In Part 4, we dive into the strategic manoeuvres and intense conflicts between Caesar’s legions and the formidable Germanic Suebi tribe. We prepare to traverse the rugged terrains of the Jura mountains and the borderlands of ancient Gaul, where history was forged by sword and strategy.

    We will explore the odd and humorous pagan beliefs of ancient tribes, adding a unique flavour to the historical narrative as we uncover the aftermath of the conflict, including Caesar’s consolidation efforts in Gaul and his rising fame back in Rome.

    We start out from Autun-Bellevue Airport LFQF and overfly Dijon Bourgogne Airport LFSD flying over the lands that echo the military and cultural imprints of Rome. We continue on and experience the Jura mountains and land at Besançon-La Vèze Airport LFQM. Next up we head out to EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg LFSB to carry out a touch and go before concluding our trip back at Geneva Airport LSGG.

    Thanks as always for watching. Don’t forget, I live stream every Monday – Wednesday – Friday from 20:00z

    A special thanks to GG Machines for powering all the content created by TwoToneMurphy. Specialists of gaming hardware and software:
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    The Oh Oh [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Hello hello everybody happy Monday the start of another week you join us here yeah right it’s pretty windy your but is not as windy well tonight as we’re doing the thing you know hope you’re all keeping well did you have a grand weekend hello there just ah head in your

    Man look how you all keeping great to see you um tonight’s flight we start part four of the G Wars series and tonight we focus on the sui and Ariel Vistas the dramatic threat through the Jor mountains right where would you get it we’re going to follow the route of Caesar yeah

    Baby there things happening be S are back we’re going to follow on Caesar as he kind of you know made his way towards Ariel vus and the suab tribe A Germanic tribe yeah baby I missed that sound H we’re going to be traversing the Jor Mountains they’re kind of on the western

    Alps right small little mountain range uh on the Borderlands of France Switzerland and of course Germany highlighting the rugged terrain where Caesar expanded Rome’s influence all right our route is going to take us from Aton or Aton Lima foxr Quebec foxr in France over to dejon over to Lima foxr

    Sierra Delta then a couple of stops along the way uh Lima foxtrot Quebec Mike out in basil Lima foxr Bravo and then finally back to Geneva Lima Sierra golf Gulf so we have a couple of stops along the Route tonight the aircraft of choice it is this the fly simware cesna

    414 aw Chancellor a light twin aircraft gorgeous and uh very capable of what we require of this Steed tonight right total mileage about 245 nautical miles right now you might be saying Mar where’s our flight plan yeah hang on I forgot to do the thing I have one here

    Look right here it is I better export this puppy here now hang on we’ll call it g Wars part 4 horse it in there now fairly Lively and then I going to be Discord and make sure it’s all there for you cuz you know flight plans I’m a devil I know I know

    Jus you wouldn’t know what I’d have me all those Lads H you wouldn’t know what the f be working on next G Wars get in there now you big Dil you right Grand over to Discord you get the flight plan but it looks a little bit something like

    This yes yes taking off from here yeah baby Jesus what was that you to press some buttons genuinely scared the crap out that was terrifying it’s very loud in my head um Jesus mother pinching my own ear who pinches someone’s ear anyway um from here to there over that place up to this

    Place look at that Lads that there is the river Ryan they have accents yeah that sounds like this yeah over this side of the water right and over on this side not so much and then we’re coming back down to Geneva down to where the Swiss are H so

    It’s a nice bit of a jog this one and as I said it’s it is following H Caesar’s movements from we left him after he defeated the HTI ey and uh well there’s a whole story does lots to learn about I have some new emotes in the chat as as

    Well for those of you who can Avail of our tic cons uh one of them is called Rome two-tone Rome brilliant and then the other one I can’t remember I think it’s for mods only and biggest just biggest nothing else just bigest um so yeah play with those emotes

    Loads of fun you’ll have lots of hours of entertainment and so that’s our flight plan put that over there now now where was I was over here look and did you see the state of the Wind by the way jeon says something earlier on wasn’t there not a fly from Manchester

    To Dublin they tried to go back to Manchester couldn’t do it there and they ended up in fraking bouet in Paris something like that right so hang on we’ll go in and say hello hello we’ll go in and say hello to everyone in the chat and then I’ll catch

    Up how’s that right so who’s here lads who came in the door Jefferson 2001 the man myth and Legend has graced us with his presence you’re very welcome in am I after one inside or something yeah I was H it’s from me Landings yesterday they were sideways

    But anyway japon good to see you rambach Mort is here hello M dude Toto is in the house along with Lee Dixon Fierce wolf looking Fierce Gand Wolfie welcome in man super tyon Rambles in All Aboard Arrow roome nice nice vacuum is in the chat Robert j56 Is Here canoe head just

    Another manic Monday I love that song the Bangals J great bunch of girls it was brilliant you know um 6:00 already I was just in the middle of a dream she was kissing Valentina it’s not important the lyrics but they’re good do you know anyway sea Dale good to see you

    Night up he says hello hello from the heartland of the suab nowadays called schwaben AA and very nice well you tiny good to see you tarish Mossman is in the house captain meowington is here filthy has rambled aboard son Jammer is in the house with B brro you’re all very

    Welcome in how are you Lads sure pull up a seat and grab a point it’s only marvelous Eagle castlet is here you’re very welcome aboard SK sun is in the house uh aari wolf happy Monday soaring AJ AJ H man hope all is well viper strike is in the chat he says good

    Afternoon Murph and fireflies I flew the Cessna 172 over Cuba yesterday very nice Cuba is a beautiful location in the world I haven’t been but I hear it’s quite lovely but what’s it like in the Sim I can’t remember the last time we flew in Cuba but uh yeah nice going

    Viper black eyes Gabe we have a black eyes Gabe Gabe it’s good to see you just glad to be here Gabe had a wonderful flight we could hear him Jesus we heard in the wind you know as his plane touched down uh great to see you here

    Man hope all is well Heming bird has rambled in she says I went to be Q earlier the shop bloke asked me if I wanted decking but luckily I got the first punch in what else do they used to call them a decken you want a deck hitas lap I’ll BST

    You H what was the other one a straightener did you ever hear that us dubs would know it do you want a straightener I hit my straightener basically was to straighten you up you know take the bendo you a straightener did you ever hear that one yeah anyway

    Heming Bird good to see it right where we at where we at the one oh that one blew me away on board simulations good to see you jeon says some wild diversions yesterday C with the high winds run R Air flight Manchester to Dublin had to divert to

    Beet after holding yeah yeah that’s the one nuts imagine that right you know ah yes we’re going to Dublin no it’s diverted we’ll see it in Paris makes total sense H but Boston elf good to see you Energizer is in the chat you’re very welcome aboard zy welcome in

    Shuffle shoes shuffles in ajh John John R is here good to see him my dude and let me see uh trits 4 happy Monday 1 49 let the garlic Wars begin yes yes yes it’s the garlic Wars murf the garlic Wars indeed indeed uh Right light works laser engraving watching us here on

    YouTube you’re very welcome aboard man how are things H strap 21 Ola uh let me see g o on YouTube Welcome in welcome in guys thank you very much indeed for tuning in Badgers is here hello Badgers he says hey Mar from chat hello naughty gnome has res subscribed as has

    Mu fan gentlemen thank you very very much indeed for your continued support actually we might as well you know theight is Young ah oh Jesus is zesty beverage on a Monday night um but yes noty no it’s great to see you Muse how are you man Muse were you flying

    Today wa oh wait it was canceled uh whan says let’s fast forward yes we’re getting there soon uh Muse fan burst in the door saying how he is is m is it’s Latin it’s Latin old veteran 965 he says good afternoon all um lose the German tribes on Microsoft they need pillaging

    Badly to be grand great bunch of lads the Germans I’ve always said it at right where we at now we’re up here look Mutley good to see you resubscribing to the channel thank you very very much indeed cheers man that made me jump it made you jump

    It made me jump lad thank you very much indeed although look the Raman the modes brilliant um shall I throw to the fla what said it again Centurian shall I throw to the fla yes yes throw to the floor brilliant did you ever watch The Life of Brian if you haven’t what’s

    Wrong with you you need to do things like that it’s important educational you know that was banned in Ireland for years it only released it last month that’s blatant lie but you know what me it was banned for years can’t have that sacr sa can’t can’t show them that they

    Were freaking miles ahead of us where Mony python do you know a fight from Manchester to Dublin Lon Liverpool via Dublin Belfast and Carol was I flying get a l to this guy yeah right Goblin Zeus good evening QC Frank welcome in um ain’t no one going to talk about Caesar’s brother Caesar

    Salad was well twice removed J know H now let me see RF good to see you your first group flight congratulations and welcome in it shall be fun don’t worry about about Anan right I’m horrendous at this so it’ll be fine right don’t do what I do You’ be laughing WM flight Sim

    Good to see you you’re welcome in Kei o Farrell is here he says hi you murf and Mrs Tutone and all hopes well you too my dude you too my dude won’s murf yes get a background tunage here so Husker 2 good to see you kazaki ref no sh off

    There’s no refunds H kazaki flyer welcome in H Robinson Racing howdy man uh now let me see Ryan White ola the real flying bunny says hey you’re very welcome in dude good to see it now uh I’m up here look wakamo Mo happy Monday zybach doc calling from Denmark hello

    From tiporary zybach I hope you’re well now let me see Boston elf you’re welcome in again hello there right I’m catching up with the chat I’m doing a great job so much violence on a Monday I had to think what Fridays would be like violence you say Scorpio 49 rumbles in

    As he’s sitting by the fire he says good evening morphan all in chat you’re okay tonight as we’re past the Watershed there’s another storm coming I feel like Stephen King and the crow or was it the storm there’s a storm coming what’s this one they’re calling it joeline they should have called it

    Jolene at least we can have a song about it do you know what I mean they should name every storm after the song so you can sing about it Isa huh no that’s no use at all Joselyn no we need Jolene right do you know what I mean and and

    You know words to that effect but yes uh in keeping with the Roman theme there will be Italian food for dinner tonight says old veteran well that sounds wonderful what are you going to have you know some Roman Delicacies include a d mouse I’m just saying you don’t knock it

    Till you try it they had a life expectancy of about 40 H Vincy good to see you squark T is here tried the model matching mod again today no look I haven’t had any model matching whatsoever for months really no way man Zak yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with

    It man we’ll try and fix it though Energizer I would say I’m very cultured by having watched Monty Python Star Wars Lord of the Rings but then I realized I haven’t watched Star Trek or Doctor Who listen don’t worry about do Doctor Who Star Trek most important right a

    Fiveyear mission to seek out strange new worlds new civilizations to boldly go where no one going be before and then beard took over you know what I mean Patrick Stewart right he made Baldi look sexy again and Patrick right you know not that they ever lost that appeal I’m

    Just saying you know cuz I’m getting close to it myself it’s it’s fading fast Roman andas now right out 100 times Roman generals make the best time travelers because they can move centuries forward ah henbird ah brilliant who who redeemed for car that was good Sean that was someone write

    Someone need to write that down that was a great joke Mr Zed is here good good to see you man how is the history lessons brilliant we’re learning nothing H now we’re we’re over here uh Ali Dobson good to see you you’re very welcome in uh there’s a song about Josephine

    Josephine no Joseline or Joseline I don’t know what it’s called I had pizza with mozzarella Jesus that sounds very nice H Elaine will have lasagna and I think I’ll have the ve lecal oh JZ Veil old veteran and tell me what sort of beverages shall you use on the you know

    That sounds very nice doesn’t it KN Z likes himself a well-aged dor Mouse steak brilliant tarnish is in the Phenom You’ be grand totally fine you can do two laps Star Trek is worth watching it just is Keith shake and Stevens Josephine do you remember shake and

    Stevens he’d one eye looking at you he’d one looking for you do you remember him brilliant he had the nicest jumper collection you’ve ever seen Cardigans knitted you know wool brilliant uh the80s man uh right now where over here look Julie Shak and Stevens Julie must

    Be a wife of Julie right right I think we’ll all agree to disagree that uh Joseline or Joselyn or is it joelin I don’t know who names them samely the Irish in the English had a conversation and said we’re going to name all the stores storms right and then in 2019 the

    Dutch isan J Weir they came over and they said we’ll take part in this and they did so you have the Irish the English and the D naming all the storms when I was young it was just windy I don’t know what’s after happening but I listen down range says

    MF I can’t take it anymore I’m going to mood you brilliant you want to see me at breakfast time do I want to have breakfast with you or what no I’m not like that in the morning although some mornings I am I tend to be a bit kind of

    Strained in the morning the brain hasn’t fully captured the day I’m still in this scanning for devices phase you know uh the storms have different names over here oh do they apparently the next storm would be named close fper close Jesus I near got that one Lads huh I nearly got that one

    Right so before we go and we’re going to do a full startup in this mchine here now in a second I need to tell you what we’re doing right so a quick recap cast your thoughts and eyes back to the year 58 BC well you don’t have to go back

    That far just think of last week right part three was last week the Battle of uh the see I still can’t pronounce it the decisive Victory overcoming the helvetii so in our previous episode we embarked on a journey to the heart of Gaul where Caesar faced and defeated the helvetii

    In a pivotal battle our flight replicating this historic March took us through the scenic Landscapes of Eastern France from burn all the way down to Autumn we flew the agile Airbus h160 helicopter and uh exper experience brought us closer to understanding the Strategic genius that was of Caesar part

    Four tonight focuses on the Germanic threat the Jura mountain skirmishes and of course Ariel Vistas right so we have some context the aircraft are flying tonight of course the 414 cruising speed of about yeah 200 knots range about yeah, 1500 is Miles uh serice ceiling some 30,000 or 30,000 ft and a passenger

    Capacity up to about eight peoples uh the route in which we’ve discussed so I’ll bring you into this whole story right so Caesar was there decking the helvetti eye see what it did there humingbird I mean shut your eyes and you’re there right but anyway Caesar

    Last week well it wasn’t last week it was 2,000 years ago but anyway he was there having an El scrap with the HTI ey this massive tribe of some 300,000 um leaving Switzerland modern day Switzerland they were based somewhere around Lake Geneva and they were migrating they were sick and tired of

    These Germanic tribes the suab constantly harassing them and they needed more space to live expansion so they said right we’re going to pack up our troubles and head that way out to the maritime regions of Gul in doing so well they were going to travel through

    Romans Turf Romans front door as it were and the Romans didn’t like that o what are you doing so a broke fought out I mean a fight broke out and Cesar went up there and was all sorts of be Jus at the time during Caesar’s fight

    With the Alvi there were other G GIC tribes jostling for position as they do the the tribes the whole region of Gaul modern day France and some of the lowlands and that neck of the woods well you had all of these rivaling tribes and they were constantly fighting with and

    Against each other for you know I like that mountain it’ll be mine so during all of this one tribe One Tribe said I know exactly what to do here I shall call on the support of my cousins across the river the big beardy fell Ariel visus say arel would you mind

    Coming over to give us a hand H so Ariel vus and the suab were invited in uhoh and that’s what happened they invited the assistance of the Germanic cousin Ariel vus a great German leader he was only looking for an excuse to bring his 100 th000 Plus Army into Gul he was like

    Caesar expansionist he yes we’re going to G it’s great over there the G tribe who invited him well they thought Ariel Vistas he’d come over give them a helping hand and then you know head back across the Ryan thanks very much you’re sound that wasn’t the case Ariel Vistas

    Will he fancied this new region he thought hang on a second this is brilliant the whole land shall come under my control that’s scared they actual be Jesus out of the rest of the GAC tribes on I don’t believe it you just went and invited the Germanic

    Tribes in what were you thinking so they said oh bother there was no way the GS could all work together against the Germans so they said uh what about this Caesar individual you know your man who’s after helping us somewhat out by stopping the helveti ey he stopped that problem

    And could he help us and that’s what they did runners messages everything started coming down to C to say we need your help there’s an IM as a massive German tribe on the way over the rine and they keep coming oh bother Caesar not in any rush to take on a massive

    Germanic Army he requested that they return back across the Ry or at the very least stop more Germans from coming over the Ryan he sent messages to Ariel Vistas but he would have none of it Cesar then sent a letter detailing the rules of the Germans or to the Germans

    That no one else could enter this region there was to be no fighting no pillaging and any Gall hostage must be returned Ario Vistas scoffed at it he broke his left foot laughing how funny he thought of a Roman to make such a demand so far

    From Rome and he said if Caesar wanted to force the issue well he was more than welcome to try oh it’s on it’s on now Lads Ariel Vistas he was a friend of the Roman Republic in actual fact the hilarity some years before with the assistance of Julius

    Caesar ariovistus was named a friend of Rome Caesar was in a bit of a pickle H do know that fell who I said was Grand yeah he’s not we need to fight him huh yeah he’s no good at all he’s up but didn’t you no no he’s he’s an issue we

    Need to deal with him and uh but that was the predicament but Caesar knew in fact they all knew you can’t have these massive German tribes running a mck the entire region is going to be disabil and we have a massive Roman Ary under Caesar kind of

    Out there in no man’s land something had to be done so Caesar thinking he was okay and you know fairly solidify IED I’ll go up and meet him face to face he knew he had to put a stop to it plus all the other tribes

    They all now knew uh we don’t want the Germans here at all so they were able to help Caesar out in his travels and resupply and all this sort of jazz right so off he went Caesar headed north to pursue him we’re going to stop it there because

    We’re going to get our aircraft up and running then we’re going to learn what happens next now on tonight’s flight is as well we’re going to learn a couple of things how do the Romans navigate we have all sorts of cool instruments and radio signals that we can go flying

    Including GPS well back then the Romans they didn’t right then I want to focus on some of the religious beliefs back then CU some of them are fantastic we’ve we’ve heard about the sacred chickens and if you’ve never heard of the Sacred chickens I’ll bring you back up to speed

    In a little while but we’re going to focus on the belief system of not only the Romans but also the suab because these were kind of the the written laws of the day they had to follow them in fear that their gods were going to punish them and all the sorts of jazz

    You know so we’re going to do all that now in a little while all right so let me see if I just highlight this so I know not to forget it cuz I forgot a h stuff last week what your Lads it can happen to anyone it could happen to

    Anyone so here we go now we’re going to hop into our little airplane get the thing up and running and uh this is a really really nice airplane huge huge fan of this aircraft uh so the Romans all the Romans had was V a war right J

    Know no not good to see you um jelyn for position oh that’s a good one actually yes yes Preston you’re very welcome aboard thank you for the follow um if you name a storm jool leene it has to be one that’ll take the house just like the song

    Right shake and Stevens had what you call mortgage eyes one fixed one variable it can happen to anyone but he was brilliant it it made his Ensemble look you know the way it did uh right now let me see we’re up here somewhere um Julius is going to get the he’s going

    To get a right oh no Julius is going to get a right Decker now he is isn’t he the Stars always shine uh the way northwards right uh now hey Mariner H is here good to see it if you pick up a rock in France does that make it a gall

    Stone ah rad Baron that’s brilliant ah Jesus do know I once had a gall stone I’d man i’ to get me gallbladder taken out get me God what me yeah t you H now right where I think it’s time for a drink vacuum couldn’t agree more Lenny

    Brooks I haven’t broken a thing yet right I’m only here for the History Channel now you want to fly sorry Sean sorry um what do you mean hav’t broken anything yet I don’t break anything breaker of things M seems to be having problem with the TW with yeah baby Jesus

    M seems to be having problems with buffering on Twitch is that still a problem is that still a problem is Twitch still kind of buffering every now and again H if you’re experiencing some sort of issue with twitch hop on over to YouTube we’re at studying 4K quality now

    4K is coming to twitch but for the moment you know if it’s not working jump on over to YouTube and Paparazzi thank you very very much indeed 30 months my dude very very kind of you great to see you and well thank you for all your support H not Twitch in Canada doing

    Just fine good to hear it cane head right so here we are in the cesna 414 have you flown this before this is from fly simware these are the guys who are working on the brand new Lear jet 35 and I have to say this is a pretty airplane

    Right um and it’s highly highly capable and it’s one of those aircraft that’s just been updated a ton plac somewhere like like weekly they were updating this thing do you know what I mean but yes only seems to be you mus wasn’t your internet a bit on the Dodge

    So or Dodge side the Airbus pilot at doubling yesterday had blue eyes one blue his way one blue that way blue eyes right uh so this is our machine so let’s hop inside and get ourselves acquainted with it do you like my curtains I’ve just got them steamed

    So here we are in the cabin but we’ll jump into the cockpit here and go to our little tablet and we’re going to get ourselves set up so we’re going to close the internal doors bit of noise there thank you very much we’re going to remove the chocks

    Engine plugs tie down static Wicks and the pedo covers and we get rid of the yolk and Rudder locks perfect so on this page this is just for your equipment the doors the aircraft State maintenance and so on now maintenance well there is no maintenance they’re just there anyway

    Next page H wind that’s okay we can see what the relevant wind is doing or relative wind is doing loading we can load up this thing so if we want elisia for example a 31 year old weighing 1555 well if we press this but I’d be she’s on the phone tell me

    Alicia is it an iPhone or is it a thingy phone who knows but you can do that you can do that right H moving on abruptly that’s our loading so let’s look at our fuel so we got 50/50 in the tanks range of about we’re going to up the uh up the

    Old fuel AG here right let’s go 7070 that’s good and that’s good so we can see fuel on board range just under 800 miles lots and lots and lots and now we have a walk around and then we have our checklists everything’s fairly good uh to be here right uh it does look

    Marvelous uh let me see now now big Carlo good to see you uh I’m watching on YouTube and type in here in the chat I can watch other streams fine uh and your stream on YouTube is fine too internet is perfect Jesus Muse I wonder is like I

    Wonder are there any settings you need to clear or Muse I wonder is it happening just on the mod screen do you know the way on Twitch you have the mods view just we’ll try and pinpoint the issue do you know what I mean right so I’m finished with the

    Tablet we can follow this off so if your pre-fly checks before starting the engines we can go in here everything’s just yep and yep yep yep yep so we’ll disappear this for the moment cuz I’m happy enough with it so uh disappear please and well welcome to this mchine

    Here right welcome to this machine right I need to disable that one second Now controls I was making videos at the weekend and I had to uh I had to get rid of stuff you’re on the throttle on the hotas mixture want to clear it validate

    It save it and go back I’m going to manually use this all right so let me see looking down here fuel tanks are currently in the off position we’re going to turn the right to Main and left to main go uh looking up on the overhead lights are off some

    Vises don’t need just yet remove the yolks just so we can see what’s happening so we have our gear handle in the down position parking brake is set to on verify is checked yes it is and let me see prop is full mixture is off throttle has movement and we’re looking

    Fairly okay cow flaps pull to close and push to open it’s okay leave them open for our start up go ahead and get a little window open you do a shot a wd4 you couldn’t it right okay so we’re going to come down here to our left hand side and this is

    Where Everton lives in terms of our electrical systems so we have these bars here right we’re going to turn on the master battery sounds are good EXC excellent so Master battery go ahead and get the alternators turned on and we got some lights on here as well

    Anti collision and nav lights can be turned on everything else leave off for the moment all our circuit breakers work so a quick visual check on them make sure there’s nothing popped up we look okay quick check over the faride they look okay excellent they right okay it’s

    Quite dim in here so we’ll turn on some panel lighting very nice very nice uh and we’re going to have a look at our fuel controls so let’s see so we can see that we’re getting a from the battery it’s less than zero so we’re drawing on

    It so we need to be careful of that uh we’re going to start with the mags and we’re going to go for a start on engine number two so right mags can come on I’m going to engage the fuel pump on the right engine introduce the mixture extra

    Rich and we’re going to prime it very good clear prop and going go for start hold it hold it hold it RPM is rising oil pressure coming up we have a good start on the right engine great okay fuel pump off now we repeat those steps for our

    Engine one on our left hand side so the mags be turned on just watch the RPM build up they’ve actually modeled this quite well it takes moment for the for the engine to warm up so let me see fuel pump on the left engine keep her down on the low side

    Bring our fuel in prime it there prop and we should have spinage engines holding pressure Rising good start on the left nice fuel pump off close the window lock the uh lock the little handle now quick check down on our electrical components so we can see now that the right and

    Left um alternators are working we’re getting a charge on the battery the battery is holding nicely volts coming up there and bit 26 27 25 that’ll do okay so our electrics are working just fine at this stage we’re going to power up the avionics unit so quick check make

    Sure there’s nothing there that’s going to cause us any grief avionic master switch to on all right blood pressure is rising Hoven good to see you okay Muse thanks for letting me know dude okay so we’re just giving these a few moments to warm up bring the mix are

    Down here so we’re not going to fail the engine okay let’s go in and have a look so this is our autopilot unit we’re going to turn on the flight directors they’ll come on to our heading indicator and our Artificial Horizon uh little HSI down here let ground we’ll play with

    This now in a moment uh altitude set for autopilot we’ll go ahead and set 4,000 our little honey well system thank you uh distance measuring equipment DME don’t need that we’re going to be flying this on GPS so we’re going to go to map mode change our course deviation

    Indicator it’s currently on V one we’re going to put it onto GPS and we’ll zoom out here a little bit and we’re going to start putting in a flight plan all right so if you put in exclamation point route it’ll give us the route so our departure

    Airport is that LF qf our first pardon me we’re going to fly over lfsd uh no oh that’s not actually our destination need to change that more our destination bega pardon is going to be uh Geneva LS G and we’ll add some way points along

    The way how’s that so we’re going to say lfsd is that correct lfsd yes then it’s LF qm LF qm LF qm then it’s lfsb LF SB basil and then we’re good and then we’re good lads I’ve noticed YouTube is normally 35 seconds behind what is it uh

    This was on sale for 20 bucks recently oh dude dude hey Patrick is here good to see you uh twitch has been laggy for me as well yeah there’s there’s a couple of people having issues with twitch I was one of them as well right so let’s have

    A quick check here on our flight plan just to make sure we’re going the way we want we arv of four today LF qf lfsd LF qm lfsb and then of course lsgg that’s looking fairly good to me and all should be well what do we say about 242

    Nautical miles in total that looks correct all right back into our map quick zoom out just to make sure it visually makes sense which it does and we can remove some of the information here just to make life a little bit easier uh terrain we will use and the Jordan Mountains they’re

    Over this neck of the woods they’re in front of Lake Jan right so that’s what we’re going to do now our transponder a couple of ways to set that but uh let me see we go standby mode over here with our beautiful GTX 345 ADF again we’re not going to be

    Using V NDB or ADF everything’s gone into the uh on the GPS for us right jasus I have two units here how handy is that we could go weather or indeed charts um procedures nearest I suppose we could do traffic on this one do you know what I

    Mean uh and traffic should be turned on okay so we were looking up here so let me see fuel left and right uh our CFS 2000 hello there I keep breaking this 84.7 20.6 fill up verify test is working enter left and right well that’s they’re going to be different aren’t

    They H I need to read and how to work this gadget but anyway we won’t worry about it we just got hello there H who is this Lake guy Texas thank you very much indeed for the follow welcome in welcome in TJ Turner is here hello TJ L

    Mega good to see you Lads you’re all very welcome aboard okay so we’re going to squawk we’re via 4 so we’re going to put it on altitude mode that’s looking fine here H over to the right hand side we have some environmental controls mainly with our cabin air and the devil

    Knows what we have some important things in there including a book from flight safety pretty handy uh right now before we get going we will hit the B for resetting our barrel and we’ll hit the D to make sure our directional gyro is doing what it needs

    To do we’re also going to engage the taxi lights and everything else here looks pretty good we do have hydraulic fluid warnings but they’ll probably disappear once I increase a bit of power here let’s test that before we go there we go so we’re all right for the

    Moment okay it’s been 112 years it’s fine totally fine so par break coming off it’s a very short taxi we’re at Papa now what I will do I’ll do a very quick run up and then we’ll get multiplayer turned on how’s that for the plan and just m the L terrain here cuz

    It looks terribly bumpy terribly terribly bumpy uh are you going to fly buy this plane and you’re trying to sell it I should have been like get shares and fly somewhere or something there a Cracker of a plane anyone who has the 414 it’s very very good easy now

    Jima okay so before we get out onto the active I just want to do a quick runup test we’ll do it up here at the whole Short Line how’s that H while we’re doing that we’re going to pop on the landing lights cuz they do take a moment to come on

    Decent sounds in there so there’s the lights coming on there now right they kind of have to spool into position so parking break is set we’re going to put the mixture up and we’re going to increase our RPM about 1,700 or 1,800 will do okay quick test

    On our our mags we’re looking for a drop of about 50 very good very good right engine is sound try the left engine that’s Good and that’s good nice cycle the Frog there’s one drop an RPM there’s two rise of manifold pressure and three there’s a drop in fuel flow gr perfect run up complete sound lad sound right engage one not of flaps let them come into play activate multiplayer get ourselves situated here

    Uh it’s taxi forward left side departure am I on live weather no I’m not actually however I don’t know what live weather is doing is it worth a punt or is it m Scorpio wasn’t mad H I love and I think it’s the best twin in Microsoft Flight Sim ooh and I

    Did have the best sounds until the Vulcan came along nuts live weather live is okay is it we give it a shot just to see what the crack is like looks okay live is okay they’re all saying live is okay there’s a terrible long stutter though

    Couple of starters there well give it a moment give it a moment oo high pressure to P the big switch good buddy this will make the flight very interesting Empire kicking is here good to see you Empire thank you so much indeed for the raid M dude we got a couple of

    Planes okay yeah baby and a tier one subscription thank you very much indeed Empire hope you guys had a wonderful stream you join us here about to depart on the start of our flight for tonight H we’re on live on the Southeast Asian server and uh Airport departure is Lima

    Fox cubec fox hey B good to see you right Lads on your bike let’s be having you we shall take off and it’s going to be a right hand pattern so departure to the right up the yard par coming off it’s a mass Exodus this baby hits 88

    Mph you’re going to see some serious you just will right it looks sounds and flies great oh come on now Lads you’re number 37 for departure D higgy good to see you oh we got a Honda Jet whoever whoever’s in the king air they have the right idea they’re just

    Say no fck it plow through you Lads come on lads it’s all together now no hanging around we can all go it’s all totally fine nothing to see here at all Jesus we need to have some sort of structure here like it’s just just fly someone only paid four fifths

    Of a plane to the right do you know what that is I deleted textures trying to free up some space and it didn’t actually work do you know Jesus for anyone tun in in the much and they going to say see that Flying Circus they’re a

    Mad bunch of lads mad bunch of lads can I get refund no there’s no refunds good to see it time oh there’s going to be a crosswind takeoff here oh nice oh Jesus there is lots of people here this is brilliant you can see nothing from this view all together now

    Lads you’re doing great soaring AJ is about to get airborne Reckless Ray zg Walker there’s over there Simon Kaki I don’t know why your Bonanza isn’t showing right very strange got some kodiaks with us as well look lead ballooner you need a controller we we could do with a controller oh Jesus

    Right Rob let’s be having you Simon’s just going to burst through as well and should we listen we know a blue line is just going to go hammer after tail looking to be grand up the yard ah brilliant how are we looking Jesus qu arer has the same problem look holy crap

    There’s a lot of people here isn’t there there a total grid luck R’s in the tree 10 beautiful beautiful departures here Lads just be careful of the windage do you know what I mean it looks kind of dodged doesn’t it it looks terrible Dodge now can I do something J it’s

    Morph come on will you’re holding up the parish don’t mind me now when will we have the 421 I don’t know a 421 you say sorry fast pce go on ahead southeast Asia TJ yeah Jump On In um I’ll just Edge forward here will I it’s totally fine I’ll Edge forward

    Don’t mind me all is well in the realm okay are ready let’s do our thing so hiding BG we’re walking talking and indeed squawking let’s go power coming in oh the wind take up par set speed alive there 60 come on there Betsy there’s 80 there’s 90 yepsy Daisy positive rate of climb indicating the climb gear up oh she’s windy up here LS 300 ft Flaps in Easy now Chuck easy now who said live weather was Grand is positively windy over here is it just windy everywhere in the World right turn coming in easy Easy altitude uh vertical speed call 2000 you Sim is doing all sorts of weirdness autopilot engage heading mode on and vertical speed coming up on 4,000 with those Landing lights in in taxi lights off as well stabilize the aircraft easy does it what size what side is my monitor

    What side or what size bit of wind never hurted anyone right uh right now let me see so we need to do one of these um so friends if you’re flying along with us if you’re on the Xbox press one if you’re on the PC press 2 and if you’re

    Here in absolute awe and amazement at me ha quot you press number Three hello fireflies welcome to the Flying Circus we live stream every Monday Wednesday and Friday 2000 Zulu time right Here Yeah [Applause] Baby Oh A all right all right all right this is precisely Paul how the Romans invaded Britain absolutely um who have we got we’ve 33 in the PC two on console and myself thank you very much super TI excellent right how are we looking here now we’re over here right so we need to

    Start uh getting ourselves situated here on our route look that doesn’t look terribly R although it kind of does if we zoom in here we’re actually on the flight path per se per per so we’re going to do a very slight turn to the right and we’re going to intercept this

    So we’re going to turn right 090° we’re going to arm nav mode GPS should take over and then fly us to exactly where it is we want to go we also have some traffic monitoring which is off the fraking hook it looks amazing uh now let

    Me see GPS altitude says 3 and 1 half th000 ft yet four is indicated so I don’t know why she’s doing that let’s leave it B props thing can now be activated we’re going to calm the ship down a little bit bring mixture down RPM is stable power keeping in the green RPM

    Back to 2500 which is fairly you know heavy we can have a look here of our exhaust gas temperature H we can keep it quite high again you can you know we want to be just lean of peak we’re fairly lean of peak but we’re Grand uh oil pressure temperatures everything looking good

    We’re all in the green fuel quantity is good and as we have a quick look over here we’re now headed to East and we’re going to turn this Dil in the direction of our flight so it’s going to be roughly 060 de so we’re expecting this

    Little divil here to go on the straight and narrow also going to bring my heading indicator to put it in a in the direction we want uh just in case we have any issues with our GPS on the left hand side cabin altitude we’re okay we don’t need to worry too

    Much we do have oxygen on board uh but for the moment we’re just Grand we’re not going up too terribly high so I think we’re all right Lads on rental power again right sorry size so my main monitor is a I think it’s a 48 in yeah it’s a 48 in

    LG OLED it’s the C1 it was the first one that came out but the bonus there is you get it’s an OLED so the blacks and the you know the this thing makes blacks absolute as dark as possible the the colors right so if you’re flying at nighttime lighting really jump out you

    If you ever see an OLED TV do that the the color definition the Shadows the anything that’s dark is incredible like when if you look at the color black on other TVs especially kind of LCD well they’re not very it’s not real black it’s like very very very very

    Very very very very very dark blue right them sort of fellas but um overall they’re they’re not bad the old ads I love them do you know what I mean sometimes you see lay people wearing what look like black socks but if you look closely you’ll see

    They’re very very very very very very very dark blue never buy black socks in a normal shop they shaft you every time that sort of thing do you know what I mean so um the olet is great the only thing is though um you get burn

    In do you know what I mean um now uh give us what’s that give us a back view of the monitor or give us give us a back view of the monitor a back view you say there’s the monitor in front of me so I have a screen here that’s me map

    Right of your main Sim my chat lives here the OBS is there and me Discord mods is up there that’s what I need when I go fly I have another screen here you can’t really see it I on if I move out of the way I have another monitor in

    There H and that’s another map you know I need two maps I’m stupid H and then have an iPad over here but I haven’t fully configured out this area I’m not entirely happy with what is under the Telly right I’ve to work on that but we’ll get there eventually do you know

    What I mean we’ll get there eventually and he doesn’t look at Discord mods nearly no I Do I don’t but I will I I’ll Endeavor to work better I’ll Endeavor to work better now what was our flight plan here just so I know uh Lads let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s so uh yes we’re overflying this first airport it’s a fly over we ain’t Landing there our first

    Stop LS is at LF qm LF qm that’s our first stop lfs D we’re just going to fly over it wow look at that weather Jesus look at that weather isn’t it beautiful good call on live weather Lads absolutely stunning look at this beautiful very impressive thank you

    Baders very kind of you um right now so no we’re doing all right so far now right so I left you in this position so Caesar said right head up the road there now was a good l so we did Caesar uh closed in on the Germans he set up fortifications eventually yeah

    Baby MDA is here for 13 months thank you very very much indeed cheers man um oh I meant to say as Caesar uh was approaching them right he had to move to the dense forest areas often blocking the sun leaving the legions in complete darkness these trees

    Soared hundreds of feet in the air it was incredibly uh dense and the forest reminded the Romans of the bogey man you see Rome was once sacked by the GS about 350 years prior to this the GS came down and sacked Rome right crazy stuff anyway it spooked the Roman Legions they

    Started hallucinating thinking that Jesus we’re going up against these mad Germanic people they’re 15 ft tall you know they can breed fire and their cannibals right that’s what they thought Caesar didn’t like this sort of you know messing going on in the ranks so he had to deal with the problem yeah

    Baby Baran thank you very much indeed 25 months dude very kind of you cheers man so Caesar fighting with the uh fighting with this problem his troops like you know what I mean losing the will he gathered his centurions and he absolutely shamed them what are you not doing why are the lads

    Talking about 15 ft fire breathing Germans what are you talking about do your job willas that seemed to have sorted it because after Caesar kind of you know stuck into the centurions they were like oh yes very good Caesar Lads it’s it’s don’t worry these are just a load of

    Brutes from across the rine they’re barbarians and we’re going to give them a good decken right essentially that’s what happened so they all calmed down so once Caesar then got closer to Ariel Vistas well he set up fortifications and a camp and oddly as soon as Caesar

    Arrived there a letter came to him remember Caesar was trying to get in contact with ariovistus wouldn’t entertain him all of a sudden emissaries were sent we want to meet so Caesar said Grant however Ario Vistas stipulated some rules under no circumstances could any infantry support you or come with you

    Only Cavalry and we will meet on a neutral ground now to put things into context Caesar none of his fellow countrymen were in the Cavalry he had nidian he had nidian Cavalry he had mercenaries from all over Gaul they were his Cavalry this didn’t suit Caesar so he said I know

    What to do Caesar and instructed his favorite Legion the 10th Legion to mount horses to accompany him and from that day until you know forever more they became known as the tent mounted Legion so Caesar and his amyand Cavalry only rambled up to meet with first and G

    Or with Ariel Vistas and the two Lads met Ario Vistas he seemed agitated he was sparing for a fight but didn’t engage there was a couple of you do this and you know they passed a few of the Roman equivalent to Y mama jokes but nothing really came from

    This Caesar was somewhat shocked he couldn’t understand why the German simply just wouldn’t engage in battle the Germans completely outnumbered the Romans they were better supplied better equipped they probably even had better morale yes no even the sui harassed the German so or the uh Roman soldiers who

    Were there you know they true javelins and true Stones the Romans kept their discipline they just didn’t engage so after pretty much a wasted afternoon Caesar returned to his camp and ariovistus did the same Caesar was freaked by this like why aren’t they attacking well it turns out there was a

    Roman spy in the German Camp who schnuck out and made it back to Caesar’s tent and he said hail Cesar come here to me he said you’ll never guess what you see those German Lads yeah well they’re not going to go into battle they’re waiting for favor from the

    Gods huh yep Ariel visted he wanted nothing more than to go down and show these Romans how things are done you know German style no the gods didn’t favor it he was waiting on his Druids to come back with positive news and day after day after day they never came back

    With the Positive news they said No it’s it’s not today not today so Ariel Vistas wouldn’t bring and Lead his men into battle we’re passing our first Waypoint look down there’s an airport just under Us near us over there is there look ah brilliant now Caesar getting word of

    This this was like winning the fraking lotto hang on a second if I attack now I’ll have the element of surprise maybe just maybe the Germans will be reluctant to fight because they’re waiting to hear or wait they’re waiting on the favor of their gods the next morning Caesar up at the

    Cadon rallied his entire force and launched a fullscale attack did the Jesus now the Germans once they were called to arms and started fighting well there was no sign that these guys were hesitant not waiting or waiting on their gods to favor battle they gave it everything they got and we’re going to

    Learn about the battle in a little while but here we’re going to ramble over and well let’s learn a little bit about the cultural and Military Dynamics between the Romans the sui and indeed the other gallic tribes you see Roman culture was a blend of ancient italic and Greek

    Influences the Greeks massive influence on Rome it was highly urbanized with a focus on law literature and Monumental architecture Latin of course being their main lingu with Franco and the society was structured around the principles of law citizenship and military duty Latin of course the language of Rome it was used in administration

    Literature Communications up and down the Roman Empire the sui on the other hand well part of the larger Germanic cultural sphere that were more tribal and Rural the society yeah baby Jesus AB 92 thank you very much indeed 29 months dude thank you very much H thei part of the

    Larger Germanic sphere they were more tribal and Rural their society was structured around Clans and Warrior Elites their practices and traditions were orally transmitted with a focus on ancestral worship and nature the SU spoke an early form of Germanic language distinct from Latin with no written tradition during this period

    H the religion right the Romans heavily were influenced by the Greek mythology well they had a Pantheon of gods they worshiped household gods and they were known for adopting Gods from other cultures the sui they were actually quite similar they the P Pantheon of God related to Nature war and daily life the

    Religious practices includeed sacrificial rights Jesus sacrifice Mass sacrifice it’ll be brilliant then when we talk about the equipment we’ve learned you know last week the Roman equipment when it came to combat equipment Weaponry they were like different League glads they were Miles Ahead Romans having such things of you

    Know a highly organized disciplined and professional standing army legionnaires were equipped with the Gladius the pilum the scotum and they also wore segmented plate armor the Su on the other hand they were Fierce and valorous but far less organized informal units they fought with Spears Shields and they were known

    For their effective use of the war ax armor was less common reserved only for the wealthier Warriors interesting so who was this Ariel vist well he was a king and a war leader of the sui known for his bravery and Leadership he commanded respect and fear amongst his people and his enemies

    His involvement with Gul all came down to one of the gallic tribes requesting assistance from their Germanic cousins to come help settle a feud Ario vus of course I’ll come over and help you bringing his 100,000 plus soldiers into the region and of course the G tribe who

    Called for his assistance thinking Asher arel will just ramble over give the lads a deck in and then head her on well he didn’t Ariel vus thought Gul was just wonderful to rule and to expand his Empire yep we’re going the wrong way we’re not going the right no wait we are

    We’re going the right way all as well uh I give was here gimo was here for a moment and then he’s like what no hey you gimo good to see you man this is not gimo’s cup of tea anyway um hello there hello there hello

    PS Miranda good to see you um so Aras or Ariel vist he established himself he wanted to be the ruler of this new country and that scared the beesus out of the other Galla tribes they didn’t like this and it also annoyed Caesar I mean Caesar fancied call his backyard

    His expansion area he wasn’t going to play nice here the GAC tribes they were constantly fighting against each other as tribes do fighting for power and organizing weddings and all the sort of jazz to expand their own dominion the problem was there were so many individual tribes fighting against

    Each other no one really took the overall force had the all the GIC Nations you know if they were to unite under under someone now you’re dealing with a competent Force but individually you would be able to say for example you didn’t like these Lads well you’ll find

    Someone else in G who also didn’t like those Lads and they’d help you out do you you know what I mean what’s that saying my my enemy’s enemy is me friend or something that sort of stuff right so it’s interesting so some of the tribes of course then allied with

    Caesar here’s this Roman General after bringing the Roman Legions into places they had never seen combat before I mean the Romans have never Advanced into G prior to this these Lads couldn’t know what they’re doing so they were invited come on up here and sort out this godforsaken

    Mess now think about it what are the GIC tribes who invited Ariel Vistas over what did they think was going to happen we’ll invite Ariel Vistas over he’ll defeat our enemy and then he will withdraw GS they lined themselves up for the mistake twice they assumed Caesar

    Will just ramble over get rid of this dramatic problem and ramble back history tells us that didn’t exactly go to plan J know so the tapestry and cultural linguistic and religious diversities between the Romans the sui and even the various gallic tribes and we can see the contrasting military weapons and

    Capabilities between the Romans and the suab very very different in terms of the military side but very similar in terms of the belief side very very interesting when you see these sort of things kind of you know happen conflict you know so the sui were waiting favorable signs

    From their religious leaders The Druids before fully committing to battle day after day Druids reported that the Gods had not yet given the sign causing a massive delay with Arial Vistas being able to launch his attack then all of this was made known to Caesar after the

    Roman spy within the suab camp relay this crucial information like there has to be like a you’d make a movie on that think about it D Belo hang on what zero en Roman numerals there’s a question is there a zero in Roman do you know what I

    Mean x i what7 seven or something right Madness absolutely Madness now while we’re here let’s learn some of this stuff right um scroll down here now to where you have it where is the stuff I wanted to learn uh did me notes here somewhere ah here

    We go give me notes so let’s focus on some of the uh some of the beliefs oh wait we’ll learn first and then we’ll learn about some of the Roman beliefs for example the Festival of saturnalia the sacred chickens I’ll remind you about those the Vestal virgins yanis the two-faced God right

    We’ll learn all about this now in a second right now uh right morph uh you’re doing well now don’t make a hash of it they used the word nula wait nula it wasn’t invented yet Romans didn’t have a zero did they not the zero was imported into Europe there is there

    There you go Egyptian Superstar ah Jesus m is at now egyp Ian Superstar Muhammad Salah one of the best International footballers playing the game today and he has achieved a few a few impressive streaks for his Liverpool FC team first the most consecutive matches with a goal scored for Liverpool 10 matches and

    Second the record for the most consecutive home games with a goal scored nine matches Believe It or Not Liverpool didn’t have a mascot until 2012 the club was sold to Fenway Sports mighty red a little red Liver Bird was introduced in 2012 and The Liver Bird

    Became a symbol of the city of Liverpool for centuries shower of shower right anyway we need to land here right can I sub to your channel don’t the two Community managers are going to get the ban Hammer now in a second lights on for landing this is

    Going to be tricky here for a second look we need to land here somewhere Jesus lad who and to our first landing of the night and I can’t see a thing right MF autopilot off bring the power back and get down out of this Jesus get down out of this Cloud a

    Little bit right Easy Does It Down a easy now we get under the cloud lir and we shall turn back to land we’re pretty much directly over the runway so just give it a couple of moments give it a couple of moments as the forward Force stay saving whiskey Tang go yes it

    Does I give a muse a great bunch of lads little do they know there’s going to be a test on this there’s one bat easy now playe easy Easy need to get that speed down a little bit circle out here to the left that’s going to be a turnout to the right bad for your wallet yeah time to pull the big switch good money welcome in Raiders uh tainy thank you very much

    Indeed for the raid hope you had a great stream okay right Lads speed 160 start a right hand turn we’re going to head back for the runway as we make our first stop of the night easy now yes B A Toby out here to help us out although we can’t see

    Much Speed Run 40 right start slowing us down worth easy now J we have a Runway over there somewhere there we go power’s coming back runways over there watch your speed oh it’s windy here Too okay Runway inside ease our way into it Lads ease our way in keep an eye on your speed keep it around 100 knots or so this aircraft does not like low speed at all you did ATC on T call nice Sim already got a minus 79 are you

    Serious there was four but the raid bugged out you’re fine thank you very much indeed for raiding on over to was very kind of you right first landing of the night coming up it better be pretty predict 144 J Easy Does It d m so our first landing over at

    Uh is it ban ban con it should be fine the weather is quite nice Definitely challenging chalot is there looking good Captain me’s looking Good easier way in in right we’ll ease our way in not too worried about the papies from this we’re just going to like you know we’re going to wing it watch your speed though keep it above 100 knots flap set gears down yard downers off we shall take our

    Time we shall take our time no pressure sir yeah what did you get again – 79 Jesus are you on live R side be honest now predictions into the chat the bot should record me Landing right I hope full props full mixture we’re on full

    Prop on full mixture oh J is a prop syn turn that off there you go she doesn’t like prop syn on the Landon have you counted the freckles on your shaving arm yet M what you talking about me shaving arm the harest arm the harest you just can’t see the hair cuz they’re

    Blonde there’s over a thousand yeah there’s over a thousand oh Jesus go handy now live vem not live time gotcha Jesus that’s good going man easy okay now we’re looking decent easy what where is the wind blowing It doesn’t feel right is the wind blowing behind us uhoh there’s people going around to I like a challenge easy easy decision height we’re Landing SLE lights two dogs we you down to me right easy now Jesus oh God the wind and there a bar liner on the runway oh

    Brilliant Jesus easy easy easy easy easy easy easy uhoh put it down 140 we’ll take it and that wind we’ll take it JZ I saw already got a great Lander didn’t he huh r i Jesus no d weather seems to be accurate as in the wind sock is blown that direction oh careful

    Now as in the wind sock is blown the right direction do you know what I mean where are we going going in the grass here now for a minute look as we uh taxi back this way squa talk is in nicely done yeah baby yeah right we made it our

    First me hand to keep fashing it why is that doing that right first stop of the night complete next up our heading over to lfsb we’re heading over to the river Ryan Lads the Ryan 63 nautical mile hop and from there then we’re going to

    Hi tail it back to Zurich so we are about to face the battle with the saabi look at that freaking weather sock look why is the entire planet windy everyone is getting oh Jesus look at the da62 ah everyone’s fighting the wind oh what a song rad

    Baron uh tier zero could see it MF I’m loving these flights last time I really felt I was with the Romans as they crashed their Chopper through the trees narrowly missing The High Ground a great history well that’s what it’s all about tier zero you know we like to keep things accurate the

    Romans of course you know flying modern aircraft but the nice thing is we’re kind of flying over these regions do you know what I mean and if you kind of pick history that’s not too far away it’s very political you know what I mean take pot looking good but yes very accurate the

    Romans but like what is cool apart from the flying and like the flying is just cool right but what is super cool the fact that you can visit these areas in the Sim because well let’s face it lad there’s a lot of places in the world you

    Just won’t ever get the chance to visit so isn’t it kind of awesome that we can kind of do it virtually and I love history so like you know what I mean that wind was nuts Ryan you did a great job oh Jesus right let us line ourselves up

    Here as we get ready for a takeoff oh what happened there see that everything turned off all me electrics cut out what happened there that can’t be good did you see that glitch or problem with the plane I think problem with the plane and Dreadful freaking performance interesting never seen that before no

    Maintenance uh I did nothing put another coin in the electric meter he’s only gone and broke the plane did the Irish invent Roman helicopters we did we did um Mar when will we have an official military air base for Firefly air I’m not telling you Viper it’s a secret um

    Put another coin in it you’ve angered the Gods uh Viper there may not be one but like we’re kind of we’re kind of busy with you know stuff at the moment now uh yeah that’s very strange why all of a sudden did we just lose power H I’m a little bit worried but

    Listen we won’t worry about it too much less although something’s not right here why is that goost that’s propero why is that caged oh we have a problem Houston we have a problem something’s after to going pop everything here looks good everything anything appears to be an order what’s over here

    Now everything here everything here looks good that’s strange isn’t it gyro yeah J’s working huh we have power alternators are feeding the battery we 28 volts weather unlikely very unlikely what’s the freaking temperature hello there hello there do we have a little temperature gauge surely we have it outside air temperature that’s like

    10° the ruction they’ve done studies you know at the time it works every time how can I test that turn off the AV for a minute turn them back on that’s so strange this is after failing look how where do that Lads but fly on we

    Won’t worry about it too much but I can’t uncage that oh no we’re in proper trouble here look this is shagged autopilot is gone ooh she ain’t liking this where’s the okay let me see fuel lights they’re all good can’t get FSU IPC to work at lrm

    I’ve uh I’m expecting an update on lrm soon Lads right nav transponder DME autopilot very very very strange let’s see what happens when we get airborne right I mean what’s the Worst That Could Happen do you know what I mean right power coming In let’s see what happens with the crank never had this issue happen before hey Gary good to see you speed 90 yep see Daisy positive ready to climb and indicate gear up we have a hydraulic pressure warning I think this is a bug 7.4.3 is broken oh wait oh that’s FSC is

    It okay spin around to the right here scroller up the old uh trim marf easy now yard up on flight director nothing autopilot nothing how Strange okay we’ll hand fly it I know this is shotgun but he broke it I actually don’t know what I did but EAS it doesn’t out power back as B it I’ve no significant load on our electrical systems Gyro’s still spinning like arrangements are working just the autopilot looks have gave up the

    Goat that’s weird isn’t it I’m in a glass case of emotion but fly the plane give skill isue are you BL who can we we blame kbo oky doie get ourselves somewhat lined up here so we need a heading of 065 degrees and for 63 notal miles

    Okay that’s so weird isn’t it like the instrument is working our our slip or our slip indicator is working autopilot is just Shanked right ever happened to you Before there’s rain on the planes rad there uhoh like we have a light on here saying you know autopilot off we know we know it’s off but like 5,000 ft can I get a refund no refunds where she even it’s not like the screen has Failed and there’s no way to there’s no way to kind of override that we could probably use flow maybe you know you going up we could probably use flow which listen we’ll hand flight and see what happens I have a left hydraulic flow error how do I fix That uh one second cabin that’s all okay airon don’t need to worry about that What on slaved Uh like I can’t move that dial that’s so strange and usually you get a flag or something popping up not working and it’s dead on this side look Jesus vertical speed watch your altitude here although I do want to stay above the clouds right this is interesting I’ve never had this issue before let’s see can we figure it out together right we don’t have the use of our autopilot for the moment I need to figure out why that

    Is any thoughts Lads should have found the beachcraft just interesting how do we troubleshoot this One if the instrument is working it’s just not reading huh rebooting your PC oh Jesus check weather Rader failures page if this has it doesn’t have it Rec avionics power tried that like these are powered by the gyro and usually like what’s this one over here do Cav he

    Cav fan windshield anti ice de I unlikely who’s in charge hav a clue what you’re doing no problems with the electrics from what you can see our main avionics buses are working just the autopilot is completely kicked out but if you notice when we had this problem the um the aircraft kind of

    Shook start engines in the tablet ready to start start engines now No this isn’t going to tell us what’s wrong Either asent that viir watch our climb here now epic fool good to see you Circle breaker it’s got to be but I can’t see it popped these guys are all in line right these guys a Jesus Murphy these guys are all in line nothing there sticking Out not circuit breakers that I’m aware Of back here there are alternators weird weird try restart with a fuse try to R bre it reset the breaker anyway pop them out and in okay well we need to go finding this devil Jesus me head’s off uh what are we talking autopilot isn’t

    It let’s have a look uh spare now toilet flush turn and Bank di ice lights EGT engine landing gear fuel prop saying starter now still dead uh MF you need to actually press autopilot rocker switch on the lower center pedestal on the throttles hey you need to actually press the autopilot rocker switch on the lower center pedestal below the throttles I

    Didn’t think there was one down here we have trims cow flaps nothing there trim trim indicator emergency gear handle hey Keen laford is here good see you ion Lads would be grand nothing to worry about uh fuel Alpine autopilot y Damer only some of these work not all of them directional gyro that looks like the devil right there okay I’ve cycled all of these now it’s did did I think the a part location depends on which version of the GPS so with the with the PMS 50s installed or the gtn

    750s I don’t think I have that button unless there’s a click spot hidden where does it usually live gibbo cuz it could be like a bug there’s no switch on either side there for the autopilot emergency shut off for the fuel like there’s no click spot here that I can

    See most unusual I was in car hospital today visiting and I had to put a face mask on Jesus oh Jesus really yeah no Panic no Panic how high are we climbing well we’re onlya gone too high we’re kind of 7 or 8,000 ft I’m not overly

    Worried about our height for the moment this is an interesting issue though I’ve never come across it before I’ve no circuit breaker popped I’ve no failure that I can see other than these guys are shagged but it’s not just one it’s both so both units have failed but the

    Gyro is still doing what it needs to do most unusual like that Artificial Horizon that is super important for flying like super yeah I tried cycle the avionics no dice okay so we can hang on look so here’s our flag right we turn it on flag disappears letting you know the unit is

    On what she won’t work I like this the plane is trying to kill us thanks Gib gibo I didn’t just call you Gib I called you Gib out yeah there’s there’s not even a hidden click spot here look okay what are you in the 530 yeah 530s okay we’ll continue

    On reboot the gtn from a setup page no I don’t the gtn are working fine it’s Grand it’s Grand here’s a problem this isn’t Working that’s got to be gyro Right this system doesn’t have failures how do you fix failures or fix failures isn’t there a button for that failures or repair isn’t it repair repair repair and refuel let’s call a shift or uh what’s up for action on you’re trying to assign the devices time to pull the big switch good

    Buddy who be this control Major Tom welcome in Raiders hope you guys are keeping well give is Grand to be called we Sor give Mr GB yeah so I can’t repair me systems either we have an avionics failure which appears to be caused by some lack of Gyro something but welcome

    In thank you very much indeed for the raid hope you guys had a great stream we’re heading towards the Ry call Art thank you for the follow good to see you Lads this is pretty cool Lads we actually have an issue yeah it’s totally fine don’t worry about it right now

    Right let’s learn about a couple of uh we could do with the the help of the Gods here now right so the Festival of saturnalia this is a time when the Roman social norms were turned upside down slaves would become Masters and the Masters would serve them it was a

    Festival full of mert and even the most serious of Romans would wear ridiculous clothes and party right the Festival of saturnalia that’s what these Lads got up to where the Masters became the slaves that’s that’s hilarious anyway this is the we told you about this one before but Consulting the sacred

    Chickens before making important decision Roman generals would observe the eating habits of the Sacred chickens if the chickens ate eagerly that was a good om if they refused to eat it was a bad sign the sacred chickens the Vestal virgins and their superpowered spit huh the Vestal virgins were believed to have

    Have spit with magical properties if a slave touched one of the Vestal virgins they would be whipped oh Behave if the vestel spit on the slave afterward the whipping was supposed to magically heal the wounds what yeah I’m going to spit in you what right I didn’t make it

    Up um wait he this um the household Gods Romans had personal gods for everything including their Pantry known as penates and their home the lar the god of the pantry the god of the house then you had Janis or Janis the two-faced God he was the god of doors beginnings and endings

    He had two faces one looking to the past the the other looking to the Future it was believed that opening and closing doors can send a message to Janice a Roman closing a door might have been like sending a do not disturb signal to the gods

    What I need a guard of the lottery right the sui on the other hand well wait you hear this they had hair ties for the brave among the suab it was tradition for Young Warriors to not cut their hair until they had slain an enemy in

    Battle how mad is that and yet history depicts them as being all incredibly freaking hairy yeah that means they haven’t like beaten anyone they haven’t right Reverend oh no uh reverance of the oak tree this the way beh held oak trees are sacred believing them to be the

    Abode of the Gods we’ve seen this if you’ve watched um that fell winter is coming what’s it called Game of Thrones Game of Thrones right the trees anyway they would Worship in Oak Groves making decisions and holding assemblies under these trees that’s mad isn’t it trees Lads

    Trees oh holding truth with ordeals the S were set to practice trial by ordeal including walking over hot coals or holding a red hot iron if they weren’t burned their innocence was proven it was an early albeit extreme version of a light detector test just walk across the cold there huh y if

    You’re telling the truth you won’t feel it Jesus warrior women prophecies like many Germanic tribes the suab highly respected their women warriors or warrior women who were believed to have prophetic uh Powers these women would go into transes and predict the outcome of battles and then Lads the wild

    Hunt this way be believed in a special phenomenon known as the wild Hunt a ghostly procession through the sky led by a God or mythical figure witnessing the wild Hunt was an omen of impeding catastrophe George was very bad weather right isn’t that mad and these weren’t just like yes these were they

    Were the law man that’s what they believed in that was that was like absolute divine inspiration do you know what I mean that’s raining and everything we’re in a hoop here Lads that’s mad isn’t it so I left you up the road here and uh well Caesar getting word that Ariel

    Vistas and the entire suab were waiting on a favorable decision from the gods it didn’t come so Caesar said right shag it I’m going to attack and he attacked and there was an entire day of fighting and just like what we saw with the helvetti eye after fighting all day and into the

    Evening the Roman War Machine became Victorious beating the suab in actual fact after the battle they push them all 15 miles back up to this line right here for this friends is the river Ry this is the Ry just ahead of us the r River yeah that’s where we are

    We are approaching the R so these lands all the way along here the Romans chased the suab back Caesar wanted no prisoners there were to be no no prisoners he wanted to wipe them out it was a Slaughter and get this Ario Vistas the man showing great

    Honor abandoned his wife and his child and escaped yeah baby he escaped across the river on a raft never cross crossing the Ry again I mean what he abandoned his wife and child for which the Romans you’ll do and he never set foot across that River

    Again that was the end of it the sui pushed back across the rine that was the end of it Caesar defeating the second major Army All in One Summer was becoming a larger than life character back in Rome here’s a Roman general who has not only you

    Know destroyed the Havi but he’s pushed the German or the Germanic tribes back across the Ry he was a hero he was slowly but surely becoming the greatest General in Roman history and for a very brief moment the GS and the Roman celebrated him Caesar was the man man he was the

    Man but of course the GS just what they thought when Aro Vistas and the Su came over but they thought he’d come over tidy the place up you know and then be on his merry way thanks very much for your help maybe we’ll call you but Caesar had no intentions of

    Leaving G and his armies were going nowhere what like your first engagements in battle Caesar’s first major engagements in battle he absolutely nailed it he pushed back two massive armies fighting in places the Romans had never fought before here’s Caesar out marking new territory bringing stability to these barbaric

    Lands it was incredible absolutely incredible so we’re going to try and land here and this is going to be hilarious looking cuz the weather is given it sucks the plane is not behaving D there’s a good chance we’re going to die yeah the Ryan was a bridge too far

    Right okay I can see lights in the distance Runway 25 is what we’re going for Up full mixture full Let’s see what we can do here sports Fans I can’t actually see the runway Yet Runway Spotted isn’t that mad isn’t it miss your save thank you very much indeed with the twitch Prime thank you very much indeed cheers man now someone had a hardware question here a moment ago Co art says I have a hardware question what do you think of the Turtle Beach flights in

    Product their hotus is very good the joystick is supposed to be very good um their Yol system is very good as well I’ll be it a bit plasticky in places but it’s supposed to be quite good anyone see our active Runway what do we say

    25 Jesus the wind you have to go down this way a bit I’m debating over Turtle Beach or the Airbus s side stick Turtle Beach supposed be very good I’ve heard great great reviews about it if you head over to is it g-lock media do a go do a YouTube for g-lock

    Media I think it’s Glock I think it’s g-lock he just flights him Hardware reviews and stuff he has the turtle be joke if you have a look at it and if you’re over there drop an NA comment say that you know we sent you I think that’s the runway over there

    Almost certain it is now say you and I’m thinking I’m going to have to do a very very very quick restart here Lads because the aircraft she ain’t well sure not and I’m going to need autopilot for the next leg so speed 130 gear coming down why didn’t the gear go down gear

    Coming down all right let’s see what we can do here that’s so weird that them instruments have failed has that ever happened to you guys Jesus that was close uh the trle quadron from Turtle Beach is amazing great trim Fallen up there you go Ryan White’s autopilot was burst on

    On the first leg as well yeah what’s up with that like you grant right we’re a little bit high but based on the wind I think we’re going to be okay let’s give it a full Notch of flaps here and let’s see what happens there we go that’s a beautiful

    Formation going in renoa wbat and ctis batas all flying in together 100 hours in the 414 never seen it yeah Mr also says I a Bravo just uh want The Airliner flying stuff yeah CH product stuff they were great back in the day but like you Know decision Heist we’re Landing we hope J This is 40 easy Easy easy hold the nose make it gentle murf make it gentle 91 will take it claps in okay NE Fox Ro Sierra Bravo nice that’s M house isn’t it yeah basil mull house that’s our location here okay bring the flaps back in we’ll give it a quick shutdown here

    Lads I’m going to need to restart the civilization there’s DG look go dog unless there’s a way to fix this but I don’t see a way to fix this let’s see right park and break on right turn off the lights let’s spare the out electricity here for the moment

    Right why were they on most Unusual okay so the other a pilot unit is shagged avic’s off here for a minute uh alternators bring it offline for the minute and we’ll shut her down and let’s see what we can do right this of the rain is coming in now turn off the battery

    Turn on the battery and get the avionics back in so there’s the flag Gyro’s not spinning right the autopilot switch is now working so we have a gyro flag here so that’s quite okay not the we’ll start the right engine huzzah but it kind of half worked

    And then it didn’t see the way it moved heic on we’re getting closer to this we having hydraulic issues see the way one of them come on all right let’s try and start the other engine let’s see what happens got some fuel in there m okay both engines are on avionics

    Activate the flag moves we are like that’s all working no she’s not working very strange guys isn’t it flight director is not working but we need the gyro flag to be honest how weird is that no better restart just to be sure to be sure to be

    Sure reboot yeah I think so we’ll give it a quick re start Lads give it a quick restart Peter heat on yeah we’ll have it on there now in a minute Caesar will be moldy or Caesar would mull over it having a salad yeah brilliant uh my 414

    Is acting up as well on my left alternator keeps dying it’s strange and I there there’s no um there’s no failures built into the 414 which I just thought was like weird do you know what I mean I’m we come over here for a

    Minute and how are you and uh now let me see so we’re going to wait for the old SIM to restart bit of backround music here Maestro uh that’s better so I hope we all doing Lads uh is the Leer 35 also dealing with

    This I have no idea I have no idea we we’ll give it a few minutes this will reboot so while we’re waiting did you see the news there today Lads did you see the news today that Aerosoft have decided to delay the production of the Airbus A330

    Huh they’re going to wait until flight in 2024 is released this created quite the discussion but I don’t know is that something that makes sense to you or was anyone like what they doing that for you know uh let me see hey the Uncle B good to see you

    Typical Aerosoft Le 35 is doing fine says cat C BS and I need to kill Sim so here’s one for you right here’s one for you Muse do you know the way your sim H it can never let you quit it it’ll always just leave you

    Kind of hanging there um but there’s an add-on causing that and I have an add-on that I’m showing off on Wednesday night clad we’re going to be checking out the Challenger 350 from SIM Federation and it’s causing me Sim not to shut down yes it’s all there H there were new

    Functions in the in 2024 that give Aerosoft an advantage maybe maybe not it’s hard to call isn’t it continue a normal mode by the way um now mine works okay now which add-on was it um I don’t know it’s for me it’s not working right and it’s the uh Challenger

    From uh Sim Federation don’t know why don’t know why um what was I going to say then as well did you watch the review of uh the S 182 did you just watch it did you just like it there’s more coming every Sunday I’ll have a video coming out of

    Reviews and we have a fancy leaderboard that gibba made because he’s a ledge uh let’s see the twin otter will return it will super tight the twin otter will be a default aircraft in Flight in 2024 I’m almost certain of it 3.9 ain’t bad for

    Carado hey belli is here good to see you belli we’re just doing a quick restart we have one flight left one leg it’s going to be a quick J from uh basil mull house down to uh um Geneva down to Geneva Lads I good to see you J better Lancaster bomber coming

    To the same yes I do just two of them in production the closest one I think is going to be from airplane Heaven and the only thing holding up airplane Heaven they’re waiting on the sounds I would expect to see that I’d expect to see it Springtime really looking forward to

    That really looking forward to that admal head good to see it any word yet when the A380 will be out they haven’t said um they haven’t said when they’re going to release it they did give us an update a couple of weeks ago though some new textures and

    Stuff someone is developing a -8 one two or 300 well Majestic are doing that BS and heal uh Majestic are working on the uh the dash8 um specifically I think it’s the 200 or at 400 H what happened to the new A320 Neo says TJ Turner they’re still

    Working on it uh any builds are still working on that one I’m in general Oh no you’re in Geneva says the Slick one drop in for a point put on the kettle basle mold house sounds like I can eat there 400 thank you D yes the 400 with q400

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah um has anyone been looking at um xplan since they’ve updated it I saw Conti flying a 757 in it it looked very good Ashley was on our stream yesterday and we were flying the 737 into Dublin uh with storm Asia and I

    Have to say Lads the Sim was just incredible it was one of those jaw-dropping moments in the flight Sim where you know the weather is on point wind all that stuff it’s on point it just looked fraking awesome and uh I’m hearing I’m hearing great things with xplan 12 really

    Am right where were we so we need to start here in lfsb isn’t it yes in there now you devil now we come into Runway 25 so we got ourselves booted in let’s see what happens uh JP avi8 good to see you mate welcome in welcome in sunj says

    I use xplan 12 over the weekend how is it is it behaving I would like to see the dorier come out that puppy is blazing fast which one uh old veteran D make made a couple of wagons didn’t they they have one with a mad look of nose it’s competitor to beat

    Craft I forget is it a 226 d a 226 beautiful H if I’m honest murf I’m thinking about jumping ship over to xplane and giving up why’ you say that Dan are you having issues for me I think there’s a lot of 228 da higgy look at that for the memory 228

    Brilliant I think listen for me both Sims have a a place too many uh Miss kicks yeah that could happen but then again there’s some of the add-ons that we have in Microsoft flight simulator are absolutely incredible absolutely plus you have the scenery plus we have this multiplayer

    Experience we don’t have that in explane say it was stable the 75 and trip 7 now uh you do need to set trim very carefully Triple 7 I was never mad on I never you know like it’s it’s the who makes that stuff again what’s the name of them

    I forget the name of the developer but uh flight Factor that’s the one that like a lot of these guys I think are getting passed out now by some of the Microsoft Lads like you look at Phoenix look what pmdg are doing uh look what just flighter doing you know what I

    Mean I still think xplane has its uses but I I wouldn’t I just don’t I don’t see me jumping into a kind of full hog but I must give it a blast soon defo defo cuz it is a great Sim 100% last time I was in xplane I flew

    The lunar Landing training module thingy I crashed and burned it’s totally fine though right onom we go back over here now we go flying there’s a question though for the chat right oh the 328 yes I’ve considered buying xplane 12 so I can start flying the a350 it’s not a great

    350 JP it’s just not great and it needs an update H one thing I will say though Lads right um we want live weather let me know in the chat uh On’s in chat if you have xplain 12 would you mind doing that just put a

    One in chat if you have xplain 12 cat I haven’t what’s it like uh Microsoft lights is in my eyes an Xbox game been playing it since it came out and I’ve always been Microsoft but it’s just lost it spark for me now you’re sick of the update issues um and

    You know what it’s just not gripping me anymore it’s fair enough Dan I mean look at it isn’t it great that we have the option do you know what I mean like I that’s great for flight Sim enthusiasts we have our Microsoft flight simulator we have

    Our xplane we have DCS there and if we need it well p3d is still there and they’re still updating p3d like they’re still developing that which is like nuts you know hey CBJ 12 thank you very much for the follow cheers man right get that count going there G

    Slayer sunjammer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kaat says amazing murf just addicted oh really a Kaa I love that man I’m so happy when you find airplanes that you just love cuz you fall in love with them you know I love that uh right okay let’s

    Bring up our tablet here briefly uh just to make sure that we should be okay so turn it on yes yes and fuel it’s supposed to be State saving where you going with all your you know man we go 63% hello right away with you uh fuel right tank left tank thank you

    There’s me live weather thank you I was wondering when that was going to happen uh Microsoft Lim is going to have a big GE yeah it is but I’m honestly also very excited for a DCS it looks great though doesn’t it thanks for the heads up regarding the

    A350 yeah no worries like it’s not terrible but it’s not it’s not all it’s made up to be it needs an update and there is one coming uh looks like I’m waiting for the in builds a 350 yes yes uh s m we’re on the live right now right Lads let’s get

    This plane into action quickly so battery liage I hope me avionics we’re working now they prop huzzah stuff is working clear the prop how do I switch servers for online multiplayer uh you go your options to do it or if you have something like flow you can change it from

    There now let me see Peter we’re going to need sty we’re going to need get your lights on there m if you’re going to need them okay autopilot is now in Flight directors back working we’re going to do a fight plan and we’re flying direct to Lima Sierra

    Golf golf Lima Sierra golf golf enter back in vlock GPS thank go uh we can probably go weather here now what I need to do here lads is um some oxygen levels cuz we’re going to go quite high so let me see altitude we’re going to say 12 over the clouds

    Pressurize it’s already on high pressure no dumps no don’t need all air air con on uh cow flaps pull to close keep it closed okay we’re good to go are we ready pck bre com off power what do you there’s the lads all right weather radar is working even though don’t looking a

    Preit but that’ll do it uh we’re on the Southeast Asian server Lads come on and join us it’s one little John it’ll take us probably about half an hourish we’re good for time and we’re going to taxi on out everything’s working fine we’ll put that

    Down to a b look at renoa and uh and wbat over there in those 339 look is that the Saudi uh Livery it’s really nice isn’t it okay not of flaps for takeoff altitude we’re going to go high here I want to beat the clouds so we’re

    Going to bring her up to 12,000 ft thank you got the vacuum system unclogged I don’t know what the story was all we knew was we had a problem there was no way to fix it which is strange and like even the repair system wouldn’t work oh this weather is going

    To be gorgeous on takeoff look at this Lads Jesus that looks very real doesn’t it I’m not mad about the camera there hang on there we go look at that Phenom it’s phenomenal looking that’s not a Phenom that’s the that’s the cj4 isn’t it oh no it’s a

    Mustang so many planes we have now Jesus look at this the weather looks fun absolutely okay in behind this Vision jet here now go ahead get our heading bug sink to where we need it it’s going to be take off fly straight out and then we’ll join up on the magenta line if

    This was if4 we’d be getting an if4 clearance okay quick check so we are walking we’re talking flap set and we’re about to get walking talking and squawking are we ready okay sports fans there goes the vision jet power coming in take off Paraset speed Live there’s 60 there’s 80 90 Oopsy Daisy positive air to climb Gear Up topping or tow brakes through the Rain we’re going to have to fly into that weather over there Lads over 200 ft Flaps in y damper engaged and we’ll start drifting into the left hey we got an A10 with us look at that Reckless Ray Nice temperatures and pressures all in the green Air Speed 110 vertical speed 25 altitude 15 so far so good so far so Good or as we call the straight wi citations flying speed Bombs okay let’s get ourselves set up here we’ll jump over to our autopilot so a bit of trim we’re going to go vspeed we’re going to hold 1,000 ft per minute we’re gonna go nav mode and we’re going to activate the autopilot there we Go we going to land the lights In all right all right we’re doing well got me plane fixed turns out you need to put in the fuel or you need to put fuel in the tanks oh no Muse I don’t believe you brilliant right Lads we’ll do another another account so if you’re

    Still here if you’re on the Xbox press one on the PC press two and if you’re still here because your Jesus isn’t the Roman stuff only brilliant all right um you press number um three yeah Baby would you look at that for Weather A [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Hello Mark Carter we are on the Southeast Asian server mud come on [Applause] Fly all right all Right to up in time as we break through the clouds look at the state of this with 29 on the PC and one on Console A W Isn’t this pretty so many people flying along with night clouds it looks absolutely Stunning The Jorah Mountains I He I [Applause] A the tunage I got to love the tunage wait now have I music over here uh hang on know I’ll find some music some new music uh I don’t Know N A Oh Right something a little bit different now how we getting on uh let’s have a look here so EGT is probably a little bit low so let’s uh these Lads back a smidgen RPM back a smidgen and I think we’re okay 12,000 ft indicated We’re doing all right 20 minutes out Grand speed 209 you couldn’t have planned it any better Lads beautiful so all is uh all is well in the realm we have another review coming out uh on Sunday so uh do be sure you check that one out and every other Sunday yeah

    Um Jay’s look at that FR of view so I have um what else have we to do this week now on Wednesday’s show we’re checking out the xf11 that’s an upcoming release by um flying fre Lord fre them nads the developer who brought us the scrappy monster flying fre I think it’s called

    Anyway we’re going to be checking that one out we’re also going to check out the Challenger 350 um marf is the Sunday review is going to be just about aircraft or tools and sceneries 2 I’m going to start off with um I’m going to start off with

    Aircraft but I will be adding in other stuff later on there’s a ton of aircraft there and like it’s it’s it’s no harm checking out some of the older airplanes because how did they stack up today yeah baby Johnny thank you very much indeed cheers man Jesus Johnny that’s 36 months

    36 of them thank you very much indeed man cheers like there might be some aircraft that you haven’t picked up yet and you’re thinking Jesus I wonder are they any good you know so uh yeah each and every week we’ll have another one super tired three years three years it’s

    Shocking yeah it’s nuts isn’t it it’s shocking three years ago wasn’t life terribly simple there’s Boston elf down there man look at this scenery the Jordan mountains look isn’t this stunning as we head back to Lake Geneva look at all the airplanes we have with us Lads this is incredible looking

    Reckless Ray is there H light man DJing Rafa lead ballooner test pilot is with us saring AJ squawk torque Captain meowington amazing that’s a pretty sight right there isn’t it beautiful Jesus Muse you were lucky you were lucky there Muse um yeah so that’s Wednesday what

    Else am I going to check out I said I might do something else I might check out the twin navian or the navon twin um we’ll see how things go then on Friday night Lads we have some ATR Ops uh out of Pittsburgh and we’re going to be flying up towards

    Detroit I’m looking forward to that looking forward to that the ATR has received an update I haven’t flown it yet so I’m looking forward to that uh oh Jesus just to see how we get on do you know what I mean egus I like that hey Joey bolo good

    To see you round window vibage Joey great to see you mate Joey are you going to Vegas are you going to Vegas Joey tell us all about it so next week Lads um well before we get to next week the Roman reorganization and and consolidation so Caesar has beaten Ario

    Vistas he’s beaten the suab so after the defeat of the sui Caesar focused on fortifying the Roman positions in Gul this involved building fortifications establishing supply lines and integrating local Galla tribes into the Roman framework Cesar established a winter quarters for his Legions a strategic move to maintain a Roman

    Presence and to keep his troops ready this wasn’t just a military decision but also a clear message that Rome’s influence in Gul was here to stay as you could have imagined the inner relief and joy of malig gallic tribes initially threatened by the heli and then the seabi while they Rejoice Caesar’s

    Victories this saw was some sort of a liberator who had protected them the relationship between Caesar and the GIC tribes was comp and nuanced while they were grateful for his intervention the alliance was more out of necessity than genuine loyalty as the immediate threat faded the Gul sentiment to Mor Caesar and his

    Legions began to shift the prolonged presence of Roman troops and Caesar’s intention stay signaled a looming threat to their autonomy and way of life s cus T is here for 20 months thank you very much indeed great to see you man how are you so Caesar had no Ambitions to leave Gul whatsoever

    Right meanwhile the Kraken Rome was unbelievable Caesar’s victories in G were making him a larger than life character his military successes were celebrated and his dispatches read in the Senate captivated the Roman populace Caesar’s achievements began to overshadow those of Pompei who was previously regarded as Rome’s greatest

    General not only that crus so we know the trium it right you had Caesar Pompei and crus well cis’s son puus he fought with Caesar at the Battle uh beating the suab in actual fact it was P’s cis’s troops that actually broke the suab lines but Caesar was this larger than

    Knife character it was just it was incredible right now Caesar his plan was to remain in Gaul and next week in the next stage of our series part five we’re going to witness Caesar’s Northern campaign against the belga the belgians this episode we explore the complexities of what is now is the new

    Front the military Strategies employed and the fierce resistance of the belg tribes when a Caesar moves f further north we’ll see how his actions in Gul continue to shape his legacy the St the stage is set for more epic battles strategic Maneuvers and the unfolding drama of power ambition and

    Resistance that’s next week and if you want to know what we’re doing next week uh part five the confronting of the nervii and the belgians we’re going to be flying from Geneva um and we’re going all the way up to B in France we’re going to be flying the shorts

    360 by Black Box simulations something very very different after that we have part six that’s the veniti or the Veni that’s going to be over at Normandy and we’re going to be flying in the FSR 500 part seven when we cross the rine that’s going to be in the

    Tbm850 part eight the invasion of Britain and we’re going to be flying in the padis PC2 then part nine is The Showdown with versing gcks there we fly the Douglas dc6 and then part 10 aliia iaka EST the die is cast we head back to Rome flying in the vision

    Jet so we’re we’re nearly at the halfway point of this series hope you guys are enjoying it it’s not everyone’s cup of tea mainly gibo and probably m now at this stage because Muse fam informs us Robert Paisley was an English footballer and manager who spent over half his life

    Associated with the Liverpool Football Club in various capacities such as serving as the wing half coach and manager after retiring from playing bill shankley went on to become the club’s manager as was the case with Joe Fagan Kenny dagle and or they also had a prosperous playing career with the team

    Before transitioning into the role of manager thank you Muse fan right Joey B says I once fought with Caesar the WR wait the Roman the romains didn’t like it I didn’t see it coming romanes R I have a good idea of how much work you put into these flights mutual respect thank you

    Very much dle that I appreciate just to put things into context Lads I so far have written why wasn’t I better in school I’ve so far written well typed 18,652 words across 47 Pages that’s where my research has gone into this I love it cuz I learned stuff as

    Well I I’ve learned a ton of stuff on this entire Expedition you know um and it’s a lot of fun so our next two Monday Night series are well in the planning and uh there’s a lot more content coming I was never good with salad jokes always a toss up [Laughter]

    To subscribe to Musea text lost will to live to 8108 thank you Heming bird brilliant those two have industrial ear Ms on oh yeah um they say that if you want to learn something teach it very true 100% can’t remember the one that I brought or

    That I bought while over there in The Distillery took a trip down the whiskey Trail oh nice uh we almost have Raman blood we’ve been roaming around the sky for at least three years there you go roaming roaming yes we’re roaming but um yeah I’m still working out there’s

    There’s there’s another we’re still some weeks away of our next Monday Night series um but I’m looking forward to it it’s it it won’t be as long as this it’s not a 10 part we’ll probably do it in six parts and uh well there’s a challenge that could be

    Interesting and then after that uh there’s a freaking massive project because gibo uh just today kind of rekindled my enthusiasm uh for getting the thing uh up and running so um yeah that’s on the way as well sure it’s very very easy for me to teach stuff because

    My name is murf and I read everything oh Jesus Keen he doesn’t say much but when he does oh I’ve just been keened um have you watched the Roman Legions on the march of the uh YouTube It’s fascinating um I’m not sure kazaki I’m not sure # 12 billion 202,000

    Jesus um no look at Lads I I love I love history and Roman history I’ve I’ve I love Roman history and my S has just paused and now we’re okay again um I absolutely love it and I love learning more and more about it I’ve been to Rome

    A good few times and it’s just yes I could bore the absolute ears off yet look at the Alps in the distance look at the state of hang on look at the state of ah Jesus would you look at the state of that that is beautiful freaking beautiful screenshot to be Jesus

    Yes um I love Roman history and learning about it it’s cool also Murphy is the law Murphy’s Law indeed A45 good to see you man well we’ve touched on stuff over the past there’s another there’s a there’s a load of content this year there’s freaking lots of content this year

    Started January fairly Lively fairly Lively you know between the reviews and the streams and the whatnot uh you’ll be sick of me don’t worry you will get sick of me um but yeah know we have uh the ancient wonders of the world that’s going to be a Monday night series

    There’s loads of stuff happening this year you know right we’re going to start desending now that is Lake Geneva friends Lake Geneva hello there hello there who this thank you for following H dilon you’re very welcome in okay bring us right down here murf uh all the way please vertical speed nose

    Down and let’s call it500 ft per minute uh and watch for Speed as we do this so dial the power back yeah baby Bennett thank you very much indeed subscribing to the channel 13 months cheers man thank you very much indeed it’s not that you could board the

    Absolute ear’s office you have Bor the absolute ear’s office hey Ary good to see you great to see you mate how are you this year is going to be amazing it really is man it’s it’s like this is the year of everything brand new flights him around the corner it’s like brilliant

    Murphy’s Law plus gravity equals the dynamic duo I like that a4s is using or sorry 845 is using direct X12 tonight for the first time looking good nice on Grand relaxing before Thursday gets here what’s Thursday Arch tell me what are you doing on Thursday um yeah Kane were you here earlier when

    I spoke about the zre chickens and the vessel virgins and the the other stuff this is stuff you need to go back to your teachers I know me stuff you tell them do you know that’s what you need to do but uh yeah I will be working but

    Something may be on the market oh I will be working but something may be on the marketplace on Thursday is that what I think it is uh Murphy shown the Irish are cultured and have good interest in history showing it’s not all Wellies and Guinness good man Sun shammer K says I

    Wasn’t looking forward to the paid update for Microsoft light Sim test pilot brilliant um starts at a p and ends in a zero or an o or zero zero gotcha gotcha got gotcha yes I told my history teacher about the sacred chicken she didn’t believe me go

    Back and tell her again go back and tell her about the Roman god Janice the two-faced God he was the god of doors the god of doors ke Janice or Janis depending on how you you know H I’ve got to cook a continental breakfast for my home ech exam

    Tomorrow how do you cook a continental breakfast zero if nothing happens to me now on Thursday oh up in the marketpl nice nice loving that the Phenom is so good isn’t it h j no it’s no no no I nearly said it ke no it’s

    Not large Janus no it’s not the god of doors who was at the back of the line when they were handing out yes squawk he was God of doors just eggs and rashers along with cold cereals and pastries bring a crosson with you Patrick tell them you baked it yourself

    We’re descending here nicely Geneva is ahead of us man look at the views isn’t this stunning LS it’s absolutely stunning the Phenom was a super aircraft super um yeah I can’t wait can’t wait to get that hey frck big is in a mig29 uh Janice is the god of Beginnings Gates

    Transitions times or time uh Jey doorways passages frames and endings there you go there’s a God for everything probably one for the little stringy bits and bananas absolutely could be RF has become a member thank you very much indeed welcome to the family I you do that like a Marilyn

    Brando welcome to the family kind of thing you know and get some to could you imagine me if I was in the mafia Jesus that wouldn’t last Italian mafia now you know not the Irish mafia uh because I’m already in that H I got some great ideas for you when you come

    To the meeting thank you Viper do you have a rough idea on when you plan to arrive at Expo the Wednesday I think Arch I think I’m in on the Wednesday Keen spoted that a mile away keen and they’re Wednesday to Monday I think yeah I’m there Wednesday to Monday

    I get in Wednesday afternoon and I bug out Monday morning what run where did we go 7 and I are Wednesday Tuesday oh you’re Wednesday to Tuesday nice yes Scott when you’re getting in there on you’re getting up there on Thursday and you’re flying up

    So let me know what time you’re in at and sure I’ll my guy who brings me I’ll sure him to go around and grab you my CR you got me Googling Janice Jesus I’m here learning like a mad egy come on JP that’s the way to do it I’m

    In on Wednesday to Wednesday I arrive at 1400 jabon I’ll meet you at the arrivals I’m in at 1445 I think Vinnie morio our man over the West Side Grand Jesus look at the scene here look this is gorgeous there’s the airport huh what um what way is the wind

    Blown do we make it straight in we probably do I’ll meet you at the slots and arrivals yes brilliant said don’t get until 9:40 at night time so I’m going to try and get in the afternoon flight Sun Jammer is there Wednesday to Wednesday arriving 1355 at ba

    Nice it’s the airlines you get in when yeah when they want that’s when you get in 100% I’m uh who am I with I’m at United I’m going via um I’m going via uh Chicago yeah Chicago it’ll be nuts but for anyone who’s going to flight to Expo might be there uh for

    Anyone who won’t be there uh well I’ll I’ll there be streams there be content don’t worry we’ll keep you up to date I’ve have nothing on the agenda this year I had a lot on the agenda last year I’ve nothing on the agenda this year but it’s early days yet it’s June

    Like you know I’m decided if I want to drive up or go American to Dallas how far up the road is it for you Arch like a 5 hour drive or something is it Fort Worth La yeah yeah yeah how long is that going to take old veteran

    I like a three-hour flight would it be three hours or two hours Yannis is who January is named for says vacuum is it if you went to Atlanta Chicago Vegas ooh from Missouri over 27 hours what Jesus Oh wait yeah hang on how far is Chicago from you it’s about 5 hours up

    The road isn’t it little under 3 hours if it all goes well AR I’ll just get off the plane in Chicago sir we’ll rent a wagon Jesus I hear you’re a racist now father has just followed the channel thanks very much Chicago’s just about 6 hours Jesus right y’all DP

    Off as we’re circling to you know do our thing beautiful Lads beautiful the runway is just over there take a two dve yeah I was like it’s it’s it’s wild expensive this one like whatever about Houston this one is it’s nuts like I was thinking J wouldn’t

    Be great now a fly to Chicago rent a wagon and then drive down to Vegas and then fly back from Vegas like it’s the price of a mortgage it’s like I priced it was it was5 ,000 to do something like that for three people yeah not going to happen

    Lads when I’m in charge you know want to win the lotto maybe but until then no that sort of price now is just in the silly region do you know what I mean easy out easy out it’s on right here we go Runway sort of insight this is kind of Dodge looking is

    It so is going n happens quite often I’m afraid I can imagine Houston worked out really cheap well it wasn’t cheap but it was way cheaper Muse you know it’s why I love flights him I can go anywhere I want yeah nice jet escort M absolutely The Lads do a great job don’t

    They the younger ones banned me right away careful now as Tommy turnon used to say are you racist or having the crack right easy now our speed is coming right down it’s windy used to fly Chicago then drive down to Indie very long timing day wow I can imagine watch your

    Speed this ision hide for landing easy know we’re looking good Joseph Gambino good to see you man happy Monday to you hope you’re well how was work did you have a good Day all righty touchdown Zone and SI who’s in charge you haven’t a clue what you’re doing I have a fair idea he’s Out all right hold the nose up leave the speed we want butter please into Geneva Jesus easy easy easy easy 138 Jesus that’ll do perps in oh nice we have a dc6 with us beautiful stunning lad stunning was that a bar Cube resistance is futile could go down to D for 540

    Quid One Stop Jesus pylons the we pylons hang on we’ll come back to you now in a second as you look absolutely fantastic lined out down the runway now for all to see slow it down now Murphy slow it down slow it down they’ve done studies you know 60%

    Of the time it works every time every time J to Vegas One Stop 540 quid ooh I was looking at prices there um Mr twone did me an absolute solid uh that’s how I’m going because to be honest it it was kind of on the cards but not you know fully so uh

    Yeah M fan you made it brilliant great success would it be you here now and check out everyone that was some crackl wasn’t it easy easy look at the vula doesn’t it look fantastic right Lads you know the drill right what needs to happen here now flash your lights like an absolute you

    Know mad thing we need better lighting here so we can see everybody so flash your lights move the freaking I’m not using FR gen actually Joseph no no this is all uh it’s dlss uh flash your lights move your Rudders elevators flaps the whole shebang Lads and uh well let’s have a go

    At everyone here as we uh maneuver down the runway shall we so waves and kisses and everything into the ch oh yeah by the way as many freaking emotes as you possibly can oh no your iPhone died 2015 iPhone really you got that long out it canoe head right Lads and here they

    Are they’re looking absolutely fantastic there now Lads go they all lights are flashing that doesn’t look good at all hello MAA hello f look at the state of that N you need the freeware scenery of uh of Geneva yeah it’s Grand don’t worry about it it’s an optical illusion it’s the pattern on the pants the bads it’s the I I’m going fix it we zoom out now so we can get your names in a sure this is only brilliant

    Oh Jesus Fallen up brought that cget with him look right let’s do it this way so we can see everyone are we watching here now flashing lights You look absolutely fantastic Lads so many people flying tonight though right a beautiful assortment of aircraft Incredible So many airplanes look at the state of that though and they’re brilliant isn’t it brilliant right Lads that’s going to conclude our flight for this evening thank you so much for tuning in and for flying along I love seeing this variety of different air uh airplanes the variety is just stunning it’s stunning

    And it’s so interesting to see what you guys like taking out on these flights it’s awesome so thank you also very very much indeed next week we continue on with our G Wars um series part five the halfway point and uh well I hope you’re finding this series enjoyable or

    Interesting or just a bit of crack you know uh we’re back to you on Wednesday I was in fanza got B oh Jesus um we’re back you on Wednesday with the news and we’re checking out a couple of aircraft as well as a preview and then on Friday

    We have a group flight in some at ORS we’re going to be flying out of Pittsburgh heading for Detroit so um should be a lot of fun so keep your eyes on the normal social medias there’ll be updates happening throughout the week with photos and videos and all sorts of

    Jazz and another review in coming this Sunday so um that’s the story now Lads I’m off to lie down and uh what we’ll call it a day so to all the Raiders who rambled in thank you very much to everyone on YouTube thank you so much for the support subscribing and um we

    Got we got all sorts happening there all the likes and stuff were pressed and to all of us here on Twitch thank you so very much indeed Lads all the new subscribers and re subscribers I very very much appreciate it so enjoy the rest of today and tomorrow and we’ll

    Catch you on Wednesday with the halftime show until then take care got I was just about to score give Ireland you have been beaten 132 wait now did I score more goals in this game than you did in the last two combined no but the

    Thing for a war bird it’s one of the finest were Birds ever released in Microsoft FL simulator considering you have the excellent work of flying iron this thing because of the extra features because of the Jesus because of the optimization because of how well it looks and sounds even flying this thing

    Gives you an experience you probably haven’t got already in the Sim when it comes to Flying a warbird it feels he fancy pedals fancy pedals no no no no this is listen listen it’s a hurricane it’s a hurricane oh power off bit bit

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