Israel battered Gaza on Sunday (October 8) after suffering its bloodiest attack in decades, when Hamas fighters rampaged through Israeli towns killing 600 and abducting dozens more, as the spiraling violence threatened a major new Middle East war.

    An eyewitness footage released on Sunday shot from inside a vehicle showed Israeli forces opening fire on Route 4 in Ashkelon, a coastal Israeli city that is a frequent target for rocket attacks by militants across the border in Gaza.

    The location of the footage was verified by comparing the road layout, field, trees, lampposts, and building to street-view and satellite imagery of the area.

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    [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] شوت خ مخف


    1. Imagine that. You steal a people's nation by murdering hundreds of thousands, then force the survivors into one of the most densely populated concentrations of humans on earth, while depriving them of basic human rights for generations, and they react violently. Who could have seen that happening?

    2. srael has the tightest, most advanced security measures in the World. How did Hamas get into the country so easy? By land, sea and air. Something doesn't add up.

    3. Seeing hypocrites supporting isreal, the only country on the planet which has been called a apartheid regime by the United Nations is sickening!
      Even ex British PM David Cameron called Gaza a open air prison which the isrealis have made it into.
      Proven they have been stealing lands, killing 100’s of thousands of innocents civilians , their military raping men women and children ,israelis celebrating in happiness when these sickening actions happen, murdering hundreds of of journalist, 8 just in the last week !
      They are even worse than the South African apartheid regime! They allow some roads where only a Jew can use but a Palestinian cannot ! Nowhere on the planet does anyone else do this!
      Yet america and the uk fund and supply arms to this apartheid regime ?!!!
      Call out the isrealis for what they actually are ! Absolute animals !!!

    4. It seems like any other day in Rio de Janeiro, the left fuels disgrace around the world, it is financed by Jews, in the eyes of Muslims and Jews the lives of Christians have no value.

    5. Please don't worry about it. There is no need to worry about anything. Please don't worry about it. Please contact us at least 150 times. Please don't worry about it. הערבים עושים פיגועים כל הזמן( אין חודש שאין פיגועים) ובכל מקום. Please don't worry about it. 2 days ago 2 days ago 2 days ago – 2 days ago Please don't worry about it, don't worry about it. , איפה שאני גרה היום Read more השם More. Please don't worry about it. Please contact us for more than 150 hours. 4 days ago 600 days ago (about 600 pounds) ). Why? What's the price of the car at 600 pm? What's the matter with you, what's the matter?? More!!! Please don't worry!!!!! Please don't worry about anything. Why???? Please don't worry about it. Please don't worry about it. אין לי אפילו חברה אחת שאין לה קרוב משפחה או חברה/ חבר שלא נהרג מהפיג More. Read more!!!!!! Please don't worry about it. . בבקשה !!!!!!!!!

    6. there weren't isreal weren't Jewish just USA Britain French transfered western Jewish people to Palestine for occupation Palestinians land until today's god blame your overall wrongism politics against right Palestine territory however wrongism organisationed violence by western usa in Palestine centuries ago day's to day growed created occupation
      it's times to removing wrongism fake isreal of Palestinians territory Palestine land

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