On April 8th 2024, an extraordinary celestial event will take place.

    We are about to encounter a solar eclipse. But it’s not just any solar eclipse — it is an extremely rare total solar eclipse and it’s linked to some unsettling predictions for the 2024 elections, with implications for both the US and Israel. And some believe it could even signal the end times.

    In today’s video, I’ll break down the real meaning behind this solar eclipse and tell you what it actually signifies. And trust me you are not going to want to miss the shocking revelation at the end of this video.

    DO NOT Touch 👉 https://bit.ly/godofrevelation

    #solareclipse #god #april #endtimes #trump #election2024

    00:00 What does it all mean?
    02:06 What has happened already?
    04:48 These 2 signs explain everything!
    07:28 We’ve seen this all before…
    09:02 The truth about what will happen to Israel
    11:24 What will happen in 2024 is SHOCKING everyone!
    13:11 The BIBLE predicted it all! This is TERRIFYING!

    On the 8th of April 2024 an extraordinary Celestial event will take [Applause] place we are about to encounter a solar eclipse but it’s not just any solar eclipse it is an extremely rare total solar eclipse that’s linked to some unsettling predictions for the 2024 elections with implications for both

    Both the US and Israel and some believe it could even signal the end times in today’s video I’ll break down the real meaning behind this solar eclipse and tell you what it actually signifies and trust me you’re not going to want to miss the shocking Revelation at the end

    Of this video in various parts of the Bible there are connections drawn between end time events and Heavenly phenomena there are many verses mentioning the sun moon stars and perhaps even eclipses is in relation to prophecies about the end times for instance in Luke 21:25 Jesus speaks of signs in the sun

    Moon and stars when discussing the timing of the end times as a result when individuals observe uncommon or rare astronomical events it often leads them to ponder whether the end times might be Drawing Near to truly understand the meaning behind a sign like a solar or a lunar eclipse it’s important to reflect

    On history explore biblical references to similar events observe the ongoing Global happenings and carefully analyze the circumstances and by piecing together these elements we can discern whether there is a genuine warning or if it’s part of a larger biblical prophecy unfolding as Ecclesiastes 1:9 wisely States what has been will be again what

    Has been done will be done again there is nothing new Under the the son put simply it means that history tends to repeat itself and here’s where things get shocking God’s character remains constant unchanging from yesterday to today and tomorrow this means that God continues to communicate as he always

    Has and addresses sin and Nations as he always did throughout history and the Bible recuring patterns emerge particularly regarding a nation’s idolatry and sin which God consistently confronts every significant prophet in the Bible who addressed Israel’s idolatry and sin was accompanied by specific signs and warnings indicating what would follow reflecting on

    Revelation chapter 6 we encounter the symbolism of the Four Horsemen depicting God’s judgment upon Nations first comes a figure representing conquest or leadership leading to division and Global unrest then follows War stirring up conflict and disrupting peace subsequently famine ensues bringing economic hardship and agricultural struggles finally death arrives

    Spreading plague and disease while these events unfold on a global scale they also Echo recing patterns seen throughout history in the Bible these signs often emerge in response to a nation’s sins and idolatries illustrating the cyclical nature of divine intervention throughout time for instance God appointed nebuchad the Babylonian conqueror to bring judgment

    Not only upon Israel but also on neighboring Nations like Egypt Assyria Moab and even the Philistines and Phoenicians in the Gaza Strip area before the sieges Jeremiah the prophet mentioned a severe plague and famine that had been devastating the land for years weakening the nations in Readiness for babylon’s advance in the bible

    Jeremiah 38:2 conveys the message of the Lord stating those who stay in this city will die by the sword famine and disease but those who surrender to the shalin will live they will escape with their lives as a reward looking back at recent events starting in 2020 we’ve witnessed

    All four signs plague famine economic hardships widespread civil unrest including riots and protests and finally the Spectre of war with Russia these occurrences haven’t just impacted America but the entire world these events serve as potent reminders of the sin and idolatry prevalent in Nations and they signal God’s judgment on the

    Earth while it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the end times the signs are undeniable and they suggest that we drawing closer to significant changes if these are indeed signs of judgment there must be reasons behind them there must have been warnings or indications preceding these judgments as God never acts without first revealing his

    Intentions to His prophets now let’s delve into the significance of the sun and moon in prophetic signs did you know that in biblical prophecy the moon consistently represents Israel while the sun symbolizes the Gentile Nations well you might want to pay close attention as it’s about to get a lot more interesting

    The Book of Genesis reveals that the sun moon and stars weren created until the fourth day before that light already existed on the earth along with vegetation like trees and flowers which were created on the third day it’s worth noting that trees and plants rely on sunlight and rain but the sun itself

    Wasn’t brought into existence until the fourth day how could it be this shows us the critical role of the sun and moon is in sustaining earth’s climate and ecosystems without them there would be no ocean currents hence no climate and consequently no rain back in those ancient times rain wasn’t a common

    Occurrence until the days of no was flood Genesis 2: 5-6 sheds light on this explaining that there were no shrubs or plants yet because God hadn’t sent rain relying instead on streams that emerged from the Earth to water the crow so why did God create plants on the third day

    Before the sun moon or rain even existed it turns out that sun and moon had a different role alog together Genesis 1: 14-19 describes how God created these celestial bodies to separate day from night and to serve as markers for sacred times festivals and Seasons they were

    Intended to govern the passing of days years and the timing of important events these Celestial signs hold particular significance in biblical prophecy especially regarding the end times Joel 2: 30-31 for Tales of Wonders in the heavens and on Earth including the darkening of the sun and the Turning of

    The moon to blood signaling the coming of the great and Dreadful day of the Lord this imagery symbolizes impending turmoil with blood representing war and judgment while smoke and fire signify volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in essence these celestial events are prophetic indicators as Jesus himself foretold of earthquakes volcanoes Wars

    And other upheavals as precursors to significant events now did you know know that the 2014 2015 blood moon tetrad had a connection to Israel well this is where things take a turn during this period there were four total lunar eclipses also known as Blood Moons occurring in close succession coinciding

    Precisely with four important Jewish festivals forming what they called the blood moon tetrads however many struggle to grasp the significance of this particular sign and its meaning remains unknown even today the number four often symbolizes the universal authority of God’s word in symbolic terms the moon represents God’s protection and

    Oversight over the nation and people of Israel the blood red Hue of the eclipse was seen as a portant of impending Bloodshed a sign of looming judgment given that the eclipses spanning a 2-year period the number two biblically associated with division was interpreted as a warning regarding the potential

    Division of the land of Israel referring to Jo CH 3: 1 to2 the Bible speaks of a pivotal event that triggers the 7-year tribulation period and the Judgment of Nations it describes a time when God will gather all the nations in the valley of Jehosaphat for judgment specifically for their mistreatment of

    Israel including scattering the people and dividing the land we’re witnessing Nations carving up the land of Israel a situation hinted at in the book of chel the Bible even pinpoints specific Nations responsible for this division Vision namely T sidon and philistia what you’re about to see next is quite

    Shocking philistia which corresponds to the Gaza Strip was home to the Philistines now known as Palestinians the term Palestine originated from the Romans who renamed Israel to philistia after the Philistines following the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem This was meant as a mockery of God and the Israelites the Palestinians

    Are Central to the proposed two State solution between them and Israel a concept also prophesized in the Bible including by the Prophet Daniel concerning the Antichrist and a 7-year peace treaty involving Israel Ty and sidon were regions inhabited by the Phoenicians known for their expertise in trade the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 28

    Mentions the king of TI seen as a precursor to the Antichrist after the Greek and Roman conquests of Ty and sadon the Phoenicians migrated to Greece and Rome interesting ly the entire continent of Europe was named by the Phoenicians after the daughter of the famous Phoenician king of T Europa today

    The European Union United Nations and even America are linked to the ancient regions of Ty and sadon once inhabited by the Phoenicians these modern nations are expected to play a role in shaping and promoting the 7-year peace treaty as prophesized in the Bible which will be confirmed by the Antichrist it’s crucial

    To grasp the importance of this and what it means for the future now in 2017 two significant and uncommon events took place in America First on August 21st 2017 there was a remarkable occurence known as the Great American Solar Eclipse it was visible across the entire

    Nation from the west coast to the east coast of the US however it’s essential to knowe that an eclipse alone doesn’t hold much meaning unless it is accompanied by other events that align with Biblical and Israeli contexts the following month on September 23rd 2017 another exceptionally rare event unfolded involving the alignment of

    Stars and constellations referred to as the Revelation 12 sign on this state the constellations of Virgo and Leo along with Mercury Mars Venus Jupiter the Sun and the Moon aligned in a unique way resembling the depiction of the Revelation 12 sign in the Bible did you know that this alignment has only

    Occurred twice in history well this is where things get even more shocking keep an eye on these constellations as they’ll be significant again in relation to the 2024 Eclipse Revelation 12 warns us about the conflict between the Antichrist known as the Beast and the Saints as well as the rebirth of Israel

    And Jerusalem as a nation both these signs together served as a dire warning to the United States concerning Israel specifically regarding the division of land 3 and 1 half years later symbolizing ing how this division May occer with the Antichrist from August 2017 to January 28th 2020 president

    Donald Trump proposed his deal of the century Called Peace to Prosperity it advocated for a two-state solution granting 70% of Israel’s land including the eastern half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians the ancient Philistines Israel’s historical enemies for a Palestinian statehood following this 3 months later the pandemic corrupted causing widespread Devastation worldwide

    This was followed by significant economic struggles civil unrest conflicts with Russia and the loss of leadership for both Netanyahu and Trump in 2020 surprisingly instead of witnessing the signs of the Four Horsemen as anticipated we saw their ass signs occuring in reverse order furthermore as a consequence of these

    Events we observe the emergence of alliances like Gog and MOG primarily through OPEC oil Nations aligning with brics alliances including China these alliances are effectively challenging the dominance of the US dollar and trade leading to significant inflation and the imminent collapse of the banking system in the US shockingly all of these

    Occurrences were prophesized in the Bible concerning Israel and the end times moving forward to April 8th 2024 7 years after the initial eclipse in August 2017 another eclipse is set to occur this time it will not only be visible across the United States but its path of totality will form a significant

    X shape across the country unlike the 2017 Eclipse however unlike the Revelation 12 sign this Eclipse will only cover the eastern half of the nation and it will take place 7 months before the 2024 presidential elections interestingly just like the Revelation 12 sign the constellation of Leo symbolizing Judah and Jerusalem will

    Align with the solar eclipse on April 8th 2024 this constellation is associated with a lion of Judah representing Jesus so what does all of this mean in biblical prophecy the number seven often symbolizes completion indicating the conclusion of a cycle in this context it refers to the completion

    Of Israel’s appointed 70 weeks of judgment represented by 7year Sher Cycles this Eclipse isn’t necessarily a warning about future events but rather a reflection of past occurence is connected to the Future the X shape formed by the eclipse is reminiscent of the Hebrew letter Tav which symbolizes a

    Mark or a seal this letter is significant as it’s only used twice in the Bible including in Ezekiel chapter 9 where it represents a seal of protection placed on those who grieved over the sins of the first Jewish temple before its destruction by babyon and similarly it echoes the marking of doorposts

    During the first Passover in in Exodus and it foreshadows the marker the Beast and the Seal of protection over the 144,000 Witnesses during the 7-year tribulation period therefore the Tav mark on the United States signifies both protection and judgment particularly concerning the division of the land of Israel


    1. Our lives are a drop in the bucket compared to the lives of planets and the cosmos. We will more likely be extinct before our planet dies. However, anything can happen anytime.

    2. If you have to resort to a machine to 'read' your script, at least make sure it knows how to speak English. There are no such words as 'reckering' (recurring), 'idlatry', 'subseequently', 'sword' (with 'w' pronounced), I presume 'Chaldeens' referred to Chaldeans, and after 'ecersystems' (5.48) I'd had enough.'

    3. Without adding politics into the mix, I believe we are given a moment known for all Americans, as well as the World, to use the Power of Prayer, all at once, together, as humankind, to repent for our mistakes & sins, with only sincerity & can pray for peace & unity. Give thanks to God in an entire moment unified & make Him proud, even in these troubling times. We can change for the better & want to.
      We have ONE chance to get this right. ❤

    4. The World has been on it's set trajectory & the end has been set in motion for some time. April 8th, can bring a Cleansing to the Earth through the devine Holy Spirit. We just need to pray as One during Totality.

    5. It will not be the end of the world. How do I know because on April 15th taxes are due. We're not getting out of that. I'm not trying to be funny.

    6. why in this things there is always the voice of a KID ? and why do people oblige into the crap they talk about ? the only thing special about this eclipse unlike others that happen …all the time ; and have been happening in earth for about 4..543 billion years ( that is how old is our planet and how long since this eclipses have been happening ) the only special thing is that this time .. this time : it will be seen in the usa Canada and Mexico and not on the other side of the planet … because our planes is round . if every time a solar eclipse occurs in earth something special will happen ? wouldn't we bloody notice ??????? how can people be so dumb ?

    7. We should repent , ask for forgiveness for when we do wrong put up our cross daily , pray for others, share the good news of Jesus regardless of an eclipse , earthquake, hurricane, or any other event

    8. I do not believe that April 8 something might happen. The end of time, but I believe in jesus christ, our lord, and his message while Jesus was on earth.

    9. No coincidence that jesus came on the 4th day as well. A day in the lord is a 1000 years. The 6th day is now ending and the 7th is about to begin. Once again jesus shall return on the third day and reign for a thousand years.

    10. In these trying times,i remind myself,the Lord is good,he is merciful and his promises are of eternal life.May all who suffer,all who believe,be blessed during this.Look up…and know WE ARE COVERED IN THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF OUR SAVIOR 🙌🙌🙌🙌🇮🇱🙏🙌🧖✝️☦️

    11. Now that was one of the most baseless opinions I've ever heard. I'm not gonna go into full detail but if you know you know.. This has nothing to do with any of that.. Don't be deceived. Believe your eyes not their words.

    12. When God takes his selected few, we will never know. It'll be too late and not a thing we can do to change it. May be bad to be out in this darkness, but I need to research because I don't remember reading about this one coming as an apocalypse. Some things in play right now are from president Biden. This was supposed to be at the antichrist not a man who is hated. Idk but I'll be so glad when it's all over. Tired of working till death for scraps. Kinda glad I'm not wealthy cause those that are…do not use it to help his ppl so they'll be passed over. I've given the shirt off my back and food off my plate to help. That's just because I know how it is when you've tried and just can't make it. Society is gonna doom us all…

    13. What does all this mean? It means that a good portion of the world STILL believes in the same MORONIC ideals that CAVE-MEN believed in some 100,000 YEARS AGO!!! You know what's gonna happen on that day… A BASIC EVENT THAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING for OVER 3.xx BILLION YEARS!!! AND – THAT'S – IT !!!
      There is NO SUCH THING A PERSON WHO CAN FORETELL THE FUTURE – NO MATTER WHAT "SIGNS" HAVE OCCURRED!!! What "COULD" happen is some rogue nation messing with another country (like the U.S.A. or Israel) but to "SAY" this is all foretold based on some "sign" is just DUMB!!! You may as well tell me that the Earth is FLAT while you're at it!!!

    14. God never gave us the time or day. Stop spreading fear and false prophet, god said the sun would darken and be no more. We haven't even gotten the all the trumpets or the seals haven't all been open. SMH.😮

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