#pinarello #pinarelloprince #roadbike

    Meet Panda the Pinarello, the newest addition to my cycling family – the Pinarello Prince FX! This high-performance bike is perfect for all types of rides, from long endurance rides to intense races.

    Drawing on the Dogma F12 design, the 2023 Pinarello Prince FX Ultegra Di2 carbon road bike delivers the legendary ride feel of the brand with revised geometries and Torayca T900 carbon for a more comfortable ride, that remains 100% Pinarello. Any Dogma, let alone the ones Team Ineos riders race, comes at a high price. Step forward the Prince, Pinarello’s Dogma-like understudy, which shares the same profile, and many of the same exotic tube shapes as its big brother.

    The Pinarello Prince and Prince FX were designed for riders who strive for constant improvement and the best possible performance and to stay ahead of the pack.

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    If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section or contact me through social media. Thank you for your support!


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    #pinarellodogma #dogma

    It’s been a while right some of you might even say it’s been freaking ages and that I would have to agree with I’ve had loads going on recently busy keeping my head low and you know my last video sort of spoke about you know losing the passion and

    The will to get out on the bike but slowly and surely I’ve been making baby steps to get out been in the gym on the turbo trainer at home and every pedal is helping me to get out so you’re joining me on a short little loop on

    This Sunday morning I woke up this morning the Sun was shining really thought that spring had sprung and it’s going to be an epic day but wff down some breakfast and the clouds started rolling in okay that was a really really bad bit of timing to do some filming went pass the farmyard

    Flies probably full of the dung hands on talking it’s all got in my mouth that was disgusting so yeah short little Loop Al from chham out towards harbury might stop off for a bit of coffee and cake but have to see what’s on the way but yeah so far it’s been good it’s

    Windy but dry that’s the main thing Oh Although I haven’t been on the bike I’m feeling okay tired legs when I first went out this morning but I suppose that’s to be expected after not really riding out properly for probably 7 months now I’ve done a few small little rides but today’s a little bit longer

    Now today’s actually quite a special day and I’ve only just realized it I started this channel back in June July I think it was 2023 we’re now in March so it’s been a fair few good months and I was posting pretty regularly throughout the back end of

    2023 but I had some big trips and you probably would have seen some of those videos on my channel I spent some time in New Ora to start with and then had 3 weeks in cowpe you all know that and I’m sorry if I keep banging on about it

    Sound like a broken record but that’s the only thing I’ve really achieved on the bike since starting this Channel and I had so much more planned but going back to why today is such a special day two reasons one this is my first time out doing a video in the UK which is

    Absolutely crazy to think I was looking at some of the videos this morning see what I wanted to post about and it sort of had this realization I’ve never done one in the UK and I had that fear of what am I going to talk about one in the UK UK there’s no

    Sunshine the Glorious Spanish Sun there’s no Coastal roads there’s no big epic climbs and there’s definitely no pro teams out here training but it’s easy to forget we got all this glorious Countryside out by us just when I spoke about not having the sun the sun popped its head through to

    Say hi it’s now disappeared back and the second reason why this is such a special day is you just have to wait cuz I think I’m at the coffee shop so let’s grab coffee cake to catch up in a Bit just approaching harrey 18 mi into the ride the sun’s out I am feeling it a little bit in the legs taking on a bit of a brutal headwind this morning but what that does mean is all the way home I’m going to have the wind behind

    Me and I cruise home pretty easily and what are the chances of that just as I start talking about tail I take a left another left and I’m heading back I’d say that’s pretty much halfway round of the ride and I’m hoping now we go all the way home with the

    Tailwind come on that’s what we like but it’s just beautiful look at this yes and this is what I’ve missed it’s so easy to not get out on the bike and enjoy the things that you really love sometimes especially when you’re feeling a bit down but there moments like this that you

    Need need to be out enjoying everything that you love doing you got to get out there you got to see the world you got to do what you love and right now I’m doing exactly that I feel bloody brilliant views ahead keeping me going check this out you just can’t beat

    It so happy right now there’s actually something quite fun about flying around the English Countryside Lanes taking every blind corner with a bit of caution but at the same time pinning it is a risk but it’s a risk I feel like I can take

    But at the same time you do need to be careful and as I say that as a car see be careful you never know what’s around the corner I really think I spoke too soon then I was buzzing flying around those little Countryside Lanes becoming a little bit too comfortable enjoying

    Myself one right hand turn and car be careful out there people don’t let me uh encourage you to do stupid things like that be safe And I’ve just realized I was supposed to tell you about the second second reason why this is a special day you might have caught a glimpse of it early on in this video and if you weren’t paying attention I’ve got got a new bike come on it’s a dream right now I started

    Riding two years ago me and my neighbors bought bikes to see how we would get on see whether it’s something that wanted to continue with and I definitely have and at that time I bought a secondhand Ribble bought it from a guy in Bristol off eBay to be honest didn’t really know

    What I was looking for what size I needed but right let’s start that again so I bought it from a guy base in Bristol didn’t really know what I was looking for what size I needed what Speck I wanted but it sounded good and I went for it fast forward couple of

    Years I now own a brand new pinell Prince FX which I bought from the guys at ride 24/7 in Siren sister they hook me up with a great deal and un shoed a bit with It And she is a be but here’s something I would like to know from everyone that’s watching this video whether you subscribe or whether you’ve just stumbled across it the big question is have you got a name for your bike because I’ve given mine a name and

    I think it’s it’s quite suiting for the color way that it is and its name is panda panda the Pinero how do you like that now this video isn’t isn’t a review of uh of panda in any way I’m going to save that cuz I haven’t

    Got time to do one of those right now but this is definitely my first ride out on Panda and it’s gone pretty well the headwind this morning was horrible but we’re heading back home now and it’s with us all the way behind us pushing us along and it’s a

    Dream and the sun is out look at that hello son just look at it is this the spring that we’ve been searching for and hoping for it’s been a real long House Winter and I hope this is now the start of those special times ahead where we

    All get to ride before work after work chasing that sun there’s no better feeling we’re pretty much home if you stuck through this video thank you very much really appreciate it if you liked it want to see more don’t forget to uh do that really cringy subscribe it means a lot if you

    Could pushes me to keep going do some more of these videos drop us a comment about the name of your bike let’s see who’s got the most random bike name and uh yeah over and out take it easy Goodbye for


    1. yeah, I called my bike Black Beauty, after the kid's TV program from aeons past. It's my modern equivalent of a horse I guess. And because it's black…

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