A very interesting episode of The Golf Ireland pod this week sees Stephen and Valerie joined by journalist and golf writer for the Irish Independent, Brian Keogh.

    Brian talks about his many years writing about both the professional and amateur game in Ireland, previews the West of Ireland Amateur Championship, and recalls the time he played none other than Augusta National the day after the Masters.

    There’s also the usual roundup from the week that was, including the huge news that Rory McIlroy and Shane Lowry will team up for next month’s Zurich Classic on the PGA Tour.

    Hello and welcome back to the golf Ireland podcast I am your co-host Steven Murphy joined by my other co-host Valerie wheeler H we are here with another episode of the golf Island pod bringing you all the news and updates plus a great conversation with a guest

    Uh this week as well Valerie how are you great to see you good yeah flyness as usual flat out with the G St nothing changes each week it’s football or hling so we’re kind of at the business end of The League now and Championship is fast approaching fast approaching I know yeah

    The G it’s only going to pick up speed basically every week now isn’t it just it intensifies but I saw Limer last weekend that’s a big deal right is it yeah like to be fair I don’t know I think it’s going to suit them to be out

    It’ll give them a chance to relax not relax really but you know gather themselves ahead of Championship I don’t think they’ll be worried too much if I’m being totally honest I think it might suit them that they’re out and that they get a chance to prep for a championship

    Go down to man for a week you know relax you know like everyone does right we all do that um yeah we’ve got some uh we’ve got a great guest this week we’re joined by Brian K golf journalist uh which was a fantastic conversation uh which we’ll

    Get to in a few minutes we did want to cover a couple of topics first of all I think we’ll talk with uh some news coming out of the PJ tour H Rory maroy and Shane Larry are teaming up uh for the first time since their amateur days

    Uh to play in the Zurich Classic I think it is in New Orleans H which is really fun it used to be Larry and Harrington and I think as Rory said Harington I was on the champions tour so he was looking for a new partner and you know who

    Better than Rory Ma I suppose but it’s going to be pretty cool to see them team up yeah I think it’ll be so exciting and even the picture that Shane Lowry shared in his Instagram of the two Lads Shane I don’t know what age they were in the

    Picture but Shane with his glasses Rory with his wild head of hair um and I think both of them are are good characters to team up together and I think they’ll they’ll enjoy it of anything you know what I mean and I think us watching will enjoy too because

    They’re both really loved and I just think for Irish to be watching the two of them together I think it’ll be really really nice occasion yeah you you want to talk about two glow ups from their seniors Larry and Rory are two good I suppose living in Florida will do that

    To you U but yeah no it will be fun I really enjoyed their how their friendship has sort of blossomed the last couple of years and uh I think R he said you know they they were having a bit of a drunken lunch I think it was

    And and the topic came up and that’s how they they had the conversation to join up teams so uh yeah look it’s it’ll be a week where you know in the The Grind that is the PJ tour I’m sure they’ll be looking that week as they like let’s

    Have a bit of fun uh let’s enjoy it and have a bit of crack and that’s you know you need that too as well as the Masters where they’re going to be you know obviously super determined and focused so that’s that’s really exciting I’m really looking forward to watching that

    Um also our last bit of news is that I think Bond diaki uh obviously uh Irish Rugby International uh in celebrating their amazing Six Nations win decided that he would would take a couple of divots out of Peter orman’s lawn and Valerie no one loves their lawn more

    Than Peter or manney I think we can all agree with that oh my God he is so green fingered he I he is do you know he’s like a professional Gardener at this stage if you actually look at his Instagram and some of the stuff he

    Shares and this for um I think I heard them say that if they won the Six Nations that Peter actually said I’ll have a party and car in my house if we win and then they had to follow through on it um I did see his wife saying the

    House will never be the same again and neither will his garden like to be taken chunks out of us I don’t know they must have been fairly enjoying themselves now not to take notice of that happening at the time but they’re all still there anyway and still Pals after it yeah that

    Was the one thing from the videos I didn’t see Peter there so I was like is he being restrained somewhere in the background is he like you know just plotting away somewhere quietly in a room uh but look yeah they it looked like a par that I wanted to be at that’s

    For sure Valerie it looked like great crack and F deserved they had a great Six Nations campaign and they’ve won back-to-back titles uh and that is not easy but yeah I do love Peter man the fact he loves Garden so much because it’s just such a great contrast of you

    Know rugby hard man and Incredibly you know masculine and you know just big brud of a man then he’s like you know you know his patunas or his tulips in the garden and he cares equally as much as about that as he does about the rugby it seems which is fantastic and the

    Garden looks great I’m not much of a regarding myself Valerie I don’t know about you but it looks it looks looks good no to be fair if I was ever doing anything with the garden I might send him an all DM on Instagram and ask him where he gets his inspiration from but

    Um speaking of parties you yourself you’re heading off for a few days I’m sure you’ll be partying abroad tell everyone where you’re going to make us all extremely jealous yes uh I am flying to New York uh my fiance is from there so uh she’s headed over there she flew

    Sunday uh and I’m joining them over there just for a week for the Easter holidays so yeah it’ be always fun it’s always fun to go to New York it’s you know it’s just a crazy City and it’s imp impressive to say the least but um I’m actually quite geeky looking forward to

    We’re going to the Intrepid Museum I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the Intrepid but it’s basically an old Airship carrier ship that’s basically off the ducks in Manhattan and it’s full of jets and all this sort of thing and I’m kind of a bit of a World War II geek

    So uh incredibly looking forward to that might try and steal a jet who knows you know I don’t know I don’t know how secure they are I might just try and hop them on and see if it takes off but yeah yeah no we went there in January would

    You believe uh my other half is big into too and he was like come on we need to do this me no I wouldn’t really personally into it but I did go for the sake of him and no it was really enjoyable like you love it there

    Honestly if you’re into that sort of thing you’re really really going to love it he was obsessed with it I think there’s something about men when they turned 30 that they start being interested in World War II I think that’s part of the aging process like

    Why am I here on my holidays in New York but okay yeah well I know my sisters already text me about some makeup that she once bought so Sephora will be his hard for all yeah this Sephora I didn’t even I’ve never heard of Sephora but now

    Apparently I’ll be going there for a day but yeah be fun know that you’re going you might bring me I know there the problem telling people they always have a list for you but uh yeah no I’ll I’ll give all the I’ll give all the details

    When I’m back as well but um we do have a great guest this week Valerie we’re joined by Brian coo who’s been a golf journalist now for a long long time and been a journalist for over 40 years um and yeah great to pick is fantastic conversation and we will show to that

    Conversation now so hope you all enjoy Brian K now joins us here on the gulf Ireland pod Brian thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to join myself and Valerie here H how are you good very good thanks very good yeah

    It’s been a busy day already I was up in C point for the launch of the Irish Legends this year so Paul ginley was up there and uh you know increased prize fund for that this year which is which is good you know all part of the the

    Ryer cup Legacy you know the money filters down and goes into goes into those tournaments so you know those things are important so uh yeah I think it’d be 400 Grand this year when uh when the event is played so you know an extra 100,000 for the boys to play for up and

    C point which is a great Ling scores definitely nothing wrong with that uh it’s a busy time of the year Brian for yourself obviously the start of the Irish amateur season is kind of kicking off now the Masters in professional golf is coming up which obviously is the

    Highlight of a lot of people’s calendar year in golf uh do you still get excited about this time of year you know with your career as well you’ve been doing it for a few years now so is it is it still exciting you every year to get stuck in

    Yeah it is yeah it’s it’s nice you know when we in the west of Ireland Championship comes up you know that the the season is well and truly up and running but it never really stops you know the I mean the pro game just goes on all year round there’s always stuff

    Happening obviously there’s a lot of been a lot of uh interest in in what’s going on on pro golf at the moment would live and uh the PJ tour and uh and all and all that so you know that keeps us going all the way up to you know the

    Middle of December and uh when they get back out again in January so it never really stops but yeah with the amateur game now you know starting pretty much you know this week uh and the and the Masters coming up in a couple of weeks

    It’s it starts to get busy and uh it’s great to have the old you know fixtures downloaded in front of you there and you can see what’s coming up and you start to make a few plans about where you might go do you ever get some time to

    Maybe play yourself Ryan do you get out much uh I don’t play as much as I should I mean I used to like to get out and play a bit more often but I find that I play you know you might play 10 times a year and six of those will happen in

    March and the other four will happen in sort of late October or November or something like that so during the year you know it’s easy to make excuses not to play because there’s so much going on so uh you know it’s it’s pretty much a 7-Day a week operation with the with the

    With amateur golf and pro golf and everything that goes on that it’s uh it’s difficult to make to make time to play more often but I do try triy to sneak up and up to the Grange say and uh you know play a few holes or certainly

    Have a little chip and put around the place for a couple of hours on a the odd the odd uh the odd day when I’m not quite as busy Brian talk to us about what made you want to get into journalism and then eventually obviously what made you

    Decide to cover uh the sport of golf yeah well I mean it’s been in the family you know journalism I mean ink was in the blood you know my grandfather worked in the printing sort of trade for a while and um you know my father was uh

    Was a sports journalist he he worked for the Irish press for for the first part of his career and then worked for the Daily Mirror for another 30 years after that so uh you know I spent my life going to to sporting events with him you

    Know when you’re a small kid my mother would say look would you bring that kid out bring him to a match so I found myself sitting in press boxes from from a very early age uh watching soccer and rugby and gck and and hurling and going to Athletics meetings and um and you

    Name it really you know boxing matches and whatever you know acting as a runner maybe for my dad back in the day when they’d type up the copy at Ringside at a fight and uh it would be found you know from somewhere quiet or you know in a

    Hotel somewhere and you might get those little jobs you know so that’s how I started uh uh and uh you know I started right stuff you know it’s it’s more than 40 years ago now you know when I was about 16 he says you you fancy doing a

    Little report or whatever and you might get to do you know four or five paragraphs on a on a league of ARA match or something like that and uh I built up my freelance career from there really you know with the with all the different uh Irish papers covering you name it

    From you know League of Ireland soccer and and rugby and gaic to you know Athletics you know you might be out at a half marathon on St Steven today or something like that or a blo uh event in in scaries or cricket match in the Phoenix Park he could be

    Anywhere from one from one minute to the next so so that’s where it started you know it was kind of in the in the blood he said look you’re not going to you’re not going to make any money at this game you know uh but um you know I uh I

    Unfortunately didn’t listen to him and uh and here we are and then you obviously started the career in journalism and when what brought you to mainly focusing on the gulf yeah I I mean I lived uh I around about 1989 I moved to Spain and I the

    Olympic Games were coming up there so I was living in Barcelona I lived there for you know nearly 10 years and I was writing about you know soccer and the Olympics and what was happening in the buildup to that and there was you know quite a lot of interest in cycling at

    The time with Miguel and Ry and and people like that so so that kept me busy and I came back in you know at the end at the end of the 90s and uh I started writing a lot of golf for for the Irish sun and uh you know it just started from

    There really you know um i’ I’d obviously done a little bit of golf you know beforehand and I’d always I’d always played and loved the game so uh when the chance uh the opportunity AR arose to to cover a bit more golf I I started to specialize in golf really uh

    Just from there there were fewer uh nights in St Patrick’s atletic and uh the Carlile grounds and a lot more uh a lot more trips to golf tournaments so uh it’s really been the last other 20 25 years that I’ve been you know focusing more on the golf and uh been a pretty

    Good ERA for uh for Irish golf you’d have to say picked a good time to uh to focus on it I’ve always been curious about this Brian and you’re the perfect person to ask this as you said you’ve been doing kind of Journalism for 40 years how has

    Media landscape changed for golf over those 40 years especially with the emergence of you know websites and the internet and also has the has the demand of the audience has the want of the audience changed in that 40 years span too yeah it’s totally changed I mean you

    Know obviously we started off the newspapers were all hot metal and you were phoning copy takers and uh you know you’re typing up your stuff on Long rolls of paper and you know flitting around from one newspaper office to the next with your carbon copies of your of

    Your stories and whatnot uh you know right into the digital age you know so it started off with um you know very basic uh laptops with maybe you know one megabyte of memory on them uh trying to attach acoustic couplers to public telephones and transmit results and

    Things like that and uh you know right into you know when email started and now you now we’re writing you know directly into the page and uh has far more interest in U far more focus on the digital uh the digital landscape now you know you’re you’re writing for the

    Internet and you’re also writing for the paper so you’ve got to satisfy all those audiences and obviously the newspapers are as you can probably notice now getting more into you know podcasts and Vlogs and and things like that so uh much more immediate you know much more

    Use of uh social media and Twitter and things like that so it’s h yeah it’s much more fast moving and um you know not as much not as much uh focus on on the print side of things which uh so many of the the younger you know readers

    You know now you know read everything on their phones building a career in journalism like it isn’t easy like I’m probably at the start but compared to you now Brian and trying to build up a rapport with players and the players getting to know you how quickly did you find that

    Happening for you like they they know you now and they know what you’re looking for and how did you find all that yeah it was interesting you know with it depends there’s a difference between maybe the pro game and the amateur game the professionals you know

    You have the word you know P printed across your forehead because they they tend to see after every single round of golf when they’re when you’re focusing on the Irish players so good better and different they’ve had to speak to the media you know all their lives you know

    From the amateur game all the way through into the professional uh sphere so the Irish guys are are particularly good because they’ve been doing it from the age of you know 15 16 at uh you Irish boys events and uh and Irish championships all the way through you

    Ask Podrick Carrington or Paul McGinley or any of those guys you know they’ve been looking at the same faces now for uh for more than 40 years you know so were familiar faces to them so yeah you know I mean I love the amateur events you know guys are always happy to talk

    Talk and chat and it’s it’s very relaxed in the professional game obviously more demands you know on people on the time of you know people like Rory Michael Ryan Shane Larry and people like that so uh that’s a little bit uh you know not as much not as much time with them but

    Uh nonetheless they’re they’re always there when you really need them good and do they try do you think because you’re Irish they try a bit more to give you that time and they know I think so yeah I think so I mean they know you’re looking for you know a little bit of

    Insight on what way they’re thinking and they realize it’s huge interest in home and and how they’re doing and you know people are pulling for them and you know they’re they’re trying to uh get over their own frustrations as well at the same time so you know sometimes you have

    To be you know diplomatic as you can be you know when when people are are not play playing their best but at the same time you know give a fair report of of what’s going on with them so uh you know I think uh it’s a good working

    Relationship put it that way good the modern professional game uh Brian obviously gives you plenty of content especially over the last couple of years with the PJ tour versus Liv the initial kind of combat between those two then the June 6th Ann announcement of last year where they were teaming up and now

    Kind of a lack of updates really the last couple of months is it tough for you to separate or is it even a thing for you to separate as looking at that as a fan and then of the game or do you look at that as a journalist and be like

    This is a goal M for me I have so much content now to write about yeah it’s a bit of both I think the fans are probably getting a little little bit Jaded by all the all the money talk and the talk of you know 100 million here

    And 50 million there and and you know players looking for for their worth uh you know great time to be a professional golfer but it is it is difficult but there’s a huge amount of interest in it obviously from from the media side you know there’s something like a good row

    You know to to to sell newspapers and and keep people engaged and you know this uh this battle you know this political battle that’s going on you know this this battle for for players for audiences for uh it’s it’s it’s it’s very interesting but it’s you know it’s

    It’s a little bit sad in some ways that you know the game has just been reduced you know to this uh kind of money grab that’s going on at the moment but uh you’d hope that with uh with all this money that’s come into the sport from

    You know the Strategic Sports Group you know you know we’re talking you know 1.5 to3 billion dollars and uh you know the amount of money that uh PF have uh and want to invest in the game that some of that it’s going to eventually filter down you know to to the amateur game

    Eventually you know that uh you know whatever way it can happen that it has to be good for the game overall that um there’s so much interest in in investing in golf and there’s value seen in golf so I think that’s a positive but it might be uh you know quite some time

    Before we get a resolution is it nice then for you as uh is it nice then speaking of the Irish amateur game is it nice to come back to the Irish amateur game as a bit of a pallet cleanser and where there’s no political motivations there’s no massive money being you know

    Talked about it’s just someone trying to win a tournament no absolutely yeah there is you know there there’s just wonderful tradition there you know with all the IRS championships you know we’ve got uh I mean I’m really looking forward to you know driving up to to Sligo this

    Week you know to to see the start of the west of Ireland Championship on Friday you know that’s just what a magical place you know Ben Ben buln there not great you know it’s just it’s just a wonderful tournament with with great history you know we’ve already had 100

    West of Ireland championships in you know long may it long may it last so that’s that’s wonderful to see but you know as regards the money element of things I mean that you know that rder cup money that’s going to be coming into Irish golf now over the next few years

    You know the the Legacy money that’s that’s going to be distributed that’s going to be important you know golf Ireland uh referenced that you know when they had a a little media get together you know last week that uh you know the writer cup only comes around once in a

    Once in a blue moon and it’ll move on but the uh the the money that that will leave behind for the amateur game will be invested in you know improving facilities and in making it more um more accessible for people to play and to take advantage of

    You know the huge interest there is in golf at the moment even though it’s a very timec consuming sport there are other ways to uh you know to consume golf as it were and uh you know golf Ireland hopefully will be able to find a

    Way of uh putting that money to good use before we get into previewing and chatting a bit about the West ran you’ve covered so much in all your years is journalism have you a standout moment for you that you thought this is pretty special that I got to cover this well I

    Mean the major wins by the Irish players in recent years were pretty special obviously you know Porter Carrington winning that Open championship in Carusi after what happened to him on the 72nd hole you and to come through after after that and to win it in the playoff that

    Was a a very very special time and then for him to you know to win two majors the following year you know one with the bad wrist and then you know to beat Sergio Garcia you know coming down the stretch in that PGA Championship you

    Know we all remember the fist pump and I think we saw you know a little uh replay of it on on Sunday when he won you know at the age of 52 uh in the H Classic on Sunday you know he still got the same enthusiasm so they were special uh you

    Know and obviously you know Rory and what he’s done you know absolutely unbelievable uh performances from him Darren Clark Ray mcdo to be in the Pebble Beach for that was was a really special uh was a really special Victory you know so and obviously Shan

    Uh Shane low in in Royal Port rush you know that was just the dream scenario for any uh any Irish golf rider but you know there’s been some great ones in in the amateur game too obviously you know talking of Ross’s point this week I remember being at those west of irelands

    That you know Rory mroy won in 2005 2006 you know you’re only only a teenager at the time and the the crowds you know there were thousands of people there swarming around the place for a look at this uh you know young talent that had come through uh through the ranks

    Everybody had heard of him and were Keen to get out and see him so there were people that hadn’t been to a golf tournament for for years or maybe never been to an amateur tournament uh they were all swarming around Russ’s Point those two years uh and the third year

    Even when he got to the the quarterfinals and eventually lost but you know they were they were exciting moments and uh it was a great uh it was a great time so you know there’s there’s always stuff happening in uh in Irish Gulf whether it’s the pros the amateurs

    Always H you know young players coming through maybe we’d like to see a few more of them make it on tour but it’s um you know it’s it’s it’s a very difficult game to play uh as a pro as we know and uh you know we’re hoping that we’re you

    Know going to see a few more guys maybe uh you know get the full TR cards over the next few years and girls obviously you know with with Leona and uh Stephanie Meadow and Lauren Walsh and Olivia mfy and all the and all these people that are are you know really

    Starting to make uh to make strides plus the uh the amateur girls as well who are you know some tremendous Talent there so exciting exciting we’re really looking forward to the year Brian was it you was it you that got pulled out of the draw to play in Augusta as a journalist was

    That yeah well there’s been a few guys over the years a couple of people I think you’ve even been out a couple of times but uh yeah I I think I went to my first Masters maybe in uh I think it was Rory’s first one so whenever that was

    2009 or 2010 I think and you know you’d put your name in the Hat on the during the week and they’d have the draw on the Saturday night and there’d be a ticker tape going across the bottom of the scoreboard or used to just past it up

    Beside ided actually in the older a few years ago when it was all done manually and uh sort of the first few years out didn’t come out this year well just as well and have no golf clubs no shoes so probably you know busy and uh hopefully

    There an Irish winner I’ll be busy on Monday and I’ll be too busy to play but I did come out of the Hat in 2013 I had tendonitis I remember that year I had no golf clubs no golf shoes so um I took a big handful of painkillers and uh

    Managed to drag myself out and around the golf course so I haven’t put my name back in yet you know I think once is enough for anybody I think uh don’t want to spoil the you know what was H what was a great memory you know I wouldn’t

    Say I played fantastically well but any means but there were a couple of parts in there anyway and uh some nice memories and lovely to play the course the day after the day after the Masters you know so it was H not quite the same course they played you know might have

    Been 100 yards forward on a hole here and a hole there so you s of going wow my nine aren’t here it was I think I would have had another 100 yards on that so uh I’m glad I wasn’t playing in the Masters yesterday but uh yeah memory to

    A memory to cherish certainly yeah that’s incredible I I didn’t know that um very very jealous Brian and I think we could do another podcast just picking your thoughts on the course I’ll give you a shot by shot step need a few pod you might need a few podcasts for that definitely uh

    Regarding uh the West this week um as we have we we as we already discussed OB some great memories there some the you know the role of honor is is incredible you’ve already mentioned Harrington maroy and Larry um what do you think the key is for winning the West especially

    Around Ross’s point is there do you think there’s been a consistent theme with the winners well I mean you got to be able to tough it out in tough conditions generally I mean you might get the odd year when the weather is it’s fine and sunny and uh it’s not too cold but

    There’s been other years when people have been you know nearly dying of exposure up on that second tea with the big Q players waiting to go off there might be three groups standing there you know so uh so it’s you know it’s it’s it’s um it’s a marathon I mean it really

    Is a marathon you know and they’re back to the traditional format this year you know two rounds of stroke play and 64 in the match play I think you know the local people especially you know they really welcome that because uh you know they love to see a few of their players

    You know either from County CA golf club or the or the surrounding clubs the you know the con men that they they maybe know a little bit better you know get get through the uh get through the uh the stroke play and who knows they might

    Uh you know be bble to take down one of the Internationals in the first round of the match play and go in a bit of a run so you know there’s uh that Sunday you get a nice you get a nice crowd out and if if one of the guys manages to get

    Through a few few rounds and gets towards the the last 16 there’s a real Buzz around the place when uh when one of the local guys is going well you know we had Barry Anderson win win a few years ago you know that was a that was a

    Tremendous uh that was a tremendous win for him so it’s it’s an it’s an exciting event but um you know the the match play is is so unpredictable and and the chorus is you know so demanding especially coming down that stretch you know into the wind quite often that uh

    You know it it it can be um you know a very very memorable uh a very very memorable week and uh with all the great winners that they’ve had there over the years as well just to get your name on that trophy you know alongside the maroy

    And the low’s and the harringtons and the people like that is a it’s a very special moment for them and it’s uh it’s wonderful to be there to to see them enjoy that all right Brian can you predict who is going to win this weekend

    For us I need a name from you well it’s difficult to to pick isn’t it I I see uh H you know we’ve got a few of the the high performance players anyway uh playing you know I wouldn’t uh I wouldn’t be surprised if we if we got a

    Surprise winner this year really you know with the with the format the way it is back to the old 64 there’s going to be a a few of the big names heading home um but um you know I think you know you got to look at uh really the the big

    Guns again your Matt mle you know your Hugh Foley Peter aefs you know people like that colum Campbell you know they’re the guys that um you know have consistently performed in championships over the years they you know they they’re experts in match play they know

    How to uh to get it done even when they’re not playing very well so it’s it’s very difficult to pick out a name you know but um certainly I think you know one of those guys is going to be up there uh come Tuesday that’s great thank you very much

    For that Brian look we we’ve we’ve kept you here long enough Brian thank you so much for the discussion I really really enjoyed this I’m sure Valerie did too um enjoy SLO this weekend and everyone who’s going enjoy it too and yeah thank you very much B appreciate it no no

    Problem always enjoy SLO thank you thank you Steve you know thanks Valerie best of luck with the podcast thank you thank you thanks again to Brian K there for joining us on the golf Ireland pod fantastic conversation with him uh we’ll finish up with some news uh around the

    World as always uh we’ll start with the LPGA Leon Maguire had a TI 13th finish at the fur Hill C pack Championship H great week there for Leona H the Ford Championship is on this week it’s in Arizona with Leona and Stephanie meow both in the field uh in the race to the

    CME Globe which is the season long race in the LPGA Leona is 31st with Stephanie Meow in 53rd h on the PJ tour Sheamus power had a tie 26 at the valpar In Contention there leading on Sunday um but finished at tie 26 uh no Irish

    Player in the PGA in the PJ tour this week in the field um on the DP World Tour Shane Larry was at the poor Singapore classic last week and finished TI 29th um on the race to Dubai Roy mroy currently leads that with Tom McKibbon in

    21st uh on the L there’s two events in Australia for Lauren Walsh and Olivia mafy uh from the 29th to the 31st of March and the 5th to the 7th of April uh the new sou Wales Women’s Open is this week on the L so best of luck to Lauren

    And Olivia and then finally on on the challenge tour Gary Hurley finished tied 16th and was the best of the Irish last week at the Kolkata challenge after a final round of 66 the next events are in the United Arab arment uh from the 18th

    To the 21st and 25th to the 28th of April uh Jonathan calwell 26th on the road to New York which is a season long um challenge tour uh competition Conor pel 29th and Gary Hurley in 41st the top 20 in that season long race get automatic DP World Tour cards at the end

    Of the season so plenty to play there uh for Jonathan Connor and Gary and best of luck to them uh in their uh drive for that uh that sums up this week’s episode thank you once again for uh listening we hope you enjoyed the chat with Brian uh

    And we will see you next week

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