Ever wondered what it’s like to live in a marina on a narrowboat? In this episode we head down the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal for a rare taste of marina life. But as is often the case, boat life throws a few spanners in the works, and results in a frantic cruise down the canal to try and help a poorly member of our crew… 🚤💨

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    Good Morning we’ve had a lovely week at the trink reservoir near marswood and but now it’s time to move on and we doing on the AL F today which we’re really excited about Here Comes West First Lock of the day and it’s the last lock before we turn off onto the alsb arm the alsb arm is a narrow Canal we haven’t actually done a narrow lock since which is pretty crazy to think about it’s just a short little arm so we’re looking forward to doing it and

    We’ve got something pretty important to do while we’re there as well for now last wide lock for probably a few weeks everything but I’m noticing lately we’ve been half hard in West Side Story don’t feel pretty West Side Story don’t feel pretty anymore that time of the week just doing the

    Facilities before we go down the a quite quite hot today Winter and while W is doing the elen I am doing some washing because we’re just about to fill up with Water 30 is done just got to reverse back to the Junction now to the Alsbury arm Amy’s doing this one cuz I need to do the locks doesn’t seem it but it is quite windy today as well the wind is pushing that Way here comes the wind wday reverse them over there and then we just need to go down there thank God into our dinky little narrow lock look how small it is it’s so tiny first lock on the hury is a staircase it’s the first staircase

    Lock we’ve done in a while it’s only a staircase of two basically it’s two locks join together so Amy’s in that top lock there’s a bottom one here they all use the same water basically I have to empty this lock into this lock they’ll level out and Amy will drive into the

    Second lock and then I’ll let her down that as well so so weird being in a single lot like we don’t have to worry about the boat being mashed around and it just feels so tight and like narrow B is going down in this lock now and the

    Water is going straight into this adjoining lock and then I’ll open these Gates and she can come Through downside staircase locks is the gates are really really tall Even though they’re narrow they weigh a ton there we go same is going to come through into the second lock now and look more evidence of spring come on little [Applause] guy it’s so weird driving out of one lock straight into another I don’t think we’ve got a staircase that’s been a long

    Time it’s a lot of walking back and forth there around staircase lock now just need to empty this bottom Lock first time we ever did one of these it was really scary at grinley Brook on the Lang goland but they’re not too bad once you get used to the how they work Bridge number one of the alsb arm welcome to the AL [Applause] Bri ah the bridges are so tight a Qui come stuck I forgot about that take it off that wasn’t good I didn’t even notice I was just driving through that’ll be all right like that right yeah I forgot how narrow the

    Bridge holes were the rain’s really coming down now it was supposed to be sunny all day the water level is so high that as we’re emptying it all of that is just pouring in from all the rain that we’ve been Having Nicely done so far the ALB arm is beautiful we’re in Black Jacks lock number four the single locks are so quick to Empty what are you doing muus you own a little mooch a moochie Boy this is the seventh block of the day where is doing most of them cuz my wisdom tooth is still healing but it is nice to do like the other’s job like I can drive easily um and W can do the locks easily it’s just a preference

    Really I get a bit bored staying on the boat all day I like to get off and mix things up otherwise I lose concentration about halfway Through that’s why I’m usually the lock keeper one of the joys of uh narrow locks is that you can do This looks like the toe path’s being flooded good job W’s got his Wellies On bit wet little bit we’ve swapped for a little bit because one of the reasons why Amy does the locks and I do the driving is cuz on lock flights like this you really need to concentrate particularly with her ADHD she really struggles to kind of like retain that

    Focus when there’s nothing really interesting happening so we’re going to swap around I’m going to eat a little sandwich that she’s made me um but she’s she’s going to use the ratchet windless and take it really slowly because I’m not meant to be doing much strenuous work because of my tooth

    I’ve got out the go windless ratchet windless and it’s actually so good cuz you you can ratchet it back and then you only have to like press or you can pull it that how you prefer it’s just so much easier and so much less strenuous I definitely recommend them if

    You maybe have a bad back or um you just don’t have as much arm strength maybe um it’s just really good or like me I just use my normal one a lot but if there’s a particular stiff lock or paddle that just won’t go I’ll always get this Out the canal is literally overflowing on every town look I think it’s just because we had so Much so we’re both back on the boat now because there is potentially a moing spot here we hope anyway think it’s cross we’ve not actually covered that much distance there’s just so many locks in such a short space of Time so we’re all mored up now and it seems like a really nice spot there is a little village nearby we don’t even know what it’s called or where we are so we’re just going to go on a little walk try and cheer us up cuz we’ve both been

    Having a bit of a difficult day depressions been hitting hard today for no apparent reason which is always fun UPS exhausted as well because I have a thing called nightmare disorder is basically where nine times out of 10 I just have really horrible nightmares so I didn’t sleep very well when that

    Happening so I’ve just had there’s no energy all day I mean we did do a lot yesterday yeah but it’s probably a combination of everything so yeah we’re going to try and cheer us up more signs of spring though seems like we’re in a town called Willstone you feel a bit better little bit we were going to have a look in the pub but it’s quite busy and we’ve got this guy it was one of those pubs where like a local one where you walk in and everyone’s like you’re not from around here so we left

    We’ll probably attempt again when we’re feeling a bit more Confident Today we’re in a rush dup’s half has taken a bit of a turn for the worse and last night he didn’t look good so we’ve got to rush to where we were supposed to be going today but casually in the hope that we can get a taxi to the vet psychology and a

    Way to look at it all cuz my perspective is broken the suffering a way to earn your ke I better stop putting miles on the feet but I’m so tired Wondering love but I’m Living He Love can I be Forgiven we’re just about to pull into Alsbury Canal society which is where we’ve got a week’s free visitor Mor booked which is exciting so we’re at the marina now Amy’s just gone to find the welcome boat which is the person you have to speak to about the temporary visitor

    Morin and while we were cruising she went to check on dupes and he’s got a problem with his ear that last night looked way worse but she’s just check and it looks fine now and he seems perfectly himself but last night was a totally different story so either way we’ve we’ve got a

    Vat appointment in about an hour so we’re hopefully going to try and get us set up here and then take him to that and go from there but pets senior pets are so stressful seems like a lovely Marina though hello it’s been about 2 seconds since I spoke to you last but it’s

    Actually been several hours for me we taken dupes to the vet and taxis it’s not as bad as we thought he’s basically just needed a little bit of a a checkup but this situation is about the same as it was but at the moment we need to move the boat because this is

    Just like a waiting area our actual moing is in there we’ve just sort of been left to figure out how to more up so we’ve just had a and we’re just going to drive in and see what happens really I don’t know bit frazzled today to be honest it’s like a

    Little lift bridge to get in and B just got P it open thank you Mr Bridge operator I’m a troll around to get in that boat Jack that blue one on the end a little bit of maneuvering required well we’re in sort of takes me about to double more

    In London that does I think it’d be all right rofus can get on and off even if it is a bit [Applause] awkward hello it’s later now it’s been a very sporadic day but it’s been a really challenging 24 hours but we’re settled now we’re in the marina it’s quiet

    Everyone around seems really nice and we think we’re just going to settle down for the day right off as a bit of a unexpectedly stressful one but in the end like things have turned out pretty good don’t have to worry about dupes as much we’re in a spot we’re

    Ready for some boat maintenance stuff that we’ve got to do soon so it’s all worked out in the end there’s a washing machine on site and it’s only £2 which if you’re not used to laund dress that’s like2 but that’s really cheap so going to do a load of washing

    And it’s really cute there’s like a communa washing line so I’m going to hang the stuff up on There while Amy’s taking you to the laundry I’m going to cook us up some breakfast come on Easy it’s a new day and we are feeling a lot better this morning we were really worried about dupes and then we had a mega long cruise to do then when we got to the marina it’s great but it just wasn’t as easy as like moing up we’re

    Kind of double m and then just as we were coming to terms with the situation and starting to calm down one of the boats next to us turns out it’s a project boat and it turned up with loads of power tools and we thought oh no it’s

    Going to be loads of noise but they were lovely turns out they just work on it as and when so they were really considerate so it wasn’t a problem we’re here now in the marina we’re coming out of the water on Wednesday um which will be a whole

    Separate video so we’re here for the week uh we’re going to settle in for a couple of days before we come out and then we’re going to have a couple of days after we go back in assuming everything goes to plan which I’m sure it will yes we’re doing much better and we’re

    Having a children day today this breakfast is turning into quite a substantial Meal nice breakfast done time to hang at Washing got these little baskets and all the pegs I don’t know why it’s just really cute to me that they all share like a washing line and pegs and Stuff thank you for coming to this interview what makes you qualified to be in this Marina that’s what they do every time you enter a new Marina no it isn’t we just we like marinas they’re really cute but we do feel quite on edge in a marina because

    There’s like each Marina’s got its own rules people can be people live people live in such Close Quarters there’s always gossip in a marina they’re really nice but we personally just feel like we’re on like a school trip where we have to be on our best behavior hey M we’re waiting for our

    Washing to finish and she’s just really getting into the spirit of things now I’m earning my keep how much do you want to take that to the boat and give the floor really do I just go on our floors like this with a cloth every now and

    Then we’ve already got a tip from one of the the winter mors here the meter is still running even though the wash is finished so if you get here in time you can put on an extra R exra spin cycle although it says 12 minutes and there’s

    Only 7 minutes left just put spin like Spin and dream good tip just making sure everyone’s following anyway any gets really into it whenever she’s got like a roll it’s just be policing people cuz your dog’s not supposed to we on that lawn you can go that way I was like is

    That a dog on the LA oh does the meter just cut the power then yeah the meter controls the power I hope we can get our stuff out me too maybe she pranked us maybe it was like an initiation joke being going to gather and laugh going to press him against the glass

    And oh no oh no oh my God where’s that’s not even funny she’s pranked us she’s pranked no she’s pranked us we got to put money in just to get the door open we’re going to turn around they’re all going to be there laughing at

    Us that’s a prank if ever I’ve seen it it’s got to be a prank oh dear we’ve been pranked right we run back to the boat get another load put two pound in then that should open the door yeah yeah go go go we’ve not got long it’s supposed to be a chill

    Day I’m not in your way Way go go go come on because there’s no time come on come on what am I doing I don’t know I’m not helping OU she’s in a laundry frzy get out my way here she comes go Comp wait there good Boy come we got right please work the reason we’re rushing is cuz we meant to be meet our friends at War yes go go go go go get in there 40° yeah load speed Perfect all is well we’re good we’re sorted panic over okay sorry I’m carrying lots of things

    So while Amy is doing that I’ve got to go set up our laptops because supposed to be having like a little games thing friends online but we did have plenty of time that’s just made us run late so there’s always something you got me we did it yay and we’ve still got 5

    Minutes cuz we’re supposed to be online at 1 so we’re going to play some games with our friends I am going to have to run at some point to get we had to put an extra load on just to get our other load out so sorry Robin Isabelle um yeah

    The Washings on the line and they they feel cleaner than in our normal washing our normal washing machine does a good job but they just feel so [Applause] clean yes we had a successful little gaming session with our friends online it’s basically for those of you who know like

    D and D stuff it was like a little one shot thing they were testing for a charity event that they’ve got coming up but it was really fun had a really nice time it was very silly yeah and I was just taking roofs on a little walk

    Around the local park which is quite nice and close it’s very cold now though temperatures definitely dropping fall spring number two is done it’s freezing yeah what are you doing it’s definitely took a lot of the edge off but it’s still not fully dry

    Cuz I mean it has been about 2° today we have got double the amount of washing we were planning to have which we are now going to have to try and figure out how to dry in the boat but at least we have got a lot of very clean [Applause] clothes [Applause]

    So we were just sorting out the clothes and uh getting ready to go have a shower and everything in the marina showers but they’re they’re on a meter so you have to put money in for the hot water and for the power for the shower and Steve

    From bear has just had a shower misread the sign and has put like 40 minutes on the shower so he he’s finished he’s come around to boat and he’s just said it’s still going like the meter is still going he’s still used the shower for like another half an hour so Amy’s just

    Whi around grabbed her stuff and she’s running to go have one now cuz may as well the money’s in there already and then I’m just going to go in a bit yeah there you go free long hot shower the joys of marinas got five whole minutes what a treat I’ve missed

    This that was so nice feels so refreshed even though it was like a 7 minutes 50 seconds long shower it was hot it was spacious glorious it’s definitely getting quite cold now though how we getting on with the decorations I don’t know what there’s a Lot W wo oh D just got it who DS has got it fish in get it in dupes asite oh dealing with the younger brother the annoying younger brother when all you want to do is Chill successful chill day are you a mint sauce with gravy or not mint sauce with gravy incorrect correct the best possible combination boring good tasting nice food or toothpaste let us know make sure to hit subscribe because you don’t want to miss the chaos that is the next episode big

    Shout out to the chip Pals on patreon as always and Ben and Helen for the chips today and Karima for the super thanks make sure to follow us on our socials for even more boat time and we will see you in the next episode


    1. The washing machine has a timer on the door if you just waited 1or 2 minutes it would have unlocked without the power being on 😂😂😂

    2. I totally understand where your coming from guys.. Medication is great of cause but even they can be overridden on the darkest days. Lotx of love stay super Doops strong.🐰🐇❤❤❤❤xxxx

    3. So glad Dupes is doing well… I have 20 loved pets on my little farm and when somebody gets under the weather it is pretty stressful and heartbreaking… you dealt with it well. So glad you got a nice long hot shower on the Bears… hehe… they probably did it on purpose they are so sweet. xx (When I win with big lottery Jackpot. you guys are getting a nice chunk)

    4. You two are super hero’s the things you do on the daily …people think it’s easy but you let us know by showing the real life adventures and things you have to deal with and it’s a lot Hate off to you both take care and safe travels
      Love all your vlogs and videos
      Ms Toss …Las Vegas Nevada USA

    5. I have so much to agree to,like I have a depression of chemical, hormonal imbalance, along w/ add, ptsd, & so many more blah blah! My cat is senior 12, kidney disease, can't do much about it! Absolutely so envious of ur cruising lifestyle!!! Tina. USA 😊

    6. usually a 3 minute timer on washing machine door lock before you are able to open it, ironic when you got back to the machine after getting your second load the door would have been unlocked but you did not try it first and I was sitting here waiting for you to try the door before putting more money in the meter..

    7. Hi Amy and Wes. Sorry that you had a rough day or two. You are brave to cover both the ups and downs of boat life. Glad that Dupes was ok. That laundry was funny. Glad you got your washing out 🥰 Take care. Nick

    8. Don't think you were pranked – Bosch machines have a "safety delay" on the door opener – so you have to wait a little while before the door opens – hopefully this is all it was – my machine does it – it's very annoying! X

    9. Amy/Wes…. Did you do a sponsored vlog with SurfShark a while ago where we could quote Boat Time and get a discount or am I imagining it. If so is the discount code still usable and what was it please ❤️
      Great video by the way x

    10. We loved the Aylesbury arm and did the same stopped halfway down on the way into Aylesbury but seemed to be quicker to come the other way. I treated myself to a gowindlass last year and then discovered there's not enough space at the locks at the Shardlow end of the t&m to use it without scraping your knuckles and the paddles are so heavy I can't use it at another angle. Glad it helps on other locks though

    11. Ok… I'm not finished watching the episode yet, but I had to come on here to read comments because I am not ready to see bad news about Dupes…. but I see good comments, so I will go watch the rest!!!! WHEW!!!!

    12. Maybe you should of kept your house as you seem to have lost the ideal of living on a boat…!!! mmm I do wish you best but I'm starting to think that boat life is not for you as you complain a lot…

    13. . You folks are so entertaining even whilst doing the most mundane of tasks. Ill in bed at the mo and a bit of Wes and Amy took my mind off things and cheered me up. Thanks to you both and looking forward to the next episode…

    14. Hi. As a newcomer I am currently at vlog number 22. I found it frustrating to be two years behind, so I have decided to get along in real time too, so now I have started to follow you on your weekly uploads too, and then filling in over the week on your old vlogs.
      Being at vlog 22 I find it very surprising that both you and your boat is still around here two years later, as you tend to do all the wrong things you possibly can do.
      You are absolutely learning by doing. I like your attitude and it seems that you take all the bad stuff with the good stuff.
      Looking forward to follow you up to date from now on.
      Love from Denmark

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