Established in 2017, Invictus Racing League is a community of passionate racing enthusiasts who enjoy competitive and fair racing, welcoming drivers of all abilities and experience; ranging from experienced esports competitors to those completely new to online league racing.

    Our Formula 1 esports leagues are organised and focused in providing an immersive and enjoyable racing experience for our members; competing on PC and PlayStation, with our races broadcast live and in HD with commentary from our talented broadcasting team.

    Race Schedule:

    IRL PS F1 League (WebboRed5 & JPH_99)

    IRL PS F2 League (delange93 & Sab7786)

    IRL PC F1 League (scorchedbloke & Nick)
    IRL PS F3 League (Malc & Max_TA13)

    IRL PS RP League (Tim & Malc)

    Partnered with:
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    IG – InvictusRacingLeague
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    E e e e e e good evening and welcome to the Invictus Racing League in partnership with Venturi Studio this the top of our eal performance divisions and we’re here for round number five from the legendary red Bor ring in a for it’s going to be

    A short lap but lots of action uh during this lap um it’s a phenomenal little circuit always brings uh always brings little bits of action here and there throughout the race and uh the possibility of a safety car relatively high around here especially on this game at least

    Anyway uh good evening to Xerox and Bob welcome to the stream Z says time for more action yes it is indeed uh my name is jph and uh joining me in a few minutes hopefully will be Bruce my co- commentator uh he will be joining us partway through qualifying as we get

    Into the 18-minute qualifying session that will form the grid for the 30 six lap race in this we do have bash who’s Joshua Bashford if I’m not mistaken uh volcano for McLaren Alex for the red ball Brando carango JP 911 who’s reserving in the Red Bull for tonight

    Ryan in the alpha Ginger tiger theast Martin Ash tube for alfha Romeo in the Williams mdj bler completes the Alpine lineup for tonight he’s reserving uh Owen in the Aston Martin Louie in the Ferrari sh shave shove shav shov in the house got spooked alpat Sam huitt in the

    Alfha Romeo mered in the Mercedes larner dri in the McLaren and rashka rounding out our 18 Runners for the night in the Williams Let’s Get Set and uh we shall have a look and see who we’ve got out the pits at the moment I got a

    Feeling Owen is the leading k out of the pits in the Aston Martin he’s got the Red Bull of Alex behind him small thing about Austria is a 4.3 km circuit it’s first Grand Prix was in 1970 back then it was uh the OST ring uh which then got transformed into

    The A1 ring and now is the red ball ring it does does have 10 Corners seven to the right three to the left and generally speaking it’s a fantastic lap to go on so let’s go on board with Owen as we prepare for the first qualifying lap of

    Tonight get going through 9 into 10 we’re now a little bit wide trying and open up that as much as you can to get a good run up to turn one the louder curve renamed after the death of the F1 Legend fourth gear clip the inside curve

    Ed a little bit on the outside but generally speaking pretty easy turn two just this absolutely flat left hander as you then hit the brakes just after the 100 met board for turn three up over the crest getting traction as you head into the second of the DRS

    Zones is key out of three as you now come back down the hill towards turn number four hit the brakes again about 100 m third gear get it tucked in open up the steering to again just get that drive you go through five absolutely flat six hit the hit the brakes down

    Shift twice to fifth open up the steering get it up into six to get the traction and then slot it straight back in for seven eight is a flat right hander just don’t go too wide you will invalidate your lap turn nine we got a bit of traffic coming up it shouldn’t

    Affect us down to six get the car turning back on the throw and then the final Corner over runs a little bit wide invalidated lap unfortunately it would have been a 103.9 uh but yeah it was just down a gear for that final corner and just kind

    Of like flick it and dance it through per so that was a lap of the red boring here in Austria Alex is the first one to set a lap volcano just coming up to the line he’s just invalidated on that last corner it’s very easy to do Brando

    Kango What a wicked name that is 103.9 N4 he’ll go top of the time sheets for now we’ve got Lear a driver 4.4 who else do we have it’s a Ferrari or Al for me a Ferrari of Louie he’ll be coming up to the line and that’s third place for the Ferrari I’m

    Going have to quickly readjust uh a quick noise setting y uh Ginger tiger up into fourth Sami hu fifth Ash tube currently in six uh we have got the alpha got the Alpine of Mark only put in a 1072 maybe going for a second flyer Blaser up to the line

    It’s going to be a 104.6 for him uh JP goes sixth quickest in the red ball and I think most people now coming to the end of their runs um Ryan just come out got SPO going onto a lap but I will take this small little break to welcome Bruce the coons

    Good evening Bruce how are you uh yeah good evening jph apologies everyone for the uh as per standard late arrival but uh yeah no it looks like I’ve got it just in time for the uh the start of qual and um yeah a few people’s first

    Laps yeah just uh just over half the grid and uh one thing we got to mention only one Mercedes here tonight meaning it’s a good opportunity for the likes of McLaren to pull back some points uh yeah absolutely I mean mer obviously we know he’s going to be

    Obiously that that first time not representative of what he’s going to do uh in quality I’m sure he’ll improve massively on that but um yeah it’s a good chance as you say for the others but uh I haven’t said that I just noticed MKS on inter ediot so that’ll be

    Why um but yeah it’s a good chance for the other guys but uh mer is more than capable of scoring big points for for Mercedes solo so um yeah obviously the other guys will want to try and get ahead of him um and hope their teammate backs them up as

    Well yeah absolutely and we know the McLaren do tend to be quite quick volcano first lap got invalidated by that final corner has got spooked to takes provisional pole position for now um interesting strategy from Brook to come out on the intermediates I mean they are a softer tire than the softs I

    Think but unfortunately they don’t quite yield the same amount of grip uh yeah obviously um a Little Bit Too Groovy for these conditions but uh yeah it’ be interesting to uh to see we’ve seen a few people do that over the last couple of days and obviously um

    Being a a tier three uh Noob that I am I I’m not I don’t really understand the uh the logic of the intermediates but I’m sure there’s a very good strategic reason for it uh I’m not sure if you know jph but um also noticed that Ryan

    Is currently on his uh lap as his first lap at the moment as well yeah he’s just coming through five up into six and uh as ND J has tired I believe that’s in the pits so I’m not quite sure what’s going on there Ryan comes up and I tell another

    Big talking point is going to be that pit Lane entry as he Ryan just comes through turn 9 and turn 10 to complete this flying lap don’t think he’s going to be p position but it won’t be exactly far away 104.4 puts him into fifth but

    Yeah that pit entry line going to be quite a critical talking point I think during the Grand Prix because as the rulle State you have to stick to the right hand side of that line all the way through because it is a dangerous pit Lan absolutely yeah and and obviously

    You know if you’re the car behind as well you need to be aware if if the guy in front you know is going in the pits and you’re not it’s easy to run into the back of them so uh yeah being pretty switched on there is what it’s all about

    We we’ve already seen I believe an incident this week where someone’s tried entering the pit Lane late and and cause a little bit of a uh a pile up shall we say um so yeah hopefully uh everyone sticks to the S as you say around here in particular it’s um a little bit

    Sketchy uh at best and I think I just found out my reason why MJ’s cars retired he actually disconnects from the session and sometimes the game has this weird habit of just retiring your car for you um it’s a big shame that for mdj as well

    Cuz obviously you know we know he he’d do more than a 1045 so um yeah really he’s got a sort of hope that other people can’t quite uh usur him at this point but I think with the time like that is quite like to draw fin the lead board somewhat by the time

    Qualifying in absolutely uh just trying to find who the first person on our lap is because Owen um did start his lap but invalidated coming out of that final Corner which then invalidated the lap he was going to do so now he’s got go again and I’m the biggest problem with this as

    Well is if you mess it up the fuel mode goes back to standard and you can’t change it back to lean once you’ve completed your out laap so it’s uh be good if he’s actually got enough fuel to do this second lap and then get back round to the

    Pit yeah it’s uh that’s definitely not ideal preparation for for your lap obviously as you say’ll do all he can now to to um recharge himself ready now for for another attempt but volcano is currently on a flying lap so obviously he’s not set at time yet so it’ll be

    Interesting to see where this gets him on the on the leaderboard as I think someone else has just popped up ahead tiger G up to Fourth yeah a great effort from the a Martin driver there uh keep an eye on volcano at the moment coming T9 a little bit wide the Apex

    There uh does right down on the last corner and volcano goes second I think he’s 1,000th of a second so um that’s that’s pretty close but I think volcano though he definitely has more time in the bank and Owen goes pole and there he is we know Owen’s got pace and he’s

    Showing it now he’s been again Owen’s having another one of these Seasons where he’s just he’s got the pace but just gets that little bit of no luck at times in in the races it’s caused him a few is CH in previous seasons and it’s doing it again this season so hopefully

    This will be a nice turning point for Owen and we can see him back up the front of that the field where he kind of belongs yeah definitely he’s always had uh you know the natural and outright Pace um obvious as you say things have maybe not gone quite right in the races

    It’ inter to see actually we’ve had it a couple of times and most notably in uh tier two yesterday where people have had quick cars in qualifying but come race Pace they they’ve not really had the race space to to back it up um so some

    People I think have gone with more race based setups especially as iner two I believe Ivan who won the race came from 15th on the grid I think and his teammate came from 20th on the grid to fifth so um obviously qualifying Pace doesn’t necessarily mean always mean

    Everything and uh yeah it interest to see whether the people have gone with the the race setup or the qualifying setup there brand Brando careno just about keeping it in Bound but because of that he ends up going into third on the grid provision he merked has sneaked his

    Way up into second as well in the meantime yeah bit more as we what we’d expect there that’s incredibly wide there from Ash on the last corner but um I think it let him get away with that I think as long as part of the tire is

    Still on that white line you just about get away with it through there must have been a Slither most people the pits now Louis on out laap just coming up to the final corner now close grid already you know ow in first down to Louis and 16th at the

    Moment only only one second covering them uh it’s pretty tight and we saw it um let go on about it again but in tier 2 yesterday there was only seven temps covering all 20 drivers so um you know small improvements around the circuit can actually you know pay off big

    Rewards yeah absolutely it’s uh is one of the kind of nice things about this circus he such a short lap that’s a bit of an interesting effort from Ash he’s just driven into the wall before turn six he’s definitely taking out not quite sure what’s going on there for the alpha

    Rao but uh obviously something’s not quite working right in in that some form Department meanwhile on board with Lou just coming through seven and eight and to the final couple of Corners currently two c off on on the previous time um he’s going to improve here a little

    Bit the line he comes is going to be a 104.5 39 puts in 12 on the grid finel yeah I mean the time there from Owen is looking pretty good at the moment you’d have to say um he’s looking like he could well be up there uh at the end of qualifying um

    Someone is a little bit further down we’d expect probably at the moment is Lear a driver uh down in 10th um but as I say you know until you get into that race it’s hard to know exactly how everyone’s approach this and some setups work better than others as I said before

    So um yeah whil it’s nice to be at the front for qualifying it’s um it’s a it’s a shorish race but it’s also a long race as well at the same time if that makes some sort of sense to anyone it’s it’s a little bit like

    Monaco isn’t it it’s it’s a short lap you know laps go by quickly however you got so many of them sometimes it can feel like a longer race I mean I remember the last time we raced Monaco I looked up the lap counter thinking we

    Were near the end and we’d only done 20 laps out of the 40 uh yeah it’s I’m normally looking at it there’s only about 10 laps gone normally around Monaco at that point but uh yeah it’s uh as you say r that circuit in particular it’s a it can be a

    Bit of a drag but yeah r I mean 36 laps right this circuit it you know okay it’s only a minute or so per lap but yeah it just just there’s so many opportunities for overtaken I think it feels like the race can go on for quite some time and

    There there’s plenty of opportunity yeah and as we’ve seen this week plenty of opportunity for burn mylander to have his say in in the race proceedings as well um seems like an easy easy track to have the safety car trigger um hopefully we don’t see too much of

    That tonight because what this circuit is really good at is providing the close action that you don’t need the safety C to close everyone up but uh we see yeah absolutely oh now on his what I assume will be his final flying lap 500 stain currently on his first sector time so

    Nothing massive there you know he still uh still can pull that back quite comfortably um obviously depend on how well his previous lap went for himself I guess but uh yeah come down now to turn four four um nicely in the Apex there at turn four run down five and i’ be six

    Here difficult Corner six easy you don’t want to get hooked up on the curb there it can take turn you around pretty quickly and oh a little bit of a slide and he’s back out surpris though he’s he’s backed out very very late so you might not get another run

    Although looking at the time you can probably go for a recharge and go again although he’s going to come back in the pits I think that will be possibly the end of his qualifying his hardest to get in there as quickly as possibly can I think but

    Yeah I think he’s could be right that could well be that I think and his had to wait for Ferrari I think that was to come out the pits in front of him as well so um yeah that’s going to hamper his time even more well one driver we haven’t seen put

    A time in yet is uh sh shabashov probably absolutely mincing his name right now but he’ll have to correct us at see stage uh we know he’s quite quick um so I think we’re looking at this 1.2 second difference between the whole grid which is a fantastic site to

    See yes definitely 100% I just watch him bashy at the moment he’s 500 down at sector two on his best time so uh trying to thinking about getting the slip stream there from the Alpha Romeo in front but uh didn’t have enough time to duck in behind him a really really good

    Penultimate Corner though and a very good last Corner this could be an improvement for bashy and it is by just over one10 of a second puts him up to fifth yeah that’s differ two two places he’s managed to go up for the sake of a tenth of a

    Second show you how find the margins are ginger tiger just coming up through the final sector now he’s got a little bit of traffic but they’re all staying out the way which is good to see through 9 in to 10 flicking through nowhere near the track limit so a definitely a safe

    Lap it’s a 104.1 64 it does improve but doesn’t actually improve his position yes I was just on just on board then I think it was uh Alex I was on board with he’s uh he’s about 210 up on his time so he’s looking to to improve

    As well he was just coming up behind Lou Who was on an out laap and I think Lou had a half panic and spun to the inside of turn six getting out of his way but uh yeah didn’t didn’t hamper Alex at all and he goes three times quicker up to sixth

    Position great time by himself uh brand new carango just starting his next lap i’ got to say that’s probably got to be the best name on the grid tonight is Brando in that Alp yeah it’s definitely satisfies the uh not really the OCD but it’s it’s a

    Very easy name to reel off that one isn’t it say uh yeah no it’s good to see um I assume Brando is new he’s a reserve I guess um in tonight so uh yeah good to see another driver in and saof as you say hasn’t set a time sets one goes

    P 103 608 now we going to have to focus on mer who’s two1 up on his time at the moment he’s on course to be pole position he’s got two corners left to go and really off these are probably two of the hardest corners on the CIT just

    Purely from the track limits perspective just about stays in bounds and is a 103.4 33 he says I can do it I’m just going to do it right at the end instead as Brando kamango Goes Forth learner driver just coming up to the final corner now what can he achieve he’s been

    Up there with mered most of the season it’s a 103.7 fourth place for the McLaren uh JP I think on his way through as well he’ll be the final person he’s unfortunately inv validated that 4.3 wouldn’t have moved him anywhere anyway yeah know hell of a lap there for

    Mer and um yeah pretty much setting the the tone as he means to go on I think here for the rest of the evening uh as feared for mdj obviously that disconnection and subsequent retirement um courtesy of the game sees him down in 17th Place um you know he’s

    Got a lot of work to do from now but you know as I said yesterday U we saw some V for the win so um it is not beyond the Realms of possibility so Mar is the pole sit up uh Bruce would you like to take us

    Through the grid for the Austrian Grand Prix absolutely save M so no sign of letting up there with the pole position in the Mercedes move shavash off alongside him on the grid in the H Owen and L driver sh the second row with Brando com sixth Bashi a great lap for seven

    And Alex in eth got SPO 9th Ryan 10th Blaser 11th Ginger tiger 12th JP 13th Resa 14th ASU 15th Louie in 16th mdj and Sam H on the back row in the Williams and the alpha and yeah only 1.1 seconds covering the entire field yeah fantastic sites to see um BR

    Caro also he is not Reserve he is a genuine Aline Alpine driver for the season he’s uh replaced the U replace Martin josa for the rest of the season still good to uh see you know the the the league still attracting new drivers um even at this sort of midpoint

    Of the season and um yeah hopefully they they you know get good races enjoy what they uh they’re competed in and and stick with us for the long term because uh you know here in victus is a fantastic Racing League and a fantastic group of uh drivers

    Absolutely is uh great some great racing we’ve seen that already this season but for anyone who’s watching this watch stre who has only just joined uh this is the tier one of the Invictus Racing League equal performance in partnership with ventor Studios um I mean you’ve only seen qualifying but if you’ve enjoyed

    Qualifying do obviously like the uh stream does help the IRL and us as well uh also if anyone wants to do any predictions I mean me and Bruce tend to stay away from predictions cuz we normally get it horrifically wrong uh but if you do fancy predicting who’s

    Going to win or the podium then by all means make sure you comment in the Stream I mean to be honest I think we could say there’s about five or six drivers here who could end up on the podium yeah absolutely I think you know you’d um you’d have to assume that mer

    Is going to be one of them uh and you know it’ll take some superum effort to stop him being on the top step of the podium again tonight I think um especially after that that show in qualifying um I’d love to see Owen stay

    On that Podium as well um I just get a feeling that you know mdj he always finds his way of making his way through the field and uh if things happen the right way for him maybe a couple of helpful safety cars or something can see

    Him going up there but um yeah based on positions at the moment I would probably I I would probably even though you see we don’t do predictions I’m going to go for it anyway and I’m going to go mered larer driver and Shad in that order could

    Get there you go uh looking at the tires uh complete opposite to what tier three was I don’t know what tier 2 was like but we have uh just the six Runners on the hard which is mer shabashov Brando carango got spooked Ryan and mdj there

    Rest of the field on the mediums I think it’s s safe to say that we’re probably in for a dry race possibly a bit of rain on we’re not sure we don’t have the weather um but uh a lot of drivers going on the medium Tire which I don’t know if

    That signifies there could be a bit of rain around or whether people are just going they want the faster Tire first yeah perhaps I mean it looks very clear normally you do get a little bit of clay cover you know from you can normally see from the start if it’s

    Going to be a little bit damp at some point but um yeah it does uh it does appear as though it’s going to be quite dry I think um yeah I think tier two there was a couple of drivers on softs if I remember rightly I might be imagining

    That but um yeah we have seen some people start on softs but as you see no one in tier one going for that particular strategy but yeah here wa to start a race let take it away yeah we’re going to be on board with M cuz let’s uh

    The camera angle I’ve got isn’t exactly favorable but we are going to have in due course the five red lights we are green in Austria and it looks like it’s a good getaway from mer managed to cover his way across sh shabashov towards turn one he goes back to the

    Racing line got three wide in behind with the McLaren and the are we going to get through all clean a few run wides but it looks like generally speaking we are through cleanly through turn one sh with a little bit of a lag as he’s got Owen right behind him coming

    Up towards turn three we got three wide almost once again as the pack punches up oh that’s a great move from the Alpha Tower he just gets a bit of tack four wide coming out of turn three absolute chaos insuring but it looks like other than Ash tube who is

    Gone wide or or being taken wide uh we’re still fairly clean with got the ghost of car Ryan that Alex was inside at one point not nothing you really don’t really want to be hearing that to be honest but uh that’s what happening got spook looking down the inside of

    Bler back out of that one as Ryan gets P Alex through turn six as we head through turns seven and eight and we are looking as I say that bashy Ander that is obviously Joshua Bashford side up towards turn N I think Ginger tiger should hold on to that one

    As we head towards 10 which is generally speaking a single file corner and we have the race start underway uh Bruce will go to you now and I can have a little rest well um yeah as you say very oh and we got Spin and a car off at the back

    That’s yeah JP was down the inside I think of Joshua Bashford we C that on uh on the cameras and unfortunately touch a contact since uh the Red Bull round as we got more action oh as a big slide for Ryan in the alpha T coming out with turn

    Three trying to battle with Alex and got spooked down towards turn four they go Ginger tiger getting in on the ACT he gets pass Ryan on the entry to Fort and Sam hu also looking at the back of the alpat but deciding better of it and mdj looking to make places up he

    Gets past Louis on the exit of turn four and we can go back to Bruce with what he was saying yeah it was a very very clean start I just said I’m not sure what happened to as very wide there uh turn three umit Strang oh and that is

    Oh we got a spinner and that’s the other that’s the other Red Bull of Alex Sam HZ managed to get past Ryan but Alex is not a good day to be in a Red Bull by the looks of it he’s gone round after turn n yeah I think Sam accidentally nudged the

    Back of Ryan W and pushed him wide at the P the corner and continued on in front of him but uh yeah as I was on board then with S I obviously saw the uh the Red Bull face the wrong way yeah a bit of a disaster for the Red Bull team

    At moment um but yeah there’s a few little you know close bits of wheel bang in here and there but nothing too ridiculous on the first lap from what I could see um but yeah JP in that instant two and one did lose an end plate unfortunately and you know ear ped up

    Him straight to the hards but he not oh Ginger Tigers round after turn four he’s in the wall and we have a vssc the first one of the night not quite sure what happened whether he just lit it up on his own or we got a tap from Alpha Romeo

    Sam that remains to be seen but uh I believe I’m trying to work out if he’s lost some of the front Wing the camera angles I’m not being favorable right now very much stuck on board with him at the moment uh yes he has he’s lost all

    Of the front Wing so he’s driving a bit of a formula forward indeed yeah see in and Ryan’s in as well so not quite sure I’m assuming Ryan must have D change which is a bit strange might explain maybe that’s maybe when he got the contact from behind maybe he had the

    Damage and he was basically struggling to to carry the pace with the corner and maybe it’s C Sam I’m not really sure to be honest I’m kind of just guessing but um yeah unsurprising that you know oh and a driveth through for oryan for speeding under this under the VC which

    Is pretty incredible because he’s only just coming out the pit Lane yeah and mdj make trying to make the most of this vssc restart was looking down the inside of Ashford but uh couldn’t quite complete the move I see mdj running those hard compound tires um so at this stage he is up

    Against what was in essence faster competition Tire wise absolutely I think um Owen Le drive maybe be a little disappointing they haven’t made Moves yet on on the front two being that they are currently on on the sof the cut of the two compounds currently being run but uh yeah we do

    Have a bit of a DRS train at the moment running down to bler and then got spooked is a little bit too far behind to to get that but obviously he’s not really under pressure of Sam looking to the out side of shabashov maybe looking

    To square the corner up he’s got to be careful cuz he does have learn a lurking around if there’s any mistake turn four I know we’re not close enough and shabashov is actually looking more like he’s going to put some pressure on MK now MK did have like a 1

    Second Gap prior to the virtual safety car so I wonder if he took that virtual safety car a little more steady than the others and it’s just allowed them to close up that Gap um whil it does neutralize it obviously not everyone necessarily um we’ll stick exactly to

    The the Deltas Ash tube and ginger tiger having a bit of back and forth through turn three yeah exactly that and also you know sometimes where where it goes green can be quite important as well you know if you get if you get the green flag mid

    Corner and the guy behind got a little bit of a straight then he’s obviously naturally going to pull a little bit of time caution and Lou is out of the race there a full safety car that’s on the exit up the final Corner the car has

    Kind of like tweaked a little bit and snapped into the wall would be my best guess there for Lou um again we we can only kind of do a bit of detective and guess work but generally speaking you don’t normally have much contact with that as corner

    And that inside curve if you can cut it but if you get it wrong it does unsettle the car definitely and um yeah I mean the one you normally get on the final Corners where you you run slightly wide and then spin to the inside whereas I

    Think Louis was on the outside of the corner wasn’t he so yeah um yeah I I’d expect maybe that’s probably what’s happened there um big shame for the Ferrari driver um and the Ferrari team in general CU I think that’s the only one out there today so um yeah a chance

    Now for for the likes of JP and and Ryan and ginger Ash tube to now catch up to the back of that safety car que although yeah I think JP should be allowed to overtake this e car here yeah he should because he’s not actually a lap down we got a lot of

    People coming in the pit we got a couple people coming in the pit sh’s coming in um as is learner driver got spooked Sam hu mdj rashka coming into the pits now as well potential double stack there for the Williams crew although I think rashka might be

    Far enough behind Alex coming into the pits as Well yeah it’s a slight delay for Resa with nothing too serious I wonder now whether or not this this is now the guys that have now come in that were on the high tires feeling that you know maybe they’ll be quicker just going for a

    Medium medium to the end of the race I think it’ be very difficult to get one set of mediums to the end of the race now um with the amount of laps left but uh yeah medium medium or medium soft strategy now to the end of the race um could be a good

    Sh yeah I mean uh what you thinking like the mediums maybe to like maybe like LP 15 or something like that wasn’t it I think um so I think a medium medium Strat would be probably the way forward and most of the drivers should have two

    Sets of mediums if they’ve gone with the balanced uh option of Tire selection so it’s not Not Unusual you learn drive has gone from mediums to hards which I still don’t know if those hards will do the rest of the race they might do but obviously um most of the races this week

    Have been interrupted with safety cars which means we’ve never actually had that sort of running to know how long they will go yeah I mean I think testing wise I think they were somewhere between the 2 to 3% W right the front left right in their circuit is the one that really

    Takes the punishment to be honest so assuming you got very minimal tiway here you got yeah so we go go on lap lap nine maybe so yeah that’s going to be still quite an effort to get them to the end of the race I think they’ll be

    Struggling towards the end but you know if he feel that he can uh pull enough Gap and get that technically that free pit stop from doing this he may be able to hang it out but um yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if he feels actually he might

    Have to come back in again um towards the end of the race for another set of tits I think if you’re on the hards now a hard soft strategy would be the way you you’d want to go and really hammer out those last uh you know like six

    Seven eight laps or low fuel with um with soft tires going almost almost like qual laps all the time yeah I mean at the moment as well we Lear a drive that looking at this you’re thinking he’s he’s going to have obviously the the fresher tires now than mer and Brando

    Calango and even with the guys on seven lap mediums you’d have to think one lap old hards probably performance- wise aren’t going to be too far away from from the mediums as it stands now so yeah really he’s kind of on an equilibrium really with with those medum

    Runners and you know in a better position than than mer and Brando um as it stands um so yeah obviously yeah it’s quite a good chance I think for him to maybe try and get a few places here on the guys in front that haven’t pitted before they

    Have to pit so yeah it could could be a good little move this from going to driver just know as well JP’s in exactly what I thought he might do which he’s come back in the pits he’s come in the pits under the safety guard on a set of medium

    Tires um cuz he’s obviously got the other set of mediums that kind of went to waste after he spawn on lap two so he he also has this ability to be able to go medium medium to the end and I think that’s a wise decision from him um

    Especially now at the back of the pack he might as well try this um and just have that sort of pace advantage over the others yeah definitely obviously you can run that compound run you know run one lap but if if it came to one lap under safety car and just ditch him

    Again because obviously you technically used that compound uh in the race so um yeah not bad sh um gets you know if he’s not fically happy on those B Tires then uh then yeah it’s a good idea as you say being at the back of the pack at the

    Moment uh really nothing to lose from it so the dver is coming through turn four we’re expecting the safety car to be called in this lap because it has been out there for a while and there is nice and early which is always good to see it’s going to allow Mark time to

    Plan this one out get everyone packed together cuz he’s going to have a very racy Owen behind him who let’s face it he’s going to want to take this challenge to Mar he’s going to want to get ahead and use those mediums to full effect here just depends how the restart goes

    I mean we we saw on in tier three we had about 85 safet cars I think every time uh the restart happened it was out of the last corner or you know through the last corner to to give the car behind the least amount of chance of getting a

    Run on on to turn one interested to see if M follows that at the moment you have to say look at this it’s going to be pretty similar yeah Bo almost intimidating the back of the mer of the Mercedes and there we go out to the final Corner goes Merks it’s a good

    Launch but Owens managed to stick within 310 of him and here comes the Aston Martin don’t need be close enough in turn one but uh up towards turn three he could be a big threat to the Mercedes we quickly cycle through the pack looks like we got away cleanly once again I

    Think Mer’s having to deploy a bit of erss there to keep the uh charging Owen behind shabashov going past Bashford and I don’t know if that’s going to be kind of Bashford allowing shav through in terms of teammate or whether that’s just a case

    Of shaov going get out of the way I need to get in front of you a drive looking to the inside in turn four he’s going to make that move and that’s a Williams in the background that’s andyj going through on Sam hwit little bit of jostling for position

    As they go through Ryan gets past Jinger tiger as well in the background and shov already looking at the back of bler and he’s right on the wing of him oh that’s a big off blesses off he’s managed to hold it away from the barriers but uh yeah a huge huge

    Moment there for bler and allthough he’s lost it he’s in the wall he’s going again I think he’s okay he’s back in a straight line uh yeah I mean I thought he was heading to W he’s interesting we come into the pit there um or he maybe

    He’s just collected a little bit of damage oh mdjs round at the first Corner the Williams round and he’s got going again but he’s down in 16th Place and there’s a also yeah bashford’s round as well so I don’t know if there’s a bit of contact between those

    Two meanwhile shabashov he’s well I say he’s dispatched on the alpines not quite the way he was probably intending to but he’s gone down on the inside of Brando carango and cango nothing he can do about that on 10 laap old hards to shab’s four lap old mediums and it looks

    Like shav is going to make this really count as he’s already on the back of volcano you just see the grip difference through the corners yeah it’s it’s going to be massive and yeah there’s every chance he could be at the front as Lura driver goes past uh Brandon calango there as

    Well and got Spooks down the inside as well so yeah he’s Brando is is under pressure a bit here now he’s he’s kind of got to regroup after that um and just try to keep his head as best he can now and stick to the back of the pack

    Because at some point those mediums whilst they’re really much better now as uh volcano gets past ow as well I believe they now for P2 yeah Owen outside of the DRS range as mdjs come into the pits and retired unfortunately um yeah outside of the DRS range of merked already Merk getting rid

    Of me probably to get that Gap as here comes shabashov to the inside and we’ve also got the alpat behind I’ve got spooked on learner driver or I might be the other way around to be honest um but shabashov up into third and got spooked Fifth and he’s all

    Over the back of Owen and it’s looking like these people have pitted have made the right decision as Here Comes got spook to the outside of Owen through eight up towards nine this is not an easy corner to go side by side on they’re going to do a little bit of

    Contact got spooked almost loses the back end but he just about saves it gets a switch back through 10 though and that is a Lov move and here comes learner driver almost three wide learner driver thinks yeah I’m not going to try that one as we head up to the

    Louder curve and actually lro is going to have a very good exit and Owen goes down to six Place yeah I think L A dri very much saw there wasn’t much mileage in trying to keep that one down the side so fighting back oh and that’s contact

    From behind from the oh and there’s more contact Owen has been turned around by Sam hu I think and it’s got another virtual safety C and got be careful there not to be the car there was definite contact a driver getting a nudge behind from the Aline there and spinning him around and

    Obviously that’s um I think in turn caused issues there a bit of then suffering because of that as well um yeah massive disappoint for Luna driver he was obviously keeping it sensible though we just seen him back out from turn one because it obviously didn’t fancy getting involved in a in a

    Bit of a fight P guy into the pits a volcano under this virtual safety car looking to take advantage of it now it’s a risky strategy because this virtual safety car can go back green at any time and if it goes green Mar is in the pit

    Uh I mean he will still have a slightly lesser pit stop but it won’t be as bad as it as it could be and Owen’s unfortunately retired probably because of that contact he’s had in turn three yeah big disappointment there uh from as I think we’re back racing again there so

    That’s work out quite nicely actually there to be honest for volcano that’s um yeah worked out pretty tidily and obviously okay he’s a long way back from the lead but uh he will have gained probably 7 eight nine seconds on everyone else’s pit stops there looks like Sam’s always pushing Alex through

    Turn four there the AL May out there some interesting movements from the alpha I must admit which probably isn’t going to be helping most the drivers however I’ve also noted got spooked has got past shabashov so he got spooked has got a lot of pace on these medium tires he’s

    Going to be fighting with merked very shortly he’s got the DRS uh so this is going to be an interesting battle here yeah and a good little run out through the corner I think he’s going to get him here into turn three he’s got a very good run out the corner DRS activated

    And and a pretty straightforward overtake there for the alpha ter driver just giving mer as little room as he possibly can and that’s going to invite shavas now into this fight as well um Sam and Alex looking like they’re having a bit of a battle just behind as well so

    Yeah it’s all kicking off the moment in the top five um to the inside of Alex and it looks like Ash’s going to try and follow as well two Al for Romeo trying to work together here side by side through six good racing between the pairs so far as

    Ash will look potentially to get a run out of eight can’t quite find it and uh Alex just about holding that position but shaov all over the back of Mer and surely if you’re mer now you’re you’re basically hoping for another safety car here because as Bruce I think we’ve got some

    Interesting stuff behind so yeah actually massive massive wobble out of the final Corner kind of threw it into the corner really and uh had a bit of a a slide massive under steer and got on the curve it converted to over steer and did incredibly well to

    Hold it as svof now at the inside of there yeah with the DRS Brando cango he’s going to take the fast La so far I think he also took the opportunity to pit under that ver safety maybe not quite as effective as what volcano had but I mean

    If side by side three four Alex trying to retake this position tight line from from Sam you think through there sometimes can invite the switch back but luckily carries enough Pace to not allow Alex to do it um but but back to back to mer if you’re mered you’re hoping for another safety

    Guy because right now he’s a pit stop behind those guys at the front Absolut yeah I mean I guess the guys in front realistically going to have to pit again anyway I think for some com some sort of compound uh whether that’s whether that’s mediums or

    Whether they can just go long enough to get onto the softs at the end so realistically he’s not too far behind the game at the moment um but he’s not going to want to drop too far behind them because if they all come out on mediums then obviously that there’s no

    Advantage for either of them so um yeah he’s just going to go stick with got SWS and Sh off as much as he possibly can they uh but you know those mediums are going to start to P off the cliff a little bit within probably the next five

    Or six laps as well so it’s not a disaster just yet he’s just going to keep his head down and stick with these guys in front Owen commenting he was spun around at turn three it’s a massive shame because we know Owen’s got Pace we want Owen to do

    Well the luck at the moment just really isn’t on his side as it looks like oh not quite sure what’s going on with that Alpha Tower of Ry but he’s coming into the pits bler has uh lost some form of communication with his car uh gint tiger

    Then eighth at the moment see he spun it earlier RKA up to seventh he’s making those hard tires work quite nicely as well and we just have this massive train at the moment between Alex in fourth all the way down to JP in 10th right now yeah absolutely uh looking at the

    Penalties as well uh Ashu has a 5sec penalty uh however it popped up for ignoring blue flags um but he didn’t get blue flag at so uh unsure as whether or not the penalties it would dispatch itself in the pit lane or not not sure

    I’ve got a feeling it was under y he got it for um something under yellow flags is what I had on my screen ignoring yellow flag ignoring the yellow flag so so maybe he game believed that he overtook under the yellows of like the virtual safety car or

    Something so Mercedes in we’re probably got expect he’s going to go to the mediums the question now is if you got spooked and shabashov you have to feel that they’re going to come back into the pits anyway um it’s just a case of when because now M’s going to try this

    Undercut move on them as in fact the leader side by side these two weirdly enough even though they’re not teammates they need to work together we got a yellow flag at sector two that’s Alex has gone round luckily gets moving quite quickly but yeah these two at the front they

    Need to work together here if they want to make sure they lessen Mer’s advantage of the undercut to be as small as possible absolutely Yeah the more they fight obviously the the more Advantage mer we’ll have at the end uh yeah I mean I’m kind of expecting these guys might

    Try and drag this out a little bit and go for the soft at the end but then M might be quite a long way ahead that sa off now a 3se second penalty for track so that is not going to help his calls whatsoever no especially r a track like

    This and we know the the Chan of safety cards around here are quite high as as we’ve seen in previous races the those penalties really do affect you come the race end result yeah looking back through the field and looking at the current Tire life I’m looking at this thinking as I

    Think jav’s been overtaken again now by got spooked still side again got spook should have this one with the DRS the only the only Advantage right now that they’ve got cuz this fighting is losing in time however they are getting the DRS which is helping whereas mer is not getting that Advantage right

    Now absolutely and Mer obviously depending on what people in front do you’re obviously going to have to fight past people as well I’m looking at volcano at the moment he’s on six lap all hard those tires will go to the end very very comfortably uh as Lear a dri

    As the latest to pick up a three the two at the front are fighting so hard they’re causing each other to run wide and pick up penalty Sam hu into the pits now 13 lap old hards I’m guessing he just thinks that he’s better off going

    To the mediums now for the rest of this race yes quite possibly um yeah I mean looking at as you Resa that could they get to the end rashka could he get to the end on those High tires are going to be screaming a bit at the

    End I think but yeah volcano seven lap old hards I just I think he can get to the end very comfortably on those and uh it’s just whether or not he can keep ahead of of mered on those mediums uh but I think he’s in a very good position right

    Now yeah I I’m inclined to agree with you on that one um he’s actually got a little bit of time to MC before MC reaches him um yeah I mean as the race goes on those hards should uh should even out with those mediums so I think it all depends

    When mer catches him CU I think mer will catch him it’s just a case of when as to how much fight volcano will be able to put up against him yeah it’s uh I mean yeah mer is catching at a fair oh and Alex had a big

    Big spin at theultimate corner uh facing the wrong way now gets it going again uh luckily no one close behind as Brando now comes back the final corner and going to get past him as well but uh yeah it’s all gone wrong for Alex probably in the last few laps hasn’t it

    That sort of spin at turn and three I think it was and now spin at the P Corner um not looking good and that’s a spin also I think josf oh this is big this is huge for those the front compared to merked merked is uh

    I think mer just still end up in third or fourth but for got spook and shabashov this is a big Advantage for them yeah I mean I guess we’re looking at probably I know 13 12 13 second pit stop for those who are now going to come in or you know that

    Sort of it’s a lot less time lost compared to green flag running um yeah I think I think that yeah he’s going to be there though isn’t he I think he’s going to be third I’d have thought at the end of this I think got spooked in sh depends what volcano does

    CU obviously volcano may not pit I think he is actually pitting he is pting and that’s going to hurt him cuz he’s going to be double stacking with his teammate yeah so it was looking like volan Lun driver almost went into the back of Ginger tiger then on the pit

    Entry some good avoid softs for JP 911 mediums for the top two the question is m come in the pits as well so mer set mediums yeah and this is going to be interesting we’ve got a very big mix and array of different tires uh I’m not surprised really that M’s done

    That because I think he knows that the his tires even though they’re only a couple laps old they will be at that sort of disadvantage so I think he’s thinking I might as well just go for the fresh r be on the same strategy now so everything’s

    Equal all he has to do is just close the gap to the front absolutely I mean the soft TI Runners here they they’re going to be quick though at the start of this next in you’d have to think looking at the map probably I mean it depends whether

    Now waits for blaser’s AI driven car to catch up with the back of the pack or not um but you’d have to think maybe we’ll be going again on lap 25 so yeah those stuffs are going to be quick at the start but they’re going to wear off

    Towards the end and obviously then the mediums will be far better but um yeah there’s a we’ve lost one Williams today but there’s a sneaky little Raska in third at the moment and uh I think he’s uh he’ll be very pleased with where he is currently yeah absolutely it’s

    Uh it’s great to see rash up there obviously uh long as he’s going to stay there but it’s great to see him up near the front having a bit of a fight you know um safety guard is going to stay out for another lap lap 24 we go on

    To yeah as you say for volcano you had a really good Str looking like a really good strategy then I think he was always going to be guaranteed the podium until that safety car came out now he finds himself in 10th uh with a with a lot of

    Work do to get further up that order um but as we say you know mered on those mediums he’s he’s got a lot of work to to do as well to to get up the front so um yeah we’ll be intered to see how this plays out I think Lear a driver you’d

    Expect him to make some pretty quick inroads you know he’s probably a little bit quicker than some of the guys in front of him at the moment um oh yeah this is this this is great this is set up for a grandson finish yeah absolutely I mean 12 laps to go

    And learn a driver he’s definitely going to be one to watch on those soft tires volcano’s also gone soft so I see they’re thinking maybe we’re going to get another two like another lap after this and have about 11 laps worth of running which I think the soft will probably do around

    Here um but obviously it’s with that balance of speed we we’ll have that sort of balance come the end of the race U we got someone rco I think just pulling out almost like just to make sure just in case the safety car slows up he doesn’t run into the back of anyone

    Um we cross the line onto lap 25 bless the bless thebot will get to the back of the pack on this lap to be honest I’m highly surprised that the AI hasn’t decided to pit his car to be honest cuz normally the AI tends to pit your car at the earliest opportunity

    You get um but yeah I mean talk about predictions out the window uh this is why I don’t really ever predict because you just never know what might happen yeah it sounds I’m pretty wrong at the moment which is not a surprise but um yeah uh

    Yeah there’s a few names up there which we haven’t seen up there for a while which is great to see we like a bit of variety that’s for sure so um yeah hopefully um a couple of them can sort of stay stay up the the top end of the

    Leaderboard for these last 10 or so laps so safety car in this lap and it’s going to be got spook now remember got spook and shvv also have 3 second penalties they need rashka to be basically a Fernando Alon so from Hungary hold up the rest of the pack as

    While as they can get a gap up together cuz that 3 seconds it will be painful otherwise but as we know before safety cars just breed more safety cars yeah with the the the group say the grouping Now cars there’s every chance that uh a little bit more Carnage Could Happen

    Um yeah Resa also the 3 second penalty so he’s going to want to G Sam as quickly as can and it’s an early yeah go boots a really early getaway and I tell you what the top two they’ve caught they’ve caught rashka napping an absolute treat already a

    Second up on the Williams as we head up towards turn number one they need they know they have to get on with it and that’s exactly what they’ve done into turn one it looks like we’re all pretty cal single file yeah all the way through and we going to head up towards

    Turn three for the 26th time in this race there was lar driver and ginger tiger swapping positions driver into sixth now and MC looking all over the back of the Aston Martin as JP is alongside Sam hu coming down towards turn number four he’s on the outside

    He’s in front before he gets into the corner that’s the difference of softs to all slightly old the mediums cuz Sam H obviously didn’t have a fresh set left learn a driver goes down the inside of Sam as well that’s a brave move through six but he’s

    Made that one work and uh this exactly what he needs to do whil mer is behind sat behind the Aston Martin of Ginger tiger absolutely yeah he needs to make these softs work now and he’s opening sort of three or four laps uh try and get the best out of them before they

    Start to to go off a little bit Ginger tiger unfortunately picked up a 3 second penalty coming out with a p corner on the safy car restart so not ideal that if you ask Mar driver but there’s a lot of guys ared him with penalties as well

    So um yeah still plenty to be gained I think for the Aon but he’s got merked behind him but not close enough at the and it’s starting to group up a little bit in front Le a driver up into fourth now as he gets past

    JP Ryan and Alex as well as ashtu and ashtu what’s happened to mer M’s had a really slow getaway from turn three he’s lost a couple of positions learn driver up past rashka but mer now fighting to keep P10 from Brando carango yeah he’s tried sending it around the

    Outside corner and ginger Tiger’s kind of just drifted wide oh Ginger tiger up the inside at turn seven that’s seriously Brave stuff there against Sam uh makes it happen but was very close but yeah sorry Ginger tiger just sort of It kind of half ran worked out road but

    I think it was just pure racing to be honest it didn’t look malicious it it was one of those things like you know round again and that’s not really the way you went into the pit Lane oh as you not quite sure what was going on there

    But it’s an interesting way to enter a pit Lane and um take your front Wing off at the same time um yeah it was hard racing really I think um it’s one of those things if you’re going to for rainy outside there you’ve got to be absolutely sure that

    You going to be able to make it and um yeah unfortunately M then got on the curve and it just sort of hampered him a little bit uh but yeah Mer’s now behind volcano down in 10th um he got a lot of soft tire runners in front of him at the

    Moment that are going to have that extra bit of grip as it stands shov was close to the Packer got spooked but he’s drifted off um mer looking to the outside through turn seven Brave to go I mean we thought Ginger T was Brave to go down the inside going around the outside

    That’s almost clinically insane on this circuit he made it work but vol had a good run and has retaken oh bit of contact as M gets into the back of volcano looks of it and he’s going to lose a place to carango this is going all wrong for the Mercedes

    Driver yeah it’s one of those things that again he’s just got to regroup a little bit here uh get his head down and you know there are still eight laps left in this race still plenty of time um you’d have to say maybe the win is not

    On the cards but I think he can still score a lot of points here you know he really realistically there’s a lot of 3 second penalties FL around and he’s not that far away from them so um yeah I think mer still got the potential for

    Top five uh he’s just got to try and avoid any issues I think people are racing that extra bit hard tonight and um it’s just proven a little bit more tricky for the Mercedes driver you say he not far away I mean third down to down to the last Point thing position

    Only in a DRS train and it must be noted as long as these drivers finish this race in their cars they will get points top 12 score points OB he bless a bot doesn’t count cuz he’s in AI everyone currently scoring points as long as they finish as Merck is uh

    Right on the back of the Alpine can he make anything work the problem is he’s in he’s at the back of this DRS train and it’s a it’s a long one the longer they are the harder it is to claw yourself back through the field absolutely and uh as Ginger tiger

    Pass JP for fifth place up to turn three um yeah I mean you can see from M he’s he’s got the pace he has the pace to get a pass them but with the DRS train going at the moment it’s a little bit tricky

    Uh and he’s having to to try and get the overtakes in some rather unconventional places it’s just not quite working for them at the moment but you know the soft tires in front they are going to sort of start to degradate soon and that’s when he’s going to be able to take advantage

    Of these medium tires yeah see we all have to remember though that that seven laps on the soft isn’t really seven laps cuz about three of though at least three of those were behind the safety cut so can be a little bit misleading that graphic at times but uh you have to

    Say the guys the top two here they’re in the best position they’re on the mediums they can push all the way to the end here uh they just have to get that 3se second Gap to eliminate their penalties and then they can fight with each other and I think that’s the critical thing

    Here as looks like volcano had a bad bad exit out turn one he’s going to be under pressure by Merk now as carango gets up into ninth volcano on the inside Mercedes on the outside volcano is looking at the inside of carango M’s going to have a very nice time gets a

    Good run but can’t quite get past him and I say that volano decid he’s going to oh my word is three wide mer just just about keeping it clean through there I mean he really does want to get a pass here but he’s now on the outside of carango through

    Six just about sneaks around the outside of him he is under a lot of pressure to get past these drivers and he is showing in the type of a moves he’s having to try just to get past yeah absolutely absolutely very late breaking there from the Mercedes

    Driver but yeah somehow all three of them came out it as mer now gets the Run volcano um up to one volcano fast in a straight line though and here comes carango right back at the Mercedes Merk is in there one hell of a fight right now and it’s it’s only for

    Ninth Place at the moment it’s carango down the inside going to have a bad exit because of the how tight he was to the corner there was good for M to almost pinch him in mer to the outside of the McLaren can he finally get this move done it’s very

    Close as he pinches him on the Apex absolutely Fair racing though mer finally gets up into Ninth Place and some clean air but that’s a lot of laps taken away from him getting up the field absolutely but I think now he I think it’ll take long for him to catch

    Up with the guys in front does seem as though some of the other cars around him are rather more like rocket ships compared to Mer’s car tonight he does seem to be struggling in a in a straight race with them um but yeah as I say immediately he’s right on the back of

    Ash already and now he’s into the Realms of of you know rashka I don’t think I’m just going to quickly check um RKA is less than 3 seconds ahead now of Mer so realistic I think Ginger tiger just lost a bit of end plate on the back end of Resa

    We see if we can pick that up as we head down towards turn number four see if we can actually have an outside camera angle of this car as we head into oh it does look like he’s a little bit slow mid Corner as mer is past Ash tube right side end

    Plate right side end plate has gone for ginger tiger Bruce confirming on the damage report there merked now trying to get Sam hu as well down into the penoma corner he’s going to stick it around the outside that’s a great move from mer he’s pulling off some blinders tonight he

    Doesn’t have a choice but uh to get through cleaning he’s on the back of Ginger he’s down the side of Ginger he backs out from passing Ginger and he’s going to almost have an alpha AO down his side as we go through turn one and ginger tiger I don’t think has

    DRS so this should be in theory be an easy move for M to Sam Huck gets past his teammate heading up into turn three but looking at that M did not get past the ason mar and I think we’re going to see mer in a weird situation of

    Having to use his his ERS you can see the back the back light flashing on merick’s car we don’t normally see that no he normally has about 95% left at this point in the race but as you say he’s having to to use it but now yeah

    He’s now ahead of Ginger tiger uh at the moment I worked it out I believe believe that at the moment JP is on for Podium so if M can get past JP then that puts him up to third place uh as it stands Ginger tiger going backwards now with

    That front wing damage big shame for the as M driver he’s had a great race up to this point um and yeah he’s just really struggling in the corners wide at corner carango get pass oh big spin big crash as hash Round Ryan in the pits as well which is a bit interesting must be some damage there as mered looking to get past JP 911 this would in essence be for a Podium position and Merc does get past the red ball yeah I think JP there being being a

    Reserve tonight I think he very much just kind of didn’t fight that I think he just fought yeah fair play don’t want to get involved in this championship fight at the moment which I think is the right thing to do it did look quite passive there from uh the Red Bull

    Driver meanwhile the focus now returns to the front because the god Spooks and shabashov they’ve got 3 seconds now to learn a driver they’ve got 4 seconds to learn a driver these two now I think we’re about to see a mammoth battle for this race win as I think JP’s actually

    Now spun coming out of turn seven into eight so that good uh good result not going to happen but here comes shabashov to the outside of turn one they’re going to go Side by side onto the curb goes the H they got bler bler bot in front of

    Them so it means both of them get DRS up towards turn three shov still looking to around the outside good racting between the pair there’re still going at it who’s going to have the DRS none of them apparently they must have been absolutely dead heat level across the detection

    Point as he de trying to go at it shabashov now just about ahead of got SPO this is the final lap we’re coming into the final sector of this race the H through turn seven turn eight he’s got two more turns to negotiate M’s got pass Le and driver on

    Track three pom corner it looks like shabashov is going to do it he’s burnt all the ERS but he will win the Austrian ground PR followed by got spooked RKA what a race from him he’s going to cross the line in third it’s going to be fourth I think in the

    End mer will take the final Podium spots RKA fourth lunard driver fifth carango sixth Sam hwit seventh volano in eighth Ginger tiger ninth ashtu will come home 10th after that spin uh on the penultimate lap or lap 34 JP will come home 11th with Ryan rounding out the 12 remaining

    Runners and they getting the final championship Point yeah that was a pretty incredible end of the race brilliant work there from shav off at the end um yeah pretty impressive stuff there both him and got spooked at the end brilliant he got spook get result as well you know he’s

    He’s had a lot of bad luck recently um and yeah that comeback from Merks there um I said just Cas of keeping his head and and taking the the chances when they came and uh eventually it sort of worked out pretty well for him in the end uh

    Not used to seeing him off the top step of the podium but uh yeah brilliant work from the h dri yeah if I’m if I’m right in thinking I think he merked had a pretty much perfect record this season so far which has now been taken its first blemish of

    The season I say it’s first one so we kind of hope there’s more because whil we liked mer we do like these races where he has to fight for for every sort of point he he wants to get um it’s it’s absolutely great to see uh Bruce you

    Want to take us through the provisional shavas off there converting his front row start into a win in the house got spooked an excellent second from ninth on the grid uh merked fighting back through the pack to take third uh and the final step on the podium withka a brilliant fourth place

    For him he’ll be delighted with that lunner driver fifth with Brando carango sixth Sam H seventh volcano eighth Ginger tiger ninth with Ashu 10th JP 11th and the final classified finisher Ryan in 12th uh blessed as AI going rign so a dnf for him and uh retirements for Alex bashy Owen mdj and

    Louie perfect now uh the games driver of the day was um Sam H 18th to 7th was a fantastic effort uh although I have to say um rash’s kind of like my J of the day because we know rashka he knows he’s not the quickest driver in this tier but I

    Mean he keeps sticking at it and to get that result of fourth is a phenomenal achievement and it is great to see see yeah yeah it’s brilliant um as you say great to see and I believe last week I think he was uh had a good result

    Last week where he was he was in danger of a good result last week anyway at least um so yeah brilliant to see you know that just the perseverance has paid off there really for resy you know things maybe haven’t gone quite as way over the last season or so that we’ve

    Seen um so yeah a great reward there for the perseverance and yeah I’m delighted for it yeah um obviously slide Podium which is great to see um but what’s nice enough with the driv is they’re going to have a break week next week um and it’s an ideal timing because

    The next circuit that we go to in a couple weeks time let’s face it it’s not an easy circuit it is Monte Carlo where I mean if you think anything happens in Austria anyone can retire in Monte Carlo yeah definitely it’s um chalk and cheese compared to what we just

    Witnessed really in in technicalities um but yeah obviously a standard Street circuit um but on steroids you know there’s there’s more chance of of incidents there than any other circuit that we race at and um yeah one small mistake can can be pretty detrimental to your entire race so yeah

    It’ be interested to see how they adapt to it um but yeah as you say two weeks to to get a bit of practice in um ahead of that race yeah now uh obviously normally we’ interview the top three but I’m pretty certain while shabashov is on a

    PlayStation I’m not sure he can do in the interviews because I’m pretty the last time he um I think it was RP he wasn’t able to do them so we’ll get a write up for the podium but we will have rashka join us from P4 um unfortunately uh welcome rashka

    What on your P4 however if it wasn’t for your slight time penalty you’d have had a Podium oh I am I so GED with that it was such a minor slip as well at turn one about halfway through the race that got it me I don’t think I’ve got any

    Others after it I might need to just have a look how close it is just in case there’s any chance of getting it back but no without that that could have been a very lightning Podium I would honestly I would have never thought I’d finished this high up the start of the

    Race I mean you qualified 14th I mean the pace is the pace is there especially around the circuit it’s such a small lap obviously everyone’s got pace around this circuit especially um but I mean p14 one point obviously you you came in under the the first uh is it safety car

    Safety car I can’t quite remember what exactly what it was now what was your thoughts at that point in the race was it just case of I’ll try and take a bit of advantage on the chance that I can gain a bit of time up here uh I think

    Yeah it was I came in during both full safety cars so it was mediums to hards the first time um and no I was always going to come in then um I knew at that point in the race Should a safety C well even if a if it was just a virtual

    Safety card come out I could it was quicker to do a two stop from that point than it was to stick it out on the doing a one stop so I was always going to come in and kind of planned to do two stops

    Um as the race was going on I was kind of thinking oh my tires are last my hard tires are lasting okay here do I push it and then safety car came out lapa’s going to Pi anyway I’m like oh okay pick to mediums go to the end it all all

    Worked out very well for me really and I have to ask what’s it like seeing quite frankly probably quite an angry Merck in his Mercedes suddenly come up behind you because um I will tell you now he did not have an easy time getting back through that pack and

    You could tell he was really going after it how what was it like seeing that Mercedes just sudden come up behind you like draws me and merch were chatting Before the Race about Wing angles and I did mention to him I thought his wing angles were a little bit high so I kind

    Of um knew in advance I know he only came up to with one lap to go but I thought I was I was always going to have a go at learner on that last lap I thought oh if he gets up behind me I’ll at least I don’t think I think he’ll

    Struggle to get past me and then I think he he attempted a half lunge at the last corner but kind of breaked a bit later in anticipation and couldn’t pull it off but no I I kind of thought no I know he’s got too high Wings he’ll struggle

    To get past me so I was I was I was feeling okay actually at that point yeah Bruce do you have any questions for rashka um yeah obviously we’ve been watching you now for the last season and a half during the tier one coms and um you things haven’t necessarily always

    Gone quite your way at times um with this result now just a new rejuvenated rashka heading into the second half of the Season uh maybe I don’t know we’ll see it it is Monaco next which has always been my best and favorite track so hopefully we’ll get a good result

    There but I don’t know my I think in absolute Pace today I don’t think anything had really changed I could tell certainly through the first in um I was hanging on to DRS but only just you know I was having to push to do so and I wasn’t kind of threatening anybody my

    Entire progress up the field was just because I happen to keep clean amongst the what seemed to be 200 incidents that happened today so I kind of just did that fortunate safety cars and all that kind of put me in a good place but my absolute Pace wasn’t really there I

    Think I think um it helped as well but um everybody who ended up around me at the second restart um was on softs so I kind of learn got past me which I knew was going to happen I can just thought sticking his DS and hopefully that will be enough

    To delay everything along enough the soft start to go off and my mediums will become better which is what happened but no I I don’t think you’re going to see a sudden Rejuvenation in my Pace I think I’m still towards the back I just got a bit lucky

    Today I don’t think luck has anything to do it but I do it obviously um OB Bruce has only been watching for a season and a half I’ve been commentating on on yourself for probably like the last three and a half Seasons um more it like because obviously you don’t have your

    Usual partner in crime this season in ghost no um what what’s it like having someone different because obviously you two were a very very formidable team in terms of ghost bringing like the pace and and the tips in terms of the laps and you yourself bringing across as he

    Said multiple times the the almost like the setup genius side of things I I wouldn’t call myself a setup genius but no it’s um to be honest it was it was a shame that ghost couldn’t do this season but at the same time I think it is nice

    To have a bit of a change you know I think when you you were together somebody together for quite a long time that we were you know you did you build a great relationship and everything Ty if you work well together but somebody else comes in and immediately they’ve

    Got different Viewpoint and different ideas and all of it and you’re kind of like okay maybe I’m thinking about this wrong it’s I think changes good sometimes because it does kind of act sharpen you up a bit well uh congratulations RKA on your on track Podium and end result of fourth

    Place um it was fantastic to see but uh do have a write up from mer uh who says he was happy with the result in the end considering uh the last in was a bit chaotic uh he thinks he shouldn’t have pitted under the safety car but mistakes

    Happen he’s just glad to be on the podium again uh he congratulates shavash shov and got spooked and a special shout out to rashka for the drive he’s looking forward to the break next week uh and to come back for what he calls the awful

    Track that is Monaco um and as you said already Bruce is Monaco’s are really I think it’s a really fun track to drive it is complete stress to race them yeah it’s fun to drive until you hit things but um yeah it’s uh it can be difficult and obviously with the amount

    Of traffic is very difficult to overtake right there so a lot of um pit pit sort of stop strategies will will come into play I think um um running in clean air is vitally important around that circuit so yeah it’ll be interested to see how how everyone adapts to it and

    I’m sure it’ll be a pretty action-packed race again absolutely well uh draw to the end of the tier one coverage for tonight uh obviously we do have one more stream this week before we head into the mid-season break at Invictus that is the realistic performance League who come

    From Austria tomorrow that’s brought to you by Mal and Mikey at 800 p.m. like usual uh I mean if the racing this week’s anything to go by that’s going to be fantastic to watch as well um drivers of all tiers competing against each other in in what technically should be

    The realistic performance of each car um well and as as we’re ending got Spooks has just managed to pop in his little right up uh so spook saying he had a hor horrific qualifying uh but when the first safety car came out he knew he had

    To do the opposite of the leading pack with the preference of pitting luckily not a lot of people pitted so he went in for medians which saved his race uh when the last safety car came out he thought he was finished when he saw people behind him on softs but luckily it

    Worked out uh he had a nice last couple of laps fighting with shabashov and really happy with the result so he just managed to sneak that in before we end uh but as say obiously RP tomorrow uh and then next week no racing from RL it

    Is the break week so we’ll be back in two weeks time again starting off with tier three on the Monday brought to you by Joe hamster and JP 911 tier two on the Tuesday brought to you by Jack and Xerox and then we’ll be back on the

    Wednesday for round number six at the Monaco Grand Prix uh but from everyone here thank you for watching this has been the Invictus Racing League in partnership with Venturi Studios we hope to see you all on the next stream

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