Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia, is a country by the Baltic Sea in Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland across from Finland, to the west by the sea across from Sweden, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipsi and Russia. The territory of Estonia consists of the mainland, the larger islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, and over 2,300 other islands and islets on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea

    #estonia #tallinn #balticsea

    What What Welcome to Estonia people I arrived half an hour ago and um I’m bloody hungry so trying to get myself some medieval Estonian food I’m in the capital city of Talon this is where all the all the fun happen happens this is where all the Patti

    At okay so um I’m trying to make my way to um Oldtown because a lot of the good restaurants are There this is going to be the most interesting trip ever because I plan to go to other cities as well so the two cities I’ve got planned to go to R tattoo and Nava but I might also go to hinki because Helsinki is literally close to

    Estonia all you need to do is to catch a ferry and that takes around 2 hours so Helsinki is definitely on my list I was actually planning of going tomorrow well let’s see if I’m able to get a ticket online for tomorrow I was expecting it to be quite

    Dark to be honest because a lot of people were telling me that it gets really dark in Estonia especially from 5ish but it’s still nice and bright and I thought it’s better for me to start recording now hi I thought it’s better for me to start recording now before it gets stuck

    But as you all know me I’m still going to do a night life anyway I’ll probably do like two three night lives in a in talin so I’ve obviously dropped my bike at the um at the apartment I booked so all I’m doing now is um

    Looking for food I’m so hungry like I’m proper proper hungry and I know Estonia has good food so I’m going to find out what they have in Oldtown so Oldtown is literally like 20 minutes away from our apartment so it’s not too far actually so it’s going to be good

    Fun Estonia is a very interesting country actually for you guys that don’t know so Estonia used to be part of the Soviet Union literally all the Baltic states like like Estonia obviously lvia and Lithuania so they all used to be part of the USSR but obviously that doesn’t exist

    Anymore so if you go to a place like Nava for example you would realize that there’s a lot of Russians there because Estonia shares a border with Russia and Nava has that land border so let’s see if I’m able to go to Nava it all depends anyway as you all know I’m quite

    Spontaneous you never know what I’m going to do so let’s see what happens so I’m looking at my phone just to see how far I am so I’m just um 17 minutes away from Oldtown Talon I think on my um on my Google Maps it says Oldtown of Talon that’s how he

    Says it or it feels like it’s about to snow I can feel some cold Icy drops on my head it better not snow tonight you know cuz I need to get myself some good food I find taling quite different to the other Eastern European countries I’ve been to actually I think it’s quite Different and the people of Talon are quite nice as well like they’re quite relaxed they’re quite relaxed um I think this is going to be a really interesting trip I keep saying it because I just feel estonians are are quite different I think they’re more laid

    Back and I think I’ll get along with a lot of them so if you go to Oldtown um and you’re into like medieval food there’s a lot of there’s a lot of medieval food in Oldtown so I’m not sure if I’ll just have Medi medieval I can’t even

    Pronounce the word today I’m not sure if I’m just going to have medieval food or I’m going to have other things as well oh you know what I did when I arrived um just close to my apartment the light was actually red and I crossed which is very very wrong I

    Shouldn’t really be doing that at all I should always be following the traffic rules and regulations so apologies guys apologies um I wouldn’t recommend doing that because some countries would actually find you if you do that so please do not do that when you come to all these countries all righty so

    Hellsinki so it’s quite weird though that um that Helsinki is one of the key places people go to when they come to talian and vice versa but I suppose it’s the close proximity that makes it like that because I did a bit of research and I realized that a lot of people from

    Talin or in Estonia go to Finland and vice versa I checked the ferry tickets and they were quite reasonable actually I think you can actually get a return for about 38 depending on what time though it could be expensive as well if you’re going throughing pck not pick season but

    Pick time so if you’re going around like let’s say 9ish in the morning and coming back around 4: or 5 the ticket is quite expensive but if you are leaving very early which is what I have to do because I need to ensure I get all the good bits early in the

    Morning so um for me I’m going to go early and come back late I was I was just like I was literally like disclosed like dis cloth um booking a ticket to elsi yesterday but I thought you know what let me get to um to Estonia first and see

    Wagan okay so this is a zra Crossing there’s no lights here so we can cross this part of taling is quite quiet but obviously is a um is a week day though so what do you expect is no a weekend apparently the weekends are mad

    Mad busy oh yeah let me tell you what happened at the airport in stanstead today so I got to stanstead now and there was a long long queue like when I mean a long queue there was a long queue for the flight to Talon and apparently Ryan Air has

    Overbooked so the flight was overbooked and they were trying to get people to um to fly on a different day so they were offering €250 and for you to Fly 2 days later and I was like €250 that’s not a lot of money if you were if you were offering

    Me like ,000 or something then yeah that makes sense but um €250 and flying two days later is not something I was looking to do but um I I think they got some people to do that so everyone boarded the flight I mean those that didn’t agree boarded and I

    Guess some people agreed to fly later but I don’t I don’t understand why um Airlines over book people or let people book is a bit silly though they should have like some sort of system that tells them that the flight is booked is fully booked already that don’t make sense to me

    Because if you have a plane that can take let’s say 500 people for example and you’ve allocated the tickets to various people like various um travel agents including your airline cuz what happens is the airline sells their own tickets and they also allocate some to other people

    So I would expect them to have a system that tells them that listen we’ve now reached the maximum amount so don’t take any more bookings but apparently they overbook flights because some people cancel so it’s a way of recovering isn’t it because if um if let’s say

    510 people book on that flight and and the flight can only take 500 and let’s say 10 people cancel then they are okay isn’t it they’re able to take 500 people and they’re not losing any money and sometimes it might be that out of 510 maybe 20 people cancel so they still

    Okay so I think that’s why they overbook because if they if they only let 500 people book and 20 people cancel then I suppose they’ll lose some money but oh well um I still feel it’s not a good system though because trying to convince people to go

    On the El dat is a bit bunkers most people plan their holiday most people plan their flights so you wouldn’t just expect people to back down but if you’re paying me ,000 then yeah I’ll do it but pay me €250 come on man that’s not a lot of

    Money so I’ve noticed they have a lot of tram stops around actually they’re not even tram stops they look like tra yeah they do have tram stops I think cuz the way it’s all set up it’s like a tra stop but I think they’re just literally bus stops so I’m approaching

    Oldtown my my phone keeps vibrating I’m so hungry I’m going to eat like a bloody animal today the good thing about traveling as well not not just hi not just traveling um vlogging I would say the good thing about it is you do do a lot of walking so my cardio my card

    Exercise has really been good because I’m always walking so what I tend to do is when I go to the gym nowadays when I get back to the UK I just literally focus on doing weights because when I travel I do a lot of

    Cardio so that’s what I do but I did a bit of cardio this time before this I mean before this trip actually okay so I’m just waiting for the light to be green and off the go so hopefully I’m able to book my um my fery ticket my ferry to Helsinki but

    I’m only going to spend a day in Helsinki anyway I don’t think you need two days I think a day in Hell sinky would suffice all I’ll do is I’ll um I’ll go to all the key places in Helsinki and see what Helsinki is Saying so tattoo is um cuz I told you guys I was going to go to tattoo so tattoo is like the um second largest city in Estonia so it’ll be nice to see that I like the way their buildings look though looks very very good looks very nice so

    I think I’m approaching Old Town yeah their buildings look very nice so it’s so funny like where my apartment is is much more um how do I put it much more mod and the old town is obviously old old you expect it should be Old I could see Ukrainian Flags already it’s so interesting all parts of Eastern Europe have actually not just Eastern Europe um even Western Europe has a lot of Ukrainian Flags I’ve Noticed I suppose everyone is showing solidarity to the ukrainians look at how this building looks like very interesting so this is literally like my first impression of talin oh can you see all the um all the scooters boat they have this everywhere now literally I like climbing on them though look

    Hopefully I don’t drop look I’m always mocking bar messing around when I see them okay so let’s Go I need to actually ride one one day I don’t know if I can ride it I can’t even ride a bloody bicycle I’m hoping the scooter is easy to ride compared to riding a bicycle but let’s see anyway the weather is actually not bad at all so for all you

    Watching this is March the 27th and the weather is okay it’s not like cold cold cold I was expecting it to be horribly cold actually but it isn’t which is good considering we’re in Estonia which is known for um heavy snow so we are now literally in the Oldtown Area I think I kind of know where I am now so I’m going to switch off my Google Maps and just walk it the good thing is I’ve got my I’m able to access my um my internet and all that jazz because I could run around the

    EU obviously it depends on the country though cuz some countries are not covered but most of it is covered like when I went to North Macedonia but I don’t I don’t know North Macedonia as class as EU anyway but um I proba see the I was not able to use

    My my roming there so I had to get a SIM card and in Kosovo I had issues because I couldn’t actually use my my North Macedonian SIM card because I didn’t get the one that has a lot of gig apparently you need to get a

    Specific um data plan to be able to use it basically so um so I couldn’t use it in Kosovo but I didn’t really need it in Kosovo to be honest because Kosovo is so small and I was only going to Christina anyway for like a few hours or let’s say

    Half a day so it was okay all righty so I’m literally in Old Town let’s see what they have I can see not a lot happening it looks like a lot of the shops are closed it looks like a lot of the shops are closed but I’m just after food I’m so

    Hungry like I can eat like a pig literally oh that’s the police is that the police is that the police okay I don’t know if that’s a bar is that an Estonian bar that’s closed oh that’s the ticket man they’re giving people tickets all righty let’s look for the

    Medieval people or they’ve got stick they’ve got a stick house there do you think they have North Macedonian food Macedonian food oh madira they’ve got um a Portuguese restaurant oh it might be that they are selling um madira wine for you guys that don’t know madira has the best best wine ever

    So I think you need to go there listen I’m really impressed though it might be because why spring now but he bloody 10 6 and is really bright listen this is like proper Eastern Europe usually gets dark but it’s still very bright that looks good though it looks

    Like they have good medieval food there that looks like that looks like a good restaurant it’s called Old Hansa oh man that looks like a proper medieval restaurant let’s see let’s see their menu oh look everything looks really old oh look okay I might come back

    Here it looks like they have good food in Old Hansa it’s called Old Hansa what do you think that means old old hand yeah so that looks like a good oh actually that’s the proper menu in it um oven baked herb and triny P cheese okay all righty let’s look around

    I only just arrived never ever settle for the first restaurant you see always check for more always check for more Okay so they have um Italiano you know I love Italian restaurants but I think I want to go medieval I’m I end up not even going medieval knowing me okay so they open from 12ish in the afternoon till 11: Estonia is quite expensive though I’m not going to lie it might just be

    The baltics I think the baltics is quite expensive oh look how the medieval people um I think the bage is quite expensive and um Scandinavian countries are also expensive I don’t know why but they are Okie doie so we’re still gallivanting the Oldtown area I might do a live tonight or

    Tomorrow I’m more likely to do it tonight though just to kind of sh high you’re right are you Estonian yes where do you recommend I go for dinner like din dinner yeah uh like a good where do you normally go to when you want to have

    Dinner what do you want to eat um I want to eat Estonian food Estonian oh it’s some so something is that a good restaurant Old Hansa is that is that a good yes it’s uh with the Estonian food like you can try uh our national food here okay what’s your national dish I

    Was about to ask you m not potatoes maybe some bean soup oh man I love that already yeah oh man okay um maybe what do we e I don’t know no so are you guys are you guys students yeah yes I’m student so how old are you

    Though 16 and you 16 no 20 and 17 17 okay okay so what you guys doing are you looking for a place to eat or we just walk and talk about we’re from lovely weather yes today you’re lucky very lucky cuz normally it’s very cold that’s why I’m wearing this like today and

    Tomorrow will be good weather okay then Saturday very cold yeah no yeah it’s normal like it’s noral so where you guys from are you from talin or tattoo okay have you been to tattoo yes is it lovely over Estonia is it yes okay okay I’ll leave you lovely ladies to um

    To have a good time thank you you too yeah enjoy by take care bye okay those are some lovely Estonian girls um I was trying to find out what the Estonian national dish is I’m so so hungry so they are right I am lucky very very lucky the weather is lovely all my

    Days I’m loving that already that looks like an Estonian drink and they’re playing the football oh they’ve got English breakfast oh I might I might come and have Brey here they’ve got English breakfast okay that’s good I might come here tomorrow and I have Brey

    Okay €7 90 that’s not too bad for um for English breakfast very nice so they said the weather is lovely today and tomorrow and that’s why I want to go to Helsinki tomorrow because the weather in Helsinki is going to be nice tomorrow as well so this is my first impression of talin

    Estonia Estonia is a really small country but a very good country at the same time um the people are lovely as you can see already All


    1. Welcome! Its very dark in the winter, in the summer its the opposite in June, the sun almost never sets, during the Midsummer Day National Holiday, which is on the 24th of June its sunny even at midnight, so regarding weather this country is very different very dark in winter and very sunny during summer😗

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