There’s going to be A LOT more about shotguns in this channel, pimps. There’s no way to cover it all in a video of this length. Make sure to follow if you’re into the scattergun. 👍

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    Today we’re going to talk about shotguns in [ __ ] hit the fan or for [ __ ] hit the fan I’m not sure which one I’m going to go with but we’re going to hit this one up dudes I’ve been wanting to talk about this one for a while it’s been on my

    List and then I got a comment on YouTube the other day asking me to do it so I’m bumping it up dude shotguns are awesome they’re super super cool there’s a lot of really badass things about them but there’s also some distinctive downsides and I think people talk more

    About rifles and handguns and they do shotguns because those are more fire and forget you know get yourself a AR and you buy some 5.56 and you can engage everything from here on out to to 500 yards with a little bit of practice and even Beyond

    With the right bullet and the right bear barel and stuff you know handgun’s kind of the same thing you know you buy yourself a semi-auto handgun you buy some ammo you’re good you can do what it’s intended to do shotguns on the other hand are so

    Versatile that I think it’s I don’t want to say it’s intimidating for people I think that it’s hard for a lot of people to invest the time to understand exactly how versati stle shotguns are like to to fully wrap their head around what a shotgun can do you know so as a result

    You know we don’t see as many people talking about it now there’s people that know there’s people that are out there and have a lot of shocking experience like me I’ve got quite a bit and I know what a shotgun can do let’s talk about

    It but before I get into that 8020 rule it’s a standing rule on this channel right we’re gonna use it 20% of what we do produces 80% of the results so that’s what we’re going to look at with shotguns and we’re going to kind of just do some general conversation about

    Shotguns as well but we definitely want to focus on the 20% that’s going to produce 80% of the results we’re also going to look at the 20% that’s bad about shotguns that really makes them suck for certain things okay let’s get right into it in this

    Video I’m going to talk about the three most common shot shells and I’m going to talk about some platforms as well but just kind of gleam over them because generally you’re looking at three kinds of shotguns you know you’re looking at uh pump shotguns semi-automatics and the break actions

    That are usually either single shot or double barrel whether it’s side by side or over and under okay so let’s talk about platforms first because we’re already on it dudes for [ __ ] hit the fan you got to you have to determine what role this shotgun is

    Going to play you know is it strictly for hunting because if it’s strictly for hunting then a pump action shotgun or a break action shotgun is going to be just fine for you that’s going to work just fine and both of those are going to be extremely reliable all right the

    Break action types very very very few working parts that move you’re just not likely to break one you can get a lot of use out of it and and how many rounds are you really going to put down range with it not a ton right because you have

    To manually open it and manually load it and it’s slow they’re slow but you can still if you do your part and if you’re good you can still put a lot of meat on the table with one of those take my word for it I have two break action shotguns

    One is a s Savage Model 24 over and under 22 mag on top 20 gauge on the bottom and my other is a Steven Springfield pre-1964 single shot 12 gauge with with a cut down Barrel it’ll beat you up anyways I so I have experience with those I also have

    Two pump shotguns one in 12 gauge and one in 20 gauge and I what I don’t have is a semi-automatic shotgun and we need to talk about that because I’ve looked at these I have shot them before and in shtf if you’re in a situation where you’re planning to use a shotgun for

    Self-defense I would highly suggest a quality semi-automatic shotgun and test it break it in make sure it’s going to cycle what you’re shooting what I’ve heard about these things is that they have no problems cycling heavier loads like double op buck shot slugs that kind of thing it’s

    When you get into light cheap ammo like you know like the the bulk number nine Winchester Silver Box stuff at Walmart that’s where they’ll uh kind of have some issues cycling sometimes but get out there test it make sure you can you know it’s reliable if you need too

    You can you can have some modifications made to make sure it’s going to cycle everything but guys like seriously if I was going to rock a shotgun in shtf to do everything for me I would go with one of those nice semi-autos I actually have my eyes on

    One that I would like to buy but I’m poor so who knows when that’s going to happen let’s talk about the cartridges themselves the shot shells okay we got 12 gauge 20 gauge and 410 that’s what we’re going to talk about on here they’re the most

    Common 12 gauge the big benefits to 12 gauge are it’s all over the damn place dudes it might be as popular as 22 long rifle I am serious I’ve known more people that have a 12 gauge and no 22 long rifle than I’ve met people that

    Have a 22 long rifle and no 12 gauge it’s all over there there’s just so many people out there that love duck hunting and and you know any water foul and Upland game and and people are into the 12 gauge there’s kind of a perspective out there that it’s the man’s

    Shotgun shell right the man’s caliber you know and I think there’s a little bit of Truth to that you do get a little bit more shot you also get more recoil but the big thing about the 12 gauge it really makes it win to me is the availability of ammunition you can

    Get it anywhere it was kind of weird when Co happened and 20 gauge dried up I was like what how man well people were people that had 20 gauges were buying it and there just wasn’t enough of a supply to keep up whereas 12 gauge remained on

    The shelves they never ran out of it they ran out of the specialty stuff like double op buck and slugs but you know you could still buy stuff to kill small animals with it no problem so big big plus for 12 gauge and if you’re a survivalist and not a

    Prepper right survivalists are planning on bugging out going someplace else when the [ __ ] goes down and scouching and stuff whereas Preppers they’re stockpiling they’re getting ready they’re going to probably stay where they are okay 12 gauge makes a lot of sense for survivalists I’m going to get into where

    It sucks for survivalist too in a little bit you guys know me I’m going to try to leave no stone unturned when it comes to the 8020 on this stuff 20 gauge is awesome I got to tell you guys as a as a cartridge or shot

    Shell or a caliber whatever you want to call it 20 gauge I like it more than 12 gauge if you look at the professional numbers of like ski Shooters and stuff like that 20 gauge they’re they have like a 1% higher Miss chance you have

    Plenty of shot to get done what you need to get done 20 gauge slugs have a better ballistic coefficient than 12 gauge I’ve killed deer with 20 gauge slugs and dudes a shotgun slug will majorly dick your stuff up if you get hit with one at a close range I

    Will tell you that from firsthand experience because I have plugged stuff with it so 20 gauge is great and and as a prepper with a family 20 gauge is even better now make sure you can get your hands on it locally if you’re thinking about getting a shotgun and you have a

    Family right because I can take my 20 gauge and go give it to anybody in the family and they can go shoot it I have a video on Instagram of one of my sons headshotting both of our turkeys last fall with a 20 gauge no no

    Problem but I gave my other son who’s the same age I gave him my single shot 12 gauge and let him rip off around and it literally spun him around and knocked him on his ass and made him cry it was a few years ago so he was like

    10 probably shouldn’t have let him shoot it he wanted to shoot it though and it was just we’re talking number nine low brass cheap ass bird shot and it is a lightweight shotgun but a 12 gauge is going to be a lot harder on your kids you don’t want them

    Developing a Flinch you want them to have a good time to be successful and to be able to be effective so if you’re a prepper in a family and you can buy 20 gauge local it’s a great way to go 410 let’s talk about it first I’m going to throw this

    Out there I do not have a lot of experience with this shot shell or this caliber of shotgun at all just so you guys are aware of where I’m at with it I have looked at the numbers and when it comes to professional shooting it is far

    Less effective than the other to when it comes to Downing clay pigeons that’s just the bottom line uh I understand that it’s got some weight advantages if you have to hump it out there and it’s smaller and I like a lot of what they’ve done with these handguns that Will Chamber

    410 I wish they could be smooth BS I really do right I mean I’m sure you guys probably feel the same way but then it would be a shotgun so then it would be illegal because it didn’t leave the factory with at least an 18 and2 inch

    Barrel and all these other stupid ass laws that should not exist you know CU in these pistols the way I’m aware of it is the rifling actually spins the wad and so you end up not getting the best patterns with shot out of these things

    Now with the 410 they’re making a lot of defensive ammunition that I think is really cool I think it has a high value the problem is is the availability and the cost of it is just ridiculous you can’t find it and if you can it’s just exorbitant and I would suggest that if

    You’re a 410 fan and you’re into that and you can’t find that stuff you know what load your own 410 dudes that’s where we’re at today and if you think it’s going to get better I don’t think it is before the [ __ ] goes down I could

    Be wrong I think the clock’s ticking I would get on it start reloading your own [ __ ] test your loads that’s another thing let’s talk about that for a minute because one of the big challenges with the shotgun is that depending on what range you’re at you know and what load you

    Have is going to decide how effective you are not to mention what choke you have in your barrel for a lot of people it gets it gets to be way too much it gets to be way over their head you know and I would say that for shtf as a

    Multi-purpose tool we’re talking self-defense and hunting cylinder boore is just fine guys I use cylinder boore to hunt I not always not always I do use improved chokes as well for those of you that don’t know so what a choke is you have your Barrel let’s say this is the

    The inside of your barrel and it it ends up here where my hat brim is well cylinder bore means that it’s just a straight tube all the way from the chamber all the way out the end but if you put an improved choke and they screw

    In the top of your Barrel okay it’ll actually come in a little bit at the top and what it does is it helps to keep your shot together for longer so your shot pattern doesn’t open until a little later it allows you to reach out there a little

    Further and and take advantage your game at a little further distance that’s what it does all right so I think that shotguns for a lot of people can be kind of overwhelming when you get into all the nitty-gritty of it and where you’re really going to see shotgun lovers like

    Me I am a shotgun lover I’ll tell you guys that I do I love them is people that are regularly killing stuff they’re regularly getting out there and putting meat on the table they’re hunting regular ly maybe throughout the year maybe not but during those hunting seasons they’re hitting it

    Pretty hard those are the kind of people that really learn to respect a shotgun and learn what it can do and learn to be versatile learn to take advantage of the versatility of it because of all the options dudes and I’ll tell those of you that don’t know I mean I’ve seen videos

    Of dudes hitting freaking gongs with slugs at like 300 yard that’s not an effective method of using a shotgun slug but I will tell you that 100 yards I have some 3-in Magnum slugs and I I had another 12 gauge I sold uh it was a Mossberg m590 A1 Super beefy heavy

    Chunky thing with ghost ring sights and I’ve changed my perspective dudes don’t ever sell a gun just buy a new one my wife taught me that [ __ ] I didn’t always do that though so I’ve sold firearms that I wish I had now and I’ve sold Firearms I’m glad I sold at

    Any rate I would shoot Silhouettes at 100 yards 3-in Magnum slugs with that thing and I could shoot a 5in group 6inch group with irons and reliably H hit a silhouette every time okay so to me the effective range of a shotgun is really going to be about 150

    Yards tops probably now I know you can scope them there’s something also that needs to be said the ballistic coefficient of a 20 gauge slug is better than a 12 gauge slug that should be said it’s going to be better if you intend to use a shotgun at those kind of

    Ranges uh uh 410 slugs people are fans of them but you know what they’re not heavy if I remember correctly they’re like 90 grains that’s that’s not even a 9mm bullet I feel that when it comes to being effective for what you want a shotgun for I think you’re better off with 20

    Gauge or 12 gauge that’s my opinion let’s talk about the weight of the shot shells this is one of the downsides dudes this is one of the big ones with shotguns that make him not awesome so we have a few different types of loads in both 20 gauge and 12 gauge

    And let’s see how heavy they come in this first one is 2 and 3/4 inch 20 gauge number six lead well I do believe this is actually lead guys um it’s I don’t think it’s stainless I hate stainless shot I’m not going to say I hunt duck with it though 39

    Gram next one is a 20 gauge rifled slug I want to say I want to say it’s like 78 of an ounce but that could be wrong guys I don’t have the box for these I got rid of them a long time ago and so we’re just going to have to we’re

    Going to have to guess it might be lighter than 7/8 of an ounce 33 G and then we’ve got a 3in 20 gauge one and a/4 oce number four this is also lead 44 gram let’s get to the 12 gauge I do believe this is cheap number nine lead two and

    3/4 Winchester special baby whatever it is 40 GS here we have double odd buuck nine pellet low brass 41 G and for fun we’re going to throw in a 3in 1oz magnum slug 40 44 grams there we have it these things are heavier and [ __ ] and dudes I don’t have

    Any of the 410 here to weigh if you have 4 10 weigh up a few different loads for us put it in the comments weigh it in grams and I will pin it to the top of comments so we can all take a look at it

    All right but you’re going to see that the 20 gauge and the 12 gauge they don’t weigh much different you’re going to get 10 shot shells to 12 maybe 13 per pound that is not a lot of ammunition dudes so this [ __ ] is heavy if you’re a survivalist like we were talking about

    Before and you’re planning on humping 12 gauge or 20 gauge with you and I would hump 12 honestly if you’re a survivalist I would go a 12 Nob brainer but if you’re planning on humping it out and going and bugging out with it you are

    Not bringing much of it with you it is just not going to last you that long now the argument can be made that a shot shell of 12 gauge can produce a lot more effect than let’s say a single round of 5.56 let’s go through a scenario real quick let’s

    Compare the two let’s say on one on one side we’ve got an AR-15 with a 30 round ma in 556 NATO and on the other side we have a modern semi-automatic 12 gauge with eight shot shells of nine pellet double op bucking it right so

    Seven in the tube One in the Chamber and the [ __ ] goes down and people start ripping off rounds those of you that have watched channels that that do this kind of stuff that shotgunner is going to dump all eight rounds rapidly and let’s think about it eight rounds nine pellets per freaking 72

    Projectiles going down range that are roughly 30 caliber and traveling you know depending on what kind of double A Buck you’re shooting anywhere from, 1300 feet usually like 1350 I want to say is usually what those things are doing coming out the a two and 3/4 inch shell

    So 72 projectiles in a matter of a couple of seconds going down range wow holy crap right now yes you also just dumped almost a pound of ammunition but it’s going to be very effective now let’s think about the uh the 5.56 30 rounds of it lays weighs

    Less than a pound you get 38 rounds of 5.56 per pound and I know this because I actually weighed yesterday for a Tik Tok video this guy is not going to rip off those rounds nearly as fast as they do with the 12 gauge so who’s got more

    Firepower you know it’s probably 5050 if you look at it overall you know this guy can reach out way further he’s going to be way more effective at a whole bunch of different ranges but this dude over here man within 35 yards oh boy you are in deep deep

    Doooo and so guys that’s one of the things you have to take into account regarding shotguns is you really have to have the right load at the right range and if you do boy it will do the job for you really really well I’m going to try

    To quote Clint Smith and he’s one of the instructors at Thunder Ranch pistols put a hole in people rifles put a hole through them and shotguns with the right load at the right distance will literally blow a chunk of [ __ ] off of you and throw it on the

    Floor okay I can agree more let’s get back on track about the weight of ammunition if you’re going to plan on using 12 gauge or even 20 gauge in shtf for extended periods of time you need to be caching it somewhere or you need to be prepping that’s just

    The bottom line dudes you’re not going to be humping it all over the place and to get stuff done although it’s effective right like let’s say you had to bail out of LA and you’re on foot you know heading north eastsh kind of heading towards Gardnerville in Nevada and there’s

    Mountains up there and there’s game and all that and not to mention there’s a [ __ ] ton of other people in the golden horde you’re going to have to deal with let’s say you got a cartridge belt on and you’ve got some additional ammunition in a pack you know man I mean

    You’re going to be able to to kill stuff you’re going to have a very loud report from doing it people are going to hear that shotgun go off but you’re you know you’re going to put me on the table if you’ve done your part and you’ve practiced it all you’re going to be

    Successful hunting if you have to defend yourself you know as long as you’ve got double op Buck loaded up or slugs when the time comes it’s going to work pretty good for you if you’re at the right range and you know what dudes I got to be honest I think most self-defense

    Situations and [ __ ] hit the fan are going to be within 50 yards you know it’s going to be within speaking distance uh before you realize people are not good people so in that sense I think shotguns are going to be you know they could really be good really be good for it

    When it comes to getting ready for shtf with a shotgun you really need to be aware of your skill level and you need to be aware of what kind of game you’re going to be taking in the area also obviously any kind of self-defense situations if

    You’re planning on using it for that I think a lot of people in you know getting ready for shtf they intend to use a shotgun hunt and I’m going to tell you guys that I don’t think that that’s the ideal way to go about it you know a lot of times hunting with

    A shotgun you’re hunting smaller game and for those of you that want to hunt bigger game you got to remember the game pressure is going to be insane it’s going to be harder to get those close-up shots and a lot of people don’t realize that double op Buck was made for

    Shooting deer you know so if you can get close enough to deer and [ __ ] at the fan with double A Buck obviously you can take him but for the weight isn’t a rifle a better option if you have a if you can take big game isn’t a rifle a better

    Option I think that it is dudes I think that there are places where you know shotguns are going to make sense if you’re really remote and really have a lot of game you know like a gameer environment lots of small game and stupid birds you know

    That go fly up to the top of trees and sit there I’ve heard that Partridge do that I don’t know if it’s true I’ve never hunted them myself like out where I’m at out here if I want to go hunting with a shotgun for Upland bird I’m going

    To be beating the brush for hours that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go out with the dog and get up and got to get up where the birds are and go beat the brush for hours man it makes much more sense for me to check a snare line for

    15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed before nightfall it’s just way more efficient with calories dudes and that’s what we’re trying to do right be efficient so for me personally I have plenty of shotgun I’ve got I’ve got probably almost a th rounds of shotgun

    Shells you know but I’m not really planning on relying on it I’m not I have it I have the shotguns and so I have the I have the shot shells but you know to me personally I think there’s there’s more ways to be more efficient and so

    You know my own approach doesn’t really involve using it unless I get into that situation where I need to or or or whatever you know so like you know like if there’s geese that are flying in on one of the ponds or something like that and I want to go whack some

    Geese take a shotgun with me and I ain’t using no damn stainless if it’s the end of the world man Leed all the way baby that’s something else I should say when it comes to getting ready for shtf dudes do not buy steel shot don’t buy it it’s

    Worthless I’ve used it it sucks I’ve literally seen it bounce off of waterfall bounce and it was 3-inch Magnum loads because I was like steel shot sucks I’m going to shoot 3inch Magnum 12 gauge loads and that’s what I did and it still sucked it’s just worthless it’s not heavy enough if

    You’re prepping or you’re planning on bugging out survival wise you need to buy lead shot only let’s hit accessories real quick on shotguns I think I mentioned getting a you know a red dot and putting it on a modern semi-auto if you’re going to be up in the city yeah

    Even a pump yeah I would do it for sure a side saddle as well you know you’re going to find yourself in a situation where you have to rapidly reload that baby let’s talk about shotguns that take magazines that is not a bad idea either dudes if you’re going to be dealing with

    The golden horde and you want to rock a shotgun definitely going to be able to reload faster you know and that could matter if your knee deep in the [ __ ] man and people are trying to kill you it could matter a sling obviously you going

    To want to have a good sling and I’m not fond of putting ammunition on slings I don’t do it I don’t believe in it it makes the sling a little harder to handle and you know you could very well lose some of that ammunition on the

    Sling I I just I don’t believe in it dudes I either a side saddle you know or one of the freaking Buck buttstock covers that can hold shot shells I have one of those on my little single shot 12 gauge you know that’s the way to go also cartridge belts dudes

    They can be expensive as [ __ ] brand new but if you keep your eyes peeled and you look on eBay and I actually bought one in a second store out here for 20 bucks I’ll put a picture of it on the screen man it’s freaking sick actually it’s

    Probably going to be the thumbnail in the beginning of this video but yeah $20 dude you know score I think that’s about it for accessories though flashlights I got mixed feelings about those for shtf dudes they’re going to let everybody know where you are man I

    Mean it’s just not a good idea I’d say work on your night vision and don’t go into any dark ass buildings at night don’t do it you know but it’s up to you you know outfit your stuff the way you feel like it’s going to work for you I

    Think I’m going to wrap it up dudes I’m sure I miss some stuff let’s see it in the comments it’s a big topic you know but I hope that gives you guys kind of an idea of where I’m at with it my thoughts on it I think you can

    Definitely do it let’s summarize it real quick you can definitely do it you know but you need to be familiar with the shotgun that you’re going to use and you need to be familiar with the different kinds of shot you need to be out hunting with it and not just hunting you know

    Rabbits get out there take some big game with it you need to know what it’s going to do for you at what ranges another thing you could get with a shotgun is an additional Barrel that’s rifled and has a scope on it like already attached to the rifled barrel so you could swap

    Barrels out if you had too it just would make it more versatile obviously especially when it comes to hunting big game at a little further distances because I know the smooth BS shooting slugs just aren’t that great and the rifle barrels are much better I do know

    That that’s it dudes I’m G to let y’all go like share subscribe it check out my patreon link in the description come help support the channel we can do bigger better things man and I’ll see you guys in the next video


    1. i think the most important thing to consider is the ease of re-loading your own shotgun ammo and all the versatility of projectiles you can load it with from rocks off the ground ,nails , steel bb's ,marbles , ball bearings , screws , nuts, washers , cut pieces of wire , you name it ,if it fits in sheels , it will most of the time work .
      you can improvise many ideas .
      learn to use simple tools like a small hammer and chisels or rounded nail to punch out fired shell's primers and put new ones in , you can get simple hand reload tools also .
      i suggest watching videos on this before trying . shotgun shell are easier to load and can be done ,cheaper and much easier than rifle and pistol loads !
      TAOFLEDERMAUS on youtube shows just how many things can be loaded in shotgun shells !
      there are so many things from screws ,nuts and bolts ,rods , cut wire , marbles ,ball bearings , etc., etc. , etc. , that can be safely loaded with a little knowledge and practice ! ……
      its really one if not best best firearms for SHTF !!! different ammo options , cut shells , wax loads , hot glue gun slugs , it will even fire shells that were damaged and had to cut em shorter from 0ne inch to even 3 1/2 inches , there are so many options , plus now you can buy inserts to shoot rifle and pistol calibers also .
      and like you said the only drawback besides the extended range is weight , it can get heavy if you intend to carry a lot of ammo !!!
      great show and talk my friend , get ready for SHTF , not if its coming ,,,but when !!!! LOL !!!

    2. Shotguns are an excellent personal defense weapon, especially within fifty yards. Slugs, and buck shot are lethal. The introduction of drones as a weapon platform in the battlefield, requires a shotgun to neutralize this modern weapon.

    3. I have a Black Aces Tactical Semiautomatic 12 gauge and it cycles flawlessly in anything I’ve put through it. Very happy with it and good customer service too🙏🇺🇸🇮🇱

    4. If an ar is off the table (if shtf theyll be easy enough to find) would a 22lr or 12g be a better option. 22lr has a limited range and limited power but theyre very light, can carry a shitload of ammo, are almost subsonic and easy to suppress… imma dress as a bush w my lil 22 and just count on nobody seeing me unless i want them to or atleqst until theyre in range of a 22. Whatvwould be real interesting is if you could mount a higher power longer range pistol (like a 10mm or 357) to the stock so you could use your scope on the rifle to aim it/use the pistol as a foregrip. Which would be like 3 kinds of illegal. Aa would mounting a sawed of shotgun to the foregrip of a rifle. Being able to do a barrel swap to a 410 would be neat too but unlikly to find anything/impossible/pain in the ass to custom fab.

    5. As far as scavenging for ammo in SHTF, 12 gauge would be the best because it's most common. I love shotguns. They are not the best at anything but they are good at everything!

    6. I will take a shotgun over most guns 90% of the family had a Vietnam vet 2 tours recon and he always said his preferred the 12ga bc the enemy feared it over any other round

    7. If you switch from lead to steel your 12 gauge projectiles weight can be reduced by 41 % . Weight of your amo can be reduced enough to carry water or a .22 cal glock 44 and a 100 rounds of .22 lr

    8. Shtf gotta hunt gotta eat …shotgun regardless of noise lvl …ppl will hear and learn to understand…deer rifle I have 30.06 hunt … regardless the noise on human lvl learn to understand the sound and don't fk with them …mb so shotgun is a total peace maker regardless of shot even bird shot to the face 5 shits

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