Season 2 of Manufacturers Cup Live roars to life, delivering exclusive content every Tuesday at 8 PM during the race season.

    Get ready for an exciting ride tonight with an exclusive interview with Josie Brooks, the 2023 Pro ET and Top Gas champion! Tune in to hear her thrilling tales from the track.

    Mark your calendars! The opening event takes the checkered flag at the South Georgia Motorsports Park in Adel, GA, happening from April 4th to 7th. Secure your spot in the stands by grabbing your tickets at

    Don’t miss a single second of the action! Follow us on social media and visit our website at for exclusive updates, behind-the-scenes content, and all things Manufacturers Cup.

    Get ready for an exhilarating season – buckle up and enjoy the ride!

    N what’s going on manufactur Cup live we back again episode three I ain’t gonna have enough fingers in a minute because we did 39 last season it was a blast this season has been a blast I’ve enjoyed our guest and and this is the Tour of Champions now check this

    Out this is the only Champion two class Champion let me back up this is the only two class Champion that is a a lady she’s a female and she is not from the United States so that means she done came all way ACR they done sent the lady all way across they

    Queen of Canada all the way across the border and she done captur not one title but two this is our Pro MPS Pro champion and also our snits Racing Top gas champion we going to bring her to you in a little bit but first I first of all like to remind you

    That we have an event coming up April 5th through the 7th the MTC engineering Spring Nationals that will be located at the South Georgia Motorsport Park in adale Georgia don’t forget we gonna have the food the fashion and the fuel tour presented by Hollywood drag RAC and

    Present and and we gonna have that entertainment obviously y’all see it on the screen the MTC spring GRE Nationals going to be the manufacturers cup drag racing series going to be laying it down at the racetrack and we going to be glad to have some of our Pros Pro Modified

    Pro Stock limited Pro 460 we got our our our street bike street ET Pro ET we got the super duper Sportsman classes we got a new sponsor Hard Times Parts and Services stepped up to the plate to do the eight the 510 was gonna be the 820

    Top gas class this year we’re going to welcome and thank all of our sponsors once again we appreciate you all for being here for us you know uh is it means everything to us and like I said every time I want to take the time to say your names J2 connect Cooper

    Performance 190 hookup fast by gas fuel Tech trick tools Voodoo baby performance uh Hollywood drag racing MTC MPS Robinson Industries hardtime Parts and Services wh steel Merced B A Buckhead and without our racetrack Partners it wouldn’t mean anything so I want to throw a shout out to South Georgia Motorsport Park Alabama International

    Raceway Capitol City Motorsport Park Carolina Dragway and Darlington Dragway I want to say thank you all for inviting us to your facilities and partnering up with us to bring some extraordinary motorcycle drag racing we’re going to go pay some bills and I just cannot wait to bring you these guests on tonight cuz

    It’s going to be an awesome conversation y’all hang in there we Back without further Ado we got the Brooks in the house we got Dan and Josie Brooks all the way from Canada and our only 20 well how about this underne management ownership the first two class champion in the new 2023 manufacturers cup Josie Brook the queen

    Of Canada I’m call you the queen of Canada they said the queen of Canada way to the US and knock us off down here look here you were the top gas champion and you Al the uh let’s give everybody a props the snitz racing top gas champion

    And you also were the MP mpsr the MPS Pro ET Champion look here I mean like for real for real you don’t came all the way down south cross the border about probably drove Dam crazy in that motor home to come and I mean you just totally

    Handled your business this year how do you feel about your accomplishments from 2023 you know I keep saying it was a fairy tale season for us it uh I still kind of got to pinch myself every now and again I can’t believe how well it went

    And it was a lot of traveling like crazy drives down there and and uh not all uneventful but we made it to the mall and and that was that I mean it was some sometimes we were good but often we were lucky and we’ll take them anyway we can get

    Them I mean rolling into 2024 I mean we right here we got a race rapidly approaching us you know now you you’re not you can’t come under the disguise now no one knows you no one knows what you capable of because you came down here and somewhat clipped the boys’s

    Wings and two CL passes so now you going to go in the season with a different they going it’s a different approach I’m for sure that they’ll take you know and racing you I’m for sure they should have figured that out earlier in the season they would watch you close enough but

    Now you know for a fact that they gonna be watching you real close and how does that play out with your strategy for 2024 W you know what the strategy is always the same with drag gracing you need to do your job and rely on him to do his job and

    And that’s it it’s up to you it’s not up to anybody else how you make it down that racetrack right right right now last guest we had we were talking about I think we were talking a little bit big stand and we was talking about how good

    The the crew chief was and we knew Dan was the man behind the scenes on the motorcycle but well Dan no no no no offense to you as a as a motorcycle crew but I always say still that the machine is only 10% of the equation you know

    Because if Dan does his job every time the same way then it’s going to make up 10% of that equation and then there’s 90 more 90% left on the table that falls squarely on your back Josie so you know with that kind of pressure and and and

    Knowing that Dan gave you everything he has I mean how does that amount to and and just give me a mindset because people probably need to know like there’s more to it than just going out there and standing you know lining up for you I mean you guys have traveled a

    Long way cross the border you know it’s a lot goes into I mean I I I would just like to hear what your week sounds like before an event we’ll get to that but first of all when you think about that pressure how much of that is I mean how

    Much pressure does does that weigh on you you know knowing that Dan has giving you that piece of equipment and it’s up to you now uh I don’t think 2024 will be any different than all the years leading up to it I always have applied a tremendous

    Amount of pressure on myself to do my job so um you know I get I Get huge butterfly nerves in my stomach at at the start of every round it doesn’t matter whe it’s first round or a time trial or I just get nerves and and want to go out

    There and be the best that I can be so um I don’t think 2023 being such a great year will change kind of the way I look at going into each trip down that racetrack we we didn’t know you 20 we didn’t know Josie but did the people in

    Canada already know this Josie that came down here and did her thing were they aware of you already up there like they are down here now uh I mean yeah I I think so go ahead go ahead go ahead and let it on out I’ve been I’ve been successful and

    Um you know mostly raced cars um the last number of years uh and they’re competitive so um you know yeah yes I’m going to say yes I I try pretty hard at home too so so you so you had a good chance coming to the G so it wasn’t traveling

    In vain basically you know you knew you had a good shot long as you showed up and do what you would normally do because I understand what you’re saying like when you run a cars I mean you you talking about 2 th three th packs and

    And and that’s the package to win you know and and that that’s sometimes not even good enough to win with a three thou pack you got to get within that so if you were able to compete with the crossover the delay box and all the stuff like that because I bracket

    Race for a while when Dragsters and so forth door cars with the delay boxes and you’re right once you know cars are tough I mean once they get those things dialed in I mean they running within two three th packages and if you able to pull off WIS especially on a motorcycle

    I do like racing well back in the days I did enjoy racing the the cars with the bikes because I felt like I really could I knew that I could see the strike way better than them because the tires right there you know but yeah it’s still is

    Just uh they they just put together heck of a combinations and and for you to be on a motorcycle so back to what I’m saying is that you knew that you was coming down here with a good shot probably doing pretty good when you rode down that road

    So I I think what coming to race with the manufacturers cup was new index for us we had never done anything index before and I really really wanted to come and try top gas um so there was you know a lot of question marks around how

    We were going to do that and honestly I don’t think we really knew what we were doing but we started trying to practice with it at home trying to make that index and see what it takes to get the bike to that number and uh so I didn’t

    Know how I was going to do I was not a pro tree racer I was you know a full 510 staggered tree forever um um so that Pro tree was kind of like oh am I going to be able to even hit that um but yeah so

    It was it was something new and exciting to come and and do the index stuff for us and I and I’m for sure like you said the poetry and and and and and then you really don’t get a lot of time to practice considering your weather right

    I mean like when you come here that’s pretty much your first time getting on a track unless you have a really good spring correct no it there’s no way we’d be on a racetrack here in April it’s just too cold and the weather’s so unpredictable yeah so

    Georgia uh it’ll be you know our 18 or 20 hour drive to Georgia for our first hit of the track and I can’t wait with that we’re gonna hold I’m gonna come right back I got something else I want to add to that I got a few

    Other questions I want to ask you surrounding what we were talking about let’s go pay some bills we’ll be right back to Brooks we drive performance we drive power passion a background in drag racing and a future in all forms of Motorsports because success in one sport isn’t

    Enough pushing ourselves to be the best climbing Every Mountain topping every Peak until you see fuel Tech everywhere all right all right all right we back back here with Josie and Dan Brooks up in Canada and we got my man Big Boss pinky BS over here in Nashville

    Myself Hollywood down here in the ATL look here I I heard you say that you had never ran the index you never had ran the prot tree now that you have been exposed to all of these these index classes and some of them a little quicker than the ones that you had

    Expired inspired to come down here and race any interest in stepping it up to a quicker index cuz I seen you riding some little short bike that on some motor with you was shifting that thing and it was running pretty quick in the quarter what the what’s the best you got out of

    That and are there any gos surrounded around that motorcycle there yeah so when we brought that silver bike to um Georgia in the fall to the finals we had our 460 motor in it um and we tried to run the 460 class but it turned out we uh I broke the

    Transmission on the very first pass that uh um we had it out for testing so we weren’t getting fourth gear and I think we were running uh like 480 is in the eth so we’re close no we would we got that uh fourth gear figured out and and hopefully we’ll be there if

    You remember in St Louis I told you I was up there at the start line watching 460 and just dreaming about it one day and we’re gonna make it this year and when you look at that is that you know that’s another step for you obviously and I know you see that the

    Competition is is stiff just as stiff and and top gas that is in 460 but now you’re going to have a little bit more bike control because of the speed any thoughts around that or you I mean but but you was already running that I mean you were already probably close to three

    Flat uh 330s with that uh silver bike already before you were you know having the issues with the transmission you had at least made it to the 330 so I mean you you were low three three yeah 302 I think was our best 330 in the

    Fall and that’s all motor that’s a all motor bike yes who’s the engine builder on that who’s the engine builder for that motor that combination Jeremy van Bassler Stupid Fast Cycles so that’s that’s the that’s the guy I meet that I met at the track several times correct yeah he’s he’s a

    Really nice guy I like him his his wife that come to the track with you guys so how many how many people are you all bringing because you told me last year a lot of your friends are start are wanting to come now from Canada I don’t know that any will be at

    The spring but I know that uh people want to go so we’re just we uh we uh safety the bigger trailer so we’re getting it all ready to go if they want to throw their bike in they’re more than welcome to come with us and they all

    Know who they are and they’re probably watching right so you so no so but basically you saying don’t make no excuses then right that’s right right so you know but uh it’s funny though because you know I remember looking at this uh RV Show and it was

    Like cocktails for six dinner for four and it it sleeps too so what’s what what is that a uber to the hotel or is that a a camper brought to the motel for the crew how does that work out because that’s a lot of crew if you g bring all

    Those people from Canada with you they’ll have to sleep in tents I [Laughter] guess so here’s my deal I want to ask if if what does a week look like prior to you coming to a race like legitimately making a race me because I like people get to see my preparation my preparation

    Is different I’m pretty much I’m not so far but you guys have a long trip you got to cross a border you got a lot of little you know things that need to take place so if you can sum up a trip in an elevator speech can you give it to us

    Real quick and let me know what that looks like and how quickly do you start how early do you start planning for a trip like to South Georgia Motorsport Park uh so we typically start packing the week before like the week week before so uh you know if the races next

    Weekend we would be packing now like in a week and a half we we’d start packing and then you know we typically leave well most of the races are at least a one full day drive for us Georgia we usually take two days to get there and

    Back so you know we’re leaving on Tuesday or Wednesday to go to Georgia get there Thursday get settled and race on Friday and then but yeah it’s it’s a lot like like you work right we have jobs so we work during the day we come home at night and start running

    Stuff out to the trailers and uh prepping food and packing clothes and and and so for the trans for the travel aspect of it being now that you you you’re taking a motor home trailer race bike it doesn’t have a title and all this stuff and all this stuff what’s

    That like crossing the border is it relatively seamless at this point because they are familiar with you all or or is it always somewhat of a hassle to cross the border coming into United States when you are when you come in the race actually we’ve not knock on wood

    We’ve not ever had a hassle at the border coming or going um it’s it’s been good you know border traffic to deal with and and that’s it we’ve been getting across and back over with no issue does does anything as it relates to like parts and inventory has any of

    That been affected as it relates or is it difficult for you to get from Distributors here that you need to like make the repairs and so forth on your motorcycles how does that work as far as you know getting that wow the majority of our parts uh we we

    Get with Jarrett me and uh they usually come from Paul so either either Paul and uh uh recently uh desa’s been helping us out with some stuff with some axle blocks and other things and we just get it shipped to uh Mich post office box uh just we’re just a half an

    Hour across the border into Michigan so we just have it sent there and then we go over pick it up and bring it back so you’re not far just yeah oh good keep it moving huh yeah everybody want they cut all good huh always order two but

    Look hey hey look I wna first of all I want to tell everybody why we on here because I just seen the balloons go up my birthday just passed and I did not I want to tell everybody while we’re live thank you for your you know reaching out

    You know saying happy birthday to me it means a lot to know that people even take the time to acknowledge you know your your your birthday anniversary and so forth but I want to tell everybody thank you uh we ate uh Habachi at the house on the island take out Habachi on

    The island it was cool and uh to chill with the family but uh thank you all again we’re gonna pay some bills we’re gonna come back and finish talking to Josie Brooks man and Old Dan Big Boss big boss you got to take us on the wood

    Man said you was a legend man we want to see what them trophies look like back there ain’t nobody seen your your man cave so go ahead and get set up because we come back we want to go on a tour on the man cave man everybody keep asking about the

    Man cave we’ll be right back y’all 60 Riders you guys your schedule for Lane number five All right so here we go we got joy and Dan Brooks up here in Canada then we got like I told you big boss up here in Nashville and and myself Hollywood and ATL look here uh Josie look You’ already you kind of making you like a living

    Legend already you know you gonna be you the first two class Champion you gonna get some some beautiful hard where to take all the way back across the border and you getting everything twice that’s that’s pretty cool man I can’t I mean I mean it’s awesome I mean first time

    Racing in the series and you come and really just just do your thing I’m really proud of you and excited to have you all back for a second season what are you looking forward to I mean what’s what’s the goal what’s 24’s goal I mean I know I asked you a

    Different way what’s the goal thank you for that and we’re excited to be coming back and you know I think the goal always Remains the Same right you you always want to come out on top so um I think a lot of our Focus will be towards

    Figuring out that 460 this year um and and you know hopefully we can get a round or two in that class you know I actually won my first round of 460 in Georgia because that poor girl from uh England was she from England uh yeah she broke out but like a lot I

    Felt so bad Jasmine Cordell yes yes that’s it yeah I could run the she just was lying I mean I think that they she was on a I think it was a PR modifi that they actually had running in 460 and they actually had the bike in

    There and then they end up putting it in Pro open open make to make even more passes now so it seems like she’s kind of on a track to running even quicker bikes and so that seg to a question you know you go on the top gas you’ll be touching 460 I’ve been

    Noticing that you not Auto shifting you’re Shifting the bikes you know what I mean so a lot of the little bitty things I’m noticing that you’re doing are you are you kind of like prepping for something your bike is short you have a the the silver bike is a little

    Short but is it about 72 to 70 in 72 70 Ines uh 68 right now we just put a set up axle blocks on it to stretch it a little bit and put a little bigger tire on it to try and run 460 so those things it’s like you know

    It’s it’s almost reminiscent of watching Chase progress to he was running a short bike he always shifted and then he transitioned to proo is that something that you thinking that you might perhaps want to do a pro you know what riding a motorcycle racing a motorc motorcycle

    Has taught me to Never Say Never because I think that every time I have said no way I have found myself doing that eventually so um you know this drag racing thing you can just never say never you know I was never gonna be on a

    Car tire bike I was never gonna you know run sevens I was never gonna um on and on the story goes right so Never Say Never who know who knows right now uh I’ve wanted to run 460 for a long time and uh I’m really really excited to go

    And do that um and then who knows we’ll see what comes next Dan what what you got to say over there Dan I mean come on now you know you sit over there all quiet and stuff like you like yeah it w let you I need I

    Know how to get you loose waiting for all the question P he trying to be all conservative on screen you know he get loose at the track now you know he a whole different Dan now come on Let it Loose Dan no so you know what would you like

    To see Dan I mean you you you there with it I mean I’d really like to see um us do well in 460 like Josie said in the fall when we first put that motor in um it was a whole new ball game for me you know when

    You step up that much in Horsepower your uh your mindset can’t be the same and I didn’t realize that until she let go of the button and I had it on well it was pretty aggressive and we paid for it in the long run you know Bender shift fork

    And then uh it it actually wouldn’t shift into fourth after that because we actually tore the drum out of the cases and broke the cases so yeah it was a kind of an expensive learning curve right there but when we dialed it back and I took a

    Bunch out of it it it ran those 302 numbers and we just couldn’t get fourth gear and we found out in the offseason why so I’d really like to start where I’m at progress and uh see if we can’t run a mid 450 with that set up there and

    Then uh we also have an 18 1830 that we’re working out and then I’ll probably put a five-speed in and then uh maybe we’ll try and do some quarter mile fast stuff so are you gonna still do that with with all motor you still want to do

    That with a silver bike with the with the same chassis that you have now want to go I think that I think the chassis’s fine I do believe we’ll probably need to um probably stretch the body and put uh longer wheel base on it maybe yeah we do

    Have we have a fairing for that bike as well so we could put it back on uh get some aerodynamics and try and go a little bit quicker so yeah the biggest goal right now is to um get the setup that we have down pat so that uh I

    Understand it just about as good as I do our 1640 setup that we run in top gas and in proe now now now when you when you start talking about that horsepower and you start talking about the numbers that you’re talking about and you’re talking about maybe the correct altitude being pretty good

    Considering you know what we were in valasa so when you start getting to the latter months in the summer when that heat start hit and do you think you gonna have enough mustard then or do you think you’d much rather have a little small jet a little small kit on top of

    That big motor I mean has you considered that if it was up to me I’d probably have a small kid on it but Josie’s not a nitrous fan so okay you know it’s uh she has to reach into her wallet a little bit more than uh she might need to and

    Put that 1830 in if uh the 1755 isn’t enough probably we could step it up a little bit cylinder head too I heard you say pinky now now pink you know one thing about us we we you know ain’t nothing like an understanding but I

    Heard him say she needs to step in her wallet a little bit more he a say about his wallet pink but did he say that pinky well let you know where where the money coming from yeah what that mean well I don’t have a wallet but everybody I rate his paycheck

    I don’t have a wallet she banking she banking pink Bank you got it Pinky but you know something I want to compliment y’all on on okay yeah she is the champion we know that she’s the champion but she couldn’t have been no Champion without you I don’t care what

    Nobody say and you couldn’t have been a champion without her y’all the package you do one thing she do one thing if she don’t ride right then it’s on her if you don’t got that b ready to go it’s on you so y’all the package man that’s why

    Y’all champion and I guess y’all are champing in y’all life the way y’all living cuz every time I see y’all y’all look like y’all happy and y’all got to be living good to be driving 18 hours one we hey man that’s 36 come on now we H would know we drove

    30 something hours going to Vegas so we know about them long rides man I think he spent mayy $1,500 $22,000 just in gas to get there that ain’t talking about coming back far off okay then so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah man that I just want to compliment you

    On y’all being a champion she is the champion but you the you you the one back in the darkg everybody know she she know you keep that thing ready to go and if anything go wrong She gonna look at you if that thing skip or beat or

    Whatever she looking at you he just to say what happened she you need to have the answer to what happened to her and you do so yeah I like y’all because y’ a good you as a husband and wife it took 15 years for us to be able to communicate

    Drag racing back and forth because she bang heads for quite a few years before you get it figured out well see y’all don’t like the game y’all love the game y’all love it cuz y’all be all the races at the man cup and some of them 18 hour

    Like you f to drive a regular D for y’all is 10 and 12 so any way it Go y’all still putting a long drive in man you know so I’m like yeah yeah yeah yeah we appreciate you coming to the thing and then they they the the camera need

    To understand one thing this a lady and she won a championship in two classes not just one I tell you somebody gonna be ready for you this year I’m g go and let the cat out the bag you and Manz is going to be on and popping yeah

    You he said I I knew I had to bring something for you I think he spanked me with a double3 or something on the in top guys yes yes yes y’all got y’all y’all got a little action going on this year I can’t wait to see it yeah good

    GNA be a good season we’re GNA take a break and we’ll be right back with the Brooks and big boss from Nashville py Bous all right all right we back with our two class Champion Josie Brooks and Dan Brooks up at the Canada we got big boss in the house and we once again are very thankful to have you attend all those races and win those championships you earned it like I mean you earned it

    You nobody gave you anything competition was tough I mean you had some really Stout races that you actually went through you know I don’t know you probably didn’t know it up front that you was doing that but you beat some really really good guys and girls down

    Your journey to your Championship so you know it’s going to be interesting to see how this season pans out and I know it’s it’s competitive as as you are because I mean I know you’re competitive you know because I see when you racing you you’re Ultra focused and to see you in 460

    That’s going to be really interesting I I can’t wait to see that and U like I said if there’s anything that we can do to make your experience better at the manufacturers cup don’t hesitate you know we always take a email or text message and know we definitely want to

    Make sure y’all enjoying the events that we’re putting on and trying to bring some more culture to the events as it relates to the food trucks now I thought that would be a good idea you know people are coming from along different ways they might want to tast something

    Different uh trying to get some different uh uh fashion and and um craft type uh uh vendors set up so that they can come as well so you know this could be a good season for us you know different things that we can do to attract fans that’s one of the

    Things that we really are trying to do attract more fans and also the entry level Racers the people who’ have never raced before you know I I’ve been thinking like the Thursdays that we’re there if someone’s never race and they know how to ride then maybe the the

    Racers who are already already there could start potentially doing like a mentor Protege type deal for maybe uh a little session of three hours or two hours where we have maybe one right one new one newbie with a person like myself person like josy a person like Dan a

    Person like Pinky and we just have our newbies teaching them the the fundamentals of how to race so they’re not intimidated you know I think that’s the biggest thing you know that that someone’s coming off the road they really want to do it but what do you go

    At Tech what do you do to get on that racetrack and they don’t know but I think if we were probably huh well I was just going to say it’s a pretty intimidating sport right there’s a lot of things that you we know that we take for granted that are uh Beyond like

    You know a lot of numbers and and it’s oh just the fundamentals of doing a burnout staging and you know it’s you know our daughter started racing last year and you know she’s been watching Everybody for so many years that I I believe she’s like most newbies as you say they come

    In and they’re either they don’t understand what’s going on or they think they know it all and neither one actually pans out very well so yeah a little bit of coaching doesn’t hurt anyone Heywood yes sir did you tell Jo did you tell Jose since she’s coming over there

    Did you tell her about that F sister purse that you got going on for that that that F sister going on she she coming over she’s going to run that purse and that’s that’s another Racing store I know it’s going to be 32 bikes of them did you tell her about that

    10,000 they put on the table that you got a sponsor well I know I know they know about that do y’all know about so so essentially we got our our basic our same manufacturers cut purses over 17 bikes is is uh $7,400 right and we have a bonus kicker

    If we get 32 bikes on the ladder we have a $2,600 bonus that are kicked into the purse so basically I just looked at it like we treating it like a Zero Entry Last Man Standing 2600 extra bonus to the winner you know and whatever they

    Decide to do when they get up there so it’ll be a total purse of $10,000 uh I also have a sponsor put up $5,000 so I want to clear this up too while we on here because for people who might be looking at this we have a

    Sponsor to putting up $5,000 this my second or third time clearing not but I still have people ask me the question for Pro Stock motorcycles nhr Pro Stock or anyone that’s like a pro stop motorcycles that’s running the same rules that they normally run right and but we still have separate of that

    Our 720 Pro Stock limited that that has nothing to do with the $5,000 race period the 5,000 zero entry fee that’s for pro stop motorcycles or if the Pro Stock limited bike says hey you know what I much rather run for this this $5,000 zero entry fee that’s their

    Call not the manufacturers cup call the 720 index class is wide open for the 720 Pro Stock limit because that’s our normal class the pro stop motorcycles essentially just an exhibition for us some more entertainment for our fans and try to draw more people to the our event

    To come out and see them but then they get a chance to see the rest of as well so that was the draw there we need eight of those to show up to get for them to get a $5,000 zero entry fee purse for five grand when to take all so that clears

    That up there’s a structured purse for 720 proo limited with an entry fee that’s normally set up every race proo motorcyles probably only race with us this one race if they if you know if they have because it’s an open part of their schedule so hopefully that clears

    It up for people hopefully I a make it too confusing again but just wanted to clear that up and like I said I can’t wait to see you guys and now y’all down there I know it’s gonna be a long trip you know and um I just can’t see I can’t

    See you run for I can’t wait to see you run four six it’s gonna be good it’s gonna be some good competition you’ll be a new face you know what I can’t wait see what’s that I can’t wait to see Pinky’s man cave pink you let see manave you said

    You gonna show us something I quit that now y’all quit let me see if I but everybody always talking you know want to know that I did I you know they heard about me winning races and this and that but I do got a little man cave

    I don’t know if I can make this camera show it good man but I do got trophy man when I show where I have them done you know in the past I don’t know how to get this thing try to get this thing up real good I like your trophies but you know

    What I really want to see I got my trophies my daughter with me everywhere you know I keep the little girl with me everywhere I go you know yeah my man cave man you know I got trophies Everywhere Heywood huh there you go you going keep going there it is Disco Ballwood he got a pool table down there too yeah yeah that’s my little my little pool table down there my little uh my little Pacman machines that’s my the back there man huh that’s the Marvin Gay pain yeah

    Yeah that’s Marvin Gay man you see it back here yeah you see it back here my boy my boy did that for me man when I first put the house together you see my little my little you see my little chairs my my video chairs what you call theat

    Chairs yeah Hollywood that’s set up Hollywood man that’s pretty cool Joseph what you got a disco back there y’all we gotta go ride down to P’s house right y’all come down there have a little party down there I was just gonna say we’re gonna have to come for a party hey manood hey

    Man thing you know that’s a TV in the wall hey Hollywood maybe we should have a banquet there we hey fish CRA in the wall right there yeah fish craved in the wall yeah I see hey yeah bwood yeah man uh yeah yeah Jose man she done done something this

    Year oh yeah she did man that the team did me came in those two tough classes too that was two tough classes that was two tough classes right there I G bad s you know who over in that class they got some bad folks over there

    Man for real for real they can run them numbers there’s bad folks all over the place at manufacturers Cup races yeah you pick a class and you got you got some people to contend with let me ask you something do y’all rather run top gas in the eth or y’all ready run

    The a20 in the quarter which one y’all ready run which one y’all got a better tune up in the eth that’s uh 510 or either 820 up we got we got we got a better handle on 820 tell you the truth yeah only because we run it a lot more but it’s it’s

    Coming along pretty good at 510 or 510 in the E now that you get some more passes and after last last year would we run four was it only two we only had two quarter mes so the first one was pretty tough harleywood look look at their shirt you

    Got to compliment them on their shirts beautiful they beautiful hey say that bur too man they always keep the fresh gear always keep the fresh gear I love it love real nice I really appreciate their support I mean it it’s it means a lot because this year

    Was kind of like that year where you know I mean if anybody know I never wanted to do promoting that just not that’s not anything I ever wanted to do I had total different goals I had total different uh things I had purchased to to to pursue those goals and when this

    Came about you know it just it felt right it felt like the right thing to do but I do miss racing uh 460 against the competitors that actually race in the manufacturers cup but at the same time I can appreciate you know watching my peers contemporaries out there you

    Know enjoying the things that we’ve loved so much and somebody got to you know keep the machine going so that everybody else can keep enjoying that part of it and you know that’s just what we took on and that’s why pink and I we go to all the different races like the

    Iowa and stuff like that so we can go out and have some fun but I really can’t wait to see you know how how you all you know bring your game that I’ve seen in top gas and pro tree to 460 because it’s really just like a recipe y’all have a

    Really good formula it seems like you all s to that process and now you’re just going to have a faster quier bike but still have that same process is this going to be the quickest bike you’ve written yep okay okay well I mean it is what it

    Is like you said me I say you say yeah one but but I can tell you this though I think that when you look at the 60 foot times of the motorcycles in 460 and you’re talking about going to the next level uh if if you talk about going to the next level

    Whether it be a clutch bike that pops a clutch and it hits maybe they say it hits a little harder I can’t honestly tell you that personally because I don’t know that difference you know even I’ve done both um but I can say that at least you start getting acclimated to 105 to

    That5 105 to9 60 foot you know that start getting your brain processing those type of 60 foot that type of acceleration and once you get that I mean comfortable there I know the top end for you because you know how to race the strike but now you’re just going to

    Be doing it a little faster anything about that that that that’s a concern to you not yet no I’m I’m sure there’s going to be lots of learning curves this year with that new class but they’re always is right and every time he try so we’ll I’m sure we’ll take our licks

    And figure it out try and try and do it different or better the next time right so that’s right that’s right anything you like to tell the fans I mean you have a lot of people that really root for you I mean this your this your microphone anything you want to tell

    Them we’re gonna get ready to close it out with Josie Brooks and Dan up there in Canada give them a little shout out Josie well uh just a few people to thank uh Jim and Joe Jeremy and Mary uh wheeler Mr Wheeler oh he hates it when I call him Mr Wheeler Deshawn

    Wheeler for all of his help and support um and then just everybody else my friends and family that are watching hi and thank you for all your support okay good deal good deal and uh like I said from our side we really appreciate you all making those long

    Tracks down to come and be a part of our family our racing family I hope that everybody’s treating you all with with good Southern or well just good house Hospitality period because we not all from the south I was about to say good hos yeah but but just treat you with you

    Know good hospitality and uh because I think that’s most important that a lot of people don’t realize that that’s what’s that’s what’s so good about it you know I mean the company you know you know sometimes you’re struggling but the company is is always there to help and

    Whatever so I can’t wait to see you all back this year and like I said big boss you got anything you want to add before we get out of here man man I’m ready to see her and shy go at it I’m I know they

    Going at I can see them I can see them going at each other in qualifying you know what I mean because they know they run beside each other they can put in a good number because they know each one of them gonna run right there by that

    Number you know they trying to qualify good you know that that’s right that’s right well look again I appreciate y’all again ask one more thing hey W ask her what about you think about that f f class is they think they think they think something to

    Watch yes yes yes Tri I can’t I can’t wait to see that I hope that uh I really like to see that class do well you know I really want to see it’s a couple classes I really want to see pick up I want to see The proot Limited pick up

    For for for sure because I feel like there are a lot of people who want to take the next step it’ll be a awes awesome opportunity for them to come out and race you know in a very competitive you know environment but not just get you know beat down by the bigger

    Situations right now while they’re learning you know what I mean and I’m excited about the 444 class because kind of the same thing it’s like one of the things I know that we have to help if we want to keep our sport alive we have to stay sustainable that only that what

    That means to me is that you know everybody can’t rotate the Earth and expect to do it forever but you know sometimes you can harness the horse a little bit and it’ll last a lot longer and this kind of what these index classes have kind of done for us because

    It’s kept the kept people racing you know just straight up you know um and we have to continue to look that way because we go to look we got to look at all things but I think we cannot shun away from faster index classes like the

    720 the faster index no bar class of 444s because you know I think that once you get the get the numbers and you kind of get in that area where you’re St now not tearing up stuff then for me it never mattered who was the record holder

    Or whatever I just needed to know how I needed to win that’s what I showed up for you know what I mean so that’s kind of what I feel like people need to start changing their mindset on and stop spending so much money and start enjoying the the the the the sport you

    Know what I mean because the sport is like the man or the woman on the machines that are trying to win what whatever the rules are you know what I mean and so I just think that we need to just take a hard look you know just for sustainability you know because you

    Can’t continue you know you running big classes and run hundreds and thousands of dollars out the door and expect you do it for years and years and years to come it just don’t even really make sense unless someone else is paying for it that wants the marketability but

    Doing out my own pocket you know what I mean but at any rate that’s a whole another segment on something else but uh like I said I appreciate y’all being on we’ll see y’all back down in val daa adale South Georgia Motorsport Park baby we love y’all we

    Out of here peace thank you thank you thank you Okay E

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