Source BMX: Matthias Dandois Bike Check 2024

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    Welcome To Source BMX I’m van homman today we’re here in Paris France with the legendary and well decorated flatland Rider Matias dund Matias is the proud owner of X Games medals multiple nor cups and a nine-time world champion so no place more fitting than to check out his whole

    Bestie signature build than right here at Place tala PTI the name of your frame is the basti so why don’t you explain the inspiration behind the name absolutely so this is a really uh special place for us French people this is where the revolution happened in 1789 and when everything changed and

    With this Frame I wanted kind of a revolution okay when everything changed uh blending flat with Street and Park and dirt uh a bike uh you could use for everything okay so and I live literally 200 M from this place so when uh we try

    To come up with a name with arrow labas seemed fitting and this is why it’s called labas for the revolution reason and the fact that it’s my neighborhood perfect amazing backstory amazing backstory on the name it’s usually not that insightful okay Matias let’s dive

    In to the specs of this Frame as a flat land Rider it’s expected the steeper 75.5 to and the shorter 12.75 R however you also dabble in the streets a bit and how does this thing cross over between flat land and Technical street riding yeah I mean u a flat bike usually is

    Really uh rammed down and uh it’s impossible to ride through it with a like tiny flat bike so I wanted something that could be used for everything so I ride a 21 top chip here and um I think the the angle is 75.5 here and uh the the back end I think is

    12.9 when it’s slammed so you know it’s pretty the internet said 12.75 went slam 12 1275 well the internet is the internet told me I don’t know I’m really bad 1275 slam for me I think it’s 12.9 because I don’t write slam right it right in the middle yeah the thing with

    This with this Frame I’ve never broke one and when uh I’m done with one frame usually last me like between six and 8 months I give it away to some kids that need one and they never broke it and I’ve never heard of anyone breaking that

    Frame I don’t know why I think it’s because the the dimensions are just goes well together and it’s solid you know for sometime the the width here is too big or too short and then it it makes it fragile at some place okay but this one is crazy for some reason I’ve tried

    Really hard to break one when we were testing it but I I never succeeded and it’s also I think it’s important important to point out that flat land can really put a lot of stress on a frame a lot of people might think like you’re staying on the ground and like

    But you’re putting a lot of torque and a lot of pressure on the on the welds and the joints of the frame when for sure definitely and I’ve done some some Street stuff in my time not recently because I I’m old and broke up but uh but no I’ve put this Frame

    Through uh through hell and uh Ryan Nyquist is riding in uh in B oh really Nyquist is rid your frame nist is rid amazing wow like you know just to to prove again that it’s made for everything as you mentioned you’re riding the 21in top tube it’s also

    Available in a 19.5 and a 20.25 how tall are you and why do you choose the 21in top tube I’m uh 6′ one I think it looks right yeah yeah I think I’m 61 186 cm for the normal people that you like everyone else in the world this is

    For the world so we need to speak speak to the world and I ride the 21 obviously because I’m I’m a pretty tall guy but I wanted uh also the shorter guy to enjoy this FR so I think 20.25 is a good compromise if you ride straight but uh

    Most flaton Riders they they ride a frame within between 19 and 20 so I wanted a frame also for the flatlander so 19 uh 25 19 19.5 and uh and know yeah like I think I tried the 20.25 when it was too short I think 21 is a sweet spot

    For me I might go with 21.25 because my friend ride a a frame like that and it feels pretty good as well so maybe I’ll try because my back has been kind of hurting lately so maybe trying a a bigger frame on the next version of laas why not why not all

    Right all right so maybe we’ll see maybe we’ll see an even longer option all right Matias in addition to your signature frame you also have your own Fork you have a 15 mm offset which is a bit steeper again kind of coincides with the flat land at technical street riding

    What went into the design of this fork and how does it complement your frame absolutely so I’ve rode um Straight Fork uh the whole beginning of my uh riding career and uh riding street is really hard to ride a a Straight Fork super steep when you want to hop it’s like

    It’s too too responsive so I tried uh a longer Fork maybe like 25 offet but it was too crazy to write flatl CU sometimes we uh we we put the bar in the different direction so the difference was too crazy so I think 15 mm offset is

    The sweet spot for me uh perfect to R straight and perfect to right flat and this Fork is pretty special too because the the the things here are tapered so like when I put my feet right here it doesn’t hurt at all you know and I have

    More more room cuz if it was round like a regular inside of my feet or the outside of my feet would hurt okay that’s very interesting to hear that because you know a lot of times we think of from a street perspective and we’re thinking that gives you like grind

    Clearance but it’s really interesting to hear the different perspectives of how that like works for your foot during like technical flat land tricks and is this also we’ve got a picture of you yeah that’s me that’s me so what tricker what trick is it it’s a plastic man it’s a plastic plastic

    Man yeah trip you know ego trip I like it I like it myself on my Fork but it’s honestly probably one of my favorite parts that we design with Haro okay same it’s unbreakable Haro has its lineage line which provides the classic look while giving modern-day performance

    You’ve got the lineage stem 52 mm reach the cranks 165 mm length and the Sprocket in a 28 to break down this line of products how they perform and how they just capture that classic essence of of Haro you know Haro as a crazy history within BMX is one of the most

    Legendary brand and when when they came up with that uh old school yet new line I instantly loved it because you know I’m a really big fan of the history of BMX but I’m also really big fan of performance and I think this line brings it together perfectly that St is one one

    Of my favorite looking stem in BMX I don’t know I really love the way it looks uh dennise was writing it and I was like I need that it look sick uh the cranks are really good too because they are they are not sharp here they are

    Kind of like round so when I do uh tricks on my pedals same it doesn’t hurt my feet and this is was this was really important for me 165 I was riding 175 but the it was a bit long when I was doing tricks on the

    Back wheel uh-huh so like you know the rid here I didn’t have much space ah so 155 like didn’t didn’t feel as good when you pedal it feels like you are pedaling on the scoot I don’t know I don’t like it so 165 for me is really The Sweet

    Spot and uh most faton Riders ride really tiny uh sprocket because for pedaling tricks and such but I’m using my bike a lot in Paris to Pedal from point A to point B and 28 is a is a must all right 28 in the front nine in the

    Back yeah so that’s kind of a like you said that’s an up gear and especially for a flatland rider that’s a pretty big gear just because I pedal everywhere that’s why I run that but no the lineage line is is really like I think one of

    The sickest thing Haro came up with in the in the last 10 years because it brings that classic style with the with the today’s performance so great stuff something else I noticed about the sprocket which is something I personally appreciate is that it’s a spline drive sprocket which keeps everything really

    Clean and streamline gives you less bolts to have chunky stuff getting loose on your bike break down the spine drive for us you know the spine Drive is the greatest invention uh you need a lot of grease for it wa okay but once he’s there you know it’s

    Going to stay there forever and I absolutely love the look I mean no B you know like there is always something lose on my bike I’m the I’m the worst mechanician ever like it’s it’s it’s terrible it’s really terrible so one less bolt happier Matas for sure and it

    Looks so slick and uh and I think it’s also more solid because the Bool sometimes you know it can break yeah it can maybe shift or Flex this you don’t want because your your knee ends up in that good this you don’t want so no I think yeah like the spline Drive is

    Beautiful and makes it clean and less dangerous so all good all right Matias while we’re on the drivetrain let’s talk about the hor SD pedals these are Dennis andison signature pedals they’re a rare combination of a plastic and sealed bearing pedal which is super rare break

    Down these pedals and why you trust them well if Denis ra them you know that’s the best marketing argument ever you know fair enough Denis designed these pedals for a while and uh they are the best pedals in business he the the most talented uh the most gnarly

    BMX rider out there and if he rise this pedal this pedal must be good yeah and it has like kind of a low profile too is that something that you desire in a pedal I like it I don’t like those chunky uh big pedals you know CU I I

    Need that um feat to Pedal uh feeling okay and when I ride those like tinier pedals like the SD pedals it gives me that feeling so I think you know they are definitely my go-to pedals now and honestly if I wasn’t riding for Haro anymore I would still ride those pedals

    100% all right Matias you have the premium CK Chad curlyy signature handlebar 9.25 rise break down these handlebars for us and why you choose them um I was riding 975 bars before okay and uh I wanted to go with something a bit uh lower and I love it

    I’ve been riding those bars for a month and they are really amazing I really love the little uh CK thing here makes me think of uh of the little chadu when I when I ride it I really love the guy I really love Chatman is the It’s the

    Funniest human being it’s great to have all these parts you can represent your boys on your bik exactly all right Matias how about your seat also named the basti I assume this is your signature as well what went into the design of this SE and how important is the shape of

    Your seat and the height of your post the importance of the seat is very very high for me because um I always have it in my hands cuz I write flat okay which is weird for a lot of Street guys yeah you know like when I do DRS it’s very

    Important the the the the bottom of the seat but go under cuz if it’s too sharp or if it’s uh if it’s too like shallow or too big or I can’t write with it okay so we designed a seat that was like you know I can put my wow so the inners are

    Actually customized underneath exactly wow and so when I ride uh it’s it’s it feels nice it’s a perfect handle it’s a perfect handle yeah and how about the height post that also important I yeah the it’s pretty important I cannot ride uh riding slam because when I do uh

    Tricks you know uh I would be like to to like so like this is uh a nice a nice height and also when I do B spins it’s nice to to catch it with my knees uhhuh so I think yeah I have a little thing

    Here that I do with a with a knife you know to know like approximately okay where to put it forget I don’t forget cuz I build and un build this bike so many times to like put it in the bik back so I’m man of the world yeah I’m a man of the

    World all right Matias let’s talk about your wheels you have the Odyssey clutch free coaster Hub this thing has external slack adjustment it also has an external grease port for easy maintenance you didn’t know any of that no it’s got it it’s got the see it’s got these

    Mechanisms right here wow I didn’t know about that Tech so you don’t adjust your slack you stick with it no what you send me Wheels I put them on their onr that’s all you need to know you you put them on and they run great see

    That’s all you need to know about the Odyssey Wheels you put them on they run great sold that’s literally what I do I told you I’m not a spec guy but oh D say man they make they make definitely the best wheels in business uh I change them

    Probably once a year which is crazy like the last me year those Wheels which is crazy because flatland put so much effort into into those like Wheels you know like because we always bent and right the free coaster never gave up on me uh and I think it’s really important

    Because I write a lot of contest and sometimes free coaster when you ride contest and if you don’t trust your free coaster it can be really a mind this one you’ve SE so many riders in the contest run and their free coaster engage and you’re like uhuh you should

    Have run the clutch yeah there you go should have run the clutch should run the clutch and uh and know I still ride um um what what is called in English this Huard HG guards because uh sometimes I grind not as much as before

    But sometimes I do uh I run them in the front door not because of the grind but because when I do tricks on the back wheel it doesn’t hurt my finger like so you don’t get your fingers in the SP I don’t get my fingers in this boxie I

    Don’t think I’ve ever been worried about getting my fingers caught in this SP I’m protected it’s like a wheel condom for my hands a wheel condom for my hands Odyssey hubguards a wheel condom for your hands so what about the rims as you mentioned you put a lot of torque and a

    Lot of pressure on your rims when riding flat land so why do you trust these rims it looks like we have the hazard lights which is a classic Rim it’s been around forever again I’m not a really great mechanic guy so I don’t really know how to do do my spoke some

    And I know like these wheels are stress free for me they you know they are just low maintenance yeah like even Straight Out of the Box they come this way straight out of the box right these aren’t even custom no and you don’t even need to like even after riding them a

    Bit they’re still they still stay tight and stay true yeah I put those on uh like 10 days ago and I I haven’t tied them back on which is crazy because usually when you put wheels out of the box sometimes you need to tie them them

    Like two days later on this one fun know like they still they still run great you know like so I love new Wheels when they are straight like that that’s beautiful all right now Matias this next product is something I don’t know a whole lot

    About I know a lot about pegs but I don’t know a lot about flat land pegs why don’t you tell me what these are and what’s special about these pegs these pegs are the IGI rough neck uh pegs the IG is a company um done by Jean William

    Preo one of the greatest flat Rider everan Canadian what you know about Canadian and um I love them because they come with a with a a screw at the end and so like it’s really good when you do when you do tricks pivoting on your because we always do tricks pivoting and

    If you don’t have those caps the the shoes like get destroyed okay and also when you ride on the back wheel you have pegs in your hand and so like it can really like cut your hands okay again they are protective thing for the for the for the fingers they are like they

    Have like are they metal or plastic plas plastic but very hard plastic and I think aluminum inside okay and uh they are like threaded here so like it doesn’t really uh it’s not slippery for my feet but still gr has like that nerling yeah yeah exactly and you can

    Obviously change the change the Caps I change them every like 3 months like a bar end Bic like EX like a barand and uh they great product and I’m really happy to support a a flatland company you know it’s a very industry industry but you know is

    Killing it so I’m really happy to run those pegs finally let’s talk about your tires The Odyssey super Circuit tires you’re riding the 2.1 size this is a great allaround Tire why do you choose this tire this size and what pressure do you prefer you know when uh ODC came up with

    Those tires they actually sent me the samples like 2 years ago to to test them and uh they wanted a feedback on know they they felt instantly felt in love with those tires because they are super grippy on the on slippery contest floors and this is yeah this is really amazing

    And I think they must be super grippy on like slippery balls well you know and uh they are very light cuz I think they are made of Kevlar if I’m right and and uh they support high pressure cuz I run a lot of pressure as a flat Rider I run

    The 100 PSI okay and uh no problem at all with 100 PSI and uh they last very long even if you ride on a rough floor and the the design of the tire is really like great for flat because with flatland tires if you have too much materials it really slows down your

    Riding with this tire is the perfect like in between uh where you have enough material for the tire to last long and uh and uh you know it’s good enough for for the the speed of your trick so I really love the tires Matias thank you for sharing your hor build with the

    People out there in Source BMX world today everybody make sure to check out the source bike builder there you can see everything Matias is running you can get pricing specs and availability source


    1. I can relate to the having too much material on your tire it slows you down point that was made. I have to ride a tire inside my tire because of broken glass and I'm constantly looking to see if it's flat buts it's always "good" 👌😎

    2. Imagine if you will a sport ,…. any sport . You will be hard pressed to find one where you can meet and talk to the best athletes in the world .
      Flatland is not like any other sport for multiple reasons .
      Not only can you meet and talk to these athletes , you will also notice that they are not in competition against each other , they are in fact in competition with each other .
      The enemy is the land not another rider .
      This man is as enigmatic in person as he is in video ❤

    3. Favourite bike check yet. Love the crossover parts on Matthias’ bike, no rules just riding.
      Come on though Source, somebody needs to stock igi parts in the UK! Or any flatland pegs…. 🙏

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