Chaired by Commissioner Zoe, these meetings give members of the public and staff the opportunity to understand the performance of the Police and Fire services and hear what they are doing to keep us safe and feeling safe.

    This meeting will focus on: Neighbourhood policing/Outcomes

    Agenda and meeting papers:

    We encourage everyone to join in and watch, and if you have a question, please ask it.

    Full details on our website, here:

    Members of the public are invited to watch this meeting from 2.30pm and submit questions in advance by completing our online form:
    posting on Twitter using the hashtag #NYScrutiny or
    commenting on Facebook.


    00:00 – Start
    08:00 – NYP response times
    11:00 – Crime levels
    14:00 – Bicycle theft
    15:00 – Burglaries
    18:00 – Burglary outcomes
    19:00 – Violent vehicle crime
    24:00 – Investigation outcomes
    27:00 – Stop and Search
    31:00 – Staff diversity
    33:00 – PCSO numbers
    37:00 – Workforce planning
    39:00 – Neighbourhood policing
    1:15:00 – Spotlight Question: Claire’s Law
    1:15:00 – HMIC update
    1:42:00 – Public Question: Motorway services & crime
    1:43:00 – Public Question: Firearms license delay
    1:47:00 – Public Question: Skelton ASB & Neighbourhood Watch
    1:49:00 – Public Question: Little Smeaton/Kirk Smeaton burglaries
    1:51:00 – Public Question: Pavement Parking
    1:54:00 – Public Question: Scarborough dangerous driving
    1:57:0 – Public Question: Officer social media
    1:58:00 – Public Question: Gender crime recording
    1:59:00 – Public Question: Scarborough hate crime
    2:02:00 – Public Question: Scarborough ASB
    2:04:00 – Public Question: Speeding in Pickering
    2:07:00 – Public Question: Average speed cameras
    2:08:00 – Public Question: Gender Identities in Policing

    Hello welcome to my online public meeting for North Yorkshire police I’m commissioner zui and I’ll be chairing the meeting today so let’s turn to the agenda and any apologies and that’s one from Scott bissets so there were no minutes from the last meeting and generally what we do is we put them

    Online onto my web page so you’ll be able to go at your leisure and watch the previous meeting so if any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us right let’s go straight to the performance section so I’m handing over to you Katherine I believe for this yes afternoon commissioner afternoon

    Everybody um so I will be taking us through the performance slides today so if we could click on to the first slide please oh sorry the next one lovely thank you okay thank you very much so this um shows data relating to our um answering of emergency calls so

    999 so as you’ll see in the top left you can see the count of calls and we work to what we call a service level agreement so we seek to answer 90% of calls within 10 seconds so um we can see that so what you won’t see is the sort

    Of the previous um Improvement but anybody who’s been on this meeting before will know that we have vastly vastly improved this in North Yorkshire so we continue to have increased volume of calls yet our performance remains around 90% in terms of that service level agreement which we’re very happy

    With um and the average answer time for 999s has drastically improved since 2022 um and we’ve broken it up there just underneath so you can see um in terms of different time periods so this is 1st of March 23 to 29th of February 24 there and you can see how quickly we’re

    Answering but that top box shows you um in February we were at 89 so we’re just up and there around about 90% much more consistently now which I’m really happy about if we could click on to the next slide please cther can I just ask a quick question you know I’m always

    Driving you to improve and it is fantastic the call answer times for three9 but what are you doing to get it down even further so um we have uh we are uh recruiting more people so we had I think another 11 people hit we call it

    The room so the force control room um which is the Hub where our call handlers and dispatchers work we have new technology coming in and that is helping us in terms of planning our Workforce um so our people when they have breaks when they need to be there what our demand is

    And that’s a really much more technological solution for us to understand our demand so when we need our people to be in the seats attached to the phones to be answering so lots in terms of recruitment um and Technology within the room so we continue um to to

    Try and improve and increase that performance and really have the absolute assurance and confidence that we will consistently be answering um 90% or more of our 999 calls within that 10-second time frame thank you okay so the slide that you can see now deals with non-emergency calls so

    That’s what we would call a 101 um so as you’ll see there um a slight little change there in terms of performance the bottom left bar chart shows that uh 75.5 five% have been answered in under 2 minutes during the previous month and 87% have been answered in under five minutes which

    Hopefully for a non-emergency um is we we believe is way better than it used to be our average answer time at the moment as you’ll see in terms of what we call a service level agreement again that performance within which we hope to is 90% of calls answered within 120 seconds

    So two minutes nationally this is likely to change to three but we are really happy with our performance there reporting against uh 2 minutes so um we are looking at something which is very new which is a recent addition called Custer so people may or may not know

    About this so it’s um it’s an additional technological process to our call handling process which should hopefully improve customer satisfaction for those people who are Sitting Waiting on the line by offering our callers an option to end their call at a specific point one minute in and then receive a call

    Back from our call handlers when their original call would have been answered this allows the caller to go about their day without having to wait online the system keeps their place in the queue it works through to a call Handler in order and then when their place would have

    Come had they remained waiting we will call them back just hopefully a little bit more uh convenient um it reduces the risk of callers being offered a lesser service through the one1 um and we anticipate that the abandonment rate so the people who choose that they don’t

    Want to wait will actually reduce as a result of that option because it’s it’s sh nationally with those other forces who use it to be an increase in satisfaction I saw I saw a hand go up Elliot’s hands up Elliott do you want to come in thanks commissioner and I hope

    I’m not stealing your thunder ahead of time here Catherine but um you’re absolutely right other forces have seen um significant improvements in satisfaction from introducing that and I was with a lot of chiefs last week who are doing that the other thing that a lot of other forces do that we’re doing

    As well um will be the introduction of the triage Des the switchboard um later on in the year as well again that ability for us to uh identify risk and those ones that need escalating really quickly very early on and that’s a massive thing for us and a massive thing

    For the public yep you’re absolutely right Elliot it is and I’m absolutely delighted that we’ve got that coming in which will make a really big difference because I was going to ask you about that 23% abandonment rate so it would definitely impact that for the better

    You know the other question I’m going to ask to you probably Katherine by now now and that is why is has somebody had to wait 1 hour 23 minutes on 101 yep so this call came in in the early hours of Sunday the 11th of February the caller

    Made no selection when presented with an automated switchable s of option at the start so they were rooted through to our out of hours um which is then staffed by our um call call handlers in the control room around other demand and other calls that’s that are coming in so on this

    Occasion um there was a delay obviously our caller call handlers were dealing with other calls 999 but when they’ve been able to answer the call it was disconnected um check lots of checks are then done to follow up we want to make sure that we don’t lose anything um and

    We are reviewing Eternal processes to see whether there’s a more efficient way and as the chief has said there we will have that front line um switchboard on so that we can quicker triage um calls that are coming in to ensure that anything that is maybe a bit more urgent

    But the caller is not sure whether they should ring 999 or 1111 we pick those up and get them into the room so every every time we have a long wait or an abandonment we do lots of checks and we call people back and we try and assess the risk if we could

    Move thank you okay so this moves away from call handling to our physical response or our type of response to calls so this shows our response to calls that are graded as an immediate so we think it’s an emergency so for urban areas we aim to arrive within 15 minutes

    And in R rural areas um that’s 20 minutes we have a priority grade that we aim to then attend within an hour of receiving the call so we assess that the call handlers assess that it gets reassessed with a little bit of system information so there’s a really good um

    Risk assessment that is undertaken to determine the grading within which we go so we think an immediate is an emergency and we are consistently achieving there you’ll see so your green line and your black line um arrival within our Target of 80% for all immediate grade assist uh

    Incidents um and you’ll see there um the upwards trajectory in terms of rural immediate grades we’ve done a lot of work we continue to make changes to improve our performance and commissioner I know we’ve talked about this and we mentioned it last time but for anyone who wasn’t online and didn’t didn’t know

    A lot of work has gone into this in terms of changing our shift times of certain officers spreading time where officers go away to study and lots of other things that they have to do in their time to make our availability of off is more consistent um so we are

    Better me meeting that Peak demand that we understand and we are moving our officers to some more forward uh deployment locations in rural areas as we would call it so we can we have a base from which to more consistently achieve that Target of 80% Target within attendance times for immediates so the

    Bottom left chart there with the orange and blue shows you instant volumes broken down by area of the force the volumes shown um show the districts and they mirror the greatest football foot fall not football sorry footfall and population and the volumes remain static over time when compared to our previous

    Reporting period And in the right you’ll see two tables which show the number of officers on average that we send to antisocial Behavior incidents crime incidents and Public Safety concern incidents they’re sort of particularly different types um where we would want to see um the breakdown of the average

    Officers um and the number of those incidents um so we we know the over time Katherine can I just ask you a question on the graph please um bottom left there’s one called blank and it has a two and a 10 by it what does that mean unfortunately I’m afraid I don’t

    Know what blank means okay well maybe somebody can find out and come back to there yeah okay thank you thanks okay uh so in terms of the next slide is looking at our crime levels okay so you can see there the top graph the blue squiggly line is our three-year

    Crime Trend so that’s all crimes committed in North Yorkshire between March 21 and February 24 so um it shows a downward Trend which is really great crime committed in North Yorkshire now all crime has been lower than in previous years obviously with the exception of Co period but um North

    Yorkshire’s thankfully has been at a greater lower rate if that makes sense so you’ll see from the the data presented um we have lower levels in that bottom right we have a number of crimes uh broken down and you will see the crime count our rate per thousand

    Population and then the England and Wales rate per thousand population so you’ll see here that we have lower rates in all but one crime type than the rest of the UK per thousand population so just of note as I pointed out last time incidents of violence theft robbery

    Burglary and Drug are those that cause the most fear from what we believe among the public and with they are all significantly lower in North Yorkshire so um that’s fantastic news the leftand three boxes stacked above each other show our crime recording Integrity so I’m really pleased that we recently

    Received a rating of good from our um Her Majesty’s inspector of constab and fire fire services in respect of the Integrity of our crime recording we know that this is something that impacts on the confidence of the public so I hope that the public will be reassured that

    We’ve received a good racing there and you will see the percentages um are there any questions in relation to the crime levels well I think Elliot would like to come in please just really briefly commissioner like like you um have said to Katherine you you’ll keep repeating something

    Around one element this for me is the big one this makes North Yorkshire the safest place in England and if you look at the bit that I want to draw your attention to is last summer so the June sort of May June July time when we

    Always see that crime going up up in the summer months when it’s busy and you can see last year that that was significantly flattened it was almost um static across there and then those reductions what this means at the end of the day it’s fewer victims fewer victims

    Of crime and so forgetting our outcomes forgetting all the other stuff if we got fewer victims of crime in the first place that’s exactly where we want to be so I don’t want to underplay this because I think it is such a huge thing for this County and it and every time I

    Go speaking to people out on the street or in the community sometimes they they don’t realize just how safe it is here compared to other forces and I just wanted to hammer that point home just a little bit you’re absolutely right Elliot and I am really pleased to see um

    This this graph I think it’s fantastic I really do and I completely concur with everything that you’re saying and you’re absolutely right you’ve hit the nail on the head that means there are less victims here in yor and North Yorkshire which is really good now I do have one

    Question though Katherine and that is bicycle left so we seem to be above the um average so why is that and what are we doing about it so um yeah just that’s the one where we’re marginally above um potentially uh cities like York where people thankfully like and can cycle a

    Lot means we have a sort of urban um conation where we have a lot of people cycling so um more opportunity there so neighborhood teams focusing um on prevention through lock through locks prevention through um marking of um cycles and then really trying to understand hotspot areas where um

    Bicycles are stolen from and really focusing on those with targeted patrols CCTV Patrol uh CCTV um to try and identify and prevent thank you okay so if we want if we can move on to the next slide please so this shows like we say we’ve got some um crimes which are obviously

    Of real interest to communities and cause a lot of fear and a lot of harm so burglary and robbery so um as you can see there in terms of burglary residential the top graph there in the black line um is thankfully since last summer a nice downward Trend so I can

    Also see that the three-year Trend and it is a downward Trend which continues um and you’ll see underneath there um we we have what we call a resolved outcome rate so that’s where we we solved that crime positively um and our resolved crime rate is higher than the national rate of

    4.55 at 5.2 and you can see there the average investigation time for a burglary being 50 days so for people who may think well why does it take so long we if we have forensic hits in terms of fingerprints or any fibers or um DNA

    Hits then um they can take a bit of time um to get through get assessed in terms of our CSI um and then get through to uh being solved the bottom chart in blue is personal robbery so again three-year Trend um in the past month you’ll see

    That there is an increase in personal robbery so I just want to reassure the public that as you’ve already seen in the previous slides in comparison to other forces nationally the robbery rate in North Yorkshire remains really low so we’re reporting here on very small numbers however I do accept that there

    Is an upward there so we do experience Peaks and troughs um with such low numbers that can then look quite Stark on a graph so an upwards Trend into spring is Not Unusual and we saw this in the previous year comparison importantly what we know is that in comparison to

    Our most similar forces we are still the lowest among the lowest two forces for robbery occurrences um so I just want to reassure anyone that sees this that we are absolutely focusing on robbery in North Yorkshire we understand where we understand um the types of offenses that

    We’re talking here and robbery can span quite a broad um description um we understand the increases we scrutinize every occurrence we’re working hard to prevent any increase um and our overall positive outcome rate so again that sort of solved rate for robbery is almost 15% in North Yorkshire compared to almost

    Nationally uh nationally almost 7% which was the last figure available at the end of September 23 so we’re really pushing ahead in identifying those offenders bringing them to justice Elliot do you want to come in just really quickly again commissioner just on the robbery one we we we had a

    Really close look at this in our performance chief officer team meeting a couple of weeks ago um because obviously a little bit of concern the the thing about this is and I’m not deing any of the offenses some of these we’re still recording robbery don’t forget where it’s children stealing from each other

    And I’m not I’m not that can still be a huge impact but this is not um muggings in the street at knife point and I just want to make that really clear this Rises not down to anything like that so you know that that is the kind of um

    Thing we’re talking about here theft of bikes and stuff between kids which is not acceptable and we still invest vestigate but it is not the serious end of violence y thank you very much for clarifying that Elliot I do have one question about the burglary residential

    Now it is great news to see that we’re still on a downward Trend there so that’s brilliant but the outcome rate is 5% now I know that’s above the national average but it’s still low isn’t it yes and oh sorry sorry C you guys and obviously um attending every burglary

    Taking every opportunity every opportunity um to investigate is something that we are absolutely prioritizing as the chief said we’ve looked and I’ve said we’ve looked really at robbery but we’ve also really really scrutinizing burglary we have burglary Specialists we have um we understand hotpots we have some really good

    Outcomes and some really good um as soon as any Trend comes we we we try very hard to sort of Target those areas and we have had some good outcomes um but I do accept yeah 5% may sound low um but we are working and focus focusing on

    Trying to improve that outcome rate thank you okay shall I move on to the next one yes please okay so the next slide there we go looks at violent crime and vehicle crime so the top graph there in black is violent crime so you’ll see that it continues to decrease in North

    Yorkshire and that has actually in fact been a downward continued downward Trend since summer 2022 so really good news the bottom grow there in blue shows vehicle crime and again similarly to robbery you’ll see in Spring there’s a slight increase generally linked to theft from unattended Motor Vehicles we understand

    Areas where this is happening um and again in line with robbery and burglary a real focus on that at the moment while we’ve see this upward Trend um in terms of paying particular attention to try and identify perpetrators but also trying to prevent this through encouraging the Locking of vehicles the

    Removal of valuables when unattended um and really trying to to prevent and detect those um we’ve seen obviously this drop in occurrences since summer but this increase again as we head into spring isn’t necessarily unusual and just to reassure this is at a the same virtually the same bar one um level to

    The numbers we saw this time last year thank you okay so if we can move on to the next one now so this now moves on to section 136 mental health so section 136 is a is a section of the legislation um relating to mental health and that is

    The power that is given to police officers to detain people so it’s different from an arrest it is a detention for for the protection of a person who may be suffering a mental health um episode or prevention of others as a result of that mental health

    Episode so as you can see there’s been a lot of talk about this in the media so people may be aware and very interested in this um the police are still responding to mental health related incidents and we do still detain people under that section 136 of the mental

    Health act but now however in comparison to previously it happens much less often so anybody who was on um the last meeting sees we’ve almost seen a half in terms of the occurrences that we have attended in the period so we um have an initiative called right care right

    Person which means that health professionals are more likely to attend than police we work really closely with um Health mental health care and fact we have them embedded with us here in the control room but there are still times when it’s necessary for police to attend for example where they’re may be some

    Risk presented and it’s right and appropriate for the police to attend so um the geography of North Yorkshire is quite unique in that it’s very remote and it does mean that we can spend quite a long time on occasion dealing with these incidents right and appropriately where we may have to transport somebody

    To a place of safety so we we prefer not to take anybody who is um undergoing a mental health episode into a custody Suite we rather take them to a place of safety which is led by health professionals and a much safer place and more appropriate place to detain

    Somebody due to mental health as opposed to any crime so in the past number uh past two months like as I said the number of occurrences of mental health episode where we’ve attended have halfed which is really good news so you see the bottom table there indicating of all the

    136 detentions made by police how many were taken to Health Service places of safety versus police custody and I’m pleased to say that you know that remains low at 4 in February versus 16 so te WV Tu teas esan we Valley that’s the health um body health authority who

    Have those places of safety cathine can I ask a question about um those that are put into custody because the numbers although they’re low they’s still been quite consistent aren’t they September October until now and it really concerns me that you know uh a person that’s having a mental health crisis been

    Putting into custody so I’d like some information about those that were put into custody why that happened was there no space in the mental health impatient units were the 136 um Suites full that sort of thing because I think it’s really important to understand more about this data because the last place

    Somebody really wants to be and that North yor police either they don’t want them in a custody street because it’s not the right place when you’re having a mental health crisis so absolutely I agree and we consistently as a force we agree we don’t want anybody who is

    Suffering a mental health episode um to be in police custody it’s not the right place we are not the Specialists um there may be occasions there where um a criminal offense has been occurred as well um somebody may be wanted um there may be such a degree of um uh I don’t

    Like to say the word violence because that’s not the right if somebody is needing to be restrained um and yeah of course there may be times where there isn’t a place but that is much less frequent now so some of these episodes can also involve for criminal offense true thank you

    Okay so if we can move on to the next one please thank you um this looks at our investigative outcomes for all crimes so um you can see in the top uh box there with the blue line you have something called Cru chomu so that’s an administrative um department so every

    Crime that is to be finalized or with an outcome goes through lots of checking to make sure that we are recording it that it’s being closed it’s appropriately um closed so that goes through that team um and we did have uh last year quite a backlog in terms of that so what you’ll

    See in the blue line there at the top is how we have reduced the backlog in terms of administrative processes to close crimes and sort of claim that outcome as as being finalized um so um we are on average now actually fewer by about a thousand than shown here so this this

    Data goes up to January but we’re now hovering around about the 3,000 in terms of administration with that team so a drastic reduction and what you’ll see there in the bottom chart is that that kind of correlates in terms of the positive outcomes so a continued upward

    Trend there so it’s our rolling positive outcome rate so at the end of December 2023 that was 15.4% uh compared against a national figure of 10.6 so um that positive direction of travel correlating with our massive Improvement in terms of our administrative backlog to make sure we’re getting through and we’re being

    Able to show those Justice outcomes Katherine can I just ask a question because obviously I look at this very closely and you know it’s great the fact that you’ve really been able to drastically reduce the backlogs however it started to rise up again now it’s dropped back down to about 3,000 which I

    Believe is about right really but how and why did it get to 4,000 the last thing we want to see is an upward Trend again although he’s noted that it has gone down does that make sense yeah absolutely yeah thank you so I think it was a just over 3,000 this morning we

    Were hoping we would have hit the 3,000 Mark we didn’t quite get there but we’re literally hovering just above it yeah commissioner you’re right we we um we did hover back up again so there were a number of staffing issues some sickness some people being moved so we’ve looked

    At the risk of that we’ve moved in people so appropriately using our staff um for example if somebody is restricted in terms of one role they can come in um and use their expertise to assist with that so it’s about us continuing to make sure we’ve got sufficient well-trained

    Staff um in that chomu department as we call it to ensure that that does that backlog and that bottleneck doesn’t raise again and it feels now like we’ve met um a good level and a good consistency there we are still trying to push it down a little bit further though

    I can see got his hand up Elliot yeah just really quickly for for a little bit of confidence going forward into the future commissioner we’ve commissioned a uh review an endtoend review of crime recording from the time it comes in to what goes on with it all the way through

    Um and that piece of work is well Advanced now and I know I’m borrowing from from the hmic um presentation later but I just think it’s a really important part uh point to make here because you’re right it has fluctuated we have seen when we take people out um Etc this

    Is what happens so we we want to make absolutely sure that our system and our process is right and is robust and resilient going forward so just a bit of reassurance for you thank you okay so if I move on to the next one the next slide looks at Force legitimacy so

    Spe particularly there around stop and search so we know that this is a um interest area that the public take a lot of interest in rightly um we have the power to stop somebody detain them of their Liberty in order to search them um and we have um really specific grounds

    Against which we can do that um so this slide shows out shows that in the last period from 1st of March uh 23 to the 29th of February 24 we carried out 3,53 stop searches 2,44 of those were searches of the person and 649 were searches of the vehicle so that power

    Allows us to search persons and vehicles 667 arrests resulted from these searches and 479 had a positive outcome so a positive outcome means the thing that we knew we were searching for was found um so obviously the arrest rate is higher so the arrest rate could be something to

    Do with other than the search um not just necessarily the grounds for the search it could be the behavior somebody wanted or or other things so um it’s just to point out why there’s a difference there um and uh every stop and search should be videoed recorded on

    Body war video the person is um given the opportunity to have a record of their search and officers have to go through a specific set um of information that they give to the person because we know that um through lots of research if we explain and we give the ground we

    Tell people why we’re doing that we tell them what the suspicion was they are more likely to be accepting of that power being used which we know is quite a big Power really to be able to detain somebody so we watch this um I chair a use of powers board we scrutinize this

    Very carefully because we want to make sure um that we remain legitimate to the public of North Yorkshire in terms of our use of this power just one comment from me actually and bit concerning that 39 um wasn’t known about their gender sorry about their age group ethnic sorry am

    Iies yeah age group yeah so um we we like I say through the um there’s the same in terms of ethnicity so we are really pushing officers to accurately record every single one where it’s not stated is scrutinized um we feed back to officers and we are working on a

    Downward trajectory in terms of every single um age being recorded somebody may not State their age we may not know we may have to guess um but really um ethnicity is what is defined but obviously the age we need to know so um we we really

    Scrutinize it like I say I chair that board and every single one we want to understand why we feedback to officers this is an area we watch very closely thank you okay if we could move to the next slide please so this um is a slide that viewers who

    Watch regularly may have seen before so this is the public Sur confidence survey um in England and Wales so in the most recent crime survey of England Wales you’ll see that North Yorkshire is in the top 10 for each question that are asked we’re top for public perception of our community understanding public

    Confidence and second for perception of police dealing with Community priorities and doing a good or excellent job so this um as you can see at the bottom there has been no data available since June 2023 so it’s quite old but um it’s the latest that we have um we’re very

    Proud of this we want to see this going again in terms of the survey which is a national survey that isn’t controlled by ourselves but we do look at our own um confidence and satisfaction through local surveys because clearly that’s really important again linked as I said before to legitimacy and the Public’s

    View of us um but very pleased still with with that outcome we saw last summer just to say Katherine I’m very pleased still absolutely fantastic always rude to do better though uh but you know it’s very good thank you thank you okay we can move on to the next

    Slide so this um shows down sort of the breakdown um in terms of staff and diversity so we have a 38.1% female Workforce um which is increasing from last time and that is compared to a national rate at the end of 2023 of 34.7 um so we are working in terms of

    All um elements of diversity we have a PO dedicated positive action team who work to try and attract people through recruitment we understand the experience of our Workforce trying to um retain them in the organization and a lot of work is going on to try and better understand through surveys of people’s

    Experience um where we are what the experience of people working in North Yorkshire is to try and make it somewhere that people want to come and work and then when they hear that they want to stay so we currently also there you’ll see in the police staff specials

    And volunteers we have 79 special constables and we have fantastic 174 volunteers now they offer approximately few figures um half a million pounds worth of hours worked in a year um and we’re really grateful to them therefore for the service that they give to our communities on a free voluntary basis

    Both special constables and volunteers so that’s um fantastic you’ll see that our police officers are made up 96.4% white officers and again I said before positive action we are trying to increase this with a focus on attracting retaining officers and staff we’re working um quite heavily at the moment

    In terms of trying to understand that experience of officers of non-white ethnicity to increase the representation and the cultural awareness of our Workforce um working in conjunction with the national police race action plan we see a huge benefit of our communities and our Workforce of it being more

    Representative in all types um of um diversity um because that’s then more reflective of the communities we serve and that then we know builds um confidence and Trust of the public Katherine I have been asked an awful lot lately especially from County councilors councelor Tim Krogan from the

    Selby area that there’s a real concern about pcso numbers being um drastically reduced and not replaced now this is a question that was given to myself and Elliot at the Unison AGM last week Elliot can I bring you in please and can you answer that like you did do at the

    Unis Unison meeting because I think there’s an awful lot of concern out there within communities and pcsos about recruitment thank you yeah commissioner thank you yeah as I said at the at the Unison meeting um pcsos are an absolutely integral part of what our neighborhood policing offer is uh and

    That’s sorry the offer that’s that’s a very management term uh neighbor policing model for North Yorkshire is um the I can speak on behalf of the new Chief consal because I it’s it’s on public record that he is absolutely committed to building a really strong cohesive neighborhood policing model for

    North Yorkshire going forward in relation to pcsos specifically um as you’ll have heard uh on that day commissioner um from our lead for HR we are starting the recruitment process I think she said at the end of April um when the adverts will go out and we be

    Going from there so there is you know I can’t give any more reassurance than that they they are integral to what we’re doing we are going to be recruiting um and we place a huge value on the work that they do as I know our communities do and rightly so they’re

    Highly visible they’re brilliant problem solvers uh and then probably the only other thing to to to mention really would be that it won’t stop there we will be looking at things like the public safety officers as well and how we can expand um that going forward um you should have not just recognizable

    Names in your community but a recognizable face and that’s the neighborhood policing model and that will include response officers as well thank you thanks very much Elli and just to say that you know the next question I get S said to me is well will the new

    Chief conable C and change all of this well I answer is absolutely not Tim forba who starts next week well ABS is absolutely committed to Neighborhood policing it was a very strong theme coming through the question sets in the chief conable recruitment uh that I asked so just give some reassurance

    Around that too thanks very much on to the next slide Katherine thank you yeah so we’ll go on to the next slide please okay and that um shows uh in terms of what we call um headcounts it’s again a bit of a management term there isn’t it headcounts number of people FTE

    Full-time equivalent um so as we’ve just um outlined there what I was going to talk about here is that our pcso numbers are currently lower than our establishment so we covered that and and and the reasons behind that um so I was going to just talk about the commitment

    That yourself has made commissioner and the new Chief Constable making clear the ongoing commitment um to community policing so um the the budget Target for full-time equivalent remains at 1645 in 2324 um and we’re still tracking headcount closely um this this slide basically shows that we’re on track

    We’re on track to achieve both targets and potentially to exceed them so workforce planning is really important again to make sure that our model our structure our staffing um meets our demand and we don’t fall behind so we cast forward all the time to make sure

    That our numbers are right and that the number of people leaving um means we’re not left with gaps so that we’re recruiting to try and match thank you okay so if we move on to the next slide which is our last slide which looks at sickness and absence so

    Um you can see there in terms of top left and the ring um just a breakdown in terms of the difference between physical uh sickness and psychological reasons um the top four absence reasons cold and flu unfortunately that Corona virus is still there um sickness and then um much

    Lower there um stress at 6.78 so we know that uh National rates for sickness comparison isn’t unfortunately possible um the national rate is only released once a year and the last one was March 23 so it’s a little bit of a long uh time go to make a comparison but anecdotally because we

    Talk with our neighboring forces we know that in this um region um we have the lowest sickness rate out four or five um in the last sorry in the last four out of five quarters regionally so we do keep an eye on that um again so I’ve just come this morning from a

    Performance meeting uh with one of my areas of command and it’s something we look at very closely we supporting officers back into work looking at the you know what can people do what can’t they what are the reasons understanding um you know if we need to look at hygiene if there’s anything it’s

    Particularly around stress with the job that police officers and police staff do um and have a really good welfare and well-being support for our Workforce great thank you very much the end of my presentation brilliant thank you now we’re running slightly over and that’s my fault because was asking lots

    Of questions but I do think they’re really important questions to ask on behalf of the public so Andrew welcome to uh the online public meetings your first appearance um and would you like to talk us through the Thematic topic presentation of neighborhood pleasing thank you certainly will commissioner thank you good

    Afternoon just wait for the first slide to land so I’m temporary Chief Inspector Andrew Godfrey currently working in the partnership Hub um and I’ve got a history of working uh on in the MPT arena for the last 10 years you’re going to put the slide up

    Fully thean and we can move on to the next one please great thank you thank you so um in 2023 24 um North York neighborhood placing review um we based that around the College of policing neighborhood policing guidelines which have seven pillars of neighborhood policing which you can see

    There in the blue boxes and the mpcc National Police Chiefs Council performance framework was considered through throughout the review um other forces were consulted around best practice identified by the hmic and that included other forces that were deemed as good or outstanding in their neighborhood policing delivery including suffk Lancashire humberside and

    Durham um it’s recognized nationally that the provision of Highly visible and locally connected neighborhood policing teams is the foundation of local policing across the UK now performance governance is being improved in North Yorkshire in line with the PCC performance framework which encompasses the Seven Pillars as you can see

    Illustrated there the three key pillars that we really want to deliver on and are delivering on is engaging communities solving problems and targeting activity and the next um few slides we review um those key pillars so if you just want to move the next slide on please so um MPT performance monitoring

    All MPT offices have performance meetings monthly with supervisors and that includes obviously the offices welfare as well and then command Chief inspectors hold uh team performance meetings with all MPT inspectors and their supervision teams to hold them to account for performance um and the Chief Inspector and inspectors attend the neighborhood

    Delivery meeting which is a tactical meeting where force-wide MPT performance is discussed and teams are held to account for their performance in that that area and I go into that in some detail on the next slide uh and that all feeds into the local policing board which is held quarterly and that’s

    Chaired by the assistant chief Constable uh as the Strategic lead for uh neighborhood policing um if you want to move on to the next slide please can I just ask that any acronyms you just say in full like npt nebor policing team thank I’ll try and remember um so the neighborhood

    Delivery meeting it’s chaired by the superintendent of the partnership Hub or myself um as the deputy um and each of the Seven Pillars of neighborhood placing is reviewed individually as we go through the meeting we use data and analytics to support the performance meeting we use victim offender location

    Information to identify vulnerability so what we mean by that is data providing us with a top 10 in each uh command area of the top 10 victims the top 10 offenders the top 10 locations so we can assist the local neighborhood teams identifying who where the key vulnerabilities are and

    Then uh whether we need a problem solving plan in place for them in particular and if if not a problem solving plan then is it dealt with through partner agency work or in another Forum um so we also review National local best practice and new ideas shared

    Across all of the MPT teams across North Yorkshire to share that learning and make sure everyone’s following best practice um and MPT officer training and development is discussed with the uh neighborhood management award which is something that we we’re quite proud of and we sort of led the way on the

    Neighborhood management award recognizing that MPT is a specialist um area and various other forces have sort of come to speak to us about our neighborhood management award and have and have also done the same or look to do their own um in their own forces which is good we also reviewed um MPT

    Abstractions because we found that um well we we dis MPT abstractions were discussed and any issues raised against an abstraction policy what we found is that um MPT officers were being abstracted away from their daily business in their local um commands and their local communities and what we

    Wanted to make sure is that it was recognized where they were abstracted so we could monitor that and scrutinize it to make sure we’ve got the officers working in the areas that we need them and I’m I’m really proud to say that back in September 2023 when this first

    Went live we had 124 abstractions which is quite High um in January we had 16 and in February there’s eight we can’t always say that MPT officers won’t be abstracted because of course we have to look at the risk of the force in in other areas but to bring the numbers

    Down is making sure that we’ve got them Key Personnel working in their own communities and that’s really positive Andrew can I just come in on that I am really pleased to see that and hear it because it was having a real impact wasn’t it on those neighborhood policing

    Teams and delivery of service there so thank definitely definitely um and the last part of the neighborhood delivery meeting that I’ll discuss now is a monthly problem solving Award winner so we’ve concentrated on uh problem solving this year we’ve introduced um Sara the Sara model uh and there we go that’s scanning analysis

    Response um Sara Sara scanning analysis response and assessment sorry I know you’d ask me um and that is something nationally has seen as best practice in relation to problem solving and we’ve been delivering um training in respect of that and I’ll come on to it a

    Little bit more on the next slide so if you want to move the slides on please um so this table’s already been uh sorry not this one um so MPT teams engage with their communities and I think Community engagement in North Yorks is a real strength of our

    Neighborhood teams and it has a direct impact on community confidence and understanding what we can see here is that uh our our MPT teams do engage with the public both face Toof face and online face Toof face we have a uh Community um engagement log where all

    The officers come back in and log their Community engagements at uh specified events so we can monitor which communities are being uh visited and engaged with and we can make sure that all of our communities have that service and and have that access to to um the

    Local teams um we also use North Yorkshire Community messenger which is an online system um to interact with the community we had a real drive on that last year and and within the last year we’ve sort of upped membership by over 12,000 um we now have um over 20,000 I

    Think on there it’ll say 21 we’re over 22,000 now people signed up to North York Community messenger and that’s a real Drive we’ve got volunteers working with the neighborhood teams and and sort of lots of new ideas of how we can drive that further forward but the more people

    We get signed up the better two-way dialogue we can have because it it has the ability to send surveys in local communities to find out how people feel about the service provided Andrew could I just say community messaging is absolutely fantastic it’s so important to get the

    Word out there um it’s a great tool to have as a resident can you just um go through how resident could actually sign up for Community messaging while while we’re doing our online surgery certainly if if you would if you were to obviously search on Google you would find North theia Community

    Messenger there’ll be a link on there that you can click through and sign up with your email it doesn’t ask for much details but what it does do is allow you to receive alerts in your local area um relevant to you and you can actually

    Choose so if you were to live in York you could choose which districts which areas you wanted to receive um alerts on so you don’t have to receive everything for all of North York you can make it quite bespoke to your own area and you often get um surveys asking you how you

    Feel the police are delivering in your local area thank you um if you want to move on to the next slide please sorry that that slide there just shows how we are increasing across the board the amount of sort of people that are signing up um because as

    As I’ve said there people can sign up themselves or we have got volunteers going around local community ities trying to get more people signed up especially if they’ve got a local problem and a hotspot area we want to really make sure that we’re represented well by the public in that particular

    Area so this next slide is the one that was shown previously um and I talked here about Community engagement being a real strength for North Yorkshire um and the benefits of community engagement both face Toof face meetings and online we obviously use Twitter and Facebook as well as North yire Community messenger

    Um this I I believe this has a real direct impact on community confidence and understanding and they’re the two um areas I wanted to just pull out of that um data um albe it’s a year old we are number one in 43 forces for Community understanding and confidence and that’s

    Something we want to we want to stay there and we want to build on that so that’s really important for us as neighborhood teams moving forward I suppose really Andrew my concern is that this is a year old so how do you know that crime survey really reflects what’s

    Going on here in North Yorkshire we obviously through North Yorkshire Community messenger we do run surveys as we say local surveys and that generally we get really positive feedback and the neighborhood teams are obviously quite connected with communities and they receive that feedback from from communities and and

    We we believe that we are doing well in in that sort of area but it’s something we we we are you know constantly measuring ourselves against um next slide please so the next slide talks about problem solving one of the key area key three areas of the seven core uh

    Policing core core areas of policing um so delivering problem solving training to the whole organization supports the national police chief’s Council uh Vision to become a problem problem orientated um organization what I can say now we’ve already trained 48% so 887 uh of our police officers and we’ve

    Trained 447 of our police staff which actually is 48% of them as well and that training is ongoing as we speak in the in the Sara model which I mentioned before which is stands for scanning analysis response assessment we’ve also started delivering to some of our

    Partners and an example of this is we delivered to a probation service in February 2024 70 of the probation service if we can get our partners in line using okay and o with using the Sara model it enables us to work with our partners so much more professionally

    So that was really really positive and the probation service are quite happy that we look at that elsewhere uh delivering that out to to many more of their staff and that’s something we would like to do with with other partn agencies as well because it will assist

    Us as I say working together um hmic provided really good feedback around the amount of problem solving plans we had in place they particularly liked the supervision regular supervision reviews and oversight we now have of PSPs problem solving plans um with regular reviews carried out and that’s something in the neighborhood delivery meeting

    That we bring up all the data and make sure that every problem solving plan has had the reviews where they should have had the this means that the service to the public is um should be on point um because they’re being reviewed by supervisors and and professionally LED

    So problem solving uh plans ensure that the work of MPT and partners is targeted effectively where a problem is identified and I’ve put there working together and as I’ve said that’s where we need to work with Partners as we’ve said the police can’t do everything themselves there’s lots of different

    Agencies that can add real benefit and and our neighborhood teams essential and they do work with lots of different agencies in the various different um areas of North Yorkshire we currently have 50 live problem solving plans across uh North Yorkshire and the hmic gave us really good feedback that that

    Was around the right area because I think you can saturate it and have too much and not be really prioritizing the areas that need that bespoke sort of effort and service so um problem solving tactical advisers Support also support the local offices um and partners making sure that problem

    Solving plans are well written with clear identified objectives these are people who have had bespoke training in the writing of problem solving plans making sure that it’s all pulled together and they carry out um the assessing of each problem solving plan so move on then to all problem solving

    Plans now are scored to a set criteria um and they are centrally managed so and that is by the team within the partnership Hub and then the the results we get from I think there’s 13 different areas we can pick out where we might not be performing as

    Well and then we can make sure that the trainings delivered be spoke to that area um and what I can say is that problem solving plans over the last year have improved um well at 58% we took a a snapshot of five from the beginning of

    Last year and five from this year and we can say the score had risen from 60 to 95 which was a 50 58% um rise we do know there’s room for further Improvement and that’s what we’re planning there’s plans in place to make sure that that further improve Improvement continues with train

    The training being rolled out to every member of Staff within North yire police so it’s not just the police officers police staff we all understand the Sara model of problem solving and we can become a problem orientated organization um if you want to move to next slide please

    Elaine um the next key area I’m going to talk about is targeted activity so each MPT command review at the top uh 10 victim offender location statistics for crime and antisocial behavior and that makes sure that the teams are focusing their efforts by concentrating on the most vulnerable obviously we can look at

    Statistics but it’s also the personal experiences of the local teams and their feedback from the community that all delivers and makes sure uh the npts can formulate their plans as to where they need to be targeting their resources if a problem solving plan is not required for a top 10 victim

    Offender location then the inspector needs to provide a rationale as to why not now that could be that it’s already being dealt with in a partner um situation or a partner might be leading on that because there’s mental health involved for instance however they do need to provide that rationale and

    That’s all documented so we can um hold them to account for that where problem solving plans are in place any targeted patrols will be carefully considered with partner agencies and concentrated at Optimum times within that hotspot area neighborhood teams can bid for other police resources to support uh in

    Solving Community issues and obviously they will work with local um Partners in order to do so uh neighborhood teams publish their priorities in for each MPT area on the uh North Yorkshire Police website and this will need to be regularly updated and that’s part of the performance framework moving

    Forward um there is currently work ongoing to develop Ward profiles for 173 Wards across North Yorkshire and that will allow um each Ward to have bespoke information that we’ve sort of shared from Council departments as well and that data will be available to anyone who comes to work in that in that

    Location and that out of that we will be doing um beat plans and uh Patrol uh plans which will be specific to each Ward and and really allow not just the neighborhood teams who know their own area but if we get some armed response or traffic uh coming into our area then

    They can pick up the documents and know straight away what are the issues where do we need to focus in this um area and can I just ask a quick question there Andrew and so the website that you’re talking about getting updated and everything will the ward profiles go

    Onto the website as well about what’s expected or is that internally and what’s the time the other thing is what’s the time frame for all of this the the ward profiles are more internal however the um the website is single online home it’s a national sort of uh

    Piece and we are looking to to move on to the next section which will free which will make it much more informative for the end user so what we will be we do display already what the priorities are for each um neighborhood policing area but when we get the upgrade which

    Was is likely to be towards the back end of this year we will be able to display more information and and it will it will look more professional to the to the user um so hopefully that will see some real improvements in the website and the and the data available to to the

    Public okay thank you um if you want to move to the next slide please elain um so just some more information on neighborhood placing so MPT staff are dedicated specialists in the field and North yire police was one of the first forces to recognize this and all staff create it complete a bespoke

    Neighborhood management award which provides vital knowledge for their role um as I said previously uh the the other forces came to us recognizing this was uh good practice hmic recognized it was good practice and therefore other forces are now looking at very similar but I think it’s it’s recognition that MPT

    Officers are valued and seen as specialists in their field um all MPT staff neighborhood placing team uh staff attend a yearly neighborhood placing team conference which actually was last week um where guest speakers who are experts in their field share knowledge and best practice so last last year we

    Concentrated on community engagement and we we looked at north yorshire um Community messenger and really that was a focus of performance to try and raise the amount of people signed up to that this year we looked at problem solving um the new Chief um arrived and and gave

    His commitment um which was great for all the team to hear and problem solving is something that this year we’ve we’ve really sort of uh driven um and and I’ve already discussed the improvements we’ve made we want to continue that so it’s a great opportunity to share some of the

    Good practice that’s been going on in North Yorkshire with the rest of the MPT teams so we share best learning um and and North Yorkshire police are currently applying for a 1 million pound of government funding for use on serious violence and uh ASP so that um a plan is currently well it’s

    Been written and submitted to the home office and we’ll be using statistical data to highlight areas across the force that we will be targeting um and we’ll we’ve fed this obviously back to the home office and wait awaiting approval it’s a real opportunity to make a difference uh to

    Local issues across the force um and extra patrols will be seen in key hotspot areas and public consultation will take place and part of that will be trying to engage with the public and driving forward signups to North yoia Community Messenger as well um so nyp uh are also uh currently

    Working on the MPT performance framework and carrying out an assessment of current performance against National criteria so this is a national uh MPT neighborhood policing team criteria some forces took place in a took part in a trial um and it’s now being rolled out to all forces in future the it’s very

    Likely the hmic will judge MPT performance against the criteria set of the performance framework so this is a key Focus for us over the next few months to drive the performance of the neighborhood placing teams towards meeting all the performance criteria and improving the service that we provide even further um next slide

    Please so this slide um shows the well demonstrates where our current MPT staff is and as a result of the MPT review the uh slight uplift that we had as you can see there we increased by eight constables um you can see that plus two in Craven uh one extra in scarba rideel

    And five extra in York um that was due to we we looked at some statistical data which was nationally used in other forces and seen as best practice around deprivation index so the amount of hospitals schools um and the nature of each Ward to decide where your staff

    Needed to be and obviously that’s why we needed to look at um resourcing the Staffing as can be seen there um I think it’s fair to say the constables that you can see there are supported on the neighborhood teams by school Lea and officers pcsos rural task force and we

    Also have really strong citizens in policing section who support neighborhood policing now I’ll put a caveat on the numbers that I’m providing here because the numbers are regularly changing so although it says 88 specials it’s it’s dropped a little I think it might be 79 now and whilst we are really

    Proud that some of the special constables are joining us police offices it does make it hard in a competitive job market to keep keep the numbers of specials Rising but we also have 118 police Cadets and 121 volunteers which is really positive and they do some fantastic work across the neighborhood

    Arena next slide please so the next two slides after this are a a visible sort of uh depiction of the MPT neighborhood policing team Vision so driven by the Seven Pillars of neighborhood policing and in particular the three areas I mentioned enging communities problem solving and targeting activity to deliver an

    Exemplary service and the proposed npt vision for North Yorkshire highlights three key tasks of MPT working proactively to tackle neighborhood crime and ASB to proactively Target and disrupt offenders and to identify and protect vulnerable victims so the following slides if you want to go to the next slide Elaine I’m not going to

    Dwell on these for too long uh and you you might not be able to to see them in in great detail so it talks about our mission and our vision down the size we’ve got the principles of neighborhood placing and then in the uh ready color

    Down the middle we’ve got the three key MPT priorities and in the orange it it displays what our outcomes will be and if you want to move on to the next slide elain and then this next slide breaks down the MPT key tasks into further detail and and shows really our

    Commitment to what we expect our neighborhood teams to be delivering in local areas and that is me unless there’s any questions no nothing further from me thank you very much for that um Katherine I believe you’ve got some information for us uh from your last set

    Of slides I do commissioner yes so we had a slide where we showed um the crime occurrence the crime location in terms of districts and there were 10 priority grades and two immediate grades that um was shown as blank so I’ve done some digging and that could be where it’s

    Either occurred outside of North York police’s Force area or um where the exact location for it hasn’t been determined so it can be we will identify a location but um and we’ll have something recorded against it but it might be where we don’t exactly know where it’s occurred so um we keep a

    Watch on those but they go down as blank thank you thank you very much right I’m just going to hand over tomorrow to tomorrow to ask the two Spotlight questions thank you commissioner so if I can just ask these two questions under the spotlight section

    Please um if I can come to you Elliot is that all right to respond to these yes I’ll certainly try my best but I might call an expert lovely thank you um the first one’s ation to cla’s law because I’m sure that many people will have seen the article on the BBC news

    Regarding cla’s norw law in North Yorkshire police so cla’s Law relates to the domestic violence disclosure scheme which allows people to request background checks on their Partners Freedom of Information requests found that North Yorkshire police only released information in 34% of cla’s law requests and in the past 5 years have

    Taken up to 280 days to respond to a request so the question is could you explain the article and the data used and why did only 34% of requests receive information why is it taken up to 280 days to respond and how many requests are answered within the 28 day

    Limit thanks Mara that that’s quite a tricky one with all that data which I don’t have to hand so I’m not going to be able to to answer that obviously cla’s law is a really uh significant piece of legislation one that we do use we do take very seriously you’ll see

    From our hmic peel inspection the improve improvements that we’ve made with protecting vulnerable people uh and particularly in relation to um domestic abuse as well um we are still one of the best in the country for Action we take uh at domestic abuse uh so I’m I’m

    Really proud of what we do there in relation to the the the stats and the you know the figures that you um that your person has asked there around that question um I’m afraid I’ll have to come back to you with exactly why that is

    What it is um I just don’t have that information to hand today but I will get the office to look into that they’ll come back to you with an answer on that which you can then publish okay thank you and the second question to the spotlight section is regarding the

    Angelini inquiry so this is the independent inquiry which is being undertaken into how an off-duty metropolitan police officer was able to abduct and murder a member of the public this is to ensure that the victim’s family and the public get a full explanation to this tragic and harrowing

    Murder most notably how he could remain a police officer despite his misogyny aggression and misconduct so the question is Elliot part one of the report was published on the 29th of February this year and what are North Yorkshire police doing to address the recommendations in this report thanks we you’ll be pleased to

    Know we didn’t sit on our hands waiting for this report to come out um actually if you think about um other reports that were published last year in relation to say the baroness Casey um report which came out as well addressing um what were the issues that she found in the

    Metropolitan police but which clearly had ramifications and implications um for forces all up and down the country um so we set up a gold group um which for to to remove the jargon from that that basically means a senior officer leads that um with a clear strategy

    About how we’re going to approach it and a set of uh actions and recommendations now the Angelini report I think there are 16 recommendations and something like 20 five conclusions on top of that and that is just part one there are some there that forces cannot do independently so for example there’s one

    In there around home visits um that people prospective uh police officers get get home visits that’s one that the National Police Chief’s council is looking at nationally working with the College of policing and others so some of those are completely sort of out of our our hands while we we we sort of

    Develop them uh others where we are looking at vetting for example very very closely um and I’m pretty proud actually that vetting can be a bit of a um can slow down our recruitment processes here in North Yorkshire but it is absolutely right that we do it the right way so

    Vetting is another one we’re looking at really closely vetting fails uh North Yorkshire um has been one of the first forces in fact the pilot Force um to I forget the name is op prism I think it was where we we looked at all washed everybody in our Force through the

    Police National Database on a regular basis because this will pick up um things that are happening that might have happened elsewhere in the country as well so all of these things are we we really take it seriously we’re not sitting on our hands um there’ll be uh

    Ongoing work and we will engage with um the mpcc going forward into the second part which we’ll be looking at culture as well so basically a huge amount of work again it might be worthy of of something in the future to to have a Spotlight on exactly where we’re going

    With this because it is without a doubt uh the most um one of the most heinous awful and Despicable crimes um that that that has happened and it has set policing back years now I work with fantastic brilliant officers day in Day Out full of Integrity honesty and and

    This this sets everybody in a bad light but it doesn’t mean to say that just because there are one or two bad apples we’ll accept that um you know the the other bit I I do want to talk about very quickly is internally we’ve obviously got an anonymous reporting line which we

    Use and we publicize but you may be aware that recently Crim Stoppers sent up an anti-corruption line and I can’t I’m not allowed to give you the the figures around that but there was actually quite a big uptake not just I’m not talking about North Yorkshire I’m

    Talking about across the country a big uptake from the public around that anti-corruption line and forces will be getting a report around that and when if we get any of those again we will take them absolutely seriously um we’ve invested in our Professional Standards team there are more detectives in there

    Now than ever there are more people in our Professional Standards team uh than our department than ever before um and again that we will not rest we will not rest we won’t accept uh any of this kind of behavior that we’ve seen played out in the Press um recently with other

    People and I shall leave it there before I get into trouble thank you thank you very much tomara and thank you to Elliot too right we’ll go on to the third party report section we’re going to focus on the Hy cfrs inspection report which has been published thank

    You I’ll just wait for the slides to come up thanks alone thank you if you go on to the next slide then please elain commissioner thank you so first and first and foremost um I want to say um on record a huge thank you to everybody here in North Yorkshire police

    An immense effort um for for the work that’s been done over the past 12 months um because it is people um like Andy that’s been on like Catherine Elaine that’s working the slid and thousands of other people that have put in the effort um behind what you’re going to see here

    Today and under normal circumstances my Deputy um Scott Bisset would be here to talk through it because it’s his area so I feel like I’m stealing his Thunder um but he’s otherwise engaged today so um just looking at this I just want to talk you through there are 10

    Areas here we are graded on nine as you can see the first one there it’s what we call our our VSA our victim service assessment which is around providing service to victims of crime but that’s always a really good indicator now you can see from this graph the areas that

    Are assessed um the kind of the the sort of elliptical elliptical shape there is 2022 and then the square shape rectangle shape rather is 2023 and that’s important because well for several reasons because I wanted to show you that comparison and show the public that comparison of where we were

    And where we are now you will recall in 2022 we had a an inspection By Her Majesty’s inspectorate of constabularies fire and rescue service hmicfrs um and it was not very good at all um we had um some CES of concern we had plenty of um uh requires improvements and inadequate

    And and it was really not a reflection for me of the enormous work that was going on here day in and day out um and that was because we we were just we were just on not on the right track with how we were doing this to to shift that dial

    We put in place what was a huge Improvement um plan uh one that was monitored really closely by senior officers uh by our chief officer team and of course answering into yourself commissioner um so that you can see the progress that was being made and satisfy yourself that the force was turning um

    Turning the corner that it needed to so I’m going to just start briefly from left to right um so I’ll start with the crime data Integrity now as Katherine said earlier on um that’s that’s good it isn’t just good it is not .1% away from being outstanding so it’s the top end of

    Good it is really really you know why this is important for me is um this is this is about legitimacy again and trust and confidence in policing are we recording crimes properly um are we processing them properly are you know are we recording all crime and this Tes

    To me that we we definitely are we’re doing a very good job and almost an outstanding job with that so we’re really pleased with that um and again um although we are just a whisker away from outstanding I’m I’m really pleased the second bit there treating the public

    With fairness and respect we were good last time and we’re good this time again across all of these we have got uh 11 afis areas for improvement so there is work to do I do want to just say this is not a stop we’re not going oh Pat

    Ourselves on the backat we’re now got five goods and four adequat we’re happy this force does not aspire to mediocrity we do not aspire to be adequate we aspire to be outstanding and not just in our response to uh the inspectorate that come and inspect us but in our in

    Everything we do um so that one there um tackling the uh treating the public with fairness and respect was good it remains good um I’m really pleased with the work that’s been done around stop and search around use of force and and a host of other things including the Strategic iig

    Which um is is amazing and I would urge any members of the public who are watching to become involved in strategic iig or the local iig as well they’re very very good and it gives you a good opportunity to link with the force the next one then preventing crime and

    Antisocial behavior and reducing vulnerability so again we were adequate we are now good in that area again that’s really pleasing to see because we know that uh as you saw with the graph earlier on around performance having crime not happening in the first place is our ultimate goal that’s what we want

    We don’t want crime happening responding to the public has gone up from requires Improvement to adequate and that’s a journey you’ve seen we’ve played that out so many times here it’s still improving day by day we’re improving and uh I’m really pleased that that continues on that Journey as

    Well uh investigating crime requires Improvement has gone up to adequate I want to give you some context there every other Force has been downgraded apart from us we have moved up so although it’s adequate we still aspire to better things we just want to put that in context we are doing really well

    Uh and the public need to understand that actually if you if we get there quick we answer the phone we get there quick and we’ll investigate your crime and those are the three big things the next one is protecting vulnerable people and now you look at that and you say

    We’ve gone from requires Improvement to good that is a huge leap a hugee effort massive investment in safeguarding lots of extra money into safeguarding thank you commissioner um lots of extra people into safeguarding and absolutely right so these are um the people who are going to uh deal with domestic abuse deal with

    Child abuse these are the most vulnerable people and uh right that that’s at least good the next one managing offenders and suspects uh adequate up to good uh again really really good leap for us and that’s not just our most serious offenders that we know we talk about quite often but this

    Is how we manage all of our suspects for every crime we’ve got a much better focus on them than we ever have had before um reducing the amount of time people are released under investigation or on bail and getting that investigation done because we know the quicker we can investigate something the

    Better the outcome uh building supporting and protecting the workforce again up from requires Improvement to adequate but again again we’re not resting there um we know that there’s more to be done around well-being and more to be done um around our people and how they feel so again um not resting on

    Our Laurels and I’ll come on to that in a minute and then finally leadership and force management has gone from inadequate to adequate um we’ve got much better governance and systems in place now we got much better accountability having those conversations day in day out so I’m I’m really pleased with um

    You where those have gone and I think that’s a really good illustration so you can see um if you see our peel inspection report we’re right down the center around good and adequat the wholeway through and that’s stable um you know we have been I don’t want to

    Say this out out loud because it is a journey but actually uh in this round of Peel inspections I think you’ll go a long way to try and find another Force as good as we are let’s put it that way so thank you um Elaine if you could move

    On to the next one let there’s any questions commissioner on that slide no questions I’ll just come in at the end thank you thanks Ela next slide then please thank you so that’s just a really quick one so as as you can see there cause of concern in 2022 which we closed

    Um I think earlier this year actually that was finally closed uh last time 18 areas for improvement this time 11 um which we’re working on uh as we speak and then four areas this time of promising practice which I’ll come on to at the end thank you

    Elan so now I’m just going to go through the um very quickly the areas for improvement that have been identified in that peel report now to say that um the stuff the stuff on the left is what the area for improvement is stuff on the right is the Improvement activity it’s

    Not it’s very it’s a really quick snapshot um we got given uh a early view of this um report when we had what we call our hot debber following the inspection and we knew at that point some areas we would need to focus on so since that time um we have been pushing

    On we have not sat there waiting for a report to come out and tell us what we already knew been working really hard so improve the recording of antisocial Behavior now what what the inspectorate found there commissioner was that actually whilst we’re recording crime very well at times we’re missing in that

    Some uh some ASB we’re missing some antisocial behavior um that we should be recording as well as other crimes so um so op Crystal so as I’ve talked about that um that’s going to be that’s going to address that as well but there still a huge amount of data literacy work

    Going on uh as well um improve recording of use of force particularly handcuffs for stop and search um ACC Clark spoke about this earlier on and how we do scrutinize it one there’s one thing around a recording issue that we had that we’ve found since then that we are

    Now doing better but this is an educational piece starting in April we’re rolling out a brand new um safety public and an officer safety training um piece of work which will look at these sort of areas like stop and search when to handu somebody and when not to

    Because what we found was actually there were times when officers were using handcuffs to to detain someone that they actually didn’t need to do that so that is being picked up and as as is written there as well it’s being looked at monthly performance meetings through the

    Scrutiny um it says the force should continue to improve the speed it answers 999 calls I won’t play that out we’ve we’ve talked about that at length and a huge amount of investment again thanks to um the commissioner we’ve put um huge amounts of of resource and money into

    That control room and it is getting better and better the four should improve uh continue to improve its initial triage so we have something called Thrive plus now Thrive is a a ammonic it stands for threat harm risk investigation vulnerability and I think evidence I think I’m going to say at the

    Very end there just to check um it’s now well embedded in the force control room uh and going forward as we’ve talked about we’re going to have that um switchboard that triage function in the control room as well so that will really improve that but Thrive plus is really

    Um really pushing that one on and then the last one of this is the force doesn’t consistently achieve appropriate outcomes for victims we know that that’s a huge thing for us we know that our outcomes are better than most other forces nationally but it is still not

    Good enough we still want better and we need to get consistent outcomes and that’s what op Crystal um is going to help us address alongside that we’re looking at bringing in that case by progression team which I know you’re aware of commissioner which will help free up offic officer hours to achieve

    Better investigation standards thanks elain next slide please okay thank you um the force needs to make sure it it assesses all the needs of victims now this was a big one for us because early last year we didn’t have this in place we didn’t have the data we couldn’t capture it um I’m

    Really convinced as as when we were talking to hmic as well if this if this had have been in place the work we’ve been doing had it been in place for another two or three months this AFI wouldn’t this area for improvement would not be here because we knew we were on

    That trajectory but they just needed to see it sustained you can see there the figures are really good and when we talk about that VW CM victim witness contact module completion completed 88% of the time I think when we first started that it was something like about 35 or 40% so it is

    Everything has gone up across the board victim personal statements Etc so we’re really pleased and I’m absolutely convinced that that area for improvement is going to be written off in the next month or so it’s really really good work um pdrs effective professional development reviews um as it says there

    The new PDR module is going to be introduced uh into the system very soon um it was delayed actually it should have been should have been done I think last year but we had to delay it for it reasons this was this is is really going to help but it is it’s about

    Understanding why people are going to LEAP alongside that we also have as it says underneath there the SAT to stay pilot which has been completed that allows people to click a button if they’re kind of are you thinking of leaving us moment um and and we can have those conversations with

    Them uh fully understand demand and manage demand effectively and develop business change processes and improve Workforce engagement so we’re doing a lot around Workforce engagement at the moment we’ve had our um well-being survey that’s been completed um we’ve had a prod police productivity survey as

    Well so we’ve got a lot of data which we are working through and and alongside that the well-being U the force well-being meeting is chaired by um at the moment it’s the uh Chief uh and the Deputy Chief Fire Rescue Service Officer as well Deputy Chief Fire officer um so

    A huge amount has been done around personal wellbe I have to say we are we are stealing with pride Bor with pride actually we police officers we don’t steal we borrow with pride from fire and rescue service because they’ve got some really good stuff so that’s that’s where

    Collaboration really does work well the force needs to better understand its demand so it can manage it more effectively uh mobile technology is is being led by the ICT team but actually the other side of that demand is we’ve done our first demand modeling around detectives early last year uh we’ve done

    Some work with process Evolution uh around our respons model we will keep doing that on a regular basis the issue for North Yori was that hadn’t been carried out for about four or five years it will now be done regularly so we do understand our demand all of that will

    Feature in the next Force management statement as well and then the force needs to develop U it’s organized change organizational um change processes um so the the change process is difficult at times we have a lot going on at any one time either local or national change um

    But again that review of that change toolkit is taking place now um and we’ll do much better um Force wide communication and actually education I know that we’ve done some master classes for our senior team as well um You’re Expecting police officers operational officers to step up into senior um roles

    Without any business um any business Acumen effectively so we’re now giving them that from this Force but there’s not many forces do that um so thank you on to the next slide which I think might the last one and then the promising practice um so it says the forces focused on

    Reducing vulnerability in rural areas we have hugely um we continue to um uh progress that with the stuff we’re doing around fraud as well so we’re really pleased with that building confidence to report serious sexual assault till his story that that was um a very moving uh

    Pace which I won’t go into here but had a huge impact on officers um development of the service director which is being seen as as promising practice and best practice now other forces are coming to see what we do with that and the final one reviewing the fitness test

    Requirements for specialist post now we were lucky enough to secure um with a lot of badgering uh the College of policing has given have given us in North Yorkshire the pilot for Fitness testing for specialist posts to try and attract more people in and retain more people into those hardto fill posts as

    Well um commissioner that’s that’s a real Whirlwind and Whistle Stop tour of our hmic um thing but again I just want to put on record my thanks to everybody in north in North Yorkshire police for the huge amount of work that’s gone into this um everybody who’s LED it and

    Everybody who’s been involved in it thank you thank you very much Ellie I have to say and I have put this on record already that there has been the most phenomenal amount of work and improvements done at North yor Police I’d like to say thank thank you on

    Behalf of of myself and the office as well that all the hard work the great transformation pce the improvements that have been M made I’m absolutely delighted so many congratulations however you’re right there is still more to do and you’d expect that from me as well wouldn’t you Elliot on your road to

    Outstanding but um I am genuinely absolutely thrilled and delighted so very well done absolutely fantastic thank you and apologies for that Interruption as well earlier too right okay let’s moving on to questions so we’ve got a lot here and I know that we are all running out of time slightly

    Today so I’m going to whiz through them and I do like to ask all these questions um because I think it’s really important so the first couple of questions are for Bridget and Helen and they’re about the proposed Motorway service area and basically asking um you know a North

    Police content to continue to have no objections to this development so I’ve read the questions commissioner thank you I’ll try and keep the answers brief but but answer them um so firstly um it says what’s been put in place um to protect the village so as we would

    With any new development we will factor that into our response plans and into our neighborhood policing plans um because again we don’t want anything to become a crime Hotpot to to to suddenly um raise crime anywhere so it will feature in uh in response plans going forward they they always do um the

    Second bit is around um the I think the designing out crime uh element there um we can’t compel uh any developer to submit a secure by design application we we just can’t um however we really do encourage them and encourage developers to work with us to design them out it it

    At the end of the day it comes back to I’ll keep banging on about this but that we don’t want crime happening we don’t want police to have to respond to it quickly we don’t have to investigate it brilliantly we’d rather it just not happen in the first place so that

    There’s no not really a huge amount else I can say about that other than we will continue to work with developers um to to encourage them into that but we will Factor any any new development into our response and neighborhood plans going forward okay thank you next question

    Please all right Howard North alleron it’s about a firearms license I sent my firearms renewal in several weeks before Christmas as it expired on the 14th of January along with the online payment I did not get visit from the feo till the 7th Feb and I still not received my

    Firearms license two weeks after the visit and five weeks after the expiry without any update or explanation does the chief Constable consider this acceptable performance for a service that is paid for by the customer and what reassurance can be given that that service will improve so firstly no I I

    Would rather that people were able to submit um an application Etc or and and their renewal and have it done really quickly there are a couple of things at play here so firstly um your firearms license um money doesn’t cover the entire cost of uh the team so when it’s

    When it’s a service that is paid for by the customer it isn’t we still have to put in a huge amount of resource on top of that um we have been unfortunately running with some vacancies uh over the past um few months in that team which

    Has helped them to or led to a bit of a backlog here and there and when that happens our priority has to to be um looking at the um first and foremost the ones where we have to revoke firearm certificates because if somebody has done something wrong somebody is at risk

    That the most important thing for me is the protection of the public and therefore the direction I’ve given to my officers and staff working in there is that’s what they have to focus on first and foremost we cannot allow firearm Firearms to be in the hands of somebody

    Who is a risk that’s the the top priority then we will then we will prioritize those people with renewals because the people with renewals we want them to keep enjoying their their use of firearms Etc um for their for their enjoyment for their sport or for um for

    For use in pest control for example and then we will look at um the the new ones the reassurance I will give you coming in is it’s not lost on me I don’t I don’t think it’s acceptable to have to wait that long you’re absolutely right

    But but we do understand I would ask you to understand that there some s are backlogs in these kind of things we are it’s not it’s a small Comfort we are better than pretty much every other Force um but it’s still small Comfort when you are waiting that long so I’ve

    Asked that it’s looked into in this case in particular um will be looked into as well um but just take comfort from the fact that we are looking to get those vacancies filled really quickly so that we can start to get to the bottom of

    That thanks ell I just want to come in off the back of that because I have had a couple of complaints after Christmas about this and um when we did look into it that those uh they were recruiting into yeah um you know those positions but is there an issue with vetting you

    Know is there an issue with filling those positions what’s been done about it because we’re now in March aren’t we yeah so sometimes while vetting as I said earlier on it’s so important to get vetting right we we have to get it right so it it necessarily takes a little bit

    Of time we were recruiting into them I I I’ll find out commissioner for you for the ex the exact status of that at the moment but the trouble is um even if we’ve got a full compliment of people now they’re working to try and um get that Log Jam and that backlog and

    As I say I’m sure the public will understand the most important thing for me at the moment is um while I want people to enjoy them uh for for leisure and for Pest Control I I must take them out of the hands of people where there’s

    A risk and that’s where I have to concentrate my efforts on to start off with okay thank you very much right next question please so James Skelton neighborhood policing issu skeleton is currently been subjected to a group of children running around the village in the early evening

    About 1900 hours 7 o’ uh knocking on doors and ringing doorbells do the police ever have a pres presence in the village and does a neighborhood watch officer exist uh so um well the MPT um were asked about this so thanks for sight of the question because the the

    Neighborhood police and team were asked um they are aware of the antisocial behavior issues in in Skelton and the pcsr and the PC have spent um some evenings already patrolling the areas affected um so they’ve identified a number of yous involved all have been visited and all put on the antisocial

    Behavior process which includes engaging with their parents um so they are being they are on the radar um and again what we’re trying to do is stop this tipping over into into serious criminality because that’s not what we want um for anybody involved in it um so a patrol

    Plan has been put place it’s still in place it’s got targeted activity going on um and uh I’ll check on the neighborhood um watch officer um because I think that um that might be a local um pcso might might do that but I will

    Check on that as well um but I know that um the presence in Skelton has been noticed by a number of residents and members of the parish council um the local pcso has also visited the school to highlight the antisocial Behavior we we will continue of course we will

    Antisocial behavior is it’s very upsetting it’s very annoying it’s the thing that upsets the people the most to be honest with you um because it it can really affect your quality of life we’re aware of it we are dealing with it commissioner thank you right next question um Wendy Tony and Alister have

    A little smeen and it’s regarding burglaries uh they’re very concerned about as SP of burglaries and attempted burglaries within little smen and Kirk smen um they’ve been carried out over the last few months many in daylight and there’s also instance of flight tiing despite all the incidents being reported

    By residents the CCTV footage supplied were very concerned that police do not appear to be taking this seriously and that doesn’t seem to be any visible police presence throughout the area is there a dedicated team of police officers detectives investigating and making use of the CCTV and positive

    Lines of inquiry and also what is North yor police doing to protect the residents of little smen and reduce the crime here commissioner this comes back to um I refer back to um what I talked about in our hmic thing a moment ago around um victims Witnesses um people being

    Informed it’s one of the most important things we can do and clearly I think this is a this is a a bit of a breakdown in that because in a nutshell as soon as the crime Trend came uh as soon as we recognize what was going on we put a

    Dedicated plan in place a dedicated operation in place um run along the corridor including uh smeen areas as well working with our intelligence teams working with other forces there are are got to be a little bit um careful about what I do say what I can tell you is um

    That we did have um a vehicle stopped um that four people were um arrested charged and remanded in custody over it I can’t go into any more than that uh that on it um what we do have now though is a detective allocated specifically to the offenses who is working with another

    Force to secure prosecution for the offenses that you’re talking about um so I think in my my opinion on this is we’re probably doing a great deal the thing that’s let us down here is we have not told the public what we’re doing about it and the victims potentially

    About what we’re doing about it so um please take um you know you’ve seen the fact that our burgies have dropped burglary and what we call home invasion is a horrible thing to have to experience it really really is we take them so seriously um and our our

    Resolution rate um is getting better much much better but again we would rather they didn’t happen so um we’ll continue the patrols we will continue to um gather that evidence um but I will tell you that four people are um spending time at his Majesty’s pleasure

    At the moment waiting for a time right thank you very much right next question Derek from Scara this is about pavement parking now Elliot I do get this actually quite a lot from residents had it from Craven area and also molten area too so why do police actively

    Support the parking and Pavements even though the highway Cod is Crystal Clear If a driver believes it’s not safe to park in tally on the road the solution is not to park on the pavement even it is the only partial partially on the pavement um let’s see why do the police

    Believe pedestrians should be treated with contempt why do the police themselves fail to park safely instead of blocking a path are they so unfit they cannot walk well that I’ll speak for myself on that one probably yes but um most of my officers the answer is no so just just

    Dealing with the police side of it it first I won’t I can’t condone them parking on Pavements but at times in an emergency incident for example they will pull up pull it and get out of the car and just um not dump the car but they

    Will park where is expeditious to get to the the incident that they’re dealing with and of course you might not think they’re dealing with something an emergency but you don’t know what that officer is dealing with um if it’s just H Hazard Le parked then um again you

    Know we will take that up you’re quite welcome for you to to to take the registration number and and and let us know and we will look at what’s happened there with that officer um who’s done it in relation to parking I think we’ve had

    A question or two about this in the past anyway commissioner there’s very little um police can do about parking out I know there’s probably some questions coming later on um with something else where this is not meant to sound like a flippant response but we do we have to

    Prioritize our resources and parking on Pavements um as as much of a it is a bit ASB at times antisocial Behavior at times um it’s not ideal but where we do spot it I know officers speak to someone and say move your car but if it’s not

    Forming an uh you know if it’s not constituting an unlawful obstruction of the highway there’s there’s not a huge amount that police are going to be able to do about it um again so if you do spot it your uh some of the local authorities have got responsibility for

    Parking in certain areas as well you can report if you’re getting those parking issues they will come and have a look at it it isn’t great when you have someone that’s for example like a wheelchair user um or a a parent with a push chair

    And they have to go into the main road around a car it’s not good it’s not safe and if we do spot that and we do see it and we’re there um we’ll deal with it but if you called us about it the Chan are we’re not going to come out to that

    We’re to we are dealing with other incidents it’s not what you want to hear I know um but but that’s that’s about the best I can give you I’m afraid yeah and I think there’s an awful lot about how we work with our uh Council stakeholders but to the owners on

    Drivers as as well about being respectful where they Park and they always remembering that you know a lot of people do need to use the pavement uh like you say moms with prams have been there many times you know disabled users as well I think it’s really important

    That we all take a little bit of thought where we’re parking too thank you right next question please um scarra now there’s one on speeding and one on racing so Tony and Carol they’re basically talking about um boy and girl races driving driving at very high speeds around Marine Drive and

    The next one is about residence of hackness Road Mort Lane Newby um they call it a r run uh very early in the morning um can you help with this please so in relation to the first one I’m really sorry to hear that um we do something which we call operation custom

    Which targets uh the anti we used to call it boy races years ago but it’s not it’s antisocial Behavior using a car that’s what it is it causes a lot of noise um it is dangerous we know we’ve seen um horrendous collisions in other Force areas as well involving it so we

    It’s not something we just ignore we do take it seriously I’m sorry that that is still going on um I have made our um our roads policing team aware and our neighbor policing teams are aware of it um we do use something that we call it’s called section 59 warnings which um we

    If somebody’s using their car for that we can give them a warning and effectively potentially confiscate their car from them uh so they do take that quite seriously because some of them it’s their pride and joy so we will look very very closely at that one going

    Forward and and keep us posted um it isn’t it isn’t something you should have to put up with uh and you’re absolutely right we don’t want to see that that inevitable serious accident that serious Collision because that’s something we want to avoid too so we won’t wait we

    Will be on it in relation to the speeding one highways um Unfortunately they highways rather than police but they’re they’re the people that will deal with speed restrictions speed signs um those rat runs as you as you call them I’m aware um we’ve we’ve probably all used them at sometime in our lives

    To to beat traffic um but when people are are doing it 50 60 miles an hour early in the morning um it is hugely dangerous so uh I would urge you there’s two things you can do firstly contact highways um to to to have a look at that

    And and raise it with them but again raise it as a as a community rather than on your own if you’re able to because you you’ll carry more weight with a with more voices and secondly the speed management protocol you can contact us through that and again we have What’s

    Called the Strategic Road Safety Partnerships chaired by the police um but also with fire and rescue service with highways with local authorities um and we can we can have a look at that as well you won’t be the only one but if you can if you can work it through

    Highways and then work it through the speed management protocol I will make sure um that it goes to um ACC Fox who chairs the Strategic Road Safety partnership as well thank you right next questions please Michael from great Aon is about officer social media does North yorshire

    Police have a policy on the use of social media by officers and staff if so is it available to the public I think all our policies are available to the public we don’t you know that you can certainly dig that one out for you commissioner so that you are able to

    Make that available um to to Michael um so yeah we we we do we are quite strict on it you we’ve um some officers who abuse it find themselves uh in trouble quite rightly you will have seen not just this Force others where people have using social media on in chat groups um

    Uh to to to to share you know terrible stuff and they get themselves into trouble there for those who step outside the policy and step outside the rules um it’s really clear we try and say to people um don’t talk about something that you wouldn’t talk about in front of

    The chief basically don’t tweet something you wouldn’t you wouldn’t say in front of the chief or in a room of people you don’t know um because it because that’s not you know that’s not what we’re about we we are a you know apolitical um we are impartial and if we

    Start being partial then we cross that line happy to share that policy with you and if there’s a particular incident um that that you’re talking about here then um if it’s if it’s um something you wish to make a complaint about you absolutely can make a complaint about it and it

    Will be looked into thank you thanks next question William from Skipton and this is about gender identities so if a male who identifies as a woman commits a crime how is that crime recorded is it recorded as being a crime committ by a man and or woman and what is North

    Police policy on this so our policiy is I think the same as the national policy you the crime will be recorded in relation to the gender that the person identifies as um and it’s a simple as that so our policiy is follows National guidance on it so if you are um a woman

    If you’re a man who now identifies as a woman and you’ve identified as a woman that crime will be recorded against you as a woman thank you next question please mayor from scarra and this is about hate crimes in light of scarra’s growing diversity particularly with the

    Influx of new hires from the NHS and Covent uni actively recruiting students with diverse backgrounds alongside new diverse businesses emerging in scabra what specific plans or initiative does the north yish police have in place to combat hate crimes and ensure the safety of diverse communities in that area so

    I’m I’m really um you’d be unsurprised to hear I’m very passionate about this we have we have done a huge amount of work in relation to hate crime I set up the Strategic independent Advisory Group the SAG as we call it um and it’s it’s a very diverse group we examine uh all

    Kinds of stuff including hate crime Trends um and where we’ve seen Rises and we have seen some Rises we we know in particular in relation to race and ethnicity which is just I think the bit about hate crime that really upsets most people and upsets me um is it’s about

    Targeting someone just for being who they are which is just so you know it it you know it’s so against everything we believe in and everything I believe in we’ve done a huge amount of work we’ve got we’ve got a hate crime team looking

    Into it I I will urge as I said earlier on if if you if you want to join an independent Advisory Group um please do so you’ve got one in scabra um one in York one in harria and one in weer County Hamilton I think so there are

    Four that you can join um if we spot any Trends in it uh if if for for example we see in scarra as you talking about if we started to see a rise in um race related hate in scabra we would run a very quick and very specific operation looking at

    Why that was occurring and what we can do the big thing for me is this is about getting people to come forward and Report hate crime that is the key we want people to feel confident enough if you come forward we will protect you we will look after you you will be believed

    You will be treated with respect and with dignity and we will do all we can I promise you to look into that crime investigate it thoroughly and bring offenders to Justice it’s hateful that somebody can be targeted for who they are thank you next question scarber from uh sorry Anthony from scarra antisocial

    Behavior so after years of uring antisocial behavior on our Green in abile Cresent we were promised drinking in public will be reviewed and probably made a criminal offense in certain areas has this policy been dropped it’s the only solution we can see stopping this

    Yeah so um I’m led to believe that um we had a uh North York Council I think had um I think it’s called a public space protection order in place um but that expired at the end of 2023 um um so they are currently doing another consultation around whether um

    Whether there should be a new one so we’re hoping for a full ban in the Town Center let’s that’s exactly what we want there’s a full ban in the Town Center um which I think would would would um cover that area as well um so I would just say

    To Anthony and to and to friends family colleagues everybody there actually get involved go on to the North Yorkshire Council um website engage with that consultation report support the issues there as well um you know it’s not it’s not a huge amount of reporting for police at the moment so we would we’ll

    Look at it if we start getting reports of antisocial Behavior but um again we’ve got an OP for everything this one’s called op culture we look into all that behavior um and it’s uh been escalated to Priority our priority tasking for all departments this week actually not just for a neighborhood

    Policeing team so for all departments but please get involved because we would support that thank you next question so Helen from Pickering it’s about Road Safety um there seems to be a general disregard of speeding restrictions within Pickering especially on the a170 and the a169 um this is an area where there are

    No safe Crossing places uh there’s also an issue of vehicles again parking on Pavements they’re making it really difficult for pedestrians to negotiate around the vehicles um and she’s very concerned about the number of people using the Pavements as cycle ways not so much if the bikes are ridden safely but

    Most are not and they come from behind with no warning whatsoever far too fast and dangerous yeah so thank you um we’ve got a number of safety camera um sort of where we put the safety camera vans in and around the a170 and 169 in Pickin

    Including one at the junction of the um 170 out gang Lane so um across the four sites within Central pick and itself we visited I think 87 times throughout 2023 um and you’ll be pleased to know we’ve had a total of 645 offenses um so 571 of those were

    Within speed awareness course criteria so just over but there will have been ones that are far over which have then um then gone on to uh have uh points as well as the fine um so we’ll continue to do that we’ve got some of deployment um worked out and coming up this will

    Feature in that we’ve had previous sort of concerns entered into um speed management protocol actually for throughout gang Road um all of which have resulted in speed in community speed watch outcomes there is a really good Community speed watch group within Pickering um and they’ll be able to

    Deploy as well so um there’s lots that’s going on um again it does feature for us in our um in our strategic Road Safety partnership these are areas we look at regularly in relation to people using the the Pavements as cycle ways that’s that’s a really difficult one I suspect

    That because the cyclists feel that the traffic is coming you know quickly and they don’t feel safe they’ll go on the cycle on the paths as well and um that’s that’s not acceptable but again we have to look at um where we’re going to deploy what we’re going to what

    Resources we’re going to deploy to where um and I’ll just say if it keeps happening we can report it through to the local neighbor polic and team who will visit and take action but please let us know um and feed into your local neighborhood policing team they will

    Listen to you because you again it’s antisocial if you’ve got parents mothers fathers leading their kids along those parts and people charging Along on a push bike um does he dealing with so yes thank you right next question so this is a question from County councelor Andrew Brown um and

    It’s about speaking cameras so what has been done so sorry I’ll start that again what has been the outcome of the review into introducing fixed and average speed cameras into North Yorkshire are we going to be able to effectively police hotspots where speeding happens 24 hours

    A day in our County without fixed and average speaked cameras and why do we remain one of only two counties in the whole country who don’t utilize them so the uh outcome of the review and to introduce fixed and average speed cameras I think um I think it’s been

    It’s back with us and I’m I’m ready to believe I haven’t had an update on this one from the ACC in all fairness um but that was a piece of work commissioned through your office um which was brilliant so that would be com into the Strategic Road Safety partnership as

    Well to to figure out and then we’ll work with Partners on what happens with that um are we going to be able to effectively police hotpots where speeding happens 24 hours a day um you know what we do we do work like the the safety camera Vans actually can uh can

    Work in the dark um but again it it comes on volume of traffic if there’s one or two cars at the night time there’s very little point in US putting um putting one out so but I I do understand what you’re saying around that and why do we remain one of only

    Two counties in the whole country who don’t utilize them there are more than that there’s there’s other counties that have got them and then turned them off because it costs a lot of money to run them they they’re not um they’re not cheap to do however um if if you’ve got

    The right solution for North Yorkshire I am I’m I’m fairly certain that it’ll be a really good thing but it has to be the right solution I don’t want to preempt the outcome of that review um commissioner which I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to do so um councelor Brown uh I

    Apologize it has taken a little bit longer to get this uh review back uh from um Newcastle University but we have just got it back and we’re just analyzing and looking through it now and we’ll be able to share that data very soon with our partners as well so thank

    You very much next question so Anette from scarber this is about gender identities I want to know what women and girls are I want to know that women and girls are fully protected and that the five pan principles are upheld can you answer the following so I

    Don’t intend on write um reading them all out but Elliot would you be able to go through them very quickly because we are so overtime at the moment yeah commissioner in effect um as I said earlier on WE record people um based on the the gender identity they have um do

    We have adequate Single Sex toilets and change yeah I I don’t this always flabbergasts me that people think they’re going to get attacked in a toilet it’s it’s it’s nuts but but no we have them um but we also have um uh you know kind of everybody has a a um a

    Toilet at home that people can use and it doesn’t matter what sex you are we have those as well um you know do you commit upholding freedom of thought freedom of of expression um you know we do of course freedom of thought freedom of expression it’s ingrained into into

    The Human Rights Act we protect that um Poli and and you know I can go into the rest if you want commissioner but it but there’s so many there I think it might be that we we get back to you Annette if that’s all right with the answers to

    Your questions because we are running out of time and I want to get through everybody’s so on to the next one please so Jack from Middleton ties and it’s about police priorities uh no one could sensitively argue arue that the inappropriate speed is okay and the civilian operated speed Vans bear

    Witness to this but should speeding be Priority One for our police what of the spread of drugs among our young people much more difficult and dangerous to our police than dealing with these criminals right okay you’ve got the Gest of this so um really quickly commissioner it’s

    Not an either or it’s not priority one for us it’s a priority for us because we we have 6,000 miles of Roads we do not we want to reduce the 40 people roughly who lose their lives on our roads every year that’s a family that is devastated

    And we want to stop that but it’s not an either or we tackle drugs we’ve got a great anti- um county lines operation running great organized crime unit and other stuff that I cannot talk about on here it is not on either Ro we definitely do this as well yeah and

    There has been a huge amount done on county lines and you’ve got some fantastic results haven’t you great it’s a Scourge y he’s right thank you right next question James from yarm why is it necessary for the acting Chief Constable to create a video apologizing to the lgbtq plus

    Community I want to know exactly what you apologizing well we were one of uh quite a large number of forces that that did this um and the video says what was was apologizing for exactly which is during the um 6070s and’ 80s in particular um the police across the country used

    Legislation that was in place to effectively out gay men ruin people’s lives um they use the legislation um proactively rather than passively um and I was apologizing for that it’s all in the video commissioner I’m sure people are aware of that anyway thank you next question dve New York and it’s about 39

    Um I act in a police Le ason capacity for the residence of St Paul Square York would you please clarify the police advice on by the police um they go on to say they’ve had a number of incidents um I think you could read the

    Rest of it can you advise thank you yes so call when it’s an emergency when a crime is in progress when someone suspected of a crime is nearby when there is a danger to life when violence is being used or threatened those are the kind of things that you should be

    Using for 999 calls and not um the we’ve been we’ve had people phoning up 909 because McDonald’s won’t serve them or because they’ve been thrown out of a nightclub for their dancing I mean how bad was their dancing I have no idea but but these are the kind of things you

    Shouldn’t be calling 999 for so when it’s an emergency crime in progress suspect danger to life or violence those are the kind of things you should use 909 for um please don’t hesitate to ring 999 though if you do think don’t be thinking I don’t want to bother the

    Police if it’s not an emergency then clearly we’re calling um be calling 101 right next question Beverly from Richmond and it’s about training uh right following a report in the wake of the Sarah everard case and in response to other high-profile cases where police officers have broken the code of behavior towards

    Women and girls I was surprised to hear that there’s no compulsory training for police officers in England as individual forces are able to determine their own levels of training I’d like to know what North Yos offers its Personnel what training of offic did the officers receive um how much

    Training is face to face if summer training is it online and how does North yorch Police monitor officers to ensure they’re adhering to the training they have received I’m assuming this is about training at the very start of somebody’s career if that’s what they’re talking about if Beverly if that’s what you mean

    So there is no set here is what every Force gets what there is is a college of policing curriculum a little bit like the educational curriculum is put out and here’s what you should be looking at so every Force has got guidelines you need to cover these bits and these are

    The learning objectives you need to cover within them every Force gets that from the College of policing we’re no different we get that training we build our own training packages and we we um Quality assess it check it with the College of policing Etc and then we

    Deliver it so some of it is face to face most of it is face to face for our TR for our officers who are new in service they get weeks and weeks and weeks of training um before they even get out there to start with a with a tutor um

    Going on from that some training is done online as as people get more um out into operational business because it’s harder to to pull everyone together in one place um but we still do that we still op Crystal I talked about earlier um classes of 20 30 40 people brought

    Together to do that um we do Blended learning so some of it’s online some of it is they have to read how do we monitor to make sure they’re adhering to it well generally it’s around our policies and about law for officers that are going out there they’ve got to

    Adhere to the law they’ve got to adhere to those policies there are they have monthly um oneto ones there are team performance meetings and it’s monitored all the way through the organization so um occasionally people get it wrong because we all make mistakes where it’s an honest mistake people get um more

    Training or advice where somebody does something deliberately wrong we deal with them accordingly as you’ll have seen in the media thank you Beverly I think what we we’ll do is we’ll also send you a copy of my uh violence against women and girls strategy too should be able to

    Have a read through but please come back to me if you have any further questions thank you next question so Jacob from York and it’s about cyclists why are the police not stopping cyclist without a light they are causing such a big risk themselves and innocent

    Drivers so again it’s not an either if we do spot somebody and we’re driving along and we and or whatever we see a cyclist with that a lot we will stop because it is a risk to themselves um more than the innocent drivers they’re they’re generally always going

    To come off worse um so we do stop them but again it comes back to what our priorities are um you know we’re not going to have roving um patrols of police officers looking for cyclists because we’ve got burglars um robberies child abuse you know all sorts of other

    Stuff we have to prioritize too where we see them we stop them thank you uh Gail from York Foxwood I’d like to know why we don’t see police walking around neighborhoods like they used to and we often had two police walking by a house and it’s quite reassuring to know that

    They are just walking and just surveying the area as there are possible hotpots for Crime so we do we do get out on foot they do pcsos in particular as you know are out and about on foot but police officers too do foot patrol um and but

    Of course if you’re not there to see them at that moment it’s really hard so unless somebody is walking around one or two streets at Dixon of dot green which we’re not doing these days it’s really hard but they do they do go out and

    About um and for those of you who are in North alaton uh on Thursday you will see me out and about in the High Street as well in my uniform so we all need to go and say hello to Elliot too okay right are there any more

    Questions I think we come to the end of them now oh no we’ve got Gwen of course from York hello Gwen so um we heard six months ago that a senior police officer had been suspended and the police conduct was investig ating are the hapless rate payers paying this

    Individual full salary to sit at home and how long is this going to go on for question thank you I can’t go into individual cases with this at the end of the day we we we uh conduct investigations as expeditiously as we possibly can um and we are very aware

    That suspension is um a serious thing for the officer involved in it obviously but we are also aware of the um the burden to the taxpayer which is why we do um progress them as quickly as we can I cannot go into this particular one for obvious reasons but just rest assured

    That we are it does feature anybody who’s suspended has to be reviewed every single month and every single month we look at making sure that we’re making the best use and that they have to continue on suspension rather than coming in right I really do think that’s the

    Last question I think it is okay so that’s the end of the meeting I’d like to S the last of the um online public meetings for the police force um I just for me while my time in commissioner so I’d just like to say some thank yous to everybody that’s contributed and who’s

    Watched the online public meetings I hope you feel that these have given you some really good information you’ve seen very clearly how I scrutinized both Chiefs in uh public domain and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the scrutiny that goes on behind the scenes

    To I’m delighted I want to say a big thank you for all these great questions 25 today I think that’s the record absolutely fantastic and I always take all your questions even if they’re difficult ones we always take them I think that’s just so important so you

    Could have your say because that’s your part of this too so the next online public meeting is for the fire service that’s on the 25th of April and i’ just like to say thank you very much for watching and taking part have a lovely after afternoon and we’ll see you in April thank

    You e for

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