#aquabike #jetski #watersport

    Welcome to the opening round of the uim ABP Aquabike world championship this is the Grand Prix of Ben Den our first time ever in Vietnam and what an incredible place we are here this afternoon I hope you’ve got some snacks refreshments and a good seed in the house because you’re

    About to get some of the best racing ever around the world we are starting with the first set of motos right here right now for the Aquabike World Series opener I cannot express enough how very beautiful Kenan has been to us this incredible city right here in benden

    Only one of 58 provinces around Vietnam by the way one of the major reasons I love Vietnam they are the second largest coffee producer in the world and if you don’t love them for anybody else you definitely got to love them for that they have amazing coffee I think I’ve

    Had 15 different types already this afternoon so thank you for joining us and we’re going to show you around some of the most incredible places in in just a moment today this afternoon here’s what it’s going to look like on the schedule we’ve got the lady ski first Moto then

    We’re going to have ski gp1 and then Runabout gp1 but first let’s show you some of these incredible places in Vietnam the Buddhist temple this is Asia’s largest tallest Buddha statue you’re looking at Kao Island and hongo Beach e yah cape and also a beach that means the windy straight this is the

    Golden Buddha nap high it’s a monastery with two sides Maria a memorial and beautiful location Azure colored skies and water incredible beaches incredible coastlines and an agricultural based Community with seafood and Fisheries rice patties as I mentioned coffee production and temples after temples after temples to include

    Lan pakota and the Chom towers that is long son this incredible church and then of course our hometown right here in Kyan in benden District of Vietnam and that’s our home for the next couple of days as we get ready to go and speaking of getting ready to go I have an

    Incredible guest that is joining me this is his first time on the aquab bike uh World Championship tour the one and only Toshi Ohara AKA Samurai how are you sir hi yeah it’s SC good it’s great to have you how did you feel today in qualifying

    And in practice uh I got the nin on Q2 so uh I I need a tough tough work for the race yeah gave yourself a little bit of a job this afternoon yeah but I’m exciting yeah I’m excited for you how’ you feel on the track ah it’s

    Huge it tired good answer yeah good answer good answer my friend uh so Toshi how many years have you been racing uh almost almost I think 15 or 16 years long time so I heard that you got a lake built and you now have a jet ski

    Uh Academy for kids in Japan yeah tell me about that uh so at the college uh I was uh uh studying about a lot so uh I’m trying to teach the kids also in Japan we need a license for the riding JZ ski so uh I need to tell how to training the

    Also how to ride the JZ Kei so uh yeah I know I should do a lot I am so I would love to be sorry I’m not I’m not good at English no you’re doing great at English don’t you worry you’re better at English than I am doing in English uh Toshi I

    Tell you what if I was a kid I would love to be able to ride from a legend just like you we’ll be right back right after this we’ll talk a little bit more about Toshi okay you cannot imagine how much work it was so close I cannot prescribe it it

    Was amazing it’s going to be super tight we’re all side by side so it’s all about the last Moto the uim ABP Aquabike World Championship kicks off the 2024 season by plunging into the stunning shores of Queen one nestled in the province of bindin in central Vietnam for the first time in

    History and the race is on buy storms out into the lead after the flag drop holy that actually wiped out Yas what a massive Upset Don’t miss the action-packed weekend as the Grand Prix of bendin Vietnam unfolds from March 22nd to March 24th welcome back to uh Kenan and benden District you’re are watching the uim ABP Aquabike World Championship uh Grand opener this is going to be a big shootout and I’m here with Toshi Ohara

    Aka the samurai who is just about to make his way to the water uh you’re here with your daughter oh yes and what is her name yuku and how old is she uh still one8 months is she pretty excited to see your dad race I think so that is

    So cool and Toshi what are you racing this afternoon uh the ski gp1 and oh I’m in what kind of boat uh the pro 3.0 from yeah from Pro watercraft racing yeah and how do you like that uh it’s it’s really good really stable good looked amazing

    You looked good in in slalom as well oh yeah but uh I got a fif so I didn’t cify that’s okay that’s all right you’re still doing good but it is a first time so it’s okay yeah it is okay you’re just you’re are you going to be doing the

    Whole tour oh yeah sure oh awesome yeah all right ladies and Gentlemen please be sure and uh reach out to Toshi Ohara one of our fantastic Riders good luck this afternoon we’ll see you on the water in just a little bit thank you so much you’re welcome Bud good luck yeah

    Thanks all right we’re down and staging ladies and gentlemen as we get ready to go and uh you I’ve got some of our great photographers getting lined up that’s Simon pal fre who’s going to be out and then also aric who’s already punking me with some crazy pictures whatever he’s

    Giving me a hard time uh listen as we look out over the water you can see these young ladies as they get ready as you know when we do the motos we always do the parade lap first and that is the Parade of Nations coming at you

    Get a good shot of our crowds there as we get ready and Benedict D Sophie borgstrom River Varner joining us for the very first time Joanna graa Naomi benini Yasmin eow Lisa cassan battalia Yanina Johansson Estelle Pare Elli Orton doall and Jessica sioban and that is a studded and packed crew as we

    Get ready and as you can see they’re all getting the flags including the flag from the US Sweden Italy France Estonia Monaco just to name a few even Denmark and Portugal will be represented today on the Parade of Nations let’s do a recap of what happened this

    Morning in the very first uh qualifier It was uh Yasmine eow actually Yasmine eow nailed it both in the first and the second qualifiers with the uh fastest time Yas Meine in the first qualifier had a 155 163 and then in the second qualifier her best lap was 155 719 guess who was right behind her Jessica sioban both times

    Jessica in the first qualification had a 1575 two in the second qualification she got faster with a 155 951 guess who was in third Estelle Pare both times she had a 159 094 in the first qualification and in the second one she had a 158 689 and Benedict ad Dr

    And Sophie borkstrom in both the qualifiers were fourth and fifth respectively let’s talk about the final here’s the overall qualification Resort results it’ll be asby neow with the poll position position followed by Jessica Siobhan in second Estelle Pere will be third Benedict J will be fourth and Sophie borgstrom all will be going

    Towards the green buoy or the very first uh series of cans there’s green yellow and red and that one through five they’ll be going to the green 6 through 15 will be going to the yellow and then anything above uh 16 will be going on the

    Reds Naomi benini will be on the pull position on the yellow buoy uh Yanina Hansen next to her Joanna graa River Varner and Lisa cassan battalia now Elli Orton doll had a DQ in uh the qualification and that is under protest she didn’t go back to uh Tech inspection

    I think is what I heard on that so uh she did protest that by the way if you do a protest you do have to put up money and if you don’t win that money is forfeit so uh hopefully she’s able to get that result and uh be able to get

    Her points but right now emell Orton doll is under a dsq we’ll see how that works out let’s talk slom since we’re going to have slalom this evening who took the fastest time well that would be yasi neow but guess who got second the minion Sophie borgstrom

    Got the second fastest time Benedict a Dr was just a smidge off of that so let me give you the times Jasmine had a 33257 Sophie borgstrom had a 34501 and then benedicte drunch had a 34516 0 600s of a second is all that mattered that was all the difference

    Estelle Pere had a 1 three or excuse me had 35 35 second. 738 she’s in fourth and Joanna carasa had the fifth best this time with a 35903 all right you guys there is the setup as we get ready for slom you see Joanna graa there in the screen And they are just getting them staged right Now Just getting these R guys ready to Go again you’re watching the uh Parade of Nations get started and this is going to be our first Moto of the day with ladies ski GP I want to thank you so much for joining us on the live stream Mia head actually saying are you

    With or are you at home oh I’m actually Here oh thank you so much Aon the US ambassador for the US uh Mark Napper is here and yes I would love to interview him and thank you so much Aon Aaron Bassam was uh up here with us earlier today along with Anthony ratch in fact

    We had a whole group of people up here interview and it was fantastic hopefully Kylie Elmer will be able to come back and join us this afternoon last I checked that uh sneaky girl was back at the hotel chilling out with some air conditioning and I will say I can

    Understand why it has been smoking hot both on and off the water uh we’re looking at about uh 88° this afternoon the humidity is what will get you though it’s about 7% humidity right now very humid out here and if it’s uh tough on the production

    Crew and us it is got to be even that much harder for the Riders so they are dealing with tough conditions as well as a very star studded group of riders that they’re going to be going up against there’s been a dict drach as we get

    Ready they’re going to do the Parade of Nations and she’s aboard that fast Power Sports boat she has been so happy with that boat jet Zone has been working with her for all the mechanic work there’s em andell Orton all supporting for Sweden and we are underway with our very first paraded

    Nations again Norway Sweden US Portugal Italy Estonia Monaco France all out on the Water right now there’s the Estonian flag going by that’s yasm they’re moving so fast even in the parade it’s hard to keep up with them just getting a rocking and sure enough my good buddy Kylie Elmer I

    Finally got her out of the hotel I actually busted you just so you know I’ll wait till she gets the gets the uh headphones on but I was telling everybody you were chilling back at the hotel I mean look I don’t blame you it is so hot and humid here it is

    Hot and humid girl I definitely took the break I don’t blame you I don’t blame you I would too uh right now we’re doing something that you have done many times how hard is it to ride with one of those flags stuffed in the back of your life

    Jacket it um can be quite tricky and it depends on the tune of you ski too because you know race boats aren’t designed to go at the speed which is too slow right yeah too slow for you and so quite often you you’ve got the

    Engine you got to kind of burp it over and over again yeah and and that’s kind of where the ski plays up a lot because the ski isn’t tuned to be doing this yeah and of course it’s not like you got time to go on and rechange the tune and

    Then go back out so yeah it is it is a little bit um tricky is it exciting though to be able to represent your your country like that yeah I mean I guess in the first few years I was a little bit um so so on

    It and and and it’s probably more on my behalf because back then we didn’t have a federation so I was I was um gladly and really appreciative of being sponsored by Russia at the time yeah I can of understand so yeah so so having other countries back you and things and

    You’re like well you you do appreciate it and you use their Flags so what I then as I started to sort of like be learn more and the older you get more maor like you work out like it is really cool yeah I can imagine but I mean it’s

    So much fun to uh see these different individuals out here representing countries that they you know come from and I I have to say I had no idea how powerful the Scandinavian countries really were until I saw Jana borgstrom and Sophie borom for the first time and

    They were Juniors so to see them come on this well and then now we have even more from Scandinavia Norway Etc they are such a great bunch of girls oh and they all get along together they’re fighting for position they’re pushing through and the whole lot of them are really lovely

    They train together they run together they they absolutely really enjoy each other’s company but they love to race and and they’re amazing to watch coming through they’re very strong they are yeah they really are very fast Benedict D of course Yanina Johanson who’s really come up I had so much fun watching her

    At the Nordic championship last year take the win and run about GP run about too oh yeah she did amazing she was so fun that was cool to watch I’m loving watching her come on she’s getting better and better in stand up but uh her love for sure she’s hot in Runabout of

    Course her brother races Runabout too absolutely and and being someone myself that races both um classes I really enjoy watching you watching someone come through that is doing both look at this insane crowd I looked at this granden stand yesterday and I was shocked at how

    Big it is but they are filling this puppy up and we’re not even really started I want to talk a little bit about too these guys are going to be starting on the dock a pontoon start that is even more tricky the uh holders are actually standing up behind them

    Holding ropes and there is a timing sequence that they let go of the Rope or the rope breaks away Kylie tell me more that’s correct they uh have a system where the the Rope uh Loops through the back of the bow and the every ride has

    Been sent out where the BWI need to be the the loops need to be for the Rope to slide through okay and they’ve U managed to practice this at different times make sure that everybody is aware and knows how to do it and and then a lot of it is

    Um the rider has to be consistent on the throttle so that to not pull the Rope through the holder’s hands because the holder is holding it and like normally when you’re on a on a standing start the the holder is standing they’re holding the boat back this time they’re holding

    The Rope so you need a good synchronization between the Rider and the holder yeah well said thank you for the debrief on how to handle one of these pawn two starts you’re watching these guys in the lineup and uh em andell there on the outside and Adrien Busan I loved your

    Comment Let’s Go Girls Too Much friend to support the better win cuz or she’s got too many friends on the line that’s fantastic that is absolutely true you hey we got Tony B in the house from jet trim or excuse me jet tribe I said jet

    Trim ah well it was funny cuz Anthony said it earlier and then I picked it up so great to have you here Tonyo actually is from Vietnam so you probably have more uh more Roots here and more feedback on where to hang out than any of

    Us City my hood is actually what you City I like that my hood he calls it my hood so uh hoi Min City it is uh so if I had to spend three days here where would you tell me to go you know what I’m probably the wrong person to ask I’m

    Extremely boring I work and I sleep and that’s about it all right once again all right so you guys we are uh ready to go here on that starting grip and again the ladies in order Yasmin PR has got the bll position and Jessica Siobhan is going to

    Be right next to her Estelle Pare also in that first five Benedict Dr and Sophie borgstrom aka the minion all a part of that uh first grouping that’s going to be a heck of a good start and you’re just looking down on that line up right now there Jasmine e on boat number

    64 and again she’s going to have the poll as we get ready to go I love how Kylie gave us the uh rundown on what that start is going to be like you’re joining us here in kunan a beautiful location extremely Diversified though they have mountains Forest Hills Fields salt marshes Plains

    Lagoons lakes rivers Shoreline peninsulas islands and uh coffee just amazing amazing coffee so uh ehigh known as the windy pass also one of the great locations ehigh actually uh is a natural Rocky structure you saw that in the postcard just one of the cool places that you can

    Visit visitors can also explore the remnants of the shampa Kingdom at site such as Bond towers and D long towers and we are getting ready to go here in just a minute on the starting grip very intense I would say outside of qualifying the starts in these motos to

    Me would be the most nerve-wracking Kylie definitely once they start handing the flag back in they’re already thinking about it while they’re representing their uh their countries and and going that around there with their Flags once they start handing the flags back in they know now they’re

    About to start and that’s when the nerves start so they’re sitting there now waiting and and just waiting because everything is on time so they pretty much know the countdown oh yeah I do love the schedule how everybody sticks very tightly to the schedule uh Marco

    Petrini is our race director and he is on point when it comes to the timing and today it’s even more critical if you can imagine and they’re just doing a quick light test here for the starting grid as well it’s uh L FTE our uim commissioner out there holding that light system in

    The water electricity and water that ought to be interesting at least he’s on a boat they’ve given him a platform that’s right I to make you sit on a ski and do that that’s what would happen at home that would not be ideal as they say um yeah so about now while they’re

    Watching and waiting they’re taking in now what’s happening with the light testing unfortunately at the moment we don’t have a camera on that to see how that’s working but yeah it’s just about halfway between the first buoy where that uh light system is so I’d say it’s

    About 40 m 50 m off of that start where the light meters are you can see some of the VIP seiling actually this is the media building that you’re looking at right now and then just off to uh the opposite side of that is the massive

    Stage where we’ll be doing um our award ceremony but it’s also been the site for a ton of activities and entertainment and Ladies and Gentlemen We have got the engine started and ready to go with this first Moto right here in q9 and Luca fili berte is getting that

    System uh lighted and you can see Elli kind of perched on the back and that’s how they’re having to handle it look at the holders making sure that those boats are right and I could hear him firing off and actually Yas Meine eow did not get the fastest start on

    That which kind of surprising Benedict d looks hot Jessica Shain is pushing out yeah Jessica Sian was incredibly close as uh we were looking at the qualifying and it is Jessica Siobhan currently in the lead as they hit that backstretch yasm eow in second El stelle

    Pare is putting pressure on yasm and eow blows wide on that turn coming into uh the split section let’s see what happens Yasmine Coes to the inside and it’s going to be Jessica sioban on the outside split as these two match up and come onto the front stretch it looks

    Like Estel pre also going to the outside and as we take a look at the inside yby NE all alone at the moment Sophie BS her follows her whole shot goes to Jessica Siobhan Yas PR in second Estelle Pare in third Sophie borom in fourth Benedict dra in fifth emell Orton

    Doll in Sixth and Nina Johanson seventh Naomi bonini in eighth place River Varner is uh having problems with the boat she’s got her hand up in the air Lisa cassan battalia is going to be ninth and River Barner is having problems under the hood that ladies and gentlemen is your

    Start a little recap on that I don’t know klie I felt like I don’t know if Yasmine was asleep or just didn’t react as quick it’s really hard to get start straight I mean she’s had practice at it and she knows it but um you only have to

    Be a fraction off and that’s that’s going to cost like just cuz she just jumped out of that start she was on the money man unbelievable Ryan Cera joining us Aquabike is the best compos competition we agree oh my Lord this was amazing Queen young is the uh host of this incredible

    Race and there’s Benedict d as we get underway and we’ll get timing after this first lap so benedicte you know I caught up with her got a chance to talk to her in the pits and also at the writers meeting she is on fire this year Kylie

    She’s got a second she wants a win absolutely she is chasing and she’s trying to work out how to get that and that’s part of it is you got to work out in your brain how to win yeah it’s not just horsepower and it’s not just hitting the throttle there’s so much

    Going on and so much strategy this is a whole another level of strategy in the women’s racing absolutely it is I’ve just been so impressed with her by the way Benedict dra is sponsored by Jet Pilot blogan Yamaha Bergen uh slon Electro jet trim I’m going to give her

    Jet tribe sponsorship as well just so I can give an extra plug for Tony fast Power Sports uh she’s also helped out a tremendous amount by qb1 racing and Jet Zone jet ski parts and there goes Jessica sioban and let’s take a look at oh no time yet

    Waits for it I keep forgetting the checkered buoys are to the left of us yes they are I’m so used to having them right in front of me I know that’s uh I have to wait now and I don’t like waiting no I’m not not a waiter you’re

    Not a wait yeah you’re definitely not a waiter 15433 for Jessica Siobhan as we get our first laps underway 15695 for Yasmine ow in second and let’s see what Telle comes in uh a 2. slap 13 six and Benedict D at 2011 944 so y Del

    Pare back in third and benedicta Dr in fourth Sophie borgstrom in fifth with a respectable 208 034 and emell ort doll with a 206 actually faster lap time than Sophie borom so she’s going to put some pressure on Sophie here pretty quick big shout out for Sophie borst man

    What a hero I know she’s coming back amazing she really two surgeries massive surgeries on her wrist to uh do corrections she had some real problems with those and uh to be able to come back and Rehab she looked really great last year at the Nordic championship and

    I’m astounded at how well she’s been writing out here today she’s yeah absolutely fantastic I think she’s she’s since her surgery she is uh improved every single race meeting improved and she is on the March slowly but surely because rehab takes a long time it doesn’t just happen yeah as much as we

    Wish it would absolutely um just for those who aren’t aware when River she came through she indicated to her crew she lifted her hand up coming down the Front Street here but um under the regulation she’s not allowed to go straight back to the wet pit area she

    Has to follow the course and then come off the course at a certain part they they have a exit procedure and an entry procedure and she has to follow that so she can’t just come straight in and chop buoys ah interesting because you know in other division she’s able to do that so

    Again the uim rules and bike rules very very strict that could incur a penalty for her Kylie thanks for the update there’s yasm eow who’s running in second let’s talk writing styles Jessica Siobhan drops incredibly low she is almost riding on the side of that tray

    Setting up the turn and then yasmi and eow who is a very physical Rider she drops down but she stays in that racer Crouch a little bit more thoughts absolutely the um okay let’s just go back a few hundred years nearly no no but uh okay you look at um some Styles

    Like chrism luggage sorry buddy um are you going a dog on Chris no no but um a very low very fast race style and um Yasmin is a very low very fast race style you know you can look at the different Riders over the years and you

    Can see the types of riders and the type of style that they have and you can compare them to the different to the different builds you’re still chuckling at yourself there Ryland Webster saying let’s go Jessica and uh tiger tan the boat launch area is a bit narrow yeah it is it’s

    Very very technical you’re watching Elli Orton doll uh the young lady that actually came into this with a disqualification she’s uh was protesting that because she didn’t get a chance to go back to Tech I’m not sure how that’s uh going to work but oh yeah River

    Varner is still uh having some challeng ches and she is cruising around the course now where is she able to exit the course if she needs to um she did exit the course in the correct position which is at the start Finish Line there she she needs to go past the start Finish

    Line and then pull off to the left and come back and and keep on the correct side of some buoys okay um however if she can’t fix the boat she’s allowed to she herself is allowed to touch the boat but not the mechanic they can tell her

    What to do then she may reenter the the track in the correct position from there she has to complete 60% of the course and cross the finish line to get points for this Moto no and that is desperately important right if you’re going to run a big long tour like this every Point

    Counts Jessica Siobhan on lap number two had a uh 2.0 105 not beating her best lap which is the 15433 that was laid down on the lap number one but right now she’s running very consistent young lady keeping pressure on her in second is yasmi E prous on the Dark Horse that’s

    The name of that boat Yas Meine with a 15695 but her last lap was a 20328 so ch2 has slowed up just a little bit with the rougher conditions absolutely the first lap lap and a half is a Sprint and from there they settle in yeah settle in

    Is a is a exactly what you uh would call that I appreciate you sharing Jessica Siobhan your defending world champion let’s talk a little bit about uh all of the accomplishment she was a grand sued Champion in 2014 two-time World Champion uh two time Vice world championship by

    The way her first world championship was right before the dreaded Co conversation that happened in Kuwait in February and two weeks later they shut that airport down in that whole area right after we left it’s a very uh fascinating deal but the kwait was where she took her first

    World championship and a beautiful job and then of course last year was just a was just a lesson in Perfection she was finessing she rode strong thoughts she looked great and uh if I remember correctly Yas Meine and Jessica came into that right down to the very last

    Moto they were both very very close and pushing each other well talking about pushing emell Orton doall just overtook Sophie borgstrom on lap number three let’s do the rund down Jessica Siobhan uh leading with that 15433 start that was wicked Yas meow second Estelle Pare in third Benedict ad in fourth and emell

    Ort doall now up in fifth Sophie in sixth yanini o Hansen very respectable running in seventh Lisa cassad battalia N and Naomi benini our other newcomer on this one is in ninth Joan grassa in 10th and River Varner is just playing praying that boat stays together and interestingly enough um River needs to

    Do 60% and she’s two laps down at this stage oh man so she’s got to get through a few more laps sun is a factor in the afternoon it’s about uh 3 20ish this afternoon as we H get these motos going and as that Sun starts to

    Drop down you can already see the glare on the waters and that has an impact on these Riders they H change goggles a lot of them going with those darker Shades so that they can get a little bit bitter visibility yeah I tend to in this light

    Maybe use an amber color yeah does that help yeah it does actually it can blocker some of the lot but it also gives you Clarity wow this young lady good grief Jessica sioban so many Kudos your direction she rides her team pastorello um she has been for the last several

    Years in 2012 she finally got some sponsors to help her start competing and I would say that was when her game took off uh she’s was on a 1500 sxr but now team pistella has really been helping around as well her and her partner have pushed so hard that they they have

    Managed to come through on their own privately and and push and you know what an awesome team to have step up and help you pastor’s team is is an amazing team and that is that has really happed it not to not to take away from Jessica as

    Well she has put in the hard yard she has done the work she really has luron actually her partner who Kylie was uh referring to Y and 26 still just chugging along river Varner by the way um a shout out to her she actually broke all the

    Records on Pro Rider magazine did you see that she was on the cover of pro Rider in a bikini so there you go if uh you are so inclined I would suggest maybe taking a look but uh the guys Michael ran is amazing mom who do that

    Uh magazine we’re talking about they had the best views and the best shares ever in Pro riter magazine and River Varner of course being a part of that it’s great to have her out here that’s amazing yeah she’s pretty cool did you know she’s fired up her Instagram she

    Has over 250k followers wow that’s amazing she’s a good she’s a good lady absolutely especially with all the training and all the work going in and then being able to do that as well as everything else she’s got going on in her life it takes a lot she’s a full

    Package she truly is speaking a full package is em andell Orton doll you’re watching that signature head Bob she looks like a bobble doll out there but do not let that relaxed view fool you this young lady has dozens of uh podiums in fact I was just going to try to chase

    Down her pedigree here for you just so you can get a sense of it 22 aquab bite podiums 10 first 10 seconds 2/3 10 time Swedish Champion 14 time world champion Elli Orton doll as uh she completes another lap and she is still in fifth at last time of 205 394 just as

    A IFI on the last lap yes uh Yasmin was half a second faster than Jessica chain and they are pushing Yasmin is on the March she’s dropped back a little bit this here with some lap Riders but um she is going to continue to push this all the way

    Through yeah I suspect based on watching the slalom and the qualifications today she has definitely uh pointed out strategically and psychologically she came to play that boat by the way came from Indonesia like a lot of these boats Anthony was talking about that earlier but quite a few of these Riders are

    Going to have new boats for obia and uh uh Yasmin is one of them she got a brand new boat by the way you want to join in on the poll for Yasmine eow she also has really lit up her social feed this year

    Uh she even opened up team 64 so you can check that out giving you all the team news and the Vlogs that she’s doing but she’s got a brand new boat and a pole you got an opportunity to be a part of the naming process right now foxy seems

    To be winning I told her she should change it to feisty because she is one Rowdy girl absolutely she’s definitely good good people yeah absolutely all right Jessica Shon sponsored by espace Pastor competition and ride housee still leading and that sun is no joke back there and you can see Jessica and

    Yasmine just continuing to put the pressure on her yasine lost 6 seconds in the last lap wonder what happened that’s not usual for her lap draw is okay she had a 212 one two3 on lap number six and uh Jessica sioban had a 205 206 excuse me 504 for Jessica Siobhan on lap

    Number six Estelle Pere at a 208 and Benedict D also at a 208 Elli Orton doal at a 212 she’s in fifth Sophie boram with a 219 in Sixth and just taking a look down there River Varner is up plus four laps she’s four laps down right now just trying to

    Milk get through and keep going on that boat that’s a tough one because you don’t want the boat to completely implode on you but to your point you got to get the points yeah I mean it’s a decision that has to run through your head is it

    Fixable to have it back out tomorrow or is it not do you just take the points from this and try and get it through okay you got to make all that instantaneously too yes and um one of the things within the woman’s racing is you’ve got to understand that these

    Ladies need to understand that you know that they they are taking notice of of their engines and their equipment and they’re happening to make these decisions people think oh yeah their dads or their partners are doing it all for them but they are making these decisions and they are able and capable

    To be able to do it Emma as she had started that hunt by the way for uh Sophie borgstrom she actually started with 12C deficit and um by three laps she was a not only 2.7 second deficit she passed her in three from 12 seconds to passing that’s impressive

    Estelle Pare young lady that had serious problems with their shoulder and she said it was a miracle just getting me out here this girl is she’s an iron woman she’s an amazing woman love watching Estelle Pare on the water I think one of the most spectacular races

    I saw you were here too is at JRA Beach as right out of jabai it uh Estelle paray did a monkey flop I don’t know how else to describe it she was off the boat the only thing holding her was her two hands but the entire back part of her

    Body was bouncing and then did a Superman move pulled herself back into the boat and ended up in second in uh JRA Beach it was one of the most spectacular finishes I’ve ever seen she’s amazing in the rough and she doesn’t let go and you know I I I love

    Watching a St race I always have done I do too she races like a guy in the best in the best way to say that right and she you know she’s been trained by three of the best well there you go right if you had to grow up with the parade

    Brothers you would be a tomboy there’s just no comment there’s no other comment Jessica Siobhan boat number 99 and the live stream is lit up for her and Yasmine I’ll kick out a couple of these comments Alexander bourjois No Place change looks like free trials that’s too funny Lucas limur

    Visera Jessica always on top and uh irva ruso saying go yes main let’s take a rund down real quick again Jessica sioban leading we are on lap number seven and uh 16 minutes and 56 seconds on the clock Yasmin in second Estelle p in third Benedict a dra in fourth whoa and

    Jessica goes down Yasmine didn’t get around her on that but that had to shake her up a little bit AB absolutely yasine picked up 6 seconds and in the last lap so she did manage to save some time interesting getting your top five Jessica Siobhan yasmi neous Estelle Pere

    Benedict D forth and EML ort doll in fifth I think we might have a lead change I was wondering about that I saw Yi and eow coming around I thought they were in the we have a lead change yeah we did oh and then she broke no the race

    Is finished on the Finish Line Bom Baby Jessica sioban and he has me and E he has me taking the win on that final turn beautiful what a stunning finished by Yasmine yeah I really thought Yasmine broke no no I was I was watching the pass there and I thought oh

    Maybe Jessica got away with it but she didn’t yeah that was a that was a pretty big dip in the water so that one minor mistake cost Jessica sioban the first place finish but we do have three motos all right once again Yas me prow takes the wins Jessica Siobhan second

    Estelle Pare in a third Benedict Adra in fourth and EM andell ort doll in fifth and uh Kylie Elmer’s going to go down there and help her crew as we get ready for ski GP I’m going to be joined up here by Anthony ratch first Anthony has to clean the

    Headphones what an amazing recap Once Again yasmi eow with the win she pulled that off two buoys away from uh that finish line Jasmine’s vote is fast enough to pick up six seconds no kidding Alexander bouran we cracking me up all right again you were watching Moto number

    One and here is the uh results there they are all right ski ladies this is your results from Moto number one Yas me best lap time was a 1560 95 and she did take that win that final couple of buoys and Jessica shvan for second who had the best lap time of

    The uh Moto 15433 Estelle Pere in third with a two flat 136 is her best time in fourth Benedict a Dr with a 2011 944 and emell Orton doall with a 205 394 that’s your top five Sophie borgstrom holding it off with Fifth Place actually got back around Elli Orton doall well done

    Done so a lot of lead changes both between emell Orton doall and Sophie borgstrom and Jessica Siobhan and asmine E pra board the dark heart horse and that was uh well played for those two you are so sweet I’m up here with Anthony ratch if we get ready as we get

    Ready for ski gp1 so we’re got to get the girls out we’re going to drop the gentlem in and then we’re going to do a parade lap this seems to be one of the toughest areas and you could see all the Riders uh helping each other that was Joanna

    Garasa uh getting helped by river Varner and some of the other teammates down there tell you what guys we’ll be back right after this you cannot imagine how much work it was so close I cannot describe it it was amazing it’s going to be super tight we’re all side by

    Side so it’s all about the last Moto the uim ABP Aquabike World Championship kicks off the 2024 season by plunging into the stunning shores of Queen Juan nestled in the province of bindin in central Vietnam for the first time in history and the race is on buy storms

    Out into the lead after the flag drop holy that actually wiped out what a massive upset don’t miss the action-packed weekend as the Grand Prix of bendin Vietnam unfolds from March 22nd to March 24th hey guys welcome back you’re watching the Aquabike World Championship

    The Grand Prix of Ben Den we are here at kunan Vietnam one of the more beautiful cities 58 provinces here in Vietnam B Den just one of them but certainly one of the more pretty ones kunan by the way is uh home to the largest sea port in

    Vietnam and it is a very important hub for trade and commerce it’s a beautiful coastal city that remains one of Vietnam’s best kept secrets we probably not So Much Anymore visitors here can explore the remnants of shampa Kingdom that the S sites such as Bonnet towers and D long

    Towers also home to the top doy Cham Towers which is a very uh culturally significant and important Hindu temple complex dating back to the 11th century and we’re just getting the gentlemen uh set up with the flag ceremony as we get ready for our Parade of Nations meanwhile in the ski division

    We’re going to have 21 Riders and let me give you the uh recap on the ski division let’s talk a little bit first about uh the first qualifications that was Quenton Bosch with the best lap at a 154 862 followed by Michael paray with the best qualifying lap second place

    15664 and then in third was Jeremy pé with a 157 818 and then Kevin rer with a fourth and 157 that was in the first qualification in the second qualification it was uh Kevin rer with the uh qualification second one with a 1491 165 that was a track record for ski

    Uh his took the top spot Quenton Bosch got a second right behind him listen to how close the time is Kevin had a 1491 165 Quinton Bosch had a 149 755 that close and then Jeremy Pere in third had a 149 765 Michael peray in fourth your defending world champion the 14989 and

    Then in fifth Morgan peray with a 151 519 a couple of notable facts about that all three of the parade Brothers ended up with uh in that top five grouping I’m joined up here with Anthony ratch as we get ready to go with our parading Nations how you doing

    Bud oh let me turn there we go now you’re on I’m doing great Don how are you I am doing good thank you sir yeah as soon as I figure out the microphones I’ll be doing better I have technical difficulties it’s a little bit hot out

    Here dude it is so hot all right uh overall qualifications it’s Kevin rer Quenton Bosch Jeremy Pere Michael Pere and Morgan Pere are all going to be on that first grid second grid is that going to be ol cooch Hansen Axel ctoa Dan Anderson Toshi O’Hara who we got a

    Chance to catch up with Valentin dardot Andrea guidy and Alec enderly so that ought to be a that ought to be a bang up session right now we’re just getting ready for the Parade of Nations it was an interesting to Matts cooch Hansen actually had the fastest

    Slalom time this morning mads out went out there and he laid out a fast run good grief 33 . 252 Michael Pare second no surprise six time world champion in in slalom he had a 33554 for Michael Pere Alec enderly surprised me in a good way got third with a

    33692 and Morgan Pere got a 33907 that’s how fast and how close these guys are you’re looking at the one and only Quenton Bosch riding for Belgium as they get ready to go R nation’s coming at you it’s great to have Quenton Bosch joining us on this tour

    His dad down there been uh helping and of course his uh head mechanic Quinton Bosch spends a lot of his time working on qb1 racing his race team and he’s got a ton of writers that he has been supporting this year and helping well in fact for the past several years

    Including uh the young lady we were talking about earlier Benedict D and we’re now underway with the Parade of Nations and here is our entry list thank you guys Michael Pare riding for France great to have him out here Anthony beut riding for Belgium Morgan Pare France Valentin

    Dardot France dag Martin dra riding for Norway Slava nanic Croatia uh and then also uh we have Gabor Zabo riding for Hungary Daniel pascala Italy Xavier is out here and Alec enderly for Switzerland Andre guidi Italy Toshi oaro Japan Matteo bini Italy mads coock Hansen Denmark as well as

    Oliver and uh Max sense Russell is also out here Oliver Hansen Denmark Dan Anderson Norway Kevin rer riding for Austria Axel ctoa and Jeremy parade of course France and Quinton Bosch for Belgium quite a lineup it is definitely a who’s who’s list right yeah yeah if you wanted a

    Party uh these are the guys you want to invite over well I feel like I should ask for more detail on that but the other part of me probably the wiser part of me is going to skip that question good choice there do yeah good choice I’m thinking

    Although I’m just going to say I have seen obia I participated in obia wow that sound you can still hear it over the mics is’t that something that is amazing I have telling you it’s so exciting Ryland Webster saying let’s go Morgan quong thank you key I’m trying you’re so

    Sweet to me kenong Andre busone let’s go guy the magician is behind you manuelo go Andre guidy uh Michelle Mara saying go guidy Osman boat number N9 go Kevin B and Christopherson go Norway Tommy melin hey good to have you Tommy hi to you as well Tommy mindin had a great year last

    Year oh did he yeah Rita rant oh my God what a last lap I know it happened so fast I got all kinds of confused I thought yasmi was down for a second good new she was a winner yes Jasmine Jasmine and the last one he she really uh she was staying

    With her and then uh it paid off staying with her you remember obia when her and Elli Orton doll were side by side yep on that double it was like the double turn when before you got on the front stretch you would know it you race that a bunch

    That is a hairy turn that is a tough turn that it’s like you you do not want to Veer off of your race line for that one you end up in the rocks or the water and unfortunately emell ended in the water on that that was a little bit of

    Female bonding yeah yes me got the better half of that one oh great watching though my gosh and then her and Yana in uh oh my gosh where were that was JRA beach too I believe no that was Kuwait that was Kuwait y when emell Orton doll and

    Jana that was right in front of the whole grand stand it was on the front stretch they met off of the split section there was amazing footage of that and then uh you know I think adrenaline got the better part of wisdom neither one of them wanted to back down

    Was I don’t blame them I don’t blame them there a little bit there was a little bit of bonding though and actually both those Riders went off yeah Jessica schan ended up taking the win on that all right we’re completing the parade in Nations and you and I know

    What that means put your seat belts in the upright and log position because we’re about ready to start flying oh yeah it’s uh it’s really cool to see them line up like this and uh that start from the Pontoon it is uh is quite something

    Cuz uh on on the water when you’re close to them that water’s just shooting everywhere off the pumps can you see anything cuz it looks like it’s blowing right over the top of you guys it’s just shooting water everywhere and it’s uh it’s quite it’s quite amazing cuz

    It’s a wall of water wow I don’t even know how they’re holding on the boats okay you’re getting a good Long View here of this Pon pontoon start uh 21 Riders and this is tight conditions now they’re literally standing behind that and kneeling as they get ready to go and

    Then as uh Kylie had talked to you about that they can hold the uh they’re actually having holders hold the rope and then that rope releases it goes through the little eye hooks in the back and then it releases so they’re obviously not dragging the Rope yeah

    This is tense this is really really intense and the communication has got to be on point with the holders is it uh you still get the two holders for the Runabout yes the two holders is the way to go you could uh get by with just one

    Holder but if you got two definitely get a better start and it’s all about um your holder getting a good grip on that on that rope and uh the difference is about uh 15500 RPMs you can crank up more by holding it with a rope than opposed to the

    Traditional starts oh really yeah okay now I did not know that thank you so actually this is better for you guys you like this oh yeah yeah because you shoot out like a cannon oh that’s fun that’s really good now you got I got Goosebumps

    All right so again Kevin rer is going to have the pole position you can see uh Michael Pere up there talking H light test here it is here’s our light test so they’re going to actually test the liting grid see even the uh glare on the sun

    And off the water is affecting the light test as well yeah as the Sun is setting definitely is tough to see oh there it is the water spraying up it started to spray up we’re getting ready all right guys don’t take your eyes off the

    Screen we are going live with uh ski gp1 this is going to be Moto number one will Kevin rer be able to hold that hole shot or is it going to be Quinton Bosch that puts the pressure on him and gets the hole shot could it be your defending

    World champion Michael Pare you’re about to find out uhoh and um Michael came out of the shoot oh that’s going to that’s not a penalty so he’s uh just going to go right back in they’re going to hold up that start well if they do incur a penalty um

    They don’t make them start with their hands on their heads if you’ve seen that in the past the way they do that is they ask them to do a stop stop and go and that stop and go would happen back on the front stretch it’s a 20 second stop

    And go they literally got to go back by where the race director is Marco petrini hang for the 20 seconds or if they want to contest it they can go ahead and go for it but if they lose that uh um protest it will cost them severely yeah

    Yeah yeah it’s uh 20 seconds is a lot you can pretty much have a drink dur end that time almost a sandwich too have a sandwich to drink a little coffee that was so good to see Tony Bo I messed up in said jetr too though oh yeah I did it

    I messed up Tony please forgive me yeah jet tribe jet tribe is his company and he’s just awesome and you can see Kevin rer down there just on that pull position and there’s Loco ferte and he’s going down the line and once he goes down the line

    He’s going to start that grid and they are off as predicted great start but Quinton B inching out just a little bit Kevin rer in a second drops back into third Quinton Bosch with a hole shot so far oh he’s ripping out there he is absolutely ripping and it looks like Morgan Pere

    Right behind him yeah he is he’s keeping up with him he’s not letting him go oh Michael parade jumps into third Kevin rer pushing him out Kevin rder going to go to the outside Michael Pere will be the one going to the inside split meanwhile Quinton BOS Morgan Pare and

    Kevin R are all on the outside and it is going to be Morgan pushing the inside split and following through that inside split it’s going to be Michael paré so you got two paray on the inside let’s see what happens as they come to that outside split Quinton Bosch pushing for the

    Whole shot followed by Morgan paray Kevin rer and Michael Pere there’s your top four and then you’ve got Jeremy paray in fifth and that is how the start looks Oliver Car cocken back in eighth and your start is underway with qb1 Alex genderly also up in that spot up in

    Seventh but it’s going to be all about qb1 with that whole shot and he most certainly put the brand on that start what a beautiful job by Quinton that was a amazing shot from him wow nice start he timed that perfectly Anthony yeah he did uh I wonder what happened to Oliver

    Cuz it’s seemed like he had a good start but then uh I think he got caught in a little bit of traffic he was sick so he was in the second grid but uh again as we take a look back out Quinton Bosch with the hole shot and man Morgan Pere

    On fire today yeah he is it’s one of the better starts I’ve seen from Morgan Morgan up at second Kevin reder third Michael Pare fourth and it is Jeremy Pere in fifth I tell you what these guys just steal positions these parade Brothers they are something it’s like

    They’re just leap frogging it out there they’re Le they are that’s the best way to put it honestly they are leap frogging into these uh top five spots yeah that’s looks like at every turn they are able to push through and uh get over on someone that is really cool all

    Right so I’ve got Al enderly in six Oliver Co Hansen in seventh at the moment and in just a minute we will get you some times and it looks like Toshi oaro has moved up into eighth let’s take a look as they come to the front stretch you are going to get

    Some times and the first one is going to be coming from qb1 Quenton Bosch a gentleman that started riding as soon as he could his Yamaha was his favorite boat back in the day as a junior racer and we’re going to get times up here in just 1 second starting

    With Quenton Bosch AK a the bomber 19 World Championships and a 56252 is the time laid down by Quenton Bosch 20time Belgian Champion 10 time Dutch Champion qb1 is on the top of the clock Morgan Pere in second with a 159 512 Kevin rer with a 159 619 Michael

    Pare with a 2025 at 74 and fourth Jeremy Pere in fifth with a 202 208 Alec enderly in six with a 2 205 469 and six Oliver cooch Hansen in seventh with a 204 973 and there’s Toshi Ohara in eighth with a 2051 139 Anthony beut in

    It with a 20826 axel courtois in 10th with a 209 203 Anthony thoughts after all of that wow wow that’s it wow I’m just here with a trying to that’s impressive riding it really is it really is I um I try to describe it to people that don’t

    See a lot of jet ski racing what it’s like to watch these starts but from your perspective when can you start seeing stuff from the start because you’ve got just a wall of water from the start all the way to the first series of buoys right yeah you don’t see anything you’re

    Just kind of trying to follow that jet line if there someone in front of you uh you definitely want to be in front if you’re in the front it’s so much easier and uh the view is amazing but uh the one behind you he’s suffering Michael

    Pere as you can see your defending world champion in back in fourth place at the moment don’t count him out of a Podium ever just I have gotten too used to it I’ll say oh he’s not doing all that good next thing I know he’s back up in the

    Lead he is a nickname anaconda in full gas those are two of his favorites really Anaconda yeah he went for alaka he always makes me say it just cracks me up Morgan prey under pressure from uh Kevin rder Kevin rder setting him up on that inside then drops to the outside

    Kevin rder yeah he knows how to ride oh my gosh that guy is oh who look at those guys irrepressible who was that ah that went down that was all over that dropped in his trade just a minute but the battle here between Morgan and Kevin

    Rers on screen look at Kevin taking a tight turn they’re still working the front stretch section which has really no stretch at all pardon the punch let’s take a look at times Quenton Bosch with a one 56 his fastest last lap time was a 2011 561 still 5 Seconds faster than

    Morgan Pere who’s at a 206 136 and here’s the trouble Kevin rer on that last lap had a 205 836 that’s where it happened almost a second faster on that lap I wonder if he went too low on one of them and got caught maybe all right

    Michael Pere and fourth with a 204 and Michael out of those top three had the fastest on that last lap so you’re going to have to keep your eye on Michael pay things are shaking up as uh we get into this Moto we’ve got 10.44 seconds

    Left on the clock I hope you guys are having fun watching all the craziness here Kevin rer has had a ton of support from Haw and borgstrom helping him out he rides for Koff and Kevin rder putting the pressure on one of the parades just one of them CU he’s got one

    In the front and one behind him lives in Austria 31 years old he owns a yoga and functional training studio and his his big slogan is to uh be happy and evolve which I just love Yeah but if you notice their laps times are starting to like Drop now quite a

    Bit they’re uh they’re adding five to six seconds per each lap time now oh yeah as it’s getting roughed up all right David Sims on the live stream good morning all the way from Liverpool great to have you on the live stream sir SE Riders so your start now depends on how

    Good is the holder true yeah yeah that’s actually a good point QB and fast Power Sports on the gas Sophie Miller great to have you on the live stream and eight-run racing bayy Cunningham and try and the team thank you so much look at Alec enderly pushing Oliver Alec actually dropped

    Behind uh he was ahead of Oliver coch Hansen but Oliver moved ahead of him up been to six so here’s a rundown Quinton BOS still Leen Morgan second Kevin rer third Michael Pare in fourth uh-oh and Matteo benini dropping down into the tray he was in 12 that could cost him a

    Position it did it did it did yep there he goes Oliver just passed Alec so uh lot happening yeah Andrea guidi put major pressure on Matteo bonini yeah that there three- Man fight right there it was that’s Andrea guidi riding for Italy right behind Alec genderly on Swift

    Switzerland and that is the battle for 10th and 11th Axel CTO is in the middle of all that craziness yeah it’s a if you’re the middle guy you’re trying to defend from the back guy and you’re also trying to get that fastest line so you’re uh you’re really in trouble there

    You’re trying to do two things multitask and it’s not working out sometimes you’re feeling like the rabbit is that what you’re saying yeah you’re like I’m being chase and I’m trying to chase still putting pressure that is Kevin reder still hunting Morgan there on the backhand side wow what a good shot of

    This massive course that has been technical from start to finish yes that’s that’s a mass of course that’s a mess is what that is but look how big is that grand stand back there yeah you can actually see the paddock you can see this whole area is ours that whole like

    Cemented area which was built in 6 months no less the paddocks on one side then the grand stand then the media area and then we move over to a massive stage there’s Morgan Pare just looking Wicked Morgan by the way aboard a commander boat uh the gp1 boat he said made in

    America very happy with that yeah that that boat handles so good in that little chop right now I do love how the parade Brothers just because one Rider riding that the other brother doesn’t have to cuz Michael Pere is on a fast Power Sports boat and he loves

    It got a QB 1’s been helping him out and there is uh your top three let’s take a look once again Quenton Bosch 206 639 on the last one Kevin rer into second place wow look 207 253 just like that just like that swap around Morgan Pere with a

    21143 in third Michael Pere in fourth with a 209 224 Jeremy Pere in fifth with a 209 653 and Oliver look at Oliver 205 Oliver is crushing it out there right now he that is the fastest time of top seven Riders I feel like Oliver is

    Going to make a comeback cuz he is really moving through that pack that is something now Oliver’s on a pro Force so talk about the Battle of the manufacturers this is pretty wicked and he’s talked about that Pro Force he really loves that boat interesting it’s certainly playing

    Out for him to have that fastest lap time out of seven Riders Oliver cooch Hansen has the fastest out of the top seven on this last lap we’re walk looking at lap number four and we have 6 and A2 minutes left on the clock I’m nervous and I’m not even racing yeah but

    I’m I’m still watching Oliver’s Oliver’s times and each lap is very consistent you you you see his best lap was a 204 and now it’s a 205 he’s not deviating that much and that water is turning up crazy I got Kylie over here on my left shoulder she’s real quiet just watching

    Just watching She’s pondering on what’s Happening Here man look how solid Kevin rer rides What a Beautiful Soul setting up these turns he’s got a unique little stance as well he kind of throws his left knee out just a little caddy Wampus actually it’s like not just his

    Knee is up it’s actually moved out a little bit his forward forward leg it’s a unique style I haven’t seen that from any other Rider very quiet and a very finesse Rider which is unusual as well a lot of the males Riders guy Riders They Ride pretty more aggressive right a lot of

    Upper body push Kevin red not so much let’s take a look down on H this score sheet 203 Quinton Bosch picked it up even more wow look at that 203 621 fastest lap on the track for lap number five 207 for Kevin rer and a 211 for Morgan Pare and

    A 209 for Michael and a 209 for uh Jeremy Pere and Oliver with a 207 he’s staying he’s staying consistent very Oliver is definitely oh there’s a nice big fishing boat back there uh that looks like a tugboat okay sure Tugboat Tugboat you say tug I say

    Fishing I think both Kylie’s giv me the face Don it’s a tugboat Kylie does not let me get away with anything I will tell you she has been known as I’m announcing she’ll like type in stuff no slack for Kye no slack man that’s why I love her all right you guys

    You’re watching ski division gp1 is for half minutes left on the clock Quinton Bosch rocking it oh who’s down oh no who’s off it’s was I don’t know let me can take a look really quick and see who that’s um is that not Michael hold on I’ll get the uh what is

    It wait for it I don’t know well we got another one down that’s 51 that’s mads mad’s hen is down as well no mads with with his awesome SL run I no he still got Redemption opportunities all right you’re watching Quenton Bosch your race leader look how

    Smooth he comes in now this is what I was talking about as a physical Rider one of the things that makes Quenton Bosch so spectacular and fiery to watch He’s physical and Powerful he too has his knee cocked out just a little bit but even more so now mind you quinton’s

    Tall yeah he’s over 6 feet yeah he’s smooth also Smooth Operator out there Smooth Operator there’s a song yeah just waiting to be sung on that yeah so uh Quenton Bosch also with a really cool unique riding style and he is leading let’s take a look at this last lap 205

    Smidget up just a little his fastest one was a 203 after that first lap which is fastest lap on the track so far that was a 156 252 for quinton’s best lap and taking a look at Quinton uh excuse me right behind Quint Kevin redward with a

    20775 good two seconds faster yeah yeah uh quent B running quick there’s Oliver coch Hansen and Oliver up in six got around Toshi yeah but Oliver dropped in time so something something oh something’s going on I think I I think he uh dipped in too much didn’t he on

    One turn oh he rolled over a little bit Kylie was letting us know he actually rolled over on one of the turns he’s down to a 212 on that last lap yeah there goes his consistency run man look at this guy go Quinton Bosch from start

    To almost finish we’ve only got two and a half minutes minutes left on the clock and Quinton Bosch has dominated this class y yep uh I feel like to Toshi is there close to Oliver coming up yeah I think so Toshi back at seventh Oliver hen in sixth he’s there’s Oliver on

    Boat number 66 with that 21223 although Oliver back up uh working some lap traffic yeah it’s out there turning out to be like a washing machine right after the splits yeah not easy not easy to ride this track well those guys been talking about how technical this track was and

    There were no easy back stretches or forward front stretches and that’s where you get a moment to step out of that stance and take a breath yeah like technically stand up and uh stretch right pretty much what I was trying to say about nicer sure sure you go

    You Michael Fay on vote number one you’re defending world champion in fourth you cracked me up uh 211 137 for Michael on this one but Mike’s he he was very blunt about that coming in he hasn’t had as much training he said I got to do some

    Catchup but he’s been running a very successful business with uh him and Morgan and also aelle they all own that construction uh business it’s uh fixing windows and replacing windows and decks masonry and very powerful Here Comes Morgan paré coming through and just taking a look there’s Jeremy coming off

    That outside split and we’re down to a minute y so white flag shall be coming soon look at Michael Pere yeah he’s he is charging through that Whitewater bki runs so good yeah and he’s got a fast Power Sports boat as well he used to ride a

    Bullet didn’t he I feel like he had a bullet for a while no that was Jeremy I’m not sure see I can’t tell cuz all these brothers are always on different boats Jeremy parade was riding on a bullet for a while if I remember correctly yeah now he switched over and

    I think well actually he’s on a ste’s boat today yeah yeah Michael’s Michael’s boat definitely definitely runs good through that rough water CU I can tell his times are improving as everyone else is uh just settling in watching uh Quinton Bosch that’s that backstretch area now again they got a modified course but

    Make no mistake it’s no less technical as Quinton Bosch works his way through that double white buoy that you see that’s the indicator you got to pick a split he’s going to choose to go to the outside that that’s where the green buoys are and uh he has been working his

    Way in this lap traffic but what a great ride for Quenton Bosch smoked that whole shot he had a beautiful start on that ho shot I think he had the cleanest start of uh any other Rider on that one and Quenton nickname the bomber 20time Belgium champ 10 time Dutch champ two

    Time French champ it can go on guys four time German champ one time Nordic champ one time UK champ uh 20 9 years fast and that’s his resume insane he said he doesn’t like cold weather but only sometimes Betty’s probably loving this QB racing shop specializes in fast gp1s

    A gp1 r boats restoration of vintage skis as well and even newer watercraft and he said just about any kind of race ski and the white flag is out for Quinton Bosch oh there it goes last lap was a 210 335 followed by Kevin rer with a 208 939 uh-oh

    And that’s Andrea guidy who looked like he had some boat problems so he dropped down into the tray Morgan Pare is in third with the white flag up Michael Pare in fourth and check the times out between Morgan and Michael Anthony oh wow look at that that is almost

    Identical 211 587 for Morgan you cannot get any closer than that and 211 304 for Michael Pere and look at Jeremy Pere look at Kylie over there grinning 2 11 uh what was it 211 334 for Jeremy before we switched wow could tell who trades together look at this phenomenal Rider

    Qb1 on the final lap and uh make no mistake he’s not going to take a breath he’s going to finish this out as strong as he started that’s the final uh couple of turns now you see the double red that’s where the Runabout Riders take off and go that separate track even

    Deeper in the bay yeah but Quinton Bosch going to stay on the standup track and as he comes into this final decision making process will he go inside nope he’s going to take that outside one final time that’s true confidence he feels comfortable despite the fact that

    He has got La riders in front of him he’s riding loose you can see that upper body very relaxed switching legs in that signature qb1 style it’s almost like he has to fold that body a little bit just to get that taller frame yeah very reminiscent

    Of Jeff Jacobs back in the day also a very tall rider ladies and gentlemen Quenton Bosch on Final couple of turns is going to be your winner in this first Moto he said that boat was built by him and his mechanics and he puts a lot of attention uh and attention to detail

    Into that boat takes that final degree uh elbow turn Quinton Bosch takes the win in motor number one I’m sure his mechanic is going to be super excited Angelo is a good guy and he knows how to wrench on that ski Kevin rer as he comes through on the

    Final couple of turns Kevin on that last one had a 208 895 and Kevin rder was quite a bit faster on that one qu Bosch’s last lap with a 214 but he had such a big gap didn’t have to worry about it qu Kevin rder had a 207 yeah Kevin’s Kevin’s boat

    Was driving really really good in that rough water cuz his like times were always in the uh sub 210s like 207 was uh 208 was his last last lap and now it’s 207 yep you could see Dan Anderson coming up there congratulating him again your top three Kevin uh Quinton Bosch

    Kevin rer and Morgan Pere Michael Pere your defending world champion in fourth and EM andell ort doll’s dad down there helping Quenton Bosch and Danny down there helping him as well and there’s Kevin coming in on that very signature 90 Alec enderly after a bit of

    A teeny tiny spill back up in the boats going strong Morgan Pare third Michael Pere fourth Jeremy Pare fifth Oliver cooch Hanson six toi oaro seventh and alexender Lee eth so far as we’re finishing up two seconds faster Jeremy Pere and Oliver Jeremy had 210 on that last lap and Oliver with a

    211 I can’t get over how fun that was that gp1 class is just going to be a rocket ship this year to watch yep loved it I love it two down with one to go in this afternoon series of uh Moto number one we’re going to be bringing Moto number

    Two and Moto number three to you tomorrow that would be minana but uh don’t go away tonight we’ve got a whole new show for you and that show is going to be the parallel slom along with freestyle here are the results for ski gp1 Quenton

    Bosch at the top of the Heap with Kevin redward second Morgan paray third Michael Pare in fourth Jeremy paray in fifth so that’s a pack of parets Oliver in in sixth Toshi oaro in seventh it’s going be very happy with that finish Anthony bernot in eighth Axel

    Ctoa GNA be a brand new daddy in ninth Alec enderly in 10th uh you can see the rest of the results there on that star studded pack I feel like I’m in Hollywood you are it’s just a Vietnamese version a Vietnamese version that was

    Good you’re funny try to be oh you are I like that about you you and Kylie are a great team to hang out with Kylie over there te checking out the carbon neutral Riders we’ve got a whole brochure for you if you want to find out more about

    Our carbon neutral program we’re very proud of that overhead shot of the paddock is I catch a breath because I got to tell you that was Insanity so intense so much fun to watch a little bit of conversation down there between uh enderly and a number

    14 which is a Slava nanic yeah slavin’s out there I think he’s one of the few guys that is running a completely stock bat I would not surprise me you know he is one of the longest uh running competitors in the ski division it’s been at it over 20 years yeah it’s

    Insane we’ll be right back right after this you cannot imagine how much work it was so close I cannot describe it it was amazing it’s going to be super tight we’re all side by side so it’s all about the last Moto the U ABP Aquabike World Championship kicks

    Off the 2024 season by plunging into the stunning shores of Queen Juan nestled in the province of bindin and Central Vietnam for the first time in history and the race is on buy storms out into the lead after the flag drop holy that actually wiped out what a massive upset

    Don’t miss the action-packed weekend as the Grand Prix of binden Vietnam unfolds from March 22nd to March 24th welcome back to the uim ABP Aquabike world championship this is our grand opening right here the Grand Prix AB been Den we are here at kunan one of the beautiful cities in this province

    And we are bringing out some of the greatest stars of history in jet ski racing and uh make no mistake this next group that’s coming out is just a star study you are about to watch Runabout gp1 but first we’re going to go to the parade of

    Nations and uh we’re going to get those guys stage good luck to dck Good Luck uh Runabout gp1 is happening right now Lucas who’s on the live stream I don’t know Kylie’s doing some kind of cool thing one minute let me check oh my gosh Kylie’s making fun of

    Me because I was doing a little dance I get excited dance no you guys don’t normally see this because you don’t get to hang out with me but I’m quite animated I saw a little bit of it probably more than you ever wanted to I’m quite the I get a little fired up

    What can I say Miroslav dzul we keep our fingers crossed me too this going to be insane uh a you nangin you’re doing great Dan Danielle pascala I totally agree recer Beerman hero 98 John Barrett congratulations QB John Paul bansch uh Bravo Morgan Michael and Jeremy uh Dave

    Menare QB 98 rck Beerman he’s coming for it all 98 oh Anita thank you so much I appreciate that it was very kind of you Oliver is hunting Jeremy yes we got that I appreciate you so much Sharon Travis Jackson Go Aussie oh my gosh rard Beerman talking

    About Anthony check this out we’re going to give Anthony such an ego Anthony your voice is like Morgan Freeman like Morgan Freeman yeah like Kevin God rer says we need Anthony more on the commentary this is awesome no don’t let’s give him a job shall we no please stop Laura Laura rer

    Beautiful Laura you’ll notice Laura I did not say bonus one time oh wait I just said it she said go Kev Jose Fernandez good luck and greetings from putat I don’t know what that is potato is that Poland potato potato Peter stoal hello from stin stin which is

    Sweden Travis gell wild race I agree Danielle Pian almost exciting is the Australian Nationals I totally agree Daniel and by the way you’re dancing at the Afterparty with Stellar uh call it I Kylie’s up here giggling khed uh Abraham hi everyone good to see you khed

    P Guard also on the live stream average gap between Kevin and Morgan was a 1.12 wasn’t that crazy yeah that was really really crazy yeah like when you look at all of their uh times those guys in the top top seven they were just it was nuts yeah Louisa Bea well hello there

    Beautiful hopefully we’ll get to see you in obia she’s given us a shout out Adam stes hi donno love it Viet buhisan hi Don Dawson how’s the weather out there uh Viet I’m getting prepped for Philippines because the humidity is about 70% here what’s the humidity for you I can’t wait you know

    What I get to go to Philippines in April so I’m pretty excited just to hang out and have fun Stephano super competition I 100% agree conio Vias uh shouting out for Leno arahu as we get ready for Runabout gp1 that’s coming up next next that’s the uh Main

    Event well one of the main events it is the biggest it is the biggest boats and the fastest boats it’s the one that uh it’s the one that gives me ear problems every year as I go in for my ear test that’s right yep they’re like man you

    Don’t hear so good I’m like yeah runabouts that’ll do it every time yeah and if you’re suffering from PTSD you definitely want to cover up your ear cuz uh those backfires they they sound like gunshots oh really I hav thought of that oh my gosh yeah I hadn’t thought of that

    That’s a great perspective thank you good I just always I’ll tell you what happens for me I smell the race gas and man I don’t know what kicks into my frontal loes but I’m instantly adrenaline oh yeah just a little kick you’re just trying to squeeze the gas then oh yeah just or

    Push a pedal to the metal mhm there’s something about that or when they fire him up on the start line I’m almost always let’s get ready yeah boom boom boom boom we hit the room getting a beautiful shot here of our location benden a coastal Province located in the South Central Coast

    Region of Vietnam uh the capital city of benden is uh Quan and quong is where we are today approximately 1.5 million people live in benden just some of the festivals that happen here in Quang is fish God worship and the International Martial Arts Festival and also the uh Quang

    International sailing race just to name a few and now we’ve added to their lineup the uim Aquabike World Series Championship appreciate you guys watching uh stay tuned we’re not going anywhere we’re just staging right now for the parade Nation Pati so they’re getting the skis out they have to get

    The runabouts in and again we only have one area for that so appreciate your patience but it’s a good time to talk about uh this incredible area Ben Den’s famous for traditional martial arts festivals um and they actually attract practitioners of martial arts from all over Vietnam and uh even

    Beyond they have some pretty amazing Cuisine here which we have been enjoying the past couple couple of days to include this thing it’s best way I can describe it it’s like a Vietnamese pancake uh called ban ban boo I’m not sure I’m saying that right so forgive me

    But uh it’s really really yummy yeah I uh and here is our entry list for Runabout uh gp1 as we get ready to go and as you can see we got 20 Riders on this lineup including Sam johanssen gorgi Kasha Marcus Jorgenson Jordan nicoloff brand new to our tour uh

    Aidus Juan Cruz Lano Anthony ratch is not going to be there even though he’s on the lineup so I’m going to talk about how awesome he is oh jeez the Morgan Freeman voice I don’t think I’m ever going to let him live that down just twist that knife in me Martin duk I’m

    Sorry but don’t hate me Andre veski uh is on the lineup Leno arahu is back woo woo Ruben Rael also uh one of the top competitors here France w Dory your uh defending world champion Lorenzo Balia the youngster has been racing on this uh uim tour for over 40 years Mario Lami

    Lennis Lindberg Alberto Santini another Young Gun from Italy you owe me for that Alberta uh Jun aoma joining us for the first time Rasmus cooch Hansen Johan Johansson and Jeremy Perez that is your start sted lineup if we could do a Hollywood Walk of Fame every one of

    Those riders that you’ve heard me talking about both in standup in the women’s ski GP and the Runabout would be in that Walk of Fame oh my gosh look who’s on the live stream James bushel oh James bushel hey buddy hey Don Dawson and Anthony ratch you got to say hey hi

    To Kylie too she’s not chatting right now but she’s here ishmail roas saying good luck Ruben am menz Rael and the con saying good luck to Leno rahu and Marco DTE saying let’s go 27 also Leno rahu there been a lot of shouting out for Leno and for good reason he was really

    Sick we weren’t sure that he was going to make it back and there’s our shot yeah there he is the gentleman that rides he he looks so bright and vibrant now oh he’s such a beautiful soul he just glows anyway uh he rides for Portugal him and his wife are here this

    Weekend and um I hope he comes up and hangs out with this Rasmus and there he is on boat 78 and there’s Johan Johansson and it’s thanks to Johan and hawen borgstrom who actually been putting on that Nordic Championship the last couple of years and they’ve been responsible for really helping to groom

    A lot of the Scandinavian Riders particularly in that Nordic Championship they are taking a break this year they said yeah Johan is such a good endurance Rider too he’s been uh he’s been racing a long time and uh he has a very fast ski speaking of fast boats remember him

    In uh Lake Toba in the Clos course he was like up in top three he was he was on fire he was op it was actually riding Sam’s Boat and I don’t think he wanted to give it back he got off that ski he was gritting ear to ear he’s like I’m

    Going to use this more yeah hey son I love you but this is my boat now thanks just an amazing but I don’t think Samy will let him I don’t think so either well Sam’s taller now so you know he snagged it away snagged it back Battle of the boats there’s Jeremy Perez

    Brand new Papa so excited he’s got Victoria his daughter I think she’s four now gosh Marta don’t shoot me if I’m wrong but I think he’s the Victoria’s four and I think uh Leonardo her uh the little boy she just had was just last year right

    Four months five months don’t hold me to that he is adorable though Leonardo and they legitimately did name him after Leonardo Leonardo DiCaprio yeah yeah legit no uhuh they did really yep Leonardo I got that right out of uh Jeremy Perez youd be amazed the cool

    Information I get out of you guys when you’re when you’re not thinking and you give me cool tips I got all kinds of I got all kinds of information on you and Kylie I’m gonna have to be quiet then next time you’re fantastic a it’s super fun boat number

    24 that’s Martin duk one of the newcomers to the field rides for the Czech Republic yeah and he was actually riding pretty pretty good pass yeah his uh legit his slom slom run was good let’s talk about that um Martin actually got eighth in that second qualification

    Which is tougher right great time for him uh his fastest time was 159 010 Jeremy Perez took the fastest time in that second qualifier with a 152 951 but yeah Martin very respectable Rider yeah and it’s that second run that everyone just throws out everything that they got

    You know the first run they kind of hold back but the second run they’re not holding back I got to say the funnest thing was listening to you give Jeremy Perez a hard time and calling him a sandbagger I personally would not have had the guts to do that but he flat out

    Called it he’s like I saw you with your four-minute lap and Jeremy was straight up like yo of course I was silly yeah yeah I liked his strategy that’s a way to play it you really called it straight out ah there’s my buddy Andre veski that is such a

    Beautiful boat it is gorgeous that thing is pristine yes yeah he spent a lot of time and you can tell that that boat is uh this guy Andre vesy if I may brag just a teeny bit his nickname is Amper but he has a massive construction company in Poland they’re based out at

    Elk and why are you laughing but it’s true it’s a big construction company he even has test facility for the boats and they just opened a brand new area it’s like I don’t even know 120,000 square feet just massive yeah massive building him and his daughter Paulina and his son

    Patrick there’s George Kaza yeah George you can call him George yeah I’m George that’s awesome giori Kasha or George Anthony is much closer to him than I am so I will not call him George George Kasha also a papa and his wife used to race Sia and and uh they’ve got a little

    Girl actually kha gorgi very fast rider mechanic yeah allaround good guy from Hungary yep yep that that boat that he’s using that Bo’s boat his steering is so far forward that uh uh Kaza is definitely uh fighting it a little bit but he is I think he’s starting to like

    It interesting yeah it is interesting how that you guys are setting up the handlebars in different areas I have noticed that they’re San Alberto Santina joining us this year he was just watching last year in obia and uh they were giving him such a hard time about

    Raising he’s like all right fine I’m G to come Race So Lorenzo Balia pulled him out helped him get all set up yeah Juan Lano I saw the Zayn Finance for ysep Abdul rosak I miss ysep ysep if you’re listening on the live stream we wish you very

    Much just a amazing writer from Kuwait uh Thomas Lindberg saying go lennice Lindberg oh it’s a son thank you Gori has a son named Dominic you can’t get away with anything around here people are very quick to correct me which I love seriously oh and James bushel hi Kylie

    Elmer he’s got to throw it in there got to throw it in I love James hey James go uh go get Julian and then get Julian out of the house and then steal all of Julian Osborne’s Crocs and then ship them I don’t really care where but you

    Should just ship all those Crocs out of out of the whole country we can put little rocks in them and sink them I love Crocs what is your problem I love wearing potatoes on my feet I you used to really like you all right you guys we’re doing the parade

    Nations and that was Rasmus cooch Hansen Let’s uh give these guys uh lots and lots of Kudos and Rasmus cooch Hansen riding for Denmark great to have Jun aoma out here uh riding for Japan Sam joh Hansen swon just totally made that up I mean no he actually does ride for

    Sweeden way I said it I made sweet sweet the exactly what are you trying to be French I don’t know I look I can’t do accents so whenever I do it’s always like three or four meshed sort of a French Italian Spanish thing it’s never good I should just stop

    Right now but I can’t help myself it’s a blender I am a blender of language blender of languages that was Fran madori just saw from France oh I love these guys there’s Jeremy Perez and Sam Johanson as uh we get underway with the Parade of Nations you know what that means there

    Goes Ras M Kaza madori RZ riding for front there it is as the course Marshals come through and you can see all of the holders getting ready for the toughest workout of the day I hope you guys have been doing weightlifting you’re going to need a lot of strength to hold these

    Boats Sandra veski for Pand see I did it again so kind of blender accent this is going to be a very very fast run I feel like there’s no wind out there so the water is going to settle down pretty fast that first lap is going to be a flying

    Lap we’re already getting people chiming in for the different Riders uh SE Riders go Lorenzo Benny manalia with only one Yamaha actually there is two Yamaha out here I think Santini’s on it too right there is two Yamahas out there and uh James James answered on the Crocs I’ll go get them for

    You wish I was there we wish you were there too Luke Lucas good morning to you sir great to have you on the live stream uh scootery go Andreas veski paas Bas uh also shouting out Thomas Lindberg go team Lindberg again Rob Bray thank

    You uh I don’t know if I’m coming to the round two Nationals for Australia I don’t think so unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it I I never did hear back but uh I got to tell you it was sure fun and whenever

    You guys want me out there just let me know reach out to Kylie or you can message me direct I’m happy to come play I love Australia marus yeah that boat looks really nice boat is scary fast isn’t it y yep sure sure is Marcus Jorgenson just

    Finishing up there and getting in the line line up there’s Johan and just back a little bit you see boat number four that’s his son Sam reubenz R for Spain all of those boats are just so quick I can’t um I have a dumb question if you had a regular seat like unlike

    These modified seats is there any way you could hold on to that boat or would you just go sliding right off the back you could hold on but you would just do one good lap and that would be pretty much it and you’re done yeah you you’ll

    Be you’ll be flying off of it real real quick so it’s oh vomos vamos vamos and Javier MRA Garcia okay first off I should just apologize for trying to say your name I hope it wasn’t too bad but he was saying Vos rubenz vonos well he said vamos but I

    Was thinking vomos too Vos okay you’re right just a slang way way to say it fast now you’re picking on me no no no I’m not no no Marcus’s vote is still built by Nico Roose but now also with marine mechanic from Japan oh thank you so much

    For the update Valentin zarev saying go team Bulgaria and a uh One racing saying nice boat Marcus all right you guys we’re in the shoots here as we get ready to go it’s going to be Jeremy Perez with the pole position next to him his riding mate Francois madori and then next to

    Him Marcus Jorgenson and then next to him him Rasmus Caron and then next to him Gori Kasha and they’re all going for that one boy the green one oh no June coma has got a broken boat and that boat is uh quite an interesting boat because it’s uh

    Kawasaki Yamaha and sidu all uh all put together so like Yamaha Kawasaki and seidu had a baby and it was called boat 75 yep there you go that’s it and what and it broke it broke did it June broke his toys just like you yeah so I can’t

    Say anything bad about it I’m just got you wouldn’t anyway you really get along with June he’s a he’s a sweet guy yeah he’s an awesome dude I love watching uh he posts quite a bit on social and he also travels quite a bit so I live vicariously through him

    And through you Anthony actually yeah June like that boat that June had it’s it’s he took everything of each brand and put it in one that’s good and that boat really flies especially in uh choppy water yeah it’s such a good handling boat that’s a big gu that’s a

    Great comment as we uh get that light system going it’s not just how fast these boats are it’s how well they handle in rough conditions cuz you have the fat whoa that was quick on the start they’re off and as Andre veski was just a little sleepy but he’s he’s up there

    He’s but he has to go a long way around so he’s going to have to hit that uh oh Marcus Genson is in the lead Jeremy Perez right next to him in second and Francois madori is duking it out with Sam yansen Samuel Hansen in third Fran

    Madori in Fourth Man meanwhile the whole shot is still under contest Marcus Jorgenson rocketing through that outside split yeah Marcus Marcus took it he and he is leaving them wow wow Rasmus coock H it also up in the mix as Marcus jensson drops to the front from the outside Rasmus coock Hansen

    Right there it’s going to be Jeremy Perez in second Rasmus coock Hansen in third Francois madori in fourth Sam joh Hansen in fifth and aleno rahu in sixth andrees veski in seven and what an incredible start but I think we were all sleeping on that Anthony yeah we were we were just

    Talking too much but that uh Marcus’s boat wow that thing shot off like it had a rubber band attached to it came out of the hole like a cannon beautiful start for Marcus Jorgenson who by the way in the beginning of the day did not think

    He was going to make it to the line he capitalized on that great run and whole shot going to Marcus Jorgenson yeah he’s going out there to that long sweeper and that it’s it’s a great handling boot for sure all right uh recap on that Jorgenson with the whole shot followed

    By Jeremy Perez Rasmus cooch Hanson Fran madori and Sam Johansson in that order Leno arahu just made it back his debut after several years fighting illness is up in six what a rocket andrees veski in seventh gor Kashi in eth that was awesome just awesome and I think the one

    That was most sleeping was us as we were chatting and it it actually looked like a little bit of a scattered start on there that Light Grid went really quick with Luca fili berte your uim commissioner awesome start and we are underway with a big old we had 25

    Minutes on the clock we’re down to 2246 already I cannot wait to see the times on these come around because that Marcus is leaving some real estate between him and Jeremy that’s that’s quite a quite a gap already he popped to he popped to bigle he was the fastest out of that

    Gate no question and he converted super quick Marcus Jorgenson once again going to the outside split I love the uh mental game that Perez played by going to the inside and that definitely helped him convert to second place yeah Marcus Geon coming from the outside wow hits that front stretch and he is

    Not playing around let’s take a look as they come through the Checker buoys on the left hand side of us here and going to get some times in just a moment you me and Anthony can’t wait to see what the times are Anthony take it away wow that is 2

    Minutes almost flat and there goes Jeremy just 1 second behind him rasmon is two seconds behind and minori 2 seconds this is such a tight group these guys all within uh hundreds of a second Marcus Jenson a 2.0 295 Jeremy Perez with a 20114 Ras MC hon with a

    20219 Francois madori with a 20297 what Sam Johanson with a 20376 and Leno arahu with a 205 416 that how it looks on lap number one and oh man andrez veski AKA Amper not sure what happened did he go off the boat Kylie okay all right so the just getting

    Hung up a little bit on a horsepower Andre veski going to have to go play catchup bummer wow bummer bummer on let lennis Lindberg back there a little bit as well he’s in 16th with a two 28 352 Jordan nikoloff dude you should have been on this tour years ago he’s at a

    2117 he’s up in 10th Juan Lano right there in 11th with a 225 907 Johan Johansson in 12th Mario Lamy in 13th aidus in 14th Lorenzo Balia in 15th lennis in 16th fully horsepower yeah unfortunately junic coma after that break not going to be able to uh go back out yeah he

    Sadness join the club buddy join the club it’s the sadness Club yeah Anthony is your chairman all right Marcus jensson back to the front stretch look at madori your defending world champion he’s lighting up the inside split yeah that’s a that’s an interesting choice for him to take but he’s uh he’s right

    Behind rasmon staying stay staying with them yeah Francois madori holding off Sam Johansen and putting pressure I think he gained a little time take a look look Fran madori had a 202 970 wow so uh not much not much difference it seems like they’re all just uh two seconds behind from their

    Like previous previous laps but uh 203 825 in the last lap for Francois madori and he was faster than Rasmus Co Hanson who had a 20466 Anthony that was a good move Fran madori taking the inside split that was that was clever he is such a smart Rider

    He really thinks it out I think he’s thinking about every move like three the moves ahead of everyone else such a good Rider he really is you’re watching the action here for Runabout gp1 we got 19 minutes 16ish seconds on the clock left and Marcus Jorgenson now it’s got to be

    The waiting game cuz Jorgenson in the past has had problems keeping that boat together from first to last on these motos right now he’s looking solid though but Juan is also doing real real good he is with the USF usus boat he’s doing good I’m I’m impressed with it

    Yeah that boat is that boat is squirrel like quick I me y really likes tight quick turns if you watch y r he’s another one that’s very loose in the upper body yep but he likes a really responsive boat so I’m sure Juan’s like I got to get used to this

    Squirrel op is always tricky but Andre what is going on I don’t know if something’s up with that boat or not gosh he looked so good in Indonesia last year he looked great and qualifying but uh right now not so good for the gentleman out of Poland

    Just a great great Rider I love him and his whole team super fun to hang out with there’s Rasmus Co Hansen gentleman in third yeah Leno’s doing like great he is up in sixth in sixth place so wow that’s impressive for him all right you run down once again we’re on lap number

    Two we’re just coming to lap number three Marcus Marcus jensson is just heading towards the checkered buoys for this third lap take a look and lap three oh man he’s consistent all right so we’re like dropping 4 seconds this time let’s see what no this time he did didn’t he 206

    765 for Marcus Jorgenson meanwhile Perez with a 207 738 Jeremy is Jeremy’s catching up y Jeremy is and Rasmus is 20675 he’s faster than Marcus on that lap Francois madori way faster 205 822 oh wow samio Hansen a 207 118 holding tight Leno arahu with a 206

    187 H I’m starting to think that inside line is the one to take because Fran Fran is making up time yeah he is not a little time that’s a lot of time and uh I think uh Marcus’s uh fatigue is starting to kick in so uh that’s a fast

    Boat to be holding on to Reuben men Rael May is back in ninth with a 209 on his first lap 216 was his second lap or excuse me his third lap guys cas check in and look at Martin Duke up in eighth place 20 21455 is this last lap for him

    Gori kashid seven for the 207 297 yeah well the two good Yamahas that are on the field there are doing really really good comparing with the big dogs here cuz uh those like seedos are really crushing this field and that Seido has put together a solid machine year after

    Year although we say seidu you guys do an awful lot of upper like you’re top deck and your bottom decks are typically different right you do a lot of modifications since you’re allowed to yeah but they usually kind of follow the lines of the seu um what they have to do

    With white and balance of the of the C oh okay thank you I wanted to get I’ve got two experts up here that’s why I pose the questions because both these guys know way more than I do on that jargon sit on the front stretch let’s see what he gets now everybody’s excited

    206 765 was his last lap will he be able to convert faster oh that was fr madori almost got around Rasmus hon out the inside split and now Rasmus is aware yeah that inside split is fast they can shave some time on that one um oh look

    At that Marcus Mar Marcus did shave some time all right so what did he get this time it was 206 last one was 207 all right 206 931 for Marcus Jorgenson meanwhile Rasmus cooch Hansen is under pressure for franois madori and I think he’s surprising coming out of that split

    Section Ras was like whoa dude where did you come from yeah Francois madori knocking on the door of third place yeah he is he is right there look at his time fris is a 208 I I’m sure if he didn’t if he didn’t get blocked he would have

    Popped out right in front of him Tommy bogren on the line uh live stream saying go team Sweden Jeremy Barb also shouting out and Marlene latteo saying go Leno arahu who I got to catch a breath that was Insanity on lap number four again 206 931 for Marcus Genson he’s leading

    Jeremy Perez with a 207 546 Rasmus cooch Hansen with a 208 850 but the story here is Francois madori with a 208 768 he is he is throwing out some lap times that are on fire yeah but she watch this guy behind him that Sam Johanson on this last lap with a 208

    370 I think he picked up on that inside uh split that’s the one to take knock knock who’s there inside split that’s who okay that was horrible I’ll try not to do that to you guys anymore no it was good it was good again leading Marcus Jenson you got 14.14 on the

    Clock I’m having way too much fun this is one of the best sports in the world and I really appreciate you guys joining us on the live spring there’s Rasmus and uh getting the pressure look at him even taking a look back beautiful run for uh Rasmus cooch

    Hansen uh he got he got pass yeah he got around him I was looking for madori but madori got around him yeah madori got well let’s see what happens now I’m a checking no no there he is madori K from the outside sweeping R hon he holds it

    Oh they’re side by side on the double just before they get to the front stretch and Fran madori got swamped by a pump water and that pushed him back yeah but they are they are fighting it and they’re catching up to Jeremy over there so uh this is going to be an interesting

    Uh I feel like r is going to have to find a fast line and also defend from madori he’s going to be stuck in the middle here it’s going to be a rasmuson sandwich the I’m glad you said that keep your eye on rasis cooch Hansen boat number 78 and

    Boat number 41 your defending world champion France madori those two uh Titans are going back to back and look at Rasmus he’s got him shaken up enough that Rasmus taking a look back there just to see where he is and I don’t blame him yeah that’s uh that’s that’s

    Actually the worst part where you have to keep looking back uh and you can’t really focus on your race line as much as you would like to I would be looking back after that uh was quite the charge let’s see what happens on this next lap

    As Rasmus cson and Fran madori are going to the Runabout extension um we had a an extender if you will on this lap uh or excuse me on this course there are four extra buoys and that is no small amount of time they’re actually taking a massive big sweeper

    And you can see him heading out toward it right now there’s Jeremy Perez the gentleman riding in second two-time pass world champion two include one of the coolest races in Kuwait I’ve ever seen Jeremy Perez got off the boat in Kuwait didn’t even know he’d won the world title everybody was

    Running down to the beach Jeremy you got it you got it it was one of the coolest things we’ve ever seen Fran madori again your defending world champion and look how close he is to your third place Rider Rasmus cooch Hanson Rasmus goes to the outside madori Anthony goes to the inside

    Oh oh let’s see what happens now all right jensson hits the front stretch uh boat number 67 that’s Alberto SD having a little engine problems and here comes Rasmus cot Canon from the outside oh oh he got it oh FR madori gets the it got

    Out of there faster they side by side on the first turn took the double they’re not done fror just tried to pass again and had to get around lap traffic at that oh my gosh that that was so close ah mate you could have fit a cocan between those two

    Guys on that turn Fran madori would have had that pass had it not been for Alberto stini no fault of course of Alberto he didn’t realize what was going on but he had to check and drop it 17 broke so oh no rasis Cott Canon just broke that does it for Francois

    Madori but man what a heartbreaker no no no no that Heartbreaker we still have almost 11 minutes left of this race that is so unfortunate it’s a heartbreaker wow oh my goodness I I have to catch my breath Marcus Jorgenson still leading with a 209 263 on that last lap Jeremy

    Perez with a 209 668 and Rasmus I tell you what bud you put on one of the best shows in this first Moto I’ve seen in a long time huge Kudos that is the absolute worst feeling you have all that adrenaline running through you and you’re blocking and now just everything

    Ends so suddenly it’s like hitting the brakes Anthony I I can’t catch my breast I’ve got all the adrenaline running as well that’s how intense that race was so much fun to watch wow me ahead this is racing at its best I could not agree more Christopherson go Rasmus Heartbreak

    Hotel out on the water as we see Rasmus can coming in on a tow rope what a tough tough break is Anthony ratch gives you the feedback on that he would know Anthony’s been through a lot of up and downs and closed course racing and that

    Was one of the big ones jeez Fran madori your new third place Rider with a 209 832 and also your defending world champion for 2023 wow yeah but if uh madori continues his time he could definitely catch up to Jeremy he could oh he’s already on him he’s right behind look at him

    Look at Kylie was actually pointing it out to both of us she’s like boys he’s already there he’s like three boat links away that’s it yeah I was looking checking his times and I was just and already he’s on his back I tell you what’s funny about that Jeremy Perez and

    France ju madori very close friends but uh when it comes to racing they’re like N I don’t even like you that much until I until we get back off the track then I adore you yeah yeah it’s teammates uh off the water but on the water and it’s

    War yeah it is definitely wore both of those Riders uh by the way supported by Teddy pwns the Easy Rider uh helping them out Fran madori and Jeremy Perez and that is the battle you got to watch for a second you could just see it through all that whitewash Jeremy Perez

    A proud papa of uh two munchkins both voria and Leonardo and right now he’s holding off his buddy Francois madori and they are what what is that five boats maybe apart from those two at at most and another Rider goes down and they’re having to negotiate around on that

    Gentleman Perez has not taken a look back he’s playing smart here yeah yeah he he has he has to stay focused and watch his uh watch his race line Cu uh I don’t think I don’t think Fran madori is going to be able to shake up Jeremy prz

    Frankly I’m not sure he shook up Rasmus now that I’m looking back on that I think that Rasmus knew the boat was having problems yeah could be but I’m also looking at uh madori’s time he he is he is staying consistent uh Jeremy’s

    Last lap time was a two 11 and uh madori is 207 so uh he’s he’s catching up here they are Jeremy Perez and Francois madori and even Kylie was saying you got to watch this because this could switch very quickly yeah I’m go ahead Marcus jensson leading and

    Goes to the outside no Jeremy Perez what just happen Jeremy Perez going to the outside where what happened to Jeremy there’s four is where did he go did he just break no hold on guys morgus jensson outside there’s Jeremy oh Perez broke broke he’s out there

    Jeremy broke no he’s out Fran madori I was looking at Mario Lamy but uh Jeremy Perez actually broke on that backstretch there it is thanks guys for getting that on the camera yeah lap traffic needs to get out of his way cuz uh madori is on the hunt for uh for

    Marcus he and he is catching up wow wow wow wow yeah yeah he is catching up so fris madori is the engine killer that’s two for one two for Tuesday Francois goes up on Rasmus cooch Hansen and Rasmus goes down and then he goes up on Jeremy Perez and Perez goes

    Down so he must have some kind of magic Mojo happening will he be able to do that to Jorgenson we got six and a half minutes to find out yeah they are they’re not too far apart from each other half of a half of a second so

    Let’s see what happens all right well thank you Kylie she was the one that caught that on the backstretch meanwhile Kaza overtook aru gorgi Kaja is all the way up into fourth so he has been quietly charging yeah yeah look at the look at the kaz’s

    Causus time it’s like 2 210 now so uh he is he is putting out some lap times man the Gladiators on the water we got 6 minutes left Marcus jensson leading last lap was a 212 722 francea madori with a 21214 knock knock Marcus and Samuel Hansen with a

    21418 is in third gear Kos in fourth with a 210 342 Leno arahu in fifth with a 21415 and Martin dck has moved up into six wow look at that amazing job sir and Jeremy Perez of course is going to be moving back with that break and that is

    A tough one so Ruben menz raeli will actually move into that Seventh Place spot Jordan nikoloff is in eighth and Mario Lama is ninth and Juan Lano 10th go ahead so we have Marcus and uh madori now going through the splits and uh o okay Marcus goes to the outside Anthony

    Yeah he’s uh he’s he’s going to get him this round for sure okay so marus has had very consistent times on that outside split look how close madori is from the inside and he does take over my gosh he does look at that wow Fran

    Madori I I I almost called it I was like a he missed out on that one unbelievable you guys I hope you got a chance and you were out of your seat on that one madori like a rabbit at a greyhound track he put out a

    205 lap time on his lap nine that is impressive that is oh my gosh I don’t even I don’t even have words for that uh I’m trying to figure out if something happened to Marcus cuz that his that’s his worst lap time it’s a 214 you’re watching France W madori your defending

    World champion on boat number 41 from fifth to the lead that’s how much it can change out here in the GP Runabout one 418 left on the clock and the only thing that’s got to be in his head right now is get some distance and keep that puppy

    Together yeah I feel like he should let off the throttle just a little bit to try to save that engine because Marcus is uh is uh two turns behind him now so uh Marcus also knows that Samuel is pretty like far behind so he can uh he

    Can ease off too uh I think they’re going to stay into a position that they have been right now there’s Sam Johansson and by the way let’s just take a look at where Mr Johansson is he’s up in third with that 23 6 A9 but there is still like three minutes

    To go or almost four minutes uh yeah we got three and a half so actually uh there was a 5922 Gap from 5 Seconds five almost 6 seconds back he went from that to the lead in one lap you guys something something had to happen to Lamarcus yeah and Kylie Elmer’s actually

    Put on the live stream she’s typing on the live streaming so she’s right here you are adorable yeah but she’s she’s actually right I I would say uh Marcus fatigue is kicking in right now and he hasn’t raced uh all year last year so uh

    I think he uh he could be out of shape he that’s okay yeah you got a little time for the next one meanwhile France W madori with a 205 236 that is some serious Mojo Kylie Elmer says Jeremy Perez cries for him what a great ride

    One of my FV feelings and that is a tough one yeah that is a tough one yeah but Marcus is still laying out some good laugh times he is uh see what it comes up now but yep Yu she’s giving me some feedback on Martin dck a junior good uh

    Very good young blood very fast rider well he certainly is he’s up in six well um right Czech Republic madori just eased off so he’s not pushing as hard as he was before he knows that if he just nurses that engine keeps it safe he’s he has this in the

    Bag Samuel Samuel’s still charging hard yeah yeah Sam is one you got to watch from first to finish he just never lets off and and he has a very good chance of catching up to Marcus if he continues with his La time right now cuz it’s a

    217 Marcus is a 2 like 21 he can he can catch up real real quick this was spectacular I mean just recap I’m just sitting here in my head thinking about this what do you think uh it was it was a good change of position left and right

    To like see uh madori come from uh fifth is that where he started fifth yeah climbing all the way up unbelievable Fran madori 211 498 on this last lap we got 10 laps down yeah in a minute 28 left he’s on the backstretch right now coming down so he

    Is he is flying look at that boat just has great hookup he’s not even he’s not even sweating it now it’s it’s I’m still like my head is absolutely spinning at what just unfolded in front of us here at the Grand Opening of uh the uim ABP Aquabike

    World Championship if this if this is how the opening round is going to be I’m just going to say you guys better get your tickets right now and just come on out here cuz this is going to be nuts for this next one yep yep unbelievable

    Mark go ahead there’s Mark is going by by the the tug boat or actually by the fishing boat that you called it it could be a fishing boat you don’t know I mean it looks like a tug boat to be fair but maybe they fish in their off

    Time I don’t know oh yeah of course that every boat is a fishing boat there if you’re Anthony yes every boat is a fishing boat all right Marcus Jorgenson yeah but look at Sam Sam Sam is two laps uh two turns behind him not far there’s

    Lahu on boat number 27 loo on the camera and he’s at a 215 878 oh oh Samuel is up right now he is on fire let’s see what happens here he has 14 seconds before the White Flag comes out is he going to be able to catch him

    In this last lap yes Leno arahu is actually hunting yorgi kaua he’s very close to him I was just looking at what’s on the screen here 215 878 for Leno and gorg’s at a 221 so yeah loo could get around gorgi Kashi as well y I

    Uh I have a feeling that there is going to be a position change here pretty soon if this continues the way it is oh you’re looking at Sam Johansson with a 210 and Marcus with a 221 Samuel is cooking he is cooking and he is not playing he’s well he needs to hurry

    Because I do believe the white flag is out yep the white flag is out boom baby boada Bing but but Marcus is going to he has to dig deep inside and pull everything that he can all right Marcus got hold on to Second me meanwhile madori Fran madori just on a cruise out

    There on the backstretch chilling like a villain man what a great story for a gentleman that started out owning a pharmacy married a beautiful woman who also has a pharmacy and you are pointing at something to Samuel H around Marcus he did yes he did he passed Marcus wow

    He passed him on the on the left side on the big sweeper he passed him there all right Anthony called it Samuel Hansen just got around Marcus Jorgenson for second on that final lap and look at Sam loose goose chilling yeah oh no I changed his

    Mind he was chilling and then he just went right back into race mode did you see that yep that was awesome let’s see how Kaza Kaza does now because yeah Kaz is in a little bit of a hunt as well 210 against 212 that’s closed and loo is

    Right on it there is Francois madori as he comes through the final couple of turns ladies and gentlemen the rider from France who owns a pharmacy during the day and on the weekends he races like crazy and what an amazing not only endurance Rider but close course Rider at there he

    Is taking the win in Moto number one amazing run for Francois madori oh White Flag wow I was too soon on that oh they finished the 245 minutes before he got to the White Flag so we’ll have to take another one all right one more okay unas

    So close but I was wrong so was I that’s okay that’s okay we we are definitely having a heck of a day we’re watching that Fran madori go from fifth to the lead oh oh Loo’s coming up hold up I told you oh I think he’s going to pass Marcus cuz Georgie

    Passed Marcus just now too oh no what is happening I think there’s something wrong with Marcus’s boat okay so Marcus Jorgenson moving backwards not the space you want to be in on the final lap I think it’s his boat there’s something something had to happen because that’s

    Not normal for Marcus no no it is not he’s a great Rider but right now he’s Dro back into fourth and he’s under Jeopardy of moving all the way back into fifth if Leno arahu could get around it oh that was such a such a great performance for Marcus at the start it

    Really was all right Fran madori goes out uh on that final section that is the Runabout specific track it’s got an extra four uh buoys to it yes sir no he’s like I’m just thinking I’m just thinking 215 975 for Sam Johansson on that last lap and and gorgi Kasha picked

    Up the pace 209 999 okay so Lena is right on Marcus right now we’re I am watching that fight I can see it over here cuz they’re super super close we’re watching boat number seven and uh boat number 27 on the back stretch meanwhile that is Francois madori I was actually

    Calling him to win on that prior lap but he had a one more I’m glad he was not paying attention to us yeah we were wrong CU if if he stopped because of us that would have been really bad this is why you do not have the announcers in your ears ever all

    Right front stretch for Fran madori on boat number 41 and he is just coming through right now meanwhile Sam Johansen for second and did they did oh my gosh Leno arahu got around Marcus Jorgenson and here comes Francois madori as he cruises through you can see the Drone

    Footage beautiful job for France fador taking the win in Moto number one that is impressive he did a fantastic job that was one performance I got to catch my breath Sam Johanson the young gun out of sweeten going to lock down that second place spot Gori kashi’s got to be really happy

    With that he was not in the top eight when they got on that start and he’s moved all the way up into third what a phenomenal ride for the gentleman from Hungary there’s Sam Hanson taking second and there’s Kaza taking taking third yep on third on

    A borrowed boat not his boat let’s keep that in mind cuz that is very impressive it is very impressive good point to even get close to a Podium with OP like that and then again Leno arahu will be fourth Leno coming back boom he is swinging loo locking and loading is what loo

    Did and then H going to be in fifth place Marcus jensson holding on to fifth Martin dck will be sixth Ruben am menes raeli will be seventh Mario Lamy with a great finish in eighth Jordan nicoloff in ninth lennis Lindberg rounds out your top 10 and Juan Lano just misses the top

    10 he’s in 11 yeah but that was still impressive riding from Juan oh yeah also on op as Anthony I love having you up here because I’m also getting more insight uh on what’s Happening underneath the hood so you guys are just the absolute bomb Gracie Davidson I

    Agree wow and Roy and luish what a sad thing to happen to Jeremy yes let’s all just take a moment moment and I give a big hug for uh both Jeremy Perez and Rasmus cooch Hansen those were heroic runs for both of these guys you’ve been

    Watching the race action here at the uim ABP Aquabike world championship and a beautiful shot there of giorgi kashu was probably like where are my lungs after that run he I think he was actually out of the top 10 even in that first couple of laps y I don’t remember

    Seeing him in the top 10 yeah yeah he was he was he was in the back of the pack wow for sure to third place for giori how how many times do you see that no you don’t you don’t see that he uh he’s a really really good Rider he’s uh

    He’s very uh what’s that calculated here yeah here are your results as uh we got posted for you for the GP Runabout class Francois madori at the top of it look at that lap time for the best didn’t even have the fastest lap time 202 970 and then Samuel Hansen second gorgi

    Kasha third Leno arahu fourth after what a charge Marcus Jorgenson holding on for fifth I gu got to be with you guys I think something was happening to the boat or he just hauled out and faded but it’s a two flat 295 he had the best of

    Lap time on that overall Martin dck for six Mario Lami seventh lennis Lindberg again eighth Jordan nicoloff ninth oh Juan Cruz Lano got around for 10th on that final very cool very good top 10 look at that boom that’s got to be a good Redemption because I had a little

    Bit of tough breaks on uh the qualifying so great job for the rider from the US Ruben and Men R kelme for 11th Jus for 12th Johan uh is going to be 13th and alre veski they’re showing as 14th despite the fact that he was having severe engine problems so holding on to

    Top 12 ladies and gentlemen that is the run for this first series of motos don’t go very far we’ still got that night show coming at you and that’s going to be parallel slalom as well as boom boom freestyles in the room yeah maybe I had

    A little too much caffeine I don’t know I love Vietnamese coffee that’s all I’m going to say Anthony’s kicking but Vietnamese coffee is pretty strong that is it does not suck okay it’s my new favorite coffee is Vietnamese coffee by the way Kylie Elmer

    Can’t give me too hard a time I know how addicted to coffee she is will round it out yeah I’d love to have Kylie on the microphone for a bit too Anthony you’re just a sweetheart thank you bud all right we’ve got Kylie Elmer’s joining us as we uh take a lookout here

    Over some of the beautiful historic landmarks you can come back tonight or you ditching me uh I haven’t had a bit offer yet so I may turn up good I will bring you coffee because I know the secret to your soul oh that’s only in the morning and that’s

    Only you know that that that is my contribution to society is coffee in the morning all right I’ll try to find some different Refreshments for you only yeah there you go all right you guys you’ve been watching uh the race action here for the uim ABP aquab Bike World

    Championship Series recap Miss Elmer’s thoughts what a great afternoon of racing this has been a really good opening first round um the ladies class there was a shocker on the Finish Line man right there there was some amazing racing in the men’s ski and then and then to finish out with the

    Runabout class with all those uh Place changes awesome yeah I totally agree great recap from Kylie Elmer I’m Da Dawson we’ll see you back here this evening at 2100 hours uh in uh us time I’ll see you here at 900p uh local time we’ll be back and I can’t wait to share

    Even more coal action I’m Don Dawson Kylie Elmer and you’ve been watching the Grand Prix of Ben Den

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