Which resort has been voted THE WORST SEASIDE TOWN IN THE UK? The Telegraph printed an article listing the top ten worst seaside towns in The United Kingdom. I visited one of them and was shocked at what I saw. Is it time we removed the word Great out of Britain? I spoke to the local residents of this seaside resort that is now a shadow of it’s former glory. A forgotten town with boarded up shops, derelict pubs and clubs, dirty beaches, a harsh concrete seafront, rising crime and a dark sinister side. What you are about to see exposes the TRUE reality of this once Great Seaside Resort.

    #worst #seaside #slums #greatbritain #england #exposed #unitedkingdom

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    Oh now then my friends I was reading an article in timeout magazine the other day uh and it was the uh top 10 worst Seaside towns in Great Britain in the United Kingdom number one I believe was real I’ll read them to you in a little while but number five was this place

    Where I am now and I’m kind of protective of it because I grew up half of my childhood 50% of it in the Lake District and this place where I am now I used to come at least once or twice a month and I looked forward to it it had

    A wooden roller coaster it had fair grounds it had dolphins dolphin shows it had a fantastic Hotel it was wonderful it was bustling and it’s kind of close to my heart so I felt really protective about it in fact it’s got a very famous boxer who lives here as well I think you

    Could probably guess in fact I’ll give you another little clue there was uh one part of a very famous Duo a comedy duo and if you’re wise you’ll know where I am anyway we’re going to take a look around it and see whether it is as bad

    As they make it out because it comes number five I guess the only good thing that it’s going for it at the moment in that uh in that article was that Blackpool was uh above it for being the worst worse than worse than here anyway

    If you’re new to the channel do me a favor do hit the Subscribe button at the end if you like the content and so give it a thumbs up it’s free it costs you n as they say up here anyway without further Ado my friends let’s Go [Applause] is right okay so as you’ll have seen there I am in Moran Bay my friends now I have viewers in Moran Bay one of them who is Julie I believe Julie I do apologize for this video and I wish you were here to tell me a little bit more about what you

    Think about the place I’m actually as I say I’m pretty protective about it because I have a lot of fond members of this place but at least you can say that you come above Blackpool so there we go and I was reading this uh little uh

    Timeout uh bit here this piece in the timeout says in the UK we don’t demand much from Seaside Resorts a vinegar drenched portion of fish and chips I can vouch for that a charmingly tacky fun fair and ice cream that survives the predatory eyes of overhead GS is

    Normally enough to satisfy the average Brit along with a full English I’d say as well I think you’ve missed that one out time out um that said everyone has their opinion on which coastal town Reigns Supreme now there are the best ones but they’ve actually put the worst

    Ones here I’ll put the uh link to this report in the description down below number one worst Seaside town is real now if you live in real let me know what you think and in fact any of these places number two is South Shields number three we’re going to go to all

    These places by the way Western superme number four is Blackpool and number five is morom Cle thorps is number six uh Southport is number seven toi number eight toi I went there with SAR and Harriet and James last year and I actually thought it was quite nice maybe

    I was missing something um South End on seies number nine and 10 is scarra and I like scarra as well so I don’t know is it right are they just making out that these are the worst because worst headlines always get more views and always gets more readership doesn’t it

    It’s like the worst breakfast will get more views than the best breakfast people like to see a car crash don’t they anyway I haven’t been to morum for a while now at the moment I think the last time I came for fish and chips um

    Which I’m going to do again in a later episode my friends um and it seemed okay but I didn’t really have a look at a lot of the places now there’s a few famous names here as well who’s been born here who lived here and who still lives here

    One of them Tyson Fury he chooses to live here and he’s a multi-millionaire so surely it can’t be that bad well we’re going to go and find out come on onwards my [Applause] friends Lubin baly restaurant and takeaway nice curtains at the front there let’s have a look what it looks like inside shall we [Applause] H chicken MadAss and a runny ass if you go there come on [Applause] Onwards Right so I’m just going to uh have a walk down one of the side streets here off of the seafront there we got the pier Pub there which is actually open I’m not going to go in though because I don’t know whether I’ll be welcome I’ll

    Walk in and the the whole place will just go quiet like on one of those movies not welcome around these parts although with a different accents it’s sad to see though a lot of places are closed down in the last few minutes that I’ve been here to see there’s got to be

    Better Parts though surely otherwise why would Tyson Fury want to live here let’s try and show some nice parts of it there’s got to be some nice Parts as I say I spent my childhood here I was excited to come here I could not wait

    You’d got the fun fair up the road there in fact I think there was three of them there was one behind wallworth at the time there was the main one and then there was which was owned by the same people who owned Blackpool pleasure Beach I believe and um there was another

    One there was three in total you actually had Miss World concerts held here this was the Posh Blackpool this is this was the place where the people who thought there was that little class higher they came here to moram and let everybody else go to Blackpool I used to

    Love it dolphin shows dods candy floss toffee apples it was oh I could not wait let have a look what’s down here it’s actually making me a little bit tearful because I was really really close with my mom and dad absolutely love them and I feel lost every day

    Without them and this was a place that holds fond memories from my childhood with my mom and dad and we there was a pie shop here as well that my dad used to love and if you’re from moram you probably remember it it was called Craven pies and it was amazing got

    Another Pub here as well oh Connors nice heap of dog poo there on the last clip in shot I think we’ll go back to the uh the seafront and do a few side streets in a little while and see what’s on the sea front got to be better on the

    Sea front hasn’t it surely the local Council will have uh done it up and made it look a little bit nicer on the [Applause] front embargo craft bar so what the price is like there Beaver town uh 475 Stella 350 Camden town Town 445 um boddington’s

    330 how do they Fair are they good prices for a Seaside town let me know in that comment section down Below Right let’s have a wander down this side street here there’s a cafe just over there and there’s some cafes and restaurants down here as well and I can smell food so it means they’re open does smell a bit greasy I think they need to change the fat uh but at least there’s a

    Sign of life For right I’m going to walk down here and then I’m going to circle back back onto the uh prominade there but it’s uh just doing just doing a vlog do a v doing a vlog are you from moram yeah are you from morham right I came to Moran when I

    Was a kid right I came to Moran when I was a kid on right what and you are you from here were you born here from car from that s yeah well you live here well I I I came here as a kid and I came to

    The fairground yeah when the little fair was here as well do is one behind do you do you mind do you mind being on camera do you mind being on camera all right so B it’s only for YouTube so basically I went to the first what was the first day

    Called with the wooden roller coaster that was that was like the main one main one FR City orand frand that’s it frand that’s it now then and then there was one there was a little fair for the kids at the back of Johnny’s was that at the

    Back of wwor well yeah yeah yeah yeah we call it Johnny’s and not cuz it’s an arcade yeah yeah it was back of yeah you’re right it yeah yeah and was there another one as well no no there was a a little do yeah next to Dolphin here that’s it I said that

    And they used to hold Miss World contest oh I don’t know about that years and years ago happy is yeah but it’s just changed doesn’t it what’s listen you know once once that fair went yeah morm disintegrated he just went to the dogs is there a way of bringing it back is

    Yeah build the F back build the build the thirr back to what more that’s one it was good for exactly it used to be an upmarket black lovely brilliant it’s an old people’s that’s what they say but that once he took that fair ground away you

    Ruin they ruin it bring the bring the fair back bring back the fair H Mor great again it will do cuz that’s what everyone come for Fun City you know and and Frontier land that’s what everyone was on about that’s what they wanted exactly BR it back for a f a day

    You could do what you want it was great yeah I I L coming to Mor and I’m from camp with me it’s only six M down the road but Mor was like the uh where’ you go now per in a bit balling and that you know oh

    There’s the Super Bowl yeah that’s about is the C still here as well I think the Cinema’s still here yeah yeah still got CA yeah and what’s the best pub uh that’s it yeah the pier there we go only because he’s on the front of that you can see this thing

    Yeah well thank you what was your name I’m called David this is Allan David Allen you have made the video there you go give him give him a wave that’s it thank take easy brilliant hey nice to meet you you too thank you do you know what he’s hit the nail

    Bang on the head there bang on the head I never even thought about that because the fair is not here people aren’t coming in for a holiday destination bring the fair back the council should fund it they should fund a fair ground and bring it back and bring the town

    Back to life that guy is a genius I didn’t even think of that there you go bring back the fair thank you right come on onwards I love meeting different people that’s what I love about this job and he my friends has got it up there bring back the fair genius

    Right let’s get back on the seafront off the beating track we don’t want to be off the beating track let’s see what there got to be more on the sea front I mean come on Moran don’t let me down got the tower here and also we’ve got the uh

    Hey hang in a minute wait a minute right got Danielle and Scott here now you’re from moram are you not originally but yeah i’ Mor life what do you think to morom it’s gone downhill since I was a little kid gone downhill but we used to

    Have the fun fair here we had do you remember the wooden roller coaster yeah that’s what I mean it all used to be here but obviously now at the minute we’ve got the the Fair building up on there but obviously they only come every now and then yeah uh got Johnny’s F

    Factory all know little kids in that my par right down the bottom down there yeah that’s more kids going that do you know what I mean um run down a lot hasn’t it yeah I think they need to bring the fair back definitely yeah bring Frontier land back yeah definitely

    And you’ll bring the custom backin yeah they will it’ll be a lot better there’ll be more people in that and it’s need a bit of a clean up bit of a cleanup yeah and where where abouts are you from Bolton Bolton what do you now what do

    You can tell me what you said a minute I asked to what you thought of it it’s an absolute yeah all there we go you don’t like any can you pick anything good up about it no nothing nothing at all nothing apart from the arcades the arcades that’s it and what

    About the Midland Hotel is that still running is that still there I think it’s still there yeah what would you say to anybody thinking about taking a holiday in Moran don’t bother wasting your money go to Black pool instead go to Black pool instead well that’s where I’m

    Off later in the week so uh are you you live here now then do you yeah where would you say is the best PB to go to in in in moram it used to be the ranch house but that’s gone as well ranch house I remember that yeah was that nether Fair

    Yeah yeah got bur down didn’t it yeah I’d say the balling allei above Johnny’s Fone Factory or the station B I got for a drink station P yeah yeah is there a weather spoons here there’s always the spoons yeah in the middle of town just ID what’s the middle of town like for

    Shopping Dead all right hardly anything anymore you’re not you’re not selling it to me what what would you say about people if somebody wanted to come for a holiday here what would you say oh dear right get onwards my [Applause] friends now obviously there’s a few obviously there’s a few um famous

    People who are connected to Mor and one of them being Tyson Fury who chooses to live here I’m not sure whether he was actually born here or not um obviously Eric Bartholomew which is Eric moram and he also got Dame Thora herd as well and also at one point Victoria Wood uh grew

    Up here as well and spent some of her life here and she famously once famously said that for people here their epitome of fun is that the right words they’re fun their idea of fun was going to The Butchers on a Saturday to watch the baby Beacon

    Slicer right so we’ve got Nick Smith here now you’re from K forth but you’ve been working on a project here can you tell us a little bit about the project what you’re doing and you’re going to show us it actually yeah well I live in

    Cord but I I grew up around here when I went to morham high school and I was doing property and I just happened to be walking in the back Alleyway and I thought is that the whole building that’s for sale because it used to be a nightclub Crystal te’s I remember um

    Quite a an Infamous M Club from the the ‘ 80s through to late two early 2000s and I looked up and it said Queen’s market and I thought I knew it was Guy priced it at 50,000 wasn’t looking at buying the commercial property thought there’s something really interesting here two days before

    The auction when’s the auction and I bought it you bought it I bought it and it was going to be demolished before I bought it so it was going to be knock down to made into car park this is before Eden was ever mentioned yeah I just love buildings and I wanted to

    Save this building the day I got in it was it was a mess you couldn’t walk on any of the floor all the floor Jo have rotted but I looked up through the F ceiling and I saw this Lantern roof well the remains of the lantern roof and the C IR columns

    And that’s what’s kept me going for the last eight years so 5 years in I started to think about what what it was that drives me my life and I I haven’t had any problems but but I’m I’m dyslexic and disc calcul so Mass dyslexia and I’ve never been believed in

    But there was one teacher and my tenaction and drive and I I got a degree out of it but I just thought there’s people in this town that have massive amounts of talent that nobody believes in the town doesn’t up big them up we don’t big them up the teachers can’t how

    Come I building this 24,000 square foot amazing building how can I set that up as a community company that’s going to give believe in them so they become something and the town becomes what it should be because the town has everything it needs to be great just not

    Brought all together so you’re going to you’re actually in the process of renovating this building then yeah it’s almost done I but because I’m trying to set up as a community company and I own the building yeah I can’t get the funding because I haven’t done the

    Projects all I’ve done is save the building and have this Bunker’s Vision to bring in these young people and to to bring the retired people in to and and make something really special but unfortunately nobody’s prepared to fund into it you should have you got any have

    You got a website or a so the Queens Market morom there’s a website there’s Facebook there’s um I started doing Tik Tok videos which didn’t do very well um and I came up with a a crowdfunding thing which goes into the community company not to me yeah um I worked out I

    Can get a million names written on the ground floor ceiling town a name each name is written on a dandelion pet it’s supposed to be seed funding to grow the dandelion of the town right so we grow the talent that’s here and then we send it out but they always have the

    Remembrance that they Moran made them so it’s all about Moran making somebody like it used to can we have a look at the building we can fantastic around the corner and this is where it says the padium cinema on the side yeah so although it was built as the Market Hall

    It only ran from 199 1895 through to 1919 it turned into plaum Cinema which is what the ghost sign is and that ran from 1919 through to late ’70s fantastic let’s go and have a look yeah so the this is the the main entrance of the building and then it

    Goes all the way to the end of the street and it’s the entire Block in the middle Behind these buildings how many square feet so 24,000 square ft 24 2,200 square m yeah so this is the other end of the building um all made out of reclaim

    Materials the the original front when I found it it was all white rendered horrible and I’ve tried to Echo the the only remaining bit which is the bit that says Albert Hall which was actually built as a music H and when we go inside you’ll you’ll see the big music hle

    Right this is fantastic so we’re actually going to go inside now and have a look this is what I love about YouTube meeting different people exciting so we’ve got a bit of original 1895 floor um I I know that because it was turned into a children’s Cinema

    Upstairs in the late 50s early 60s and they moved the door to there and they moved the stairs so this would have been a little kiosk and that’s why that little bit’s left so this Mosaic floor 60s and then the intention is we make a

    New one there to to tell the story cuz it’s all about stories is this building it’s you know we’re going to have a living archive project which tells the story of Moran past but we get the young people to colate these stories so that they can rebuild more in

    Future just there punching Judy yeah so everything I found within the renovation I’ve kept you know even down to it an old cigar there’s M more music festival pamphlets from 1904 when Elga the composer came here there’s a possibility that he did his practice in in this music hall in

    1904 before the Winter Gardens you know there’s 20s hats there’s squash rackets from when they played squash and again I want to get the young people to Cate all this information in our history wall and and people can then come in and and read the the history of the building but it’s

    It’s also about letting those young people know that history is important you know the cigar the significance is we used to well people used to smoke in in nightclubs my children don’t believe that and you know the health benefits of no smoking is probably massive so there

    There’s all these little bits of history that that tell us how we got to where we are so we got no Edmunds there he came in what 1985 1985 is that in this building then yes so that was that was crystal teas we got a newspaper there

    From the early 1900s there that’s mad look at that so that’s what the front that we’ve just been looking at was like originally and obviously I couldn’t afford to put all the brick Bays back in but it it I I’ve done the best I could with the materials I had look at that

    Hages Gold Label wow being a graphic designer I love the labels on that the older labels we got cigarettes there from senior service I wonder what you there from that’s got to be early 1900s hasn’t it 19s yeah a lot lot of these things were found underneath the floor

    In the in this space here so admit one Crystal te’s 1991 Christmas Eve my word look at that Cinema there look with the the uh movies that are on the excist that’s from n June 23rd 1974 that’s mad so this was the nightclub so this was the night this was just Crystal te

    Before that it was um it was actually built as a music hall but it’s had lots of different um uses it made flotation swimming costumes it was the town hall before the 30s one was built um it was using the war effort as a a convalescent space um hand operated

    Cinema early 1900s hand this was hand operated Cinema yeah found a newspaper cutting of the the audience in muchar when the the spool and wound wound because at the time they could only have a certain length of spool and they had to splice it halfway through and it used

    To to SP spool out over the audience so now I recognize that that is definitely a hair dryer from the old days that uh the women used to sit under and gossip the stor is that this hair dryers heard are probably amazing and I’ve had this

    Idea one I bought it to make it into a ligh installation um and then a lady from New York donated a haircut uh well she raffled a haircut and she actually raised $4,000 for the for the Queens Market Community company so I’ve said to her all those 70 people that donated

    I’ll project their names out of this haird drive because then it goes into the dandelion clock so we’ll have these but then I started thinking this living archive project we’re trying to set up how can the hairdryer tell those stories so it becomes a virtual storytelling

    Machine and we’ll develop an app so that you can actually work out um so you don’t have to listen to the whole story you can listen to the story of the colorful bits of wood that are through there which were the swing boats or the the people that use this building or the

    Stories of moram and and the reason why people like yourself are coming doing a video here because you’ve got embedded memories of this place and that we need to build new embedded memories so that the Next Generation come and do their videos so that’s what the hair drives

    For wow just look at that look at this look at the building in here they just don’t make them like this anymore look at that look at the roof and the ceiling yeah so as I was saying when we were outside the thing that kept me going all

    These years is when I looked through this false ceiling that was in here and saw the iron work and I I have a vision I I can see things as a finished article I don’t see it as a piece of dereliction and I s it as this and somebody came to

    Me and said go to altringham look at altringham Street Food Market in alram market and I went and I saw Mor’s not ready for it but this building is crying out for it it it just says street food U and that was before Eden was mentioned

    So the the intention here is we take concessions already exist they come in a peppercorn rent we take a percentage of their turnover but part of the provisor of them coming in they have to take an apprentice on so we with the money that we make as are not for profit we help

    Train that Apprentice up so it’s it’s all keyed in with everything the ground floor we want to have a a Science Education experience so um it’s about giving those opportunities to the young people that don’t know they’re out there it’s it’s all about fun but learning at the same time

    What is the Eden project that you keep mentioning so the Eden project so Eden Cornwall um for the last six maybe seven years I’ve been getting funding planning permission for the old bubble site where the super swimming stadium is hopefully they’re going to break ground at the end

    Of this year if they can manage to get to the rest of their funding by the end of the year and Moran will have this new visitor attraction that’s going to bring hundreds of thousands of visitors and my concern is that morom itself at this very present moment doesn’t have enough

    To for the return visitors it’s got everything it needs it’s all here it’s just we’re not pulling it all together and saying Mor’s the thing and my intention is we can bring it all together and make morom the thing that those visitors go Eden was great but we’ve got to come back to

    Moram next weekend because there’s entertainment there’s films there’s amazing food there and make Mor the thing and and create um put the talent on a pedestal with with Moran made me you know like they used to yeah so the the whole building’s being made out of reclaimed materials

    One because I didn’t have much money and and two it’s again it’s those stories it’s the embedded hisory hisory within those materials that I love um what are these here they got so the these pipes were just a s eating pipes from when when it was a nightclub and

    And a squash cours and instead of scrapping them you know I could have got a few quid for them I thought well I’ll buy a 16 ton hand operated pipe bender and I’ll bend them and make handrails um you know things like the the colorful bits of wood here they were

    The old swing Boats were outside the midd Hotel so I bought them years ago I made them into a bike shed at home the bike shed no longer was needed I brought them here and thought they’ve got to have a place and these are all going to be the little street food

    Outlets and I want to put QR codes on things I want to be able to tell those stories and if we can get the funding what I want to do is get the young people of the area to create the furniture that we need for the street

    Food so that when you’re you’re coming in here eating the best street food you can click on the QR code and you can find out about Little Billy or little Jane who made the table or created it and their story and the intention is that they will then tell their story

    Into the future if they want to they can say where they’ve gone whether they’re a fashion designer Furniture designer or maybe something completely different but it’s Queen’s Market Community company that is allowing those dreams to happen so this is all about dreams it’s if you dream about being a chef we’ll do

    Everything we can to make that happen or if you want to be an engineer because you’ve seen something in the Science Education we’ll just find a way by connecting by investing to make those those dreams come true and and it’s about the quality rather than just uh creating jobs for the sake of

    Jobs it’s let’s create careers let’s create something meaningful so that you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning because the people are happy eating your food or you know you can see somebody that has enjoy you know buying your pet table because they’ve seen it

    Through a QR code so all the what we see there you’ve made all that with the light Etc and all the uh yeah everything see so again it it it’s more bent bent central heating pipes um and because it’s Queen’s Market I needed something to hold the post up and I just thought

    Why not build a crown so it’s the crown of Queen’s Market um and it’s just made up of of all bits of stuff again the the top of it’s a ballcock from a toilet system and a fruit dish and a bottom of a a copper water cylinder but it sort of

    Works so what I’m looking at there at the top then that’s the top of a so the ball at the top is the the ball copper ballcock out of the out of the toilet out the toilet and then there’s little bowl copper bowl and then a

    A bottom of a a copper cylinder and a little tiny bit underneath it looks like a a spaceship spotnick thing um he’s out of one of the copper washer washing poses oh so it’s just a middle bit used everything yeah it’s again it’s just it’s the stories it’s things that make

    Me smile as well but you know just knowing that that’s been in a toilet for 100 years and and it’s been repurposed for something else that’s that say James Keith and Blackman Blackman fan well it was the the housing for the the extractor fan that I believe was one of the most

    State-of-the-art extraction Cinemas systems of any Cinema in the world 1933 and it was in the center of this um Lantern roof the there was a blocked off walkway and it had these huge Ducks coming out and I’m assuming it was because it was a thousand seat Cinema back in 19 33 probably everybody

    Smoked so oh word you probably couldn’t see the the film without it um fantastic yeah so I I used to crawl through a little tiny hole in the wall underneath this fan and it used to spin beautifully CU it had these big blades on it um so

    Again it’s keeping the stories and I it’s going to be a clock right thank you very much so how can they get in touch with you well Queen Queens Market morom Google it um it’s all on there Facebook Twitter uh Instagram there’s also a website um and if anybody does want to

    Try and help this project get off the ground and we can tell those stories and we can make the new stories pound the name on the ceiling of Dreams um this is a peplomer and this is where I am so far after three years of funding uh trying

    Trying to get the funding um we need to get to here before we can really really you know release the building start the project actually up and running because it needs a fire system it needs Insurance it needs all that that’s stuff that nobody wants to to see because

    Nobody you don’t get a benefit from it but we need that so that we can do the good that we’re going to do as a community business um and we’re going to make more come great you know that was fantastic absolutely love that what a brilliant brilliant afternoon of about there just

    Looking around there and Nick also said something that really stands out and I think uh it needs to be listened to I’ve said well you know a lot of people are saying oh you know it’s one of the worst Seaside towns Etc it’s not the general

    Public that needs to be told that it’s the people that matter the people that fund this place and fund this town and they need to make a change he’s also wrote this poem as well which I think is brilliant a lonely Soul standing on the prom mesmerized by a hypnotic Sun a

    Passing visitor breaks her gaze her weathered face glows warm against the Setting Sun she calmly speaks of moram past of Happy Days where dreams come true what about moram today is asked she thinks a while head drops low takes a breath then drifts silently midst a Wandering crowd will anyone ever know of

    This Soul’s woe I feel the empty void she left imagine the life she must have had growing up in Mor past for the Twilight years of this Soul’s life moram has not been so kind the dreams are fading but with a spark of light a New

    Journey will ignite now is the time to build foundations now is the time to enable dreams now is the time to empower you moram will build like a Rising Sun enabling dreams of Summer Fun empowering a lonely soul to stand proud for they are not done this journey is not of a Setting

    Sun there we go and on that we will move onwards my friends right let’s head back to the uh sea front there I’ve got to tell you you know the people so far that have met in moram have been Sal of the earth and I

    Think what he says is right it’s no use putting it in timeout magazines saying about these places being the worst Seaside towns in the UK it’s not the public that need to know this it’s the councils it’s the local authorities and they’re the people that need to put

    Money back into these towns and make a difference spend it on the right things spend it back on the towns you’re taking money for speeding motorc and parking fines Etc put it back into the towns where is all this money [Applause] going right I tell you what with all

    This Cloud we need some sunshine bring me sunshine in your smile got any hints yet I think we’re going to go and see Eric Mor Mor’s statue what a genius I loved morom and wives they were I mean that’s part of my childhood as well part of everybody’s childhood growing up in my

    Era and here is the legend statue himself Eric Bartholomew Eric morham obviously got his name from here moram here you go [Applause] I’m playing all the right NES but not necessarily in the right order I’ll give you that I’ll give you that Sunshine c t

    T oh what a genius he was I hope this is not your actual right size was he tall how tall was he look there we go is that actual it’s a scale is it hey come on onwards right I tell you what I’ve just bumped into John here now you watch the

    Channel don’t you I do and you’re from moram yes I am now moram has actually taught me something people who were born here are called sand groin that’s right yeah sand grown I’ve never heard of that before that’s when you’re born in morom when you’re born in morom and then yeah

    Yeah born and raised in morom born and now morom has been voted the fifth worst Seaside town in the UK now I grew up in the late this and I came here to Frontier land Etc and I’ve met quite a few people on the video today including

    Yourself and everybody has been the Sal of the earth now what’s your thoughts on Moran these days I know it gets a bad rap and even Victoria would the late Victoria wood used to say that people on a Saturday for fun used to go to the local butchers to watch the bacon slicer

    Fun yeah what do you think of it these days it’s unfortunately run down I think with the prospect of Eden Project coming yeah um I think that’s going to rejuvenate it but there has been a bit of skepticism about it but I think it’s going to happen yeah and I think that’ll

    Change the Outlook of it and when is the Eden Project I I know it’s it’s coming I think it’s 2026 I think they they’re aiming for right um and what I’ve just read is that they are they still think they’re on track for it and you’ve also

    Got the hotel down there which is the Midland Hotel is it yeah that’s right yeah now that’s reopened again hasn’t it yes yeah and it’s supposed to be a lovely hotel it is yeah yeah when it was first redone um I used to go in when it

    Was dilapidated and yeah yeah um my friend used to do security on there so I used to have a wander around um and when it was first all repainted and it it’s it was lovely it starting to look a little bit tired now I hate to say yeah

    But it is a beautiful building you can stay there then yeah yeah got afternoon tea there as well yeah and beautiful views cuz it’s got the glass front yeah it’s got beautiful views across the bay um I’ve been around around a bit as well and visited Australia I’ve just come

    Back from there yeah I saw yeah yeah and um I was showing somebody who uh they they had a yachting company I said I’ll check out these views but I don’t know if you’re staying here but the views over here on a nice day you see the Lake District yeah it’s stunning it’s

    Absolutely beautiful so I think there there is potential so there’s hope yet for there’s definitely hope yet yeah yeah would you say that it is better than blackpot it’s above Blackpool blackpool’s number six Mor’s number fifth I think number one is real which is the worst season all right okay yeah

    I um I used to live in Blackpool as well and I’ve seen your videos in Blackpool yeah yeah yeah it’s I would say it’s there’s more to do in Blackpool but when the community comes out here like you said there’s a lot s of the earth here when they have like

    The you’ll have to come back I don’t know if You’ seen the light festival and things like that the whole Community comes together uh when it was the coronation it was full I think they had the record for the longest um like tea party right down the prom where the whole Community came

    Together got the tables and they went stretched down like the whole prom oh yeah it’s a fantastic Community um what’s happened to the fairground you remember the fair I remember the fairground yeah um the fun house the fun house I got scar on the back of the head

    From being kicked down that that slide you remember it literally just dropped like that and it hurts I remember whacking my head on the back of it well I I was I was sat on the side of it and then I was saying dad I don’t want to do

    It in the Lo behind me went yes you are bang down and I did the same thing your head hit the back of it it was unbelievable um is there any talks of fair grounds coming back or I’ve seen recently that I don’t know again you

    Whether it’s just a bit of talk but the only last week or so they’re talking about it being a a Fairground again now that would be brilliant because that would bring obviously the holiday makers back in as well so I mean if the council sort of like funded it or helped fund it

    It would bring people back into it it’s a Seaside Town it needs the fairground back it does and I think there’s been some kind of amalgamation now with the with the um local councils yeah so I can’t remember what they called it now but there’s a it’s going to cover a

    Bigger area so there’s going to be more funding coming to Moran yeah to be able to yeah to rejuvenate long a lot of this is going to be pedestrian I there’s going to be no cars oh that so A Lot obviously safe for people to walk and

    See how that’s going to affect people coming into moram do you remember the wooden roller coaster yes oh that was brilliant yeah very rickety yeah rickety it was then you had the uh log flume as well that was there where you got wet through there was the ghost train it was

    Brilliant I loved it and you also had cuz I’m into model Railways you wouldn’t guess would you but they had you had a model Railway here as well like a Railway Museum that I used to come with my dad oh that was way back wasn’t it

    Yeah yeah I told you I spent many many many times here really had some fun memories of Moran so which is the worst place of Moran if we looking for it cuz you can always find the worst Parts if you keep going that way that way west uh you will

    That that’s where you find it is really run really run down um the the nicer part to Moran is like East so you got like round happy m park I don’t I’ve been yeah that used to have a light festival in there on on the time happy M

    Park yeah yeah uh and we don’t talk about Blobby land that’s a swear word Blobby land have you not was it here yes was in Mor Blobby land was happy Mount parks that was big n Edmond Scandal just plowed loads into it well I’ve just seen

    A picture of n Edmond because I’ve been inside an old nightclub there that used to be there um and nol Edmonds uh was in there there’s a picture of him actually on this video in was that was that at Queens Market yeah inside it yeah inside

    Yeah it was a nightclub wasn’t it that’s right yeah I I worked at Crystal te’s Crystal te’s I’ve just been inside it if you watch the video you’ll see inside Crystal te’s it’s being uh transformed going to be street food and all sort so oh brilliant so Mor would you say it is

    One of the worst Seaside towns in Britain no there you go listen it’s time out that said it but not me I’m just I’m saying the people of moram are the salt of the earth can you say onwards my friends onwards my [Applause] Friends Winter Gardens I mean the building this building is fantastic and yet it’s just empty and closed down now I did go inside the Winter Gardens about eight years ago seven or eight years ago and it was run down but I I can’t remember why I got invited in but some guys say

    Oh come in and have a look and it was fantastic inside it’s really really sad to see this it needs a lot of money putting back into this town I mean you imagine the history that’s come out of this building if the walls could tell [Applause] stories right now I said there was

    Another fair ground and I’m pretty sure from memory it was behind here because this here I’m sure that was Woolworth you people from moram correct me if I’m wrong I’m pretty sure there behind me there was Woolworth and then under here you had a walkway which you can see all

    The skeletons and stuff up there um behind here was another Fair Ground I’m pretty sure and it had little race cars on it and stuff and it was a smaller version of uh the fair ground up there let’s have a look Through I’ve got to say this is really emotional because coming here with my parents and such good times that I had and to see it in such rack and ruin and disrepair it’s just terrible what on Earth are the counselors thinking it needs tidying up it needs

    Somebody in the council to come in and make the place good again make it great again to coin Donald Trump’s phrase because it starts like this and it just goes downhill and downhill you’ve got to nip it in the butt do it nip it in the butt nip it in the butt

    Nip it in the butt I don’t know I think it’s nip not not not nip it in the butt is it Anyway come on let’s have a look at the back where the oh it’s all water right look at this this was yes now it’s a car park now but it was a

    Fair ground at the back of here what an air are the councils thinking this is supposed to be Great Britain we need to take away the word great from Britain now because it isn’t great we should be ashamed the councils should be ashamed the governments should be ashamed of

    Themselves you can’t just let places like this go to rack and [Applause] ruin so that’s what that R is on your picture I got to readon let Lo up Bob the Builder can we fix it obviously not no you can’t right so I’m just going to say hi

    To Michelle and Steph they didn’t want to be on the video they watched the channel they had a selfie with me and uh but they didn’t want to be on the channel but they have they live here um and they have a cycle shop called auggies Cycles so if you’re around about

    Moram or you come into morom and you want to rent a cycle and go to Auggie Cycles uh because that’s a cycle shop it is further up here and people think that morom ends where the blue boards are but that’s not the case got the Midland

    Hotel over there uh which has been done up it is looking a bit rack and ruined now though I’m going to have to look around the front in a minute and let you have a look at that we’ve got the Station Hotel here which is a pub uh

    Green King Pub I’ve been in there a few times with my Elder children um I used to bring pan Caitlin here as well um when we went up to the Lake District to see my mom it’s saddening really do you know what it’s I asked the couple there

    And they said well they think it’s package holidays that’s killed a lot of the seaside towns in the UK I think we can bring it back summer in the UK I have to say when the Sun’s shining there is no way better to be when the sun is

    Shining right so we’re walking up to the blue boards now which is where Frontier land was used to be Polo Tower there which is a little bit like the tower that you can get in um Brighton as well uh I think it originally came from blackb but Behind These blue boards is

    Where Frontier land was and he used to have cable cars that went over the road that I went on and also on the left here there was a wooden roller coaster which I went on many times many times but this site has been like this now for years

    Just derel put the fairground back bring people back into the town let’s see whether we can see through here and see the ground where the fair ground used to Be woo I reckon cuz I’m so tall I can actually lift this tripod overhead and let you have a better look than me Somebody tweet this or X this or share this video out there to moram council sort it out get the fairground back get this town back in shape because the people here deserve it they salt of the Earth [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now that is the perfect electric car my friends right I’m going to have a walk down this side street here the Wellington bar see it’s the side streets that I love coming down my auntie liveed down one of east side streets I can’t remember which one though yeah the

    Wellington bar here we go how you doing is the Wellington bar good the Wellington bar is a friendly P me is it the best p in Mor to me it is yeah to you it’s the best com in Mor to me it is yeah what days it what days is it open

    It’s open every day week every day of the week good beers brilliant beers it’s not about that mate it’s about the company and the Ambiance that you have while you’re in a PO I like that it’s not the alcohol and the people it’s the people me and the people make a place

    Good people said black people of Mor that pool’s just too far away now it is Mor’s the place to be isn’t it well I think so your Sao yeah originally from Liverpool yeah and he came here 5 years ago yeah and you never left and because you you obviously love morom you like

    Morom it’s not morom it’s the people that’s in it that I like me that is what I said everybody that I’ve met today in moram has been the salt of the earth they’ve been really really nice I’ve met people who watch my channel as well they’re not all from Mor they from all

    Over the place from all over but they they’ve come here and whoever’s here have been really friendly really nice and that’s what to you to me yeah yeah exactly what you want and I just come just to show Mor cuz when I came here as a kid but everybody’s been so friendly

    So it is about the people and you you said you got I’ll give you and everything now if you want you I’m an ex I’m an ex Soldier I was a 30 years clean 30 years clean yeah I was sold you for n years nine years where was relationship

    Relationship broke up and then I some Mor I landed them Mor and people here had my back and looked after me well you’ve been but I’m well done well done not absolutely the report you don’t forget where you got it from I got it from you but it’s the people it’s the

    People it’s the people and how people behave when you come here if nice they’re nice if they’re naughty they’re naughty people won’t accept naughty exactly it look nice expect nice it’s been an absolute pleasure to me you thank you very much have a good day I

    Will do I have a point for me have one for me was my friends buy me one after all right okay so I actually went in there and I bought Salvo a drink and his wife a drink for being on camera uh and I want to say hi to the other three

    People that were in there who watched the channel they were oh Mike master and I went in so lovely to meet people absolute pleasure that’s what I like about YouTube that you get to meet all these different people right let’s have a Wonder around here there’s a chippy

    Around here somewhere that I’m gon to do a review on Atkinson’s just got to find it so we’ve got Mary here who’s going to say hello she’s lived here 6 years in moram and she’s a singer she’s going to say hello on camera for you me to s you

    Can sing if you want married you want to sing yeah where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be a true love story that is older than the sea the simple truth about the love he brings to me where do I start how long does it

    Last can love be measured by the hours in a day I have no answer but this much I can say I know the meaning till the Stars Al turn oh way and he’ll be there my word what a voice I’m going to say that’s a yes from me now the fishing

    Chip shop over here looks as though it’s closed which is not great for me asz I wanted to film [Applause] it Right well I’m going to wind the video up here because I’ve learned quite a lot today and the main thing I’ve learned is doesn’t matter how rund down a place is or where is on a scale of 1 to 10 on being the worst Seaside town or the

    Worst seaside resort in the UK it’s all about the people and it’s the people that bring the town together and I’ve met some fantastic people today they’ve been the salt of the earth they’ve been really really friendly um I’ve met nobody today that’s been unfriendly to

    Me at all and that is what makes the difference so is moram the fifth worst worst Seaside town in the UK in Britain well it has gone to rack and ruin a little bit and it is a shadow of its former self from Times Gone by when I

    Used to come here as a child is it down to the fact that there’s package holidays now where people flocking to go overseas to search for the sunshine that seems to be uh non-existent here in the UK uh on most Summers we’re lucky if we see a couple or three days of sunshine

    Uh a in in a consecutive days and uh it is sad to see a lot of morom and what it’s become maybe the councils should put more time and effort and money and resources into building the place back up again because if you build if you build it as Kevin cner once

    Said they will come so uh there I have it it’s not for for me to say whether it’s the worst it is a shadow of its former self but as I say as I say our Ashley the people here are the salt of the earth and from there I’m going to

    Leave it I’m going to visit some other Seaside towns that are on that list of the worst Seaside Resorts and seaside towns in the UK if you did enjoy the video please do give me a thumbs up and also think about hitting that subscribe button lots of content coming your way

    That’s all from me today thank you for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye


    1. Boarded up arcades and town centers cannot be fixed by local councils or govt, it would be poring (our) money down the drain, the problem is 'the internet' and on-line shopping. Amazon and eBay have always had an unfair advantage over traditional retailers and the outcome, which we are now witnessing was, sadly, inevitable. In the meantime wall surfaces and shop fronts/shutters should be kept clear of 'gang tags' and graffiti – it is cheap and easy to do, they soon give up. Long term, repurposing should be considered – many are in attractive city center locations and would make good dwellings – just look at former industrialised waterfront/dockland areas around the country – they make very attractive and highly popular appartments fetching top dollar prices.

    2. What a wonderful concept from this amazing man! You can really feel his commitment to his vision. We stayed there on our honeymoon, and bought a wedding ring there, so I would have a Canadian ring and a British one.

    3. Jesus Lee, I’m no snob mate but what a dump!
      If that was the best I could do for a family holiday, I’d stay in my back garden!😬😩

    4. Enjoyed the video. Very sad, I used to go to Morecambe as my parents had a static caravan in a perk near Kirby Lonsdale. People you met are salt of the earth. Typical Brits, dry sense of humour and very friendly.

    5. None true British writing these Rhyl Blackpool Scarbrough fantastic to true British people if they do not like our country one good answer for them.

    6. We used to take the kids to Blackpool, Scarborough, Morecambe years ago but they’re all run down now. Cheaper to go abroad where you’re guaranteed the weather.

    7. Hi Lee. I live in rhyl and have to agree with the telegraph. Although there are some nice parts the main tourist area has gone rapidly downhill, for reasons I will not go into. I also have fond memories of Morecombe as my grandad lived there. Both places need massive investments and is it just a coincidence that both places have lost the funfairs.

    8. Nick from Queens Market such an inspiration to the town, just hope he gets the funding to refurbish this historic old building in Morecombe. 39:47 Which one was Eric Morcombe? Lol🤣🤣🤣The town definitely has an air of “glory days gone” feel to it.

    9. Great vlog Lee, yes I remember Moracamby at its best too, in the 60's & 70's, the builder guys was amazing, what a credit to the town, was surprised you didn't remember Blobby land in Happy Mount park, was a total disaster and ruined the park, the council really need to get there fingers out & sort the place out 🤞👍

    10. Wow, that guy is truly inspirational!! The Fat Cats in London have no idea about what’s going on outside the M25. What a guy and what a video you have uploaded again. Boom, yet another 1… Mac, you need to support this guy and update on his progress, bringing reality to your channel

    11. What time were you there? We were there in October. Most of the closed places were open, cafes, bookshop and army surplus. All brilliant and the Winter Gardens has had a lot of work done to it by volunteers. I've got the tee shirt

    12. The worst seaside town in The World is South-End-On-Sea (Estuary). I was born in Grays, 20 miles down the road. I despise that horrible place. Its just one big traffic jam! Sewer outlet of London. And my inlaws live there, Mr&Mrs Know It All.

    13. The Balti has the lovely Coronation bunting but it needs work. It all does and as an American it makes me sad to see this and many UK places not as "festive" as they must've once been. I first heard of Morecambe & Wise from the Beatles Anthology.

      Come on UK!🇬🇧👏

    14. Thanks for another great video Lee. So sad to see whats become of Morecambe, being similar age to you i remember so much more being there, i hope good things are coming there again 😊

    15. Thats just down the road from me in Lancaster, its not like it used to be, loved Morecambe as a kid, so many things to do, happy mount park, the illuminations, the fairground, the swimming pool, the piers, the dolphins, now its dead in winter, it does get better in summer, festivals etc, a fairground for the season, hopefully things can improve, if or when the eden project gets sorted

    16. Most British seaside resorts are victoriana buildings with colorful (out of caricitor) hoardings.
      Compare this with Spanish (and other resorts) put together in the 60s and 70s.. looking far better. And you have the sun.. money makes the difference as well.

    17. Hi Lee Well I watched the first part of this and could not watch the rest as it tells you how bad Morecambe is.
      Like you say when you were younger those seaside places used to thrive on holiday makers.
      But times have changed with places closing down or boarded up.
      You must realise now that councils do not have the money now and governmemt will not help.
      Ok you say bring the fair ground bach how much will that cost and do not forget people cannot afford these places anymore.
      I think you will find this being this same on other places you visit.

    18. Lee, quite simply, the best video you have ever made. You did make me cry. I am about your age. I adore Scarborough, my family holidays were these places. Gt Yarmouth, days out in Skegness, Mablethorpe, Hunstanton and the rest. Posh Llandudno, and the elephant in the room, Ryle. What’s happened from our shared childhood? From your Cyprus videos, even abroad for UK holiday makers, destinations are showing worrying signs of economic collapse.

    19. Lee wow what a video this is really brilliant those people are all great I really hope that refurb works out for that guy the idea he has is brilliant and your right the council should get behind him and support him. Thanks Lee really enjoyed that well done top man.

    20. The 1st guy you spoke with who said bring back the amusement park, is one part of the solution, but there also need to be other things to do, as well as fixing up that derelict ally to where the old fair was need looking at, getting some of the old shops back open as shops may be difficult as retail is a very hard area to be in at the moment. so looking to refurb those units into leisure or food outlets, The Eden Project will sure improve Morecambe's offering but once people come they need things to do, they don't want to see the kind of things you have shown. will not going encourage those who come for Eden to stay or return, The Council need to start investing into these areas now to get them sorted before Eden opens, also they need to get what's left of the frontier land site into use and i think the local opinion is for it to be returned to being a fairground, may be they could team up with the team that took over at Southport's fairground and turned that site round to start a new fair on the site, but as Eden is currently expected to open in 2026 this only gives them 2 years to get there act together.

    21. Not cleethorpes? I go to cleethorpes quite regular, I too spent my childhood there and it's 100 times better than it was back in the 80's you just have to know where to go, great vid yet again👏👏

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