Day 2 solo riding Brighton-Dover

    Dive into ‘Pedals and Perils: A UK Odyssey,’ where every turn brings a new adventure. From epic crashes to sudden weather flips, this ride across the UK is anything but ordinary. Experience the thrill of dodging raindrops, racing the wind, and soaking up rare British sunshine. It’s not just a bike ride; it’s a challenge against nature, a journey of resilience, and a celebration of pushing limits. Ready for an epic cycling saga? Strap in, ride hard, and embrace the adventure that lies ahead. This is your ticket to witness the wild side of the UK, pedal by pedal

    He wow they we this so so crazy oh my God so like literally start at 6:00 in the morning um and then since that I use so so much energy that the equivalent like a 40 50k for 10K it just literally that the moment I have to so like like strongly hold the

    Bicycle that’s it’s like a side wind it’s like it’s it’s like very strong basically it was moments it was no even chance to to stand even on the bicycle that I was like like literally the bicycle like this angle uh it was crazy uh even though I even

    Try to like a push the Bice come even closer to towards the cliff it’s even hard to stand on my feet basically the if if the wind is is coming in front literally just pushing you away uh so as an average speed used to be like 30 K hour Against the Wind I

    Can do like maximum 10 uh and then the wind is keep shifting so it’s like from the front from the side from the front from the side and it’s like keep shifting keep shifting so you have to catch it each each moment um now started

    Rain um by just about to finish as well uh have a rest a little bit and I will give it a go again so today is a hardcore day 150 km ahead we’ll try to reach DOA um in terms of the actual city city is nice um not as as many people but

    It’s still morning so can’t compare still um yeah it’s it’s a windy day today this sh on Blue Level A watch out morning sequences brake strap uh nothing at the back basically uh like sliding down on down the volley like but’s say like a waterfall um slide my back wheel and like on like side uh out side into the bushes but wasn’t very quick was okay so

    Like a gentle reminder to be cautious is to um finally next second break yeah that’s the so the feeling describe is really hard will happen in the last few hours um basically uh I didn’t even expect it’s going to be that hard in that mountains so in the summary two

    Crashes uh the one which one I broke the strap I’ll record it but the second one as well I slipped uh so I went down again uh the waterfall way basically waterfall going and I went with the bicycle down um but also I kind of get in the storm I would

    Say so cuz I was on top of the mountain and then it was the side wind and heavy rain so it’s it was to the point even it was even painful uh like to the cheeks and everything like very strong wind basically and like due to the rain it

    Was really painful um so then I’m like I have an idea how to cover up myself a bit more so I just like slugging in with my on my waterproof basically um but yeah so I finally finished that the hardcore puff um so head left 100 km um so expect Dober to

    Reach uh late in the evening so so far I’ve done 40K um so plenty fuel left in a tank so I can again go carry on a hardcore um again what what I’m going to say um the hard work is paid off with like I can’t even imagine how I would be

    Bble to do and then carry on in such a intensive way uh I’ve go like on top of the mountain of like 20° uh like more than a kilometer way and it’s basically my side my my back wheel was sliding so much so I have to

    Catch uh a little patch of the ground just to get a little bit more friction um so it was really navigational way um to get on around uh basically I didn’t even the jump off the bike uh and just carry on carry on carry on uh yeah it was so much

    Adrenaline I was not able to record it because the GoPro is not uh fully waterproof so I don’t want to get damage but yeah in quiet um short future um I definitely will get the waterproof case and I will record what’s the adrenaline is going on in that crazy conditions yes

    Now it’s time to rest get the energy back and then carry on just for a short time not my waterproof but I came all the way down there on the beach cuz it’s it was private so I have to all go around I want to go as close

    As to the seaside and that was the uh Railway basically track I can’t there as well as the cameras as well is in his dangerous so so full com carry on it was like good 30 minutes um sun and then again super windy rain with the rain it’s a bit

    Better is not as uh as much as this before but still um that’s the super Lake no I don’t want to go on the super Lake I guess this is amazing place here so yeah short update it’s done uh roughly around 5K I haven’t checked it but yeah that’s how it’s

    Do no 10K 10K um so soaking wet uh and the Mak I dry out everything and now again so wet um uh so now looking at CP to dry out again and then carry on uh the good news that um good news that uh wind is is getting changed uh B doing uh

    Like pration or something like that so so it says roughly around 2:00 uh wind will be pulling my back so that’s a really good news um also um then we will we’ll stop as well around around 2:00 so now it’s 12:00 um we’ll try to carry on um

    Already got used to it to to the W to the wet clothes it’s just a problem about the feets they are soaking wet um but the other everything is fine so I need to find makis or any other better place uh like a shelf um where I can change the socks

    What would be best to get makis uh so okay I jump on the road carry on again and then we’ll see and the next couple hour um hopefully we change the weather uh this is stormy weather w so it’s the second round now so

    Basically as soon I left it m and a half an hour I get soaking wet and then probably one and a half hour I been driving like Completely that that period basically I was thinking to quit and Then the worst thing was that I keep seeing the the stations uh Railway stations to just basically just jump and then get back um but then I knew it um weather will change uh and will stop raining and as soon I will stop raining then there will

    Be no more rain by the end of today uh and the weather as well will be better so again got back to the macdonal um get my clothes dry um finally I can see the sun which will be roughly around 1 hour uh ref few and ready to keep going but basically

    Um I’ve already checked it basically the locations where I can sleep for pretty much is like every 20 minutes uh it is like places nice nice affordable places to sleep so which is wor that basically I could finish Journey any time that’s the thing uh but the Sun comes out gives me again

    Motivation to move forward it was a moment that I just want to stop uh so basically the just put air airphones H and then just fight with the demons like czy songs like the roll the FL yeah so so far going 60 km and 92 km to go

    By the time schedule it’s still seems okay cuz it’s still till the sunset left 3 hours 25 minutes and the Navigation says 4 hours and 30 um so we’ll be a little bit of uh night right as well other than that um hopefully this this basically next 2 hour so

    Um get a lot a lot of kilometers as weather is okay wind okay and there is no more rain so yeah so get got be going finally just couple kilomet left to reach 100 uh okay that’s how it planned um last couple hours was was okay changed my clothes and still try

    Um so finally weather is come down uh no more rain left in the clouds um yeah so now I’m going to enjoy the sunset the golden hour and then carry on a bit my drive I miss that as well enjoy time lapse how this looks like the G laa by the Seaside We down don’t be afraid we down down we down be afraid down down down me I Myself on Me yeah oh yeah yeah I’m Um next day morning um early morning I would say so here I am by the do um so that’s the plan um as soon I finish the United Kingdom trip that’s the first point I’m going to leave with the bicycle from do and visit the other countries such as like Spain

    Closest and then carry on further away uh as it pro pro probably visible I’m seriously tired um just because I arrived 9:00 in the 9:00 in the evening to the sleeping place already OV exhausted used my all energy and then I was thinking oh I’m going to just jump

    In the bed and then sleep but uh uh probably does the consequences of uh the cheap place to sleep in the hostels so I picked the cheapest one for 28b uh when I arrived there uh I thought it’s going to be bunker bed but it was

    In the room bunker bed there was all taken and then there was like um the ACT show simple beds two beds next to it um so I sleep in one of them and then basically there was a guy Chinese guy who was dedicated to do his studies overnight

    Basically um so I was and basically there was a head lump over my head it’s like like less meter away and then he was studying I wasn’t annoyed at that point tried to fell asleep 2 hours past no chance it’s just too bright light even with he like is go through the blanket

    So I woke up like uh meditated from meditated sleep even more tired than I than I was um so basically uh I told him basically like can we switch off the lights basically and then I want to go sleep cuz you have your laptop can you can you have the lights

    Basically say no no why did you pick the that bed I say I didn’t uh it was like basically random picked and the last bed I could get so um it was 15 minutes to 12:00 so yeah so then I was like annoyed a lot and then he was just he wasn’t listening

    To me and then he just Carri on studying and TI and so out so basically I just 12:00 I said that’s a good night switch of the light so he was annoyed as well so he just went away so this this was like sorted not the nicest way as I like but yeah

    Um so after that basically there was a lot of people does looks like a lot of people sick around like coughing all night so yeah so I just fell asleep as I checked on the statistic just 3:00 in the morning and then because I have a lot uh ready for next

    Day trip uh with the sunrise so 6:00 in the morning so sleep SLE like three three hours in total and even those three this three hours it’s I my body didn’t recover as much as I like I want so I have to cancel basically today’s trip uh I

    Expected to go 100 km on the bicycle but I just can’t I don’t want to get injured or something like that and there is a mechanical problems with the bicycle um basically the chain is not lubricated enough I had that loot but uh just because it was yesterday such a hardcore

    Day and then I like washed away and then again dirty like basically constantly I have to do something with the bicycle when I’m under the mechanical issues so run out of that uh so the state of the bicycle is not the best we got the puncture as well but anyway I’ve done yesterday

    100 uh 40K which is for me is incredible cuz the altitude was really intense as well more than 1,000 m above the sea level um other than that basically um yeah I just need to rest good good couple days even though I today i’ I’ve done like 10K just for a

    Recovery ride uh uh I could be able to do some of the kilometers but it just now it just the brain works that is no point to to to carry on just need to rest and cuz the competitions as well is not um not like just a couple days left and

    This is this week is the intensity week and then then after that is the taper week so I don’t want to over do it so yeah so most likely I will do another hardcore day uh next weekend so yeah now I just need to recover uh and then I will come back

    Much more stronger than I was see you soon e

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