Bem-vindos a um dos mais magníficos castelos do mundo: o Castelo de Chambord, localizado na deslumbrante região do Vale do Loire, na França. Neste vídeo de viagem, vamos explorar este marco histórico e descobrir seus segredos e encantos.

    Começaremos nossa jornada admirando a imponente fachada do castelo, uma obra-prima da arquitetura renascentista francesa. Com suas torres, pináculos e chaminés ornamentadas, o Castelo de Chambord é verdadeiramente uma visão de tirar o fôlego.

    Ao adentrar os portões do castelo, seremos transportados de volta à época da Renascença, enquanto exploramos os salões majestosos, os quartos ricamente decorados e os jardins exuberantes que cercam o castelo.

    Durante nossa visita, aprenderemos sobre a história fascinante do Castelo de Chambord, desde sua construção no século XVI pelo rei Francisco I até seus dias atuais como um dos principais pontos turísticos da França.

    Subiremos as escadas em espiral até o topo das torres, de onde poderemos apreciar vistas deslumbrantes da paisagem circundante, com seus bosques, rios e vinhedos.

    Ao longo do vídeo, compartilharemos dicas úteis e informações interessantes para quem planeja visitar o Castelo de Chambord, desde os preços até os melhores momentos para evitar as multidões.

    Junte-se a nós nesta jornada inesquecível pelo Castelo de Chambord, enquanto nos maravilhamos com sua beleza atemporal e nos deixamos envolver pela magia e pela história deste tesouro arquitetônico da França. Venha conosco e descubra por que o Castelo de Chambord é verdadeiramente uma joia da coroa do Vale do Loire.

    A sea of ​​cars to park at the castle Chambord Castle parking area look what you’re seeing now is the Chambord Castle parking lot the parking lot is gigantic and there’s no stopping cars coming in here it’s crazy There oh one more oh and the castle closes at 5pm it’s 3:10pm

    6 euros for parking and 16 euros each to enter the castle. AND? but I saw on the sign there 5 euros for parking 5 euros it costs to park and the castle? sixteen 16 euros each for the castle so let’s check it out , it’s information on the Internet, right,

    When we get there at the ticket office we’ll see if it really is that and then we’ll tell you less than two hours to close the castle which is at the back and we’re in line to Buy the tickets, let ‘s still see where Mr. Christian messiê is . cafes restaurants

    And a gigantic queue for the bathroom exactly a gigantic queue for the bathroom people from heaven and oh people come from all kinds of ways oh they come by car they come by bicycle one of these beautiful days oh and there is a bicycle route

    Here this seems like the Disney is so crowded , it reminds me of Disney, that giant parking lot, I think it’s crowded, here’s a little bit of the castle and finally, right, we’re going to get there , look, I think I already know the name we’re going to give to this video,

    The castle saga after queue to enter the parking lot queue to pay now we’re already here we’re in line to get in so look, do you have an idea say goodbye look go go go go go go on and on oh at the back oh at the back

    To get in here at the castle there’s a part there that is under restoration and is big here saw big, big and look at more people arriving well we are in line and we are also in spring here in France where the daylight , right, dawns early and it will get dark

    Long after nine at night so the people here take the opportunity to enjoy the sun during the day and it’s just like we’ve been to at least this is the third castle right here in France it’s here in France the third one on this trip is the third castle and we always

    Find people like this on the lawn having a picnic well interesting this is the first courtyard of the castle when you pass the ticket control you will enter this first courtyard here which is already a very beautiful courtyard, right the entrances to the castle but let’s see inside what is waiting for us

    As we have already entered a lot of people very full, the castle let’s see this first room here the castle is from one thousand five hundred and nineteen and we are going to see it now here with you but we don’t know it either look here is the first room

    The beautiful chandelier there here what the pants castle looked like see here Mackely is informing me that this is the hunting room here, as it was the hunting castle of the kings, right? It was like a country castle when they wanted to rest they came here and came hunting,

    They brought their friends etc and they came to hunt mainly Louis XIV, right? the famous king and here, all the paintings refer to hunting, right the dogs catching the prey and probably here they displayed their hunting trophies here a showcase with the animals they killed here stuffed, we feel sorry, right?

    But do what people like, right? here were the rabbits, there were the birds, right, we move on to the next room here when it was still being built, the Chateau there is a collection of images in here, they are all images that made the Chateau, drawings, paintings

    , let’s see if there is anything there in the corner there is a fireplace there window this room is to the left of the first one we showed you that door there connects with the previous room the room is actually to the right of the hunting room Here’s another general one for you

    Here is a map of the castle’s plan So you can understand, we entered here, there are some rooms here, then a staircase and if you visit the upper part, this staircase was designed by Leonardo da Vinci, but we’re going to show you now, first, let me show you another room below.

    Let’s see what the name of this room is Mackely is informing me that it is the room of the illustrious so they are the famous people there who have their paintings, right the Kings room with a painting of the Kings Here they call this room as well as the previous

    Room the reception room reception reception halls. Right! so here were halls for welcoming guests , there’s the hall of illustrious people , you see , and there in red is the mark where we are on the map, you see , let’s follow, so there are lots of moose heads here, right, precisely because

    It was the hunting castle, they came to hunt, let’s continue around here the burbon room here the position we are in here is the fireplace here we have the models of the castle here it’s probably the initial version, right it looks like it’s an older version let me see if that’s it

    And then the newer version which is how is it today how is the castle here there are also a lot of paintings painting here painting there let me show you a little more the room unfortunately it’s very crowded so we can’t make a more detailed video like this

    But it gives you an idea of ​​what it’s like Chambord castle and if you ever want to visit in person, you already have an idea, let’s now go to the kitchens, this door we are going to enter is the castle’s kitchens, the queues here are complicated, right? a lot of queues

    A lot of people for little space it’s crowded inside and if you look it’s hard to get in here it’s already an oven the ceiling is all made of wood and we’re going to try to show you the rest of the kitchen here here are the kitchens from the time these kitchens

    The utensils What’s here are restored from the period, they are the same utensils that they used at the time, they were restored and food was prepared here during the reign of Louis being able to handle the entire court here look how interesting the kitchen is very high here in front you have explanations

    And you can’t get in there close to the objects you stay here a little far away the most interesting thing we found is that filter there, that’s already It’s a filter very similar to the water filters we have today, right? and at the time the water was very bad

    They got sick because of the water Because they took water from the river, thinking that river water was cleaner, the household utensils were also all made of copper, right? and copper releases residue and is highly intoxicating , so that’s why they died early at the time, right? they ate food with copper,

    Bad water, etc., medicine was no good either, there was no development, here are some porcelain found in the excavations , the kitchen objects and here is a description of each one plus a fireplace, all the rooms practically had to have a fireplace because otherwise It was cold, right?

    In a fireplace it just wouldn’t heat up the whole place , well now we’re here at this red dot which is the staircase that goes to the chapel so let’s go up here to show the chapel, this staircase here is an external staircase , it’s not Da Vinci’s staircase, right?

    Da Vince’s is inside, later we’ll show you in more detail, but this one goes up on the outside, there’s an entrance there, I don’t know if it’s there, well, let’s continue with something , then we go down again, we arrived , but I think we actually passed. the chapel

    Looks like it in that first entrance here is the corridor here the stairs where we came from here is the second stage then we will show the first one here we went up a super spiral staircase to get up here I got tired on the stairs

    I have to go back to the exercises lots of hunting trophies even puppies until late there, 1907, 1967 there are the dates there There was a trophy gallery here on this side, let me see, it’s closed , so it’s on the other side,

    Here’s the view from the entrance The entrance was there, look how It’s the park here, it’s under renovation, there’s a lot of scaffolding there , we left here on the second floor , let’s see what’s here, fireplace , there’s a room here on the left , let’s visit it

    , it’s a modern art exhibition, there’s more to see if you You ‘re coming to the castle, you’re probably not very interested in modern art but rather in history, right? so much so that the room here is empty, it’s the only room that’s empty, look, you can see all the rooms are packed

    And these are the only ones that are empty, people aren’t interested in modern art, another personal room passing by, another room, oh more modern art paintings here are made of metal metal works although we are from the arts area here the metal parts we like the classics more

    We are not very connected to this part of modern art but here the metal parts I think at least less cooler than the paintings this type of art they are showing here let’s move on I can’t see the point. It’s not in a castle, right? in a modern art museum, okay,

    We’ll come back here later, we’ll have to go back to the chapel to get on the 1st floor , we didn’t go back here to the same hall , as you can see, it’s very similar to the bottom side, right? practically the same you see the difference with the top or bottom

    Now we go here to the right Mackely who has a map there and she said here to the right and there is a room there let’s see what this room is hunting in chambord so let’s see this room here it is also of modern art but it has to do with hunting

    Let’s go in here first which is still empty before it fills up here there is a sword dagger and the area the map there of chambord here image from the time 1676 oh this image was Made in 1676, it is already imposing today, right? Imagine this castle in 1676, it was crazy, right?

    Let’s follow the tapestry to help heat the environment, the tapestry they used to heat the environment and here the animals, they hunted and stuffed rabbits, moose, birds , foxes were the animals here in the region , that over there looks like a hyena, I do n’t know, I don’t know What is it

    , no, it looks like a wild dog, I don’t know, wild boar, there’s a wild boar there, what is that there? it’s a beaver, right? I think it’s the one over there, the boar over there, I don’t know if it’s a beaver or an opossum, maybe it’s an American opossum , right,

    American style, well, here are the molds, right, for making coins, minting coins and the coins, there’s a room full of just coins, medals and that kind of thing, let me see if I can show you any here in more detail, look at brooches , medals, coins, they were all made here

    , you see there’s a lot here, there’s a lot of animals like that right> horses dogs and now let’s go back to the central part so we can climb Da Vinci’s staircase and this one is the staircase designed by Leonardo da Vinci double spiral staircase very large very beautiful staircase

    And it is very central in the castle the staircase it all decorated from above let me see if I can show you people passing by on the stairs Leonardo da Vinci he lived nearby in another castle nearby, and he was always a guest here from Chambord we have reached another level here

    Let’s see what which is here and here we are already close to the towers, very beautiful up here, let’s look at the views there and then we circle here the views that they had from up here in the gardens , there are more gardens over there which we will show in a bit

    But here Was the king able to monitor who was arriving, who wasn’t arriving, who was the queen walking there with? I could see everything, up here the towers are very beautiful, look how wonderful they are and they are under renovation, right? in some parts there , but they are still very beautiful,

    The terrace, we have a view of the canal there , it seems to be an artificial canal, it does not seem to be natural and you can see the terrace from below and the part below of the castle, very beautiful here here’s another view from the other side of the castle,

    The parking lot there, at the back, at the back, you can see part of the parking lot, the parking lot is behind those trees, there’s also a lot of parking there, but it’s all full there and the ticket office there in that corner and there is the fair where I showed you

    The fair, you enter, you leave the parking lot, go there and buy your ticket, even if you bought it online, you have to go through there because you come here and you will enter the castle on this side, going down here, still on the tower they have several videos here information about Chambord

    In the period 1930, 1940 during the war, right? So probably like everything else during the war, it became a place for barracks, right? all the castles ended up becoming barracks during the war, they stored things here from the war, you can see the towers, how they stored things, you can see

    Here are the towers that I was showing you and look how they stored them during the war, here they are another room on the first floor the other time we passed here and didn’t see this room but here there are so many rooms and

    It’s a maze that you sometimes end up going through take a different path you don’t even see it and here it’s more modern art this is still here in rooms on the first floor that we didn’t see the first time, they are very large rooms but they are not furnished at all, right?

    They are empty The castle is a real labyrinth so it is difficult to know if you have already visited everything, you go back and forth, you always end up in that central area where there are the stairs but it is a labyrinth and then there are many of these rooms here

    Which are usually with modern art Or are they empty and no one comes because there is nothing, right? or there’s modern art that people aren’t interested in, so there are a few dozen of these rooms here that you look at and say, oh, it really was

    Like a house like that to live in and not a palace, right? It looks more like a house to live in, here is the children’s section. See , they set up some toys in this room, some things for the children, a model of the castle, here we are on the second floor

    And here is a theater where Louis XIV watched the plays here This place was a private theater owned by Louis XIV and Molière presented his plays here here for King There o The king’s throne there where he sat to watch the plays and the guests here and the guests behind

    And Leonardo da Vinci’s staircase and the staircase there which is fantastic A meeting of the Titans, right? Leonardo da Vinci and Molière here is the Count of Chambord’s museum here is the Count of Chambord’s throne propaganda from the time propaganda caricature from the time plus a Chambord throne here here is the guard,

    Well you must be wondering who this guy from Chambord is huh? and why is the castle named after him? It’s just that in 1792 , with the French revolution, the castle was abandoned , of course there was no longer a monarchy and the guys ordered the furniture to be sold, all the furniture

    Burned, everything removed, the flooring to be burned, they decided to do away with anything that resembled the monarchy and then, much later, this castle was given to this soldier that he was a Count, right? the Count of Chambord and he decided to use all his fortune to try to restore the castle,

    So it became known as the Castle of Chambord precisely because he used his fortune here to try to restore the castle, what was the scene of the Count’s wedding with I don’t know if the Countess of Chambord will be visible? This is a travel bag from that time, right?

    The heirs of the Count of Chambord here is a crown it is a real labyrinth here look here there are some objects the problem is that it is very crowded It’s difficult for you to stop at the objects and appreciate them because there are always lots of people behind

    You or in front of you wanting you to continue on your way there. A heater that is never modern means modern in terms, right? the heater apartments stop apartment here is the first anti room Première antichambre let’s go in there to the right through that door there Mackely here is the games room

    Guys I would like to play a little card game the King’s bed now I don’t know how he got in there there must be a door hidden that he entered, right? Why is there a divider there, you see? another room here you can only see this room through a glass

    Here the queen’s room her bed the beds were very short because they slept leaning back they leaned against the bed and didn’t lie down completely it’s as if you were on a divan because they believed that if you really lay down you would die so they didn’t lie down they just lay back

    Here is the room that is very full we are here in this yellow room and here is the queen’s office it is a very small place as always full of people here is the oratory room of the oratory another room here in the castle there is a kind of stretcher

    There the fur rugs the floor here and there is a bed on the other side this is the king’s bed and this is the residence of Francisco I, right? King Francis I His chambers If it’s already dark today, imagine back then, right? It must have been super dark here, this environment

    Was kind of sickly here, Francis I’s office and his portrait there, King Francis I ‘s room, here’s a bust of him up there, a painting of him, all very dark, huh? This king liked darker things, I don’t know how he lived in such a dark place, the walls were black,

    This one is the Louriers ‘ room , it’s a 17th century apartment , isn’t that the 18th, the 18th century apartment had more a bed here , the chandeliers, the governor’s bathroom, the little throne , the little throne there, the 18th century, right? this is the work office plus a room

    Here was to stop the heat from the fireplace coming directly to the person to stop the heat from the fireplace There is a guard uniform loom Here the Chambord guard in 1913 dressed in that uniform and here are objects from the guard, the little bags they used, sword, shotgun , probably those were

    Their ranks here, the chapel that we ended up passing straight through when we went up the stairs, you may have already noticed that we are now kind of summarizing things here because otherwise you won’t Give me time to see the rest of the castle, in a little while it will close, there’s

    A boat cart , see? The Count and the boat cart are written there , you see? It seems that they already had the idea at the time of making a water car , so the cart that entered the river would probably have the top part come loose, leave the wheels and

    Only the boat would enter, right? there are the coxes plus one here on this side there are many here I’m just showing a few but there are several look how cool that one there has a lighthouse on the front the coxes are very beautiful and here in the castle area

    There is a beautiful little church here if you come here it’s worth visiting now you can’t go in there because there’s a classical music concert going on inside Chambord Castle it’s a real labyrinth if Do you really want to visit it all, take your time, look at each of the pieces,

    Walk around the gardens, you can reserve a whole day for it, we stayed here for at least three hours and we only managed to quickly see each of the rooms, not even the gardens, there was no time for us to visit, so book at least half a day to see Chambord Castle

    So that’s it guys, a tip is to come early if you can, get here when the castle opens so you can get away from the crowd a little because it’s a huge crowd, unfortunately, we always like it to be the first to arrive but today as our itinerary included other things before

    We arrived here at 3 pm it was exactly 3 pm and there was already a huge crowd it was quite complicated to visit so come early if possible buy tickets at internet so you no longer have to queue here to buy tickets, which means you have to queue less, right,

    Because you still have to go in there to exchange tickets, but it’s really worth it, come and see Chambord Castle , it’s beautiful and with these images here of around the gardens with people enjoying this beautiful spring in France we said goodbye so until next time guys a personal hug

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