Instagram: sarahbwater
    tiktok: sarahbwater

    Play it cool you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves let’s we going to build it up and then we tear

    It down they going to know our name all over this town we going to Stir It Up and do things our way so if you Want I’m feeling fly tonight like a rocket ship I want to drive fast in this Red Hot Wheel we and show yeah I and play some dop I want to play the game I want to roll it dice I got an easy hand it’s going to make The let’s get our shoes on I’m done with all youing this party totally Busting la la la la oh la la la oh la la la la la la la la la Lac la la oh la la oh if you want to say it say it loud cuz someone out there listening if you’re going to think you think out loud cuz you don’t know what

    You’re missing until you let them all in oh oh tell them what it’s all about oh oh oh and if you’re going to dream it dream it be CU someone out there listening everyone’s got a voice to give and it’s time I here you whistling cuz there’s no point at all oh oh

    Oh and dreaming small oh oh oh is there RoR flying around daring there’s no time to be down s you’ll be cling of roses soon it all comes back to you it all comes back to you la la oh la la la oh la la la la La la la oh la la la la oh if you feel lonely say it loud there’s no time like present tell like can feel it say it proud be true and let us see you for the star that you are no point in dreaming small oh cuz there’s a rumor flying around

    And darling there’s no time to be down the sun you’ll be coming a roses soon all comes back to you it all comes back to you ooh ooh ooh ooh you ooh ooh ooh you the word is your be calling up roses soon it all comes back to you all comes back to You To play it cool you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves let’s we going to build it up and then

    We tear it down they going to know our name all over this town we going to Stir It Up and do things our way so we if you want let’s go live good morning hopefully good morning the internet’s bit iy in this room but hopefully we can stay stable enough for breakfast and then we’ll go outside it’s day 11 of tour um yeah we’re in cardi that’s where we’re starting no sound what there sound is just low lower than

    Normal interesting um I think my volume is quite a bit lower compared to the quiet more than it is or it’s more like a um cupcake yeah there’s not much interet in the Space Capsule so we have struggling a bit with the internet and everything I’m going to sit on the

    Floor let me do a fix and see if it helps at all oh okay it didn’t even let me okay there we go that might not do anything but I thought I’d try Okay 11 Um I saw a couple of comments in chat questioning my Ireland notification and we are going to Ireland um yesterday we had a side quest to go to the aisle of man so we are going over to Ireland I’m going to be biking up to Dublin then we will be cycling around

    Aisle of man the current side quest is to go up to all the way up to Belfast so if you guys want to see Belfast we got the side quest go up um and we’ll see if we achieve it or not um but yeah that’s the current game

    Plan I’m going to Ireland we’re doing some really weird rooting to get to Manchester but yeah sorry the single in this room is not great um I was streaming dinner here last night and it was all over the place also the fire alarm went off Midstream I’ve never been to Ireland

    Before so it’ll be a new country this’s a little dry this is not good muffin M if I go to Bast that’ll be another country but I don’t know if we’re going to go Lo in Ireland in the Republic yeah but Dublin’s not Dublin’s right well we’ll see where we end

    Up be kind of funny to over Island since we’re not that far from it since we’re kind of in the area it’s quiet I was going to turn on some music it’s too quiet oops I didn’t mean to open Instagram okay I got some jams you probably can’t even hear

    Them I’m just eating I’m like why is it so quiet okay we’ll see how far I can ride today there’s two places I think I can make it to one I can probably get to for sure the other one we’ll see how fast I can bike I stay in a hotel last night

    This was only like5 more dollars than the Campground it’s crazy so dry definitely because shower I Char I’m not cold great we got some not I’ll try to eat fast and get out I’m making a big old mess of this muffin though I crumbs Everywhere mini egg you live in England but you never been to Ireland you should make that a side quest yeah hop on over I reckon hey arcade okay dry muffin is done this was a really dry muffin I thought it’d be a delicious too but I’m kind of it wasn’t that

    Good all right we will have some health I’ll eat this orange that I got there’s a bunch of seeds in this orange or Mandarin which makes it really annoying to eat I had one yesterday and I was annoyed by the amount of seeds okay I don’t know what way I’m going to

    Get out of cith but to get to my hotel I did pass by a couple um grocery storees so I might stop at a grocery store and get some more drinks because I keep forgetting I don’t have water in my water bottles and the water bottles are on my

    Bike right now so they’re not in the room so I might go get some liquid from somewhere or I’m sure we’ll probably go past like a um a gas station or something on the way yeah I think I only have like half a water bottle right

    Now I wonder how cold it is it was really cold yesterday it wasn’t not the warmest Hey DJ I never know how to say your username correctly DJ mja is a big Cy and chill it’ll be bigger I think I want to do a lot of kilometers but we will

    See cuz it might be hilly there’s also a headwind today so um I might not be that fast okay I can call you DJ come on yeah DJ all right oranges once I’m done this yeah I’ll do my final pack up and we’ll get out of here

    I don’t think I slept very good last night I’m not sure why I was kind of Tossy and turny last night took me a while to go to bed that I don’t feel too bad this morning it’s 9° feels like six oh that’s kind of like yesterday I Think I might be a little bit cold I might wear like my um windproof to help cut the wind that might work okay orange is almost done I hope the wind isn’t actually that bad today it was kind of fierce yesterday but I didn’t have to climb any

    Hills yesterday so that was kind of nice but I’m a bit nervous all right should go back and clip that what do you want to clip I got muffin all over the place that’s not a banana I don’t have a banana at the moment I bought some oranges cuz I

    Thought they looked good okay so that orange had no seeds but the one yesterday had like 15 seeds in it that’s weird not sure why they were so different okay oh after the long fire alarm the mini fire alarm a few seconds later cracked me up oh okay I see what you’re talking

    About that fire line was so loud it was pretty intense but it didn’t sound like a fire alarm put my food away and then I just have put a couple more things away in the bag here like my fleece and my raincoat okay all right

    How do you find out what the alarm cause was well I poked my head out the door and there was a bunch of people poking their heads out the doors and then we decided that it was the fire alarm so we all evacuated yeah they all just kind of looked at

    Each other like we we should go because s was yeah cuz it was kind of brutal to stay in this room with how loud they were maybe that was the intention they’re like it’s going to be so loud that you’re going to want to leave no matter what

    So my bike is in the staff room so I’ll have to ask a staff member to go get it with me um at the other Hotel I also left it in the staff room as well in Wales they let me keep it with the Staff which is nice sometimes hotels let me bring the bike up into the room with me which is fine but sometimes it’s kind of annoying to have to dance around the bike when it’s in a small room I’m actually going to put on sunscreen it’s not maybe the most sunny day today

    But I still want to put some On I got promoted Suncreen okay is my heart rate on the screen today or is it not shown up yet it is okay good the UV forecast is very low today yeah I can tell it’s very cloudy today with a little bit of Sky I can look at

    Yeah put these on all right I think I am all packed yeah okay I’m going to go into privacy and I’m going to bring all my stuff down get my bike and then I’ll go back live hopefully the internet will be better outside and then we’ll get biking hopefully that sounds

    Good so many cables what is going on cables are a bit of a disaster this morning there we go all right that’s a better there you go okay I was training in Australia slip slap slap yes SLP slap slap okay guys I’m going to Chuck you into privacy see you on the flip

    Side well hi guys welcome to day one of Portugal bik touring um today is the first official day of the bug tour we did like a short stream yesterday of unpacking and putting the bike together but today we’re actually going to ride the bike and ride it into Porto and check out the

    City are you kidding me my bike is so heavy oh that’s brutal look how steep that Is that’s Annoying my butt’s soggy now I got a soy Bud they go by so fast like they just disappear so I learned to buy crackers from a place that’s smaller where there’s not deer like already surrounding you we learned from last time oh oh yeah I forgot they eat clothes as well buy some crackers yeah we’re going

    To buy crackers that is a Highway isn’t that I don’t know yeah let’s not we go this way am I trapped that blue side means no okay I am trapped oh gosh let’s see if there’s any other ways out I just do I trust the control panel that’s just wide open

    Oh uh I’m going to say it doesn’t work just put that back there but yeah today’s going to be our first day I was going to postpone the trip because of weather um but the forecast yesterday said like 80% chance of rain only for like a couple hours in the evening like

    On and off so I think instead of wasting a bunch of time we’re going to try to get started um [Applause] But there’s lots of cute cats here I see the one that I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff sorry one sec see Sarah gave a dollar to a cat yesterday I gave like I don’t know how many dollars to people at a wait what

    Was it uh rocking sex show yeah we had different evenings our evenings were a little different h said hi to you guys he kind of screamed it but he said it wow they have like sah things in there all right first I wanted to look at these Crepes kind kind of want to

    Y cany it’s be such a s place no yeah now he’s getting up slow he’s on his knees oh there we go Sandy I’m going to go play Oh I kep fit in that only small children can I wanted to go down the Slide twitch yeah can I get this one yeah and uh that’s one yeah you you’re and the one in the bed’s just looking be like what happened ow it bite you I thought I was a tree hi baby you’re my favorite wow that’s hurtful to all the

    Other cats I mean you didn’t even give it a treat though yeah I did oh you did okay I thought that one got ignored no there’s Turtles oh my God no look at the whoa there’s giant turt here oh my goodness that’s crazy oh my gosh that’s

    Huge okay that’s really cool did he just eat a fish I think he just had a snare there’s one like right at the glass here wow it’s like as big as a human this favorite cat we got this one we got the pumpkin spice cat over there that

    Has a bow we have the other Short Cat we have the Walker cat there’s I think I like the pumpkin spice cat the most your own he’s playing he wasn’t playing with me I did find a cat this morning hi I a cat yeah um I just need to get my maps

    Up and then we can go okay got my maps got my chat got some water we should be good to go it looks a little bit wet out right now I can’t tell if it’s raining or not but it does look wet okay hope I don’t scare this

    Kitty hi oh she doesn’t like me sorry just chasing you around what are you doing down the ramp we go think maybe I’m supposed to go this way out of here honestly I don’t really know let’s try to go out this way I don’t know if I can get out this one or

    Not yeah I think we got all my stuff I got water as well you see how this bike could be a little scar to a cat yeah we’re kind of large okay this is not how I’m supposed to get out of here but I don’t know oh where does this take me hm

    H okay we got to go out the weird way through this like private exit entrance thing which I was able to just scoot pass cuz I’m a bike anyway okay I guess we’re going out this side first urn of the day you turn number

    One so yeah the other day I had to go through those weird entrance and it felt like I shouldn’t be here okay eventually I’ll get on to tour hopefully okay um where is the exit is the entrance the same as the exit I guess it is okay we live here

    Forever see there’s like barriers normally cars got to wait but we just can zip through I don’t know where my path is I don’t know how to get back to my route this is going the wrong way so I need to turn down the street I think

    Hello from lunch break hello hope you had a good lunch breaks I’m trying to find my blue line that I’m supposed to follow where’s the blue light okay we’re not off to the best start this morning but I will get back on tour eventually sorry question yes

    Doesn’t seem like I’m getting closer to it how many countries have I been to ooh I should know cuz I have to count them a lot but I’ve been to Canada America Australia France France um all the way up to Norway which I think was was that nine countries um Japan South Korea

    Taiwan Portugal Spain England Wales where in Australia I lived there for two years um but I mainly lived around Sydney I lived in Manley Australia and I also lived up in cans for a few months okay so I need to go left onto this road which might be a task and a half

    Not fire from you Manley was my favorite place to live this might be hard to H I might have to find a different place to get over all these cars are turning where and those two years you see a snake or Po and the spider yeah I saw a

    Lot but that’s because I was working on a banana Farm where they live so it wasn’t really Australia’s fault it was my fault for working on a banana farm and finding them all I’m still not on tour I’m so confused all will be okay once I’m back on my blue line

    But yeah the snakes would be like bunched up in the banana bunches that we’ pick and we’ have to hose them to get them out of the shed and then yeah the spiders would be all over the bananas going down the assembly line I knew a couple people that got

    Bit I think they only got bit by huntsman’s though like the giant ones so those aren’t poisonous all right I have to do something up here I’m going to pull over I’ve hit the blue line but I don’t know what way I’m going on the blue

    Line why is my map always upside upside down see I got a big banana I did on my bike tour actually so it’s kind of telling me to go through here not sure why Kit’s doing this weird okay I didn’t get the hard candies I bought a Candlestick or like a

    Toothpick holder that was like a banana you used to live here at the end of this road no way that’s crazy that must be weird seeing the sunstream okay we’re climbing a little bit it’s okay I understand why you’re using caps we just don’t want too many caps in chat

    Okay where’s your house on the left on this road if I look this way can you see your house I just need to go straight but the traffic got backed up us to go here every day that’s crazy welcome back I feel like I went down this road

    Yesterday but maybe a lot of roads look similar here I have a feeling that I’m not actually want to go past the grocery stores like I thought I was but that’s fine this is a very typical English yeah you guys don’t really have like garages that often here do you it’s a

    Lot of street parking the Canada a lot of houses have a garage for your car but I feel like everyone in my neighborhood even though we have a garage everyone doesn’t Park in it which is kind of weird cuz it’s nice to have your car in a garage when it’s snowing

    And cold so you don’t have to scrape your windows I definitely climbed this hill yesterday yeah I totally turned on this road there’s a bus oh but I think the bus is stopping okay oh I think I messed up my Turn oops I need to turn down here which will be difficult okay it wasn’t that difficult is there a bike path in there going over with the bumps do scared me cuz I crashed once Hing a pothole so it never feels great is that a bike

    P yeah I was going downhill and I had a bad paw hole and crashed pretty bad dislocated my knee so now I’m a bit scared of downhills and potholes we’re just going to squeeze through here and then I’m also scared of wet roads cuz it the road was also wet there’s a

    Lot of things going on in that crash but I think the UK does have more Pooles than Canada what kind of vehicle’s behind me what is that it sounds super loud going to pull over to let them pass oh then they turned any anyway it was a dump

    Truck he went to that construction site it’s so soon as I let him pass he’s like no I’m turning okay hi sah did you see any of the Welsh football match last night they won 41 I did not see any of the match but I saw people wearing hats and scarves so whales

    One apparently it was a big match last night okay so I think I’m going to turn up here we’re doing something funky s guitar thank you for the 12 months seems like Brian is not working let me stop here and fix Brian going to reload all the

    Browsers okay hopefully next time I get something he’ll actually read it out loud yeah that Star guitar that said that message all right Brian you got to work next time what am I doing here it looks like it wants me to go around and over there

    So what’s the best way to get over there from here we’re just going to take the zebra Crossings and it looks like I’m climbing a little bit also need a tissue for my Nose my nose is St in to go what’s the plan for today uh just head over towards irelands I don’t really have a crazy plan or anything today we’re just kind of hoping we’ll see how far I make it there’s a town 50 km away or there’s

    A town 84 km away I just got to figure out what one I can get to so that’s about all I know so far I just need tissue from my nose there it’s a hype train but yeah we’ll see how hilly it is if it’s hilly I’m probably going to be going

    Slow also I put on my sunglasses even though it’s not Sunny just protect my eyes recently I’ve had a lot of things fly into my eyeballs hasn’t been very nice all the bugs right into the eyes okay I might undo my windbreaker okay and let’s go up a

    Hill ear start it’s nice if you needed a push yeah I think what time did I start riding it wasn’t too late take you Dude took me a while to get out of the hotel but we eventually found our way onto the blue line so we are heading towards Ireland my next side quest that can be unlocked I think you might see it on screen unless it didn’t update is side quest to

    Belfast so if you guys want to see Belfast we got a side quest goal up ready to go we completed the aisle of man yesterday so we’ll be detouring to ISA man doing a casual laugh around it and then going back on to tour we’re just kind of sidequesting all over

    The place at the moment okay it looks like I might be turning right up here so I should probably get over to the other lane I missed the light of course all right am I supposed to be on this bike path oh I think there’s actually a bike path

    That I can get on to I don’t know how long it will last for but I’ll do it casual no I was kidding about the Casual lap I think it’s it might be a hard route actually I’m not sure should visit St Patrick’s as well oh yeah we’re in the bike lane

    I wonder how long this goes for SS spre truck with carrots on it oh I’m turning I think I’m turning on this other Road up here think this is the bik lane okay we’re weaving through Cardiff again I think we were also around this area yesterday if this is like the university area

    Here you go people said my heart might be high cuz I’m low iron that’s what I heard yesterday I’m like oh it could be low iron especially when traveling my diet is absolute trash you guys saw I had like cake for breakfast now I forgot to take my B12 this

    Morning I told you I’m always forgetting I need to like put it beside my toothbrush or something oh I missed my turn you turn number two of the day oh and my trat closed for no reason I hate it when it does that okay I got back we’re going an interesting way we’re

    Going through like a park thank you I need glasses that aren’t sunglasses but just protect my eyes from like the bugs and the wind cuz my sunglasses are making it kind of hard to see right we’re doing a little bit of a climb so glasses yeah so

    Glasses you’ll be cycling past where I work oh my gosh this is wild we’re going past everything today okay up here it looks like it will be turning on your left so that’s a very Canadian way of passing I don’t know if they do that

    Here yeah I think I could go back on the road or maybe not can I what’s that car doing just stopping okay we’ll let this bus pass okay we’re going through this roundabout like this this is a really weird route I had two little buns in my hair

    And one of them has has like really tried to fall out from all the bumps I’ve gone on I might have to fix my hair it’s looking I’m a little insane so One Bun fell out so I only got half my hair done off yeah can we loves to yell at me at

    Roundabouts that I’m taking the wrong exit or have missed the exit I just muted Kimo I haven’t let her yell at me this trip whales game on Tuesdays a must win oh we got all the foot matches but rugby is their national sport I’ve learned we are turning right can got a timeout

    Yet okay oh come on am I not allowed to go it’s only for right turns I think right I don’t know okay so yeah back in 2020 my goal was to move here I wonder where I would have lived what street would have been my go-to street for

    Shops okay now I’m turning up here why are we turning so much this a very not straightforward feel like I’m being played with okay I’m doing something weird up here I think I’m going not on the road there might be a bike path so I’m just going to like go on the

    Sidewalk and figure this out yeah I think there’s a bike laying on the other side how do I get to that though I like cross the street here get over there that’s going to be tricky how do you know when you can cross here H I don’t

    Know I’m just going to go now That’s standard to not have a pedestrian Crossing you got a YOLO run across looks like the bike lane on the other side isn’t really a bike lane either it looks like a broken side walk on the other side okay I think it’s green Kimo is making me annoyed today why are

    We doing so many zigzags through Cara is my question okay we might be going straight soon now though I can’t really tell yeah I got to fix my hair cuz half my hair is not done up in a ponytail today is not the distance day that I

    Thought will we get out of cith is the current goal [Applause] has to be the side that the camera’s on that it fell out I did say I wanted to live here this is like getting out of Tokyo that was a difficult task getting out of Tokyo okay hair is looking

    Wild okay and then we’re not even on a bike rad we’re just on a stupid sidewalk okay there a bumpy sidewalk I don’t know if you can hear all the bumps dumpy you can hear them I wish you could feel them I’m want a bike with no suspension so we feel

    Everything let Ro has really like come to an end are there bike Pops in Ireland that was a nice guy he went onto the road for us okay I think I need to join the road now I think the bike path is over how do I join the road from here though

    Seems a bit tricky to join traffic what if I go like this and turn right here yeah okay I’m left not right oh apparently the bike lane does continue it just got really narrow there and said end of rout huh nothing will ever beat the Netherlands in their cycle

    Path I missed the U or not the UK tour I missed the tandem tour that was on bike paths pretty much the entire way I have haven’t had good BG path since I don’t think well maybe juu Island but I was technically on the road just F in a blue

    Line so it did feel a little bit more legit was the T to can only uh no the very first t tour it was like 2 years ago maybe even a bit more um we rode the tandem from France all the way up to Norway so it was like a 3mon long

    Tour and we hit all the countries we stopped in Amsterdam for twitchcon and then we just kept going but that was really good oh now I’m in a straight inter turn lane okay I think I’m going straight sorry about te years yeah I can’t remember yeah it’s been 2

    Years there only been one year up twitchcon since so yeah we’re coming up on 2 years here it’s kind of weird that I’ve only been doing this for 2 years isn’t it that’s kind of crazy time flies yeah and then it’s weird looking back at everything I’ve done cuz holy we

    Have done a lot but it’s only been 2 years so that part’s kind of wild as well she definitely me are professional now am I a professional what am I I don’t know how far we’re going today there’s a town that’s 50 km away or there’s a town that’s 84 km

    Away I just have to see how we’re doing with our time it’s taking me a really long time to get out of car cuz we’ve been going on all the back roads it feels all right we’re climbing now it’s LS of traffic on this road looks like I’m by the train track

    Does anyone here actually speak Welsh and chat and like use it everyday life cuz all the signs have both well and English but I haven’t heard anyone speak it we are going over to Ireland um currently that is our goal we started in England now we’re in Wales

    Going to Ireland then we’ll go back to England then maybe fly to Greece I know it’s a bit weird but we’re doing some weird rooting to m Manchester South Wales doesn’t really speak much wellsh it’s normally up north oh okay it reminds me of Canada where all

    The signs are in both languages but a lot of us can’t read the French side of the sign I think I might be turning here I can’t exactly tell what the heck I’m doing I think this was the wrong choice yeah this is the wrong choice but maybe I could get on this

    Bike path okay I’m going on this bike path cuz I messed up for I could probably just push my bike over this hump and do it I was just going to wait for the entrance but whatever let’s just hop on over the ledge oh God okay this bike path sucks it’s mud and

    Sticks It’s getting a little better I’m not going to ow man today no that’s really far away we won’t even be making it to Ireland I just had the Elan side quest up because I expected it to take a long time to reach the goal but we hit the goal in one

    Day this is stupid okay why did it get so Narrow oh yeah looks like we’re turning left up here doing something we might be going over a bridge on the side all right this looks better okay it’s a good thing I was on the bike path cuz I would have been stuck going onto the highway so my mistake worked

    Out this is interesting okay all right up we go okay now we’re going to go and get the traffic interesting at least this bike path is wider now it’s a bit wash boardy but it’s wider all right oh across the bridge nice they’re waving to all the cars I’ll let them

    Go I kind of want to take off my windproof coat cuz I’m actually getting warm so I’m going to do that I don’t feel like passing them on an uphill cuz I thought i’ would go really slow and it was going to be awkward okay hey

    Ozark I think my bike weighs around 100 lb maybe a bit less on this trip but it’s around 100 lb of bike with all the gear on it she’s a hefty all right took one layer [Applause] off oh my B is the way 11 10 that’s so

    Heavy I don’t know if I’m going to get my gears upgraded to be honest there was at the kathin and cith but it was on the other side of town so it’s going to be really awkward to get to with all my stuff cuz if they took my bike I’d be

    Kind of stuck at the cap on um so I didn’t go yesterday and then I didn’t feel it going this morning so the gears I don’t know there’s probably some decathlon in Ireland but I just need to take a day off where there’s a decathlon so I have

    Time to bring it in and get it looked at yeah looks like we’re supposed to be on the road now but yeah I’m going to regret not changing my gear is going through Wales I think there’s going to be some really bad climbs coming up but we’re training for

    Greece cuz grease is also supposed to be h lotion so leave out suntime lotion out pot holes oh I feel like passing the bus am I still in CIS or did I make it out where are we no I’ll be going to the Isle man from Ireland probably from Dublin or either

    Belfast so we got a while before we’re going over there we CAU back up to the bus we have more passengers on the bus how many passengers do we have on board right now 500 we got 500 passengers we might have more than that bus we’re outside cardi now did we just get

    Out it might want me on this bike lane actually one sec over yeah I’m supposed to be on the bik okay bye CIS we have to add YouTube chat now too oh we made it out okay where am I going am I going down this

    Path or do I go on the side of the bridge can’t really tell I can’t tell what is happening I don’t want to go the wrong way H honestly I can’t tell I’m going to stay up and hope for the best oh no I think I supposed to go

    Down wait I don’t know I’m confused oh I supposed to go down okay we got to do Uturn almost fell over I can’t get my bike turned around here okay we got It it’s a lot of u-turns today all right now let’s go the correct way down here all right where are we going I see another cyclist they’re on the road road okay I think I just follow this and then we do something weird up here all right we kind of going around the

    Roundabout via bike trail hey Mitchie we finally got out of cardi it took a really long time but we madeit it out okay now hopefully I’m supposed to be on this cuz this is really awkward there’s a lot of traffic bumps okay okay I think I’m in the right place

    No gear varing change no I didn’t have time well at least it felt like I didn’t have time to go get it looked at the the cathon was outside of Cardiff and then I would have been kind of stuck there if they took my bike so it was kind of

    Awkward and then yeah I didn’t go this morning it’s just awkward cuz I would have been stuck at kathon with all my gear I want um more gears for my bike cuz I only have 1 by 11 which does not feel like enough to get up hills Trevor’s bike has so many more

    Gears than I do it’s kind of like crazy the difference so I’ve been wanting to upgrade it oh this is weird but I haven’t been able to stop at a bike shop yet I’m going to get stuck on one of these lights I’m using kamut for my maps am I on the wrong Road huh Um it looks like there’s a road beside this road that I’m supposed to be on but I don’t see where that would be okay I’m going to go down here and I’m going to see if I could turn onto a road I think it’s currently close for

    Construction um I don’t know if I could get to where I need to be okay I’m going to go here and see if I can turn to the right somewhere pedestrian walkway is closed how am I supposed to do this I think these roads eventually meet

    Up I don’t know if I’m allowed to bike on this or not but I don’t think I have a choice cuzz all the stuff is closed but we’ll see what happens oh this brings me through a town okay that’s fine I thought this might lead me to a highway

    I’ve done a few weird readings today but I do think these roads meet up somewhere I don’t know how far down the road but it does look like they intersect feel like the roads have been really bumpy today all right I feel I feel the headwind now it’s getting like channeled down this

    Road yeah that’s how I feel You can hear it a little that says a lot cuz these mics normally you can’t hear the wind okay why she riding on the side of the road cuz we’re in Wales and this is how they drive over here oh now I got to climb a hill left is

    Correct I I’ve actually done most of my touring on the left side of the road which is interesting have I any Welsh yes yeah yeah ARF I know ARF means slow that’s the only what I really have learned all right I see my blue line um it’s to my

    Right so hopefully I’ll be matching up with it shortly I think K just didn’t want me to go through town sofle means bus apparently okay my blue line is just behind those houses will I be going to North Wales no I’m actually heading towards Ireland so kind of following like the

    South and then I’ll be taking a ferry from like Penbrook and gets cold all right do my roads meet up I sure hope they do yeah we’ll be taking a fery we’re going to be taking quite a few fairies fairy from LS to Ireland fair from potentially Dublin to aisle of

    White or not white aisle of man and then um from Isam man potentially back to Dublin or to balest all right it looks like I’m going to be intersecting with my blue line up here and then we’ll officially be back on tour there’s some other cyclist out

    Today oh shoot I missed the tour I supposed to turn shoot one sec I missed the turn there’s nowhere to stop a okay well that’s awkward going to stop where these cars are up here I might be able to go through somewhere [Applause] else does this meet up with the road again it

    Does okay I could stay on this road K just wanted me to go somewhere else okay we’re good I’ll be going to a roundabout and then the route meets back up at the roundabout anyway we’re just going the more direct way flight paths are kind of rare around

    Here once you find one they don’t make much sense either sometimes they try Caris tried but they were confusing but yeah I’m curious how many kilometers we’ll do today once we get later into the day I’ll take a look and see how we’re doing and try to figure

    Out where’s the best place for me to go all right so I think we’re turning right or something up here or not right left I keep doing that all right this is where we would have been if I went on the right route okay now it looks like I’m going through another town

    Interesting it’s raining down here oh no really it’s been good so far for me later this week doesn’t look so good but I don’t really trust The Weather Network anymore I feel like it’s all over the place actually have blue sky as well yeah good morning

    Mo have a great ride today I just want to say hello before I left to work thanks good to see you Mo have a good day at work I hope we got have a good ride today it’s been a bit confusing so far but we got out of the city so it should

    Be more straightforward hopefully it’s always confusing in cities looks like I’m in another town now though there’s a bit of headwind today so it does feel a bit cooler compared to like the other days of touring yesterday there was also headwind and that was like the coldest day for

    Me Trevor likes to look at the windy forecast but I never look at it but he warned me that was going to be headwind for the next few days here oh we missed the light what a shame it’s zero snowing here oh gross zero and snowy that’s not nice we just missed the

    Light apparently a lot of snow at home as milon Trevor told me and like our road kind of flooded a bit cuz it was melting so fast stream elements is timing Oh I thought stream elements timed itself out all right might be turning soon it looks like W where am I going maybe I should get on the sidewalk up here doesn’t look like this smooth this transition though look right I haven’t had coffee today guys we might have to find coffee eventually I just remembered no caffeine yet there was no Kettle in my hotel

    Room so I couldn’t make one before we left and we post a link you s what link are you trying to send is like I coming on the left you get a coffee and sausage ho is there a graes I could get a coffee I never gotten the sausage roll with from

    Grapes yet how long would it last for a vegan sausage roll or is it best to um have it warm if you want to do a song request you can do this the command Sr and it’ll tell you how to donate to play

    It Gregs where are you oh I see it it is on my left perfect I last for two days oh yeah should this be my first Gregs experience oh oh those are stairs oh no oops well that’s awfully rude I can’t get upstairs first time at Gregs sorry thank

    You okay we got to go over the bridge like a car okay Cofe time I wonder if they’ll have seating outside over the river depends how big it is let’s take a little one they do not but maybe I could go sit in the grass somewhere okay coffee and a vegan sausage real

    Let’s do it where should I put my bike just going to put my bike right here guys why is there 100 people in Gregs guys I’m scared there’s like a million people can I put my bike here I hope so cinnamon coffees are back interesting I’m a bit nervous how busy it

    Is no I’ve heard good things about their vegan sausage rules GRE is a popular guy let’s see how this Works gots inside so you grab it from the Shelf Why do I grab it Guys oh the counter oh so you ask for it uh you could go first I don’t know what I’m doing you sure yeah this is my first time in Gregs you don’t know what you’re doing no people told me then you tell them what you want and you pay for it

    Okay so you don’t have to grab it from here you grab it there yeah people told me get the vegan sausage roll sausage yeah just get a sausage R nice go yeah okay I’ll figure it Out My you I think they might be sold Out hi do you have any veg saage trolls yeah do you have any vegan sausage trolls was that a vegan uh three minutes 3 minutes okay um I was going to order one of those and a coffee well one in a coffee is it yeah um one vegan what coffee Miller uh just

    A lat I think yeah else uh that’s everything okay just on please yeah okay We did it should we sit here maybe Thank you still a couple of these D always keep the prices low yeah I got good prices you can tell in Canadian once I say beg that that’s the Key I think we might as well drink our coffee here cuz we’re on a bike I might have to go get a tripod for y I don’t think I see it yet sorry I was laughing cuz I just had no idea what I was doing and I think she could

    Tell it’s just a bit of a mess my hair is also a bit of a mess all we’re ConEd by the way we pronounce out out about I don’t say out weird maybe I do and I just can’t tell My poor phone case can you guys see It out oh do I say it weird huh I thought I said it normal my hair is all over the place my for hours and graes sorry I don’t know what the camera angle’s doing I just put you guys on the table let me take a peek I might go grab

    My um tripod if Necessary gra might be my next my new it place they got a lot of Veggie things they also have a cheese and onion tasty is that’s what it’s called this ankle is interesting that’s for sure pasty oh pasty this angle really highlights the double chin cuz it’s underneath me

    But no we don’t have graes in Canada I’ll go grab my in a sec we got Tim horn but Tim horin is kind of trash no offense Tim horin but it’s not that good the coffee is pretty good yeah yeah all right I’m down for

    That you guys want to sit on a coffee cup for a sec I’m just going to see how many Kil we’ve done how many Kil do you guys think I’ve done today take your guesses Below 13 28 38 whoa guys whoa uh one person was Close I have done 17 so 18 is the closest Mike it’s kind of cold cuz the door got left open I might have to go close that door so yeah we haven’t done that much you guys really thought I was flying today it took me a long time to get out of

    CIS but I’m doing kilometers were you guys guessing miles good morning yeah it’s been a very longes I keep looking on the counter but I don’t see her I do need to go grab a coat though it is kind of cold by this door how many miles are in a kilometer I

    Forget like the exact number but I feel like miles is like twice our kilometers are twice the Miles Co you wear padding no um I never wear padding like padded shorts on my bike I do have a pair but since I’ve been in the UK it’s really cold so I have I haven’t worn my padded shorts yet I’ve never worn them for touring I just got gifted some for

    Christmas so I haven’t really tried them out yet I think I had time to go to my Bike I don’t see it Anywhere Something um I already ordered I just had to wait for them to make some yeah good did put them on display I’ll be right back it’s so [Applause] Cool great G I would do that I sat inside so it could be warmer but it is cold as heck okay all right enjoy our V friendly range here’s our first ever Greg vegan sausage roll I’m a pretty bad Canadian guys what can what can I say we’re in Gregs okay

    Gregs you might have to go to Greg’s now all right let’s test her out it’s good it’s warm it’s Nice yep all right I understand the hype I don’t know what’s in it to be honest I have no idea but it’s really good it’s not just veggies it’s like something else take you off the coffee cup I don’t look convincing I’m just freezing cuz the door’s

    Open yeah I don’t know what’s in it that’s what it looks like blush does not be the vegan one that’s yummy soy protein Ah good the wind just blew the crumbs all over me yum well now I got pastry all over me because of the wind gosh okay I look a mess it’s fine because we are a mess It’s cold out today the wind is making it really cold let me see what the weather says on my thing it says it’s 11° feels like 4° though it’s chilly it’s we B ch when is coming from Greenland really how crazy they busy in here grapes is Popping I hear you is boring would you ever live there people say it’s boring I don’t think it’s boring I’ve been to a lot of like the big cities like I went to London London has a lot going on we went to Bristol Bristol was a fun city um I also went to

    Brighton I like really liked it there um I think there’s a lot to do here I wouldn’t say it’s boring I also really like the um Oceanside towns or the Seaside towns whatever they’re called um they’re really cute and then they normally have really nice

    Like peers and stuff no I say in Canada is more well Canada is boring if you’re not into outdoor stuff if you’re into like hiking snowboarding skiing hunting camping then Canada is super fun but if you’re not into that Canada could maybe be boring I feel like it’s lot boring here

    Cuz you also have really good access to trains so you can go travel around really easy compared to like Canada you’re kind of stuck you have to drive to get out of your town cuz we don’t have public transport we don’t have buses that go between cities so you’re just stuck where you

    Are where I grew up the closest city was a 4-Hour drive away and yeah the only way I could get there was buy car and I didn’t have a car until I like graduated high school All this good do recommend the vegan sauage roll really yummy kind of is the most fast and mostly empty country yeah I forget what percentage of Canadians live like a certain kilometer range from the border but most of the Canadians live really close to the Border I’m one of the Canadians that is

    More up north than most CU Trevor and I just moved North but I used to be in that demographic that lived a certain percentage away from the American Border not anymore you find whales different to England not like crazy different there’s definitely some differences um but nothing like Extreme oh here’s the fact 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles 160 km from the US border yeah that was the fact 90% I’m out of the ratio guys you look 20 minutes away from the US border are you from Vancouver we got the we got Vancouver in

    Chat how you doing the city of Vancouver I used to live in Victoria I just moved though cuz I couldn’t record to live there anymore so I had to move to Edmonton Alberta Al 70% of Canadians live south of Seattle boilers yeah our landlord said he was going to

    Give Trevor and I Oilers tickets cuz he has like season passes but but we haven’t gone to an Oilers game yet it’s so cold this is a good break a little fuel so we can keep biking I’ve done 17 km so far um I don’t know how far I’ll make it

    Today if the riding gets easier or Challenging the riding so far has been kind of challenging cuz we keep having to go through cities and doing all these weird turns through cith it was really complicated looks like I’m doing some weird turns through this town we’re going through a lot of towns today it’s going to be stretch not near

    A town no we’ll see going a little slow I just have to finish my coffee and then we can get bik in again down needs more grapes true in part how I have no idea I’m heading towards the fairies in Penbrook R coffee is really good

    Okay I might go to Greg’s more now cuz now I know how to order I’ll probably take off the coat for cycling you’re new to my stream you must have amazing cardio from all the biking I do yeah you would think I’m really fit but I don’t feel like I

    Am um but we are able to like like all day long I’m currently like just freshly on tour so I’m trying to get all my strength back get my leg muscles back and I think they’re slowly coming back cuz the other day I did a couple 14% grade Hills which are really

    Steep and I gotone up them without walking the bike I pedal up the hill so I do think my muscles are slowly coming back I got up bit asthma though so I feel like my Cadence is never super high when I’m biking compared to like other people

    My Cadence is normally slower but I push more with the strength of my legs if that makes sense we done 17 km so far I’m hoping for at least 50 and then maybe 80 if if the biking is chill I’m just going to throw out my garbage

    Soon be doing 100 plus kilom I used to be able to do it it just depends what the roads are like really okay oh Sarah I left my paner open I’m kind of dumb my bad it’s like hey my bag’s open take whatever you want it’s fine oops okay I did lock this

    Though okay Gregs I would say Gregs is a 10 out of 10 would recommend going to Greg it was pretty cheap I got a coffee and a sausage roll for what did you guys say was it 2 that’s pretty good and the coffee is a good size I felt happy the staff were

    Nice the people in the line thought it I was funny cuz I didn’t know what I was doing okay so we’re going to get back on tour I think I might just be going down this road actually we might just get back up here I think so okay

    Easy I can kind of feel my legs right now though the sun’s out what’s happening G to grab my sunglasses oh the dollar conver still for Taiwan okay I think I can get on this is that TR going this way no he’s turning is this a one way oh I’m going the wrong

    Way of course it’s not this easy I got to do a u-turn here let’s turn this way and then I got to do a U-turn so what way am I supposed to go stand cicle is turning left stand C don’t get hit by the truck clear this vehicle is turning red

    Stand clear this vehicle is turning left stand so I need to go back this way and then I need to figure out what direction I need to turn I feel like my thing is telling me that I’m going the opposite way than what I’m going my maps have been kind of

    Backwards for the past 3 days and I don’t know how to fix them I’m getting a bit annoyed okay we’re turning left up here oh that garbage truck does not smell nice thank you for passing me okay we’re on tour sorry the camera is like pointed down okay right it’s cold outside all

    Right going through the town I have busy it is bro $2 have fun is Brian still on vac thank you bro or is my sound off this is actually the cheapest touring bike you can buy on the market at least at the time it might not be

    Anymore but I bought it during like Co where all the bike prices were really high this is a Riverside 520 tour from the cathlon there’s a lot of traffic I think I messed up I don’t want to go this way I must have turned somewhere so I’m going to have to do a

    Urn there’s a place I supposed to turn oh there’s a bike lane that I could get to somewhere but how am I supposed to get to the other side of the road here cuz I don’t really want to ride on this road there’s a lot of traffic that

    Has to pass me so I would like to yeah on the bike lane but where is it it’s like right before the bridge I think oh yeah there’s place to this is going to be complex how am I supposed to get to the other side of the road

    When the traffic is kind of nonstop I’m going to do This carefully should I just try to go in front of one of them okay and then I think my turn is up here thank you there we go now I got to climb on Mouse of Hell let’s unzip my coat okay oh I regret Downing the coffee right now oh yeah halfway

    Go okay okay is this a bike lane on this side of the road the climbs have started but I’m so full of coffee I’m going to feel slow all right let’s go this BR is definitely less busy avoid the traffic for a little bit here which is nice up we

    Go why is Brian not working today oh okay the volume might have been up for that last one that might have not been Brian’s fault that might have been me going to have to take off my sweater as a top it’s now I’m warm okay we’re chugging

    Up it’s not as steep as it was earlier on the climb Bo look C Lambs that was a really nice path yesterday all those little lambs that was adorable if you don’t know what Lambs I’m talking about or I guess they weren’t Lambs they’re little goats um on my Instagram

    Story on my Instagram story I posted a bunch of photos of the goats that were on side of the road and they all have babies they’re so cute I love them okay looks like the bike path goes on the other side of the road now saw the goats are cute weren’t they

    I was so happy when I saw them they’re pretty amazing I need to take off this sweater I’ve overheated right we climbed up that hill we were down in that town now we’re up here that’s was really like the first climb of the day pretty good

    One I don’t know how my heart rate’s doing all right just going to take off my sweater guys it’s pretty I might take a picture from up here actually it’s kind of cute the horses in the background have the horses in the B cute oh baby Brian is still broken what’s happening

    Gondel thank you for the prime sub okay I got to reset Brian cuz cuz Brian’s on vac it seems I’m going to try to reset him again if you ever make it out of Wales you’ll be a hell climbing specialist yeah if I ever make it out okay Brian let me reset you

    Again why do he not want to work today huh so weird huh okay Brian’s acting crazy okay well let’s take a little video here did take off to some glasses first hell of the day climbed we made it out of Cardis um yeah we’ve been doing really weird routes today it keeps

    Making me go through all these weird paths it’s been weird but I have my first ever Gregs so that was exciting I got the vegan sausage roll and a coffee it was quite nice would recommend going to Gregs all right now I got to figure out what I’m doing up

    Here oh okay I think I fixed Brian oh maybe I didn’t fix Brian Brian okay what what am I doing he wants me to go cross over here and then go up this road I think and then I’ll eventually be turning up here okay I think I do need to get onto the sidewalk over there to get onto the bike

    Lane all right we got to cross mil roads to get to the other side are you ready to cross some roads the sun is out got my shades on where to you now then where to you now then what do I say Ireland off to Ireland that’s where we’re off

    To it means where are you where to you now then means where are you right now we’re in Wales most of the time I don’t know where I am oh it’s green Green yeah and it’s green okay then we just got to cross one more road then oh no two more roads and then will finally be where I need to be okay look at that view hopefully you guys can kind of see it it’s pretty and the sun’s out it’s kind of nice

    Has been the coldest the last couple of days here I really think it’s just the wind that’s making it feel so much colder okay look at that sky isn’t it neat okay then we’re back onto the actual bik path here and I can actually start cycling

    Again I hope that I did this right if I didn’t I’m going to be a bit upset I might have actually done this wrong um I can’t really tell oh what okay are you kidding me why are my map so confusing today it keeps having me on roads that I don’t

    See like I can’t find the entrance into okay this isn’t where I’m supposed to be going another U-turn where am I supposed to be going okay so I crossed the road and then I accidentally turned the wrong way huh but I didn’t see a road up here to go on

    Unless it wants me to go down this road did I cross the street I didn’t need a cross perhaps I think that’s what I’ve done CU I need to be on the other side of the road I think I crossed one too many streets cuz we’re not going up I’m going this

    Way it’d really be nice if my map wasn’t upside down all the time and blaming it half on that okay so yeah I’m going to cross the street we’re going to go up here and then I think I’m going to turn down that road up there yep okay Okay we’re not making it far today it takes me like 500 hours to cross the road at up a hill it all went downhill up we go and then we’re turning up here okay got it there we go I made this so much more confusing than it needed to be all

    Right then it looks like I’m turning up here yeah okay we’re going down a hill looks like we’re going through this little gate there’s a puppy hi there puppy what are you doing thanks all right here we go bike path just wanted to go out for a ride

    Mr P’s here we’ve been talking about you um um Mr Paul hey I’m on a bike tour I’m currently in Wales going up to Ireland I have a side quest goal that I might go to Belfast um so if I end up going to Belfast maybe we can meet

    Up I don’t know if you’re actually located out of there or not but I’m heading over to Ireland I’ll be going up to Dublin and then if my side quest goal gets met we will be do detouring to balest cuz yeah I was going to message you once I was closer

    Yeah I’m still pretty far away as I’m still in Wales right now but yeah I’m also going to be riding around the island of man for one of my detours as well which I don’t know if I’m going to go to Island Man from Dublin or from Belfast haven’t

    Decided going to be meeting a celebrity of them you’re also a streamer Mr Paul and I’ll be like all gross on a bike tour so the expectations should be low oh there’s picnic tables out here lovely all this is nice nice wide paths no cars I lost internet I’ll just go over here

    Ooh yeah chat’s trying to come back now I don’t know if I ever lost you guys or not a rare downhill moment yeah I I was looking at the incline graph for the rest of the whales there’s going to be some bad ones coming up there’s going to be some some moments

    Where I regret my choices okay my gear like slipped there sorry I thought I was about to eat it okay we’re good don’t mind the noises okay do I stay on this side of the road or do I go over I think I stay over here here oh roundabout

    Drama no I’m doing this wrong okay I’m going to turn up here I’m just doing all the u-turns today today is not not a day for me I’ve been struggling today I thought it was telling me to turn here to take the exit but I think it just

    Meant take the next exit and I got confused good morning yeah I think I’m taking this exit though I’m not sure where the bike path ended up oh here okay good morning over how you doing it’s mud last time when I got into the UK I

    Got here from like France last year as soon as I got to the UK my GPS broke and I was so confused I was having the hardest time ever if you guys are watching back then with my GPS it was constantly getting me lost it was

    Constantly not knowing where I was and I was like what is happening like I had no idea why the GPS was so confused all the time I was going through people’s Farms going through the forest I was really really lost like most days I finally realized that I just got a new foam

    Mount like right before coming coming to the UK um and there’s like a little metal plate in the phone mount that I think was interfering with the GPS so one day I flipped my phone the other way and had it in the phone mount and it worked I’m like what that phone mount

    Caused me this much issues it was insane it was really weird but all it was was a piece of metal blocking the GPS but yeah I ended up in some really weird scenarios when it was broken it was it was a bit messy some days I was really really

    Questioning everything when I got stuck on some Farm I almost tried to go through some private property cuz I’m like I don’t know how to get out of here I don’t know what to do I was so lost it’s not fun if you’re not lost it’s a

    Common theme on this channel is not knowing where we’re going or where we are we’re chronically lost I was get lost I get lost in your own house how big is your house sir or ma’am I do have a lost tattoo on my arm cuz that’s how bad it is

    All right we’re back to climbing I can I kind of regret eating that Gregs and coffee cuz now my tummy’s full and I can really feel it once I have to start pushing I’m like oh why did I drink a huge coffee but it was really good my first

    Ggs it was a good Experience now I know how to order I can probably do it again cuz I wanted to go to GS before but I was intimidated because it’s so busy in there I got a vegan sausage roll in a latte it was like 280 think I stay on this road hopefully this is

    Right it’s going to be a dog okay they do sweets so too I saw they did like peep say hi it’s like a popular bike path I need some clear glasses so when it’s sunny I can still have glasses protecting my eyes or no when it’s not sunny I can still have something

    Protecting my eyes they had some oh where am I going where am I going I think I’m going over here I was going so fast and I had to stop kind of sad or is it on this other side of the road did I mess up why am I going so

    Slow I’m in the wrong gear okay okay I give up I’m in my hardest gear I can’t get up this hill um I think I go straight I can’t really tell why is my map always upside down I keep saying that but it’s really frustrating me if you can’t tell

    Okay I need to switch gears okay there we go and then the bike lane ends okay so now I have to switch to the other side of the road I feel like I’ve just been complaining all day I’m so sorry I think it’s cuz I started in a city and

    I had to do a lot of weird paths it’s not very straightforward riding today I’ve done like seven u-turns today is it Friday today wow it’s already the weekend is it GB only trip or UK well this trip is really weird so I started in Plymouth in England I rode up to

    Brestol then we detoured over to Wales now we’re going over to Ireland then we’re going to cycle around the aisle of man then I’m going to go probably back to England then I’m going to fly to Greece and ride my bike up to Croatia um yeah the plan was to just ride my

    Bike from Plymouth to a major airport but I decided to do some weird rooting so I’m in Wales now yeah well I just I was in Bristol I’m like we’re really close to Wales we should probably go since we’re so close and now I’m like well I’m close to

    Ireland I should probably go to Ireland and then I’ll be like well I’m close to Scotland I should probably go to Scotland this trip was just supposed to be Greece to Croatia um that was what I had in mind when I flew the plan was to go to

    Plymouth get my bike to London on like a bus or a train and then just fly to Greece and I was going to start my shom in Greece but it’s really hard to get your bike out of Plymouth and it seemed like the easiest thing for me to do was to

    Ride my bike to an airport yeah so here we are we have a current Cy quest to go to Belfast that’s the next one you guys can and walk that’s the current side quest you have a bit of time to unlock it so I won’t have to know until I’m in

    Dublin if we’re going to balast or not all right we’re climbing up we go I wonder do I get to stamp at my passport if I go on a ferry probably not I don’t know if they check passports from Wales to Ireland I like collecting passport

    Stamps and it’s kind of fun to get fairy passport stamps cuz they got boats on them so I got a couple fairy stamps in my passport now one from Japan to South Korea as a fery and then from France to the UK is a fairy passport stamp dog oh there he

    Is okay we’re turning here I don’t know if I should be on the road our own sidewalk I’m going to go on the road I think the sun is out today wow it’s kind of nice it’s sou Island they think they check your passport okay I think Canada can interva free

    With a little bit of research I’ve done cold but sunny today yeah okay we’re going to be turning left somewhere is that the turn right there thanks so going to be turning here we go thank you there’s a passport check okay I got my passport pretty recently

    Cuz I got it after that Australia trip cuz I destroyed it but there’s still a good amount of stamps already I just want my passport to look like hitches his passport is basically full but I do think hitch has got a new passport as well it’s a fun suvenir

    Just don’t get your passport wet guys can you get one of extra pages in it okay I think we’re crossing the street up here getting to the other side of the road but then I think we’re turning back this way where that bike went I think I need some water I might

    Stop and hydrate a little once this Runner okay let’s have a little water break and might get on the road as well we’ll see this bike path’s actually kind of good maybe I’ll stay on it asked the hotel staff to fill up my water bottle and they did so that was really

    Nice I’ve never seen whales before it looks very nice thanks for showing us Sarah oh thank you welcome the whales it’s also my first time here thanks for joining me on this journey sorry that water sounds disgusting it’s not coming out very good okay

    Okay wi my nose I think I’m going to put on more sunscreen actually I’m going to go stop at this bench I’m going to put on more sunscreen cuz the sun’s out today and then we’ll keep going oh yeah I have a kickstand I keep forgetting I do have a kickstand on my

    Bike so I don’t need to lean it on things anymore kickstand initiated look at that she’s standing it’s pretty exciting okay the sun it’s crazy the sun’s out I haven’t mounted the Welsh Dragon yet because my bike is really filthy and I have to like find a clean spot or find

    Something to clean it with before I put the sticker on I’m actually kind of running out of room on this side of my bike so I might have to start putting stickers is on this side now I don’t know if you can see for the countries I’m already starting to run out of

    Room maybe I’ll have to start taking off frog stickers and replacing it with countries there’s also a twitch sticker under it here twitch yeah we got Portugal Spain England the dinosaur is from Belgium it’s from wver kid um but I’m missing some stickers from other countries that I’ve been

    To I have to like buy them online or something or just go back to the country any of the France sticker um Japan South Korea Taiwan and Australia get a new nazer one I forgot about that yeah oops okay sunscreen’s on we’re rehydrated I think I was trying to see how many

    Kilometers I’ve done since um Greg’s but it’s not showing me my kilometers right now for some reason so I can’t tell you okay I think I’m going to go bike on the road because all the other cyclists are on the road so I feel like the sidewalk is probably not going to be

    Nice there we go just got to do out my helmet okay let’s go the kathline should really sponsor you yeah I know they used to have a sponsorship program but I didn’t have enough followers I think you had to have 10K followers but when I wanted the

    Sponsor I didn’t have 10K and by the time I finally hit 10K I went to go apply to be a like for the sponsorship program and they took it away they’re like oh we don’t do that anymore I was like oh I feel betray but a few people from chat have boughten this

    Bike because it’s the one I use so I feel like it would be the perfect fit for a sponsorship most of my gear is from decathlon like my gloves my glasses um my UV sleeves are all from to cathlon my electroly tabs so much stuff I buy from

    There my butt pad that I sit on when I sit on the ground the cathon everything’s the cath on okay I might have to go up here I’m not 100% sure I might have messed up maybe I was supposed to go on the other side of the

    Road did she mess up up she messed up I can’t even do a turn U-turn in here it’s too tight I see my turn almost dropped my bike yeah I’m going down this road oh yeah I also Rod through lots of glass yesterday I drove through so much

    Glass I do love to caon they have really good stuff for like a reasonable price compared to like a lot of other outdoor stores we only have a couple in Canada while I get up this hill we got up the hill okay there’s a loose dog a good

    Dog Speeders I really wanted to get up the other side of the hill so I was like we’re going for it it nothing can stop me through a little Bridge okay now I think I’m turning in here I am not in the right gear for this oh I can’t do it nope

    Okay I don’t even know if I can start here I’m in my hardest gear I don’t think I can oh gosh no I can’t I’m in my hardest gear on a hill I can’t do it I got defeated had a good run let me try to switch gears up here it’s a bit

    Flatter got one gear switched two three okay we’re good not my hardest gear anymore have you ever been to Bast I’ve never been to Bast this is our first time for a lot of places this trip honestly I bought the bike because you and hitch hitch was first inspiration

    And you was just push I need oh this girl if I can do it you can do it if this girl can do it I can do it yeah sorry I kind of read that a bit weird um well I’m glad hitch and I can Inspire some

    People to get out on the bike or do something that they’ve never done before that’s kind of fun I think a few people have done little bike tours um because of hitch and I so it’s really cool to see those stories so yeah that’s always fun to see or here where people have

    Gone I hope I Inspire some shy people to go and try some new things even though they might be a little bit scared because I’m constantly scared but somehow I do this for a living um so hopefully that’s also a bit inspiring is that a dog over there I think there

    Is oh that’s a cute dog like I do inside Gregs but we did it we ordered the vegan sausage R professional twitch chatter yeah we should we’re out of cardi Alex I have my first ever Gregs had a vegan saage and a coffee I escaped C it was really hard to get out

    Of is this an old rail trail I love rail trail bike paths thank you currently lost connection so could still be live so I’m still gonna talk to you okay maybe I’ll try to switch networks see if that will help um okay I’m just going to pull over up

    Here I’m going to switch Network on my phone just to see if I can get chat back it’s good not fall is my other Wi-Fi off maybe it died can’t tell actually looks like it’s connected now let’s see how many kilometers we’ve done oh yeah all right

    Guys how many kilometers do you think we’ve done 42 25 21 no idea 24 30 20 we have done 27.5 kilomet excellent yes yes yes yes excellent okay let’s go nice work yeah I feel like that’s pretty good so far it’s 120 so yeah we’ll see how many kilometers I

    Get done today I don’t know where I’m stopping we’re just kind of going with flow and then we’ll figure out what to do later that’s what I wrote when you asked the first time oh was it well now we’ve done it so we’ve done like 10 km since Gregs

    It’s time when my mom comes and says Hi is it is this normally what she joins we’ll have to see they got their dog thank you all the dogs are out for their little strolls all right hello siren chat hey aie yeah she comes around 2:30 to 3 for

    Me I noticed oh yeah all right we’ll see I’ll keep my eye out for what time she comes into chat tell a fun fact o fun fact Gregs might be my new favorite place to get snacks from the vegan sausage roll was really delicious and the coffee was really good as well

    It was on par to McDonald’s coffee oh aads travel raided my stream with 629 viewers a thank you TOA for the raid welcome in Awards travel Raiders how’s everyone doing today I hope you had a good stream with toua welcome to Wales guys oh God sorry I went over some massot

    Welcome to Wales I think last time I got raided we were in England we are in a new country we’re heading over to Ireland that’s currently what we’re up to I was in cith yesterday so we’ve been truing along but yeah I hope TOA had a great

    Day with you guys what did you guys get up to with TOA today is she in Singapore I am going up a hill yes we will eventually get to Greece we’re just going a weird way to get to Greece now oh she’s in Vietnam oh she’s moving around like crazy as

    Well she’s been on a huge trip to love going everywhere but I do appreciate all the r she’s given me I should DM her and let her know that I appreciate them cuz I do want to thank her I just always forget by the time I end My Stream

    So let so know that I appreciate them in her but I also triy to DM her tonight okay I think I am turning onto this road here um sorry I don’t actually know okay yeah we’re just going to go oh yeah hi guys I’m Sarah thanks for joining me on

    Tour we’ve done like 28 km so far today so we’ve got a bit of distance down it’s only 1:30 for me right now so we got a good chunk of day left to get cyclin J and gasar I need to modify their boat to powered by pedals I could definitely be their

    Stoker and pedal their boat I have good experience being the stoker when I ran the ride the tandem bike my only job is to Pedal another Greg’s coming up GRE is really good I can’t believe I didn’t go last time all right I kind of lost my really

    Nice bike pass I was just on hopefully there’s going to be some more coming up maybe at the end of this road we’ll be getting back onto a bike lane I’ve had to do like so many u-turns today I was I started in Cardiff and it’s really hard like the bike Lanes

    Don’t make much sense in cardi and I had to do like so many u-turns I’m on like urn number eight of the day so far today has had the most u-turns I think where are we we’re just outside of CIS that’s where the stream started um we’re heading over to

    Pembrook I think it’s called kind of where the fairies are we won’t be getting there today but we’re making our our way towards the fairies I’m not sure how how big or like long the ferry from Wales to Ireland is I don’t know how big of a Crossing it ends up

    Being okay I think I’m taking this exit here yeah but yeah this is my first time in Wales back in 2020 I was trying to apply for a working holiday Visa for the UK and I was actually going to the first move to ca that’s where I was going to start my UK

    Traveling um but you know what happened in 2020 so I never made it here of course it’s a Ledge thank you I think I got a ride on the road there’s a hotel here 4our fa Crossing okay not bad this car go and then we’re going to go

    Well instead of moving to Wales I ended up meeting hitch instead so life is a little bit different than it would have been if I moved to Wales which is kind of insane to think about we wouldn’t be um professional bike tourers I would be like a daycare teacher

    Still am I supposed to turn on this road or the next Road I think I might be turning here that H moved everywhere basically yeah so yeah it was kind of fun to go to Wales cuz yeah this was going to be my life there’s a museum on I live man okay

    I think I might be turning in here oh are those stairs dang it always sucks when your bike pass stairs okay we got to take off all the bags and do like four trips to get up here all right stairs my bike weighs about 100 lb like

    For 40 kilos so I don’t think I can do it with the luggage on without hurting myself so we’re going to take off all the bags then bring the bike up but this one at least has a bike ramp the other stairs I had to go up didn’t

    Have a bike ramp so I just had to um go up all the stairs okay let’s take a little video of this why not well I found stairs on the bike path okay we got to do three trips get all our luggage up and then the bike right let’s do it

    Stairs hopefully it’s still only stairs on this path there was a path I was it in the UK as well that had like went over the train tracks but for some reason it went up really really really high like 50 stairs on one side and the

    50 stairs on the other side and it was so narrow and hard to get my bike up cuz it was like straight up and down the stream wasn’t live for that portion but it was absolutely brutal I think that was also in the UK okay don’t forget my glasses

    True let me put them in there okay okay one more STP my bike itself is kind of heavy it’s a touring bike so it’s not like ultra light weight and stuff so even just moving the bike by itself can be kind of hard for me think I need to be on the other

    Side okay let’s try to line this up here there we go we’re in I think my bike is made out of steel okay what a detour now let’s put all the bags back on oh yeah I guess if you’re from The Raid I’m going show you my bike I don’t

    Know if anyone’s still here from toa’s raid but if you are this is my bike it’s a Riverside 520 tour from the cathlon I spray painted it pink to make it more Sarah and I put 100 frog stickers on my bike so there’s a bunch of Pepe and then I got some Country

    Stickers of places that I’ve ridden my bike through so yeah I made it very Sarah cuz it was just a blue bike and I wasn’t a huge fan of it so I had to decorate it to make it look more cute but yeah this is bike that we ride these are my thick

    Piers where most of the weight comes from I have a bunch of camping stuff cuz my goal normally when I’m biking is to Wild Camp I’ve only camped twice so far this trip because it’s really hard to Wild camp in the UK cuz everything is a farm like everything’s kind of gated off

    In like owned farmland so it’s pretty hard to W Camp here and the campsites are kind of expensive like crazy expensive last night I stayed in the place for 39 lb the campsite was 35 lb to go sleep in some mud so I’m like okay might as well stay

    Inside and not sleep in the mud okay I look a bit of a mess but if you’re also from T’s raid let me say hi real quick hi I’m Sarah sorry I look a bit crazy with my helmet on but yeah okay we got up the might even go lower than

    Oh we’re back okay I must have pulled the cable oops do you have solar chargers for when you wild Camp I don’t I just carry a bunch of batteries with me I have six batteries so it lasts me a few days without charging normally if I’m doing a bunch of wild camping

    Like I wild Camp a lot when I was in Portugal um whenever I go to a restaurant or get a coffee I asked if I could charge some batteries and they normally let me so that’s typically what I do if I’m wild camping is like charge while I

    Eat and then I do have to get a hotel every once in a while but yeah not much well camping is happening in the UK maybe once I’m in Ireland it might be different but I’ve never been to Ireland so I’m not sure if it’s going to be similar or

    Not but yeah I really like Portugal for wild camping I felt good there it was easy to find bushes but once I got to Spain it was really hard to Wild Camp because everything is quite touristy at least where I was cycling and there’s not as much Bush to get into

    So some countries are easier than for wild camping I could probably camp in this wood in these Woods here Japan was easy the wild Camp all right hello hello but I stayed at a really weird hotel last night it looked like a caravan or like an RV or a

    Spaceship it was like a really weird bedroom last night it was kind of cool I liked it but when I was booking it I’m like I have no idea what I just booked looks like a caravan but it was nice the fire alarm did go off while I was live

    Streaming I was having dinner with the stream and then the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate that was a little funny there was no fire it was a false alarm we did have to evacuate yeah it’s kind of like a Japanese capsule but bigger you say fire alarm was just

    Screaming yeah it was a really weird fire alarm it was just a really really loud scream it didn’t say it was a fire alarm it was kind of confusing almost 1K viewers hype o that’s great we did get a tua award travel raid which I really appreciate oh is your puppy

    If you guys are new to the channel don’t forget to follow so you can join me on my journey it’s a good dog thank you oh gosh okay so yeah if you’re not following I would definitely appreciate a little follow we’re almost at 22k followers but test

    Yeah Trevor’s in in Canada I almost said Trevor’s in Australia but no he’s in Canada this is pretty have you ever watched Kuma monster he has a command that counts the amount of dogs oh how does that command work does he automatically have to do it himself or can chat uh to the

    Account because I think it’d be really fun to do a cat count a dog count and a U-turn count cuz I do a lot of that or does he have to do it himself cuz that would be so much fun we do in chat oh really maybe I should DM Kuma

    Monster okay do you think I’m going to remember when I finished my stream to DM a monster cuz that’ be a fun command I think to add to my stream U-turn count I think we do need it yeah I’m not going to Remember by the time I’m done my stream

    Uh um guys message me on Discord Sarah Dam Kuma about um dog count command if you message me on Discord in general chat maybe I’ll read it once I’m done this stream like oh yeah I have to do that yeah this seems like it must be the Old Railway

    Oh stream element has a counter function for commands Okay well I think that would be a good upgrade to the stream we’re in like the workshop phase of my stream cuz I’m still kind of a new streamer so we’re coming up with new ideas to add to the stream and

    Stuff we just started doing a thing called side quest which you can see our current side quest is to go up to Bell fast cuz it’s kind of out of my way so I would have to detour up to Belfast but we will only go if it gets

    Unlocked so yesterday we unlocked the aisle of man so I’m going to do a detour and cycle around the aisle of man we also detour to a town called Bridgewater and stuff like that we just added that to the stream so yeah we’re trying to make this

    Stream more fun and interactive a little bit trying out some new things we team me unlocked we it just means I’ll go there my C here out a day I haven’t been super fast so far on the bike we’ve been doing around like 50 to 60 kilometers a

    Day so we’ve been going pretty slow I could totally Camp here maybe I’m wild camping in Wales I found Woods this is a nice Trail though I like it it’s really pretty and mossy yeah D recently yeah I took a break um not that long ago drink some water put on some

    Sunscreen okay my mom’s in chat it’s almost 2:00 hi Mom we’ve done 32 kilm so far today I’m going kind of slow today cuz I kept getting a lost I did my first Greg’s trip I stopped at Gregs got a coffee in a vegan sausage roll that was

    Good right this he going to be a squeeze okay made it through all right now I got to figure out what the heck we’re doing up here I think I might be turning this Way you miss everything we still got a lot of hours left in the day oh this one it’s another tight squeeze here oh this one kind of looks bent I don’t think I can fit through this one what the heck access denied rude I think I need to get on the sidewalk

    Though how do I get back up there okay there we go I don’t know that one just looked bent to me it looked like it was leaning in I’m pretty sure this is a bike path I could be wrong though okay the way we go you can’t clip on M on mobile

    Oh there’s a lot of things you can’t do on mobile compared to like a desktop like I can’t make a PLL on my stream on my phone I have to be on a desktop for some reason that makes me sad and I don’t think I can like um pin a

    Message either on mobile maybe I can I just don’t know how there’s a wind meal over there I got stopped on the bike path and I had to go onto the road and then back up we didn’t get a gear change cuz the the cathlon was out of the way and in a

    Really awkward spot to get to so I need to take a day off in a town that has of the cathlon so I can actually bring it in it’s hard when you’re on the go to do stuff like that but yeah a cath was on like the edge of town in

    Cardi I can get fine but this is a bike lane there’s signs saying that this is a pedestrian and human bike lane um there’s like the little blue sign on the pole so this one is good to cycle on others aren’t and then I’m on the road

    And then people tell me not to be on the road I know oh they got their dog nice has a looks like a puppy maybe thanks okay we’re crossing the road we’re going to go over here there we go I just want to bring my bike to the

    Cath cuz um my bike is from there and then I think it’s a bit cheaper to get it done um into cathlon so that’s why I keep mid June in it cuz I thought that would be a good fit but yeah probably any bike shop if

    They have the parts in time can do it it’s just probably busy at most bike shops right now cuz it’s spring so people are probably getting their bikes ready here’s the sun again a group of doggos well I need a lot of parts like I need a gear shifter for my left

    Side I need some other things I think hi puppies thank you sorry don’t chase me okay what are you doing bubby I don’t want to run over you it’s a little one that’s chasing me okay I think we’re good he was chill when I passed him and then he decided to get me

    I probably shouldn’t be on the sidewalk here I don’t need more gears I only have 1 by 11 so I’ve toured on other bikes that have a lot more gears why did he HK at me if it was 32 be easier so I’m also concerned if I changed out the gears

    That I have are like whatever it’s called the Rings i max out at like the speed of 25 when I’m in my hardest gear so I thought if I changed out those ratios my Max Speed would be really low if that makes sense I don’t know I I

    Don’t really know what I’m talking about cuz like my max out speed when I’m in my highest gear on Like A Flat Road I can only get up to 25 before I can’t make my bike go any more fast so yeah I don’t really know what

    I’m asking for at the bike shop which is kind of why I’ve been hesitant to go into a bike shop cuz I’m like I don’t know what I want I don’t know what will be good so I don’t know what to ask for but all I know is I run out of Gears

    As soon as I start going uphill like the slightest bit so what should I ask for cuz yeah I got 1X 11 gear ratio right now I think I’m going this way that’s for a motor no no Motors allowed anyway there’s a wider range cassette is enough you

    Think okay um if you guys are a part of my Discord maybe you can put in what I should ask for but like the cheapest and easiest option for me to do is cuz yeah I just need to be able to climb a bit better than I can right

    Now to a lot of kids I that AR expensive okay but yeah I just need to know what to like kind of ask for cuz even though I ride a bike a lot I don’t know much about bikes um I’m learning as we go I think I’m turning up

    Here I’ve gone up some 14% Hills a couple days ago when I first entered into Wales and I was really proud of myself it’s about the set tooth ratio okay I just don’t want to lose my high gear on pen Street you won okay let me take a screenshot of

    That okay got the screenshot I going down here hopefully okay I’ll try to ask for that if I go to a bike store smells like grilled cheese or sorry a cheese toasty then yeah hopefully it won’t be that expensive to change but have for backs I use

    Kimo Kimo’s good cuz it’ll make sure you go on roads that are actually for bikes they won’t accidentally put you on a Motorway and stuff like that it seems a little bit more reliable than Google Maps for ruths so far Google really likes to put you through people’s

    Backyards through private farms and all that jazz 30 lb STP oh no way okay well that sounds good see I was a bit nervous that it was going to cost a lot of money but yeah we’re in Wales it’s kind of hilly it’s going to get a lot more hilly as we

    Go I was looking at the elevation map on Kimo and there’s some spicy Hills where you going I don’t really know there’s a town that’s 50 km away but there’s a town that’s 84 km away so I’m going to go to one of those I’m just going with the flow to

    See how well we do cuz if it’s really hilly sometimes I go quite slow but if the roads are pretty nice nice I can do a lot of distance just kind of depends what we get into we down 34 so far what time is it 2 got quite a few hours of sunlight

    Left I think it starts to get dark later now like 7 Maybe compared to six yeah the days are getting longer which is really nice they haven’t had their time change here though we already had our in Canada I think it’s on the 31st someone said

    Yeah I think for sure I’ll do 50 and then we’ll see what’s going on okay looks like we’re about to start climbing I’m just going to blow my nose Matt Michigan thanks for following Welcome to our journey thanks for the first time message all right it’s time to

    Climb hopefully no traffic comes on these roads cuz they’re quite narrow where are you too um we just passed cith this morning we’re heading over to Ireland but we won’t be getting there today the shop will no Max 2 for derailer easy enough to look up

    Perfect let me take a screenshot of that too maybe I need chat with me when I go to the bike shop um see I don’t know what my cassette is I don’t know how many teeth I got all I know is I run out of Gears

    Super fast like I think I’m already out of Gears to climb this little Hill and it’s not even steep yet yeah I’m already out of gears for okay kind of got a river on the side of the road got up that it’s kind of pretty this road I like it waight is

    Something double benefit losing the teeth oh really see how this bike is Heavy looks to n to be a road I would agree I don’t know how people ride in the UK I’d be absolutely terrified to drive a car here look how pretty this is wow I like it makes up for the climb that squirrel running across the street look bits thank you

    I might need it I got lots of water though I think I just saw a squirrel we saw some goats on the side of the road yesterday those are really cute goats they’re on my Instagram Story the goats with all their babies hello Sarah hello okay here we go

    Okay I want to take a little video of this road let’s do it 180 heart rate face with pink working hard going up these really narrow but pretty roads I’m going to drink some water and then we’ll get going all in all those S I’ve been extremely

    Impressed and so proud of you a thank you regardless of any bike issue or blessing you have made it work so well it’s because we of you we get to see these views thank you a thank you for that message I try my hardest with some complaining

    Oh sorry this water bottle likes to make some interesting noise uh ni sham is there possi to move your camera a little bit up to show the trees yeah sorry I think I’ve been leaning over my handlebars a bit so the camera ends up being more low

    Let me scoot the camera up a tad here once I get um on the road again cuz once I’m leaned over yeah the camera kind of comes with me I hear goats goats go let swear are you okay water let’s get back on this bike I’ll til the camera up hopefully a bit

    More oh let’s do this you saw my message to your mom and Aunt the other day you’re a great sh thank you we like to have a nice little wholesome community that people can hang out in I don’t really get the munchies when C clean I normally like don’t feel

    Hungry when I’m active but sometimes the hunger hits me and I can feel it in my stomach I’m like oh all right probably should eat hitch is in Canada he’s all good guys he’s at home watering the plant [ __ ] even far your kicks well I just had a vegan sausage roll there’s a

    Human and a dog has a snack bag yeah I don’t have one hello Chev foots like candy in his snack bag he we’re still climbing guys I know it probably doesn’t look like it up we go okay here we go okay it’s uphill no I probably can’t make a

    Schedule because you just never know what’s going to happen during the day or where you’ll be all right there’s another climbing section coming up even though we’re already climbing okay we can do this ready steady let’s go got the river going down the street okay this is going to suck I’m

    Already going uphill now it’s going to go really uphill okay I’m going to pause here then we’re going to climb this broken road okay be a hill start it’s really broken as well all the potholes okay okay dang it this road is really broken sorry I almost slipped I’m kind of scared I

    Don’t never mind stuck in a pothole oh God I feel like I’m just going to slip in one of these divits cuz I’m going so slow okay never mind his hell beat us CU it’s so broken okay I think I could have done it if

    That road was smooth I just kind of got stuck in a pothole all right oh God why is there so many wind meals I don’t like that I need to take a video of them okay I just climbed a massive Hill I took a rest and I look to my side

    And there’s a bunch of windmills you guys don’t know I have a fear of windmills for some reason but now we’re surrounded we’re also climbing a massive Hill not a good combo I’m not in Crocs I sent my Crocs home so my Crocs have made it back to

    Canada I mail the Box on my first day of tour and trer got it the other day but yeah I’m advance I didn’t have the budget to get cycling shoes yet hopefully one of my tours I’ll have a budget to buy real cycling shoes and like clipless petals

    But I couldn’t do it for this tour cuz I got a new Bella box instead so maybe next tour will have real cycling shoes I want those Adas um cycling shoes that Rob has they have them in my size um those are the ones I want cuz they look like normal

    Shoes but you can clip into your bike those are the ones that I want match Mr Rob cuz he likes them I forget what they’re called Adas Samba maybe that’s right kind of sounds familiar I thought I started with a V though but maybe not I hear some dogs is this road closed

    Huh maybe I V ve Zamba I just mean cycling okay I think I’m allowed through here there’s chickens I got to figure out how to open this so cute let’s see sorry it’s a bit loud there’s a puppy don’t fall over okay my bike can’t stand here Okay wait how do I do this okay there we go going to take a video of this gate we found some chickens on the road I just got through this big gate here that we had open it’s kind of fun this is an interesting path all right we got to go okay bye

    Chickens this is scary okay okay where does this go had the official Euro rot sign on that on the gate that’s why I opened it yeah what where are we going hopefully this road doesn’t get much worse but yeah there’s the national cycle Network sign so this

    Is a bike route I just don’t know how safe it’s going to be it looks like we just follow this for a little bit cuz we’re kind of avoiding some towns and then we’ll be back on a real Road eventually so wish me luck I’m kind of nervous but it should be

    Okay Network might be a bit dodgy as we’re in the middle of nowhere I’m kind of scared about these roads I don’t know like how soft the ground is okay okay how soft is this Ground okay this might be a walking tour coming up here because I don’t feel safe doing this on my type of bike I want to take a video of this too though all right where has kot taking me we are kind of in the middle of nowhere this is going to be really

    Interesting I think there’s the ponies there’s some sheep over there though I’m scared it’ll be fine it’ll be fine people must do this but maybe not on touring bikes maybe on mountain bikes there’s sheep over there this is sometimes where I question everything that we’ve been

    Doing and how we end up in situations like this sometimes we end up in weird scenarios nice Stream it is a nice stream isn’t it right down the path it’s kind of beautiful though there’s a city or not a city a town over there it is beautiful terrifying but beautiful it’s a bit flooded the wind is quite cold coming down here all right yep we’re just going around this town

    Instead of through it there’s a sheep oh the sheep can get out I can be one with a sheep hi I see your babies don’t worry I won’t hurt you I just wanted to say hello oh the babies are coming over it’s so cute oh sheep oh okay the Sheep are out of

    View okay Citron thank you for the Prime thank you for the five months sorry I don’t think it played through the speaker cuz I was taking photos of sheep but thank you so much for the resub I appreciate it it’s cold Oh I don’t want to scare you I’m sorry she’s actually coming towards us you’re so cute she got two little babies okay maybe I can start biking once I’m past this puddle looks a bit better here okay let’s try to actually bike again there’s a bike on that side of the

    Road oh it just got flooded again right away okay okay okay okay okay okay okay what have we done what have we done I don’t know what we have done oh gosh just all the mud oh okay stuck I’m stuck sorry the mud is really s Frey I keep falling

    Okay how did we start in Cara how do we end up here I’m on a bike touring or um Touring bike so no suspension and really heavy I’m not really built for this kind of Road since my back is so heavy I feel like it’s really easy me for me to fall

    Over in like the mud and sand cuz I’m so heavy so I get a bit scared some Sometimes the shoes are muddy this is this is the P rout I don’t know why it is I didn’t have my mods help me with my map today that’s probably how I ended up in this situation Sarah made her own map don’t do that I can’t be trusted welcome to the walking tour

    Are we in the car with the Venture room feels like it okay I bet we’re not really going super far today if I’m walking most of bit I had great plans of doing big distance I don’t think I’m going far as Brian on the job today I hope he

    Is did you do a poem before you do a poos for Hawks let me it’s so cold I need to put on a wind coat okay okay Brian might be on the job Crown 20 just resubscribed for 5 months I just tried to replay something to see if he would do it

    He’s been a little flaky I know it’s so freaking cold I am Frozen Okay the wind is like flying down here I don’t think you guys can really tell but yeah the wind is going a bit crazy uh there’s no good place to put my backpack got try to put it on with one hand here Alex PR x 100 I’m awake I’m awake

    Calm down I’m just trying to stay out of the mud oh Brian Brian’s awake I can’t get this coat on cuz the wind is making it Fly Away oh my Lord where’s the armor okay got it got it got it got it okay coat

    Ste this up I think this will help a lot if I’m not getting destroyed by the wind okay still not in an ideal situation um this road is not it okay okay let’s go at least the sun’s kind of out look at this massive hole in the road look at that

    Craziness actually this is going to be kind of hard to pass cuz that’s straight up mud how am I going to get past this I just got to go in the mud don’t I or my bike’s going to fall down the hole oh this is stupid I miss

    Cara I missed the bike pass of car it looks like there’s a gate up here coming up I don’t know how much farther we have to go through the farmes cuz this is what happens when I get left alone guys there’s no sluggy or Trevor things get

    Spicy it’s beautiful though so I can’t complain like too much just just is kind of funny the scenario that we get in oh Mike’s getting a lot of rubbing oh where are you guys oh you’re under here sorry Sarah can you send your kud map to nav

    Oh swag’s here here syy what have I done why I’m in a farm with sheep yeah I can say do it I forget how to do it though let me try um um OS 4 wks Che x 100 looking at the beautiful UK Vistas our tour guide is

    Sarah our sister bike path more like a cow paath after this day W may need a bath Little M never killed anyone with this content we’ve already won thank you oser Hawks for the poem it is more like a cow path for sure soy how do I send it um I don’t know

    How to send it to you oh maybe here um I don’t really know how to send it let me go to modna discord’s been acting crazy for the past few days it keeps telling me that I have no photos in my album whenever I try to send a

    Picture can you can you put your endpoint town and nav then I can see your route can you put your endpoint town and nav oh yeah can you put your endpoint town in nav then I can see your route okay I don’t know if I did it right

    Okay thank you for the poem Oscar Hawks we do love your poetry that one was really good today cowp what if the gate is locked then I’m just going to have to give up on life you know how I am with gates and doors and all that good stuff

    How does this one work oh like this it opens different than the other gate come with me gate don’t blow all the way open oh my bike is stuck on it okay sorry about all the old manad noises coming from me at this moment okay there we

    Go okay this looks like a better path and there’s a human oh my gosh we’ve done it we’ve done it chat woo we made it through the farm look at all these sheep it’s so windy holy I’m am not okay let’s actually paath no more mud okay let’s actually ride the bike

    Now it’s so cold hi sheep I bet I could grab some of the wool that’s kind of stuck in the fence hello you’re so cute oh they ran away from me oh no I’m scary here’s a friend hello free bow oh wow am I going down a massive Hill

    Oh my God that wind oh my god oh sorry I almost just got destroyed by the wind it pushed me so hard sideways there that was a bit terrifying I kind of felt like when a semi passes me and shoves me oh God okay I should probably open Kimo back up there’s no really way for me to go wrong right now probably but I don’t how come we open today has been interesting okay oh this looks that dog scared me I think we’re done okay I’m probably going to go through this

    Guessing I’m going to go through here yeah okay will my bike fit probably not let’s go down well will I fit no I think I got to go down the step Oh shoot that’s a big step okay there we go okay we did it that was some weird

    Rooting but um I’m happy we stayed L for that Adventure can’t really tell what’s happening up here wow this looks nice I had you scared mom see sometimes it’s bad that my mom can watch what we’re doing sometimes you don’t want her to see

    It I I knew I had to be good cuz I kept seeing bike signs and there’s like little arrows on the road so I’m like okay this has to be okay I just had to trust the process all right we’ve been on really cool paths today we’ve been on a

    Lot of like rail trail paths like Old Trail lines it felt like let’s do there some Farms today has been a bit tricky yeah there’s traffic down below me um to my right here it was really cold when I was walking the bike though that wind is

    Cold but guys don’t forget to follow the stream if you haven’t already so you can join me on these weird Adventures on these weird routes that I end up on if you’re not following don’t forget to pess that little follow button I’d appreciate it a ton hi there welcome if you’re new to

    The stream hi oh we got a prime sub oh did Brian end up breaking Brian where are you cook or is a k c cun up thank you for the prime I’m sorry Brian decided to not read it out loud thank you I do appreciate the prime

    Sub guys do you know if you have an Amazon Prime account you can link it to your Twitch And subscribe to one twitch streamer a month for free it’s pretty cool I last chat well I said that let’s see if it’ll come back maybe I’m too deep in the forest right now that’s

    Like I was near a road but now I feel like I’m not oh okay now we’re here for free what a deal I know so yeah if you guys have an Amazon account link it get to your Twitch it makes the twitch streamer feel very special I hope I’m

    Live Brian’s and Grace he’s like I’m out of here I can’t work in these conditions oh are you kidding me why is that so narrow okay I made it out of the farm now we’re following this cute River we have to get past a few more fences right now though

    It’s been quite the adventure today so I’m connected to Sarah 4 let me see if I can connect to S 3 or something get my internet back up settings so three let’s try connected yeah okay okay and then I fix Brian K Funk up just resubscribed for 4 months thank you Brian

    Mikey are you sick oh no it’s so hard to open these while holding a bike This one is not very smooth let me tell you that this one is like on the ground okay what the heck okay I can’t Open this gate but I can’t fit through the bike gate need to like lift it up and pull I think sorry about the Noise now we go through we’ve had to go like upstairs through multiple Gates all the challenges okay yeah let’s close the gate sorry I don’t know how to pick up the gate the best way okay sniff all right let’s go am I supposed to be turning left that

    Just feels so wrong but I think I am all right oh No how deep do you reckon this is no I’m scared that this is going to be really slippery I feel like I shouldn’t bike through it but my shoes are going to be wet okay I decided to bik through it cuz I could see the bottom it wasn’t that deep but it definitely

    Would have soaked my shoes through are you freaking kidding me oh no I’m turning thank God okay how’s the new kickstand new kick stand’s good it’s been Working I’ve used it quite a few times haven’t fallen off yet a lot of obstacle courses today challenge after challenge I thought I was going to go up that hill that like wasn’t paced that was a bit terrified I wonder when I’ll get back into a town we’ve done 40

    Kilom this is like an official bike group like it’s maybe not the euroo but it’s like National cycle Route 4 that I’m following it’s just maybe the not not the most straightforward route it’s so windy I don’t know if you guys can hear it at all the wind is making this really cold

    Breezy where are you s why are you on this path will you find a city one day CL Adventures raided my stream with six viewers oh c Adventures thanks for the raid welcome in everybody Welcome to Wales we just left carded this morning and now we are going through like some Farm

    Roads we’re on quite the adventure currently yeah I was thinking know the Grinch Cindy luo oh God we just got through a really muddy Farm Road that was like basically just a river we finally found a paath road this is interesting oh no there’s a river going across the

    Thing I’m scared of that River it’s just kind of obstacle after obstacle today what is today uh I can’t really tell what the ground is doing there kind of looks weird I can’t tell how deep that is do I walk or do I bike I just don’t want to slip on it cuz

    It kind of looks Moss see I can’t tell though I’m going to walk I feel like it could be slippery ah okay and Kent the other side of the country nice um nine months ago I started a trip in do and then I rode all the way to

    Plymouth and then I crashed my bike but I actually B through Kent before it was nice it kind of reminds me of this area a little bit like when I first started in over I was kind of on a road somewhat like this I did put stickers on the bike yeah I

    Put 100 frog stickers on the bike because it was just like a boring blue bike and then I’ve been collecting stickers from every country I go to and adding those to the bike as well so we made it look very sarrow so the bike’s name is Pep

    But maybe the bike’s name should be poo I don’t know I got a Welsh or whale sticker yesterday I still need to add it to the bike though the wind is really cold I keep saying that but holy it’s very very cold breeze all right yeah today’s not really cold I

    Think it says it feels like 4° out today and I agree oh it’s a human are they fishing down in the river oh no that’s a scooter I thought it was a fishing pole on your left hi I think my bell is broken I have to show you guys what my

    Bell looks like right now okay um can I go through this fence that cattle gay or is it tied oh no it’s open look this is my bell it looks a little bit Broken Oh no I fixed it okay oh my God civilization we found it all

    Right that was the most side questy thing ever I see cars and houses oh my gosh that crazy I’m in hello I’m not in the climbing gear oh my Lord oh my Lord okay I don’t have exact GPS just for safety but I left cith this morning so we’re around

    Cardis but we do have a map command and you can see where we’ve been it’s just a few days delayed but you can kind of follow along with that map where are you we’re back we’re back in Civilization I’m tired okay almost a week delayed yeah well my mods

    Have to update it manually by hand so sometimes it gets more delayed um cuz shout out to the mod team they do so much work and they’ve been busy with um real life stuff so yeah hasn’t been updated for a while all right we’ve almost done 50 KET today

    I’m going to see where I am if there’s a good place to pull over and figure out where I should stop for today looks like I’m climbing a little Hill what time is it 3:30 so I have quite a few hours left I don’t know if I’m camping um

    Yesterday I paid like 39 lb for a hotel and the campsite was 35 so sometimes it feels really not worth it to Camp so I’m just going to see what like the options are cuz yeah it sucks if I’m like paying hotel prices to sleep in some mud

    I think I’m turning left up here or somewhere okay I got you concerned at one point I think I might be turning at this light up here and then I’ll try to pull over did I say right I’m going left yeah it’s little cold for camping as a cold human this scen yeah

    Oh there is a bike path there oh my God what is this what is this I’m going to try to pull over here massive hell I messed up I need to be on the other side of the river um where’s the cycle path on the other side of the river so I need

    To do a u-turn I did not expect the turn to turn into that okay I need to cross the road somewhere once I get down to the bike path I’m going to figure out Z 4×4 R raided my stream with 11 views oh my gosh Z4 R4

    Thanks for picking my channel again to raid you raided me a few times thank you uh where is the bike path now like I need to pass over there it’s awkward why there stairs across the bridge okay on need cross the street how am I going to cross the street

    Huh do I have to go up and then cross up there is there any way to cross here I don’t think so oh my gosh I’m just going to cross here there’s so much traffic I don’t think I’ll have a gap okay we’re going to cross all these lights it’s Friday oh it’s

    Friday let me cross oh okay no no Crossing it’s end of term today oh do they get a break then or is it like spring break I swear if my light doesn’t turn green I’m going to be a bit sad my light didn’t turn green I’m a bit sad oh Easter break

    Oh well I avoided traffic for most of the day today because we’re out on the farm okay once I actually get on this bik path I’m going to look at a map and figure out how much farther I think I can go go maybe talk to swy if he’s here oh my gosh

    Okay 5 years to turn I swear if I have to go upstairs I’m going to be upset there better be a ramp okay good okay are those stairs up the bridge yeah it looks like it okay I’m going to park my bike over here and then I’m going to look at a map

    Oh am I going down this street I’ll stop by this picnic table okay then I’ll figure out what what I’m doing here this swaggy and chat found all the school kids so I can not detect it okay well I’ll do some research and see what I can figure

    Out I’m just going to sit down properly oh a kitty are you coming to say hi Oh my gosh you are hello are you kidding me hi nice to meet you where did you come from all right we found a cat I’m thriving again I’m thriving life is restored what are you doing

    H where did you come from Hello nice to meet you hi you want to help me find a place to sleep tonight yeah what are you doing kitty I have a lap cat well okay she says hi oh God Kitty you can’t do that you’re going to knock them Over hi you going be my lap cat well I found a cat sorry I’m just looking at a map what are you doing I think it might be the pub cat what are you doing come over here yes hi what’s your name what should we call you H I like you

    Scruffy no he’s not scruffy Jake salt and pepper you’re so nice bye she wanted to go check something out okay um let me message my mods hey should I go here for the night I don’t know if that’s a detour or not let me look at coodle and try to

    Figure out where I am got splashed by the car that I just drove by she’s coming back hi do you want to go on a bike tour hello okay I’m just going to see if there’s hotels in this area or campsites camping I guess maybe I should

    Look at hotels and just see what the price are like or there’s any they seem expensive around Here kind of EXP offensive oh it’s the weekend I forgot so hotels are probably going to be a bit more expensive today okay let’s see if there’s campsites in the area are there campsites you’re a local right where is good to Camp h I just need to figure out if the

    Campsites are open or not which is kind of hard okay let’s see the campsites always look like they’re in the middle of nowhere and they’re like super hard to get to it always is scary getting to a campsite sometimes um let’s see if you’re open um are you open minum of three

    Nights wow okay so I can’t stay there we’re not staying for three nights um is it the 22nd yeah it’s Friday But I don’t think this is what I want yikes okay uh everything else is kind of far away how far is this I would have time to get there probably um let’s see if they got a website I don’t think I got a website okay this one has a website

    Are you not a campsite what are you a children’s camp Girl Guides I can’t be not Girl Guides oh man okay um everything else is too Far I don’t know what to do hour why don’t a lot of these campsites no tents allowed which is crazy as tent campers spend a lot of money great why are no camps tents allowed H Kitty no field no toilet no shower no drinking water I had to pay 25 lbs for one

    Night just a field there’s no toilets what is happening I’m struggling do so there’s a town there’s one hotel that I could get it’s kind of expensive but it’s not like absolutely insane the other campsites look like they’re not 10 friendly or I have to book for 3 Days

    Um so I don’t know I might have to do the hotel Kitty where should we go tonight you got a snotty nose just like me hi we found a cat guys we found a cat hello she’s our friend I asked the cat where to Camp she doesn’t really know either

    Kitty is there any place good for camping that allows tents are you more of an indoor cat do you sleep inside cats like we sleep here we got a table the hotel was like $90 actually I need to check if that was pounds or not oh did it disappear it might have

    Disappeared oh no it just upped its price a little bit should I do it maybe 90 Canadian dollars so $100 yeah please sleep in the woods and save your quid it’s really hard to Wild Camp well at least in England it was cuz everything is a farm and it’s really

    Hard to get into a bush and then the campsites here seem to be really overpriced and I can’t really find a campsite in this area for tents I read a couple reviews some say well two of the campsites I looked at said no tents and

    Then one says it’s just a fi there’s no toilets no shower no no nothing how is this a campsite and then the other one I had a book for 3 days and then the other one you get to stay in like a teee but you have to like pre-book that so I don’t

    Know I think I might have to just book this we stay inside tonight it’s kind of expensive but I think it’s my best option but I want to hang out with this cat it’s loading it’s loading can you guys see the kitty okay I made a booking I decided to go for it

    Because yeah oh it’s not even far oh okay trying to copy the address please I think I need to put it into commo so let’s stop my commo tour finish and save so we done 42.9 km so far and I’m want to make a new route hi okay and I got some

    Directions there we go we’ve done it eight out of 10 Li why only eight out of 10 is it cuz his butts towards you what are you doing Kitty are you cold I’m cold waa what the stretch what are you doing Now you’re showing off yes what you doing we got a cat we got a cat we have cat with us hi Kitty you’re awfully cute yes you are I’m allergic to you but I’m okay with that what’s your name we had buted I used to do that with my cat

    Named Dodger we would headbutt each other it was an act of love are you a girl you’re so pretty I kind of get nervous when cat sit this close to my face though that’s chat yeah do you want to say hi to chat what’s a Welsh name you need a Welsh

    Name born Race c Gwen Gwen is Gwen Welsh are you Gwen hi quen I’m Sarah it’s a very nice cat a loaf all right well I don’t have that far to get to my hotel to be honest um the first location where I thought I was going to be getting accommodation is

    Kind of farther but the place I got isn’t actually that far it might be up a couple mountains but it’s not that far um is this a cafe next to me maybe I can get a coffee maybe I’m accidentally sat at the Cafe’s benches I don’t really

    Know is this a cafe next to me what are you it is a cafe should I go get a coffee oh sorry that’s Brian Don 4,112 just resubscribed for three months thank you for the resub he freaked out Gwen Gwen that was Brian it’s okay someone said it’s a pub oh well I’m

    Going to go see if we can order a coffee from there or a snack and then we’ll come hang out with Gwen Gwen do you want anything from the cafe my treat are you good you want a snack Meow Mix meow meow meow who cat is that it’s our cat now

    She’s so sweet she likes me you’re a sweet cat yes okay I’m going to go see if I can get a coffee are Gwen Gwen are you going to watch the bike for me while I go inside you’re on bike guard don’t let anyone take it

    Oh are you just going to come with me Glen I need you to watch the bike okay Gwen I’ll come back you guard the bike yeah okay bye Gwen are they open welcome I think they are yeah hi um do you guys sell like coffee here yeah

    Um I was just going to order a coffee with milk yeah how do you take away um I’m just going to sit on the benches outside so I guess a takeaway cup that okay uh just want card please let’s see oh spee Uh no sugar yeah that’s okay do you know the white cat outside oh yeah it’s just like St cat yeah does it have a name or anything no no she’s like hanging out with me she’s really cute thank [Applause] you all right Glen doesn’t have a name oh Gwen’s gone Gwen

    Sad she did not do a good job at watching my bike Gwen Gwen oh Goen where did she go now this coffee is less exciting go come back where dides she go just going to put on a down coat it’s actually kind of cold out here I just

    Wanted to sit out here to hang out with Gwen oh I miss her see her anywhere I got some cat hair on the pance to remember her but fortunately these benches are in the sun right now I miss squ maybe she’ll come back she doesn’t have a name I

    Asked maybe it was time for dinner so she’s out of here yeah we got coffee she did not do a good job at washing my bike I thought maybe should’ say if I left some stuff on the table but she she’s like no I’m out yeah I booked a hotel it’s more

    Expensive than I would want to pay but it’s not like too insane for a hotel so I just bit the bullet Today hi I bike streams bike curious and now you hey thanks for joining this bike Community as well we like by curious around here um yeah he’s a good guy Um he was just somewhere wasn’t he I don’t know where he was last oh hot so yeah I was looking for a campsite but a lot of the options around here don’t look super good there’s like two campsites kind of around the area one

    Said that I had a book a minimum of 3 days and I’m like no we’re not doing that and then the other one was like TPS like TPS and it looked like you could only book to like sleep inside a tee and I was like okay that’s kind of cool but

    I don’t think they’re open right now I couldn’t really tell with the website and then the other campsite I looked at said no tents allowed and then the other one people like this isn’t a campsite there’s no washrooms no Plumbing it’s just a bit of grass in the field

    So I was like oh I probably could have slept at that one but I would like a washroom I’d like to maybe you know have a washroom in running water so yeah it’s a cold day too Gwen where are you Trevor did you see Gwen the cat she was so cute

    She abandoned me though you prepared for expensive hotels over the weekend yeah I guess tomorrow is Saturday Saturday’s the worst day to get a hotel oh yeah Mikey’s also a great bike streamer and CJ ride he’s also cool this coffee is really warm too warm for me to

    Drink I don’t know how much this cost me I just learned about Gregs and uh Gregs I got a sausage roll and a good size coffee for 280 CJ Ry is old school he said he lost a lot of years I don’t know why he’s still cool oh did

    He maybe time zone or something I’m not sure oh there’s a oh I think that’s oh no that’s not Gwen that’s a a dog I got excited not a quen it’s a dog I wonder where she went but yeah I got to do a little bit

    Of grocery shopping before I go to the hotel as well um for dinner so we’ll stock up on some food go to the hotel eat dinner um I still have a little bit of biking to do I think it’s also going to be uphill oh we got a raid Dynamite twins

    Raided my stream with 165 viewers thank you Dynamite twins for the raid hi guys um welcome welcome welcome to Wales that’s where I currently am all the way from New York to Wales what were the dynamite TS up to on stream today I’m Sarah I’m currently doing a

    Cycle tour kind of through the UK I started in England now I’m in Wales and then I guess well I’m going to Ireland next and then back to England so we’re kind of doing some weird rooting um but yeah I’m on a bike tour just sat here having a Break by the

    River there was a cat a little while ago there’s a stray cat but she left I’m kind of sad she’s not here for the raid this is my bicycle that I ride her name is Pepe because there’s a 100 frog stickers on the bike I just have to show off the Frog

    Stickers but yeah this is what I’m riding on tour um we’re on day 11 I think we’ve done 40 km so far today it’s been very hilly we’ve been riding through the Farms but yeah this is the bike that we Tour on we’re just having a little

    Coffee break by the river here in Wales I started my stream in cith this morning if you guys know where that is yeah you missed the cat she was really cute she’s cuddling with me but I don’t know where she went cuz I ran inside to get a coffee and I told

    The cat to watch my bike but she left when I got back so I’m hope she comes back around but yeah what were you guys up to on stream think you were in New York it’s sounds yeah thank you so much Ally is at wait okay Ali is at PAX

    East gaming convention and was getting lost in Boston for a short bit oh wow getting lost I do the same thing over here well I hope you had a good stream I do appreciate the raid um yeah welcome to the cycling tour usually New York but today in

    Boston all right all right yeah I do appreciate the raid follow because your streams and voice is always so Comming thanks thank you I feel like I was whining a lot today so I appreciate it today it was like challenge after challenge um I kind of like went onto some Farm

    Roads that you have to like open up the gate get through and close so the Sheep don’t get out and the roads weren’t paved they’re just kind of like loose Rock and mud and there’s like a river going down the roads and I was like what

    Have we done I don’t know what I got myself into and then yeah some of the roads were completely flooded like I there’s a full River going across the road yeah it was a challenge after challenge today but now we’re sat on a bench drinking coffee so we’re chill we

    Got out of the farm I’m in a bit of a valley right now so we’ll have to clim to get out of the valley I’m pretty sure so I’ll be working hard soon oh it’s kind of cold out it’s um really windy today I think it’s

    Like 9° but it feels like 4 or something it’s really chilly so yeah I’m currently in Wales we’re kind of going to the end of Wales in Penbrook and then I’m taking a ferry to Ireland and then I’ll be riding my bike up to Dublin then doing a detour and

    Going to the aisle of man doing a lap around the aisle of man and then if we reach the side quest goal we will go back towards Ireland and go up to balest and then we’ll see where I go from there we’re on a weird tour we’re just going all over the

    Place does is man can is a country no did I say it was I’m not sure oops but my plan initially for this toy was to go from Greece to Croatia um however I had to go get my bike from Plymouth and in in England

    Because I crashed last year so I had to go pick up this bike and it was really hard to get this bike to an airport cuz there’s no airports nearby and I found out the easiest way to get my bike to an airport was to ride it oh Gwen Gwen’s back hi

    Kitty where where where were where did you go we missed you come here Gwen’s back this is Gwen we named her Gwen apparently it’s a Welsh name I asked the shop if she had a name and they said no so this is Gwen hi I missed you you didn’t really

    Watch my bike like I asked Gwen what’s with that H she came running where did you go she’s nice the shop says she’s a stray and they didn’t name her yet hi is Hitch here hitch do I bring her home where you going I got a coffee

    Gwen I got a travel cat she’s making biscuits on my leg right now she can ride on my shoulder I have a camera on one shoulder a cat on the other anyway this is the cat you missed the raid we got a raid from the Dynamo twins Dynamo twins Dynamite twins

    Hi we moved noses they dog oh yeah I need a basket for the cat she’s really nice this it going to be really hard to leave this bench you’re so friendly Gwen this is why I need to travel with cat treats in my bag when I’m in Japan I

    Normally have cat treats in my bag cuz there’s so many cats but I don’t have any cat treats yet should have got some I did ask Gwen where to camp and she said we camp here yeah you’re so nice she’s making biscuits okay I’m in my elements today’s been a good

    Day can’t complain anymore I got accepted by a cat are you going to lay down she’s fully laid down in my lap well I think I got adopted guys she’s laid down thank you for choosing us you’re so cute do you ask where she went yeah I didn’t

    Know where she went she left but she came back she might just be using me for my body heat it’s fine she’s warm I’m warm all right we got to really sip on this coffee got to make it last for a while oh she’s so

    Nice we’ve had a couple lab cats come on us on stream we went to Cat Island in Japan yeah it was in Japan and I got accepted by a cat it came and crawled into my lap and been hung out for such a long time and then on juu Island in

    South Korea um I was at like a a maze place it was kind of like a weird area that had cats and then I also got accepted by a cat there that really got upset as soon as I tried to stand up she got mad at me the cat was like no you’re

    Warm do not leave but I was like so cold sat on the floor and then yeah now we got Goen she’s so nice quen but I love cats I love dogs I love all animals um but I’m not allowed any animals cuz I travel all the time

    So I don’t really get to hang out with them much so this is exciting so colors me she’s a girl is that what that means okay yeah she’s white she has some black spots and some orange on her head what do you think the cat named me um I don’t know warmth

    Comfy weird girl of accent yeah generally all Ginger SL orange cats are male oh all three colored cats Calico or female it’s a genetic thing oh what that’s crazy I did not know that I had an orange cat and he was a boy huh okay well we did name her

    Gwen you hear those birds in the trees Gwen there’s also a man over there well I asked the coffee shop if they know about the cat and if she had a name and they’re like oh oh yeah she’s a stray she doesn’t have a name so the coffee shop does know about

    Her but yeah she might just be a community cat that hangs around everywhere she might have a home somewhere around here but maybe she’s an outdoor cat this is going to be so hard to leave I got chat to travel with me you guys are on my shoulder like a parrot

    I had a black cat growing up she was a girl I don’t know if there’s any genetic things about black cats I feel like black cats can either be a boy or a girl I’m going to have a LIC reaction later but it’s worth it he so sweet I’m lowkey allergic to

    Cats I grew up with cats like all the time I never not like didn’t have a cat at my house and then my nickname growing up was Sneezy Aaron because I would be sneezing all the time um and yeah I just thought I just was a Sneezy person but I think it was

    Cuz I was allergic to my cats why I sneeze so much cuz as soon as I moved to Australia I’m like wow I can breathe I’m allergic to Canada but no I think I was just LC the cats when did you find cat she found

    Us I just came over here to find a campsite and a cat showed up she found us sorry oh we’re holding the hands I’m holding her paw we’re holding hands for a little bit she also gave me a headbutt earlier like a love headbutt I used to do that with my orange

    Cat so I think she likes me can you guys see her her little head’s on top of the table I can’t leave I’m stuck here forever can only see the ears I’m going to try to show you sorry Gwen G from Hello fresh to Hello Kitty yeah she’s just hanging out with us now you can see her my day is amazing and I have a cat on my lap couldn’t couldn’t be better than this my day was pretty wild today we did really really weird riding I ended up going through like a bunch of

    Farms and a bunch of weird like old rail Trails today there’s some really interesting paths with the goats or with the sheep that I took um so yeah the riding was really interesting it was kind of challenging in some sections a lot of the roads got

    Flooded as well so we had to like go across some Rivers um but we made it to this town I just stopped over here to like look at my map and figure out how far we are and and we found this little cat we named her Gwen so this is Gwen my phone lost connection to the internet I wonder if my modem died chat broke Gwen my chat broke okay there we go I found a place to stay it’s a bit more expensive than I wanted to pay but none of the campsite options looked good

    So I did book something it’s not super far away so that’s why I’m in no rush to leave I’m fine to chill here with a cat but yeah we will um eventually go head over to my hotel it’s not super far and I need to grab some food for

    Dinner I’m on my tiptoe so Gwen can look over the table but I’m actually getting a work in work out in cuz I’m like holding my legs up for Gwen have you considered the bushes behind you no I could have slept in a bush behind

    Me public foot path I wonder if I could have H is better at campaign than I am I could have slept with Gwen tonight we could have been cuddle buddies in a tent what did Yoda say when he seing his s in 4K HD Mi HDMI HDMI sorry I kind of butchered that

    Can air mattress’s best friends I would have had a risk it for G she probably like why is those girls legs moving so much I’m really struggling to hold them up Gwen I’m doing like a leg workout for you I hope you appreciate this she’s so cute my legs are getting really tired

    Though I’m starting to fail yeah go in I got to put my feet on the ground but I don’t want to hit your chin on the head on the bench okay there we go she sees some people oh there’s a dog that’s what you’re looking at is the puppy she’s

    She’s watching the dog go by she’s hiding she’s hiding from the dog all right bye Gwen well there she is I don’t think she’s very comfy the bench is kind of in the way what if I move my legs this leg one then you don’t have to have your

    Head in the bench is that better I think that might be better for us what you reckon yeah oh it’s yawn she’s ready to nap it’s me and Gwen say hi Glen we got a lap cat in Wales I can’t leave this bench I fully live on this bench now she has accepted

    Me well is everyone ready for the weekend it’s Friday which I didn’t even realize it’s already Friday it’s kind of crazy that’s why hotels were a bit more expensive probably yeah it’s Friday apparently School term is over today so I think kids are not in school for a little

    While phone oh this phone is a Samsung s22 Ultra but my stream setup is um if you want to know what that is uh what’s the command for my stream setup I use a Bella box and an action camera that’s the setup if you guys want so I

    Don’t stream from the cell phone but I stream from like a little action camera I’m not sure what one you wanted so I gave I gave you both answers okay here’s the plan hitch packs up and joins you in Wales you guys find a place to live here and Gwen will be

    All cozy living with you too sorted pitch I know we just moved house but do you want to move house again do you want to move the whales perhaps I found a cat oh you saw those birdies yeah I actually just got a new Bella box right before I went on this

    Trip I think it’s called like the orang orange pie if that means anything um I don’t know much about tech stuff but I did get a new Bella box right before this trip um yeah the stream is frozen oh really F oh no I can’t move Gwen that was a close

    One I wonder what broke that was super weird is it because I was talking about a new Bella box it’s like testing me H it was that guy it was like the twitch guy that’s weird that’s a weird thing cuz normally if I lose connection it’s supposed to switch to

    Clips it’s not supposed to be this guy that’s the twitch guy I don’t think that was me YouTube is still okay yeah that was a twitch twitch fault is the batpack actually 110 lb no the bike is0 lb maybe not 110 anymore maybe it’s more like

    100 cuz I have a a little bit less gear than I did last time when I weighed everything cuz I used to travel with a laptop in case I needed to do computer work but I never really used it so I ditched the laptop for this trip and I only have my

    Phone so I got rid of that and I got rid of a couple other things well that makes me writing so much more impressive mine’s like 30 lbs feels plenty yeah it’s kind of funny how heavy the bike is it makes it really difficult sometimes with how heavy it

    Is cuz as soon as I start to like fall over I really fall over cuz I can’t hold hold up the weight cuz it’s heavy so I I used to like fall over slowly a lot of the times especially in Japan just cuz like I couldn’t hold the bike up as soon as

    The the center weight would go to one side I’d be over so I did a lot of crashing at the start I’ve gotten a little better at handling the bike and understanding how the way it works but yeah she’s thick and I had to carry the bike up some

    Stairs today cuz there was stairs on the bike path you have no problem editing things with just your phone I made it work I use what app is it called I think it’s called capture cut or cap cut to edit videos on my phone and it’s been working okay it takes a

    Little bit of time and I’m sure my videos could probably be better quality but I made it work I’ve just posted a video yesterday of my first day in the UK that was edited on my phone and then the video before that about flying to

    The UK that was also edited on the phone so it’s possible it just sometimes takes a bit more time cuz I have to use like my finger to like cut the footage and sometimes it’s annoying but yeah it’s better than drinking around the laptop I would say Gwen it’s

    Cold Gwenna is actually keeping me a little bit warm and I’m probably doing the same to her so I’m going to feel really sad once I leave cuz I don’t want her to be cold so I will be meeting up with Mr Paul Mr Paul was actually in chat

    Earlier today and I told him if I go to balest that I want to meet up with him and he said yeah we could grab some grub so yeah I think if I do hit the side quest goal that’s up on stream to go to balest we’ll be meeting up with Mr

    Paul so that’ be fun if you guys don’t know he’s another streamer um who I think streams out of Bast I think that’s where he’s situated did you not get an iPad actually I ended up getting an iPad cuz I wanted to do more digital art um I was

    Really debating bringing it or not but when I’m touring I never have time to do anything so I just said you know what I probably won’t get enough use out of it to be worth bringing so I did leave the iPad behind this is the exact same situation

    As Japan is in it or was it Korea or Taiwan I think it was both I think it was um once in Japan at Cat Island and then once in South Korea on juu island where we got lap cats but I didn’t even have to feed Gwen

    She just accepted me for who I am even though I have no food right Gwen yeah Cat Island was a good stream uh I should have done two days there because it took me such like it took me a really long time to get to Cat Island so we had

    Take like the little boat and by the time I got there I like barely made it from the main dock area cuz I like stopped every one few steps to go look at cats I like barely saw cat Islands hi Quinn are you getting ready to go oh

    Stretch oh no she’s just laying down on the other side where you going I thought she was getting up to leave nope she just wanted to turn and the hotel is not very far away it’s just a few kilometers so we making out with cat we got a kitty

    Yeah so I’m staying in a hotel tonight there’s no good campsites around my nose is starting to get runny Glenn I don’t have a tissue hope you enjoy your stay thank you allies yeah I’m cats but it’s worth it I’ll probably start sneezing later it normally takes a little while to kick in

    The allergies but I might be a little Sly do I have any coffee left no I think I finished I do have cat hair all over me okay right we’ll leave soon maybe actually let me see how far my hotel is and see if there’s any um grocery stores along the way okay it looks like I’m going to be

    Going through a town but I don’t know if there’s grocery stores or not oh Jacob backs thank you for the $25 donation something for Belfast and for Gwen thank you sorry Brian Brian’s kind of taking the day off today but I appreciate it thank you we’re chugging away at our Belfast

    Goal I do appreciate it helps out with hotels and everything as well so thank you okay I’m just going to see if there’s any grocery stores along our path or not grocery Store yeah I think there will be well there’s a SS spree but it’s kind of on the the other side of the highway oh there’s a little I’ll probably go to little why is there in Japanese that’s weird oh it’s a review okay I was like what is happening I thought the

    Description was in Japanese there’s a bug on you oh yeah I see him get away little fly I bullied them away there’s a path over mot way to Saints spry oh is there okay kitty I’m going to have to leave eventually and I’m going to be really

    Sad I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this I’m going to miss you okay I do have to leave soon I’ll leave soon I promise I hear a poppy uh we won’t say What town I’m in just for like safety but uh I will say we’re kind of

    Around cith area we left cith this morning but normally when I’m getting a hotel I like to keep my Town’s a little bit more private just in case CU you never know with the internet but I know it’s kind of frustrating when watching cuz you kind

    Of want to know where I am so I feel bad whenever I tell you guys that but you guys are you guys understand which I appreciate I’ll leave soon 2 hours later I was thinking I’ll leave at 5: that’s like a lot of time to sit here

    Still but guys I have a cat on my lap I really can’t do it it’s going to break my heart I hope Gwen finds another lap to sit on but yeah I stayed in cith last night so that’s kind of the area that we’re in she’s making some biscuits AR aren’t you

    Go Kitty’s hungry she has hasn’t really been asking for food she just kind of wanted some company I think she is pretty chill I feel like if she wanted food she might have been more meowy more vocal but she just seemed excited to see a human I don’t really have any good food

    To give a cat right now um when I’m in Japan I do travel with cat treats um but I don’t have any right now and then yeah I don’t really have any good food to give a cat this was my hometown you know this bench you know this

    Cat what what do you call this cat you know this cat Goen you’re famous Gwen someone knows you oh you said f oh oh oh oh I got really excited that someone need go never mind go on it’s all good oh if I leave at 5 then it’s going to be

    Rush hour I probably made some bad decisions here 10 minutes Glen this is your 10 minute warning okay I gave Gwen a 10-minute warning all right you got 20 minutes and then I got to go she’s so cute there’s a car parts um just to my

    Left maybe they’ll want to hang out with Gwen did you find the cat or did the cat find you the Cat found us I just stopped over here to like look at a map and book a hotel or campsite and then all of a sudden there was a cat so she found

    Us and then I went inside to go buy a coffee and she left oh now the Brand’s working over 9,000 ti25 snacks for S snacks for snack for snack snack for Gwen thank you for the $25 donation for snacks I appreciate it Gwen snacks I forget what I was talking

    About yeah no Gwen found us and then yeah I went and got a coffee and I came back and Gwen was gone even though I told her to watch my bike she left and then she came running back she she kind of seemed excited that I was here she

    Like fully ran over and went right into my lap I new to your journey but did it take a while for you to get riding to the opposite side of the road uh always the first like few days I do kind of tend to ride on the wrong side of the

    Road and then I’m like Oh shoot no this is wrong and then I have to scoot over normally I realize once a car is coming at me but no it always takes me a little while to readjust but it’s kind of weird I’ve done most of my bike touring on the left

    Side of the road I haven’t done as much touring on the right side of the road it’s kind of weird how that worked out but my first ever tours were on the left side of the road cuz my first tour was Japan and then I went to Australia which were on the left

    Side uh Portugal and Spain they drive on the right side though I think but yeah I’ve done a lot of Tour on the left but it does break my brain it also breaks my brain on what direction to look when crossing the road you’re supposed to look both

    Directions but normally you have to pay more attention to the One Direction and I always get so confused on what way I should be looking especially around roundabouts it gets confusing quen this is going to hurt my heart way too much I hope she doesn’t seem too sad once I try to get

    Up I’ve been here a week only and all of a sudden I have 27k tunnel points already over my two accounts you’re so engaging I get distracted from stuff I need to do well I’m sorry I just dist ract you from things you need to do but I’m glad you’re enjoying the

    Streams you’ve been very nice in chat and you’ve gifted a bunch of Subs as well so I do appreciate it legally you’re not allowed to move until the cat does guys I think I’d be sleeping here Gwen you got six minutes six minutes Gwen six

    Minutes I do wish I had some cat treats to give her before I left but I don’t I’m like trying to think what snacks I got in my bag but I don’t think any of them are for cats yeah we got a random cat cat achieved but she is so

    Sweet oh she’s fully laid down guys her head is on my lap she’s making this hard mandin 100 5 minute warning when wrap up thep you need to find another warm L and I don’t know if you could hear Brian or not but 100 bits 5 minute warning Gwen

    Wrap up the nap you need to find another warm lap yeah go five minute warning maybe she likes to take a bike ride I feel like I can’t take her away from here this is her home but it’s going to really break my heart when I need to stand up Gwen gwenny Gwen

    Gwen those are going to be challenging my heart can’t handle this I don’t know the five minute war is more for myself I’m like trying to mentally prepare for this but I am like getting colder and colder just sat here and then I think I have to climb a

    Massive Hill to get out of here maybe I should look at my map oh no wait maybe I don’t have to climb the hill we might be going over this bridge I can’t exactly tell but I think we are going to go over the river okay maybe I don’t have to climb

    Out of here okay we’re good I thought I was going to have to climb a massive Hill to get out but I think I’m actually good so that’s exciting Gwen he got 3 minutes girl maybe you can go be friends with the people in that

    Car do you know one Bike One World a Scottish guy biking with Nala the cat I don’t know if I do I know of a biker that has their cat with them a lot but I didn’t think his cat’s name was Nala maybe I need to look this up is it on

    Instagram has a million followers is this the guy they looks like they live in a van perhaps he also got a dog all right follow one bike van at the moment okay 34 countries with the cat it seems wow what a traveling cat I follow them on Instagram you follow them on Facebook

    They do have a million followers that’s quite a bit all right Nala or sorry I just called Nala all right Gwen 2 minutes my love 2 minutes oh no no I’ll look him up with to him and they become travel buddies I wish I could do that it’s just really

    Hard to travel internationally with a cat sometimes they got to go into quarantine and all this stuff when you get into a new country so I don’t think that would be the story for Gwen and I unfortunately I wish I wish Gwen but Gwen looks healthy and happy so I think Gwen’s okay

    Here but I think it’s time for me to almost stand up I’m not okay okay it’s our last minute it’s our last minute Gwen when’s got it all figure it out right okay it’s five all right Gwen ready it’s time to go Glenn yeah stretch there we go all right bye

    Glenn it’s time for a bath apparently bath time all right say bye to chat Glen look there’s a car she’s quite warm there you go Gwen goodbye it was nice meeting you okay she seems all right bye when I hope you had a good nap my heart you’re a very nice

    Kitty okay that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be I thought she was going to maybe fight me more but now she’s busy having a bath thanks thanks for cuddling with us see going look there’s more people you can cuddle with perfect timing

    Okay Gwen’s fine I’m not fine but Gwen’s fine all right byebye Gwen I’ll miss you you’re a very nice cat I might put my cup in the garbage if I’m allowed to I don’t know okay one looks fine Gwen you’re amazing we will remember you from Wales bye Gwen oh no shoot me

    Out bye byebye yeah I’ll see You bye look at our little stretch okay see you Gwen okay Gwen’s fine I’m not fine GL is not looking back but I am okay look at her she’s going to go work those cars get some more love oh my gosh that was oh there’s a bike route when you get to

    Town look for grocery store should be a couple okay yeah I think there’s a little or something all right guys I did it I did it wasn’t that bad Gwen didn’t cry we’re fine but I did love her she is so lovely I want a cat like that one that

    Just like really likes people this is kind of a nice path we’ve been on a lot of interesting paths today some some wild ones but interesting it’s been a pretty day all right so we’re going to go to a grocery store get some dinner check into the hotel all that good

    Stuff I got this all the way to town oh that’s perfect amazing Gwen lives in a beautiful area I think I need to put on my glasses there’s a bunch of flies in the air they’re probably going to go into my eyeballs ah yeah they’re trying okay I need to put on my

    Sunglasses okay it’s cold out holy as I call them Nats gats little flies I am cold oh yeah that’s when it’s warmer they everywhere oh it’s not Nat season oh my gosh whenever was in Norway I think it was like gats like those little flies were absolutely everywhere

    It was like insane like you couldn’t even see there’s so many bugs that was kind of wild well that’s a fun little bench yeah he was covering them he ended up buying like a a net basically to like put over his head so they wouldn’t like go on his face that was

    Crazy but apparently they don’t like bite like mosquitoes but they’re still annoying it sounds like there used to be a brick work here I think that was made from those bricks oh yeah this is a beautiful path 10 out of 10 have I tried Welsh cakes I have not what is a Welsh

    Cake where do I find a Welsh cake I have a pive Donata in my bag guys totally forgot about it I picked it up y e e cuz the allergies are starting okay and then I lost connection to ch So I’m going to see if I can get my phone connected to a different Wi-Fi maybe this one’s dead as well everything is dying there three not showing up maybe it’s not on no it is on come on like there’s internet here let me try SRA one connected okay doop there we Go vogan thank you for the prime sorry guys I think I got chat back and a mic back hopefully we are good to go now it’s like it’s getting a little dark um I think the sunset’s more around 7 now it’s only 5 but it does seem kind of

    Darker than it should be right now but I think the sun is behind these clouds but I don’t have far to go we’re kind of chilling hopefully stop never mind I put on my sunglass but it’s kind of dark I do need some just clear glasses so I can protect my eyes from

    Bugs and still see cuz yeah with my shades on right now I’m like oh it just dark out feel like I’m flying right now this is a really nice path for cycling this I wonder if this was an older rail trail as well [ __ ] the fly oh a my God oh God

    Okay I swallowed a fly choked on the Fly okay I’m good he got stuck in the back of my throat I need a solo spider now to catch the fly that’s like a really weird nursery rhyme I little par little B pug making this way downtown blck him fast and he’s

    Homebound yeah I love converted Rail lines they like some of the best tracks to bike on sorry I’m still choking on that fly it’s getting narrow nrow bumpy oh on my throat is still bugging me guys buggy me on your right that’s all good I was

    Like going to ding my bell but then I thought about it for too long so I just had to yell at him in Canada that’s what we do we say on your left on your right when passing we don’t use Bells well we still do use Bells sometimes but a lot of

    Times if you’re just passing a pedestrian you just tell them that you’re passing them I don’t know if they do that other places cuz sometimes the Bell seems aggressive like a horn and we’re just chilling we just don’t want to hit someone okay it looks like I’m

    Going to go up or do I go through here uh we’re just going to follow this snipple I might have to take some Ben later we’ll see how I feel sometimes you just yellow bike on the right oh yeah that’s a good one excuse me yeah excuse me we’ll do as

    Well I guess you can really say anything oh can I fit through here I think I can all right we fit I think I put in little on my phone but now I can’t remember I think I did suan suan yeah that the Japanese one that was really

    Hard most of the times when I yelled that it didn’t work probably because I was not saying anywhere close to being right do we go through here I think I do okay I think I do need to drink some water my throat is still driving me crazy going pass a soccer

    Match okay I’m going to drink some water I swear the bug is sto in my throat I can feel it oh my gosh that fly okay like gargle some water okay yeah we’re going to little I think I can either turn up here or go down the other

    Way very steep hell very steep hell they both say very steep hell H that’s concerning what does Google consider a very Steep Hill okay anyway I was going to turn right and go that way way that might not be the best way to go but we’re going to go that way I’m in

    A state I’m snotty I’m choking on the Fly lot’s going on right Now okay I took the sunglasses off cuz I feel like I can’t see it’s making it too dark out hopefully we’re away from all the bugs how do I get out of here though we’re just going to a kids football match it seems okay I think I see how to get out of

    Here so you said left and I said no I’m not sure where we’re going sles are we racing sorry guys I got to race he might beat me I’m going backwards oh is Google making me go a crazy way cuz I’m trying to get to

    Little guys I just won the race I’d like to say we won the race I don’t know where we’re going sorry thank you yeah Little’s in my route it might just be making me go the hardest way possible though you’re going around in a big circle what

    Do I commit to it or do I go backwards I’m disqualified from their raise sad I didn’t know the rules Google is making me go a weird way isn’t it okay I guess we’re going the long way where is she trying to get me to go right now what I’m lost that way

    Oh I see it’s like GE you mad at me soor the guy was pointing at me to go this way that’s so good thank you all right I think I’m good to go okay we’re just going a long way which is fine cuz we’re pretty much done riding for the

    Day so it’s no drama but if there’s a big hill there might be some drama did I take a pick of Glenn I think I took some videos of Glenn so I have to post it on my story later hopefully there’s some clips of Glen as well all right

    The cat did come back she saw me and she came running over it was exciting and then we sat with her for like an hour it’s a bunch of Glass on the side of the road so take out what did you order I was scared of that group of you all right

    Car where are you in a rush to get to inia nice one of my favorite meals CL coming up I think it’s like over there but I’m going straight down this road I believe not sure what light I’m supposed to be looking at yeah they had to overtake in a hurry

    And then wait at the light I think it wants me to turn here okay I’m just going to do like a weird turn I wasn’t sure if there was any cars behind me I see the turn I just got to wait okay okay I think I might go this way sorry hi

    Is that little there how do we get to it I feel like I could have gone down one of those paths um Google I’m mad at you why am I why am I here where are you little there you are okay found it right found

    Her now I just got to get into this parking lot somehow Anonymous tipped $5 thank you for the $5 donation was there a song attached to the donation I guess I’ll give it away if it was Anonymous Brian’s kind of broken today he’s really been slacking we love a good little pun just

    A little further little you’re amazing yeah thank you for the $5 to help us get to Bow fast I hope there wasn’t a song donation if there was I’ll get it working when I stop oh there’s a rat going across the street that’s nice I can bring that back for

    Gwen it’s in the bush okay where can I put my bike don’t think there bike parking a well rat is um bike parking I don’t know where to put my bike uh we just put it on the wall probably It’s not like a real sidewalk that people use so we’ll check our over here wonder if there’s bike parking I don’t see any it’s not that busy yeah yeah hi too you found me some wash cakes yeah I’m growing I’m in chot oh nice well

    Nice to meet you thanks for the W cakes yeah they it’s just like a little cake fruit in them and stuff oh is it a bit sugar on them okay do they need to be warmed or anything what’s the best way but they’re not they’re not the best if

    You want like the best on you want to go to like a market and get fresh out fresh ones oh thank you you enjoying in Wheels yeah yeah did you see my route today not all of it I just call the end of it now

    I was going through the farms and it was kind of wild but it was beautiful but didn’t feel like a bag path no I know I caught you on cuz I always do that bag path the one I just did yeah yeah so like I haven’t the where you’ve come

    From I want to go further I’ve gone up there a little bit oh yeah no that’s a really nice path that I found yeah this well it’s always the Farms now I know yeah but uh yeah no I thought I’m just on work now so I thought live up like a

    Road oh no way this is probably weird to see me ride through here kind of like watch I when I’m working so like on the side I’m like I know I know that part everything’s familiar yeah like I pe oh amazing enjoy yourself have a good yeah

    Thanks so much thanks yeah have a good one I’ll see you in chat okay all right we got some Welsh cakes to try tonight perfect we were talking about them well it worked out that I went to let we’ll see if he comes and chat oh I forgot put the Welsh cakes

    Away when he’s in chat you’ll give him a sub amazing yeah what was his name uh I don’t know if I heard it correctly BR okay I don’t think there was a media request with that $5 donation that I got so I think we’re okay

    Yeah we we’ll see if he’s going to ask if we like the cakes later I wonder how gross I look is it g perhaps maybe um I try to get a bike lock that was funny what a good snipe he probably saw me trying to find a place to put my bike

    Yeah uh I got a wallet I got this I got that okay right let’s go shopping what what’s the entrance this one squeaky how many um viewers have we met on this trip so far these are really big baskets these are Huge okay we’ll get some pastries Feel like last time I walked into a little the alarm one off as well feel like we trigger the alarms it’s pretty depleted but I’ll find a pastry to eat tomorrow morning someone wants the bike they can cut the lock yeah but at least it’s locked a little bit of Defense so you

    Can’t just walk away with it but hopefully no one’s trying to break open locks in public outside a little is Our Hope okay they got chocolate muffins what kind of muffin is this is that a carrot muffin I don’t know oh this is a really large bag we’re going to do the chocolate

    Muffin and I got multiple bags as well oops what are these chocolate iced donut ring I’ve never had one of those okay See if they got any good bananas that aren’t too green they look pretty Green H okay I’ll do this banana for tomorrow morning it might be a not perfect okay they got fruit salad I bought one of these yesterday but I feel like it was cheaper oh no it’s 99p maybe I’ll do another fruit salad it was kind of good yeah let’s do it sides and stir

    Fries all right here we go we had this for last night dinner the sushi they got some good meals though like we can do a sh steak mushroom poke bowl that could be yummy this also looks good it’s more Sushi cream cheese and veggie roll that looks

    Good I kind of want that even though I had sushi last night yum oh they got sweet potato potato sweet potato Salad that’s Sushi I haven’t seen it before I want it but now I want multiple things okay wait no it’s $3.99 for this that’s kind of expensive okay no I’m not going to do that I think we’ll do the Poke Bowl I am tempted by that Sushi though okay we’re going to do

    Pokey and then I’m going to grab some hummus again are these protein shakes it has 20 gram of protein maybe I should do that okay oh here’s the hummus yeah Chuck for C milk it’s Trevor’s favorite isn’t it do you guys ever look at chocolate milk and think of hitch because I

    Do mixed olives these are expensive but olives are really yummy I kind of want these but why are they two lounds do I do it no I probably won’t eat them all I do it I did it all right so what do I got I got a

    Poke ball I got hummus for my crackers I got some olives I got pastry for the morning um okay what else do I need need I might not need anything else you can close the packet it’s just um like film oh here’s the protein drinks how much is the one I grabbed okay

    The protein pudding is only 99p we’re going to do a protein shake and protein pudding okay I think I got everything I need I got a drink as well yeah so I got protein drink and then I got a pop okay oh and I got some Welsh cakes

    Yeah we should be good I probably got too much stuff to be honest I wonder if there’s self check out here T number two is now clear closing we are happy to help you at another check out we died an hour And you like jman can Cheers m kind of tall Yes please hello yeah what you been up to today what am I up to yeah uh I’m doing a bicycle tour so I came from Cardiff this morning but I’m off to Ireland next off to Ireland yeah you’re yeah how long is that going to take um I’m on day 11 but

    I’m going to be on the for months wow so how long have you been on the road for then um yeah only day 11 right now so very fresh yeah yeah have you done it before then yeah oh nice my first time in Wales though time in Wales how you finding it

    It’s good it’s a little hilly I went through like a bunch of farms today with the Sheep yeah it was interesting I bet I bet there we are what enjoy your your well and smooth thanks so much have a good day all right be’s still here we are good how Wells hilly all

    Right we got full bag of groceries now we got to figure out how to store these groceries sorry I I did he’s like what are you up to I’m like does he actually want to know what I’m up to or is that just like how you doing kind of question I wasn’t

    Sure cuz you know how sometimes people are like oh how are you doing how you going but they don’t really care I wasn’t sure if you wanted to know he was nice I think he did I think he was interested in what we’re actually doing yeah I think he saw the camera on

    The shoulder was like what you up to you look like the predator oh why is Trevor calling me on video Z the cyclist thank you for the raid why is Trevor calling me on FaceTime you’re outside what the heck is going on say hi to the stream oh you’re still streaming I

    Thought you finished cuz you died cuz why like your stream just stopped working didn’t it oh did it when oh no we’re still here I just got stream sniped yeah I said goodbye to the cat though it was a Stray I know I would have had some issues probably would be annoying and trying to bring it back to Canada that would be yeah all right I thought you were dead no I thought you had something wrong so you’re calling me I was like oh

    Oh no yeah I I stream up and then it froze and everyone chats just like oh the server must have died then I closed it that was like the twitch server oh it was the twitch one yeah yeah all right well I’ll call you after my stream yeah sounds good okay have a

    Good rest bye Bye all right we got a raid as well thank you for the raid Z the psychist we were just talking to the famous hitch on Twitch he is also a cyclist welcome everybody um yeah welcome I’m in Wales right now we are on our own cycle tour I

    Started in England we biked up to Wales and now we’re on our way to Ireland this is the bike that I’m touring with that we’re riding we just did a grocery shop in little and I’m about to head over to my hotel for the night and have dinner so we kind of finished

    Riding for the day I’m sorry but we did about 50 km of riding today through the farms and all that good stuff but thanks so much for the raid sorry my partner was like FaceTiming me I’m like uhoh something wrong why is he calling but he thought I wasn’t

    Live but yeah thanks for the raid I’m Sarah I don’t know if I said that yet but I appreciate it how was your guys’ stream were they on the bike as well it sounds like they might have been good red hopefully did we give Z the cyclist

    A shout out let me try how do I do a shout out I forget can I click on their name let’s see shout out okay oh no that was to stream elements oh shout out do I have to do at or no Zed the cycle list hey okay I think I did

    It I think that was a bit weird the shout out it didn’t work shout out to zed the cyclist they last playing just chatting that’s my stream title what oh I spelled it wrong or did I I’m so confused I shouted out myself what okay

    I’m so sorry do I have a mod in chat did I spell their name wrong I think I M typed something s okay I’m trying one more time Z the cycle list oh me and swy did at the same time okay there we go whoa all right sorry guys that was a

    Bit of a struggle welcome in everybody I’m Sarah I think I said that five times now hi sorry my brain is is a bit mushy at the moment and I’m need some food yeah well we’re going to ride the bike a little bit more to the

    Hotel and then I will go live one time inside my hotel and we’ll have dinner together hang out but yeah we kind of finished the bulk of our cycling today we started the day in Cardiff but yeah we got a few more KS to do nothing crazy though okay let’s

    Go yeah I hope you guys had a good stream of Zed okay so I think we’re going back the way that I came in here so we’re going to be turning right down here so right now we’re just going to be heading to a hotel but in the long run

    We’re going to be going to Ireland up to Dublin and then hopefully flying to Greece and biking up to Croatia we’re kind of going all over the place I think I’m supposed to turn here there was a car on my butt so now we’re going to turn

    Here it’s going to be the never Ender Journey we’re just doing some weird rooting to get to Greece I think I came through here didn’t I Wrong Way never mind okay don’t scare me like that I thought I figured it out I was kind of proud that I remembered GPS was

    Slacking yeah I’ll still probably end up going to Greece unless no yeah the goal is probably still to get to Greece unless we decide that we want to do something completely different um that’s the main goal still I’m currently stuck I made it out yeah we will be going around the

    Aisle of man coming up here well probably once we get to Dublin yeah this is my first time in Wales it’ll be my first time in Ireland as well it’s a bit cold out today though end goal was going to be the cycle up to Catia we got lots of plans in our

    Head we’re no in we’re not in any rush so we’re just kind of going with the flow changing the plans on the move I think I’m turning right up here I just need to slow the heck down sometimes I find it hard to single with my left hand like I have a hard

    Time letting go of the bike with my left hand so I’m I’m a much better at single when just resubscribed for 13 months threee head three head I Care thank you for the 13 months I appreciate it all right we’re also going to be turning here

    Yeah we’re no we’re in no rush because we’re not in shangan yeah I am in a rush when I’m entered the shangan countries cuz it eats away at my Visa but since we’re not in the shangan countries we are just kind of chilling but yeah once we

    Enter countries that are part of shenen we do Panic a little bit because we want to go to twitchcon what you eating tonight I got a shark steak mushroom poke Bowl some hmus and crackers olives um protein shake do I go this way oh what have I

    Done oh I think I oh wait no this is okay is this okay I think it is well I think I met my first Welsh viewer today we just got stream sniped before I went into little from a viewer I think I met one to one two three four five viewers so

    Far on this trip and we’re only on day 11 that’s kind of crazy isn’t it oh am I supposed to go up here here I think so this is awkward thick bike problems okay Oh I thought there was a bike path that went this way we having JY problems yeah no not quite

    There oh what Google is trying to kill me um this isn’t right is there a bike path on that side of the road I don’t think there is he wants me on this road I don’t know if I’m allowed to bike on this road there’s no Sidewalk if Google lets me then I can all right I got to figure out how to join the traffic though from here maybe I’ll join track traffic from over here here I’ll pretend that I’m turning left and like join cuz it’s kind of hard to merge into traffic like this all right Google

    I made eye contact with that car so hopefully they don’t smush me watch out crow okay we’re going into privacy all right I’ll see you guys once I’m inside the hotel spice what doesn’t orange on for swim he look so little I wonder if it’s a baby or if it is just the

    Size is this a hippo what are you is it a micro hippo he so little do you guys know the Canadian house hippos he’s basically that size I think he’s itching his nose on the wall look at his little feet how long can he stay under

    There come on here I want to show the camera come here thank you got don’t follow babes you got a caterpillar on you you’re welome how was that you want right over your can you skip little legs oh he’s going around it where you going little guy look at him

    Look at it this is so cute okay okay Kwai no no no no I don’t want to start a cat fight I think I might start a cat fight here are you put some yogurt on hitch I should have I think you guys got it all you’re actually gently didn’t use

    Your claws I appreciate that I feel like the CLS not even big enough to get high That is rude actually War fore spee speech Spee I was a lot of fire I can feel the heat from here whoa he’s freaky look at him does he have eyeballs I don’t even know he’s freaky it’s a bunch of pretty fish up here though oh no he does have an eye it’s near the front of his face

    There oh that one’s bright fish there’s another eel down here I still have an orange stay longer we just have to pay more I got this really funky fresh drink and I use osum to get It you want Some hi baby well bye that was a beautiful bow oh wow that’s kind of a sideways bow but you got it gosh yes oh the baby’s doing it too oh my goodness there you go look at the baby b you’re got to be kidding me oh you dropped

    Yet okay yes you can have another one here you go oh my gosh you guys are so good at bowing look at the baby oh my gosh list to this cat breathe listen to it listen to it to breathe bye but there’s lots of cute cats here I

    See the one that I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff you want to snuff their face what are all these noises oh it’s it’s the Food than oh that’s some good tongue I want to show I want to show the cat tongue one sec you done help uh no it’s okay it’s really heavy perfect is that the best no thank you there’s a dog apparently cats in Japan like Pats more than pets there’s a girl like

    Patting this like patting them and they they were they were loving it depend on the cat I don’t know like she was just patting the M this one’s exploring people come here I got a mystery donut that’s pretty though pretty mystery donut is it Hefty it’s denser than I thought

    It’ be give it a lift oh are we going to choose show it this is my creme brulee donut this is my number two donut they had like 11 options thank you thank you that’s all I wanted I got the prize ice cream it’s pretty much gone all right uh thank you

    Amazing oh that’s the dirt path here I just want to see what this is up there oh my gosh okay we made it through the Gated gate welcome Raiders sorry I missed the raid Waterland oh I know Waterland thank you welcome guys sorry today is day one of the bike tour and

    Um we got he eats the entire spoon Oh I thought that was a plug making that noise but it’s a a toy this is the one from earlier where did you come from Hello chicken a longg oh wow Here Comes this one here room this is my first U-turn of the

    Day the video’s flashing I thought you wanted me to go wait is the GPS just confused what way I was facing yeah I’ll start restart the GPS once one second my kickstand is not standing straight right now and I don’t really know why is it cuz my weight’s really

    Unbalanced why is the ground weird um kickstand thank you and it kind of looks like a little bit gold or like bronze up top too Golden Bronze those belts that’s insane and the textures of the clothes we made it hopefully we got internet in here I got to take off all these layers

    I’m kind of warm yeah we made it all good the road wasn’t actually that busy um I thought it was going to be more busy than it was okay we checked in now we can have dinner I’m a bit warm toasty put you guys here extra bed for chat I keep getting

    Rooms of extra beds for some reason I just had a bed or not a bed I just had a hotel that was like a like a double bed and then like a twin siiz bunk bed like above it there bu it’s my bed one the cat true okay take off my muddy

    Shoes all right what’s everyone having for dinner today we got a poke balll some hummus and crackers and and olives I got a couple drinks time for a fire alarm oh my gosh last night in the middle of dinner the fire alarm went off in the hotel and I had to

    Evacuate I did leave chat behind I’m sorry guys I abandon you in the fire but it’s okay cuz it was a false alarm but I did leave you guys in the room but I was able to turn on the stream and you guys could see if there was a

    Fire I feel really warm I biked really fast oh boy okay oh yeah I got fruit salad oh okay fruit salad exploded that’s why the bag is sweat I forgot to grab Cutlery for my bowl again I do have a fork somewhere with my camping stuffff my olives yum so I

    Could try to find my Fork I think it’s in this paner maybe not where are you where’s the fork at huh where is the fork I can’t remember where it would be I thought it would be up here okay let me check the other paa how to be in the other

    One this is my toilet tree bag Chuck that over there Fork where are you here we go okay for work okay I’m going to go wash my hands blow my nose and then we’re going to have Dinner oh sorry the mic has come with me oh why is there no soap coming out of this what the soap is is broken what oh come on okay using body wash for soap okay all right poke Bowl we had sushi last night poke bowl tonight oh gosh Mr pul I’m glad he’s

    Okay there’s some type of sauce that goes on this as well I’m not sure what the sauce is but I’m going to pour it on sauce okay hopefully it’s yummy um and then yeah I got my olives and my feta which I thought were going to be really

    Good wait is it not feta Mano I’m a bit upset that it’s not feda but it’s fine it’s just a different type of cheese I love feta though let’s try an olive pretty good Olive okay still good let’s mix up our rice bowl and then I think I need to turn on

    Some music in the background because it’s really quiet and I don’t like eating when it’s this quiet it’s like so intimidating so I’m going to play some dream beats for the background music it’s too quiet loud okay and then I got a protein sh Shake 20 g of protein hopefully it’s

    Good also got some protein pudding protein pudding which is also 20 gram 40 gram of protein right here thank God this was closed that would have been very upsetting if I spelled that all over me okay I don’t think where’s the garbage I’m not sure put that over there all right cheers

    Guys you’re having fish chips and curry sauce curry sauce that’s interesting I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that I normally it’s fish and chips in like vinegar or something salt and vinegar Maybe all right we can chill now we made it inside we did about 50 kilometers Today so not the biggest day of biking but it took a long time took us a while to get out of cth and then I walked the bike for a good chunk of it when we were in the farm so 50 km kind of makes sense with all the walking that I

    Did feel pretty tired I’m going to hopefully sleep good so if you’re eating fish and chips with curry sauce do you like dip it in the curry sauce or do you pour it over what do you do with the curry oh we’re talking about olives as well I don’t know the difference between

    Green and black olives but I got both here sorry I did miss the question but I think we’re talking about olives oh you pour it over oh I mean it does sound kind of good cuz I’m a saucy girl I like sauce sometimes like if I get like potato

    Chips wait that’s not what they’re called what are they called here crisps no chips yeah chips if I get chips and they don’t come with the sauce I might even I might not even want to eat them the sauce really changes everything okay so yeah it’s cabbage mushroom edamam corn

    Peppers that’s what we’re eating from Little it’s a pretty good dinner black olives are green until they are put in a vacuum and their oxygen is taken out does it change the taste like I don’t even know like if they taste different why are they put in a vacuum H that was weird

    Okay that was a green olive I guess they taste the same maybe a little different the green ones are big and the black ones are small in this container at least I do wish the cheese was fatter though I think our meal is pretty healthy tonight rice veggies I also got

    Protein don’t you guys worry protein shake protein Pudding mm you learn that from a cooking show oh that makes sense I would have never known that I thought they were just like different like apples green versus red apples I might have bought too much food now that I’m thinking about it there’s some stuff that I should probably eat tonight

    Like my rice bowl my protein shake in the pudding cuz I think that has to be refrigerated I have a fruit salad that can probably last until the morning how long does hummus last do you reckon h I I bought a lot cuz yeah I also bought humus for my

    Crackers and Welsh cakes oh no well we can eat Welsh cakes in the morning for breakfast they look like pancakes the hummus was in the fridge section but like how long do you think it would last for out of a fridge put in the bag and hang out the

    Window that’s what I do when I’m working out of hotels oh interesting I wonder if I could do that so I’m just shoveling food into my mouth yeah all this gr on cheese right I think I’ve seen a lot of allive trees when was I was it in like Portugal and Spain

    Where olive trees were I can’t really remember I never used the TV room I always feel like Well normally there’s nothing I want to watch on the TV but if you can like broadcast like what’s on your phone onto the TV sometimes it’s tempting it depends

    Where the TV is if it’s like you can sit in bed and see it then it’s worth it but if it’s like super tiny off to like the side then it’s like why why is there even a TV All right hummus can’t be left out that long I’m kind of surprised I thought it’ be longer for hummus it’s just chickpeas and some other things I don’t know what else I have had tim tams yeah and I’ve done the Tim Tam slam I think that’s what it’s called where you

    Like bite off a bit of from each side and then try to use it as a straw for your coffee I’m kind of cold cold I don’t have a good like comfy sweater to wear which is like something I really wish I had all my clothes for cycling are quite

    Tight because it’s better to like keep you warm if the clothes are tighter to your body and all this garbage but I love wearing loose comfy clothes and yeah I don’t have a nice comfy sweater to check on when I’m cold all I have is like a tight facee and

    That’s not really comfy doesn’t really inspire me to put it on I wish I had more I wish I just had one sweater that was like cozy cuz I’m cold but I don’t really really want to wear a tight fleece any obstacles getting bike in hotel don’t know if I should say

    This bike outside Hotel um it’s under the security camera though but um I might end up bringing it into my room it’s just going to be a challenge to get it in here so I left it outside for now there’s a girl at the front desk and it’s underneath the security camera so

    Hopefully it’s fine for a little bit but yeah probably once I end my stream I’ll decide to get it up here this is just going to be a lot of work work but I’ll probably be worried about it if I leave it outside all night are Canadian schools different than us

    Schools probably but I don’t know really what the difference are um did I have a good sleep after the alarm I feel like I couldn’t fall asleep last night I don’t know what I was thinking about probably about Ireland but yeah it took me really long to fall asleep

    I also don’t like sleeping in like the small single beds so I like to like curl up in a ball and I like to like sleep kind of diagonal so that might have been it as well is it odd having everything you need on your bike seems so little

    MH you really get by with the bare minumum when you’re traveling with a bicycle you just got to wear the same outfit basically every single day which kind of sucks like yeah you don’t get much options you just got to cut back and find out what’s really necessary and what’s not

    Necessary cuz I used to travel with a laptop in my bag and then I was like yeah I can cut that out I used to travel with a lot more clothes as well but then I decided that I can get by with only having two T-shirts and just wash them regularly in the

    Sink so yeah I really cut back on what I bring with me but I do get kind of sad wearing the same outfit every day okay it’s so boring and I don’t even like the outfit it’s just practical cuz yeah I hate this shirt hit likes it I do not like this shirt

    At least hitch likes it that’s good and then yeah the helmet I feel like is also kind of dorky I look dorky most of the time I really feel dorky when Once I’m like on a kind of like a pedestrian bike path and I’m like riding by people with

    My sunglasses on I’m like I look so dorky right now I’m like wow I probably look crazy and then especially today I rode by a bunch of yous by the university in cith I’m like wow they’re probably like she looks weird she looks super dorky she’s super

    Cyclist yeah I have my helmet on I have my gloves on sunglasses it didn’t feel very cool at that moment H is my partner if you’re new here yeah he also streams on Twitch yeah see Trevor knows 200 Mara wool qu is it I don’t like

    It I used to travel with like a big biggy sweater and all that stuff but it did take up a lot of room but I’m kind of like lowkey tempted no it’s not worth it Sarah it’s not worth it is it just the color I don’t like how it fits

    Me I feel like the color might be too close to my skin tone I feel like the quarter zip looks weird I think I just don’t like anything about it the only thing I like about it is that it’s Marina wo but yeah I don’t like things being tight

    On my body really like I either got to got I either have to have loose bagy Bottoms in like a tighter fitting top or like a really loose top with like leggings like what I’m wearing I can’t do tight and tight which is what I’m forced to

    Wear it’s not even com skin tone are you telling me my face is not like close to this I think we’re both reading pink anyway gr some Sarah I did steal some of Trevor’s shirts for my trip cuz I didn’t like my yellow Marina wall shirt the short sleeve one so I stole Trevor’s old work shirt yeah I stole with permission we did a fashion show and I got permission to take It this room has a kettle so I can have coffee in the morning my last Hotel didn’t have a kettle how’s the wind muddy pass and climbs today um well we did have all three for sure there wasn’t like that bad of climbs today but it just got bad once I went on

    To like the farm path and it wasn’t paved anymore it was just like rock and mud and there was like a river going down it that was the only bad part it got kind of interesting but we went on a lot of nice paths today kind of like old train track

    Paths um those were nice I do do bike touring I’m not on a bike right now CU we finished for the day but we did 50 km on the bicycle my bike’s outside right now so I can’t even show you the bike but that is what we do on

    On Twitch over here we ride our bicycle through different countries yeah we’re on day 11 of tour right now that yellow shirt model was popular cheap to cathon item yeah Trev and I have the same shirt matching to C but inspir me to do this instead of a 9 to5 job well

    You would think I was like a cyclist and into bike touring and all this stuff before this became my job but we have a weird origin story where I was working like crazy hours in a hospital that was my job was to work in a hospital and I met hitch Trevor my

    Partner and he wanted to do like a bike tour with me but I was like no I’m not really like confident riding a bike I don’t want to like ride a bike by myself like next to traffic that’s kind of scary I’m like but I’d do it if we had a

    Tandem cuz then we’d be on the same bicycle so Trevor thought that was kind of a great idea and he bought a tandem bike and he’s like all right Sarah we’re running this tandem from France to Norway let’s go I was like oh all right let’s

    Go so I kind of joined on a random Tandem and rode a tandem bike all the way from France to Norway that was like a 3-mth tour and then we kind of got into the streaming Thing by ourselves I decided that bying isn’t so bad that I wanted to try my own trip

    Solo like my own bicycle and um I ended up boring hitch’s solo bike and going to Japan and just seeing what happened if I hated it that would be the end if I liked it we’d keep going we’ll see what happens so yeah went to Japan for my first ever solo

    Tour and now we just kind of haven’t stopped it’s a really weird way to get into this but that’s how it happened I was not a cyclist before twitch but yeah now we got a a bike tattoo and I’m on like my 10th country of bug touring it’s

    Weird the tandem bike was a hit out twitchcon it pretty iconic rolling up on the tandem bike yeah then he made another T too um yeah I think once we were in Germany we saw two of our tandems there was like a mom and a daughter on one Tandem and then there’s

    Another couple a guy and a girl on the Tandem and the guy was visually impaired um so he couldn’t like ride his own bike but with the tandem that we have the person can sit on the front and they don’t have to steer or turn all they

    Have to do is pedal so they can still like ride the bike and explore which is kind of fun so that that was a really cool couple to meet yeah we only saw two of the bikes only they’re really random tandem to spot in the wild and we saw

    Two cuz yeah there it’s the H Pino tandem so it’s originally from Germany yeah all right what else do I want to eat right now I’ve slowed down I have a bit of rice left I got a lot of Olives left I got my protein pudding that I need to eat as

    Well got so much I look gr for bed I’m really tired today I don’t know why today kind of took it out of me we didn’t even go that crazy I don’t know there’s a lot of obstacles we had to get through today a lot of gates a lot of

    Stairs a lot of Puddles laughing about it though yeah it was all good made today interesting and more memorable oh my found with cats I did get a cat on my lap today that was really exciting we found a stray cat and she came and cuddled with us that was really

    Good that definitely made my day yeah the goats yesterday and I got chased by a dog Yeah by a little dog so much happened Gwen the cat I loved her so much I’m actually doing pretty good for my allergies I don’t think I’m allergic to Gwen I think I should probably adopt her

    Then if I’m not allergic cuz yeah she was on my lap for so long and I was petting her and I haven’t died so I feel like I’m not allergic to gu I didn’t steal a cat Alec she she found me I need to go back for Gwen she’s so cute yeah

    She’s she’s so sweet I look at a little siss today maybe a little allergic yeah I’m surprised my face is still this red I put on sunscreen a couple times today but maybe I didn’t do it enough maybe I am burnt I thought I was just flush cuz I

    Biked really hard to get here um but no I might have gotten it it could also be like a wind bur is super windy today hopefully my face goes back to normal but I yeah am I burnt I try really hard to wear sunscreen but yeah maybe it was windburn

    Can you protect yourself against windburn or even if you have sunscreen on you can still get wind Burt I wonder if it’s windburn hopefully it goes away cuz yeah I feel cold so I feel like my face shouldn’t be this red well we’ll see what I look like in the

    Morning oops I didn’t mean to open that how many clet did I do today I think I have done 50 oh wait so I did 10 kilm and then how much was my first tour I think I took a screenshot 10 km Plus 43 so we did 53 km

    53 can you spell water in the UK accent no I don’t want to try I should look into doing a little loop around Gower tomorrow it’s an area of outstanding Beauty and that’s on your way while wor a viset uh goer no no no El let me look at where that

    Is oh that’s 41 kilomet away oh it’s down it’s kind of like um how do you explain it on a little like Branch off of whales I don’t know I think I am maybe going around that area we should be getting towards there tomorrow gotos Lina

    POG how hard is it going to be to cycle there though I’m scared I don’t know how much of a detour it will be ooh I don’t think I’d get there tomorrow um it’s like 65 k it’s wor the detour what do you guys

    Reckon like how far do I have to go into it will there be cell reception cuz it just kind of looks like Forest let me look at a satellite view if I go towards Swansea should I still go into it a bit more cuz Swansea is

    Kind of like not there at all is it never mind Ros Le is pretty deep in There I wonder someone s Promoting okay well I have to think about it it’s really nice though there are some lovely campsites cuz yeah tomorrow is Saturday so maybe tomorrow is a good day for camping cuz that’ll be the most expensive night to sleep inside hm okay I’ll think about it um I

    Just don’t know if I can make it there 65 it’s quite a bit of kilometers I just don’t know how hilly it’s going to be and like how challenging oh look at hitch being a mod o I’ll think about it I’ll maybe talk to some people tonight and see what they

    Say I am so tired I’m ready for bed but then I have to go get my bike and drag it up all the stairs it’s going to be a mission and a half I should probably do it a pretty H yeah yeah that’s what I’m concerned about is the

    Hills do you need a pre-book on weekends and it’s school break I haven’t pre-booked anything cuz I never know what’s going to happen during the day sometimes I go really slow other times somehow we fly so it’s really hard to like pre-book and like figure out where we’re going to

    End up cuz you never know if like Tech fails then we’re stuck trying to fix Tech if I find a cat sometimes I’m stuck on a bench for a few hours um so sometimes it’s kind of hard to plan so nothing’s booked but yeah I guess it’s also school holidays now that

    Sucks there’s no lift here so I have to get it up all the stairs but I think I’ll probably sleep better at night knowing that my bike’s not just sat outside no reception said oh I can either bring it up to my room or leave it outside in front of the security

    Camera so I just left it outside in front of the security camera right now but I don’t think I’ll sleep good knowing that it could be taken well once I end my stream I’ll go do that I’m going to eat my protein pudding it’s time for some chocolate

    Should I do it now are you saying or should I wait till the streams over I can wait Okay one of my favorite things is the chocolate or not even just chocolate the protein puddings I feel like we don’t have these in Canada but these just taste like normal pudding but there’s a wacket of protein well 20 G for a little pudding I’m down they’re so good they don’t taste like

    Protein I like it more than the protein shakes H okay I did post a video today I wasn’t sure some like camera protection people feel s safe and don’t care too much oh my bike is locked don’t worry there’s a Mrs pots and cardi I think I actually walked past it

    Alex I was walking around the other day yesterday and I think I did see Mrs Mrs pots I did didn’t go I ended up getting a coffee from someone’s favorite coffee shop instead I don’t even know if I told the stream that I saw it I can’t

    Remember but I think I did see it hey as M am M Hi I really need a good sleep I’m so tired tonight how many days has it been since my day off it’s only been two hasn’t it holy I need another day off AMS am am I’m so bad at usern names oh no I had a day off in Newport kind

    Of no I probably won’t have another day off for a while we’ll see you don’t think I counted I slept well okay I slept until 10:00 I stayed awake for an hour then I went back to bed and then I woke up at 1 and then I

    Walked to the grocery store and back which took an hour then I talked to Hitch and then I planned a bunch of things and then I edited some videos and I washed my hair girl and I thought I didn’t do enough on my admin day cuz I only edited one video

    And I talked to my mom I talked to my mom on my way back home from the grocery store she trying to be a good go daughter and called my mom yeah I actually feel like there wasn’t that much to do in CIS I was trying to research and see what I could

    Do but there wasn’t like much it seemed there was the castle there was the markets and like that’s the only like fun and exciting things I can find I didn’t do that much research to be Fair but yeah it seemed a little lacking at least for stream friendly things there’s of course a lot of things that I can’t do on stream like the Adventure Rooms there’s ax throwing at the bar bar ax throwing there was like a darts room there’s the adventure escape room things

    Mhm you want their once and you’re a bit disappointed I mean it’s pretty but yeah I don’t know the castle looks cool but I feel like you can’t spend that much time looking at a castle oh Carda I don’t think I went there I need a nap okay I need to go to bed I bought too much Food that’s when you need your little watercolor set you could paint the castle don’t make me regret leaving my art supplies at home I was debating bringing art stuff but I decided that I didn’t use it enough so I didn’t bring any with me so I left all the watercolor stuff at

    Home this time I could like maybe get like a pencil and like a little notebook and do little sketches but yeah I felt like I never had time to do art anyway I made a few postcards last time on tour I think how many did I do four five

    Postcards Alex has one of them you cly missed a good five hours of the day Alex do you see the cat that’s the most important question my poster card is covering my University degree CU it’s way more special hear that guys it’s a rare Sarah art piece

    Okay was that a little bit in the corner it’s probably if you have a Child or a cat all right rtin is done that’s for the bike once I bring it inside yeah put my bike in that bed it’s super muddy I’m always surprised when hotels tell me that I can bring my bike into the room CU I’m like guys it’s a little dirty

    But they’re like oh just bring it into your room it’s fine so I always get kind of surprised when they say that cuz I’m like my wheels are a bit muddy cuz like yeah I have to bring the bike up all the stairs I might leave a

    Trail up all the stairs down the Halls B is no more dirty than some of the guests to be fair yeah people wear their shoes through the carpets and stuff so it can’t be that different than wearing your shoes cuz my shoes are awfully muddly muddly my shoes are awfully muddy as

    Well all right guys I ate protein pudding I ate a poke Bowl had some olives I think I am done eating for now I might like have a shower and then snack a bit um well in bed as I do um but yeah Med I didn’t need to buy as much food as

    I did I got my fruit mix which I think should be good you think I can eat this in the morning if it’s not in the fridge it’s just like pineapple grapes and apple that should be fine right I can save this for the morning there’s no fridges in the UK hotel

    Rooms 100 wind Mills mly daou so many fun s words Dau what se’s broken I think I broke it in my bag okay I’m going to eat that tomorrow morning is a clip Sarah is it oh hit oh da joobu oh I know what that is now okay got it thank you

    Alexu I want to put those pieces together probably is how I said it though but I said backwards oh see you guys know my Clips more than me camera okay camera yeah oh Japan all right guys who should we raid today we got Kuma monster in Boston we’re going to ask how his

    Command worked CU apparently Kuma monster has um a command that keeps track of how many dogs they see and I kind of want to learn if we can also have a command like that to keep track of cats dogs and u-turns that’d be kind of fun so I need to DM him

    Later but maybe we could raid him since I’m going to hit up his DMS later tonight oh cook of K is also in Canada ooh anyone else online I don’t think hitches Mr K we got a couple people to pick from I think I might do am I raid Kuma just because I have some questions um yeah but I think I am going to say goodbye to you guys and bring my bike up a million stairs I’m going to go

    Shower cuz yeah I feel really tired tonight so I think it’s time I think it’s time I’m not hitch and I can’t I can’t stretch my stream for a few more hours all right we are ring Kuma monster tell him SAR says Hi um and yeah I’ll see you guys

    Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be back on the bike again thanks for joining me today if you guys are new new here don’t forget to follow cuz I’d really appreciate it a ton and yeah hopefully I will see you guys all tomorrow I’ll probably be live first thing in the

    Morning in this hotel room trying some Welsh cakes and then we’ll get back onto the road and keep going through Wales but thanks for joining me today hope you guys had fun it was an interesting day we will miss Gwen the cat but I will post some stuff on

    Instagram um because yeah I took a lot of photos and yeah I will see you guys hopefully tomorrow Saturday right the weekend yeah have a good night guys hopefully you guys will have a nice chill evening and um yeah bye say hi to Kuma monster throw some

    Eggs over there and some Sarah waves all right I’m going to be lurking in this chat a little bit so I’ll be hanging out with you guys once the r gets sent over and then I’ll get up the willpower to get my bike inside bye oh did the raid not go that’s

    Awkward I don’t think it wins doing coin flips today oh God another ra I can’t run away here how do I run away in here how do I get away I I mean at least I can hide among the e for

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