Danni has only been learning to drive for 4 days. Her real driving test is at West Wickham in THREE days! Is she ready to take it?

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    Could you pass your driving test in one week this is Danny she started to learn to drive on Monday it’s now Thursday Thursday yeah and your driving test is on Monday yeah Monday yeah Monday how’s the lessons going yeah they’re going really well we don’t have to lie we’re

    All a family and we’re all a community the lessons have been cut short I booked for 22.5 hours it’s Thursday I’ve got nothing booked in until Monday which is why Francis and I connected that’s why we’re here now I’m going to give Danny a driving assessment see how she drives

    Her test is in West Wickham that’s where we are right now hopefully it’s going to go really well if it doesn’t I’m going to put by any mistakes if it does I’m just going to boost up your confidence and you’re going to smash Monday I’m excited yeah also you’re going to let me

    Know yeah if you pass or fail yes and we’ll have that result for you at the end of this video yes stand by and we’ll hear more about your driving instructor and everything that’s going been going on yeah I know so tough isn’t it also you’ve got the sickest job ever stand by

    And we’ll talk loads about that too all good I’m just checking all around going to prepare the Beast do you have a name for your car Mike it’s called Mike Kowski cuz color Mike Kowski the Monsters Inc um off we go stunning brilliant okay so just following the SAA

    From here for about 20 minutes and then I’ll direct you normally after 100 y turn left then turn right little meeting Road here kind of cool just don’t forget to check your left mirror there Mir cuz we’re going quite slowly a cyclist could be keeping up with us okay check my left

    Turn left then turn right that’s the lazy one I’m not going to lie I don’t have a great view of the road here so I’m actually just going to walk it into Forest he’s going left so I’m all good to go as we come around the corner straight into

    Second when the wheel straightens up obviously my indicator’s going to lock off right love the commentary is this a thing yeah this is me when you drive I’m not performing with your Weir driving instructor you do the commentary and stuff 200 y turn love it 200 yards turn

    Right check mys yeah no I am no I have to I’m a big fan of commentary I recommend it to everybody and probably the best video that I’ve ever made the one that I’m most proud of is about commentary if you haven’t seen it click here plug plug plug I’m in second I’m

    Actually oh okay I was going to I wanted to keep going in second just then there’s no cars behind me so I was all good but unfortunately there’s a a cycle what do you call that cycle marking road yeah if I wanted to I could sorry I could pop the handbrake up just

    Now cuz I’m also on a little bit of a heill give your leg a rest kind of yeah it’s quite nice to drive another car definitely it’s a really good idea car is really nice cuz then you don’t think about driving how that one car drives you think about driving how cars

    Want you to drive did you just see that yeah yeah what is going on in West wicam today ladies I’m going to go cuz it’s green okay oh now it’s red do I need to stop here cuz it’s red I can keep on going okay we’re just going to hop into

    A second here slowly around okay let’s just quickly talk about that while we’re at a red light yeah the white line on the floor where you stopped yeah was the traffic light stop line yes once you’re past that traffic light stop line the traffic lights don’t apply to you

    Anymore okay so you need to exit the junction otherwise you’d be blocking it otherwise I’ll be blocking it okay cool okay good so yeah it’s It’s Tricky isn’t it cuz you can traffic light stop linding stop blinding sure got it so tell what do you do for work what’s your

    Okay so I am a yacht stward after 200 y turn right feel how the car feels roundout how does the car feel right now a bit grumpy yeah why is that cuz I’ve gone into third not third oh did I go into fourth fifth oh what yes turn right

    Then cross the roundabout and take the first exit good here we’re going right she’s got very clear voice that lady isn’t she on the TomTom she’s called Serena Serena can you change it you can but this is the one they use for the test okay nice oh that’s good good

    Muscle memory oh look at this one I know this one this is not that nice no you well because am I turning is this alterate goes is this alterate goes yeah it’s alterate go I’m going to go right behind this guy I’m going to stay

    In first just here so are they are we going around each other short or long it looks like we’re going long so that these people can come around this way am I chat and no the commentary is brilliant loving it keep going yeah cuz like these people that are coming

    Towards us they have right of way to go that way but they can also go around here can’t they fantastic and even if you do something wrong there I know what you were thinking so it makes did you see what I was going at to I saw what you

    Were thinking I know what you were doing and as an examiner for your driving test that reassures me loads so keep up with it definitely bikes there always be careful of bikes after 100 y cross the roundabout and take the first exit okay we’re going to slow right down and go

    Into first here so we’re going through what they called those width restrictor we’re going straight on we don’t actually need to cross the roundabout and take the first it we don’t need to indicate if that we were going over there we would need to indicate I would say that was more of a

    Left turn and think about whether anyone would have benefited from that signal if you’d have put that signal on would it not have shown the car to your right that they could have gone at the same time cuz we’re not going to come past them yeah you’re right okay I’m with so

    If anyone would benefit from it if it’s helpful more than misleading we’ll put that signal on put the signal on because it’s more helpful than misleading yes yes yes nice cuz at any point in time when you’re you can overtake that’s okay wow she’s f look how fit she is we all

    Need to be like that fourth but we want to go we want to remain slow don’t get carried away cool we’ve so yeah talk to me about steing below deck yes so I’m a yacht St s I’m not on below deck okay but Sim I have

    Been approached yeah so I work on you can Google it it’s a yacht called mot Mimi it’s a 60 M benetti 300 y go right on the roundabout and take the third exit are we getting a free weekend on the boat you are oh you

    Know if it was down to me oh I’d love it speak I’m going right so I’m going to start indicating now I’m also I’m in fourth round I’m going to drop in second I’m going to slow right down I’ve got great view of the road so I’m just going

    To keep on going you can have two wheels on the roundabout if you flick off flick back on as you enter back into the road this is a bit of a meeting point here so we’ve got room no one’s behind me no bikes going to make a move ah okay I’m

    Going to slow down and I’m going to move over for this person but I didn’t check that left mirror which I should have was going to say have I left myself enough room here yeah really good this is a master class in commentary is it absolutely so

    Good I don’t want you to think I’m performing or chatting CRA a video tile generally when it’s safe to do so pull up on the left or find a safe place to pull up on the left okay we’re going uphill and I don’t really know what’s

    Coming so I might just go a little bit further up nothing’s behind me can see the road ahead I’m going to start slowing down I’m going to put my foot on the clutch I’m going to bring it in nicely here and straighten her up a little bit

    Really good you were aiming to be like super parked danger close parked there to the curb like you were that close I was too close okay not too close it’s fine but you don’t need to be you can be a drain width away from the curb or like

    A foot that’s good to know bit of space bit of space use it as a safety margin sure okay in case you then go over that safety margin then you don’t bump the curb and we don’t want to bump the curb just just just a tip do you think that

    When I was coming up there and pulling in left was like did I do that a bit too sharp could I’ve gone a bit more long it was great okay what you did there pulling in was great um but you didn’t check the mirror so you would have got a

    Drive for that especially with the speed that we’re driving okay cyclist and stuff yeah that mirror is a tough one guys that mirror the more we point it out the better you’ll be it and I’m so aware of it I’m so aware that that mirror is I know how important it is but

    I know how bad I am at check check okay well if you keep it in your mind yeah maybe write L mirror on your hand when you’re with your instructor sorry examiner yeah for Monday right El miror we can do that yeah yeah yeah even a poit note there where the examiner

    Can’t see it oh I love that idea yeah yeah could get a little sticker that on the inside there yeah oh yeah it’s always in my head then yeah yeah yeah look on the left look on the left let’s drive on okay we’re going to look around first lovely houses around here West

    Wickham is the best W Wick have you driven down Langley I’m sure you oh my God yeah isn’t it lovely yeah one more time I’m sure your house is quite similar to this that below deck money oh well actually I live in um yeah so I live in mayorca in

    Palmer and we live in an apartment Block in a place called Santa Catalina it is lovely it is really nice but it’s not I don’t live in like a really nice house okay because in Spain it’s so expensive so expensive in New Yorker in Palmer

    Anyway you used to live in Palmer I us to live fun when I was 18 I or 17 I lived in I lived in big up the cre a good time it’s beautiful just a 24/7 party yeah well it’s not like that really anymore now no it’s really

    Chilled it’s like of like families loads of Germans loads of celebrities when I worked there it was just like party all night wake up on the beach go to work turn left okay I’m in third gear also oh I didn’t check again drop down into a second turn

    Left slowing right down really nice smooth braking you actually control the car so well really that’s good for someone who’s only been driving since Monday this is insane is it actually okay that’s good actually you must be so quick at learning I yeah I do cuz we’re

    Not going to put it down to your instructor right yeah I know yeah guys so the instructor should I talk a little bit about some yeah yeah if you have an instructor that’s a little bit inappropriate and I’m not talking like physical inappropriate just innuendos and things that make you feel

    Uncomfortable it’s not on like it’s not acceptable shouldn’t be done it’s not great for your learning cuz it distracts you it’s not great for your confidence because you’re distracted and then you think it’s the driving you feel scared to go on lessons or anxiet and the anxiety also isn’t so we’re going left

    Here um yeah it’s just it’s not it’s not a Vibe and there was multiple times when I just thought I don’t really want to be doing this anymore I really don’t want to be learning with this BL knocks you right yeah yeah especially because like

    I say I think I’m I think I’m a good I’m an all right driver I’m a bit older I’m 30 so I feel like you know you might be a little bit more cautious is this 30 m can’t help you with that what do you think does it say oh it says 30

    Lovely see this is why okay so I’ve never used a TomTom before in any of my lessons we’re going to go right down here you can look at the speed but it is sometimes wrong so pitch of Sal okay we’re going straight on here I’ve got right away so that’s

    Great after 300 y turn right 300 just right but yeah basically if you’re if you’ve got an instructor that’s you know I’m doing an intense course so I sort of have to suck it up to some can’t go anywhere else can’t go anywhere else flying back to New Yorker

    Literally Tuesday after I do my driving and turn right I don’t want to put myself in a position where you know I’m causing any bad blood right now I could have gone I would have gone then if I wasn’t um if I wasn’t

    Uh if I had a license D test if I had a license I would probably have gone then well spotted yeah and that’s fine you want to be as cautious as possible yeah love that yeah so okay if you’ve got one piece of advice for someone else going through your situation cuz they’re

    Probably going to be 17 18 19 you’re 30 so you’ve got a clever not clever but more experienced head on your shoulders what’s the advice I would say especially if you’re younger and you’re not in a rush to pass just understand that that behavior is not normal and you could very easily be

    With an instructor who isn’t making you feel uncomfortable is giving you the right iterations that you need I would suggest changing as soon as you possibly can and I also think as well if I had you know when I have children and they learn to drive I’m going to say to them

    Go out with an instructor just once just go with one instructor just see if you Vibe with them one lesson one lesson see if you get on see if like you know he’s it’s not it’s not difficult to know whether someone’s a good judge of character you know yeah yeah yeah definitely we’re

    Going straight and if it’s not Vibes or energy then don’t book up again if you’re 17 and your parents are paying for you to drive you want to be with an instructor that really makes you feel comfortable and you know you don’t want to waste your money you don’t want to

    Waste your time you don’t want to waste your money you don’t want to feel after 200 yards turn right Danny’s driving advice also I’ll let you concentrate here but also if you’re going through the same thing then you can also report it to the dvsa mhm I did do a video

    About this before if you haven’t seen it it’s here right here click here don’t put up with it in silence and also even though you might have it won’t help you because you’re going to get to the end of your course and never see him again

    Yes but for someone else that might not also be able to speak up the way you can exactly if we report this kind of behavior then it might stop someone else and I must admit there was anything you know he it was lots of as I mentioned

    Inuendos it wasn’t like he never grabbed my leg or like you know it wasn’t any these people crossing this is what you got to be careful of there cuz they’re kind of they’re just there happy with that they weren’t out the crossing so great they W were they um what was I

    Saying that he didn’t grab your leg it doesn’t need to get that no it doesn’t need to get that far he didn’t yeah exactly like he it wasn’t oh we got another whip barrier lovely so I’m just going to slow right down here I’m going to second I might

    Even go to First could even do a bit more super confident Danny oh my D honestly supposed to be scary you know what was you know what was also is sometimes a little bit challenging with these situations there would be times when we’ve been out you know recently

    And we would be doing Maneuvers together and I think he’s given me these instructions so clear it’s fantastic like why is he not like this all the time and then you know we be driving along like this and the conversation would get incredibly distracting and

    Just ick ick is the vibe yeah and and also sometimes struggling to make out what you mean like sorry what and that distracts you you know that’s not cool wow yeah but that’s probably happened to so many people before and nobody said anything they’ve just left it and like shut up

    Okay I’m going to slow now if this was my test obviously I would probably slow down a little bit sooner than that because he’s not really being clear on what he’s doing as if you’ve only been driving since Monday what the hell do you know when I got in my mom my

    Mom’s got at the end of the road turn left at the end of the road we’re we’re going to wait oh flash that’s probably thanks that’s why we don’t flash people to say things cuz it’s misc yeah I thought for a second I was like no he’s

    Uh he’s telling me to go yeah yeah i’ stopped and I don’t want to take that chance anyway you know okay so we are did you notice me look at you there yeah I was expecting a mirror check the examiner should do the same okay at the end of

    The yes use that as a prompt if he’s looking why is he looking at me mirr check mirr check check do you know I saw my mom do the other day we were in the car see flashing his lights at me interesting he’s letting me go thank you very much but we will

    Wait yeah I think the you got to be careful with this sort of road because bit of over steering there um because you can look that way and be like yeah cool good and then these cars have stopped and you’ve not looked left bang you set off yeah

    Yeah happens how much have you driven with your mom just twice twice yeah and you’ve done Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sor Thursday we’re now on Thursday yeah four lessons twice driven with your mom yeah so I’ve done 14 hours driving the end of the road turn right I’ve done take the

    Third right at the end of the road turn right okay so this is a this is a Crossing up there right that’s what that looks like the reasoning of a chief stward I have to do this in my job don’t I amazing what’s the hardest thing about

    What you do I want to talk about below deck the hours oh really guys it’s the hours mad hours but then they get off and then you can just party for the whole weekend right yeah depending on if you’ve got like so if you’re charter boat you have guests coming on to use

    The boat consistently for out the summer so you’ll have an owner’s trip um they might leave you might only have two days you got a charter booked in then they might leave a week later you’ve got two days you got the owners back in two-day party yeah well you can imagine you’ve

    Got a 60 meter yach right you’ve you’ve had the owners on board they they’re lovely very chilled but then you’ve got a party crew coming so you’ve got a provision you’ve got to get everything ready you want to make sure that you’ve got you’ve had enough rest Bel low deck

    Is very there’s a huge misconception that is like wild party life don’t get me wrong there are wild parties there’s wild parties Road turn right then take the right but it’s not to that level but it’s not like that’s yeah like you know what’s really really quite fun I’m just

    Giving myself enough space with this car in case he rolls back you know um yeah like you know we’re in the middle of San trape it’s the middle of the summer it’s August like people are out partying you’ve got one day off it’s like yeah okay let’s go live the billionaire life

    And then like Sunday rolls around it’s like we’ve got a charter on Tuesday you’re hanging no we’re hanging and we got to get so much ready um do you actually have to live in the boat in those little cabins with bunk beds and stuff that’s for real

    Okay you do you live you live on the boat that was a hard Hill start Under Pressure that was Perfection just watch your spacing on this road I’m we second so we can go along like this for a minute third okay we’re going off right up here no after 100 y

    Turn right am I in the middle okay so I don’t actually know who I’m kind of guessing okay just remember this turn right I’m going to remember this cool we’ve stopped at a red light anyway you were working out what Lane to be in you were looking to the right indicating

    Right and slid from that lane into this Lane that’s going to be an issue just remember like I need to be aware of everything happening around especially if I’m thinking where I need to position where I need to position so I should be positioning here right either Lane would

    Have been fine this Lane is preferable but while you’re working it out just take a picture of like around you what’s around me okay we also had a lot of moving traffic there as well didn’t yes yes so it would have been great to know where everyone behind you was what they

    Were doing and now this road okay so this is going to be fun cuz yeah I’ve never driven around here and this is the test route yeah yeah yeah yeah rle South cool but yeah so the Yachts no it’s good fun it’s looks like fun what’s the best

    Thing about your job in the variety okay different people different locations different locations like if you if you’re someone that’s working seasonal positions you get to move around and all hand wake up neutral start the engine oh my God guys I’ve never stoed am I in

    First oh my God it’s cool take a second breathe and carry on guys what’s happening okay switch off switch off switch on switch on cool back into first you’re rushing massively rushing off you’re rushing okay find the bite you weren’t dropping the handbrake but you

    Trying to make the car move Okay cool so you’re at the briting point you can feel that what’s the next step drop the hand bre goes off yes should I go forward a bit go for it just for practice be really nice okay oh my God that was so

    Strange thank you for being patient buddy wow isn’t that funny not strange yeah let’s call that my fault cuz I beat you up on the last Hill start but the second recovery was like I’m trying to rush now to get over the first mistake you’ve made that mistake

    The Examiner it let’s take another second or two to make sure it’s perfect the second time interesting okay so this is why it’s important to like practice these things okay so here we are beautiful really good off we go really good a second nice stay in the lane okay to

    Third okay back on track now you’ve made a mistake okay it feels like a big mistake how’ you feel um I’m just going to take a minute to be like okay it’s fine don’t now assume that you’re going to be making all these mistakes and you’re a bad driver yep because you’re

    Not a bad driver but you are learning so it’s kind of expected yeah that’s what I think and you’re not going to dwell on it you need to focus ahead for sure I think if you’re in your exam right now that could be a big uh oh you know it might feel

    Like 200 y turn right but it’s not 200 Ys turn right and after you’ve made a mistake the biggest thing is to just take a second to to breathe think and don’t rush the the correction Rush turn right cool over to you nice and slowly you can see the

    Position in the road here you can see it right there and I’m good to go brilliant read the road Mark really like if I had allowed that store to affect me just then you’d be questioning I would be like uh is that a road sign there do I need to go

    you know wow this is why you’re the chief stewardes you must give these motivational speeches to your crew and stuff right you’re like don’t worry about it like we got this guys come on yeah yeah yeah we’ve got the D we the D we’ve got we’ve got the

    Shz we’ve got Echo falls on we’ve got sasaka 2002 that’s a fancy red wine okay yeah that’s why I’ve never heard of it okay what are we doing we’re doing 26 there’s a few cars around after 300 y cross the roundabout and take the first exit another barrier coming up here so slow

    Down but yeah I think it’s don’t don’t take effect maybe maybe that is my job making me not worry so much about you know making mistakes because it is high pressured like when you’re working with people that have paid a lot of money for their holiday

    Likewise if they own the yacht like you know they expect a certain level of service so you AR cross the roundabout and take the first exit Okay I’m going to drop back down into a second cuz that’s a bit more appropriate for this very all good brilliant perfect don’t want to be a

    Hazard at a roundabout don’t be a hazard it’s good advice very good advice let’s pull up on the left in a safe place okay let’s talk about stalling yes let’s talk about that ction to stalling was interesting cuz I feel like it made you under more pressure yes it did

    Especially cuz I had so many people behind me so you stoed the car and the car was perfectly set up for that Hill yeah all we need to do drop the clutch put the brake on switch the engine on mhm but what you did was you completely

    Reset the car like you was starting from scratch why is that is that something your mom said I don’t know actually I think it was more I suppose maybe felt safer not having the car in gear was a bit like okay we’re completely protected the hand brakes up we’re in neutral let’s just

    Take a minute and go again so we’re adding more steps into the sequence which is annoying which actually then you’re going to try and Rush those steps to get it out to get it done faster to get set off faster so let’s do it now let’s just practice imagine this is a h

    A hill a hill clutch down first gear hand on the handbrake cuz that’s the position we were in yeah foot over the gas try and set off but don’t take the hand off okay you want me to try do that you’re going to make the car stall

    Which is this is what you were doing last time so the car’s going to stall yeah clutch down clutch down the car’s still secure switch off and on and then you go again round two I see look how much easier that was yes just less steps messing about should I stall

    It again go for it it’s not going to hurt the car no no it’s fine it’s a nice car mike won’t mind sorry Mike cool so okay so imagine imagine if I just did what I did which was oh my God now we’ve completely reset 2 3 4 now we’ve got set

    Again eight it’s already been 10 seconds yeah yeah yeah people are like what’s she doing cool so we’re not going to reset just get the car secure car secure so handbrake back on if that’s what you do yeah still in first gear just switch back on and carry on switch back on

    There we go we are learning so much and this is really useful for everyone else as well so Danny thank you appreciate you we app appreciate Danny in the comments give her some love props and energy especially cuz it’s her real driving test on Monday Monday which you

    Will have already taken yes so stay tuned the results coming soon we not have the results how exciting yeah I can’t wait I’m really excited I think as well don’t put too much pressure like if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out you just it wasn’t meant to be justar

    Keep learning and do it again it’s not the end of the world it’s not the end of the world actually it’s annoying it’s an inconvenience for you if you don’t pass it is an you can just do it again you can just do it again yeah for me like

    I’ve D flown over here taking time yeah right the pressure must be huge the pass you actually come on holiday to do this test basically taken Holiday from my actual job I could be in Sri Lanka right now oh is that where they are no they’re

    In no they’re in the they’re in meca where I I’m living before that blue car turquoise light blue yeah see aquamarine let’s pull up on the left okay perfect not too close to it okay cool this is I’m assessing your driving I’m trying to help you so I’m

    Not going to go easy on you because that wouldn’t benefit you no of course here we’re going to do a maneuver okay we’re going to pull away from here and reverse back back into this position down the hill that’s the challenge okay interesting yeah I’m up for this you’ve

    Learned this already I have learned this already happy with it yeah I’m happy with it okay show me how it’s done okay cool oh careful dny careful okay let’s straighten up we’re quite close to them to be quite honest I don’t really want to be that close but I can do it from

    Here okay actually a bit longer around about there I’m going to do one full turn to the left I’m going to check that I haven’t got anyone running around me and I’m going to slowly bring the car back in now if my markers work what I’m trying to do is interesting because this

    Car’s different but the handle I want the handle to be sat on the curb just make sure there’s no one there okay so he’s told you how to parallel park his car so now you have to buy his car to be able to still Park I’m just going to shade out your

    Instructor okay so what I’m looking for in that little tiny mirror there is for the handle to be if you can see on the edge of the curb okay in my what I can see so far that’s what it looks like this person’s still waiting for me so I’m I’m just going to

    Go for it I’m going to go full lock to the right this is a marker so I just want to check there’s no one else there and I’m slowly going to now allow the car to come around I want to be careful of Mike’s Wheels thanks because I don’t

    Want this is a lovely car and I don’t want him to okay I’m going to stop because obviously there’s moving traffic I’m going to keep bringing it back right now and I’m now going to start looking behind me oh just now okay cool important and I can slowly start seeing

    That the line is coming uh parallel with the car and I’m going to undo her like this him Mike and then I’m going to come back and straighten it up a little bit and then I’m going to come back in oh and then I’m going to leave it about

    There take it out of neutral put the hambur up did you know Francis that we’ve got a suitcase company it’s called the portable Porter I can’t believe how lovely this car is to drive thank you so much it is so such a nice what a lovely car to be

    Drive W thank you you’re my favorite mock test honestly it’s it’s absolutely gorgeous just be nice to Mike and you’ll be my favorite mock test that’s the that’s the end of the road turn right what do you do when you’re not on um boats and doing stuff yes my boyfriend’s

    Got this suitcase company um and it launched it launched back in September 2022 okay it’s called the portable Porter company so I spend a lot of my time helping him doing photo shoots oh that was a pothole right that’s not nice for the car sorry Mike that was a horrible Poole oh I’ve

    Had wor shout out Kevin he knows Kevin what did Kevin go up to he smashed my car into a pothole and ooh Kevin Kevin and he’s not here at the end of it yet oh every time you pick are you teaching a bath crew a bath crew sometimes you wave at another a

    Bath and they’re really friendly and sometimes you wave at another a bath and she looks at you like you’re an absolute she looks cool that was the second time right there she looks cool look at her lovely hair after 200 y cross the roundabout and take the first exit then you have

    Reached your destination it is on your right what we’re going to do is we’re going to turn right on the roundabout we’re going to turn right on the roundabout yes please and then we’ve reached our destination that was the wrong turn right and then we’ve reached the destination this person’s also going

    Right we’re in second are we’re going to let these people go cuz it’s safe to do so because they were right there he’s going right a little bit of clutch control there cuz we can’t on a hill he good opportunity for me to go nice and Slow do you know what I was also just thinking there’s some things that the instructor has told me that obviously you know he’s a driving instructor right so he he knows what he’s doing cool and it’s a real shame that he made me feel uncomfortable several times because he’s

    Obviously not terrible terrible terrible at his job but cuz you’re really good at driving because I’m not too bad at driving and like certain maneuvers you he’s taught me but it’s the stuff that comes with it and that is what makes you not a great instructor because obviously ultimately this

    Person oh what was that that’s my bag oh um what was cuz it’s not just about teaching it’s not just about teaching you could be the best teacher in the world but you could you could swear a lot and that could offend someone you know we are going to take the next so

    That’s the end of dependent driving I’m going to direct you okay from here we’re going to take the next road on the left the next road on the left lovely start indicating now I’m in three I’m going to drop down to two this person is also going but I have way

    They’re a giveway line this is a funny one this is Hay High Street been here before been here before cool I’m in second busy High Street lots of old people like running around here well not running what Zimmer framing Zimmer framing Around wow can we say that on YouTube maybe maybe we’ll cut that cut that bit out can’t say that guy with a guy with a van opening the door where would you like me right at the Roundabout I’ve got good clear view of the road here if I don’t need to stop I’m not going to I don’t need to stop but I’m just going to take it slow foot off the gas okay I want you to take the next right just here the little one there

    Wait he’s coming quite quick he’s letting me go Universal flicker of the lights lovely okay we’re going to go left under the first Arch this is Hay Station Car Park been in here no never okay the examiners love coming in here for a little cheeky maneuver it’s a busy busy one go left

    And go to the end go left and go to the end nice and slow not a real driving test I’m assessing your driving let’s do two Maneuvers cuz fun left left again well actually why we why are we indicating that’s not necessary but you know what now I’ve indicated okay oh

    Bloody leers right I want you to pause there and then what you’re going to do is pick a bait on the left or right yep and forward park into it okay so I’ve done this once okay no one running around oh God oops it’s your test on

    Monday what’s next um I need to straighten this up okay how are you going to do that I’m going to reverse fair enough yeah I’ve only done this once or twice okay pause there just pause stop stop notic you do this a few times and I wanted to say something

    About it but now we’ve actually got a really good opportunity you’re on a slight Hill yes when we were on that roundabout as well we were on a slight Hill there’s been a couple of Hills as well where someone’s been stopping really close and what you do is you’ve

    Got clutch down break on breake on yeah you come off the brake and hop off the clutch okay while hitting the gas which gives the car opportunity to roll back while the brakes off and the clutch is down and lifting to biting Point yeah okay have you been taught this or not no

    I don’t even need to use a handbrake take uh clutch down brake on clutch down brake on set it into reverse turn it into a reverse handbrake off cuz we’ve got the foot break on hand off and you’ve had the handbrake off most of the time You’ been doing hill starts no

    Problem if we take the break off what happens try it we’re going to roll forward I actually did this as a video the other day oh I need to watch it you haven’t seen it I don’t think so do you know what you need to do Danny yeah click here click

    Here Kevin’s video about Hill starts so just quickly though follow me yeah clutch is down brake is onut brake is on yeah lift the clutch up until you feel the biting point before you lift off the brake can feel the biting point now yeah cool that’s where you lift off the brake

    And if I’m checking check check check check if I should I do it for a second yeah yeah go for it and then we go backwards instead of going forward and left then take the third left and it’s much more relaxing actually because then we don’t have to quickly flick your feet

    So I can use the control of the clutch to help yeah reduce the clutch is already pushing you backwards so when you come off the brake you don’t roll forwards cool let’s do it adjusting um yeah as I say I I’ve not done this very many times so we’ll see how this

    Goes got it I need to straighten mic cup a bit so dip the clutch a little bit and come all the way off the brake we should just be using the clutch to control the speed down for slower down for slower up for faster for fter faster now I’m not going

    To lie I don’t think this is very good because I’ve got so much space on this side and I can’t see the lines and over the so here’s what I would do to correct it straighten the wheel there come all the way back until you can see the lines in front of you

    Okay nice clutch control just using the clutch to control the speed look over when you can see the lines you can drive back into them easy oh yeah cool I can see the lines great drive in and maneuver done I think that cool why didn’t that work in the first

    Place so the markers that he’s taught me to use I I am of the understanding that it might not work for every single car so the marker that I was trying to use I was trying to get a bay line teed up with this handle here okay and what if

    My handle’s in a different place to yours sure and this car is a very different shape and length so that didn’t work for me because what happened was I over steered because I was I think I was a little bit too close to be honest to the Bay

    I initial problem the further away from the bay you’ve got more time to cuz you did hit the wall or you were close to the wall before you were even parallel to the wonky cuz I was sort of at an angle yeah cuz we didn’t have any

    Straightening up room no so that’s the first thing that we could do to improve it sure okay and then once you’ve got your own own car then you can find a new reference point that works for it sure do you know a lot of my friends in the

    UK they all they all Drive they um they got it done quite early oh don’t leave it too long that’s not so common though like a lot of people especially if you live in London didn’t learn to drive when they were 17 18 especially when you reach like your

    Early 20s and you know you were like I was working in central London and so I never found it a necessity oh really you didn’t always do boats what did you do before I did I was a personal assistant for like seven years I can see it can you definitely organized under control

    Unfappable definitely I try not to Flap that’s one thing if I can give any new learner advice I mean who am I I’ve been doing it 5 days but don’t flap like there’s literally no no reason okay I’ve got a hazard I’ve got a hazard can I go around

    Him I’m going to stop for him the reason I’ve stopped for him is cuz I feel like in my oh oh okay in my test I would see this as a as a hazard yeah so I feel the need to stop because I would be more of a hazard if I

    Carried on going and there’s people coming towards me also you see markings in the middle of the road there I would have been happy for you to go around and I’m happy that you stopped okay so the explanation of your reasoning for an examiner again that’s just the icing on

    The on the cake perfect good stuff it says slow like you know with my gears and stuff like I feel like going into third do you reckon I should just stay in second for a bit slow written on the road means that usually there’s a hazard coming up okay so the hazard

    There saying slow was the bend yes the hazard when it says slow you might be coming up to a junction or something like that so if you’re going at the correct speed for the road already then you should probably slow down there’s a haard coming up but CU we were setting

    Off from zero yeah we could actually build up more speed for that yeah okay roundabout let’s go to West Wickham third exit on your right West Wickam third exit lovely so I’m going to get into uh don’t want them to think I’m going in a driveway I’m going to start indicating

    Now I’m going to drop in second I’m going to let my clutch do some talking position myself in the right got a good Clear View I’m going to go I’m going to keep a nice distance from the roundabout right now and then I’m going to click off left how was that roundabout there

    Was one small mistake didn’t go the mirror yes yes yes mirror mirror isn’t that so annoying Dy what did you know what and the thing is I’m so aware of bikes and like do you ride bikes no my brother does though okay yeah yeah so like I’m aware like I

    Know how important they are why do we not why do I not want to look over that way take the next road on the left checked it then though didn’t I cuz we keep talking about it the more you talk about it you’ll build that habit

    And bit of a stupid place to park there I would say would you say that legal parking place might be that person’s house oh okay do you think that’s a good place to park a car and then below deck Danny’s just called him stupid shade below deck

    Tanny okay let’s find somewh to pull up on the left okay that’s the end how was that it was amazing you drove so so so well and we won’t call it like pass or F we won’t call it like Majors or minors okay call it learning and experience

    Experience you’ve got so much more experience knowledge tips and what I’ll do for you as well I’ll do a really rough edit of this and send it to you on a private link to watch it so you’ve got even more learning you’ve got even more like I won’t edit it nicely for of

    Course I’ll do a proper edit for you guys but Danny will have already seen it so that she can yeah learn and improve watch yourself back definitely helps I would really appreciate Danny thank you bloody lovely to meet you all the best for Monday thank you so much comment section

    Light up yeah woohoo let’s get going and stand by cuz Danny’s result is coming now hi guys I just wanted to say a massive thank you to Francis for taking me out and helping me with my mock test because I passed with two miners I’m so so so

    Excited and I just can’t wait to get out there be on the road be free


    1. I've actually never seen road markings like those at 4:41. Could you do a short explaining that 🤔

      Totally relate to the creepy instructor 😢..sad that this happens. I had one who would try to touch me whilst pretending to show me features of the car. Also had a very aggressive instructor who seemed unhinged. I should have reported them.

    2. i passed in mitcham on my first try thanks to your mitcham test route videos :))) thanks a lot !!!!! was terrified the entire time but everyone saying the instructors are super nice eased my worries, and they were right!

    3. what an absolute pleasure to watch. Definatly making the commentary the way to go. I'm gonna start doing this as it seems like the best way forward. Also Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Another 30y old here who passed their test today. With 1 minor.
      Have to say these videos are extremely helpful, although the route I went in Morden was a complete curveball. I can help explain why this additional learning is huge, because you guys are perfectionists, my examiner wasn’t as critical as you guys but having the voice of you in my head as I took my test made me so aware, at the end I was told one minor and asked what it was for, I said “ I missed my blind spot on a pull away” (which I did 😅) and he said “nope, change speed, mirrors” 😂.

    5. Passed my test about a week ago with 4 minors but I've always wanted to try one of these mock tests. Feel like i'd pass but guess we'll never know 😂

    6. The use of risk triggered commentary is part of NON technical Skill. Enables someone to avoid making misfskes and missing steps

    7. Loved this video and all your videos! Do you have any videos or tips to help with driving anxiety? I passed last May but due to my anxiety i've only driven about 6 times since my test (only to the local shop round the block etc). any tips would be incredibly helpful!

    8. I love your videos Francis, I binge them all the time and I find them very useful! I got my theory test next week and after thats done with, I feel very confident starting my lessons because of you! One of my few favourite youtubers right now you're awesome!

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