D [Applause] [Applause] It’s only me that would get up with without a mic but now that I have it this is the wonderful day that the Lord has made let us all rejoice and be glad in it anybody happy to be here on tonight first of all are you thankful

    That you got up this morning well let’s do this let’s give God some praise right now for waking us up this morning cuz he didn’t have to do it but somebody here tonight ought to be glad I mean just tickled to death that he woke you up

    This morning started us on another Day’s Journey and we’re grateful and thankful to God for that and for each of you who are here on tonight we’re grateful to see each of you tonight you look good to us tonight and we just bless God for your presence for those of you who are

    Listening to us virtually we welcome you on this evening and we thank God for you taking the time to share with us on tonight uh if you would uh let uh your neighbor and friend know those of you who are listening virtually to channel in to macedonia’s Facebook page and

    Macedonia’s YouTube page if you all would do that uh those are the two platforms by which we are able to connect on this week okay so if y’all would do that for us we would greatly appreciate it again we honor God who is our father Jesus the Christ who is our

    Elder brother and Redeemer certainly we’re grateful to the Holy Spirit which is our comforter our teacher and our guide we’re certainly uh grateful and thankful for Macedonia uh for hosting this event on this week so we bless God for Macedonia and their staff for being here and opening their doors for us to

    Have uh this Holy Week which is sponsored by the best District on this side of Jordan really the only District if you really want to if you really want to know it’s the only District this side of Jordan uh and that is the Browns Creek District Association

    By which we are able to connect with community and connect with uh those within the state and throughout the country uh spreading the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and certainly it would not be possible without your inclusion so for all that you do the district in turn thanks you

    For all that you do to make this District function as it does uh we’re doing great work uh throughout this uh City we’re doing great work throughout the state and throughout the country and even abroad uh the Lord has allowed us to continue to do ministry even abroad

    And that’s nothing but uh nothing but God and so we give God all the praise for uh our abilities to be able to do that which we do uh certainly we want to give honor to our moderator moderator William Watson come on let’s give it up for our moderator on

    Tonight now he’s not the president of the United States but he’s a little higher than the president of the United States States he’s a he’s a man of God so I’m going to say it again let us honor our moderator on tonight I see two or three that got it

    Yeah five or six there you go that’s what I’m talking about amen amen amen and and he he he he deserves it uh for he’s doing a a marvelous work within the district and I’m just honored uh to be able to serve under him and serve

    With with him uh as we walk side by side uh to do what we do and and I just thank God for uh his unselfishness uh for his his dedication his hard work uh one thing I know about um moderator Watson is this the Lord has

    Gifted him to be able to gather men together and when I say men I’m talking men and women he’s able to gather children of God together and play place them in their uh respective uh places where they can be effective it’s one thing I know about him he he places

    Individuals in areas where they can be effective and God has gifted him to be able to do that and it’s just wonderful to see and I’ve learned so much uh under him uh and I just I thank God for uh the the work that he does and so you know in

    Your prayers y’all please lift up our moderator uh because he does so much you know in spite of all what he does within the district he does pastor one of the finest churches here in Madison County in the city of Jackson uh the historic First Baptist and so in all of that uh

    You know he still leads he leads a congregation and so we thank God we thank God for for what he does and and certainly we want want you all to keep him lifted in your prayers amen again if you haven’t shared make sure you share because again uh we won’t um those that

    Can and will we want them to be able to hear um this wonderful message that God has for this wonderful preacher uh on tonight amen I’m just excited about what God’s going to say and what God’s going to do through this awesome man of God

    And so uh you all just pray for him uh as again the Lord uses him tonight to speak unto us I’m going to do something a little different we we normally call for a music musical election here but what I’m going to do I’m going to ask uh

    Sister Lois Kenny if if she would come with Old Testament scripture and I’m going to ask sister Erica Perkins uh if she would come with New Testament scripture uh and I’ll be back I’ll be back after Old and New Testament scripture has been given amen amen come

    On give them a hand as they come I will be the Old Testament scripture and it will come from the book of Isaiah 53rd chapter I will read the entire chap and it reads who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord

    Revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he has no form nor cess and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrow and

    Acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we examed him not surely he ha borne our greas and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and Afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our

    Iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his we are healed and all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not

    His mouth he is bought brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shear is Dawn so he openeth not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the

    Land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it please the Lord to bruise

    Him he hath put him to grief when thou shal make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and The Pledger of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be

    Satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquity therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the Spore with the strong because he has poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the

    Transgression and he be the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressions I read Isaiah the entire chapter 53 may the Lord add a blessing to the readers hearers and doers of his holy and divine word good evening our New Testament scripture can be found in Matthew

    64 now if God so cloth the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more Cloe you oh you of little faith therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what

    Shall we wear for after all these things the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father knows that you need all these things but first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient

    For the day is its own trouble amen godess come on give these scripture readers Round of Applause for they could not have read it or said it any better and I’m so glad that he was bruised for our iniquity yeah he did for me what I

    Couldn’t do for myself he bared it all and for that we ought to all be grateful amen I’m going to ask I’m going to ask uh sister Claybrook if she would come and offer us prayer and after which I’m going to ask our moderator to to come and and greet us on tonight

    Amen hallelujah let us pray father God we come at this time with bow heads humble and grateful Hearts father we thank you we honor you we praise you we magnify your holy name oh Father all because you are God the only true and living God hallelujah you

    Are the Creator and sustainer of life itself and oh God it is in you we move and we have our being and I just say thank you God oh thank you Lord Hallelujah father as we reflect uh what occurred during this Holy Week uh we can’t but say thank you

    Oh God thank you thank you for loving us so much uh that you sent your only begotten son to die on a sinful cross agonizing death all for us uh He Paid a Debt that he didn’t know uh he paid our sin debt and God we say thank you a greater love

    Has no man than to lay down his life for his fellow man and God we thank you Hallelujah we thank you uhh we can’t move without you uh we can’t breathe without you oh Hallelujah you are our own and our own and oh God tonight we

    Thank you uh for this service uh God we ask your blessings upon each and everyone that’s here today and oh God we ask your blessings upon those that are listening by media and father now we ask that you bless the man that’s going to stand and preach your word oh God

    Strengthen him uh uh put your anoint in upon him and oh God may we hear and see you and not him oh God we thank you oh we love you Hallelujah this is our prayer in the mighty name of Jesus thank God and amen come on put your hands together

    Again this is the wonderful day the Lord has has made and we shall and we are going to rejoice in it amen I want to greet you and tag team with our vice moderator Pastor curry in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus who is

    The Christ I am so grateful to be in this space with each of you God has been kind to give us this night of worship and for that we are thankful amen and I’m so grateful also to be able to be moderator of the Browns Creed District Association these pastors and you the

    Church members have allowed us to lead in this season and God is allowing us to do great things and for that we are glad amen because it takes all of us to do ministry from our vared fellowships we make up what the entire body of Christ

    And so for that we are grateful listen we are so thankful for us to be in this space but I know some of y’all uh don’t know each other and so like on last this past Sunday uh we reintroduced in the life of our church what’s called y’all know this Fellowship period right

    Because people just normally come to church now and sit down beside each other and act like they don’t see each other y’all know how they do they came to get they word and get their shout on and then they’ll leave out without even greeting someone or connecting with

    Someone but we know that we are gifts right and we’re gifts that connect because your gift may be what I need tonight along with the word to be made whole so let’s connect tonight I need all of y’all to stand right where you are I know some people last night were

    Looking at me crazy and some of them still looking at me crazy stand right where you are and I need you to leave from where you are and just go greet two or three people fist bump them elbow bump them shoulder bump them and say good evening and I’m so grateful to see

    You on tonight come on let’s Fellowship together e e do amen wonderful again it’s so good to just be in fellowship with each other as churches as a part of this District to be family one with another so we’re so grateful and thankful that God gives us

    Gives us this space amen amen you ought to feel a little bit better right amen as we prepare to worship listen I want to invite you now to prepare yourselves to give amen come on let’s prepare ourselves to give we want to give responsibly on tonight I shared with

    Last night what I share with each church that I fellowship with when I get a chance to receive the offering and that is this that we don’t give because we have to we give because we want to we give because we love God and we love the work of ministry that God has

    Called us to and so we give in responsibility but we also give as God has so blessed us I shared last night that God has never asked you to give what he hasn’t already given you right so again as we share tonight we give as God so leads us I shared with last

    Night’s uh group of members that um I need you to get your better gift in your hand right because normally we say get a gift in your hand and y’all know in the Baptist Church dollars are our first gift so I need you to get a better

    Gift and then I’m asked the preachers to get their best gift amen which means we’re always supposed to lead when it comes to giving and I try my best to do that so I have my offering so like last night you won’t be sitting up here

    Looking he talking but he ain’t pull no money out of his pocket I have my gift and I want you to grab a gift and remember I’m not asking you to match anyone’s giving we don’t do that we give as God so lesses each of us individually and then our Collective

    Gifts are what God multiplies and uses to again accomplish his goals and you’re giving into great work into this district and so I’m thankful for you everybody has their gift everybody has their gift everybody has their gift come on let’s pray up those gifts what we

    Want to do is lift our gifts to the Lord before we ever put them in the baskets for men to use gifts lifted father thank you for every gift and every Giver thank you for the opportunity to give and God we pray that these gifts that you allow

    Us to share and to sew into the work of this ministry might be used for the further reach of this gospel that you allow us to share not only in this community but in this city not only in this city but in this region not only in this region but in

    This state not only in this state but in this country and this world thank you God for how you’ve allowed us to reach far in this Browns Creek District Association and God we’ll be careful to give you praise all glory indeed belongs to you this is our prayer these are your

    Gifts in Jesus name we pray amen amen listen for those of you who don’t have tangible gifts who want to give electronically especially those of you who are online information is on the screen you can give via the app gifi you can go on to the Brown Street District

    Association’s website or you can mail your donations to the district headquarters that information is on the screen just for you listen if you’re giving in person I want you to stand and follow the directions of our Hospitality ministry as they lead you around on tonight amen amen for

    Thank all of you thank all of you thank all of you thank all of you let not participate in the offering I told them last night people often think offering is intermission but offering is a part of worship can I tell you it was so much a

    Part of worship that Jesus sat down and watched them give so always remember that what you give matters as you give it matters amen listen we’re getting ready to move higher in our time of worship we’re going to allow this choir to so bless us

    In song they’re going to give us uh two wonderful selections amen two wonderful selections and then our pastor for tonight will share I’m so thankful that I get a chance to call all um these brothers brother right get an opportunity to again talk with them share with them and call their families

    My family so I’m appreciative that we in the district have this type of relationship as pastors As Leaders even as members amen and so tonight Pastor the Browns Creek Baptist Church in Brownsville Tennessee that’s Haywood County right yeah so y’all see our district is multicounty I don’t know if that’s a

    Word but I’m using it tonight and so we’re grateful to have again Pastor Winston Perkins with us on tonight he is uh fresh to this area uh and we’re grateful for him he’s been here a while but I keep saying he’s fresh because he hadn’t fully gotten acclimated to jacksonians or Brownsville natives

    Yet but again he and his family his wife is in require his family as a part and integrate part of this district and we’re just grateful to have him and his family and the Browns Creek Church as a part of this District Association amen thank you Bri Creek for being for being here

    Tonight as they get ready to share let me prepare our hearts for the word as well it’s Tuesday again is what we would call Holy Tuesday or great Tuesday and so on Sunday we entered into Jerusalem waving palm branches shouting hosana save now Lord after again the triumphal entry

    Jesus and his disciples went back to Bethany and there they rested and then on last night Pastor Curtis shared with us on holy Monday because on holy Monday Jesus had to reset the temple he came in with fatted whip turning over tables flipping chairs because they had turned his place of

    Worship the temple that he put in place so that he could meet with his people and they could meet with him he had turned it they had turned a place of extortion as we shared the Bible verse it shares that you’ve made my house full of Thieves and robbers but

    My house is really supposed to be a House of Prayer after Jesus cleanses the temple the Bible says that he rests he awakens to Tuesday morning and he goes back to work but while he’s working and teaching and sharing there’s a group of people known as the herodians there’s a

    Group of people known as the pH es there’s a group of people known as the Sadducees there’s another group of people known as the scribes or the experts in the law and while he’s worshiping and while he’s working and while he’s teaching they’re meeting they’re meeting plotting how to take Jesus

    Out so today as we sit in the scene of this Tuesday this holy Tuesday this great Tuesday and hear the word while we’re worshiping let’s remember all that our Christ went through as we hear him speak to us on tonight come on let’s celebrate this choir as that comment

    That the next voice you will hear will be that of Pastor Winston PR all I I God is God is I I ‘s my joy he’s my joy in sorrow he’s my hope he’s My Hope For Tomorrow yeah he’s my rock he’s [Applause] My God is God is God is God is I yeah God is I [Applause] ever God is God is I ever ever he’s my joy he’s my joy in sorrow he’s my hope he’s My Hope For Tomorrow yeah he’s my rock he’s my RO God is God is God is God is I I Everything God is God God is God is my my everything he’s my joy he’s my joy in sorrow he’s my hope he’s my for tomorrow yeah he’s my rock my rock in a in the time of God is God is God is God is God is God is

    God is God is God is God is God my everything Everything my everything my everything God is my everything my everything my everything God is my everything my everything my everything my way make my everything my everything my everything body good Su my everything not everything my everything bridge over trouble everything my everything my everything he’s my joy my everything my

    Everything my everything I love the calling my everything my everything my everything a mighty good friend my everything my everything my everything joy and Sorrow by everything Hope For Tomorrow by everything your trouble by everything I love call everything in a Midnight Hour everything by everything everything know everything I everything

    I don’t mind calling my everything I love calling I everything he’s my friend my everything he’s my doctor my everything a might good lawyer everything in a courtroom everything I have to call it everything God is God is God is God is God is God is I know God is God is you

    Can call on God God and he’ll be right there oh you don’t have to wor in a Midnight Hour oh God Lord I love you God I don’t mind calling you God God is God you a mighty good friend yeah God is God is you ought to call on it God is oh he’ll be right there God is I Tred God and I know he will yes I know he will in a Midnight Hour Lord you will walk with me

    I know you have talked to me yester Lord I don’t mind calling on oh God oh God is God is God is God is oh God is God is God is God is [Applause] [Applause] my [Applause] [Applause] yes Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory [Applause] GL H thank you Jesus yes he is I will serve I shall not from his love [Applause] For the rest of I will Ser you [Applause] For for the rest of my life I will I’m going to Ser the Lord shall not stray Jes [Applause] W for the rest of my life for the rest of my life going to serve [Applause] [Applause] Him for the rest of my life I’m going to serve the Lord I shall not Stay Jesus love even though Satan sometimes he my soul but I am I’m just going to work and work until I reach my go you see my heart is f made I am going all the way through don’t you know that he fix this for me I’m a wi this

    That will for you for the rest of my life for the rest of my going to Ser I [Applause] Ser for the rest of my life I’m going to serve the Lord I will not stay from Jesus Love he sometimes my soul but I am determined I just got to work in work one day I’ll reach my told heart I am all the way through one day he fixed it for me I’m a witness today it will fix it for you for the rest of my life for the rest

    My going to I [Applause] [Applause] Will [Applause] [Applause] I don’t know about you today [Applause] Rest for the rest of my life for the rest of my life for the rest of my life for the rest of my life I with Jesus I’m going to talk with Jesus for the rest of my life for the rest of I won’t give up I won’t give in for

    The rest of my life for the rest going to I [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Will Over you Through blessing every bless oh hallelujah Hallelujah Every Mountain mountain you brought me over every Tri you s me through you s me through blessing bless hallelujah [Applause] Hallelujah offer [Applause] Highest come on and give him some glory in the house tonight come on give him some glory in the house tonight come on and magnify the Lord for Every Mountain come on shout about it today he’s brought me over for every Valley yeah look at somebody say he brought me

    Over and he show enough seen me through Hallelujah to the Lamb of God amen amen God bless you God bless you God bless you it is certainly tonight an honor to stand before you and to share the good news of the Kingdom during this Holy Week celebration I am humbled and tonight I

    Would love to just salute our moderator Pastor William Watson my friend and my brother and my other brother from another mother Reginal Curry come on Browns Creek I know y’all love him come on the angel of this house it’s good to be here and it’s certainly good to here

    Browns Creek’s choir today come on let’s celebrate our choir thank you our musicians God bless you thank you thank you thank you and to all of my brothers and sisters my brothers who labor in the gospel El Ministry with me God bless you all to the greatest Pastor

    In that I know of I want to present to all my pastor Dr de Blalock God bless you good to see you Pastor tonight amen what a wonderful I didn’t do what Pastor Curry did last night he forgot so we thank you amen thank you to

    All the deacons and I want to just just thank God for my girlfriend who’s here tonight with me she’s hanging out over here just come on wave at him baby there you go amen that’s that’s my little girlfriend she when my girlfriend shows up I tend to do a little better

    So to my boys over here in the corner Dexter Winston and my son Nick who just he’s a Marine now y’all come on let’s [Applause] celebrate I found out very quickly you don’t call them soldiers they are Marines God bless you it is good to be here tonight to The all-wise

    God Who is so amazing I would love to Echo the words of my brother Pastor Mormon on last night with friends like you Pastor Mormon who needs enemies amen he laid it out for us last night come on let’s celebrate that man of God beautiful beautiful to my mothers and my family

    And friends God bless you we thank you it is so good I told Pastor Curry this is when you know you have a good friend and I remember walking through the sanctuary of Browns Creek when I got there and I would go through the pews

    And when I go through the pews I would see these fans in the pews and those fans in the pews had a picture of Pastor Curry and I looked at the picture and I said no you got to get up out of here and I told him that

    I show up told him I show up told him and and everybody Wonder around what happened to the fan they ain’t in here no more hollly if you hear your boy that’s why I love these guys I’m telling you y’all y’all have no idea let us pray gracious father we thank

    You thank you for what our eyes have seen and what our ears have witnessed thus far I pray tonight that as we share your word that you would speak through me use me as a vessel as an instrument Spirit of the Living God fall fresh Have Thine Own Way the grass

    Withers the flower Fades but the word of our God shall stand forever amen tonight I want to lift up this passage in the Book of Matthew Matthew chapter 21 look at verses 18 through 22 you don’t have your Bibles look overhead Matthew chapter 21: 20 veres 18- 22 and it reads and it

    Reads now in the morning as he returned to the city he was hungry and seeing a fig tree by the road he came to it and found nothing on it but leaves and said to it let no fruit grow on on you ever again immediately the Fig Tree withered

    Away and when the disciples saw it they marveled saying how did the Fig Tree wither away so soon so Jesus answered and said to them assuredly I say to you if you have faith and do not doubt you will not only do what has been done to this fig tree but

    Also if you say to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea it will be done and whatever things you ask in prayer believing you shall receive tonight let’s talk about a faith that says no more a faith that say is no more we find Jesus after doing his

    Business in the temple working for the father we find him on the next day the Bible says on now in the morning so it was the next day that Tuesday as he returned to the city he was hungry he was hungry because it was breakfast time and it was time to

    Eat and seeing a fig tree he noticed that something was missing on the Fig Tree the Bible says he saw the tree from afar off but when he got got close there was nothing on there Disturbed and bewildered because he can’t get his breakfast Jesus looks at this fig

    Tree and notice what he says let no fruit grow on you ever again let’s go back the Book of Genesis record that on day three of creation God brought forth on the earth grass the herb that yields seed according to its kind and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself

    According to its kind the tree therefore according to Genesis as well as science has an intended purpose to yield fruit again the true tree has an in intended purpose and that is to yield fruit you see God designed this highly nutritious tree to yield figs for the benefit of

    Mankind you see when he made the Fig he was thinking about you and I it’s fiber potassium antioxidant content can help control your blood pressure come on somebody I got high blood pressure talk to me today it would Aid in your digestion it would was help

    With your weight loss Journey oh man we love losing weight don’t we it can protect your heart prevent constipation cures reproductive problems and may also support strong joints in your body when God designed the Fig he designed it with you and I in mind thank you Lord and

    This image of this fig tree will become a a metaphoric picture of the children of Israel the prophet Hosea would pin these words as he describes God’s chosen people he said I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness I saw her your fathers as the first fruits of the Fig in his

    Season he saw fruit on the tree yeah the fruit that was to be put on display was a love for God and love for Humanity yes sir she Israel was chared to be an example to all nations of the world pointing Fallen Humanity back to God

    Pointing them back to The Great I Am somebody shout I am I am it was placed upon her to be a highly nutritious fruit for the spiritual purposes and well-being of those who did not know God Israel would go on and fall into a cycle

    Of sin serve the Lord fall into sin and idolatry fall into enslaving cry out to God God will send a judge redeem Israel and then they will complete the cycle all over again sounds like us God bless us God delivers us and all of a sudden we get beside ourselves and we find

    Ourselves going through the cycle of Life all over again yes sir God would then send Kings he would he would send Governors Kings to govern them he would send priests to pray for them he would send prophets to speak to them then he would be silent for 500

    Years sir then he will send his only begotten son who will show up in the fullness of time he may not come when we call him but we know he is always on time he would come down through 42 Generations cing up and making his way through the streets of galile and

    Sounding cities and towns in his ministry of preaching and teaching he presents a parable about a fig tree the landowner shows up and when a land owner shows up he finds no figs on that tree remember he’s speaking a parable a parable is an Earthly story with a Heavenly meeting he

    What what what it means is he’s simply just trying to break it down into theological baby talk for us the landowner shows up and he finds no no figs on the tree he says cut it down cut it down because it’s taking up too much soil he’s saying this tree is

    Wasting space this morning I came to ask somebody how many of you are really wasting space the judge said I want you to cut it down but there was one the landowner he the the the garden he says no no give it one more chance we ought to thank God

    For Jesus right now because he intercedes on our behalf and he’s saying Lord give him one more chance and not only will he give us one more chance he gives us chance after chance after chance that’s why we that’s why we celebrate him because brand new

    Mercies we see every day I love him so much cuz he ain’t cheap and standy he gives me some brand new mercies every day anybody glad about it that he gives you brand new mercies every day every day every day you wake up he showered down His blessings upon you and

    I Jesus he’s at the Fig Tree he curses the Fig Tree and then the Fig Tree begins to wither like I said the Fig Tree is a is a metaphoric view of the children of Israel but I have a question if Jesus was hungry why didn’t he perform a miracle

    And cause figs to grow on the tree there’s no doubt that he can’t do it so why didn’t the one who possess absolutely unmatched om omnipotence provide the produce for himself there is no doubt that he can do it for he has the record to prove that he

    Could we see him do what your local wine and spirits store can’t do he would turn water into wine we witness him coming up to the main the main deck of a ship telling an out of control storm to peace be still night night settle down won’t he do it

    Y’all we’re in awe when we when we see him build a bridge across Under Troubled Waters when he walked on the water to his disciples yes we witness him even today performing miracles in all of our Lives somebody had cancer in their body I came to tell you he’s a miracle

    Worker somebody struggling with high blood pressure guess what he’s a miracle worker somebody’s struggling with diabetes he’s a miracle worker is there anything impossible for God I dare you to look at your neighbor and say there is nothing in possible with the God that I serve cuz he show enough is well capable

    Of doing it he can do it like nobody else can I’m reminded of what we all say when God shows up I talk to me tonight when God shows up he certainly will show out and all we have to learn how to do is lean and depend on him this this this

    Tree this tree represents Israel’s Fallen relationship with God because Israel has gone from a relationship with God to practicing religion you see the problem with religion religion will incarcerate you but when you have a relationship with God it will liberate you religion loves to tear folk

    Down but a relationship with God is all about building people up religion pushes out but when you walk with the Lord he’s got a way of drawing you back in religion loves to step on somebody’s neck but a relationship with God I would have you going over reaching down and

    Picking them up you see that’s the problem with the church today we’re so religious that we’ve Fallen away from the relationship that God has called us to religion build Rel religion builds walls but relationships span Bridges that’s why we know him to be a bridge over troubled

    Water religion with drag a woman in adultery and leave a man behind who she was caught with but relationship will look at her and say where are your accusers go and sin no more you see religion will have nothing to do with the Samaritan woman at the

    Well why because we don’t interm mingle with Samaritans but a relationship with God not only sits with her but calls to go and tell everybody about a man that she met by the name of Jesus that’s what a relationship with God does sir religion will say to the young

    Man who walks in with his pants hanging down and the young lady who walks in with a skirt hanging up religion will say you can’t come in here because you ain’t dress right but when you have a relationship with God relationship ship with God would say come on

    In spend a little time build a relationship now baby let’s try to get you right you see that’s what I loved about the old school they didn’t mind opening up their mouths because they cared about you you remember the day when they when you show up and your

    Skirt was a little bit too short they bring that little handkerchief Out Sister sitting across the front and they lay a handkerchief across her lap they never told her to leave but they told her to stay that’s what God is all about and that’s what God is calling us to do we

    Need we need to find ourselves stopping stopping the madness and begin to build relationship the tree had a purpose the tree had a purpose it had a purpose and a reason for existing everybody in here has a purpose the sad thing about it is that everybody does not operate in their

    Purpose and when we don’t operate in our purpose it put more burden on those who are operating in their purpose and they get burned out so you wonder why a lot of pastors lose their mind Come on talk to me today you wonder why situations happen in our churches it’s because

    Everybody is not operating in their purpose learn to walk in your purpose God put not only gave us a purpose but he gave us potential you know there is greatness on the inside of you don’t children don’t believe the hype that you’re not that you that that

    There’s no greatness in you God created You In His Image and his likeness you are special to God not only does God give us a purpose not only does he give us potential but he gives us power woo somebody shout power you know it requires power to forgive your

    Enemy it requires power to pray for those who despitefully use you it requires something on the inside outside of myself to operate in Ministry look at the tree it had a purpose to produce fruit it had potential because when he saw it he saw leaves on there it had dirt it had

    Potential and it had power because it had the sun to shine down on it but I want you to notice the trees’s position the tree was hanging out on the side of the Road God put Israel in a position to hang out on the side of the

    Road so that when passer come by and they’re hungry guess what they can feed off of the tree did you hear what I said when passas come they can feed off of the tree he’s saying the same thing to us today I have positioned you

    That in a world that has gone crazy I have positioned you on a side of the road that when people come by and Lord knows we got enough churches to change the whole world but when people come by they ought to experience the glory of God when we encounter people somebody

    Ought to ask the question what must I do to be saved the fig tree was a marvelous example of what the church needs to be I am I am challenged today because the church we have we have fallen away from our intended purpose God’s plan for our lives and

    We’re not here to take up space so God says to the tree you got to go ah what a mighty God we serve that we still have breath in our bodies today and he still saying to the father give him another chance than you when he showed up he saw no

    Fruit when he shows up in your life at the end of your journey will he find fruit will he find self-controlled people will he find people who are gentle to their neighbor will he find those who are faithful unto death for he says those who are faithful unto death he says I

    Will give you the Crown of Life will he find goodness in the city will he find us being kind to those who are less fortunate than us us would he find us being offering extending forbearance to those around us will he find peace in our heart for

    He promised I’ll give you perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on me will he find joy for we know that this Joy I have the world didn’t give it to me and the world show enough can’t take it away and will he find love in your heart the

    Bible says love covers a multitude of sin somebody asked the question what is the greatest commandment and Jesus said love the Lord thy God with all thy heart all thy mind all thy strength and love them as yourself look at somebody say I love you I really

    Do look at somebody else and say I love you I really do we must have a faith that says no more when we look at our communities when we look at our schools when we look at our homes when we look at the places that people

    Live when we look at our nursing homes and where our seniors are provided care yeah when we look in our hospitals we ought to say when we see what is wrong no more no more church as usual the scary thing that I’ve witness is that even though we experience

    Covid we’re going back to church as usual I urge us to proceed with caution because there’s some things God just don’t want us to go back to going back to co going back to church as usual Co exposed a few things but I’mma break down two of

    Them yes I agree it did it did separate the sheep from the goat but Co showed us gaps in our ministry it showed us the holes that we left wide open that it showed us that everybody that left the church didn’t leave because they’re not a child of God

    They left the church but they ain’t coming back to your church Co exposed and it show gaps in how we show people how much we love them you know that person that sat on the back row that you never paid attention Co was prime time for them to get out

    And never come back to your church Co exposed so that’s why we can’t go back to church as usual we must have a faith that says no more we’re not going to settle for less because we serve a God who has always given us his best and we ought to thank

    God today that we are not that tree yet cuz one day he going to show up and we all going to have to give an account for the fruit that we bear I don’t know what kind of tree you may be today you may be

    A apple tree you may be a lemon tree you may be a pad tree it really don’t matter just bear some fruit that’s worthy of repentance therefore when the master returns and he comes to your tree and your life he can look at you and say Well done thy good and faithful servant

    You’ve been Faithful over a few things come on up a little bit higher anybody glad today that we serve an awesome God that looks beyond our faults but he meets every one of our needs I’m glad today because he can keep on making a way out of nowhere I’m glad today that

    He didn’t cut me off but he keep keep giving me Time After Time After Time I’m glad today cuz when I should have been thrown out long time ago God reach down pick me up turn me around and place my feet on Solid Ground uh I’m glad today

    Are you glad today give him praise up in here and tell God thank you that you didn’t cut me off thank you that you gave me Faith thank you that you gave me prayer thank you that you keep on doing great things for me somebody ought to shout

    Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who was slain before the foundation of the world but I love what my pastor would say he would say every time I turn around he keeps on making a way come on give him glory in the house of God and thank God

    That he gives us Faith to say no more come on let’s celebrate it’s awesome man of God on tonight did not he bless our our hearts on tonight he placed us at the side of the road that we may be available to those who are hungry and need to be fed

    Have you made yourself available that others may come to know our Savior and Lord as I stand here tonight I extend an invitation to discipleship someone here tonight who may not know Jesus in the pardon of their sin I’m standing here tonight on behalf of one who has yet to confess Jesus as

    Lord if you’re here tonight Jesus has made himself available for he did it over 2024 years ago when he laid down his life and rose again that we might live he died in my place shed his blood to give me the opportunity to be cleansed of my sin and then on the third

    Day he became Victorious over death hell and the grave and now sits at the right hand of the father saying come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy lad and I’ll give you rest for your soul he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I Am

    Low and meek he says come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden now I’ll give you rest this rest no man can give only God can give that rest if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired come to Jesus tonight if you desire salvation on tonight come on right

    Now those of you who are listening virtually the good news is the fact that I can’t save you but Jesus he saves and he can save you right where you are and it is my desire if you’re in your home tonight if you can surrender all if you can believe in your

    Heart that Jesus is king of kings and Lord of lords if you can believe in your heart that he’s a rewarder to those who diligently seek him put your hand in his hand and allow him to lead you to life Everlasting I want to pray for you Father in Heaven I come before

    Thee thankful for this night thankful for the presence of your holy spirit thank you oh God that you have laid a foundation and you’ve made yourself available to all that would would have you to be savior all that would Des desire for you to be savior of their lives now God I

    Pray for that one who’s Confused don’t know what to do I pray that by your spirit you would speak to their hearts on tonight that Lord they may come running Lord what must I do to be saved we pray oh God that as your word has has gone forth on tonight that it’s pricked someone’s

    Heart that they would want to be a child of God Lord do it right now and we’ll forever bless your name and we’ll forever give you the praise for it is in the mighty name of Jesus Son of the Living God we do pray and give thanks

    Amen come on give the Lord another hand clap of praise for an awesome night of worship I thank God that he’s given us the power that we can say no more no more what will your record read will he say unto you depart from me ye worker of iniquity I know you’re not

    Or will he say Well done thou good and faithful servant only you know that I pray that you’ll receive a loving well done give a moderator a hand as he come and gives us directives and prepare PR for tomorrow night moderat Watson come on let’s celebrate our pastor for tonight again Pastor Perkins

    What an amazing word come on let’s celebrate our God our God for him for the gift of Pastor Perkin listen we are we have some preaching Pastors in our district and we’re are grateful for the addition of another preaching Pastor in our district when Pastor Tisdale stands

    You know you’ve been preaching amen he stood just about the whole sermon he almost ran over me to get to the word that’s you know you preaching Bible and you you you talking to thank you so much thank you so much we are apprecia it to all the pastors and ministers who are

    Here would you stand we want to just recognize and celebrate you all the pastor minister of our district would you stand come on come on God bless you thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much amen Brown Creek uh thank you for Lending

    Your pastor to us on tonight for preaching we were we were blessed come on let’s celebrate this choir as well thank y’all for your patience but also thank y’all for the music that you rendered amen wonderful job wonderful job also uh your son is a marine bless his

    Heart yeah I love I I love Marines cuz my dad was a marine but when I was older I became a US Army veteran because yeah I’m just kidding we all the branches of service love each other but we always pick at each other at the same

    Time amen but bless you man praying for you uh God’s grace and peace and God’s power over your life as you serve us thank you for your service to come amen and if there’s anything you need from us we got you amen we’re praying for you all right great great listen we’re

    Getting ready to leave this place but if you didn’t have a chance to give and you desire to give you can see our Hospitality team as they as you exit our worship uh experience on on tonight don’t forget tomorrow night for those of you who desire to sing in the choir

    We’re going to have our district choir’s first rehearsal and presentation on tomorrow night uh be here at 5:45 5:45 you’re going to rehearse with uh brother Clifton uh at 5:45 worship will begin at 6:30 they’re going to sing familiar songs so you don’t have to

    Worry if you know the song or not uh but we’re trying to pull our district choir together that that is members of every Church being a part of this choir so that we can present wonderful music and develop a music department over these next few years that again we look to

    Some amazing things with going forward amen so again if you want to sing be here tomorrow night 5:45 and be ready to rehearse and be ready to sing at at 6:30 our guest for tomorrow night is Dr Logan Hampton the P the pastor Pastor the president of Lang

    College will be preaching on tomorrow night uh he is a president but he’s also a preacher amen so we are inviting again Dr Logan Hampton to this space we’re letting Again The Fellowship of the C Church hang out with us Baptist one more time amen so we’re excited sooner or

    Later they just going go and be Baptist amen amen I’m just messing with them amen uh we love each other we thank God for the fellowship and so we look forward to that and then don’t forget on Thursday Thursday we’ll take communion together it’s maray Thursday we’ll take

    Communion at 12 noon at 12 noon for all of you who are able to come Pastor David Perry of the Bethlehem Baptist Church will be with us at 12: noon and we will take communion together then and then on that evening our vice moderator Pastor Reginal Curry and host Pastor will be

    Preaching our communion service on Thursday evening at 6:30 and we will take communion as a district together amen and then Good Friday we’ll commodate for one service one service on Good Friday that’s at 12 noon and we’ll be here here as well and I’ll be preaching the closing service for this

    Week amen so we’re looking forward to again a wonderful week it’s already been great if the Lord don’t let us do any other night you guys have blessed us last night Pastor Mormon tonight Pastor per amen and I’ll say what I said when I was seated I’m glad I ain’t preaching tomorrow night

    Amen Whoever has to come Behind These preaches bless your heart amen CU yall get some wonderful preacher come on let’s stand together let’s Stand Together amen again I know Browns Creek you have to get back on the road and head to Brownsville so traveling grace

    To you those who are headed back down 55 to Brownsville be safe be safe for those of you here in Jackson be safe we’re living in different times be aware of your surroundings amen be safe I’ll say it again be aware of your surroundings am be safe I don’t

    Want anything to happen to you and you don’t want anything to happen to me so keep your eyes open be mindful Be watchful I was in Memphis which is my hometown headed to my mother’s house and someone decided to Trail me a young group of people I guess they thought

    Were F to uh get my car you know I said not fixing to F to that’s what we say in Memphis we don’t say fixing we say F to F to get my car they thought they were about to do that so I noticed them trailing me that’s the military and me

    You keep all your eyes open right so I noticed it as they were trailing me I pulled on to my street before my mom’s Street and I saw him turn with me kept going because there was two things I did not want to happen and my church knows

    What those two things were number one I didn’t want to have to R anybody please understand I’m an all memphian right here I did not want and number two I didn’t want my daddy or my mother to have to incur because I was pulling up in their h amen and so you

    Have to be safe because you can bring unwanted trouble to your house or someone else’s house if you don’t pay attention all right everybody’s good amen and that’s the same thing the message meant tonight CU your nor time back here if you don’t live up to your

    Potential and the purpose that God has planted you along the side of the road you can create tension for those who pass by because there’s no fruit to sustain them as they Journey on Father we thank you we thank you for tonight we thank you for the word now Lord we don’t

    Want to be just leaves we want to be fruit amen that people are able to eat from and have life that’s why your word says that we are gifts and gifts are to connect with one another and when we connect with one another we present a more beautiful

    Picture am of the Christ that we serve so we leave this place tonight thanking you for charging us and challenging us again and Lord we ask you to pour back into Pastor Mormon and pour back into Pastor Perkins all that they have exerted we thank you God for what you’re

    Going to do with them in the days to come we’ll be careful to give you praise all glory indeed belongs to you bless us as we leave this place give us traveling grace in Jesus name we pray amen and amen amen amen

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