Astronomy Calendar March 2024: Must watch events this month

    Top Space Apps:
    Basics of Astrophysics series:

    March 8: Triple Conjunction
    March 10: Super New Moon
    March 14: Moon-Jupiter-Uranus-Pleiades Conjunction
    March 14: γ-Normid meteor shower 2022
    March 15: Conjunction of the Moon and Pleiades
    March 17: Neptune at Solar Conjunction
    March 20: The Spring Equinox
    March 21: Devil comet close to M33
    March 22: Conjunction of Venus and Saturn
    March 23: Moon at apogee
    March 24: Mercury at highest altitude in evening sky
    March 25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

    Night Sky Emulators:

    Sky Guide:
    Eclipse Map:

    Created By: Rishabh Nakra
    Music By: Enrize (Envato)

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    1. Let's change the stars.  What I mean is, get the IAU to, OFFICIALLY, make a new constellation.
      My idea for changing the stars includes Orion, Taurus and Pleiades (Subaru).  Figure it's time to put something up there that's relevant to us, don't you think?  Take Orion's belt and Betelgeuse becomes the head with a baseball hat.  The 3 stars of Orion's belt make up the 3 fat belt loops on a baseball uniform.  Below the belt are two legs bending at the knee.  Saiph is the back foot and Rigel is the front foot.  The feet aligning perfectly under the bent knees.  The spear pointing at "Subaru" is the bat being swung and "Pleiades" is the baseball flying away after being hit.  Bellatrix is the hand that let go of the bat and Aldebaran of Taurus is the tip.  Put it all together and you get, "THE ALL-STAR."  In my case, I see a left-handed batter and I imagine a "7" on the jersey. Which makes him, "Mickey." (As it should be 😉 But you can put any number you want, making, "THE ALL-STAR," any player you want. It'd  be wrong of me to not, at least, try.  This is me, trying. Pass it on, please and thank you. Don't worry, where I come from, crazy is a compliment.

    2. VAST multitudes seeking truth fail to find because they're so easily led astray by worldly logic, sensuality, vain esoterism or specious mysticisms. I know I was. I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "cosmic/spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelic drugs, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. I was illuminated by the kundalini (serpent) spirit then 7 years ago I got rightly enlightened by the Holy Spirit – who showed me what a fool I was before….. Spirit led to the REAL Yahusha/Jesus Christ and everything changed – Paradigm Shifted ….. This is being BORN AGAIN and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁

      Spirituality is a soul serious business taken way too lightly by far too many…..

      ….. the end-times are dead ahead, a time of tribulation and Antichrist is near.

      Sadly, it escapes the notice of our self-absorbed, glamour-saturated world that we're in a spiritual WAR for souls. The immensity of ignorance is astonishing: the dark powers are BEDAZZLING the minds of the masses (Ephesians 6:12). We've inherited ancient spiritual subversion: the Earth is fallen ….. the holistic fields of nature are degraded. Death is all too familiar. Life kills and feeds upon itself. Humanity is a spiritually fallen race highly prone to deceit and delusion …… Frankly, we need a Saviour and by Jesus Christ we have a GREAT ONE

      As a new ager I couldn't believe it but in the Light of Spirit Jesus really is the Way, the truth and the Life just like He said: no one comes to God except through Jesus, there's no other way (Matthew 7:13-14). Being a neo-vedantist I wasn't convinced (I was damn sure I knew better) but turns out the Bible is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is vividly portrayed and endorsed in the new testament, in fact he's apparent in the old testament too (Luke 24:27 & 44) and by His LIGHT we're allowed to see that and know Him. Any previously perceived discrepancies or contradictions are ironed out and the supernatural narrative flows most beautifully……

      ……. the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 2:2-4; 9:6-7 & 45:23, Matthew 28:18, Mark 14:61-62, Revelation 1:7-8 & 18, Rev 19:11-21)

    3. Savorinen and greetings to all science journalists around the Earth. On April 8, 2024, Mexicans and Texans may have a chance to make history and scientifically prove the current atomic model wrong.❤

      The so-called Allais Effect may be a real phenomenon, but in such a way that it does not always occur during a solar eclipse.

      It would be about how close to the center of the Earth the line between the center of the Sun and the center of the Moon intersects the center of the Earth.

      That is, how close the alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon’s shadow passes the center of the Earth.

      The closer, the stronger the phenomenon.

      If so, scientific experiments should always be done when a total solar eclipse occurs at noon and near the equator.

      The April 8 solar eclipse is pretty much exactly at noon in Mexico, I believe, and the area is much closer to the equator than the North Pole.

      Ok, there is a lot of pressure in the center of the Earth.

      I assume that massive and dense particles originating from the center of the Earth are pushed out of the Earth all the time, and on April 8th they are pushed through the area shadowed by the Moon directly towards the Moon and the Sun.

      They meet particles corresponding to the countersphere, which originate from the Sun and the Moon.

      During straight alignment, these particles have time to push through the corresponding particles again and again.

      During the pushing through of each opposing particle, there is a strong interaction and thus the energy in the particles is dispersed over a larger area and the probability of encountering the next one increases, etc.

      Pushing through the moon also activates these particles. Inside the moon, this small-scale energy moves more densely and inside these particles, etc.

      Pushing towards the moon, these particles already have time to activate more than normal, because they encounter particles that have already penetrated the moon and activated inside the moon.

      Physicists are already planning a new particle accelerator at Cern. Its price is estimated at around 20 billion euros.

      On April 8, anyone can do scientific experiments very cheaply.

      For example, local tennis clubs could use devices that launch tennis balls.

      First, the device is adjusted to fly the balls as far and accurately as possible.

      So it’s not necessarily worth trying to make the balls fly just as far as possible, if you can’t make the balls fly quite precisely the same distance, you know.

      Ok, when we find out how far the balls fly with a certain power on average normally, we wait for the Solar eclipse and when the Moon’s shadow starts to reach the area, we start sending tennis balls into the air and monitor how far the balls fly.

      Perhaps a surprise will be experienced during the exam.

      You should fly the balls in at least two different directions. From north to south and from south to north.

      The more distinct groups, the better.

      Everyone should also think about some other scientific experiments that can be done in connection with the so-called to gravitation.

      Traditionally, experiments have been done with pendulums and gravity measuring devices. You should also use them.

      If someone has ready these small rockets that don’t aim for orbit, but only test how high you can get, then maybe during the solar eclipse it would be interesting to try if you can maybe even get much higher than you could assume based on the calculation in advance.

      Ps. If the solar eclipse occurs in June, then I assume that it is worth doing these experiments even if the eclipse is closer to one of the polar regions than the equator and even if it is late evening or early morning.

      This is because then the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the supermassive object in the center of the galaxy.

      Perhaps from the center of the galaxy there is also a kind of matter / energy that physicists do not yet understand.

      At least that’s what I assume.

      That is, these supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies may emit dark matter as separate condensations that are much denser than the separate condensations in the nuclei of the atoms of the observable matter.

      The denser, the slower the internal motion / time and the less these dark matter particles would interact with observable matter.

      In June, when the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, these dark matter particles inside the Earth would meet the energy from the Sun in the opposite sphere and thus their internal movement / time would speed up and the interaction with the Earth’s matter would intensify.

      I assume that the Earth gets new matter in its center in June when these dark matter particles collide in the center of the Earth with the nuclei of the Earth’s atoms.

      Could the Earth even get new water molecules in its center?

      That is, would new solid matter, but also new water and gas molecules, be born in the center of the Earth?

      If so, perhaps the researchers should observe that more water and gas molecules escape from the Earth than estimated.

      Greetings to all Mexicans and Texans. Also for all those who have the opportunity to participate in scientific experiments on April 8.

      April 8, 2024 may be a very significant day for humanity, but it may not be so without you🙂


    4. Hey just discovered you channel – thank you! This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Really appreciated it. (Sorry about the “Karen” from Australia 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣)

    5. Worm Moon (March)
      <wormwood, revelation, absinthe's effect as a precursor to Great American Eclipse)

      Lyrics come to mind: "…….marching because you think you shot to number one">

    6. Southern hemisphere?? I thought it was the other side of the planet like autralia ? I suppose that is southern… i think of south america as southern hemi. And opposite time of day its noon in eastern canada its midnight in aussieland. Summer, winter.

    7. Can't go blind if there's no light those sun glasses are so u can't see what the sun is really doing and that the Moon is not blocking the sun it's a literal shadow blocking the reflection of the sun against the atmosphere.
      The sun is not where you think it is what you see is a reflection of the sun and you'll see for yourself when u notice the moon isn't in the sky during the eclips

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