I Built Every Flying Machine in Hardcore Minecraft

    • watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH

    • watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/uOAnBdKPEXQ
    (I Built The Smallest Farms in Minecraft Hardcore #50)

    Vehicles Designed By: Cubius, Dylan D, Estam, Jmox, Lomby, Shibbaz (goats)


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    This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂

    I Built Every Working Vehicle in Minecraft Hardcore


    #minecraft #hardcore #but

    Building flying machines have gotten crazy simple in Minecraft like look at me this is awesome you can even build one with a seat and just chill while you fly you can build machines that fly in any direction you want even up and down on command and if you want to get crazy

    You could even build yourself a nuke oh my God yeah but all of these machines don’t look like they can fly or even move they’re kind of just Blobs of slime Redstone and a bunch of junk so today we’re going to be building all kinds of different moving machines that look like

    Your everyday cars Yachts submarines planes helicopters and so much more wait till you see the last one it’s definitely my favorite and looks so cool and real but let’s start off by building a simple car kind of like this oh yeah now let just fire up the engine and

    There we go we’re in a car oh my God I just ran over myself and now the car is floating don’t hit the pig oh I just gave him a haircut and now my car is driving over water wait wait wait wait wait oh I just crashed into the mountain

    I should probably build a track for all these vehicles I’m going to be building so let’s erase this giant area of land and build out some Raceway tracks for all 25 different Vehicles I’m going to be building yeah it’s going to be a lot and there we go we got our Raceway

    Tracks with a bunch of mobs on it please go away um you are not camouflaging well please H yeah that’s right but now let’s rebuild the car right here and let’s fire her up let’s go the car is back this time it has a road to drive on look

    At that isn’t that so cool oh wait it might crash into the mountain again oh wait wait wait I need obsidian go go go go go let’s place it right here and the car should stop right at the obsidian oh yeah now I don’t really know how to send it back so yeah

    Anyways that is one out of the four cards I’m going to be building today and each one will get progressively cooler and more realistic this first card is cool and all but the only thing I didn’t like about it is that there’s nowhere to sit you kind of just got to stand and

    Hope you stay on so the next car will actually have a seat in it and not just one there’s going to be two and it’s going to be a little bit more realistic and sportier just like this it’s even got a fat engine in the back it it looks

    Like a turbo or something so now I just need to grab a redstone torch okay oh my I just bounced off that car let’s take a seat and put a torch right here break it down and oh yeah this thing actually works I’m sitting inside a race car right now I can even

    Have a friend sit beside me not that I have any but um it’s it’s there just in case I ever decide to purchase one but yeah I just need to stop it um wo wo wo slow down sheep wait wait wo wo you’re about to get hit oh my God you better

    Thank me sir all right he is not thanking me so now we have a regular car that looks pretty poopy and a sportier car that looks a little bit more realistic and has two seats but now let’s change it up and make it look extremely realistic I’m going to need a

    Few more materials for this there we go all right let’s start building this Truck bam Oh wrong way bam oh yeah and we’re done look how realistic this looks my favorite part is the tinted glass and the little seat right in the middle I do want to add one block right here though I don’t know if it’s going to work but

    Let’s try let’s grab some campfires and let’s put it right here so it kind of looks like the engine uh uh what is it called the exhaust kind of coming out from the top I’m not sure if it’s going to stick or not but let’s test it out

    Let’s turn on the truck oh it’s moving and let’s sit down oh yeah I can’t see anything but I can see out this is so cool I love this did my thing stick oh I didn’t we lost the car exhaust but look at it go it looks so real and we’re

    Heading right towards that sheep again oh let me save you again man that sheep has no idea what I’m doing to him I’m out here saving his life and he’s just staring into the air but there we go three of the four cars are built the

    Very last car I want to build is going to be the fastest out of all of these and that is an F1 car if you guys don’t know what an F1 car is it’s basically just a super fast sporty beautiful looking red car and now finally for the

    Seat right here yeah it looks pretty nice it’s got the nice front spoiler and the back spoiler all we got to do now is turn it on oh it works let’s sit and you see how fast this is honestly it’s the same speed as any other car but it looks

    Way cooler I I I feel pretty swaggy sitting in this car oh I’m going to run over a chicken um oh he just dodged it you’re a genius is this sheep smarter than a chicken though oh you better move I’m going to get some road kill oh okay

    Um I guess he’s Invincible he is Superman but yeah there we go I just need to stop it cuz we’re kind of going off track oh I just I just broke it and now my sheep is inside of my car you are the car now let me let me ride you real

    Quick come on let me get in the back all right I see how it is but there we have it we built four different kinds of cars and they all get more and more realistic but now let’s build something a little different that is similar to a car and that is some motorcycles

    Basically a mini car and let’s light up the engine oh I oh I built it the wrong way well the motorcycle is supposed to go that way um stop stop stop stop stop that didn’t stop it oh break something oh my God okay let’s uh build it the right way

    This time there we go now let’s add some lightning rods right here and this will act as some handlebars which makes it look so much more realistic and now it should work let’s sit inside the motorcycle let’s light up the engine of the motorcycle and oh yeah this is

    Awesome and it looks just like a motorcycle it’s kind of funny cuz it is like twice as tall as any of the cars I’ve built but there we go you know what I feel like we can make this a little bit more interesting let’s build oursel a hover motorcycle that doesn’t ride on

    The road but over top of it and I ran into another building I’ll show you guys what I mean let’s build this thing one block above the ground oh oh I did not I mean at least it was floating all right and instead of using copper rods for that motorcycle

    Since it’s a Hover Cycle I’m going to use some end rods cuz it kind of just feels more futuristic there we go let’s see inside fire up the oh what the heck fire up the engine and now we are in a Hover Cycle floating one block above the

    Ground so if there are any chickens or sheep in the way it would just float right above them which is a pretty cool oh my God you see I had a Hover Cycle that is all the land Vehicles I’m going to build for now let’s move on to something completely different and that

    Is vehicles on the water yep we’re going to be building four different kinds of boats from Little dinky boats to a tall sailboat to a big millionaires yacht let’s first start off by building a Dock and some boat Lanes in the water all right let’s grab all the

    Materials I need and let’s start building the first boat over here on the left lane I need to get a block in the water so let’s do this let’s put a piston then a slime block a few more blocks in front of it and this will be

    Where I will stand all right let’s start working on the motor let’s put a Observer right here with a sticky piston like that a slime block another Observer two more sticky pistons right beside the slime block like that some more slime all we got to do is finish up

    The actual boat part so let’s grab some more stairs and let’s build it out’s add some glass right here some slabs and the boat is ready all I got to do is place a block right here and it’s moving yeah let me hop in and now we got a working

    Moving boat in the water which is pretty cool but like it’s still pretty dinky and I’m going to kill the squid oh my God yo squid move move out the way oh my God we just squished him like a hydraulic press poor guy oh he’s fre

    It’s good words a lot psych not anymore all right but now let’s improve this thing and build a boat that’s a little bit wider and thicker so when I get on it won’t actually sink with how heavy I am just like that it’s a little bit

    Wider than this boat over here and it’s got a way larger engine so uh let’s let’s give it a try let’s flip this and oh yeah oh I think my front of the bat kind of broken but hey at least it’s still working I just got to sit here in

    My driver’s seat and we’re inside a giant boat that is a little broken but hey it works and the CRA crash test oh I I broke it even more but I got to admit this boat wasn’t a huge improvement from this boat so this time let’s do

    Something crazy let’s build a 10 block tall sailboat that actually moves so we can sail the ocean it’s going to be crazy I have no idea how I’m even going to built this but uh let’s give it a try and I want to make the sailboat feel

    Kind of special and expensive so let’s head home and grab some quartz I feel like that would be a nice block to build with use some of this some stairs and some slabs I also need a bunch of wool to make the actual sale so I think I’m

    Going to use orange cuz I’m a cookie obviously some white and maybe some gray the last thing I need is a glazed terra cotta block which I I literally do not know how that’s even possible to get do I just grab a Terra Cotta and do I just

    Glaze over it okay that sounded weird can I just smelt it maybe oh my God you actually smelt them what does it turn into I’m guessing bricks or something um oh wait I made it orange glazed terra cotta okay it looks like a bunch of Nemos on the block all right let’s start

    Building this thing it’s going to be kind of hard let’s first start by putting some slime blocks here some honey blocks some observers and this sailboat will need a huge engine it doesn’t really make sense that a sailboat needs an engine cuz it uses the wind but uh yeah just don’t ask

    Questions let’s grab my Pistons let’s put these blocks right here and a bunch of pistons on top of the faces like that and this will push the entire boat that way but there’s a ton of confusing stuff I need to build to make this thing works

    And I’m already out of slime blocks um yeah this is definitely the biggest vehicle that I’ve built so far and it’s only going to get bigger from here look at this thing this is a mess I probably already messed up like big time but let’s keep praying for now I need to get

    More slime blocks and luckily for me I have the Slime Factory inside this giant slime that I built that gets me unlimited slime all right let’s continue building this wo I just Spider-Man stuck to this slime block okay let’s get let’s continue building so this is basically the entire

    Mechanism that will push and power the entire sailb boat little Arc right here will push the sail and this down here will push the actual boat so like it will actually move you know what I mean now we just need to work on the actual sailboat design and now let’s start working on

    The Sail there we have it the entire sailboat it it looks pretty good I’m not going to lie we got a pretty big deck right here and a giant Sail on the top with this huge engine powering it I I definitely messed up somewhere but uh yeah I really hope this works it’s going

    To be so cool to see a thing this big move so let’s give it a try let’s hop into the boat and all I need to do is activate this little Observer so this whole thing should start moving let’s activate it let’s break it and it didn’t work what if I did it

    Again oh no this is not good guys of course I messed something up of course I did maybe I wasn’t supposed to use a block um yeah let’s try that again all right it’s been quite a while and I think I finally fixed so all I got to do is

    Activate this Observer super quickly so the best way I found was using dirt let’s place it down quickly break it and yes it’s working oh my God the sailboat is moving that is so cool this is definitely the biggest vehicle I’ve ever built so far like this is unreal the

    Crazy part is this isn’t even going to be the biggest vehicle I’m going to be building what is going to happen when it hit the obsidian will it break oh yep the boat definitely broke and I’m way too lazy to rebuild it and put it back

    Over there so uh that is the last time I’m ever going to enjoy seeing this thing move but the next boat is going to be a yacht and it’s going to be even bigger than that so yeah let’s get building and we’re already one-upping ourselves let’s just pray I don’t mess

    Up anywhere and there is the yacht oh yeah I decided to use some yellow Terra cotic cuz it looks kind of Goldy and just Royal looking but look how massive this thing is it is crazy I don’t even know if it’s even going to work cuz uh

    It it looks like a mess so let’s turn it on and give it a try before we do that though I need to destroy this obsidian wall right here cuz with how big this yacht is it’s literally going to move like a few blocks and be broken so let’s

    Break this obsidian wall and allow it to sail the Seas all right all we got to do is Place dirt right here and break it very fast if I do this wrong it’s going to break so uh oh I oh no that was I I didn’t do it

    Fast enough did I break it oh never mind okay it still works oh yeah the yacht is working we even have a crafting table in here we can sit and craft up some blocks Let’s uh head upstairs if I can just let me let me ow come on come on go let me

    Get into the captain’s little Den I’m fighting the yacht okay I’m in I’m the captain now yes that is so cool let’s fly out I really want to see how it looks from the outside um if I even could get out of here oh man this is a

    Little tough guys oh I’m out okay but look at it go oh my God I can’t believe this actually works in Minecraft this is crazy now I just need to stop it um I need to get back in somehow okay I just need to place an obsidian block right at

    That Observer this might be really hard uh no okay I wasn’t supposed to place it there but it stopped it and now the machine is probably completely broken but hey at least the yacht moved for a bit but that is all four of the boats I’m going to be building now let’s

    Change gears a little bit and build some Vehicles inside of the water yep let’s build some submarines the first submarine I’m going to build is going to be fairly easy so let’s just build a little bit out of this um mountain right here all right let’s place an observer a

    Sticky piston and a bunch of slime blocks like this let’s now put an observer facing this way with another sticky piston and more slime blocks and that would be the basic machine that will push the submarine that way oh oops you might be wondering how am I going to

    Sit inside of the submarine and actually move well there’s a secret trick for this let’s craft myself a mine cart and grab my rails now let’s just do this like so with some glass here a sea lantern and right here where the trapo is is going to be where the mine car

    Will be and where I’m going to to sit so let’s Place some blocks right above it like this let’s grab my rails and my mine cart put it there and now the mine cart should fall right into the trapo like so oh yeah let’s put glass on top

    Of it so it doesn’t go anywhere and the submarine is basically done all we got to do is activate this Observer and it starts moving yeah oh my God it even breaks kelp okay let’s sit inside of it yeah we’re inside a submarine it’s kind

    Of glitchy with my view right now but uh it works and it’s pretty cool now I just need to stop it so I don’t kill another squid look at this squid he’s like what is going on like what is that that’s not a fish all right but this submarine is

    Pretty small I want to make it a lot bigger so that is what we’re going to work on next so let’s quickly build this submarine and Bam it’s not much bigger than the first one that I built but it’s honestly way more realistic with the pointed tip and the little fins on the

    Side but uh we we could do way better than this stop stop okay I want to build a submarine that can go in two different directions on command so it doesn’t just go straight this one is way more complicated and doesn’t really look like a submarine but it’s it’s pretty cool I

    Can either have it go straight that way or straight this way so let’s hop inside this trapo and what I want to do is activate this Observer with the fence gate and it should go that way oh my God it actually is and I got knocked out of

    It wait I just lost my son split in half oh my Ocean Gate oh wait why why did it just split in half how do I stop it wait wait wait come back come back we’re about to collide with these submarines stop stop what just happened it just got

    Torn apart okay let’s let’s give this another try I think I made a little mistake with these trap doors they were one block too high maybe that ruined it so let’s take a deep breath because I can’t really breathe under underwater let’s sit inside the trapo and give it

    Another try um okay it didn’t work well at least I have another submarine I guess could I at least sit in it um oh I’m oh I’m in I’m yep I’m in I’m inside kind of oh I’m inside of the glass somehow okay yeah let’s just let’s just

    Deem this one a failure oh we’re about to run over some fish oh my God got I built a killing machine yeah the two directional submarine wasn’t too successful yeah since the last submarine was such a disaster let’s change gears a little bit and avoid the water cuz

    Everything that I built was pretty stressful now let’s head into the sky and build some planes yeah the fun part let’s go so in order for a plane to work we need to build an air strip where the planes can take off and land so let’s

    Build that right over here beside all of these tracks and here is air strip number 69 oh yeah okay so now let’s build super high up and start working on these planes up here the first one’s going to be pretty dinky but I’ll improve them more and more until we have a fighter

    Jet there we go it kind of looks like a plane kind of cut in half cuz we’re missing the front of it hey we got some wings and a tail now we just got to light it up right here um oh wait did I

    Break it oh wait here we go oh yeah look at that we’re in a plane and it’s literally flying through the air right now this is crazy but it’s still pretty dinky I want to make a way bigger plane so let’s uh stop this machine if I can

    Oh stop stop how do I stop this thing stop stop stop okay there we go I was about to repeat history if I kept going now the second plane I’m going to build is going to be way more realistic than this cuz this was uh kind of an

    Embarrassment so let’s fly over here let’s place down an observer with a piston a slime block and let’s grab some quartz and put some blocks above it like this and this one is really realistic trust me and on this block let’s put in Observer with another slime a sticky

    Piston and a slime block like this now for some more Redstone and some decorating lastly I want to build a cockpit so let’s grab my glass rails mine cart and right on top of this plane let’s put some glass right here and let’s fit a little cockpit right here oh

    Yeah and this plane looks way more realistic and cooler than the one over there that I built so now let’s see if it works um stand back here let’s activate it oh get it get it get it oh no I fell off the plane sit sit oh my God I almost fell

    Off again and we’re inside let’s just hope I don’t run into the first plane oh I think I’m just about to clear it okay we’re good that is awesome now I don’t really know how to stop this thing um oh I’m going to break it um what do I do I

    Got to stop it before I hit the trees okay we’re good well that was pretty cool let’s build an even cooler plane this time let’s build oursel a fighter jet and this plane looks unbelievably real just wait for it it’s pretty crazy what did I tell you this is literally

    The coolest jet ever it looks so real it’s even got a cockpit right here where I can sit right at the front of the jet let’s see if it works cuz it does even look like it can let’s put a piece of obsidian right here oh my God it’s

    Moving okay let’s run to the front and sit inside the cockpit oh my God I’m just getting injured the entire wave but this thing has to be the coolest thing ever this looks unreal I can’t get over it to stop it I just need to place an

    Obsidian right here which makes it so much easier than these planes but yeah I I am just speechless but let’s end the planes off on this note cuz uh nothing gets better than this next up I still want to build some flying machines but not planes let’s start working on some

    Helicopters yeah helicopters in Minecraft it it that’s crazy right it sounds impossible but let’s start by building a helipad right here in the water where they can take off and land yeah I’m not going to lie I really Biff this helipad it’s all messed up in proportion and it looks all goofy but

    Honestly I kind of like it it just looks like a cartoon I I don’t know but right on top of here is where I’m going to be building my first helicopter this place is starting to look like a war zone I got some fighter jets above me I got

    Some boats everywhere a bunch of cars a giant air strip it’s it’s kind of hilarious but this first helicopter is going to be a little small and just have one seat to sit in there we go it’s pretty simple as you can see there’s a propeller up there on the top and this

    Is the machine that will be pushing it and it’s kind of shaped as a tail as well I got some cool little feet right here and all I got to do to activate it is put a block block here and it should start moving oh I got to quickly get in

    Oh yeah I’m in a helicopter now and it’s floating right above the water which is so cool the only problem is I’m I’m running right towards the forest and I might die and the helicopter might blow up right here so oh okay oh my God we’re breaking through the trees we’re going

    Through the forest and I think we’re going to oh my God we l destructed this tree right here and I’m stuck and there’s a helicopter inside of the forest so that was a pretty cool helicopter but we got make it way cooler and this time let’s add even more seats

    So I can have friends sit with me not that I have any but uh yeah this time let’s build it a few blocks higher so I’m not going to run into anything and build it facing that way so we’re not running into any trees let’s first start

    By placing an observer a sticky piston and then some slime blocks like this then a piston then an observer right below the slime block and this will be the main engine for the helicopter a piston and some more slime blocks some observers right here and here with with

    A row of slime blocks and another Observer right oh here now let’s line up this entire thing with pistons and this will push the entire helicopter that way now let’s build out the rest of the helicopter oh my God I built it wrong why do I do this every time all right we

    Got the cockpit right here and right at the front let’s place a shroom light so there’s like a little lamp for the helicopter I guess let’s put one also in here for the cockpit and one down here for some light let’s come up here and place an observer facing downwards some

    Sticky pistons here and right here where the sticky pistons are will be the helicopter blades so let’s build them out with a shroom light at the end oh and I’m out of honey blocks um let’s check my beehive please help me have honey in here come on yes let’s turn

    These into honey blocks back in business now on the bottom let’s add some fence gates right here so they kind of act like Landing Wheels like that and the final thing I need to add are some seats let’s place a seat here and here fall down and let’s place two inside the

    Cockpit and now the helicopter is complete it is way bigger than the first first one that I built that is still inside the trees but let’s give it a test all I got to do is place a block right at the tail here please work yes

    It’s working oh my God how am I supposed to hop inside let’s just fly into here and sit down oh yeah we’re inside a self-driving helicopter who is Elon Musk when you have me he can’t even build a self-driving helicopter yeah now how do we stop this thing oh man um I don’t

    Have obsidian let’s just Spam a bunch of blocks I guess please stop there we go all right I think that’s enough flying machines for me today and I feel like we’ve built some pretty insane ones my favorite one is definitely this fighter jet but since I said this area kind of

    Looks like a war zone now let’s make it a war zone and build a few tanks let’s come over here right beside this airst strip and let’s first start off with a drone tank that can drive on his own and doesn’t need any passengers and let’s

    Fire up the tank oh yeah look at it go it’s got a giant turret at the front well it’s actually not really giant it’s pretty puny and it’s floating for some reason now I I think I broke it a little bit a piece of the tank is uh staying

    Back but yeah that’s pretty cool oh please don’t run over the Chicken N not the chicken no and we’re about to run into this car oh no stop stop okay there goes my Ferrari yeah oh my God the chicken’s alive but this tank was uh a little underwhelming so let’s build

    Something a little bit bigger and this next tank has a seat on it and I’ll even be able to shoot TNT from it now let’s just break this and it should start moving oh yeah all right let’s hop in and to shoot this tank I just need to

    Place a TNT block right on this Redstone I have no idea if it’s going to work but let’s try it oh my God actually D let’s destroy this Village oh wait wait I’m going to destroy myself woo okay oh all right I just blew my own tank but hey at

    Least it shot for a little bit that is such a simple and cool design wow honestly there are some crazy tanks that you can build in Minecraft like this one from mumbo jumbo or this one from mythical Pingu that he built me a while ago but uh honestly my brain is a little

    Too small to build something like that so let’s move on to the next vehicles and this time we’re going to change gears a little bit instead of moving left and right and all around and in the water and on top top of the water let’s let’s fly upwards and build ourself a

    Rocket the first rocket I’m going to build is pretty simple just like this oh yeah we’re blasting off into space now oh my God it’s bouncing me up and down now but yeah this rocket is super simple and easy to build but there is nowhere

    To sit so the next rocket I’m going to be building will have a seat in it let’s just uh stop this rocket from moving somehow um please stop please stop I don’t want aliens to see this dinky spaceship I have I need to build something that impress the aliens so

    Let’s head back down to the Launchpad which is my helicopter pad oh my God I almost died let’s upgrade it slightly by building a bigger booster and adding a seat right at the top all right let’s put a little lightning rod at the top let’s light up the rocket and oh why why

    Why isn’t it working is the lightning rod ruining it oh yep it was that the lightning rod was a little too heavy all right but let’s fly onto the rocket let’s take a seat and we’re heading into space Oh yeah and this rocket should be able to take me anywhere because it’s a

    Lot bigger but it still sort of doesn’t look like a rocket it still looks like a bunch of redstone blobs just like pulling each other up and down so I want to improve it one more time uh there we go let’s first start with a piece of obsidian and an observer facing upwards

    Like this slime block some sticky pistons and this Rocky will be a little bit smaller but it’s going to look way more sci-fi and rockety if if that made any sense let’s grab some quartz blocks cuz they just look more fancier Rocketeer let’s place it right here and

    Here make a little rocket pod now let’s just place down a seat right here and I would say that looks way cooler than the other Rockets we built now let’s just activate this Observer by breaking this piece of obsidian and oh it’s leaving without me no take me to Mars with you

    Yeah our sci-fi rocket ship is working and this one is definitely my favorite because it it actually just looks cooler so yeah I’m going to go meet some aliens I’ll tell you if they’re cute or not all right next up is going to be something completely different the

    Aliens I met changed me I fell down from space and now I want to build something completely different I want to start working on the last thing which is going to be a train yep a working train the only train we know in Minecraft is just

    Some rails and a mine cart like look how boring this is look how slow you move too I can’t believe Minecraft has never added anything better than this so today we’re going to build a life-size scale version of this let’s first build a train track right here and now that we

    Have the track let’s start building a little train let’s grab my sticky pistons and my my slam block let’s put a sticky piston here slime block and do this little zigzag thing like that that’ll basically be the engine carrying the entire thing let’s put an observer a sticky piston some more slam blocks

    Let’s go up one and right here will be where the the the control for the train will be the driver’s seat so let’s put some slabs here and there we go no I’m just kidding I still need to build a few more things and the actual cargo let’s

    Just build everything else and see how it turns out oh I just realized I built this entire thing the wrong way come on man and okay there we go that’s better now let’s just add some trap doors along the train to make it look cooler and let’s build the rest of the

    Cargo all right now let’s add all the seats for the train where all my friends can sit and get a the air there we go and the train is ready to go let’s just grab my flint and steel where you at and hop on board let’s light up the engine

    And oh yeah the train is moving just imagine if I had friends in the back we got travel across the entire Minecraft world this is crazy oh we already reached the end of the world that was a fast Journey but yeah the train is definitely my favorite vehicle that I

    Built and it’s so simple and easy but since it’s my favorite I want to upgrade it one last time and make it way way bigger big enough to where I can literally walk inside of the train I’m going to need way more Redstone than what I currently have in my inventory

    Though do I have anything left um I got a bunch of sticky pistons another stack of observers and um no Pistons all right and I’m guessing nine slime blocks won’t be enough so let’s fly all the way to my slime Factory let’s grab some slime balls and craft some more slime blocks

    Let’s build this crazy train let’s first start by building a new set of rails for the train so this train is going to have two separate engines so it can go forward and backwards in between each gear we’re going to have a bunch of cargo to where I can actually walk

    Through them so let’s build that and now at the very end of the train let’s build another engine and I’ll push it the other way and here is the train it kind of doesn’t look like a train but it is absolutely massive like look at this I

    Can literally fly into here oh and build little rooms in here I can have a chest room a crafting room an enchanting room like this could be my base Moving On Wheels basically the only sad part is it just doesn’t really look like a train the rail cards do but uh everything else

    Kind of doesn’t it’s just a bunch of blobs of slime and and observers but I love how big it is okay let’s give this a try I have no idea if this is going to work or not so let’s hop into here this is the engine let’s grab a Terra Cotta

    Block and if I place a block right in the middle here it should start moving this entire thing here goes nothing oh my God we have a moving train that is so cool I can literally run inside of this train this is crazy oh I don’t oh I don’t know why the train

    Stopped What stopped the train um I have no idea what happened I don’t think that slime block was supposed to be there but let’s try to start the engine up again okay I think I broke the train it worked for a good 10 seconds I don’t know what

    Happened and I’m too dumb to tr shoot it and make it work again so hey at least we had a working train yes well that is every single moving vehicle built in Minecraft it’s crazy how far we’ve come in Minecraft where we can build moving Planes Trains cars boats helicopters and everything

    That was a lot of work so please subscribe bye-bye


    1. which vehicle was the coolest?!

      click for update:
      my next video comes out on jan 19th and its something completely different! it celebrates our 5 million subscriber milestone and the story gets pretty dark and sad… i literally cried as i wrote the script for the video and cry every time i read it. along with the video im also releasing custom 5 million subs posters that are all hand signed by me! so save up some coins if you're interested in an epic cookie army milestone poster! only available for the most loyal cookie soliders 🙂

      i'm also leaving for a month again to china from january 15 to february 15. we're finally visiting our family again! i'll be working very hard to try and have some videos to release while im gone. i'll still be uploading every other day on my roblox channel – CookieBlox

      ok thanks for reading lob u guyz <3

    2. I need to build something that will impress the aliens 👽- aCookieGod January 2024
      🍪❤️👽Cookie and an Alien are dating

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