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    After almost 3 years of cycling, I’ve finally joined a local group ride. Why didn’t I do this sooner?

    FTP Test
    Kevin IG
    Juan IG
    RCA video on Group Rides


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    Maybe you’ve heard group rides make you faster they introduce you to new places but they require you to go into public and interact with people so naturally as an introvert I’ve avoided them like the plague but thanks to my new friend Kevin down there I’ve started attending a

    Local group ride and it wasn’t because of his patient persistence it wasn’t because of anything he said it’s because he absolutely kicked my during a casual ride around our neighborhood I’m still very new at the group ride thing and I’m still awkward unfortunately but I’m also faster on solo rides now too

    Morning which is weird right what is it about group rides that makes us Faster I’m going to share a lot of my data and power numbers including my latest FTP in this video but there are some data I don’t want to share with the world and that’s why this video sponsor is surf shark I like to spend my time on

    The fun side of the internet but we can all admit it’s also a little bit scary it feels like the people who try to steal from you get a little better at it each year one of the best ways to protect yourself and your data is with

    Surf shark VPN a VPN allows you to connect to the internet via a different location or even a different country when I was in New Zealand for example I used this to make it look like I was still in the United States so I didn’t get locked out of my Gmail for

    Suspicious activity ironic the virtual private Network it creates encrypts all your data and that is the most important benefit in my opinion anytime I’m on public Wii at an airport a coffee shop I make sure to turn on surf shark before opening any other apps a long time ago

    Before I did this YouTube thing I Tau out of programming school and you would be surprised at how easy it is with minimal training to steal people’s data on public Wi-Fi and that was back in 2015 the tools people use now are so much more sophisticated in my opinion a

    VPN is no longer optional luckily setting up and installing surf shark is just as easy as downloading any other app or browser extension and in one click your internet is secured it’s literally that easy so if you want to try it out you should click the link in

    The description surf shark. dealm booer there’s a 30-day money back guarantee so it’s completely risk free clicking that link and using my code supports the channel but it also gets you in on a special deal an 3 months when you sign up links in the description thank you to

    Sir shark for sponsoring this video okay now let’s get back to group rides why and how they make you faster I’m not ashamed to say I’m afraid of group rides specifically I have three fears number one drafting how are you all so close to

    The bike in front of you and how is this somehow normal number two is maybe a niche fear but I feel like it’s becoming more and more common and that is I don’t want to be the guy to show up to a group ride with a camera but it’s kind of my

    Job and number three is probably the one that scares me the most required social interaction it’s not that I don’t like people I do like people I am a people it’s just that unlike these videos that are scripted real life is live and my

    Brain loves to turn off as soon as I say hello to someone new before Kevin introduced me to the ponies ride here in Los Angeles I did have kind of like a soft introduction to group rides the first was Diamond’s cookie Fondo last year Phil asked me to go film some

    B-roll for his YouTube channel at the event and he really did me a favor because if it wasn’t a job I probably wouldn’t have gone and at the end I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed riding with new people and the second kind of soft intro was when I was in

    Australia filming my Steve Street series my old coach and the founder of RCA cam Nichols invited me up to NSA for a ride he had like a crazy Steep Street he wanted to show me coins land got your M yep but the beginning of the ride was

    His local Bunch ride and that was my first time really riding in a pace line and those two experiences kind of showed me that drafting isn’t as scary as I thought it would be nobody yelled at me for having a camera s i what the word uh

    You taught me the word wanker and people on a group ride are way easier to talk to than people at a random party all you have to do is ask them if they like disc breaks or Rim breaks but going on those rides did introd me to a new fear

    Getting dropped and he’s off the Coler effect occurs when an inferior team member performs a difficult task better in a team or co-action situation than one would expect from knowledge of his or her individual performance now I don’t love being called an inferior team member but

    I do have to agree with the effect the ponies group ride goes through Griffith Park which is like my stomping grounds it goes up Mount Hollywood Drive down fendell back up fendell these are roads I’ve literally ridden hundreds of times but never as fast as when I did the

    Group ride before the pony’s group ride my best time up Mount Hollywood Drive was something like 19 minutes and now all of a sudden every time I was riding I was sub6 minutes now that’s not the front of the peack in the group there are plenty of people that are way faster

    What’s your fastest time 12:45 and that’s a good thing because one of the things they found with the Coler effect is the greater the diversity of skill level in the team members or the people participating in a co-action event like riding in a group the greater the the lower level team

    Members were lifted up I guess it’s kind of like real estate like you don’t ever want to be the most expensive house on the Block uh because the more expensive houses will raise your value your your property value yeah apparently that’s what happens with group rides too yeah I

    Think they’re great I think it really worked for you so doing them once a week is perfect cuz essentially that’s your maximum effort session and it’s socializing and you get so much benefit from that social aspect because you don’t want to let people down like you

    Want to prove you want to show that you’re a good writer as well so that’s that’s why you can push yourself harder is because you’ve got this pressure to perform or you’ve got to hold that wheel for an extra bit longer because that person is stronger than you so you’re

    Like I want to prove that I’m just as strong you need to push to prove to yourself and to other people that you are strong and you are capable of doing hard efforts I also feel like I’ve I’ve uh broken through a new level of like accepting pain while I’m writing Oh

    I thought like this is my threshold of how much it can hurt while I’m going and then I’m like oh I can do this it’s so mental the being able to suffer if you just think you can do more you can do more like it’s unreal what your body can

    Handle you just going to be how to cope with it mentally like your muscles are never going to give way but yeah when you’re riding with people you’re not looking at power so you’re just focusing on the person in front of you so if you’re going above

    What you think you can do but you can’t see it then you just keep going like there’s no expectation there or there’s no mental challenge where you look down and I’m doing 400 watts I should be doing 350 like you just go and do it it’s it’s good to push yourself and good

    To do some different writing as well like we’ve been working together for a while now so that’s how you mix things up a bit like I can give you different types of interval sessions and try and mix it up but going to do a group ride there’s no spe set structure like one

    Week you might go up one climb or go 10 minutes or 5 minutes like it’s so variable it’s going to give you benefit each week just because there’s variance in what you’re doing now it’s not like the group ride gave me some magic power I didn’t have before it was power I had

    Built through my training I just didn’t know I had it and chasing other people showed me what I had that has translated into other rides check out this whiff race I did before starting group rides I had never held 300 watts for more than like 10 10 or 12 minutes and if you’ve

    Been watching my channel you know I have a goal of one day getting a 300 wat FTP and to do that you have to hold more than 300 watts for 20 minutes climbs that you do in those group rides like you do some long climbs like 10 15

    Minutes so that sort of longer sustained effort where you have to dig really deep and it’s a maximum effort it’s so good for you and it proved on Sunday when you did the test that being able to do those long sustained Max efforts it pays off

    When you go on do a long 20 minute effort for example I got a 5minute test and then a proper 20 minute FTP test to do I’m not going to record any more than this I mean I’ll record using the insta 360 but I’m not going to talk to you

    During the test cuz I got stuff to do now if you’re not a cyclist and you’re watching this for some reason um thank you I’m surprised you made it this far but welcome FTP is to cyclist what saying like what do you bet Ben Pro is

    To gym people kind of like a vanity metric and a 300 W FTP for a lot of people is a goal that we that we just want to break that barrier kind of the most accepted way to calculate your FTP is to take 95% of your 20 minute

    Power done and on this test for 20 minutes I had an average of 315 Watts way more than I’ve ever done before so if you take 90 5% of 315 you get an FTP of 299 Watts you know the funny thing is if I would have just called up my new friends

    From the group ride and asked them to Pace me during my effort I would probably have a 300 watt FTP right now so I guess the real power of group rides is not the Watts you produce but the friends we made along the way sorry I had to


    1. So group rides mostly benefit those with fragile egos that can’t handle being dropped because they measure their worth by comparing themselves to others and their fitness.

    2. Great video! Group rides with people stronger than you are sooo good for increasing your fitness. As long as they aren’t too much stronger or it’s soul destroying as you get droppppped! I find the time goes so much quicker on group rides than by myself too! ❤

    3. Great video. So easy to watch and process this information. Thanks and def left us looking forward to the next one. Your YouTubing FTP just broke 400 with this one!

    4. At certain size of the group and traffic, it might be good idea to have a SAG car behind to escort the group. You never know a texting teenager or a distracted trucker who's having a bad day might come from behind.

    5. I credit my weekend group rides for helping me improve. But, socially they are pure CRAP. I think that there are less than 10 words said amongst the lot of 30 guys each ride. In the year I've been going I think I have less than a handful of "hellos" or "good mornings" etc. There are far too many egos, attitudes, thou is greater than you personalities on local bike shop group rides IMO.

    6. Amazing video! As an introvert addicted to a very social sport, I can relate to this dilemma hahahaha. I love cycling but group rides is kinda intimidating.

    7. Group rides do not build fitness anywhere near like solo rides. That is an objective fact measurable by time in power zones: look at how much effort is in zone 1 on a "zone 2" group ride versus a true zone 2 ride where you are spending 90% of time in zone 2. The people that compete around me that struggle the most with gaining fitness are the dudes that do the same group ride week to week, getting towed behind others, when they could be out doing structured workouts or riding solo and actually putting in effort. If you're drafting, you're definitely not gaining fitness and are more likely to be stagnating or losing fitness from copping out of real work.

    8. Cycling is considered an individual sport. A group ride doesn’t really change that. I did a group training ride for three years straight and no one ever talked to me, other than alerting me to turns ahead thinking I was a newbie. You seem to be a very talkative guy, so that’s why you made friends on the ride. If you don’t belong to a racing club, no one will actually talks to you. Unless you can’t ride a wheel properly, or do dumb aggressive moves, than you will get talked to. 😅 Try the Montrose ride in Pasadena on Saturday mornings. They meet at “trader joes” on Mission st. In South Pasadena. The fast ride starts at 8am at “Descanso Gardens”, but easier to pick them up in South Pasadena at 8:30am when they ride past. This is where most riders wait to join in. You need to be very experienced to ride with this group. There is a 7:45am group with senior riders, slower pace, but still fast. A second fast group at 8:10am, I suggest this group. Double check that time. This ride started with the Montrose club back in the late 70’s with just a handful of club riders, I was one of them. If you want to find out more history of the ride. Talk to Steve Lebanski, of “Open Road” bike shop in Pasadena. That could make a very interesting YouTube video. The history of the “Montrose Ride”. Another famous ride is the Tuesday & Thursday evening training group ride at the Rose Bowl, starting at 5:30pm ending soon, at the end of October, starting again in Spring, at daylight savings time. This ride has been going on since the 60’s. Another opportunity for a historical video. Check them out, you will get even faster. 👍🏻👍🏻

    9. Besides all the motivation from wanting to follow other people and not having moments of coasting and relaxation, adrenaline is a hell of a natural drug. Actually competing against people gives you a massive physical boost over riding by yourself.

    10. Just did my first imperial century around beautiful Fall colored coastal Maine after the group ride (my 2nd ever) got me through my first 55 mi. NO WAY my legs would have felt so fresh after 55 mi riding solo. Today was the first day after the 3 day manhunt for the mass shooter that took 18 lives in Lewiston, ME Wednesday. The group ride really showcased the hospitality, strength and beauty of both the people and land of Maine.

    11. Great video! I personally fall on the other side. I feel group riding actually over time makes me slower. The constant need to race each other and always go “hard” mentality really leads to tough plateaus. 80% of my riding is zone 2 and always focus on keeping steady constant pressure, something most group rides lack. I can’t count how many time a group ride has been advertised as “steady” “zone 2” yet as one of the strongest there I am repeatedly pushing Vo2 numbers up every little riser etc…

    12. Look at all those Fat Cake riders at 03:27 ! 98% of my rides are solo–it's all about that time alone to clear my head–and I've gone on two group rides with FCC. (Turned into solo rides for me as soon as we hit the hills, but that's another story)

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