Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Open United Kingdom Sloper Rd, Cardiff March 23, 2024

    Screen recorded and edited by: YGO duel replays

    Yet but it’ll be interesting to see because uh well I think plant is definitely going to be more um interested in winning this D compared to Sky Striker generally you’re U okay with a bunch of good Striker cards going second but seeing a lot of head shaking from thas here that’s a

    Serious hand that’s a serious face isn’t it like I didn’t look very happy with whatever’s going on yeah this is one of the uh reasons why I’ve never been super into plunt um it sometimes can lose to itself here oh okay well he’s that’s not too bad right we got princess well

    Actually it’s not exactly pedal so yeah mix it up there um it’s okay we’re going to go dry ass which doesn’t get a search cuz we didn’t use lokai material are we passing have you ever played with someone who just makes like does the biggest expression and then they just

    Have like the perfect hand after thinking for like five minutes going like deep in the tank what do I do this is awful and then oh that’s a very very good start we’ve got uh what is it MTI from the search here the search and the draw yeah there’s the king sarcophagus

    Being brought out of the deck here so hopefully uh we’ll see the Synergy soon because there’s there’s a lot of tech cards I suppose I want to say in Peter’s list here I mean you don’t really need that much Synergy if you just summon three big Horus monsters and attack your

    Opponent I mean there is that as well um yeah the I suppose Advantage quote unquote of Thomas is that the um the dry ass will be able to summon a monster so you can get the Healer and then get a little bit of life points back um I

    Suppose with the uh with the effect you might live this one out plus the princess I think um does it tribute any plant in a gate or does it only tribute a tribute what’s it called uh oh that’s a good question actually that might actually be kind of relevant here I mean

    Surely you would have negated the M that was possible you might need to control a RI monster Maybe use its effect something like that M sometimes it’s you you learn these things when you play a deck a lot that you you you know you know all of the ins and outs of it

    Whereas if you just play against the deck and your opponent always has everything up and active then you just see okay yeah he can use the princess but you have to know the deck properly to know whether when you can use in a situation like this or not oh dingu

    That’s a card you don’t see uh very often these days but one of the best rank eight protected monsters to be able to non-targeting send the card from the field to the grave but that’s going to be hit with an effect veiler uh interesting as well as you can kind of just oh

    Thrust but we can’t search a sky Striker I mean you can search a sky Striker engage but there’s a monster in our main monster zone so yeah it’s interesting we didn’t even put it in the uh extra monster Zone maybe doesn’t want to give away that there Striker cards in his deck I’m

    Sure Thomas is going to be very surprised when those get activated um I’m not sure if I quite like the uh dingu sending here I feel like just summoning all of your Horus monsters might have actually just been a simple way to try and force this out

    Well do you not survive because of dry ass though uh instant Fusion uh you might not actually right cuz uh can you bring back four Horus monsters is that four unique names that we have in circulation was it only three oh wow okay going for the um Maven uh something

    Magificent definitely not know the name of this card I know exactly what it does a level stats yeah okay offers you a level 10 Synchro and uh well bar on the floor that’s a good generic card here we get to activate the effect to destroy the dry ass do we have something else

    Here infinite impermanence I mean I think he’s Peter’s probably going to debate if like you just negate and destroy the imperm wonder if anyone’s ever like summoned Maven properly what are the materials is it two chinners probably I think it’s two chinners right yeah yeah polymerization for two chinners

    Interesting cuz I guess you summon it with uh what’s I can’t even remember the name the light and dark chaos Duality Duality that’s the one yeah yeah popularized by certain runic enjoyers at the last ycs so I don’t think uh Peter’s going into that Duality portion but I me he K he’s

    Probably got some lights and darks what is that I’m not sure uh a trap card is being activated oh humid winds ah okay so I think this like what does this do I think it gains life points or something um which I think is like super great but it’s

    Supposed to synergize with the rest of the uh the r cards sorry not the ri cards actually it’s Arrow Mages cuz um there is a decent amount of Arrow Mage and arrow merera in this uh in this deck list here utilizing a bunch of the support from Phantom nightmare so it’s

    Pay th000 you can add an aroma from your deck to your hand and if your life is lower you can gain five okay so it’s just a trap card search but I believe the logic with this thing is that it does trigger uh I think it’s Marge around the

    Synchro I mean I guess we were trying to figure out how to you know change up the deck list after some of the hits to the extra deck but this is the way yeah I mean they’ve got a bunch of cool new tools here they got the spell card I

    Wonder if we’re playing the uh taking a look at here yeah so this is a new one AR ralth Rosalina it’s a three of obviously didn’t open it because that would have been a very good way to start your uh your turn if you’re Thomas here

    But yeah looks like uh we’re just taking a bunch of uh damage and I think the did Peter just pass right surely the Trap is summoning it it didn’t doesn’t look like Peter’s passed no he’s still got a big battle pH to go does the human wins

    Summon it just adds right maybe it’s the Rosalina that summons itself okay interesting um so let’s uh have a look here and there a Rosina he has a quick effect to discard it and then Target a Roma monster that’s not it normal or special special tuner it’s literally

    Just tour guide for plant Monsters uh no I don’t think that would be being summoned here cuz we don’t have any Aroma monsters on the Feld here no there’s a talents being activated for Thomas so okay yeah must have passed back here but why why wasn’t there some

    Attacks good question cuz you can just attack directly if your opponent has a dras maybe Peter didn’t didn’t know how that work he misread the uh the card and how it works or maybe the life points haven’t been updated no there was no like motioning to attack was there I

    Think the uh I think the life points are just being updated now yeah so uh we’ve got the talents taking the and then can’t really do much as Peter just continues with a flip of a skill dra I guess um I don’t know why we’re preempting skill drain but sure I think

    I think he Dr us yeah yeah okay that’s going to be game all right let’s get back our players are ready once again let’s uh pay attention to Thomas’s uh very expressive face here based on his hand which uh he’s been pretty good at telling us how good his openings are

    Today okay well listen we can’t complain about that all right well pay attention everyone because this is the new plant combos post forbidden limited list I don’t think we’ve really seen this deck appear too much on the circuit over the last couple of months since then so

    It’ll be cool to see where we go from here oh did we open sewing huh that’s funny yeah and he only runs the one copy so I guess that is some of the reasons why people run more cards to kind of bury the cards that you don’t want to

    Draw deeper into your deck like sewing and humid winds yeah minimizing the uh number of engine requirements by playing more cards is usually a good way to like you know put the math in your favor here some decks do get weirdly more consistent the more cards you put in

    Them I want to say dragon link was a good example of that what do you think um I mean it depends what kind of cards you’re looking for it’s nice to have the extra resources in your deck and if you have a bunch of starter cards and it’s

    Doesn’t matter which one you draw then you might as well play more cards but often there are cards that are extremely powerful that you want to see as often as possible so like uh what’s the Quick Charge um quick launch quick launch that’s the one yeah so like that’s a

    Card that you really really want to see right so running 40 cards increases your Chan of drawing that so depends what you feel like is more consistent every dragon card just says special summon so I guess uh playing 20 more cards that say special summon buries the G uh the uh engine

    Requirements okay so this is where the combo gets a bit weird right because healer and dry ass are limited to one now so normally you trigger the effect of the um the Jasmine to search here by just going into a Healer and a dras again to get the search here but it

    Looks like from here you just have to Tribute with the Jasmine and then search for some other lifeo manipulation to get you the search and it looks like it’s going to be Laurel which is the arrow Mage monster which is um when it’s sent to the graveyard you

    Get to gain life points and then that in turn uh triggers the Jasmine on the field to get the search U so I’m curious to see what you make I mean do you maybe just make a second Jasmine you get two searches like that it’s not once per

    Turn which is is it not once per turn no it’s really really crazy that way but we’ll see if uh that’s what he goes for yeah double Jasmine all right that makes sense no disruption from Peter here so yeah if this is the full plant combo

    Then it’ll be cool to see what exactly this actually ends on cuz this is two searches I think one of them is definitely going to be Lily boria and probably where you bridge in all sorts of different engines of uh the various plant decks like the uh like R but

    There’s also Arrow Mages you know maybe we’ll see um a way to get to dry winds and margar are we even playing margar actually I’ve been saying this a lot actually we got to ailith Magnolia in the extra deck and a ro M down makes a lot of sense to search

    All of your well search your Rick Field spell and then maybe you get some more plants that way cuz you can set a Ricochet but I I don’t know what the Aram mes do yeah I want to say the arrow mes maybe offer more like starters and extenders rather than endfield pieces

    But we’ll see I mean Thomas is uh going through the motion of that singular lokai by the way remember that this is all we started with and we’re doing all of this so that’s really cool little boria is summoned here um by just well Target a plant in the graveyard equips

    It then specials then you can send it get the Coliseum the Coliseum now allows you to get another theion card that’s going to be the regulus uh and from here you just get the uh Lily boria into the graveyard probably by linking into the link 3 um

    Son Avalon whose name I’m forgetting you can also just tribute it for Mudan right yeah I can do that as well yeah that’s what he’s doing and now Madan on summon searches a r spell and trap so you can get glamour you can get Kong well I guess Kong gets you the

    Glamour but you know if you draw one or the other then there’s also that option as well just for extra extra materials extra extensions he’s going through this pretty quick Thomas he knows what’s going on yeah it is uh just a plant deck how many engines and archetypes have we seen

    So far will we see more also uh this is where the regulars comes down so any any type of disruption like an airu would be have to be used here as the last opportunity cuz now we are perfectly insulated from any further disruptions with the regulus being on the field now

    New Field spell being activated don’t you just love Decks that cycle through multiple field spells in a turn you like doing that does it remind you of ancient fairy dragon which has recently come off the Forbidden limited list but no one seems to be playing it oh you are old

    Tom I was referring to like Visa star Frost and scare claw and karium no I’m like you summon ancient fairy dragon you a dragon’s Ravine you destroy it you search another dragon’s Ravine yeah that’s uh that’s also available I guess if you want to play that here’s glamour which is going to uh

    Tribute a plant here and I think you add two now and this gets you the special summon I think prola and probably princess as well so it’s just even more waste of special summon so we set glamour instead of sheet correct yeah he must be activate that glamour okay interesting that’s really

    Interesting yeah no because I guess you don’t get sheet like this if you’d set sheet sheet would be set so yeah it feels like a bit like I don’t know if this is the standard combo then why even play sheet I’m sure there’s like reasons for this that

    There’s probably ways to get to both anyway cuz she is just really really really good right because it’s a tribute of your opponent’s monster for cost and the mind control for the turn like it can be understated just how powerful that is yeah I mean I guess you’re

    Already using the tribute with the princess um being in the in the grave hopefully okay doesn’t overlay the prilla here uh oh okay this is the new link uh nink it’s the arrow Mage um I think this is Magnolia let me just have a double check

    Of this effect here because this is uh pretty relevant I do know that it has a good effect I think it like it just summons um monsters from the hand here so it’s requires two plants and if it’s special you can add an aroma card um and I think that’s the that’s

    The the level one Aroma we’re adding here and if you gain life points even during the damage step you can special up to three Aromas from your hand to zones this points to and and more effects we got three here you can tribute this tribute a card at points to

    And then Target a card in the field to banish it and then gain a th000 so it’s a good little removal tool going second but I think at some point here we’re probably going to try and summon out these monsters here how did we get the

    Uh what is that the main deck Jasmine into the graveyard uh looked like it was sent from the link oh okay um well adds one from deck to hand here so I’m not sure how we put it in the graveyard but um maybe something tributed it okay interesting it’s interesting that

    It says like even during the damage step because I’ve never seen a card say that I’ve only ever seen card say except during the the damage tab yeah well new directions and Horizons are opened up for these Aroma spell car uh Link monsters oh okay cool we’re going to go

    For dance Pion we didn’t use the uh special summon effect of Magnolia we’re actually just using it as a as a search there hits a Lily boria and oh that’s a mner I was confused for a second it’s the alt art yeah yeah different art sometimes can be

    A bit bit confusing okay it summons any plants right it doesn’t have to hit I guess doesn’t if if it had to hit silens that would probably not be very good so yeah you kind of forget it’s a silven link monster yeah for some reason I

    Thought it was a RI one for a minute but no it’s it’s a silven I guess it makes sense cuz svens are built around like ordering the top of your deck um Thomas has done a lot of hand head shaking right now so I think we we may have potentially stumbled with our

    Combo line here a third Jasmine a third Jasmine interesting anything’s possible now all right so we’re using the uh what’s her name again uh the new one uh from the hand here uh Rosalina yep and we’re activating the effect to I think this just gains life points

    When you target Aroma and then this triggers the new Jasmine and Jasmine is going to get another search I guess maybe what we just go for a snow drop here and that’s going to give you a rank eight with any other plant in your hand probably this is like yeah it’s quite

    Interesting to see a combo that ends you on 12,000 life points I’ve not not really seen many people that interested in gaining so many life points before H well that’s kind of like the uh whole point of the of the the the the deck I guess the theme is like lifeo manipulation which

    Uh you know is the behind it yeah it means you can start paying life for balans or whatever um I’m just like we’re sorry we’re we’re just kind of double-checking some of the actions here so I’m not sure if that Rosalina should have worked that way with the uh with the

    Jasmine okay so the Rosina did Target the Jasmine discarding itself from the hand gain the life points got the search from the Jasmine I think it’s all in order yeah what was the what’s the issue there um no I don’t know it’s fine I think okay this feels a lot like the normal

    More R from before but with a lot of extra steps this feels like very familiar but somehow there were many many more steps to get to this point in 57 cards as well of course yeah so we got ly and I think that’s what’s the most important part

    Here look how many life points we managed to gain 11.9 this deck is not having any issues in uh in time is it no definitely not I mean not that the match is you know Rick is quite quick as isn’t it cuz you you do your combo and then

    You don’t often have that much kind of back and forth with Rick be interested to see what Peter makes of this so we’ve got the princess in the grave that you need to remember because it’s very sneaky sometimes the Balan bounce we did did we link with the

    Um the Lily borer summoned off of Dance Pon I can’t remember whether it was linked yeah cuz you actually can’t link summon using the monster brought out of the deck with the dance Pion oh what was hit the Lily Bera yeah so what did we do we went into

    Magnolia for dance Pion dance Pion summoned Lily boria and then we linked Lily boria into the okay spear um hopefully we can get a pause on this soon just to try and fix this but I mean it looks like the players are just playing through pza is going full steam

    Ahe all right I mean you you don’t tribute my monsters I tribute your monsters that’s uh and he’s searing engage what a hero oh I’ll art engage of course by the way is he got he’s only got two spells though uh we do apologize this is a bit of

    A okay all right well it look we’re just getting confirmation that we’re just playing from here so okay all right we’ll just we’ll just continue this is like one power spell after another and he’s going to follow this up with engage like this is what being a

    Sky Striker player is all about just activating these like bomb normal spell cards what do we add here oh it’s Hornet drones oh we don’t play Ray well he’s already used his normal summon right so Ray would be not super helpful well as some people would say I love

    Ray Sky Striker acce Ray There is uh unfortunately no way to play it in this deck as you mentioned it’s just too many normal summons uh so we’re instead going to what is that is that Rainbow Bridge that is a Rainbow Bridge yeah amazing so can I was wondering what the Crystal

    Beast rainbow dragon was there for but you know when you’re playing like a combo deck right and you just like are sitting there comboing forever and your opponent’s just sitting there like yep you keep going it’s like the most terrifying thing ever it’s like why are why are they don’t seem like

    Phased what do they have well apparently it’s a sphere mode into talents into uh you know thrusts what activated the the talent the thrust effect yeah what activated the thrust I think it was one of the Grave effects of the materials oh no I think regular activated when he used

    Lightning storm yeah all right okay yeah there you go yeah that works out Rainbow Bridge of Salvation I didn’t even notice what field spell we added by the way I think mosum of the emperor maybe mosum yeah oh no oh no oh we got shark Cannon as well that’s

    Pretty cool M I’m not super helpful when You’ already used your normal summon I can take regulus I guess that’s that’s actually really cool you can keep it on the field here maybe you go for Zeke as well banishing the uh is that mosum that

    Is not mosum is there a new mosum I mean he had it might just be a different art for mosum but I don’t know is that a thing different artwork model oh no there’s King sarcophagus yeah yeah okay no there’s a new um sorry there’s a there’s a field spell

    For King sarcophagus I think that fetches you a king sarcophagus stone wall let’s have a look stone wall is uh exactly what it’s called here no can’t seem to find it just now maybe it’s walls of the Imperial to well anyway we’ve got the uh we’ve got the regular

    Of uh the shark Cannon there and we’ve also got the king sarcophagus being activated onto the field discarding and the question is how do you get rid of sphere mode yeah I always think that cuz it can’t be attacked or targeted right you don’t really just want to pass

    In this situation so um dingu ah that works I mean you’re probably not too worried anyway about a spar mods um unless your opponent’s actually playing ra which by the way Thomas does have a lot of life points potentially to pay for ra um I like that but but the uh the

    Hard part’s been done you know yeah I mean you want to get rid of the the Kong Kong ideally but yeah the Kong Kong feels a little bit redundant at this point right so I don’t know if he’s going to be able to do 12,000 damage like 8,000 damage is one thing

    But 12,000 is a lot although he has so many cards because of his uh multiple engages and talents it’s so weird because when you get through a combo deck like this there’s just not a lot of room left for or I suppose there’s just not a lot of uh clap back right because

    You’ve exhausted most of your extra deck at that stage you know all of those limitations that we mentioned in the uh forbid Limitless coupled with all of your you know boss monsters like the uh the queen like the bangal Lancer like they’ve all been gone through so and three Jasmine by the

    Way is Magnolia dark I guess yeah it looks it looks dark okay dark plants that’s just uh a terrifying thought I suppose but we’ve got Seline being summoned here and I think there’s more than three spells in the grave yeah those power spells put in so much work I

    Do love in a a going second deck like this I don’t really feel like it’s the format for it but hey I mean it’s uh it’s working out pretty well here was just laughing as his last card is swiftly taken care of oh yeah another

    Power spell how did we negate it oh was that a yeah that’s really funny that’s not a great card I feel in this situation is it well it worked out I just think like call by going second into plants doesn’t seem ideal but I mean yeah it’s worked

    Out pretty well um can you destroy sparm modes I know it can’t be targeted but be targeted yeah so you might be fine oh okay um we’ve made an illegal action it looks like well can you not use access code plus what do we do here oh we got to

    Rewind what are we doing here oh whoa okay whoa neither of them are Dark is it uh where are we going back to here maybe he’s just showing the judge what happened oh okay yeah and then the dark brings back the um Magnolia and then we have the body from

    The Horus to give you access code yeah this this all seems fine yeah that feels like the same steps that were taken before so access code is what 5,000 53 plus 28 is 8,000 and then a couple of Horus monsters Bing Bong boom that’s a lot of damage that’s

    Terrifying we are literally a ging through 11.9 that’s crazy that’s that’s yep oh okay we’re going to count it just in case I can promise you this is more than 12,000 Tas yeah that’s uh that’s a here I tried to torrential a Horus field the sh can’t attack but yeah um

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