Halo, Sobat BKKBN!📢

    Pusat Pelatihan dan Kerja Sama Internasional BKKBN dan Kedutaan Romania untuk Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan sebuah acara yang disebut Friendly Talk with Ambassador: Ambassador Insights from The Embassy of Hungary to Indonesia dengan tema “Population and Economic Issues””.

    Dalam rangka menambah wawasan global, kami mengundang dan mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak dan Ibu dalam Kegiatan Ambassador Insight ini yang diselenggarakan pada:

    Kamis, 27 Maret 2024
    Pukul 14.00 – 17.00 WIB

    Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya, #SobatBKKBN!😉


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    [Laughter] N Oh recording in Progress Good afternoon may peace be upon all of us his Excellency chairperson of bkkbn Papa Dr hasto wardoo medical doctor ofin Her Excellency Madame Leela carai ambassador of Hungary to Indonesia his Excellency Papa abdurahman hono Dias wahab ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary in Budapest which is in this

    Occasion represented by B gunadi ADI sasmita Minister counselor of Indonesian embassy in Budapest honor hble Dr arpat mesaros strategic vice president of the Maria cop Institute for demography and families in Hungary Irma Arana medical doctor Maps officer in charge Deputy for training research and development of bkkbn Dr Uki gumaan

    Skm to mention your name and institution and to whom your question be addressed too fourth the link of attendance to get the E certificate and materials of this webinar will be shared at the end of the session fifth we also provide five door prize provided by the embassy of Hungary

    For participant who are actively participate in this evening during the Q&A and discussion session excellencies distinguished guest and ladies and gentlemen before we begin we would like to take a picture together with all participant who join virtually in this webinar for our documentation report and

    We would like to request all of you to kindly turn on your camera from your device I will countdown from 3 to one and action ladies and gentlemen could you please be prepared we will take a photo session together okay three to please open your camera thank you and let’s take picture together

    Three two 2 1 action okay thank you very much Excellency honorable ladies and gentlemen to begin with I would like to invite officer in charge Deputy for training and research development to deliver her welcome greetings to Dr Irma that time is yours thank youu Fe let me check first my notes yeah good Afternoon his Excellency Papa Dr hasto medical doctor OBGYN consultant the chair Persons Of bkkbn Her Excellency Miss Leela car Ambassador for of Hungary to Indonesia his Excellency Papa Abdul Rahman hono Dias wahap ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary in Budapest which in this occasion represented by bad adisasmita Minister counselor of

    Indonesian and Embassy in Budapest honorable Dr arpat MOS strategic VI president of the Maria cop Institute for demography and families in Hungary Dr Uki kusuma Kwan head of CITC babn and Dr yulina aarani PD parenting and Family Support Center the University of Queensland Australia excellencies distinguished guests and fellow participants from across

    Indonesia it is my honor and privilege to stand before you today to address this event as the OIC Deputy for training research and development of bkkbn I want to extend my warm welcome to Ambassador Insight event To Her Excellency Miss Leela car the ambassador of Hungary to Indonesia and Dr arpat

    Mesaros I’m sorry if I misspell your name strategic VI president of the Mario cup Institute for demography and families in Hungary thank you for gracing this event with your presence it is my sincere hope that the next one and a half hours will be filled with valuable insight engaging conversation

    And of course meaningful connection I also would like to express my appreciation and congratulation to the CITC or poolin team for organizing this event now let us hear the remarks from the chairman of the national population and family planning board op bkkbn of the Republic of Indonesia Papa

    Dr hasto wuo MD obgy and consultant who also will open this event officially thank you hand over to you IU Fe thank you Dr Irma for your welcome greeting and now we would like to request the honor to invite the chairperson of the national population and family planning board of the

    Republic of Indonesia his Excellency Papa Dr honoris Kaa har hasto wardoyo medical doctor of GN specialist and consultant to give his welcoming remark and officially welcome on open this event Papa hasto the floor is yours morning for all our Excellency miss Lea K ambassador of Angar to Indonesia his Excellency Baba ABD Rahman

    Mudo di masah ambassador of of uh the Republic of Indonesia to Ang in Budapest which in this occasion represented by papadias Ministry conselor of Indonesia Indy in Budapest honorable Dr alart MOS strategic vice president of the Maria C Institute for demographic and family in Dr Irma of viser in chge Deputy for

    Training research and development PN Dr RI head of CITC PN Dr Julia EA PD parting and Family Support Center uh the University of uhland Australia uh director for Europe Regal one Ministry of Affair and of Indonesia ladies and gentlemen let us thank the god uh of this blessing and

    For allowing us to meet in this first of all I want to confer my portf gratitude to the Embassy of Angar to Indonesia and the embassy of Indonesia in Budapest and the institution for population and family in Hungary for participate and uh contribute uh this event this is a glorious moment and I

    Wish to extend my warm welcome on beh of national population and Family Planning port on P and to this event namely Ambassador inside to share policy program and best practice between two countries in the field and population Family Planning and family development Excellency ladies and gentlemen law number 52 2009 concerning population

    Development of uh family development clearly illustrate the uh the Strategic role Pik cap population development and family development by being directly responsible to the president population is the central point in sustainable development to realizing Balan population growth and achieving quality of population and family ban uh population growth and

    Quality family must be Carri out by managing the birth rate and reduce the uh death rate uh managing population mobility and develop population quality in all its uh Dimension pikn through the my program this name bangana program which stand for family development population and Family Planning program P create quality families and Balan

    Population growth in Indonesia Excellency uh ladies and gentlemen today through uh activ we have uh the opportunity to share information and perspectives of both country India and hry we have uh the opportunity to hear the program and P practice and G inside uh and learn lesson learn for the embassy of Ang

    Especially for institution of population and family of the uh government of H yeah lastly uh PN stresses the need of global cooperation to address Global issues such as uh population and development issues as demon started in our nomination for United Nation population award uh uh 2022 Indonesia Champion uh the issue for

    Population and one of the key D for def in closing uh allow me to express my deep appreciation for uh cooperation between pikan Embassy of Hungary to Indonesia and may this activity benefited both country and become uh as a bridge for fure cooperation finally with this remark I declare this even

    Open and wish you all fruitful discussion thank you thank you honorable doctor honoris kardo medical doctor of GYN for your remarks and officially open this event excellencies distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen now we are coming to the discussion session which will which will be moderated by Dr yulina aarani PhD she

    Is a research fellows at parenting and Family Support Center the University of winon Australia to Dr yulina the floor is yours good afternoon ladies and gentlemen um his Excellency chairperson of babn Papa Dr hasto wardoyo MD of gin uh Her Excellency Miss Lila carai ambassador of Hungary to Indonesia his

    Excellency Papa abdur Rahman hudo Dias wahap ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary in Budapest which is in occasion which in this occasion represented by Papa gunadi adisasmita Minister counselor of Indonesian embassy in Budapest honorable Dr arpat mesaros strategic vice president of the Maria cop Institute for demography and families in

    Hungary IU Irma Arana MD Ms officer in charge Deputy for training research and development of babn Papa Dr Uki Kuma Kwan skm Ms ma head of Center International collaboration on uh beab ladies and gentlemen so in this occasion I’m very pleased um uh to moderate this valuable event thank you

    For IBU Fe as the master of ceremony for giving the floor to moderate this session um this event uh focusing on population and economic issue ladies and gentlemen as we know population is very closely linked to the economic development of the society the Quant quality structure distribution and

    Movement of a population of course of course can be a a supportive or can be a challenge too to the rate of the economic development for high Middle inome country with low population density and low percentage of employment people needs an increase in population in order to keep up with the economic

    Development however on the other hand for long middle economy country with a high population density and high percentage of employable people any increase in population will be a challenge to its economy in this webinar we will have a sharing knowledge on population and economic issue lesson learned from Hungary as a developed

    Country with approximately 10 Millions people but first of all uh I will invite Dr Uki kusuma kunan skm MPS ma as the head of international collaboration on population and Family Planning of bab to present on population Family Planning and family development program in Indonesia beab Ben program Implement

    Implementation so uh please welcome Papa Dr Uki uh the time is Yours thank you very much Madame moderator Dr eaam a very good afternoon to all of you in Indonesian language we call it slang Madame in Hungarian language we call it hot correct yes thank you very much his Excellency Dr hasard doyo the chairperson of the national population

    And family planning board of Republic of Indonesia or babn Her Excellency Madame Leela carai the ambassador of Hungary to Indonesia welcome Excellency Madame his Excellency Mr abdur Rahman hono Dias wahab the ambassador of Republic of Indonesia to Hungary in Budapest in which in this occasion is represented by Mr gunadi adisasmita the

    Minister counselor of the Indonesian embassy in Budapest The Honorable Madame Elona to the deputy head of mission of the Hungary Embassy of Jakarta office thank you Madame welcome The Honorable Dr arfat misar Ros the Strategic vice president of the Maria cop Institute for demography and families in Hungary Dr

    Irma Arana the officer in charge Deputy for training research and development of bkkbn Dr yulina aarani the parenting and Family Support Center University of Queensland Australia the M moderator the director for Europe Regional One the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Indonesia our distinguished guest ladies and gentlemen the Committee of babn

    Pulin Public Relation directorate for technology and also directorate of IEC pabn Excellency Madame Ambassador and also honorable Madame Deputy head of mission of Hungary uh let us now with your permission we would like to present from the Pak the entitled population Family Planning and family development program in Indonesia next slide

    Please we have here uh 20 slides uh this is the second Slide the outline of this presentation would be divided into four parts the first part regarding an overview of population and Family Planning program in Indonesia the second part telling us about the current our office babn strategic plan to 2020 to

    The to the four another four years until 2024 the third part explains us about family development and family resilience program and the last part knowledge hub for international training program in babn next slide please this is the first part of our presentation overview of population and family planning in

    Indonesia next slide please this slide explains us about the Indonesia historically fertility rates indicated by the total fertility rate or TFR starting from the first measurement in 1971 Indonesia accounted uh reported the TFR at 5.6 children per women or in average every women in Indonesia at that time in the year

    20271 had between 5 until 6 children and along the time we have a steadily decreasing trend of the total fertility rates and now reaching the number figure at 2.18 based on the long form population census 2020 and also between this time we also have the period of time the the middle

    The middle point here there is the transition of the government policies in Indonesia between the highly centralized system until around the early 2000 yes 200 2003 then we start to implement the decentralization uh policies in Indonesia and most of the Publications associated with this transition into the a bit uh stagna

    The constant number of TFR in Indonesia at 2.6 between these years from 2002 until 200 uh 7 yeah we have a two 2.6 dfr but uh fortunately now Indonesia experiencing the decreasing number for the total fertility rate reaching 2.1 children per women so this is the good uh achievement in term of Family

    Planning program next slide please this is also uh telling us about the population pyramid projected until the year 2040 now from this figure we can see that between two uh population parametes the one in the 2020 we still have relatively uh big number for the young population but in the next year 2024

    2040 we have a slightly different pattern or a shape of the population paramid indicating that we have the much bigger proportion of the elderly the population reaching the age of the 60 years and above this is also the good sign uh indicating that the improving health status across Indonesian population next slide please

    Then because of this uh different or changing trend of the population AG structure then Indonesia also experiencing what So-Cal demographic dividend or demographic bonus in to uh prequisite or in two condition the first condition when the par capita income increas due to the rise of productive population relative to the nonproductive

    Population in the second uh condition predicted to achiev during the increase of the current working age population disposible asset saving and finance future consumption so this is the two condition experiencing Indonesia of the bonic demographic dividence next slide please concerted effort to optimize how to harnessing the demographic bonus

    According to Professor ADI Tomo in the year 2017 so we started from the changes in the population AG structure after then we should invest the education and thirdly the purple one conducive good government and the red one the healthy and productive and as well as uh indicated by Madame

    Ambassador skilled worker also this is also the uh holds the key important points and the condusive economic policy after then then we can harness the demographic divident and economic growth next slide please we now coming to the second part of our presentation our office the national population and family planning

    Board or bkkbn strategic plan from the year 2020 until the next four years 2024 until this year next slide please so this is the bka benici and mission for the next four years regarding our vision in line with the our president his Excellency Mr Joo Doo on the development

    Plans we have the Pion to realize a quality family and balanced population growth to support the achievement of The Sovereign independent and personal based on Mutual cooperation and then how to to achieve this a mission bab translate into six mission of its office firstly all ISS related to population

    Management in our country secondly conducting Family Planning and Rh reproductive Health Services thirdly establishing family development fourthly networking that’s what our directorate here working on the building partnership and networking Community participation including Global cooperation Global cooperation meaning our good collaboration maintained between indones I and Hungary and fourthly Innovation and it And uh sixthly they enhance capacity and Human Resources so all of uh uh issues related of of those six uh topics will be justified for our office to have a global cooperation with our International Partners next slide please so in term of national policy and strategic direction of babn once again

    We translate into our program in our office namely firstly so this is according to clockwise firstly in your right hand side population management policies yes all of the population issues we are dealing with uh the program in Indonesia secondly to Advocate and mobilize our program so-called Banga kinana taking into

    Account Regional and Target characteristic and thirdly strengthening family information system and data that’s also we need to strengthen our technology in term of data information system and then uh fourthly we have the Family Planning and Rh reproductive Health Services by region and focusing on target segmentation and the of sixthly

    Increasing family resilience and Welfare and those all uh five uh main program are strongly supported by our management system here improving quality of bkab and Workforce improving quality of the management supporting and also accountability of our program next slide please pabn our office also have the strategy to organize or so call in

    Program from headquarter National level down to the pro District until Village level we have four uh basic or uh main support system here firstly institutional Arrangement up with a 33 Province uh population Family Planning offices Pi up with 14,000 Family Planning field worker and 10,000 employees the non-government employees of Family Planning field

    Worker and also the cader the volunteer cater why 1.2 millions and then secondly we back up also with the regulatory framework that’s the medium term development plans and also all the government regulation related to Family Planning and population issues and thirdly the funding schem what soal here

    We have the specific allocation fund uh derived by the Ministry of Finance in Indonesia to support our program in Family Planning as well as mobilization the use of family Village funds in each Village in Indonesia we have Village fund we can also use it for the Family Planning

    Program and lastly we have Public Service delivery framework we have the SOP the standard uh minimum uh procedure and also in the profis of contraceptive for National eligible couple and also in the family enumeration system data next slide please third part of our presentation family development and family lead program next

    Slide this is to address the challenges that’s what we call it uh with also experience in Indonesia as well as in other part of this world yes in term of demographic transition and family structure family qualities social norm and culture and globalization climate change and also digitalization technology development for example in

    Term of demographic transition and family structure we have the number of prod productive AGS increasing the number of elderly will be double High Mobility urbanization diversity the phenomenon of child free the interm of family qualities marriage without proper preparation the role of function of the family is not Optimum due to the

    Domestic uh violence divorce and other uh family issues after then so social norms and culture we have also the mindset of individual and family level Community toward women children and the elderly the double burden and and unpaid care work for women in term of globalization and climate change we have

    Also increased individual and family vulnerabilities in term of digital digitalization threats of the violence bullying and human trafficking next slide please and then to address that issues or the problem in term of the family issues then come us with the regulation for the family development issued by our president of Indonesia his

    Excellency Mr jooi Doo throughing the law number 52 year 2009 regarding population development and family development and then secondly government regulation or number 87 year 2014 regarding population development and family development Family Planning and family information system that actually uh command or instruct our office the national population and family planning

    Board to implement population management and family development program next slide please what is addressed in the family development program we call it eight family function in Indonesia a family is considered functioning well or running well when they can fulfill that eight function what would be the function religion when the family can practice

    Their religion ritual properly secondly protection when the family can practice the protection for all of its family member and also economy when the family can increase their economy purchase or economic situation fourthly social culture fifthly reproduction Health reprodu reproductive health and then uh environment and the seven one love and

    Affection and the last one is the uh education so all of those family function should be running well in each family in Indonesia and the ordner in 2003 mentioned that families that do not function well can not achieve High family resilience and will produce low quality of Human Resources next slide

    Please then how to achieve that eight family function in our office babn we followed the approach of life cycle the human life cycle approach starting from the sins uh the couple getting married after then what we call it in the the age of child birth and then when the

    Child reaching their children school age and To nurture their Toler and and children through what soal and the family group with those the uh the the family who have uh children under 5 years old or binaa balita yes with the program we call it the first Thousand Days Of Life introducing stunting and the movement

    Become the great parents after then in your right hand side adolescent resilience development when uh we can assist those family who have adolescent in their family next slide please this is your in your left hand side the development of resilient family who have elderly in their family this is

    Also a very important how the family can have skill or or information or knowledge how to nurture or to care their uh Elder people in their own family and and lastly family economic empowerment we encourage our family planning clients to increase their economic income through the small and

    Medium uh Enterprises or uh small economy business in their Village next slide please now the last part of our uh presentation International knowledge Hub in Indonesia next slide please we have here in uh in Indonesia Excellency Madame Ador and also honorable Madame uh Deputy head of mission we have a many

    Topics of the international training program in Indonesia regarding the quality family uh Village and also Supply change management adolescent R8s and also uh micro dat family enumeration postpartum Family Planning program comprehensive as family planning service training as well as uh the Family Planning post disaster Services all of

    This will be conducted in the different provinces in Indonesia yes so any form of collaboration between Hungary and Indonesia will be justified within this uh legal frame uh framework next slide please this is the last part Excellency Madame Ambassador and honorable Madame Deputy head of mission we would like to

    Invite you for an even so-called ambassador goes to Quality family fat in bangi bangi is a small town in the Eastern tip of of uh Jaffa Island very close to Bali so actually bang is the gate to enter Bali 13 until 16 may we will we will see those kind of the

    Program that we already presented to see then we can perhaps identify the potential collaboration between two countries regarding this program and we understand after then on 18 May of 2024 you will be attending the world water Forum so B hopefully after visiting bangi you will be visiting Bali so there

    Is no overlap time thank you very muchal in Hungary language we call it ham is it correct Madam ham thank you very much thank you Thank you uh for the a very valuable um speech uh for Dr Uki Kuma so um probably just uh highlight um some ideas from Dr Uki the first one so we are happy now in 2020 at least our population decreasing to 2.18 right and then even though we still

    Have many family challenge such as like demography family quality social norms climate change Etc and I just realized that childree issue is one of the challenge for our uh um our country now and I like uh I’m very appreciate for the strategies to achieve a family well-being that has that has been

    Uh implemented in Indonesia through beab like a strategist approach um using the lifespan and also the last one uh we would like to encourage our Her Excellency um Madame ambassador to go to Kamp beab and uh Kamp kab uh in May in May in bangi all right so move on to the

    Next session so we will have um uh Speech a keynote speech from our Her Excellency Madame Leela Kasai as the ambassador of hungar to Indonesia to give a keynot speech so please welcome uh Madame Leela Canai ladies and gentlemen esteemed speakers um her his Excellency Dr hasto vardo chairman of Bea caban his Excellency Dias vahab ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary and also represented by pagadi adisasmita Dr Arad mear Ro vice president of the Maria cop Institute and Dr Uki kusuma deputy Demography when we only think about uh those kind of differences such as the size of the country or uh the population as hungary’s population is around 10 million and Indonesia’s it’s like 280 million people um however there are many similar value values uh we also share as we look around Europe today we

    See a troubling trend of declining birth rates and shrinking populations in many countries the phenomenon often referred to as the demographic winter poses a significant threat to our economies societies and security the years to come if left un addressed in our case it is a duty that we take action to reverse this

    Trend and ensure a prosperous and sustainable future to our Nations I am proud to say that Hungary has has emerged as a pioneering force in developing innovative solutions to combat the challenges posed by the demographic crisis with a strong emphasis on family values and support for young couples

    Hungary implemented a range of policies aimed at encouraging and Empowering Families to have number of children they desire the Hungarian approach centered around a world-based economy a partnership between the church and the state and the focus on conservative patriotic education and demography serves as a model for other nations facing similar

    Challenges in recent years the world has witnessed a shift in Focus towards individual individualism and materialism often at the expense of the traditional family unit however both Hungary and Indonesia have remained uh steadfast in their commitment to upholding and promoting family values as a fundamental aspect of their cultures and

    Identities family is the Cornerstone of our societies the basis of our values and the foundation upon which we build our futures in both Hungary and Indonesia family holds special significance not only as a source of love and support but also as a driving for so for social unity and National

    Progress in Hungary the belief that a strong United and healthy family is the Cornerstone of security is deeply inbuilt in the National Consciousness by prioritizing the well-being and stability of families our country is not only safeguarding its future but also setting an example for others to follow in the last decade the

    Number of the marriages and fertility rate showing desire to have children was increased the most in Hungary within the European Union similarly Indonesia has recognized the pivotal role that that family values play play in shaping prosperous and secure Society with a very young population eager to contribute to the nation’s

    Development Indonesia understand the importance of providing education and employ ment opportunities to its young professionals hungary’s collaboration with Indonesia on scholarship opportunities vocational training programs and work workfor Workforce recruitment initiatives is a testament to the shared commitment of both Nations to nurturing their human capital and building a better future for their

    Citizens in recent years our bilateral relation have S strengthened significantly to which the Hungarian and Indonesian higher education scholarship programs contributed greatly Hungary offers 110 scholarships each year to Indonesian student students within the framework of the stipendium hungaricum scholarship program and last year more than 70 students studied in Hungary with

    The Indonesian governments isma and isma scholarships The Vocational institutions and poly Technic schools have also expressed their interest to cooperate with Hungarian higher education institutions in order to develop their professional Curriculum by which more than 700 Indonesian vocational students spent their internship program in Hungary in the last

    Year in recent years the number of Indonesians taking up work in Hungary has increased significantly which is also strong in in strong correlation with the demographic challenges our countries are facing the employment of workers brings benefit for both parties since while in Hungary we can uh talk about a labor

    Shortage in Indonesia there are difficulties in in employing the large amount of young labor available the Hungarian government is actively helping employment of foreign workers in Hungary within regulated framework which is often referred to as a positive example from the Indonesian side as we look ahead to Indonesian golden Vision 2045 a

    Comprehensive roadmap for the nation’s development we see the critical role that a robust demographic policy plays achieving place in achieving its ambitious goals by aligning their efforts and working together together Hungary and Indonesia can leverage their respective strength and experiences to create a brighter future for their people and strengthen their bilateral

    Relations the ties That Bind our two Nations go beyond more than diplomatic relations they are deeply rooted in shared values beliefs and the common understanding of the importance of family in shaping our societies by recognizing and celebrating the shared values Hungary and Indonesia has forged a unique bond that exceeds

    Geographical boundaries and cultural differences thank you very much for the interesting presentation uh to P Uki Kum kusuma I have learned a lot about Indonesia’s approach and challenges regarding population management Family Planning and reproductive health promotion and family development efforts I believe that this event is a

    Perfect example of how we can work together by sharing our experiences and good practices understanding each other’s challenges learning from each other and working together towards a better future by promoting dialogue exchange and collaboration in the areas of family policy education and social welfare both nations are working towards

    A more inter connected and harmonous future in conclusion let me emphasize the promotion of family values is not only a moral duty but also a strategic necessity for Nations seeking to navigate the challenges of the 20 21st century by placing families at the center of the their policies and

    Partnerships Hungary and Indonesia are Paving the way for a more secure prosperous and harmonious future for their societies through our shared commitment to Family Values the two countries have laid a solid foundation for deepening their bilateral relations and fostering greater understanding and cooperation between their people thank you very much for your kind

    Attention and please welcome with interest Dr arpad mesaros Vice President of the Maria cops in institute’s presentation about the Hungarian Family Planning policies thank you very much D Mak thank you very much for the speech for the keynote speech uh Madame Leela so uh as Madame Lea explained to us

    Indonesia and Hungary even though we have different population level and also size of country but we have a similar value in family that family driving social and also National development and also um uh a Indonesia and also Hungary put family at the center of the policy

    All right so now um moving on to the next session we have Dr arpat mesaros strategic vice president of the mar C Institute for demography and families of hungari so and he’s uh joining us through uh Zoom yeah and then he’s going to present um his presentation uh entitled family Innovation for a

    Challenging economic environment in connection with the proposed topic population and economic issues so please welcome Dr arpat mesaros good afternoon um your excellencies honorable ladies and gentlemen uh I’m uh honored uh to take part in this highly valued meeting and I heard a lot um uh very interesting uh Innovative uh

    Approaches uh in respect of uh the Indonesian um um uh government’s um U uh Vision uh of the the future uh of population um uh um uh development um in Indonesia um as a the representative of Maria cop Institute I would like to give a small insight into the Hungarian um um

    Family policies uh and after the first um um uh small introduction I would like to uh emphasize the importance uh of family policies introducing the principles of family policies um and uh after that uh we can have a picture a small picture uh about the results of family policies in

    Hungary but first of all I would like to emphasize uh the importance um of the family values um uh those uh have been mentioned by other um our U um uh Madame uh ambassador um Her Excellency uh mentioned that family values in our countries are very important and I do

    Believe uh that uh there is an Essence um um in respect of this when we are talking about family values when we take into consideration what has been said by Maria cop and the name Giver of our institution let all children wish for be

    Born uh and I do believe that it is the essence uh what we are talking about uh in our countries and it is the essence uh for the whole future so uh our institution um is a publicly financ Sy tank founded um by the Hungarian government in

    2018 uh um which is in charge of family policy orientation uh preparation of decision making uh impact analysis but at the same time um creating public ation analyzis and research on population childbearing welfare of families um and I would like to um uh mention uh that you can reach a lot

    Of information in respect of the Hungarian um Family policies through our uh institution um uh on our website uh you can find U an e Library there a lot of um very uh good um informations could be reached um free um and you can uh receive U very

    Um uh concrete insight into the Hungarian the results of the Hungarian um Family policy so when we are talking about family policies uh the question is always there why is it important it is important uh because of several reasons uh of course because of demographic reasons emotional well-being and

    Existence of the nation but at the same time from econ economic reasons it is also very important uh when we are talking about demographic reasons uh in Hungary we need to take into consideration that there is a strong population decline since uh 1981 uh and by 2011 the desire to have

    Children had fallen to a historic low in Hungary the fertility rate was 1.23 uh the lowest in the European Union at that time so something should have be done so um that’s why uh we are um uh talking about uh demographic issues uh on the highest level in our country and

    I do believe now in Europe and uh uh on the whole world uh it is a very very important uh issue but when we are talking about uh the economic reasons why we are talking about about uh economic reasons in respect of um uh um demography in respect of um uh

    Population issues in respect of family policies uh there is no economic growth and sustainable development without child birth and the strengthening of families childbearing is the question of competitiveness and sustainability parenting and working encourage each other we see in Hungary that it is a a very essential starting

    Point uh to create uh policies um in respect of uh population uh and demographic issues we are building a society based on work and family in Hungary and I do believe that it is one of the most important message that uh uh we are talking about um uh uh the

    Economic reasons uh of um demography uh of U uh population issues childbearing and responsible parenting are the most important invest in the future so these reasons Al together uh can give an Insight uh why is it so important to take into consideration the economic reasons also on the highest level when

    Somebody is talking and thinking about um uh population issues a fundamental question uh is for all societies especially in the light of the phenomenon of an aging Society who will work in the Next Generation uh for us this question is answered by the number of children born and raised in families mean strong

    Cohesion that is why investing in families means investing in our future and that is why we are investing more and more in families in Hungary and this is also producing spectacular results in our fertility rate with the increase of family support in proportion to the GDP in Hungary

    Fertility and the desire to have children increase so it is very important to see that our numbers show that there is a strong connection uh between uh GDP proportionate and the family benefits and fertility but when we are talking about uh families when we are talking about uh

    Population issues it is also very important to take into consideration that um Society functions well than more people work our nation is traditionally family friendly but to feel it in practice when living in a family it is important that every aspect of the day-to-day running of society Works in

    This way in practice why I’m telling this I’m telling this because um and emphasizing this because it is not only about money uh it is not all about um um uh uh different kind of measures different kind of um um uh services um uh provided for the people provided

    For the families um in the country but at the same time it is very important to see that the mindset should be um U changed um uh in a country then we are um uh we are going to uh introduce family policies U um uh in our countries um

    Because uh otherwise uh uh the money spent on uh family uh policies uh couldn’t reach uh their targets on alone uh it is very important that the country itself as a whole should be um helped to become a familyfriendly country and it is a very important message from Hungary

    Uh that uh the country is a family friendly country um uh and it is a familyfriendly environment of the whole so Society not only of the industry not all only of the government uh but it is um at the same time uh uh for the uh an

    Issue a very important issue um to become family friendly uh as an environment for the whole society uh in view all of this when defining the government’s goals in summary it is worth pointing out that in order to protect and support fam several large sectors such as healthare education and soci social security

    Systems must cooperate very closely in order for the first child to be born as soon as possible in a predictable environment a supportive work-based Society is needed we need a system in which everyone is assured of a flexible and Broad possibility to choose the most suitable form of care where Financial

    Security is constantly increasing for the sake of families livelihood and growth family policy is perhaps the one with the widest social support among policies in Hungary I do believe because of this approach of the government when we are talking about uh the principles of family policies uh in

    Hungary we can see five important pillars parenting should be financially advantageous families should receive help from home ownersh family policy should be focused on Mothers every aspect of the country’s lives shall be made family friendly as I mentioned earlier and families and children should be protected by

    Loan uh there are five important areas where the measures should be introduced uh to reach our goals partially taking over the burden of parenting by financial support of families secondly by measure for children’s wellbeing thirdly work family reconciliation fourthly Housing Home Ownership support fly familyfriendly environment and approaches as we were

    Talking about when we are talking about uh financial support of families it is very important that in Hungary um there is a clear link between benefits um and employment um earlier um it was um uh political approach uh to U make a basis on universal care to provide

    Um uh care uh for everyone uh now it is very important to see that the basis U to receive uh benefits is on the basis of employment firstly um but at the same time it is also very important to provide um real Choice uh real uh opportunities real option for the

    Families um uh to make the decision to stay uh home up to third year um uh of the child uh or to return employment earlier but not receive um um uh cares uh during um uh uh during um staying home or uh uh when uh returning to the labor market

    Um I do believe uh that there are several measures uh I wanted to mention that more than 30 measures were introduced um U um uh in Hungary uh in respect of um uh supporting uh the families um there are uh F direct uh uh financial support of course uh measures

    Uh for example in respect of family taxation um the um personal income ta uh tax exemption uh for mothers for uh mothers with four children and young people under 25 years and mothers under 30 years but also very important uh child care benefits were introduced uh by the Hungarian

    Government and I do believe that it is very important everywhere in the world now uh for the young mothers and fathers that the student loans um uh should be uh reducing or eliminating uh when somebody becames uh of a mother uh or father um uh starting a family uh raising a

    Child uh at the same time it is very important to uh introduce measures uh those could help people uh to uh reconcile uh work and family life uh what does it mean it means that it is very important uh to provide uh kindergarten Services the daycare Nursery system Services uh for people

    Because otherwise they wouldn’t be in the um uh position to go back to the labor market before um the child child starts um um her or his years um uh in the school uh schooling system um and uh that’s why I say uh that it is very

    Important um uh to strengthen the uh nursery and kindergarten system um in the country uh to provide real um opportunities for families um to um handle the dayare um of the children um in their everyday life uh in Hungary it is also very important um uh to start a family um uh

    To to um raise a child uh to have uh your um own um uh home or flat house or flat and that’s why very important um uh programs were created in Hungary uh to provide non-refundable house or flat purchase uh subsidy um or subsidized housing loans

    Um uh in Hungary and I do believe that it is a very this have has a very serious effect on economy um hand inand uh giving hand inand ad advantages for families and economies um and the economy at the same time uh I’m telling this because it is very important that

    The in this um uh um way um uh the family uh families uh have the opportunity uh to create their own um home um um SEC uh housing um um um in that um uh start of their family life and I do believe that this security is

    Very important for most of the young people to take decision um uh to start uh the Family itself and to um raise a child uh and we are talking about um uh the results of the family policy um I do um need to emphasize the fact um that um

    Several um um uh points um show us can show us uh that um uh the Hungarian measures are successful uh for example um it is very important to see that the total fertility rate uh from 1.23 uh in 2011 changed to um 1 56 um in

    20 21 um and and it means that in a decade with 30% it increased and it is uh the best uh uh what a country could achieved in the European Union in the last decade uh but the most important thing is that more than 100 60,000 babies were were born because

    Of these programs and I do believe that it’s for Hungary for a country um uh with its 10 million um um inhabitants it is a huge number and at the same time it is very important to see that the number of um abortions um uh decreased uh very

    Seriously um the number half um in a decade the number of marriages um uh increased almost doubled um uh during this decade um and the number of diverses uh also uh decreased U and what I wanted to mention and it is very important I I um said that to give the

    Choice um uh for the parents to take a decision to remain uh at home with the child or to go back to the labor market um those um measures helped uh to um increase the female employment in Hungary from um uh at about uh 60% to 75%

    During the last decade and I do believe that it is um a very visible um very visible um uh success and at the same time I do believe that it is very important to emphasize the fact that um this um uh uh change this um increase uh

    Was a very important um Source uh for labor force uh for the national labor force in Hungary um um during this decade um so I mentioned that the unemp the employment uh rate um uh in between women um uh has increased but I need to tell that it is also very important to

    See that um uh before um um the the new uh Hungarian governmental programs um the uh average uh the uh average of employment in Hungary was below the eu27 now it is much higher um than the EU average and at the same time it is very important to see that the

    Unemployment rate in 2010 was higher than the EU average now it is below um uh and uh it decreased very visibly um um according to the data um in comparison um to the uh EU average and I do believe that it also shows the effectiveness of this kind of approach

    Of U uh of um um uh family policies of the government um uh and I do believe that also a very important uh uh data is when we are talking about the per capita income of families with children in Hungary and the per capita income in all family types in increased significantly

    Compared to 2010 and the largest increase and we are very proud of it uh two and half times higher was in large families um uh which were previously most at risk of poverty in Hungary now to live in a large family is not um a risk uh of poverty anymore and I do

    Believe that it is a very important message um uh according to the Hungarian um according to the Hungarian um uh family policies according to our research hungarians stick to their own home uh among um uh the aspects considered when having children um but uh what should we have uh when we are

    Talking about uh um uh Family Planning what do we need um as a young couple uh to start um um a family to raise a child uh in a country in Hungary it is very visible uh that three important things are there first stable relationship secondly work income and thirdly stable

    Own home um uh those three all together can give um a strong basis to start the family uh for a for a couple um and uh that’s why I do believe that uh from this perspective for the second and for the Third um reason uh it is very important uh to

    See that the Hungarian measures the governmental measures um and uh as I mentioned earlier the uh all together with the familyfriendly uh environment of the whole society can created a a a future a vision of the future uh for the young couples for the young people to understand that the measures will be

    There uh not not only for um uh a few months uh for a few year few years but um um for the uh for the next uh 10 next 20 years uh when they are going to raise their own child so from this perspective it is very important uh to see that uh

    The measures uh those could help um the um incomes of the families and uh can create um a stable home uh for the families to raise the child um I do believe that it is very important to see that these measures all together at the same time very important measures in

    Respect of the Hungarian economy itself and U they have their very visible um very visible um effect on the Hungarian um economic system uh to give you um um um uh an example every fifth family was able to get a bigger home or move into its own

    Home uh with um the provided measures uh and this directly helped the growth of the economy through the construction industry in Hungary um and I do believe that it is also very important to see that to live in a family is not um having uh children

    Is not um a risk of poverty anymore but um uh at the same time um uh the um uh the domestic power uh um U now the families as a domestic power um is in place uh in Hungary now it uh Power has strengthened and it is a very

    Important uh issue as a consumer um consumer perspective uh of the economy of our country um uh but but U uh I do believe uh I do believe that uh one last thing uh is um worth mentioning in respect of the um employment uh uh issues that the flexible working forms and practices

    Also were um uh strengthened uh by law um and governmental uh measures and I do believe uh that this is an opportunity for the future um uh to create very strong connections between um the economic um and the economic interest of a country um creating more um um uh

    Internal um uh working force resources um uh for the future um and I do believe that following this track uh could provide uh at the same time for the families more opportunities uh uh to uh remain as a strong uh consumer um uh consumer um

    Um uh on on the uh Market uh of the country and I do believe that these two um uh important factors uh could strengthen each other so uh summarizing I would like to emphasize the fact that in the last decade U Hungary uh in Hungary there was a very uh visible uh

    Family family friendly period and all types of families have been strengthened um through the measures uh of the Hungarian government um and uh because of this desire to get married and to have children U visibly uh increased in Hungary um but at the same time uh work

    And Family Care uh work and family are IM balance um now uh and the well-being and the living standards of families um um improved uh so these are the factors and the results uh those can show us that the Hungarian family policy was successful uh but um I need to admit it

    There are still many demographic challenges also for Hungary um very visible on the table uh so um um we are not at end of our road uh we are in between of the road um and the very important challenges um should be um handled uh in the future uh firstly

    Aging um and of course the instability uh the war um pandemic um issues illegal migration issues also should be taken into consideration then we are talking about the future thank you very much um uh I hope that uh uh I was uh uh able to uh keep

    My time um uh schedule uh and I’m very very um grateful uh for the opp opportunity uh to be with you um uh during this uh uh meeting uh and I’m um uh I wanted to mention that our institution is very keen to work um together with you and if you have

    Questions and we can uh provide data uh or any information uh we are absolutely open to to uh to work to work with you in the future sharing our experiences and um uh sharing our knowledge in respect of uh population issues demography issues and uh and uh family policy issues thank you very

    Much thank you very much Dr mesaros for the insightful uh present sttion so I think um we also know that the phenomena now is changing uh like uh drct mazaras explained that now large family is not risk of poverty anymore in Hungary but probably in Indonesia

    Still and also some uh notes that I take uh during uh his presentation I like the way uh Dr meesara uh present that responsible parenting uh uh is important for Child Development so that’s why uh Hungary uh uh Hungary uh government investing family that means investing future so it’s it’s very

    Powerful message uh I think for everybody and also um I take notes here that the main the five main focus uh to build family friendly country in Hungary uh like family like uh giving a supporting family financial and then education for family focusing on matters and then uh family housing and

    Productive uh family by law so ladies and gentlemen I think it’s time for us to move on to the next uh Speech so we already have Papa gunadi Adis sasma s Adis sasmita as a minister counselor of Indonesian embassy in Budapest so uh good afternoon P good afternoon good

    Afternoon what time is it uh in Budapest it’s uh 928 uh in the morning oh in the morning so good morning then to p gunadi uh so PADI will present um the topic about potential future collaboration between Indonesia and hungari uh in the field of family development population Family Planning and stunting reduction

    Reduction so please welcome Papa gunadi the time is is yours oh well thank you very much for the moderator given to me uh first chairman of bkkbn Excellency Ambassador Leela gai ladies and gentlemen good afternoon yot kov first of all uh I would like to say apologize that due to the unforeseen

    Circumstances the Ambassador his Excellency deas wahab could not be present and ask me to represent him first of all I would like to say uh I welcome the initiative of the from the bkkbn that to enhance a global triangular sou to South cooperation has an idea of exchanging the best practices

    On the family development protection and Family Planning with several countries including Hungary through Ambassador inside I would start by saying that family policy in Hungary refers to the government measures to increase the birth rate and to stop the decline of the country’s populations Hungary has a

    F uh has a family policy that seeks to subsidize child care for new parents while in Indonesia the government popul population policy include reducing the rate of population growth achieving red redistribution of the population adjusting economic factors and creating prosperous families and through babn or national population and Family Planning agency

    Has a banga canana program which is rebranding of the population of Family Planning and family development nationally the Indonesian government is providing a long-term con con contraceptive method and short-term contraceptive method the Family Planning program in Indonesia is aimed at the reducing of the rate of maternal and

    Child mortality total fertility rate and extreme poverty while also also campaigning to encourage people not to get pregnant at too young an age too old an age too frequently and too often although I heard before from the previous speaker that the the uh the the the population uh rate in Indonesia is

    Currently a decrease the latest program that will be Carri out by the next prog by the next government in Indonesia is to provide a free lunch for students to handle stunting or malnutrition there is ALS I also heard that there is also a draft law of paternity leave that will

    Be given to male government employee when their wives give a birth or misar and the length of this paternity leave is still being discussed by the government and the parli ladies and gentlemen as mentioned by the previous speaker Hungary population is decreased since 1981 when it when it reached 10.7 billion million

    Nowadays the population of Hungary stand 9.75 million and and has been decreasing since 1981 there is also a consensus in Hungary between political side that this issues is going to be one of the most concerning and important problem of the 20th century in March 2024 the EUR the ostad published the

    So-called to total fertility rate for 2022 and based on this rate Hungary had the sixth highest fertility rate in the European Union in 2022 which is stand on the birth rate of 1.56 having said that the Hungarian governments declared to solve demographic problem of Hungary with supporting family the minister of family

    In April 2020 announced that the Hungarian government plans what we call to build a familyfriendly country aiming to overcome the Obstacle of Faces by couple planning to have a child the government aim at solving the demographic issue domestically or but not with the immigration ladies and gentlemen the Hungarian government has taken numerous

    Measures for a couple to start a family among many one of the flagship measures one of them started in 2015 when the government launched a financial program called the family housing support program or St and the baby baby waiting loan from 2019 onward a financial support that helped

    Kickstart a family with a newborn child expected in the coming years as it was mentioned by the speaker before there are many other programs and policies which I which I do not dare to mention but from my personal experience for example I have had two daughters who

    Study at the school in a Hungary when she committing to school they they are using a public transportation she does they don’t they don’t need to buy tickets which I believe is useful for supporting children going to school and ease parent financial burden in this case my burden also in Hungary there is

    Also an event called The Budapest demographic Summit a conference where politician church leaders and other experts talk about their demographic issues it was held in 2015 and it takes place every two years this Summit is important International strategic Forum on demographic issue since 2015 I believe that last year Indonesia

    Was also invited to this conference ladies and gentlemen although Indonesia and Hungary have different challenges and problems that need different approach both countries have also the same value on Family Matters and both side have pursued a family friendly policy entailing countless measures not only standing by Family Values but

    Supporting the starting of new families protecting Traditional Values and providing opportunities for a fulfilling happy life for all citizens having said so there is still a chance and ample opportunity to start initiating a cooperation between the two countries in the field of of family development population and family planning according to my personal

    Research that I have made on investigating Hungarian policy that may benefit to Indonesian system I would recommend investigating the following policies that it that in some form in Hungary have potential opportunity for cooperation between Indonesia and Hungary in the field of family development population and Family Planning including CH children stunting reduction

    Are first regular cash and inine benefits for children the system for regular cash benefit for children has been operating in a uniform system for years and decade with a minor and major modification and enforcement of new legislation like set get and guess and secondly benefit in kind which is

    Children meal discount and children nutrition is in kind care that can be used is free of charge in if a certain condition are met third one the regular Child Protection discount which is include a free or discounted institutional children’s meal meal and if it meets the condition lay down in the

    Law uh based on my uh exp uh observation most School in Hungary they have their own canteen providing luns for students and this uh canteen also take take care of the dietary concern the other one is the financial support twice for year for students other discount defined by law also for

    Students last the embassy is more than willing to become a bridge builder between the concerned institution from both countries I believe that both countries have best best practices that could be shared to one another lastly I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all parties for your

    Hard work and convening this event and making it success thank you and K to all of you good luck thank you very much uh Bady adisasmita for the uh Speech so I think uh from Papa gady speech uh we know that uh lot of uh opportunity to collaborate

    Between two countries all right um Now we move on to the next session that has been waiting for uh there is a question and answer question uh question and answer session um due to Dr uh mozos um has another what’s that another uh agenda so he has to leave by

    Uh 1525 I guess so um any question please send to his email but don’t worry ladies and Gent gentlemen we still have um other speakers here uh uh who will be able to answer your question so now uh probably it’s time for us to open the

    Session the question s uh session so we invite for for uh people to ask questions uh live by raising their hands virtually of course so the committee please yes uh we already have IU Tia okay Miss Tia here okay so um please introduce yourself and then uh the question okay hello can is

    Hello uh yes please uh I think uh it’s not that clear because the volume needs to turn off can can my voice be heard clearly now yes yes yes sure okay first of all thank you for the opportunity given to me my name is chia I’m a data analyst and the directory of

    Population planning and control of babn first of all I would really agree that children or the younger Generations are one of the most fundamental force on reaching a comprehensive development in all sectors so therefore population decrease is a big problem it’s really amazing it’s really um amazing for me knowing that Hungary

    Hungary’s willingness to have children has been increasing among the other European Union countries MH um is it because of the familyfriendly country program or um is there any other reason behind that and then about the total fertility rate um basically hungary’s total fertility rate has been increased to

    1.56 if I’m not mistaken in 2022 how did Hungary increase their fertility rate because Indonesia really want to keep its total fertility rate at um 2.1 or the up to .1 children per woman and the replacement level to keep um the how do I say it like the human resource in

    Indonesia so it doesn’t really decrease because as the first point that I’ve been agreeing on is the um big contribution that can be held that can be brought by the younger Generations among our country that’s it thank you for the opportunity okay okay missa so you have two questions the

    First question is um what factor that uh cause couples in Hungary are willing to have children is that because of familyfriendly programs or any other factors or programs in Hungary and the second question how to maintain uh the fertility rate in Hungary to stay yeah stay or increase the fertility in

    Oh yeah uh to maintain or increase the fertility rate in Hungary uh from 1.23 now in 2021 to be 1.56 uh is that because of the quality of human capital in Hungary or any other things okay so uh we we collect the question first yes please okay okay okay thank you Madame

    Okay the second uh question please thank you Miss Tia and uh is this okay IU okay IU syia uh would you please to putting down your camera down a little bit so we can see your uh beautiful face okay please silia thank you Miss um um well the Excellency

    Madame ambassador of Hungary and Mr M arat thank you for letting us know about the population situation in Hungary through your nice presentation it was interesting um and for Mr Gadi Adis um it was precious to share about your children who School in Hungary it it was

    Nice yeah and um I assess the population uh situation of Hungary from uh word word matter uh I found that the fertility rate Trend um fluctuated during 60 years it seems yeah uh in I so in 1955 it was 2.82 then decreased and the lowest fertility rate was in 201 uh10 about

    1.25 fertility rate uh forecast 25 years from now so it will be rising to 1.63 and also in 20 2024 the median age is 42.5 years and the life expectancy at Birth is 77.1 years my questions are uh what is the cost of the this uh decreasing the fertility rate in

    2010 uh to 1.25 it was uh too low is it and then rising to 1 uh 58 in 2044 uh 2024 um what happened in those periods uh of time in Hungary um okay the second question is uh what is the strategy to the Hungarian government to increase the population to the idol

    One and the third um with the Medan age of 42.5 years what is the pension age and the pension scheme in the Hungary um and then the last uh what is the strategy or policy to improve the well-being of seniors or elderly population in Hungary okay thank you

    Okay uh sorry Miss syvia what’s the second question I think I didn’t get it the second question uh what is the strategy uh or the policy of the Hungarian government to increase the population uh to the ideal one to all right yeah okay okay so miss syia you

    Have four questions the first question what factors that uh cause the fertility rate decreasing significantly ly during 1995 to 201 uh4 and the second one what policy uh that can increase the fertility rate in Hungary to be the ideal one so actually what number is the ideal population rate or fertility rate

    In Hungary and then the third one um what is the pension age in Hungary and what scheme for this elderly and the the the the last one uh what strategy that Hungary government uh uh Implement to improve the seniors well-being yeah okay thank you Miss Sylvia the next question

    Please yeah uh okay we have hi okay okay Mr hi I’m sorry because it I can’t read it okay Mr H uh thank you very much uh good morning yanok her excellencies M carai and Dr arpat maos uh greetings from Hungary my name isala asari from the Indonesian

    Student Association here in Hungary from pepea uh as uh you have mentioned in your keynote speech that Indonesia contributes significantly to the amount of students throughout the uh stipendium hungaricum scholarship and also the isma program program uh in Hungary uh there are uh substantial amount of students

    Who brings their family along here um for the purpose of family reunification and uh for them to provide mental support throughout their studies uh could you please shed some light on how the Hungarian have set their policies towards ensuring the well-being and the welfare of uh Third Country Nationals like uh like Indonesian

    Students and uh as as you might have known that uh the family uh of of of Indonesian students here in Hungary uh contributes or helps uh in providing uh emotional support towards the success of our study so uh we would like to know how indon how Hungary have set their

    Policies towards uh the uh ensuring the welfare of uh Third Country Nationals like us thank you okay so the question is from uh M and what the policy that Hungary government uh Implement to ensure wellbeing for students Third Country students in Hungary as well as their

    Family yeah yeah okay thank you and the last question please no okay so we have okay here live okay offline offline yes please so please introduce yourself thank you for the chance uh Mrs Ambassador ofi Mrs Leela and POI and also Mrs Mr Ambassador there is attending this event

    Online uh I’m lintang from Indonesian news agency anaran news.com I wanted to ask two question to uh Mrs ambassad uh Madame Ambassador and py maybe also wants to answer my question the first one is we have the issue in Indonesia where the young people is afraid to get married is it

    Also happen in your country Madame Ambassador and how Hungary uh overcome these problems and then the second question is the does Hungary have a program for woman pregnancy as now in indon we’re having a new policy that we will be uh having uh Extend male paternity leave and what is the ideal uh

    Time for a father to have a paternity live as in hung or in Indonesia maybe that’s all of my question for p yeah also for p and for POI maybe can answer the question number two what is the ideal number for a male paternity Lea maybe male male paternity Lea I think

    Bea kaben has already the standard for male paternity all right uh thank you uh so thank you uh Miss lintang so two questions for Madame ambassad how to handle um the problem with a Young Generation Now who afraid to get married I think um Mr mazes already explained

    Some uh points there I remember and the second one what program for woman pregnancy that uh is there any paternity leave or Etc so and UK uh paternity Le yeah the ideal paternity Le for uh for papaa for fathers okay so uh the time is yours uh Madame ambassador to answer all

    Of the questions thank you very much um for all the questions I may need some help in case I forget uh questions to answer to I’ve seen some similarities or my answer would also cover a few questions from the first and the second um uh people or participants who asked

    Me questions so about the familyfriendly government uh like what can we actually call family friendly um it was also mentioned by Mr MOS that there are five purpose uh or goals for the familyfriendly government creation uh one is to makeing people’s mind that to have children it’s actually an advantage and not a

    Disadvantage uh the second is to help families to create a home to be able to buy a home and to um to set a family there in a safe environment um the third which is I believe is very important in all societies to to build the family policy on

    Mothers um which means in this case that women don’t have to uh be afraid if they um they they lose their career or they have to give up something from their life which uh which may affect um the family as it is uh of course the whole

    Country has to be family friendly but what does exactly that means uh we are aiming to have have good education starting from nurseries and um kindergarten so uh women are also able to go back to work however we also give the chance to mothers to stay home uh in

    Case uh they wanted to later on I will also uh tell a few words about that and of course uh what is also a very important factor is the legal basis uh how families and how children can be protected um in yes in the society so um I think for familyfriendly

    Government is more or less showcase uh about the Hungarian uh approach for this and uh the second question was uh about the fertility if I am not mistaken so about the fertility it uh it has also the historical part and also uh why is it uh increased before um in

    200 10 there were many people especially after the economic crisis uh from 2008 there were many people who were uh kind of threatened by poverty and the um losing their jobs the UN unemployment rate uh rate uh the employment itself was also um um dropped um a lot so the

    Result was that in 2011 uh we produced the uh the lowest uh fertility rate in Hungary uh which was only 1.23 uh as it was also mentioned and we were uh we had the lowest number uh in the European Union at that time uh by now uh by

    2024 uh according to the statistics we have a much higher uh number uh we are uh higher at this moment uh or uh we are about the EU standards and um and um we can tell we can proudly tell that the the biggest changes were in Hungary

    But uh I believe the reason is because of our familyfriendly approach that uh we we make sure that no matter if there is any crisis uh economical crisis the family are protected the government is uh there to help the families to maintain their uh their living standards

    And also as I um as I already explained there are a lot of measurements that helps uh um for the family starting from home creation uh uh also as it was mentioned by Mr MOS that for example if someone has a student loan but become um

    Parent in an earlier uh age or young age I would say they yes uh they they are Exempted to pay it back um mothers have the maternity leave for six month which uh they have the full salary that they earned in the previous uh 180 days but

    Even if later on they would like to stay home they are able to because the Hungarian government gives them the support so uh I think these are kind of safety nets for people and they don’t think of having families as one of the potential risk for poverty but they they

    See that uh having children is uh based on our um our cultural values our cultural identities hunger is a conservative uh religious country so that shouldn’t be on an expense of some financial reasons um next question I try to make my notes are not very

    Uh um okay maybe we can move on for the pensioners or retirement um the current uh age for both for men and women is 65 years old for retirement which is um not the lowest for sure uh within the European Union however we also need to take into consideration that hungary’s population

    Is still decreasing so in order to enabling to maintain the economic uh growth or even to stagnate we need people who work so at the very moment although we the Hungarian government works very hard to strengthen more and more the economy we are still uh not

    Unfortunately we are still not in the uh that uh situation that we are able to send people in the uh people retirement at an earlier age um just a thought before the fertility like why it is not growing faster it is also because of the decreasing of the um uh population so

    The statistics uh may be uh a little bit tricky to see because we have uh less women to have children now in order to have uh more children so hopefully soon it will be uh balanced out or or have even more um uh children um for the retirement itself uh

    What does the Hungarian government uh do to um uh to to make it a more um secured environment for them well I think this also goes back to the safe envir uh safe family environment H the Hungarian government aims to have a secured family uh which is also includes the

    Grandparents the parents and the grand grandchildren so in a in a safe and stable economic environment where we have more children who are able to boost the economy because of their contribution because they are productive uh that also will um um that also will make the uh security social security for the

    Pensioners um stable so in very shortly um I think this could be like a um a good answer uh on a very basic level as for the student uh especially for students who live in Hungary either with the stipendium hungaricum uh scholarship which which is a full degree

    Program that means for example PhD students who stay there they are more likely stay there for many years as uh uh as long as they do their research they graduate um and also the Hungarian government support PhD students for um family um Unity uh family un Unity so I

    Mean they can um issue the uh the visa for the state permit and they also provide the accommodation which is usually like a full apartment so it is not like staying in a dormitory sharing the room with many other people but it is also possible that the families can

    Go with the wife with the children or husband of course um and that is supported also uh if may not fully or 100% but in a in a quite big uh part of the expenses um of course especially for those people who whose family are uh

    Back to Indonesia and uh they have uh uh they are very far from home they need very far from families as well they need uh psychological support which this is my own experience because I studied in China before uh after graduation from high school I live in Indonesia for

    Eight years so I years I have some clue what is it like being so far away and and face those challenges challenges which uh is not easy to cope with when you are alone um I know by fact that in uh in Hungary the Indonesian Community

    Is very strong so uh they have uh different groups they gather together many times but also the universities themselves uh where they study they have those kind of programs where they cannot just meet with other Indonesians but other foreigners so the um I think the Hungarian education system also try it

    Best uh to to make these to support to make these communities uh ga uh and the stipendium hungaricum scholarship program also um arranging some field trips as well so there is a possibility to to meet um of course the psychological level um when someone decide to leave in

    Another country they also need to uh take into consideration what they are capable of handling emotionally because it’s not easy uh so I really do hope that making friends uh making good bonds uh enjoy the environment can help uh especially in Hungary because Hungarian government is

    Very uh strict about uh uh that uh discrimination is not uh accepted on any level therefore even the uh practicing religions any kind of religion um is accommodated Hungary is a very I would say it’s a very safe country uh also for Public Safety but also for uh culture–

    Wise and um it is not just for the students but even the Indonesian workers in Hungary we really want to make them feel that they are welcomed and um it is a win-win uh situation so as much as they can uh benefit by working abroad by have a safe and ethical

    Employment Hungary can also achieve the goals um for economic growth let’s say um and the fifth was about the um the young people who uh if they are afraid to get married or what the Hungarian government does um I think that also can go back to that uh fact uh

    Which was about the fertility rate that why people didn’t want to have children uh why people have in Hungary abortion is legal so however the Hungarian government still try to do their best to make sure that this is like really the last choice and and there are several

    Other um factors that yes option or other factors that someone decide the opposite and rather have the children or or the child so um we believe in Hungary that uh having a children is is still one of the key factor is that they they are afraid to be part they are afraid of

    Poverty so the younger age they realize that this is not a threat is the earlier they will have children I believe and of course uh the Hungarian government also take a strong emphasis on having families in uh married uh uh family so the couples are married it is not

    Illegal to have children if they are not married but uh on the other hand we see that the tendency is that in those families where the parents are married it is uh St more stable and the likeliness of divorce is less if they have the children in the uh in a married

    Couple and fortunately the statistics shows that um even that is uh um in the statistics it also shows that even the div div rate declined in the past uh years um it’s just um uh just some numbers that um since 2010 when the fertility

    Rate was so low uh it uh doubled the the willingness of getting married um and um since uh and even during this time um those people people uh or those children who are borned um three out of four are born in a married uh parent uh family so I think

    That is important to to have this kind of safety as well that what are the values that we represent what exactly uh what is the environment that we would like to um have the children in to in order to nurture them also socially also economically um about the paternity leave I can only

    Um talk about the Hungarian um and it is a paternity leave but also for fathers and also for mothers uh for mothers uh as I mentioned there is a six month maternity leave uh with the full payment of the salary of the previous half of the year maybe Indonesia can also

    Um which makes uh which makes also uh the the bond between the mother and the and the baby uh you know stronger however I have to emphasize this is not only for mother if the family decide that the father stay home it applies the same yes uh but also for fathers we give

    A paternity leave however that is lower um also when the baby is born they have uh a few days but I need to check on how how much exactly but also they have extra holidays uh during the year uh when they have children and it is increasing if there are more children so

    It is not like one fixed number yes increased uh leave so I think this is also something that uh that important uh for people when they when they want to uh when they decide if they have uh if they have the safe um environment to to

    Have the children uh in their home so maybe for the paternity leave you can share some other numbers yes thank you maybe this yes yes thank you very much uh Excellency Madame ambasador and also uh Madame moderator thank you uh Madame lintang for the question regarding the Indonesian law number 13 year

    2013 concerning Workforce actually uh the government Indonesia already arranged uh this uh kind of uh mechanism for the the well maternity leave for both public and private worker would be three months oh three months yeah the ideal yeah the ideal maybe because in India it’s common to

    Have a n or housemate and also other caregiver in the family who help uh to uh postpartum mothers while from the paternity leave for the husband for the husband according to Indonesian law number 13 uh year 2013 regarding Workforce that has been entitled for two days two days but the idea

    Well actually for the from the public servant from the uh uh government employees it’s still finalized within the government yes uh probably also um at maximum 15 days 15 days yes it’s more flexible but now for the sector uh public worker for the mail entitled for

    Two days thank you very much and one one more thing regarding child free yes this is also interesting Madame lintang uh the figure has not yet published uh officially but the phenomenon we can see in Indonesia right now it’s increasing now the trend for the those Young Generation they say they

    Don’t get uh they don’t want to get uh have a children thank you very much uh I’m just sorry I just really put add something because um I got the idea from P ukik that Yes actually our culture is very different because in in Hungary we

    It is very unusual or not usual I would say to have a nanny uh however the nurseries and the kindergartens are also free uh the public ones and they also provide a good um um education system I would say safe environment so because of this mothers can leave after six months

    If they wanted to and then they can uh they can continue um working yes so that is a main major difference between our cultures okay okay thank you uh for Madame uh Ambassador and also uh Mr Uki for the answer so I think um all question all questions have been

    Answered um and one thing I think it’s uh very good for Young Generation to take scholarship going to Hungary so then having family uh you will get the probably from uh Hungary uh government all right ladies and gentlemen so now we are going to uh end of the session but

    Before I hand it over to our master of ceremony I have five uh highlight notes Here the first one is we can see um we can see that demographic issue uh are issues are strongly associated with economic growth as um mentioned by our presenter that infesting family means

    That infesting future and no demographic means that no competitiveness and no sustainability and we can see even though there are some differences between Indonesian and also Hungary uh because of um some circumstances for example like different size of the country different uh size of population but still

    Uh both countries focus on family policy so that means um now uh from now on we all agree that family as the center of policy so means that we have to strengthen our family uh policy in our country so I think that’s all from our uh discussion session thank you very

    Much and I should acknowledge all of the speakers thank you for his excellent chairperson of beaba Dr hasto wardoyo MD of Gan Her Excellency Madame Ambassador Leela carai ambassador of Hungary to Indonesia he his Excellency Papa gunadi adisasmita as a minister counselor of Indonesia Embassy in Budapest uh honorable Papa Dr arpat mesaros

    Strategic vice president of the Maria cup Institute for demography and families in hungari IU Irma Adan mdms officer in charge Deputy for training research and development of Bea caban and papa Dr Uki Kuman skm Ms ma as head of uh CITC beab and also Madame Elona as a head of

    Mission Hungary Embassy of course uh ladies and and gentlemen so I think that’s all from uh from me uh thank you very much I hand it over to uh IU febbi as the master of ceremony thank you Dr yulina eani for moderating this session it’s it is a fruitful discussion and very interesting

    To share and exchange various settings and experiences on population and economic issues as well as Family Planning and Development between two countries the discussion is valuable for us to identify future collaboration and question and answer session also give us more comprehensive situation that is context specific excellencies distinguished guests and ladies and

    Gentlemen now that our webinar is coming to an end we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our presenters and guests of honor his Excellency Dr hasto wardoo Her Excellency Madame Leela carai Deputy head of mission Embassy of Hungary Madame Ilona honorable Papa Gadi ADI sasmita honorable Dr arpat mesaros

    Dr Irma and Dr Uki Kum Kuma Kwan your support truly appreciated and we were thrilled to have you here thanks again for making this event so special and to all of participants thank you for your participation and we hope that you gain valuable insight and found the event informative and

    Enjoyable as our appreciation of your participation please grab your e certificate by filling out the Google form with the link provided at the chat box and for those who win a door priz kindly please contact us the committee and we will send you and congratulation to Gracia ifana syia

    Indriati lintang andal Al asari please contact to the committee uh Papa Santo at the number and see you at the next Ambassador inside stay safe and healthy thank you very much wasum and for closing the event we would like to invite Dr and Madame Lily Kai for token appreciation and photo session thank You Excellency Madame Amador uh we would like to convey our gratitude for your attendance to this event and uh please accept this uh svir from pabn to the Embassy of Hungary in in Jakarta participation is thank you thank you very much thank you Are you there Recording Stopped E N A


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