen oh okay yeah yeah why not do you know

    Much about the hoodies no I don’t know much do you support them they’re against Saudi Arabia Israel and America and Britain I mean I’d have to know more about it to personal email yeah yeah excuse me will you sign my petition in support of the hoies in support of the H in

    Yemen well it’s one of those do you laugh or do you cry well the man responsible for that petition was a contributor for reason Kass hin and he joins me now welcome to the show guest superb sting you did there I guess the big question is are these students

    Actual terrorist sympathizers or all they just unbridled stupid are they the embodiment of a little education is a dangerous thing well it’s deeply disturbing I mean it people are utterly gullible but Absol absolutely useful idiots and it’s concerning because they don’t know what who they stand for and people who did

    End up supporting them so it’s a bit of both I mean ambivalent towards it I’m petrified but it’s a bit funny that people are so gullible and it was outside Kings University which is meant to be one of the top universities in the country yeah and also Kings College

    There is a place that’s a center for the International Center for radicalization I’ve been there myself on multiple occasions dealing with serious stories about terrorism and British link so you’d think people there would be blessed with a modicum of knowledge I mean would none of them even aware the

    Fact that the h Rebels are actually a prescribed terrorist organization and supporting them is a crime well the houthis go by another name called ansala which means supporter of God and in 2003 their slogan was God is greatest death to America death to Israel and a curse upon the Jews so

    Highly highly discriminatory and Lang and the group’s Dogma is a threat to our national security and the security of our allies but um I’ve got a video that’s coming out part two and I actually tell people this and the people say yeah I support it and there was this

    One inter one lady I interview which will come comes out in the video that um launching in part two where she said that she supports her mass and she’d be with her Mass person in her class so it’s you know people when people find out weirdly and peculiarly they tend to

    Support the who is more it’s astonishing to believe that students at British campuses in this day and age knowing all we know can about the hoo is knowing all we know about Hamas still choose to align with them what’s driving this what’s behind it is is it because it’s fashionable or is it

    Something more Insidious is it actually backed up by concerning things like um campus ridden anti-Semitism I think it’s a mixture of all things and all these things you know form this Unholy Alliance this horrible callous Coalition as I call it people are desperate for a sense of

    Belonging sense of identity and they get it front of these baleful projects and stuff like that supporting the houth people do it to become popular uh people you know I’ve seen on Tinder myself people say they support Hamas just to get a few likes you know to get a few

    Swipe rights uh people also doing it because they’re Disturbed people you know people want to blame someone for the play that they find themselves in and if it’s not the Tories if it’s not the uh you know British Civil Service then then up you know finding Solace and

    Comfort in our enemies so it’s it’s a mixture of things and part indoctrination that’s universities that play Kess would you would you go a stage further and say on campuses like this is actually fashionable a badge of honor to hate Britain I think it’s fashionable I mean it’s popular to loath Britain Britain’s

    This evil place that’s you know committed awful things despite you know what what every other country does um I think it’s to do with this London liberal thing you know being King’s College it doesn’t happen in my University I go to Hull University or as my friends call it hell on Earth

    University but it happens in you know our metropolitan areas it’s this Metropolitan M this mign mine it doesn’t happen in all universities like Hull for instance but it’s a London thing and C can you just give us an idea of the types of people that were signing I mean

    I believe you said a couple of them were actually politics students and what about the kind of ethnic makeup who were the people signing this it’s a variety of people you know this the left do not discriminate when they recruit people when they get their Marxist missionaries it is a lot of

    Middle class women you know with fancy names like ketta Jetta then you have um a lot of LGBT people despite the who these butchering LGBT people you also have a lot of Bane people you have Muslims um I also somebody who signed the petition was also um had Jewish

    Heritage so it’s just a mixture of people and this is what the left do they don’t discriminate when they’re trying to learn people into them they target everybody and even they make people turn against themselves that’s a fantastic piece of work kin for reason and when part two

    Comes out please come back on I’d love to see it and put it out there well done son great piece of work keep it up thank you so much now as you for a few of emails before on the subject of knife crime Jean has said this how about

    Parents stop and search their teenagers before they leave their home and that might stop some of the stabbings stop BL blaming the police and take responsibility for your own children an says this the online websites selling these knives need to have much more stringent checks or stop selling them

    All together put these people in jail for selling them knives are simply far too easily accessible now a 19-year-old man has been arrested on the suspicion of attempt of murder after a stabbing on a train in South London and two people are in a critical but stable condition after

    An incident at Kellington station last night we’ll have a full detail of that and also we have an exclusive interview with a community leader a Nigerian man who works on doors in nightclubs he says we don’t need youth clubs these youths need tough love he says Britain is

    Simply too soft and that’s why there’s a vacuum which is filled with criminality it’s a fascinating interview we have that after this I’m Maron dney on GB news Brit’s News Channel but first it’s time for your latest weather update with Alex Burkill a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news hello again here’s your latest GB News weather forecast brought to you by the Met Office if you’re hoping for something a little bit drier then there is something of a rest bite over this weekend but for the time being the

    Unsettled theme continues low pressure firmly in control like it has been through much of this week bringing more blustery showery weather to many places we still have some strong winds across the South Coast as we go through the end of the day and some heavy rain affecting Eastern parts of Northern Ireland

    Elsewhere it’s a blustery showery theme across many parts though the focus of the rain pushing its way into more northern areas overnight with some clearer drier weather for a Time across some parts could allow for a touch of frost and a few fog patches to develop particularly across of Northern Ireland

    Elsewhere most places starting tomorrow on a relatively mild note otherwise as we go through Good Friday and there will be some further shy rain around again we could see some hail and some Thunder mixed in with this but we should also see some dry and perhaps even bright or

    Sunny spells in between any heavier downpours temperatures will be a few degrees higher than today highs of around 13 14 Cel and the winds will be easing as we go through the day so that should make it feel a touch more pleasant perhaps as we look towards

    Saturday and yes there will still be some showers around but they don’t look as intense and they look a little bit fewer and further between compared to what we’ve seen over some recent days so greater chance of seeing some dri weather to come and that’s a similar picture for Sunday but more unsettle

    Weather arriving Again by Monday see you later that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB News the latest GB news travel good afternoon I’m Jules Buckley long qes for the Northbound M6 still a lane shut for a collision this between the Stafford services and the sto turnoff at Junction 15 very slow going still queuing Northbound M1 redbor Junction 9 up towards the lieon airport

    SPO Junction 10 qes there at the scene of a collision slow back towards Junction 8 now the clockwise M25 is still part blocked there’s been an accident just after South Mims 23 and that’s causing delays a lane shut for a broken down van at the moment southbound

    This one M23 that’s from the M25 so Junction 8 down towards Gatwick Airport at 9 and that is slow going and into taon in Somerset the westbound toway a358 part blocked and slow there’s been a collision near to the Travel Lodge there this afternoon and for now that’s your very

    Latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws want to be a winner just like Phil obviously whoever wins it next is going to be as happy as I was and they’re going to get even more money this time

    Around so why wouldn’t you go in the drawer enter our massive spring giveaway there’s 12,345 in taxfree cash to give your finances a spring boost we’ll also send you on a shopping spree with £500 worth of vouchers to spend in the store of your choice you’ll also get a garden

    Gadget package you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for another to win the vouchers the treats and £ 12,345 in taxfree cash text GB win to 8492 text cost 22 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb03 PO Box 8690 Derby de1

    9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday full terms and privacy notice at GB swin please check the closing time if watching or listening on demand good luck big news big debates big opinion Patrick chrisy tonight is the week’s biggest sh

    Every weekday 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on

    The pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick chrisy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Christopher hope and I’m Gloria deero bringing you pmqs live here on GB news whenever Parliament is in session on a Wednesday at midday we’ll bring you

    Live coverage of prime minister’s questions we’ll be asking our viewers and listeners to submit the questions that they would like to put to the Prime Minister and we’ll put that to our panel of top politicians in our Westminster Studio that’s pmqs live here on GB news Britain’s election Channel A very good afternoon to you out there it’s 4M and welcome to the Martin dney show on GB News broadcasting Live From The Heart of Westminster all across the UK on today’s show sakir starma says protests outside schools should be banned after that Batley grammar school teacher was targeted three years ago and

    Still remains in hiding he sat down earlier with GB news and a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after his stabbing on a train in South London yesterday and two men are in a critical but stable condition after another incident just a

    Few miles away last night we’ll have a full update on those cases and the great Bank holay getaway is underway I find out if we’re facing Easter karmageddon and that’s all coming up in your next hour Welcome the show always an absolute pleasure to have your company we’ve got a serious problem with knife crime in Britain whatever we’re doing in the moment it isn’t working the facts are the facts we’ve simply lost control of our streets I’m asking you today what can be done about knife crimes you want

    To see tougher sentences immediate jail for carrying a knife let me know your Solutions because as I said the current approach simply is failing Britain as the bod’s pil up get in touch gbvs atgb this show is just as much yours as it is mine but first before all of

    That it’s time for your latest news headlines with poly Middlehurst Martin thank you and good afternoon to you well the top story from the GB Newsroom today is that sakir starma has told GB news labor will get the leveling up agenda back on track speaking shortly after an event in the West Midlands today to launch the local election campaign the labor leader

    Dismissed suggestions that Boris Johnson may be given a role in Reviving The Policy leveling up as an idea the sense that we need more Regional equality um is really important but in order to make that work you need a viable plan um and you need to do the

    Hard jards of implementing it I’m afraid Boris Johnson didn’t do that um but I intend to make sure that um every area whether it’s Dudley where we are now or anywhere across the country feels the benefit of a growing economy Michael Gove has described the management of T’s water a disgrace the

    Firm’s bosses have admitted it could face the risk of emergency rationalization as its funding crisis deepens shareholders have refused to give the company half a billion pounds of extra funding describing the rescue plan as uninvestable instead shareholders want the regulator ofwat to increase customers bills by up to 40%

    Over five years Mr Gove says T’s water has behaved in an arrogant way towards its customers and must take responsibility for its failings for years now uh we’ve seen uh the customers of TS water taken advantage of by successive management teams that have been taking out profits and not

    Investing as they should have been so the answer is not to hit the consumers the answer is for the management team to look to their own approach and ask themselves why they’re in this difficult situation and of course the answer is because of Serial mismanagement for which they must carry the

    Can Michael Gove let’s just bring you some breaking news we’re hearing uh from East Sussex we’re hearing that police and ambulance officers are dealing with a situation at Lewis Prison Sussex police were told have confirmed their assisting paramedics with several prisoners believed to have become unwell

    And it turns out after eating the same meal we understand the prison hasn’t put into lockdown and the incident isn’t believed to be related to drugs we’ll keep you posted on that one a teenager has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a knife attack on a London train yesterday afternoon it

    Happened between shortlands and Beckham just before for 4:00 the victim in his 20s suffered life-threatening injuries from the attack which was recorded and shared on social media he’s now in a stable condition it showed a Masked Man attacking another man with a large knife in front of passengers in broad daylight

    Who can be heard telling him to stop and calling out for help a man has been arrested in connection with the death of goggle box star George gilby who died yesterday after falling at work he’s been known for appearing in the channel 4 Series which takes viewers inside their homes

    While watching television he also appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2014 Essex police have detained a man in his 40s on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter in the United States an entrepreneur and founder of a cryptocurrency exchange has been sentenced to 25 years behind bars for multi-million doll fraud Sam Bachman

    Freed’s firm FDX was valued at 32.1 billion before it went bankrupt in 2022 the 32-year-old’s been convicted of stealing $8 billion from customers his sentencing today marks a dramatic downfall for the former billionaire who was once a major political donor in news here at home plans to reform Britain’s leasehold property law

    System have been criticized by peers who say the bill doesn’t go far enough leaseholds allow homeowners to buy and live in a property for a certain number of years while paying charges for the land but there’s been mounting criticism of the system with many residents seeing charges rise dramatically often with

    Little explanation it means they can be locked into costly contracts with little right to address the government dropped its pledge to scrap leas holds last year but Labour’s housing spokesperson baroness Taylor called the government’s current proposal a shell of a bill that won’t offer the security that homeowners were once promised

    Now the Archbishop of Canterbury has called on people to pray this Easter weekend for the jail journalist Evan gershkovich Good Friday marks a year since the Wall Street Journal reporter was detained in Russia on charges of spying no evidence has ever been presented for those allegations he’s the

    First US journalist to be arrested in Russia since the Cold War and Justin Welby says journalists around the world should be protected and free to hold those in power to account and a personal message from his majesty the King has been broadcast to wora Cathedral marking the Royal M day

    Service the queen was in attendance as his majesty told the service that Britain is blessed by local services that exist for our welfare he paid tribute to those organizations and their selfless staff and said we all benefit greatly greatly from those who offer us care and friendship that’s the news for

    The latest stories do sign up to GB news alerts scan the QR code on the screen right now or go to GB newws Alerts thank you paully now we’ll have the latest on those incidents in London very shortly but we start with our interview with sakir starmer and the labor leaders told GB news that protests outside schools should be banned a report out this week said that protest should be banned within 150 meters of

    Schools and of course a Batley grammar school teacher is still in hiding three years after he was targeted for showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson well I do feel very concerned about this um individual and I do think that we need to take extremism

    Very seriously um the strategy needs updating I think it was last updated N9 years ago I thought the report into what happened in Batley um raised some very issues most of which I agree with particularly this idea that there shouldn’t be those sorts of protests

    Outside of our schools so I do think a serious issue serious recommendations um and I think that in so far as we can this shouldn’t become a party political issue we’ve all got a an interest in making sure we’re tackling this this kind of extremism would you move any

    Protests 150 yards away or meters away from the school gate as Dame SAR is arguing for I do think uh that we should do that I think there should be a buffer outside of our schools uh schools should not be a place for protest well sakir has also backed

    Labor’s Deputy leader Angela Raina as you’d expect and she’s faced questions about whether she paid the right amount of tax on the 2015 sale of her Council house and now greater Manchester police has said it’s reassessing its decision not to investigate allegations she gave false information on official documents

    Well Angela has answered no end of questions um have you seen have you seen the report uh she’s answered all questions she’s been very clear she’ll talk to any of the authorities that want more information she’s taken legal advice um on my team have seen it I have

    Never felt the need nor do I think it’s appropriate for me personally to see it um I’m satisfied um with the answers that she has given repeatedly now on this but you’re saying she’s cleared but you haven’t all to see the actual evidence to show she is cleared I don’t

    Need to it’s not appropriate for me to see that legal ADV uh if the police do launch a for investigation should she resign stand back from her job well Chris I’m not going to get into hypotheticals we’ve been down this road many many times before um look we the police have made

    Their decision they need to now get on with the decision and the process that they’re going through and if of course if evidence emerg that she hasn’t given given uh talked properly about to the about on the Electoral register was that an issue for you look andel’s given this

    Her answers many many times over she’s taken legal advice on it um that has satisfied her her team and my team and confident in the answers that she’s given well to get reaction to What secur Stormer sent to GB news ear I’m now joined in the studio by John renle who’s

    The chief political commentator at the independent John welcome to the studio let’s start with that um Raina um response you are sniggering away Sak suddenly isn’t interested in seeing evidence that seems rather unusual seeing his his criminal I was I was I wasn’t sniggering I was um I I was I’m

    I’m more puzzled as to why he thinks it’s appropriate for his team to have seen um her her legal advice but not for him personally to to see it I mean is is he worried that there is something in there that is contestable and therefore

    That if he if he says he’s seen it he has to sort of Stand By it um it’s not satisfactory it’s not a line that’s that’s going to going to fact it’s a topic that won’t go away ahead of the general election can I also ask you about s storer’s response to the

    Bley grammar school situation a situation a conversation we’ve been really rep pushing on this channel someone that’s still in hiding three years later we must not forget though that this happened in a labor constituency and the teacher himself felt completely abandoned politically by the labor party is saki starma suddenly

    Taken interest yeah well the the the teacher was felt abandoned by this the school uh the local Council and and the police and I think it’s absolutely Dreadful uh situation and um I’m relieved that uh G arm suddenly um got got concerns about it I mean he he could

    Have expressed them uh earlier to be honest uh I think he’s saying the right things now uh but this poor teacher has been uh left in limbo for for three years and there’s been a conspicuous silence uh coming from the labor party about that and to be fair um I went to

    The by elction I I held a rally in Batley and every political party there didn’t want to say anything about it so it’s not just the labor party um that that that where the cat got their turn the Conservative candidate I believe I still maintain could have won that

    Byelection if they stood up for the teacher and they didn’t yeah no and I can understand the sensitivities because you know you want you you want to maintain good community relations but um as as Sara Khan said in her report um this is an example of of uh of of people

    People who feel their religious sensibility has been offended uh but but not on the basis of the facts not on the basis of what actually happened uh and and resorting to intimidation as a result of that and I think that that was wrong and I think I think all

    Politicians should have had the courage to say so we’ve been asking the prime minister’s office this week and now we’ve asked s Arma this and today should this teacher be compensated for what’s happened to him do you think that should happen oh think he should be he he should be given whatever whatever

    Support he he he wants because he has been treated extremely badly and he has suffered I mean yeah I’m not sure PTSD is a a strange a strange term to apply in this case but I mean he’s obviously had a very rough time well he had death

    Threats and he’s too afraid to work he’s too afraid to leave his house so that would be traumatized no I think so he he deserves every every support that people can give him on a final Point um do you feel that secur armor is now looking like acting like talking like a prime

    Minister somebody who’s ready to go cuz until this point it seemed all you had to do was just keep quiet and and he win the election well no I think it’s amazing what a what a 20o lead in the opinion polls will do for your confidence in your body language and uh

    Your presentation I mean he looks he looks so much more relaxed and confident in his own skin uh than he used to um and we saw it there with in the interview with with with Christopher hope he he didn’t appear to be ruffled by any of the questions although some of

    Them were quite quite tough and quite difficult and I wasn’t wholly satisfied with his answers but he certainly looked as if he could deal with the situation and um you know he and Angela rer presenting themselves as a United Team I thought was a very successful uh

    Campaign launch today do you think his confidence might be boosted by the fact so John Curtis the pollster saying that they the conservatives only got a 1% chance of winning the next general election now well Christopher hope asked about that and of course he has to he

    Has to sort of deny that and and disagree with John Curtis and say of course he’s not complacent um I I think 99% is a is a very high figure uh and I’m I’m surprised at that one uh but it doesn’t it doesn’t actually help K because he’s trying to persuade his

    Party not to take victory for granted so the fourth coming Landslide as many are predicting has Echoes of 1997 election that you and I will both remember well do you think that the country has that optimism about it now you know Blair came in off the back of a long period of

    Tory rule as is s arm but the country financially is now potless no I think the mood is is a bit different and the and the economic situation and the and the the state of the public finances in particular are very very different and I think that’s that’s going to be uh what

    What uh what will distinguish this period because I think this this government uh you know if labor do get into government they’re going to be in in in facing a very difficult situation straight away super of John rental thanks for join us in the studio of course Chief political commentator at

    The independent thank you always pleasure to have you in here now time is running out on your chance to win our spring giveaway and that’s a shopping spree gadgets and 12,345 quid in cash taxfree lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow and here’s all the details that you need to get in there to

    Win It It’s the final week to see how you could win big I’m Charles I’m on £18,000 cash just go for it it’s an absolute must you must try and go for it it’s fantastic there’s a massive £ 12,345 in taxfree cash to spend however you like along with £500 in shopping

    Vouchers for your favorite store you’ll also get a garden Gadget package you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow for another chance to win the vouchers the treats and £ 12,345 in taxfree cash Tex GB win to 84902 Tex cost2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name

    And number to gb03 PO Box 8690 Derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow full terms and privacy notice at now a 19-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a man was stabbed on a train in South

    London yesterday we’ll have all the latest on that soon I’m Martin Dy on GB news Britain’s News Channel this is GB news Britain’s news channel is the brand of toothpaste super important here or is it more about the toothbrush because I was told a long time ago by my dentist electric toothbrush pip that is the way to go you’re exactly right I mean the action

    Of mechanically removing plaque so using a brush is much more effective than the brand of toothpaste itself but in terms of the ingredient in toothpaste that we’re looking for it’s something called fluoride and fluoride is essential to help remineralize and strengthen our teeth it’s really important to use a

    Toothpaste with fluoride and in terms of brushing using an electric toothbrush is just much easier you know you’re brushing your teeth first thing in the morning last thing at night you’re going to be a bit tired in those times so using an electric toothbrush you just

    Hold it against your tooth and gum and it does all the work for you so it’s just much easier in my opinion but you have to use your electric toothbrush properly you’re exactly right yeah there is a technique of actually brushing your teeth although it sounds really simp

    Simple with an electric toothbrush you have to hold it against the tooth in the gum ideally you want a pressure sensor in that toothbrush so you know exactly when you’re pressing too hard but if you’re using a manual toothbrush you need to move it around and small

    Circular motions but actually what I see is people who use manual toothbrushes they tend to over scrub and overbrush which can actually lead to gum recession and your enamel thinning long term sometimes I will get up in the morning and I will have breakfast first and then I’ll brush my teeth is that

    Wrong unfortunately that’s wrong so the best time to brush your teeth is first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up if you’re brushing after you eat and after breakfast you’re brushing your teeth in that weakened acidic state so your teeth are actually under attack and

    They’re much more vulnerable I’m Andrew Doyle join me at 7:00 every Sunday night for free speech Nation the show where I tackle the week’s biggest stories in politics and current affairs with the help of my two medium panelists and a variety of special guests Free Speech

    Nation Sunday nights from 7 on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel your weekend starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night

    Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8: till 9 on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions free every Sunday from 11: join Michael Portillo there will be topical discussion looking at the week before and the week to come so kick back and relax at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays on GB

    News with me Michael Portillo GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back it’s 4:21 I’m Martin dney and this is GB news now as it emerges the controversial New England football shirt is selling rather well later in the show I’ll ask was this simply a brilliant piece of marketing by

    Nike now a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a man was stabbed on a train in South London yesterday meanwhile two people are in a critical but stable condition after another incident at Kennington station last night while our home and security had

    Mark White is outside Kennington station while Ray Addison is outside shortland’s station Ray could I start with you what’s the latest on the situation at Shands well the latest as we understand it is that this 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and a knife has also been

    Recovered by British transport police it’s not yet known whether that knife was in the possession of this suspect ector uh gathered separately as part of the police investigation but they have the two of them now of course police being called just before 4:00 uh yesterday afternoon to be told of two

    Men fighting on the train heading towards Victoria South Eastern train uh between this station shortlands and Beckham Junction it’s about a 2 to 3 minute Journey uh not a short uh not a long period of time rather but of course a terrifying period for all of those

    Passengers on board that uh that footage filmed by somebody in the carriage released on social media showing uh that terrifying uh incident of course members of the public extremely uh concerned then calling police and begging for an ambulance to come as quickly as possible now when it got to at beckingham

    Junction the train of course we understand that eventually Emergency Services arrived the suspect was no longer there but of course the the victim in this incident was uh a man in his 20s we are told being treated uh by paramedics uh and then taken to a major

    Trauma Center here in London and he remains today in a critical but stable condition and specialist officers are assisting his family now it’s deeply concerned this community here in Bromley in Kent members of the public telling me coming up making a point specifically to come up and tell me how concerned they

    Are and how much this area has changed in recent years they say not only is this local uh area certainly much more uh scary for them and much more violent incidents taking place but also traveling on the network the rail network as well has become a significant

    Concern not just for them but for their younger family members as well now British transport police Keen to say um that they are stepping up their police presence on um Network Rail and and transport links around uh Southeast London I certainly haven’t seen anybody today I did see two police officers uh

    Chase straight last we’ve had an hour ago chasing after a suspect in an in a presumably unrelated crime but they’re saying that they’ve stepping up that police presence because they do want to reassure members of the public that they’re here to protect them thank you Ray now let’s cross to Mark white

    Outside Kennington station Mark the media calling it a night of Carnage can you bring us up to speed about the situation in Kennington well the very latest breaking news is uh condition update on the two victims of the stabbing attack here in Kennington were told by British

    Transport police that those two men both in their 40s are now off the danger list they are no longer in a lifethreatening condition so some good positive news there no indication yet that they have a suspect in custody indeed they haven’t yet put out any kind of a description or

    Photograph of a suspect they’re looking for which might indicate that they actually have a positive line of inquiry that they’re pursuing what we have got just in the last few minutes is a statement from British transport Police Superintendent Darren malpaz who gave us an update on the situation both in

    Beckingham and here in Kennington police were called to an incident yesterday at 4 p.m. at beckingham Junction train station uh for a fight on board the train during that fight a knife w was used which has since been recovered and a 19-year-old male has been arrested for

    Attempted murder the victim in that case is in a critical but stable condition at hospital being supported by family and friends and specialist police officers a separate incident occurred at Kennington London Underground Station at 10:30 p.m. yesterday on the platform two men in their 40s were stabbed but are currently

    In hospital with non-life-threatening uh injuries inquiry are ongoing uh in relation to both these matters if you have seen or witnessed any of these incidents please could you text 61016 uh or telephone 08004 5040 and Report what you’ve seen during this weekend there will be enhanced reassurance Patrols in all

    These areas and across South London to support communities so superintendent Darren malus there and the Metropol police British transport police say they are expecting a very busy weekend because of course it is the Easter weekend many people will be out in the capital using the transport Network and as you heard

    There from the superintendent there will be increased British transport police patrols around the transport networks Metropolitan Police commanders have also just confirmed within the last hour that they have additional resources on to Patrol the city over the weekend thank you Mt white a full and comprehensive update as ever in

    Kennington and Ray adderson at Shand thank you for joining us on the show well joining us now is an anti knife campaigner Matt J welcome to the show Matt so um I spoke with you earlier on and um I was fascinated to learn that you work as a Dorman um on clubs and

    You’re more than familiar with the knife crime problem wanted to ask you why are young men carrying knives and how do we stamp out this cancer I honestly believe that this is a result of lack of discipline I believe that there’s no discipline like I was

    Just covering the Ellen and down story a few months ago and there’s absolutely no regard for the law I mean she’s going to school and a young girl going to Secondary School gets a knife inserted in in her neck I was running so much and what came to my attention the most was

    The black community a woman was saying that we don’t have enough role models in a black community what role model do you need we need discipline and we need stricter um we need stricter sentences honestly because I feel like they getting away with too much and I believe

    That this is a factor that mainly is terrorizing the black community Matt it’s it’s fascinating that you speak out like that because so often of course if we level such accusations we’re accused of racism stop and search is racism but I’m afraid Matt the facts speak for themselves you are

    Disproportionately much more likely to die or to murder somebody else if they a young black man in Britain and particularly in London and the West Midlands why is that and what do you think we’re getting wrong and what could the police be doing instead are they too

    Soft honestly speaking I feel like the police are way too soft um black people are very intelligent and when I say that I mean we know where we can get away with these crimes and where we can’t get away with these crimes I’m someone who lived in Nigeria for many years and I

    Went to school with many uh Nigerian Brits Nigerian Americans Nigerian Italians Nigerian Germans and when we got there the discipline was so strict that we never thought about this kind of behavior it’s something that doesn’t happen back there but when we come here we understand the law we understand

    There’s a discounted sentence you probably just serve half and you know um the worst thing is when you come out of jail um you know you’re looked at as a hero in the community you know you’ve earned your stripes so how does that even work so we need strong sentences

    I’m a strong advocate for strong sentences um none of this work stuff but we’re fed up with work kids are dying we haven’t got time for work we’ve got we need to stamp our foot down and we need to really start cracking down on these guys tough I want really harsh

    Punishment like really harsh and Matt what would that punishment look like I mean would you like to see mandatory sentences for anybody carrying machetes or zombie knives like no mess about boom straight in the Clank absolutely we need to make an example once you make an

    Example of a few it will deter the rest so you just need to have a deterrent put in place and once you just show the first 1,000 people 500 people you’re not joking around they’re in jail it will deter the rest from carrying out um or potential perpetrators from carrying out

    Such attacks we need way more harsh punishment is way too lenient in the UK and we need to put our foot down people are scared to go on the trains I work alongside like some police officers I work as a door man but I work alongside some police officers and like the

    Stories that you know you just hear and you see what they go through as well and what’s even worse about this is our police officers are totally disrespected you know I was even on the door I just want to say this one point I was on the door and they stopped these

    Group of guys going around the corner stop and search they actually found something those boys apparently from what I heard were about to get back crime at someone else so they literally saved a life but no one will ever look at police and say oh you’re doing a good

    Job instead they disrespect the police and you know they’ll try and defund the police you know I guess this is we’re done with World culture I’m so done with it kids are dying everyone’s scared people just want to live in the UK in peace ukrainians have just come into the

    UK by many I bet you you wouldn’t even hear one Ukrainian killing another Ukrainian polish Indian are the highest immigrant groups into the UK when did you ever Indian killed another Indian or a Polish another polish let’s build better in the community hold ourselves accountable and and yeah then we’ll

    Start seeing results but accountability is primary we must be accountable first none of this work stuff none of this invest into communities we’re done with that okay amazing so refreshing to hear that anti- knife campaigner Matt A J thank you so much for joining us on the

    Show and please come back now lots more still to come between now and 5:00 and I’ll cross live to one of the busiest motorways in Britain shortly and ask are we facing calm mageddon this Easter but first it’s time for your latest news headlines with paully Middlehurst and the top stor is this hour sakir starma has told GB news that labor will get the leveling up agenda back on track speaking shortly after an event in the West Midlands to launch the local election campaign the labor leader dismissed suggestions that Boris Johnson

    May be given a role in Reviving the old policy leveling up as an idea the sense that we need more Regional equality um is really important but in order to make that work you need a viable plan um and you need to do the hard yards of implementing it I’m afraid

    Boris Johnson didn’t do that um but I intend to make sure that um every area whether it’s Dudley where we are now or anywhere across the country feels the benefit of a growing economy speaking to GB news earlier well Michael has described the leadership of T’s water as a disgrace it comes as

    Shareholders found its business plan uninvestable refusing to put half a billion pounds to fund the troubled supplier shareholders now want the regulator ofwat to allow a 40% Bill hike over five years and more lenient penalties for falling foul of regulations but Mr Gove said the company had behaved in an arrogant way towards

    Customers and its leadership must accept responsibility for its failings British transport police is enhancing patrols over the Easter weekend across a number of stations in London following two unconnected stabbings on the rail network it comes as a 19-year-old man’s been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after stabbing another passenger

    On a train in the capital yesterday the attack said to have happened just before 400 p.m. on a train Bound for Victoria Station graphic footage emerged on social media showing a Masked Man attacking another with a large knife while concerned passengers could be heard calling for help the victim

    Remains in a critical but stable condition in hospital and King Charles has reaffirmed his coronation pledge not to be served but to serve in a personal Easter message his pre-recorded comments were broadcast at the Royal mday service at Worster Cathedral today being mday Thursday of course and the King has

    Stepped back from Royal duties while he’s treated for cancer the queen attended the service in his absence those are your latest top stories for the latest do sign up to GB news alerts scan the QR code on your screen right now or go to GB Alerts thank you Paulie now there’s expected to be 14 million car Journeys over the bank Hol weekend are we weekend sorry are we staring down the barrel of an Easter karmageddon I’m Martin Dorney on GB news Britain’s News Channel The latest GB news travel good afternoon hello again I’m Jules Buckley weather qes in Stafford Cher If you making your journey Northbound at the m6 this afternoon from the Stafford Services up to stoke at 15 all lanes are back open though following an earlier CIS there’s been a bump two

    Affecting the Northbound M1 redborn Junction 9 up to the lon Airport burrow Junction 10’s queuing is queuing back to Junction 8 at the scene of a collision and there’s one as well clockwise for the M25 part block slow going just after the South Mims turn off Junction 23 now

    The M48 7 Bridge both ways between Wales and England is currently closed due to strong winds the diversion there’s the M4 the Prince of Wales bridge and the Northbound M5 two-lane shut and qes Crips Causeway 17 up to Aztec West at 16 aari there involved in a collision and

    For now that’s your latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws docomo weekends from 300 p.m. I like to call this one robbing Peter to pay Paul the labor party have embarked on a journey that I can only describe as

    Politics of Envy I think it’s time we scrutinize their policies more closely and establish in our mind what a labor government might mean to the education system s stama and his party have for far too long capitalized on the object failure of the conservatives and haven’t really had to explain themselves but as

    Part of their Manifesto labor intend to charge that at 20% on private schools because I suspect they think that people who send their kids there will stump up the cash no matter what and that these people have money they will then use this money labor to fund State schools

    Basically they will rob peter to paper but what I believe they failed to realize I’m not sure whether they’ve factored this in is that many people who send their kids to private schools do so at Great sacrifice and are in fact paying twice into the education system I

    Spent my first year secondary education in a state school I’ll be honest when I started I was at the top of the class but by the end of the year I was near the bottom but then my dad got promoted to a post on Wall Street in the states

    My parents sent me to a private boarding school in the UK run by nuns and my family moved to America thank God the opportunity I was given to go private at boarding school I grew in confidence and I’m here now because of it my father’s

    Work Nat West and alone my dad took out paid for my private education we were nowhere near as rich as some of the kids there but there were also many children I would say at least half whose parents were busting a gut to send them there it

    Is clear that the State education system is failing but rather than robbing Peter to pay Paul surely it would be better for the party to improve the state system without destroying the private sector4 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general

    Election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns we’ll be with you for every step of the this journey in

    2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel welcome back it’s 4:39 I’m Martin Dorney and this is GB news now later this hour with the tour is been given a meager 1% chance of winning the next general election I’ll be joined by a member of s s stor Shadow cabinet to

    See if they got the champagne on Ice just yet now if you’re planning on traveling this Easter weekend then you might want to think twice about the grizzly Prospect because the RAC is warning of long delays well it is Easter they say there’ll be more than 14

    Million Leisure Journeys by car over the coming days and GB news’s West mid’s reporter Jack Caron joins me now at the Spaghetti Junction Jack Carson welcome to the show they’re calling it Carmageddon what can we expect well we’ve certainly seen a bit of congestion today where I am a few

    Miles up from Spaghetti Junction on part of the m6 now southbound we seem to be flowing pretty steadily uh so far if I just step out the way you can probably see that the traffic is Flowing uh pretty nicely Northbound not so much we know that near cheshier there was a bit

    Of an accident earlier as well here where I am around Birmingham there was a couple of accidents this morning that were leading to delays about 30 to 40 minutes so nothing really maybe out of the ordinary so far are but of course the RSU you were mentioning there Martin

    Saying that 14 million leure Journeys expected take to take place over the Easter Period 2 million just today and what you’ve got this year because of where Easter is sitting is you’ve got a lot of schools that are breaking up for the school holiday you’ve got that extra traffic alongside that commu traffic

    Which is why today particularly that from this from 2: p.m. early this afternoon through to 7 p.m. tonight there is expected um and there are warnings of course you could well end up in some serious uh congestion around airports as well some families because of those school holidays may be trying

    To make a quick getaway before uh those peaker prices coming from Good Friday tomorrow so expect some congestion around some of the airports around the country as well now if you trying to get on a a train over the Easter period you will have some problems particularly on

    The west coast uh mainline from Tomorrow there’s 4 days of of of work on the lines there between London Houston and Milton ke so East Midlands rail way who a lot of people might use as a diversion around those areas are saying to passengers expect uh the services to be

    Particularly busy and of course we heard uh and saw last year very much with the port of do and serious uh you know concerns there and cues there what they’re doing this year a little bit differently to try and stop that is their uh coach passengers particularly they’re processing them away from the

    Port and then bringing them to the ports uh for some final uh simple simpler checks which the hope is then that the port over can be less uh busy but certainly here on the m6 from what I’ve seen some congestion starting to cause as you’d expect around this time of Rush

    Hour the big day really though to is tomorrow 2.6 million uh Leisure Journeys expected to be taken place and the RAC also saying that around 1 in 10 people still haven’t really decided exactly when they’re going to be traveling so that could be an extra 3.3 million

    Journeys to add on to those figures already so that advice to make sure that if you are traveling by car you’re going to make sure that everything is safe whether it’s tires whether it’s washer fluid all these kind of basic checks of course to give yourself the the least

    Risk of an accident to mean that you can get wherever you need to go safely but they are warning of course you could well still end up in some congestion Jack Carson great stuff as ever there at Spaghetti Junction and a few people beeping their horns at Jack May with

    Their GB news viewers now the show isn’t just about me of course it’s about you the Blessed viewer keep sending in your emails and I’ll read out the best before the show ends a little later on loads so far coming in about knife crime what we

    Do to stamp it out I’m Martin dney on GB news Brit’s News Channel hello again here’s your latest GB News weather forecast brought to you by the Met Office if you’re hoping for something a little bit drier then there is something of a rest bite over this weekend but for the time being the unsettled theme continues low pressure firmly in control like it has been

    Through much of this week bring more blustery showery weather to many places we still have some strong winds across the South Coast as we go through the end of the day and some heavy rain affecting Eastern parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere it’s a blustery showery theme across many parts though the focus of

    The rain pushing its way into more northern areas overnight with some clearer drier weather for a Time across some parts could allow for a touch of frost and a few fog patches to develop particularly across parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere most places starting tomorrow on a relatively mild note

    Otherwise as we go through Good Friday and there will be some further showy rain around again we could see some hail and some Thunder mixed in with this but we should also see some dry and perhaps even bright or sunny spells in between any heavier downpours temperatures will

    Be a few degrees higher than today highs of around 134 cels and the winds will be easing as we go through the day so that should make it feel a touch more pleasant perhaps as we look towards Saturday and yes there will still be some showers around but they don’t look

    As intense and they look a a little bit fewer and further between compared to what we’ve seen over some recent days a greater chance of seeing some dri weather to come and that’s a similar picture for Sunday but more unsettle weather arriving Again by Monday see you

    Later I think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people people who I think are ignored Often by the major news channels we’re going to give news they want to hear there’s a voice there that needs to be heard I think there’s a chance here for a diversity of opinion

    To be expressed which you don’t find elsewhere it’s really exciting we don’t hold back we’re free to say how decisions that are taken here affect us all around the country only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news is the home of free speech we were created to Champion it

    And we deliver it day in Day Out free speech allows us all to explore and debate openly the issues most important to us our families and of course the British people having challenging conversations to Enlighten each other which is why we hear all sides of the argument we are the people’s Channel we

    Will always stand by the freedom to express yourself on TV radio and online this is GB news Britain’s News Channel join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says

    That he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election

    Channel welcome back it’s 4:46 I’m Martin Dy this is GB news now a leading polling expert has given a scathing prediction for the Tories in the next general election saying they only have a 1% chance of winning now you can do the mess that means labor has a 99% chance

    Of forming the next Administration now Professor Sir John Curtis’s prediction is correct well I’m joined Now by The Shadow transport secretary Louise hey Louise welcome to the show so there we go 99% you’re nailed on guaranteed to be the next um leading party if you believe s John Curtis is the champagne on

    Ice um very very far from it and um I think some of these polls have been really quite massively overstated look I think there is undeniably a sense in the country that they want change and that they have um been that they’re royally Fed Up of after 14 years of conservative

    Chaos and um austerity and that frankly none of our public services are working in the way that they were when labor last left government in 2010 whether we think about our NHS our education system our Police Service certainly not our transport system so people are undeniably crying out for change but

    There is zero complacency in the labor Rank and we know that elections have been lost in the past when polls have looked this High uh in the in the run up to it so we know we will be working for and fighting for every single vote when

    Richi sunak finally gets the courage to call a general election okay Louise we’ve seen we’ve seen um brutal stabbings on the British transport Network yes yesterday in London we’ve been contacted by many many viewers today saying they simply believe that the transport in particular the train networks in Britain are becoming so

    Dangerous people are now afraid to travel on them in fact even British transport police themselves saying they often feel overwhelmed as the shadow transport secretary Louise what the labor party do to pledge to make our public transport situation safer and much more viable for the public was getting increasingly terrified to even

    Use it I think that’s such an important question Martin and I’m a former special conable myself I was a police officer in brickton in South London um I know how important policing and neighborhood policing is um to the safety of our streets but also what an important job the British transport police do

    Unfortunately they just like a Wier police have been subject to extraordinary cutbacks over the last 14 years and only very recent times have those numbers started to creep up again so Vette Cooper my colleague the shadow Home Secretary has made commitments to increasing those numbers even further still and adding 16,000 additional

    Police officers uh to the streets which include the British transport police but look as a woman traveling uh I often feel frightened myself um especially on the train at night and that’s why we campaigned hard against the closure of ticket officers and against the removal of guards on trains because let me tell

    You you if you’re traveling late at night and there are big groups of Rowdy men perhaps after um a football match or indeed men on their own that look pretty Sinister you want to know that there is a guard on the train that there is

    Someone that you can get a hold of that you can call btp and they will be there at the next station it is a really important principle and the safety of the traveling public will be at the heart of our rail reforms which I’m setting out in the coming weeks and what

    Would that look like operationally because if people just want somebody on the trains to keep them safe there’s a feeling now that crimes happen and then the cops just put calls out for can you help us locate this person here’s some CCTV but how about actually getting into

    The networks and stopping this we had a report on GB Mark White went undercover with the British transport police and we know routinely transport networks now are the arteries of county lines drugs use and weapons drugs they’re absolutely endemic they are Rife on our transport networks which is being

    Used by drug mules heavily armed dangerous men that surely needs specific interventions Louise that’s absolutely right and btp must work um properly with wider police forces But ultimately these issues come about because children as you just said are victims of county lines themselves and they are picked up

    By organized uh criminal gangs so we need to make sure that we have sufficient neighborhood placing in our communities as well as well as um wider youth provision in order to protect young people from being subject to these kind of uh grooming essentially by organized criminal gangs so it does need

    To be a real multi-pronged approach and it is because we’ve lost so many of these services in our communities that our young people are particularly vulnerable but um investment and protection of staff on our rail uh network is absolutely essential and as I say will be uh fundamental to our rail

    Reforms in terms of putting passengers at the heart because our privatized rail industry over the last 30 years has never put the travel in public first and that will be at the centerpiece of what the next Labor government will do on our Railways and Louise and briefly you’ve

    Mentioned before that you’d like the labor party to perhaps nationalize renationalize the rail networks U is that still your your option and how would that work alongside this beefed up security presence well labor are committed to bringing in the private operators back into public ownership as those contracts

    Exp expire and all of them are set to expire uh within the potential first term of a labor government so it will be at no cost to the taxpayer and then we need to reform the railways further so that they actually deliver for passengers at the moment you’ve got so

    Many conflicting Industries across the industry whether it be the private operators like a vany that are letting the travel public down on a daily basis um and they are in conflict in so many ways with network rail the infrastructure provider so we will set out plans to reform our Railway to bring

    Track and train together and make sure that the interests of the passenger are at the heart because at the moment as I say the passenger always comes last on our privatized fragmented and fractured Railway Network okay great Stu well thank you very much for joining us on the show today and that’s Shadow

    Transport secretary Louise Haye um some good ideas there I think about trying to get the transport networks safer because many of you been getting into touch you simply don’t feel that trains in particular are becoming safe places to travel you’ve been getting in touch in your droves about knife crime and

    There’s been a huge response to a guest we had on about half an hour ago called Matt a Jay um an anti- knife campaigner works as a dman of Nigerian origin Marilyn says this what an amazing young man Matt A J is could listen to his views all day long prime minister

    Material he’d definitely get my votes please bring him back on as a regular guest he’s so amazing and refreshing he put this country on the right Road Marin are you married to him um Janet says this the young man who has just been speaking to Martin would make

    A First Rate police officer intelligent and levelheaded and doesn’t keep banging on about the race card Steven says this clearly knife crime is a big problem in the UK especially with teenages the outcome is often fatal and is devastating for families the um clearly the governments need to look at what

    Motivates this bad behavior understanding what teenagers consider to be fantasy or reality fantastic views please keep them coming in now a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a stabbing on a train in South London and two people are in a critical but stable

    Condition after an incident at Kennington station last night we’ll have a full update on both those situations we have reporters on the ground and we’ll have more on that sit down interview that’s G news did with Siria starmer he spoke about the battley grammar school teacher still in ing

    Three years on I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel first here’s your weather forecast with Alex burer a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news hello again here’s your latest GB News weather forecast brought to you by the Met Office if you’re hoping for

    Something a little bit drier then there is something of a rest bite over this weekend but for the time being the unsettled theme continues low pressure firmly in control like it has been through much of this week bring more blustery showery weather to many places we still have some strong winds across

    The South Coast as we go through the end of the day and some heavy rain affecting Eastern parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere it’s a blustery showery theme across many parts so the focus of the rain pushing its way into more northern areas overnight with some clearer drier

    Weather for a Time AC across some parts could allow for a touch of frost and a few fog patches to develop particularly across parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere most places starting tomorrow on a relatively mild note otherwise as we go through Good Friday and there will be some further showy rain around again

    We could see some hail and some Thunder mixed in with this but we should also see some dry and perhaps even bright or sunny spells in between any heavier downpours temperatures will be a few degrees higher than today highs of around 13 14 CSI and the winds will be

    Easing as we go through the day so that should make it feel a touch more pleasant perhaps as we look towards Saturday and yes there will still be some showers around but they don’t look as intense and they look a a little bit fewer and further between compared to

    What we’ve seen over some recent days so a greater chance of seeing some dri weather to come and that’s a similar picture for Sunday but more unsettle weather arriving Again by Monday see you later looks like things are heating up boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB news The latest GB news travel good afternoon I’m Jewels buckle with long delayed eastbound on the m62 just before gildersome Junction 27 three out of four lane to com off a collision causing cues back towards chain bar Junction 26 Northbound M6 still slow going from the Stafford Services up to a

    Stok at 15 an earlier Collision now has cleared Northbound A1 struggling redborne up to the Luton Airport Spur Road that’s Junction 9 to 10 remains PA blocked keying back to Junction 8 at the scene of a collision lots of congestion around the southwest of England and Southeast Wales M48 s Bridge closed both

    Ways due to strong winds that means keys for the M4 printer Wales Bridge around the corner from near the m5’s queuing Northbound two-lane shut cribs Causeway 17 up to Astic West 16 that’s due to a collision there and for now that’s your latest you can stay up to date

    Throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws It’s the final week to see how you could win big you could win an amazing £ 12,345 in tax-free cash that you could spend however you like plus there’s a further £500 of shopping vouchers to spend at your favorite store we also

    Give you a gadget package to use in your garden this spring that includes a games console a pizza oven and a portable smart speaker so you can listen to GB News on the go you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for another chance to win the vouchers the

    Treats and £ 12,345 in taxfree cash text GB win to 84902 text cost2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb03 P box 8690 derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday full

    Terms and privacy notice at GB /wi please check the closing time if watching or listening on demand good luck 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the

    Biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns we’ll be with you for every step of this journey in 20 24 GB news is Britain’s election Channel GB news is the home of free

    Speech we were created to Champion it and we deliver it day in Day Out free speech allows us all to explore and debate openly the issues most important to us our families and of course the British people having challenging conversations to Enlighten each other which is why we hear all sides of the

    Argument we are the people’s Channel we will always stand by the freedom to express your on TV radio and online this is GB news Britain’s News Channel a very good afternoon to you it’s 5:00 P pm and welcome to the mar Dy show on GB News broadcasting live from the halls of Westminster all across the UK coming up in the next hour sakir starmer says protest outside schools should be banned after a course the

    Battley grammar school teacher was targeted 3 years ago and to this day remains in hiding a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a stabbing on a train in South London yesterday and two men are in hospital but are no longer in a life-threatening condition we understand

    After an incident just a few miles away also last night at Kennington and is there a war on Easter well in the past few weeks we’ve seen traditional Christian Traditions being changed or ignored London’s West End is covered in Ramadan lights over the Easter weekend while traditional Easter

    Eggs are now being renamed as gesture eggs and with the controversial New England football shirts apparently selling rather well I’ll ask was all this a brilliant piece of marketing by Nike were we all Trolled thanks for joining me on the show always an absolute joy to have your company so knife crime a cancer at the heart of British Society what can we do to step it out we had an inspirational guest on Matt a Jay shortly ago a Nigerian Community leader an anti- knife

    Campaigner saying Britain’s simply s too soft and that creates a vacuum for youth who disregard the law coming out jail treating it as a mark of respect for carrying NES where that is the mindset surely we need to change the way we tackle it plus GB news sat down with

    Sakir Stormer and we put it to him does the Batley grammar school teacher deserve to be compensated for the disgraceful situation that sees him still three years on living in hiding in fear of his life we’ll have all of that coming up in the next hour but first

    It’s time for your latest news headlines with poly Midhurst Martin thank you good afternoon to you well the top story from the GB news room is that sakir starma has told GB news that labor will get the leveling up agenda back on track speaking shortly after an event in the West Midlands to launch the local election campaign the

    Labor leader dismissed suggestions that Boris Johnson may even be given a role in Reviving The Policy leveling up as an idea the sense that we need more Regional equality um is is really important but in order to make that work you need a viable plan um and you need to do the

    Hard yards of implementing it I’m afraid Boris Johnson didn’t do that um but I intend to make sure that um every area whether it’s Dudley where we are now or anywhere across the country feels the benefit of a growing economy s starm talking to GB news earlier on today now

    Michael Gove has described the management of T’s water a disgrace after calls to increase customers bills to plug a fun funding hole the firm’s bosses have admitted it could face the risk of emergency nationalization as the company’s cash crisis deepens shareholders have refused to give them half a billion pounds of extra financing

    Describing the rescue plan set out to them as uninvestable instead shareholders want the regulator offw to increase customers bills by up to 40% over the next 5 years Mr go says T’s water has behaved in an arrogant way towards its customers and must take responsibility for its failings for

    Years now uh we’ve seen uh the customers of TS water taken advantage of by successive management teams that have been taking out profits and not investing as they should have been so the answer is not to hit the consumers the answer is for the management team to

    Look to their own approach and ask themselves why they’re in this difficult situation and of course the answer is because of Serial mismanagement for which they must carry the can Michael go now British transport police are enhancing their patrols over this Easter weekend on the rail network across many stations in London particularly

    Following two unconnected stabbings on the network it comes as 19-year-old man’s been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after stabbing another passenger on a train in the capital yesterday afternoon that attack is said to have happened just before 4:00 on a train Bound for London Victoria and graphic footage shared on social media

    Media showed a mass Man attacking a passenger with a large knife while concerned passengers could be heard calling for help in the background the victim of that attack remains in a critical but stable condition in hospital the United Nations has called on Richie sunak to scrap his Rwanda scheme the organization’s human rights

    Committee says the government’s plan to send Asylum Seekers on a one-way trip to the African nation should be abandoned or repealed if it passes in Parliament in report 18 member states rais concerns of discrimination and potential violations of international law the government is pushed back however accusing the UN of double standards

    Because it already sends refugees to Rwanda itself let’s just bring you some news coming to us that are just in from Heathrow Airport 600 border Force officials were told are set to go on strike for 4 days starting from the 11th of April in a recent vote 90% of Union

    Members at the UK’s busiest airport back the walk out over a new shift pattern change the PCS Union suggests now those changes could see as many as 250 staff forced out of their jobs they’re demanding for the plans to be withdrawn calling it unprofessional and inhumane treatment of staff that are

    Critical to National Security Now a man has been arrested in connection with the death of the goggle box star George gilby who died died yesterday after a fall at work he was best known for appearing in the channel 4 television series which takes people inside viewers homes while watching

    Television themselves he also appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2014 Essex police have detained a man in his 40s we understand on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter in that case in the United States an entrepreneur and founder of a cryptocurrency exchange has been sentenced to 25 5 years behind bars for

    A multi-million dollar fraud Sam bankman Freed’s firm FTX was valued $32 billion before it went bankrupt in 2022 the 32-year-old’s been convicted of stealing 8 billion US from his customers and his sentencing today marks a dramatic downfall for the former billionaire who was once a major political donor plans to reform Britain’s

    Leasehold property laws have been criticized by peers who say the new bill doesn’t go far enough lease holds allow homeowners to buy and live in a property for a set number of years while paying charges for the land however there’s been mounting criticism of the system with many residents seeing charges rise

    Drastically often with little or no explanation it means that homeowners can be locked into costly contracts with little right to address well the government has dropped its pledge now to scrap leas holds and labors housing spokesperson baroness Taylor called the government’s current proposal in its

    Place a shell of a bill that won’t offer the security that homeowners need that’s the latest news for the latest stories do sign up to GB news alerts scan the QR code on your screen or go to very shortly but we start with our interview with sakir Stormer and the labor leaders told GB news that protests outside schools should be banned report out this week said that protest should be banned within 150 meters of schools and of course a battley gramma school teacher is still in hiding three years

    After he was targeted for showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson I do feel very concerned about this um individual and I do think that we need to take extremism very seriously um the strategy needs updating I think it was last updated nine years

    Ago I thought the repor into what happened in Batley um raised some very serious issues most of which I agree with particularly this idea that there shouldn’t be those sorts of protests outside of our schools so I do think it’s a serious issue serious recommendations um and I think that in

    So far as we can this shouldn’t become a party political issue we’ve all got a an interest in making sure we’re tackling this this kind of extremism would you move any protests 150 yards away or meters away from the school gate as Dame s is arguing for I do think uh that we

    Should do that I think there should be a buffer outside of our schools uh schools should not be a place for protest well there we have it sakir stor suddenly cares about battling and joining us now is ptical commentator Emma web Emma welcome to the show well

    It’s only taken the labor party three years to suddenly be concerned about the ble grammar school teacher but I guess we should be grateful for that right well I mean I think it’s it will play well with sensible people but there will be many people I know lots of

    There’s been lots of discussion about K starma alienating the um Muslim voting base that labor has appealed to in the past um and so perhaps they won’t take too kindly to this um but yeah of course this is it’s a good thing that K starmer is is fin saying that this is

    Unacceptable um but I do think that the idea of having a buffer zone is a bit of a sticking plaster if we look at Sarah Khan’s um report she calls this Freedom restricting harassment the issue is not just these protests outside of schools which are effectively intimidating children intimidating their families and

    Teachers this is a much wider issue to do with things like death threats um and frankly this should have been dealt with far more robustly this teacher is still in hiding after three years we’ve already seen in France that a teacher was beheaded um after following a similar incident this is a completely

    Unacceptable situation and I don’t think having a buffer zone around schools is frankly a robust enough response yeah Emma this is topic I’ve been pushing on hard since the beginning I chaired a free speech rally in Bley Town Square this week GB news has put this topic both to the prime minister’s

    Office and to sakir sta directly and we keep asking the same question does the battley grammar school teacher deserve a compensation package for what he’s been put through what do you think that should look like Emma goodness well I don’t know what kind of compensation could ever be

    Enough because it’s not just him it’s also his children the young family that have had to go into hiding with him as well um so I don’t think you can I mean not to say that compensation should be precluded but I don’t think that you can compensate for that you know this is

    This is also again it’s a sticking plaster this is the bed that we have made for ourselves with the complete and utter failure of of multiculturalism that we have allowed these things to fester for so long that it’s now gotten to this point where we find ourselves in a situation where

    We’re having to ask the question of whether or not you know it becomes a question of Tolerance it’s the classic do you to tolerate intolerance so we’ve got ourselves in a bit of a bind and we have to put our foot down at some point this has already gone on for far too

    Long so yes compensation great I’m sure that that would be something that would be very welcome but I don’t think that any amount of compensation is enough because it’s not just about the teacher in Batley this is about schools around the country where teachers are not able

    To even teach about the prophet Muhammad there will be so many things that teachers feel that they can’t even touch on they cannot possibly be giving either a a proper education or an education suited to a Democratic Society if you have to stay away from subjects that

    Will be so offensive to some sections of the population that teachers will receive death threats and possibly even be beheaded as a result we saw this when there was a a child who had dropped and scuffed a Quran that he’ brought into school that he himself owned um and we

    Saw um the the parents and and the and the and the students and the teachers come be sort of being wheeled out having to make this pathetic apology to the that was off I’m afraid we have to leave it there because we we have some

    Breaking news I have to go to that and it’s this the breaking news is a man in his 30s has been arrested in connection with the double stabbing at Kennington Tube Station he’s also been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and officers were called to station at around 10:30

    P.m. last night following reports of a man being stabbed on the Northbound platform and a second man was also believed to be injured after bravy stepp stepping in to try to prevent that attack and a further member of the public later reported being groped as a suspect left the station we’ll have much

    More on this in the hour just to repeat that breaking news a man has been arrested a man in his 30s has been arrested in connection with the double stabbing at Kennington Tube Station also been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault officers were called to the station at 10:30 p.m. yesterday evening

    For reports of a man being stabbed on the Northbound platform a second man was also believed to be injured after bravely stepping in to prevent to try and prevent that attack and a further member of the public later reported being groped as a suspect left the station much more than that story a

    Little later in the show as it develops now sakir Stormer has backed Labour’s Deputy leader Angela Raina as you’d no doubt expect because she’s faced questions about whether she paid the right amount of tax on the 2015 sale of her Council house and now greater Manchester police has said it’s

    Reassessing its decision not to investigate allegations that she gave false information on official documents she’s answer all question she’s been very clear she’ll talk to any of the authorities that want more information she’s taken legal advice um on my team have seen it I have never felt the need

    Nor do I think it’s appropriate for me personally to see it um I’m satisfied um with the answers that she has given repeatedly now on this but you’re saying she’s cleared but you haven’t all to see the actual evidence to show she is cleared I don’t need to it’s not

    Appropriate for me to see that legal advice uh if the police do launch a formal investigation should she resign stand back from her job well Chris I’m not going to get into hypotheticals we’ve been down this road many many times before um look we the police have

    Made their decision they need to now get on with the decision and the process that they’re going through well there we go and to discuss this we’re joined now in Studio by The Spectators political correspondent James Hill James welcome to the studio here in Westminster would that suffice I mean

    Here’s a guy that normally demands evidence he’s has a very profession legal background but he’s not doesn’t seem that interested in seeing any evidence for Angela rea’s Case yes it’s quite ironic isn’t it a former director of public prosecutions they’re saying oh no further questions you’re honor

    Nothing to see here and of course K starm in the four years since been leader has really made a thing about being the forensic prosecutor of people like Boris Johnson Etc always demanding answers and yet apparently it’s not good enough for him to see the evidence he’s

    Okay for his team and that’s fine and I think what the real difficult here is that Angela Raina has been the sort of attack dog for labor the past four years really demanding resonations at the drop of her hat here so the fact that she’s now be facing questions about this means

    She’s at danger of risk of being hoisted by her own Bard and there was a double barreled feeling to today you know Angela Raina and sakir Stor on the road together Angela rea’s been absent from the media for a long time perhaps deliberately will this issue go away

    Will it be enough to damage her or is it just a storm and a teacup well the fact is this story has been running on now for about six seven weeks now and Angela Rena is normally seen as one of the party’s best communicators the fact that

    She’s been out so little I think is signed perhaps of how she’s unable to answer some of the difficult questions around this uh and I think that’s perhaps so striking is that when NAD zahari was involved in a similar rabbat tax fairs last January uh Angel Rea was

    Quick to say his absence from the airwaves was was a very damning indictment of him so the fact that she’s been so far not involved with any of this I think tells its own story do you think there is that feeling amongst the public they just want consistency and

    That is when Boris Johnson had cake and champagne it was a sackable offense but the beer gate incident up north was that in Durham it was a feeling there’s nothing to see here it feels Echoes of that is this about double standards well that is the real risk I think I think

    The British public are able to sometimes let things slide it is the danger of double standards and of course Angela Rea was very quick January 2022 uh just after the police investigation started in Boris Johnson was to suggest that he should resign now of course if a police investigation following this

    Reassessment by greater maner police if we get to that stage there will be those calls from the Tories in particular who think hang on a secx it’s been two months she hasn’t answer these questions has she got something to hide now a poll out today on a s different point by sjn

    Curtis who of course is very very highly respected to the point of being the guru of these matters he’s got the Tes down with a 1% chance of winning I think that’s about the same accuracy if you talk to tnps right now I think there’s a lot of them quite despondent and what’s

    So striking and say for instance to say 1997 or 2010 when there was a change of government right now there’s a lot of tmps who frankly think yeah we don’t really deserve re-election so I think that’s what’s so striking to me is the lack of morale and faith in the

    Conservatives their own government and policies and do you think we’re going to see further walkouts we had Mark Francois sat in that very seat a couple of days ago and he was predicting that it could look like 1997 I think then 75 conservative step down ahead of the

    Election so far it’s 63 and Rising do you think we’re just going to see a melting away now a sense of inevitability approaching the election I certainly do and I think that what’s so difficult for the conservatives is that you often need to go for these 50-50

    Balls you know you need MPS to be going for things like Angela Raina and frankly a lot of them haven’t got the heart in it and therefore the party is going to be damaged by that superb James Hill thanks for joining us in the studio of course the spectators political

    Correspondent thank you very much great to have you in the studio instead of down the line now time is running out on your chance to win our spring giveaway and that’s a shopping spree gadgets and a whopping 12,345 taxfree in Cash 1 2 3 4 5 count

    It lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow and here’s all the details that you need to get your mits on the moloff It’s the final week to see how you could win big I’m Charles I’m on £18,000 cash I sent a text through my mobile phone it was just

    Amazing soon as it goes into your bank account it’s fantastic there’s a massive £ 12,345 in tax-free cash to spend however you like along with £500 in shopping vouchers you’ll also get a garden Gadget package you have to hurry as lines close at 500 pm. tomorrow for another chance

    To win the vouchers the treats and £ 12,345 in taxfree cash text GB win to 84902 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your p number to gb03 P box 8690 derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow full terms

    And privacy notice at now yesterday saw multiple stabbings across London with two people arrested on suspicion of two totally separate attacks I’m Martin Dorney on GB news R News Channel Britain’s Newsroom weekday mornings from 9:30 it’s a remarkable story isn’t extraordinary and also she was UNF flappable apparently the princess Ro just to get out of the car and said I’m not going anywhere extraordinary well Jim Beaton was awarded to George cross for protecting the princess and

    Delighted to say joins us now along with the former head of Ro royalty protection D Davis Jim you won’t remember but I met you some time ago at the Imperial War Museum when Princess an was opening an exhibition to do with the George cross and you were there reunited with her um

    And you told me then what great admiration you had for the princess cool Under Fire but you didn’t do so bad yourself it was probably my job and also um I had a wee B of police training not very much but a little bit whereas princess had nothing and yet the way she

    Displayed it you would have thought she’d been highly trained to um deal with any type of that situation even though you’d had some training you took three bullets for the princess you effectively stood between her and deranged gunman well I was supposed to be a Protection Officer really so um I just

    Tried to fuddle about you must remember that back in 1974 there was no communication and we were extremely lucky that Michael Hills who was outside cl’s house in nearby had got one of the fast Police radios um or radios on his shoulder so he was able to

    Send a message out otherwise we would have just been relying in the good old public to phone in and say there was something happening yeah so times have changed drastically join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and

    Taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila Tomy show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB

    News the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall

    Let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns we’ll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel welcome back it’s 524 I’m Martin doy and this is GB news now a man in his

    30s has been arrested on suspicion of two counts of attempts of murder following an alleged stabbing and at Kennington station last night and early today a 19-year-old man was also arrested on suspicion of attempt of murder after a man was stabbed on a train in South London yesterday well GB

    News reporter Ray Addison is outside shortland station um Ray what’s the latest on the ground well I’m here at shortland station because this is where one of those shocking incidents took place yesterday police being called just after 4:00 or rather just before 4:00 amid reports of two men fighting as they were

    Getting on a train here at shortland and then we saw that shocking uh footage on social media which uh Disturbed many people which appeared to show an attack taking place on the train as they headed towards beckenham Junction now at Beckham Junction one man in his 20s uh

    Was treated and taken to a Trauma Center uh we’re told he’s currently in in a critical but stable condition and hearing today that a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder now we also have this other case that’s been taking place British transport police having to deal with

    This situation uh called after 10:30 last night a man in his 30s now has been arrested on uh two counts of attempted murder that follows a double stabbing at Kennington Underground Station that’s about about 9 miles away from where I am now one of the victims is thought to

    Have been injured when he bravely uh stepped in trying to stop that attack both of those victims are in their 40s they’ve been taken to hospital too they’re in a stable condition with non life-threatening injuries and we’re also hearing the suspect in that case has also been arrested on suspicion of

    Sexual assault as one man reported being groped as he left the station now British transport Police Superintendent Darren malpa uh has issued this statement ahead of the Easter weekend and much concern here in London Le were called to an incident yesterday at 400 p.m. at beckingham

    Junction train station uh for a fight on board the train during that fight a knife was used which has since been recovered and a 19-year-old male has been arrested for attempted murder the victim in that case is in a critical but stable condition at hospital being supported by family and friends and

    Specialist police Poli officers a separate incident occurred at Kennington London Underground Station at 10:30 p.m. yesterday on the platform two men in their 40s were stabbed but are currently in hospital with non-life-threatening uh injuries inquiries are ongoing uh in relation to both these matters if you’ve seen or witnessed any of these incidents

    Please could you text 61016 or telephone 08004 50 40 report what you’ve seen during this weekend there will be enhanced reassurance Patrols in all these areas and across South London to support communities well these two incidents occur as we see the latest figures on knife crime in London it would appear

    That knife crime incidents are up by about 22% in the 12 months to September of 2023 uh and that will be very concerning to londoners who just want to be able to travel safely on the transport Network rest there that’s Ray adderson outside shoran station I’m joined now in

    The studio by the former detective Superintendent at the Metropolitan Police shabam chy thanks for joining me in the studio a sobering statistic there a 22% year-on-year increase in knife crime in London alone shadam whatever we’re doing now it ain’t working we got change TCH what can we do to stamp out

    This cancer well unfortunately these shocking scenes that we’ve seen in the last couple of days are way too common across London you see so much of it being played out and streamed on uh social media and I think exactly as you’re saying that you know the tactics

    That are being used at the moment with regards to youth clubs and getting um you know charity groups together to try and resolve these issues isn’t working there needs to be a far more bigger collaborative approach by communities for examples people need to get together and actually work with the police and

    Actually tell them that they’re concerned about their children being involved in gang or knife crime you know 19% increase in robberies which means that people have been robbed at knife Point burglaries are up in terms of the numbers of knife crime actually London isn’t the only place where um knife

    Crime is the main issue you’ve got the West Midlands I think as I understand bit of research today but the collabor approach with the public health um Partners this isn’t just about people going out and being involved in gang this is where people live in toxic environments so where there’s domestic

    Abuse where there’s uh low-income families where there’s absent parents and not necessarily absent just because it’s single parents it’s because parents can’t afford to stay at home with their children because they’re doing three four jobs at a time but on the I mean I hear what you’re saying but this this

    Idea that this the state should step in to be some sort of Sur parent or carer or Mentor that’s expensive and it’s very slow what about more robust policing at ground level our reporters today at both of those stations were approached by British transport police workers and

    Staff at the stations who said they’re afraid to to go to work CU they know that those train networks have been used by County gang drug smugglers they’re tooled up they’re prepared to pull blades out and that’s now the currency how do we just short circuit that

    Currency shortly that needs a bit more toughness well there is a fear of that and I’m not speaking on behalf of the whole of the me police but certainly of a lot of officers and I see a lot of it played out on social media around the

    Stop and search agenda um it’s a powerful tool and it’s a very powerful tactic but there are a lot of officers that won’t actually go out and do stop and searge because of the fear of complaints by you know um other members of the public because they people they

    They are over um you know uh with with certain sections of the community that are disproportionately stopped and search but officers on our stopping from doing it from across different parts of London there does need to be communities that need to come together the trust and confidence in police is actually rock

    Bottom and this has got to be rebuilt in order to get that information and that intelligence to stop young people from being groomed being involved in gangs and going out and committing crimes but but we are at this impass you know black people the facts all the facts are four

    And a half times more likely to stab somebody to death in London they’re three and a half times more likely to be stabbed to death and so doesn’t it stand a reason that they should be stopped and search more if they fit that profile in Glasgow where they had a violence

    Reduction unit where the the proportion of people carrying people n 93% were white working class Lads they just lived in that in those areas it was targeted policing that wasn’t racist it was the offender profile there all this concern about video stop and search about being called racist is actually a barrier it’s

    Helping people to die well I think I don’t agree with you there Martin I think one of the main issues there is that young people young black people are disproportionately targeted yes there are issues around certain sections of the community when it comes to knife crime and violence as victims and as

    Perpetrators but the bottom line is this that doesn’t mean to say you have a blanket authority to go out and stop every young black person but in communities where their disproportion will like to die surely of course but you got to have intelligence-led policing and you’ve got

    To ensure that you’ve got your grounds and you’re justifying your stop and search in order to be able and it’s not the only tactic that actually prevents knife crime youth clubs funding all those kinds of issues are huge problem there’s been huge cutbacks in the last

    14 years as we well know it and the problem is policing Partners NHS education are just playing catch up with regards to the amount of money that’s been lost to young people okay sh and CH thank you very much for coming in excellent superb thanks for joining us

    Now lots more still to come between now and 6:00 and it’s good Friday tomorrow and I’ll ask or some people people in this country trying to cancel Easter but first it’s time for your latest news headlines with paully Middlehurst Martin thank you the top stories this hour as we’ve been hearing police have arrested a man in his 30s in connection with a double stabbing at Kennington Tube Station in London overnight it comes after another man was also arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a separate stabbing on a

    Train in the capital footage of that shared on social media showed a mass Man attacking another with a large knife as terrified passengers called for help meanwhile British transport police are enhancing their patrols over the Easter weekend across a number of stations in London following those unconnected stabbings on the rail network Michael

    Gove has described the leadership of T’s water as a disgrace it comes as shareholders found its business plan uninvestable refusing to put half a billion pounds to fund the troubled supplier in shareholders instead want the regulator off to off what rather to allow a 40% Bill hike over five years

    For customers and more lenient penalties for falling foul of regulations but Mr go said the company had behaved in an arrogant way towards customers and its leadership must accept responsibility for its failings the United Nations has called on Richie sunak to scrap his Rwanda scheme in reports 18 member states

    Raised concerns of discrimination and potential violations of international law the government has pushed back however accusing the United Nations of double standards because it says it already sends refugees to Rwanda itself and more than 600 border Force officers are to go on strike for 4 days at he

    Throw starting from the 11th of April it over changes to shift patterns which the PCS Union suggests could see as many as 200 50 staff forced out from their jobs they’re demanding the plans be withdrawn saying it’s unfair to staff who are critical to National Security those are

    Your latest news headlines for the latest stories sign up to GB news alerts scan the QR code on the screen right now or go to GB Alerts for a valuable Legacy your family can own gold coins will always shine bright Rosland gold proudly sponsors the GB news financial report shall we take then a quick look at today’s numbers the pound buying you $1.26 32 And1 1.16 n6 the price of gold is

    1,756 85 P an ounce and the 5100 has closed for the day today at 7,952 points Rosland gold proudly sponsors the GB news financial report thank you Polly now is there a war on Easter well we’re seeing more and more traditional Christian Traditions being changed or ignored or even

    Replaced by others I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel The latest GB news travel good evening my name is Johnny Ratner long delays continue heading east through West Yorkshire along the m62 where the motorways down to a single Lane just before the m621 junction 27 everyone’s been funneled into the inside Lane past the scene of an accident

    Queuing back to the hearts head more services on the m6 in war here the two left lanes shout southbound just before the centry exit Junction 3 following an accident of cues back past Coy Services halfway to the m42 and on the m42 the southbound exit is closed to Junction

    Three at Reddit following an accident on the M1 in Hartford sh one Lane’s block northb towards Luton to Junction 10 where Van’s broken down and on the M5 northb Junction 17 to 16 two lanes are closed near Bristol following an earlier collision and the M48 7 Bridge not far

    From there closed both ways between England and Welles because of the strong winds and that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB good afternoon Britain weekdays from midday so many of you have been getting in touch over the wasby issue and

    Actually I just want to bring forward a view from Tony uh who has written in to say uh something that we haven’t included in this conversation so far Tony says it was well publicized stop all the crying his words he says the pensions Act 1995 provided for this change it was

    Marginally sped up in 2010 but the fundamental issue the wasby issue didn’t come about in 2010 or 2011 it came about in 1995 yeah people people know that the the legislation was earlier but the problem was is a lot of women weren’t told Beverly who’s a wasby woman has

    Written in saying were the wasby women living under a stone I am one of the women who was affected by this change my peers and I were fully aware of the changes it was widely discussed on TV radio and in newspapers as soon as the decision was made we weren’t happy at

    The time but we recognized that it was fair it’s wrong to spend billions in this way I’d rather the post office people who suffered so much will reimburse I think for the social contract to work and for our society to be cohesive and harmonious if that’s possible you can’t just have people who

    Who who who who don’t work or don’t or don’t have much have all the receive all the all the benefit well now you’re arguing against people you’re saying that people should have in to some extent have looked in 1995 when the change happened but but fundamentally

    It’s not just it’s not just wasby women who’ve been screwed over since the financial crisis we have a 70-year high tax burden someone earning £60,000 this year will pay more tax than someone earning £60,000 has ever spent has ever had to pay before Tom you do realize

    This isn’t the first time that we’ve had hugely High uh tax rate on income 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who

    Will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns will be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel welcome back it’s approaching 540 I’m Martin Dorney on GB news now is

    There a war on Easter well early this month London mayor CID KH unveiled a Ramadan lights display in London’s West End on Regent Street expected to stay up over the Easter weekend where are the lights celebrating Christian traditions and our beloved Hot Cross Buns have had their crosses removed certain

    Supermarkets changing the symbolic cross to a tick as you can see there plus don’t get me started on Easter eggs well a retailer in Lincolnshire has received a huge backlash from Christians after they renamed Easter eggs gesture eggs a decision which cabriz says was the choice of the independent retailer and

    Certainly not their own policy but but nevertheless it does make you think that Easter is coming under unnecessary attack and J was now to discuss this is the former chaplain to the late Queen Dr Gavin ashendon Dr ashendon welcome to the show on the one hand this is a bit

    Of fun people were getting um hot and cross about buns Ramadan lights it is after all Ramadan but it just seems to many people that there are just too many things happening all at once that seems to suggest an erosion of Christian values and a disrespect for after all which is one of

    The most sacred Christian moments in the calendar yes Martin it’s strange isn’t it looking back over the last 50 years we were sold a philosophical idea that um we were in a society that was going to become Multicultural with multiv values and it was just a matter of being

    Polite and letting everyone have their fair share of the turf and then in a sense the best ideas the most the most um help ful spiritual religious philosophical political solutions could could win but that isn’t what’s happened it was a cover what I think must be called christianophobia because it’s

    Only the Christian symbols that have been erased and and although as you quite rightly say they’re not hugely significant it’s just one by one it’s Death By A Thousand Cuts so I think it’s time for Christians to say we’ve been fooled and and particularly as you quite

    Rightly say uh with with OA Street full of Ramadan lights but but no equivalent in London or Lenton for Christianity it’s I think it’s time we we ought to call the bluff and say we know what’s going on we’re going to fight back is this um a question of Shifting

    Priorities Dr ashendon or is it something more Sinister do you I mean that there is a feeling certainly amongst a lot of GB news viewers and on social media and on the comment sections of lots of the media Outlets this week it just feels in it just feels like a

    Drip drip drip a steady erosion of Christianity it is and I don’t know where it lies on the scale of of conspiracy to to accident but I’m afraid I think we have we Christians have to take responsibility effectively we’ve been all religions are mutually exclusive after all if Christianity and Islam were

    The same Jesus and Muhammad not would not be teaching opposite things we have to take responsibility for our own beliefs and I’m afraid I think Christianity’s failed conviction test and it’s time that it realized that if it he Frozen he’s gone okay not to worry we

    Lost Dr Gavin ashendon there but I just about to get to the point about it’s part of the problem that the the Christian Church doesn’t seem to be very Christian itself anymore anyway it doesn’t seem to stick up for Christian values at all it seems more concerned with climate change seems more concerned

    With refugees welcome seems more concerned with systemic racism with with not enjoying what Britain stands for at all in fact lining up to attack our values billions of pounds being given to reparations for slavery a feeling of self flagellation a feeling that they’re not actually representing their flock anymore has the church

    Itself lost its way and does that represent a weakness that allows this gradual cultural erosion to take place in the first place should they be stronger now we have a statement made here and that’s from cabz who said this about those eggs this decision was made

    By an independent retailer we wish to be very clear that every cabry Easter shell egg sold in the UK references Easter on the packaging and usually multiple times cabri has also use the word Easter in our marketing and Communications for over 100 years and cont continue to do

    So and GB news is currently still waiting to hear from the retailer now moving on after all that controversy around the New England football shirt you remember that one it appears to be selling rather well and that begs this question was it actually not a woke mistake but a brilliant piece

    Of marketing by Nike themselves of course no strangers to controversy I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel Hello again here’s your latest GB News weather forecast brought to you by the Met Office if you’re hoping for something a little bit drier then there is something of a rest bite over this weekend but for the time being the unsettled theme continues low pressure firmly in control like it has been

    Through much of this week bringing more blustery showery weather to many places we still have some strong winds across the South Coast as we go through the end of the day and some heavy rain affecting Eastern parts of Northern Ireland else where it’s a blustery showery theme

    Across many parts though the focus of the rain pushing its way into more northern areas overnight with some clearer drier weather for a Time across some parts could allow for a touch of frost and a few fog patches to develop particularly across parts of Northern Ireland elsewhere most places starting

    Tomorrow on a relatively mild note otherwise as we go through Good Friday and there will be some further showy rain around again we could see some hail and some Thunder mixed in with this but we should also see some dry and perhaps even bright or sunny spells in between

    Any heavier downpours temperatures will be a few degrees higher than today highs of around 13 14 Cs and the winds will be easing as we go through the day so that should make it feel a touch more pleasant perhaps as we look towards Saturday and yes there will still be

    Some showers around but they don’t look as intense and they look a little bit fewer and further between compared to what we’ve seen over some recent days so greater chance of seeing some dri weather to come and that’s a similar picture for Sunday but more unsettle weather arriving Again by Monday see you

    Later big news big debate big opinion Patrick Chris’s tonight is the week’s biggest show every weekday 9: to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow

    It and I want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick Christy tonight 9: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Christopher hope and I’m

    Gloryia depierro bringing you pmqs live here on GB news whenever Parliament is in session on a Wednesday at midday we’ll bring you live coverage of prime minister’s questions we’ll be asking our viewers and listeners to submit the questions that they would like to put to the prime minister and we’ll put that to

    Our panel of top politicians in our Westminster Studio that’s pmqs live here on GB news Britain’s election Channel I think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people people who I think are ignored Often by the major news channels we’re going to give news

    They want to hear there’s a voice there that needs to be heard I think there’s a chance here for a diversity of opinion to be expressed which you don’t find elsewhere it’s really exciting we don’t hold back we we’re free to say how decisions that are taken here affect us

    All around the country only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back it’s 548 on the final furong let’s get Gallop in I’m Martin Dorney and this is GB news now Nikes New England shirt sent most of the country into meltdown last week certainly did me because of what they

    Did to the St George’s cross if you recall they made it not red but they made it multicolored but was this a smart move from the sportsware Giants after all because despite the Uproar insiders were quick to see the skyrocketing sales figures fueling speculation about the true intentions

    Was this not a woke mistake a desecration but was it a calculated move from Nike to stay relevant and shift units well join me now to discuss this is the CEO of tenan Yetis a crisis management specialist welcome to the show so good afternoon thanks for having

    Me no problem at all the big question is Nike of course they are no strangers to controversy we seen in the past with the Colin kernick um dearle with the NFL taking the knee he became the poster boy Nike like a good controversy is that what happened here do you think or was

    It simple woke blunder well I think Nik are experts at what they do and this is very much um them doing what they do best having fantastic sales having themselves woven into the fabric of our society and and really it’s been a huge success for them

    I don’t think it was a deliberate ploy to to shift sales I think it was just a really strong marketing move to shift a new kit so Andy Bar the trouble with things like this is that there are backlashers for example Colin cap in 2018 when he

    Became the poster boy for taking the knee there was a huge financial hit3 billion was wiped off the value of Nike but they ended up 10% up year on year and people started to say then is this actually about Shifting the demographic away from traditional punters some of

    Whom were burning their trainers and putting videos out on social media is it about their social responsibility and is it about broaden their Market not couldn’t care less about England they just want to flog units well I think this is about night trying to obviously sell more products

    It’s about them trying to be seen on the edges slightly in terms of how they approach their marketing we’re seeing something very similar in Germany at the minute where the German football team have ditched Adidas to to go with Nike but as you say sales have gone through

    The roof and that’s what Nik really cares about um the the stunt that you referenced earlier you know their share price dropped 2% but by the end of the year it was up by 10% so it shows that it really works and it helps them resonate with that slightly younger

    Audience and there was another backlash of course Andy Dylan milany of course the trans activist biological male became the face of Nike’s women’s workout gear now that did cause a huge backlash Sharon Davis of course the Olympic medalist swimmer said I haven’t bought Nike since so they seem to

    Perpetually be getting themselves into these kind of pickles and that begs the question is this actually premeditated well no I don’t think it’s premeditated but I also don’t think they’re really too worried that they’re not going to get the pound of Sharon Davis what they’re worried about is

    Having a really wide Global appeal and we see that because they’re you know they’re in the social fabric of everything we do every day how many times do we hear people saying just do it how many times do we hear people saying Swish and that’s what Knight’s about making sure they appeal to

    Everyone as much as they can but um what about traditional English fans I mean we saw there was a huge huge backlash of this I picked it up on the Tuesday the kit was announced on the Monday night and it started a massive massive conversation it has to be said many many

    Fans were very very put out about this surely this isn’t a marketing device when you start changing flags flags shouldn’t be changed they’re Flags well I think fans will say um say something very different if we win the tournament because that’s all the fans really want yes if if we’d put a dragon

    On there or maybe a thistle I think then there could be genuine uproar but that’s all fans want they want us to win and I’m confident we will as I’m sure you are too and uh night sales will do even better well we lost against Brazil in

    That shirt the first time that England wore it but thanks for joining us Andy Bar that’s the CEO of ten yetis a crisis management specialist now I’ve got a bunch of emails a lot to read out before we finish the show you’ve been getting inarch in your droves on the topic of

    Knife Crime After for those stabbings in London Terry says this any person 16 plus found in a public area and a knife blade over 4 Ines who uses it to injure or kill shall be charged and sentenced with murder no manslaughter consideration should ever be brought into the fry longer sentences please we

    Need a massive deterrent on the same point Raymond adds this it’s no coincidence that people who commit these atrocities have absolutely no fear of punishment at all Helen adds this I’m not sure where you check in your machete at your local youth club seriously we’re all totally sick of hearing apologists

    Who won’t face up to the reality of gang criminality Jonathan quickley says this from now on we should be scanning machines at all Railway stations just like we do at airports and finally final word of The Show Goes to Barbara who says throw more money at it they won’t

    Change a bad attitude or poor Behavior as it just spoils kids so there you go you want to see firmer action on all of this thanks for sending in those emails it really does help the show well that’s all from me for now next on GB news it’s

    Jubes and Co that’s 6 through 7 of course but don’t forget to join us from 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning when of course it’s breakfast with Steven and Anne followed by br’s News Room at 9:30 and then of course it’s Emily and Patrick standing in for Tom with good

    Afternoon Britain from midday the couple will be there together I’ll be back tomorrow at 300 p.m. thank you all for your emails getting in touch with had a fantastic show I’m Maron Dy this is J news now it’s your weather with Alex bur a brighter Outlook with box solar

    Sponsors of weather on GB news hello very good evening to you welcome to your latest GB news weather update brought to you by the mat office there will still be some showers around this weekend but generally through the Easter period it is going to be a bit

    Dry and a bit warmer than it has been of late low pressure still in control like it has been through much of this week but the flow around the low is going to ease a little bit so we will see our winds easing that being said through the

    End of today still quite blustery for many of us some heavy showery rain affecting northern areas something a little bit drier and clearer across central parts and also Northern Ireland here under the clear skies could could see a touch of frost and perhaps even a few pockets of mist and fog elsewhere

    Where we stick with the cloud and the showery rain it is going to be a milder start to Good Friday otherwise and as we go through Good Friday itself yes a bit of brightness and some dry weather around at first but still outbreaks of showery rain and a greater chance of

    Catching some showers as we go into the afternoon potential for some showers turning heavy possibly even thundery with some hail but there should be some bright sunny spells in between the showers and temperatures higher than recently highs of around 14 Celsius towards the southeast the winds will be

    Easing and easing further as we go into Saturday which does look like it will be a calmer and drier day than of late for many still some showers around but they don’t look quite as intense as we’ve seen recently though potential for some heavy rain to affect parts of coral

    Later on in the day Easter Day itself on Sunday looks mostly dry there are a few showers still but turning cooler Again by Monday see you later that warm feeling inside from boxed boilers sponsor of weather on GB News want to be a winner just like Phil obviously whoever wins it next is going to be as happy as I was and they’re going to get even more money this time around so why wouldn’t you go in the draw enter our massive spring giveaway there’s £

    12,345 in tax-free cash to give your finances a spring boost we’ll also send you on a shopping spree with £500 worth of vouchers to spend in the store of your choice you’ll also get a garden Gadget package you have to hurry as lines close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday for

    Another chance to win the vouchers the treats and £ 12,345 in taxfree cash text GB win to 8492 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb03 PO Box 869 Derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over

    Lines CL at 5:00 p.m. on Friday full terms and privacy notice at the latest GB news travel hello good evening my name is Johnny Ratner long delays continue heading east through West Yorkshire along the m62 this evening everybody’s been funnel into the inside Lane past

    The scene of an accident just before the m621 junction 27 and it’s queuing nearly as far back as Brick House 25 on the m42 in werer the southbound exit stays closed at three the redit S off following an aent queing backs Junction four on the M1 in Harford the outside

    Lanes block Northbound 9 to 10 towards Luton after a van broke down not being helped by an earli Collision on that stretch the Halford stretch of the M25 very slow clockwise to the a1m following an earlier breakdown and the M48 7 Bridge that’s still Clos both ways

    Heading between England and Wales due to the strong winds long qes as you divert into Wales over the Prince of Wales bridge for the M4 back onto the m49 the M5 also very slow Northwest of Bristol that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB

    Newws GB news is the home of free speech we were created to Champion it and we deliver it day in Day Out free speech allows soul to explore and debate openly the issues most important to us our families and of course the British people having challenging conversations

    To Enlighten each other which is why we hear all sides of the argument we are the people’s Channel we will always stand by the freedom to express yourself on TV radio and online this is GB news Britain’s News Channel 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation

    Decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and turns will’ll be

    With you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel hello there at 6 o’cl and I’m Michelle jub coming up tonight Angela Raina and S stama they are talking tough when it comes to leveling up I me we all know that that is an absolute mess at the moment the whole thing isn’t it it’s

    Gone on for years and years but what is the answer answer then they reckon it’s all about more Devolution is it is that the answer to our words you tell me and absolutely shocking scenes over these past 48 Hours when it comes to knife crime in Britain and at the same time

    Schools have now said that kids are behaving worse and worse it feels to me like the fabric of basic Society is being ripped apart at the seams do you agree with that and if so what on Earth do we do about it all and speaking of

    Crime do you think we need to have more open Justice more Court hearings to be open to public view or not and last but not least I’ve been desperate to talk to you about this for a couple of days now ai artificial intelligence 8 million

    Jobs could be at risk what do you think to that is it just forwarding to the future or is it something to be concerned About I’ve got all that to come and more over the next hour but before we get stuck in Let’s cross live for the 6:00 news News Michelle thank you and good evening to you well the top story from the GB Newsroom today is that police have arrested a man in his 30s in connection with a double stabbing at Kennington Tube Station in London overnight that comes after another man was also arrested on suspicion of attempted

    Murder after a separate stabbing on a train in the

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