Budget Council meeting,
    Documents and reports discussed at this meeting are available at:

    Right everyone is now seven o’clock and so good evening and I’d like you I’d like to welcome or the members to the council meeting of on the 20th of March 2 thousand and 24 can I ask Members when speaking to speak directly into the microphone this will enable members and members of the

    Public to here can I remind members and members of the public to place their phones and their mobiles on silent and to stand where possible Can I remind members and members of the public to place their phones and their mobiles on silent and to stand where possible when speaking

    Can I remind Members to remain seated at the end of the meeting until I have risen to conclude the meeting can I also remind those Members who wish to speak this evening to keep their hands up until acknowledged by the Chief meeting until I have risen, to conclude the meeting, can I

    Also remind those Members who wish to speak this evening to keep their hands up until acknowledged by the Chief Exec. to remind members the meeting is being live-streamed and we welcome the members of the public into the gallery watching and listening to the council meeting this evening I would

    Like to remind all members of the Council’s adopted Code of practice and conduct for councillors which you all agree to and are expected to adhere to I will remind members that I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior discard to see in this Chamber Members should be respectful of each behave properly in

    Members that I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior discard to see in this Chamber Members should be respectful of each other and behave properly in conducting in conducting the council’s business if a member continues to disregard my rolling my ruling on these matters and causes of disturbance or behaves improperly I will as Chair

    Suspend the meeting to disregard my rolling my ruling on these matters and causes a disturbance or behaves improperly, I will, as Chair, suspend the meeting. I have just rear lights be things gone upside down sorry about this I’m Havana it so caught up thank you

    I have just realised be things gone upside down, sorry about this, I’m Havana, it so caught up, thank you. I would like to introduce Daniel Fenech the new Executive Director of Corporate Services are monitoring office welcome Daniel yes all seen him yes I would like to ask the

    Irreverent da Cannon Darren Paulo to leaders in prayer down thank you Madam Mayor a number of people have been surprised to see me written after thinking I’d either retired or moved a long way away I the last time surprised to see me written after thinking I’d either

    Retired or moved a long way away, I think this is possibly the last time I’ll be sitting in this seat. so I did want to just briefly say what an honour it’s been over many different so many different mayors and chill was

    The first mere which was in 2 thousand and 10 2 thousand and 11 which really does over, many different serve, many different mayors and chill was the first Mayor, which was in 2010 2011, which really does seem a long time ago. I didn’t need any glasses then and my hair wasn’t quite as

    Gray as is now but it’s good that we can gather this evening last week a good number of us led by our Mayer and the Leader attended an event outside grey as it is now, but it’s good that we can gather this

    Evening last week a good number of us, led by our Mayor, and the Leader, attended an event outside the Civic offices. on the 11th March 2 Mark and the work of the Commonwealth organisations which aims on the 11th of March 2 Mark Commonwealth Day,

    To improve the lives of many millions of citizens around commonwealth Day is an opportunity understanding of global issues the globe. the theme for 20 24 for the commonwealth and will be the focus for the meeting of the commonwealth’s Commonwealth heads of government is one resilient common future transforming our

    Focus for the meeting of the commonwealth’s Commonwealth heads of government is one resilient, common future, transforming our common wealth. and here in Thurrock we have a rich and device diverse community with many from for families originating from Commonwealth countries around the world and he last summer

    We celebrated the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the SDS Empire Windrush which had travelled from Kingston Jamaica arriving at Tilbury just along the river from here on the 21st of June in 1 thousand 9 Empire Windrush which had travelled from Kingston Jamaica

    Arriving at Tilbury just along the river from here on the 21 of June in 1948. and so we gather this evening representing all the people of this borough and we give thanks for the commonwealth and we reaffirm our commitment to mutual respect and tolerance as we seek to live together as the people

    And we reaffirm our commitment to mutual respect and tolerance as we seek to live together as the people of Thurrock. a short prayer a short prayer. we thank God for our rich and diverse we thank you are God, for our rich and diverse community. representing many different nations around the globe here

    In Thurrock and we give thanks for the enrichment that this brings to our lives we pray for harmony and mutual in Thurrock, and we give thanks for the enrichment that this brings to our lives, we pray for harmony and mutual respect. and that you’re blessings would be upon us and in a few

    Moments’ time we’re also going to pause to give thanks remember the life of Council Luke Mackenzie there may moments’ time we’re also going to pause to give thanks, remember the life of Council Luke Mackenzie, the mayor of Basildon. and this his recent policy and reminds us of the fragility

    Of the earthly life that we tread so be with us through this meeting tonight as we seek to serve you and people of fabric of the earthly life that we tread so be with us through this meeting tonight, as we seek to serve you and all the people of Thurrock Amen.

    Thank you Darren and thank you for supporting me or the way through my thank you Darren, and thank you for supporting me all the way through my marrow yeah, thank you. apologies for absence I have received apologies for from Councillors Collins Massey and salmon’s are apologies

    Apologies for absence, I have received apologies for from councillors, Collins, Massey and salmon’s, are there any other apologies for absence? Councillor Polly Councillor Polly. a police Councillor Kelly police Medina Councillor Keller apologies, Councillor Kelly, police Medina, Councillor Keller, carry. thank you. traumatic Councillor Rigby I’ll write traumatic Councillor Rigby, all right, Councillor Rigby.

    Item to the minutes I move that the minutes of the meeting of the 28th of February 2 24 council be approved as a correct record these are included on pages 11 to 30 of the 28th of February 2 24 council be approved as a

    Correct record, these are included on pages 11 to 30 of the agenda. is that seconded is that seconded is any Member in disagreement with the accuracy of the is any Member in disagreement with the accuracy of the minutes? Councillor spate Councillor spate. thank thank you Madam it’s not that I’m in disagreement but

    We had a discussion prior to the meeting so I’m grateful for your indulgence we used to have matters arising so Madam Mayor thank you for your courtesy and indulgence I am grateful it will take a moment on reading back the minutes of my speech on the budget I realised I’d perhaps

    Overstepped the mark by using a phrase pen-pushers it is a potentially derogatory remark that could be perceived by some in the process of drawing up the budget is aimed at them and that is unfair it is easy when empowered by passion and belief to make mistakes and this was one I have

    The greatest respect and admiration for the vast majority of officers and staff of Thurrock Council and I have failed to appreciate sometimes how words said in this Chamber drill down and undeservedly criticise members of staff who are doing their best often in difficult circumstances I

    Will attempt in future to use more caution and thought when speaking in this Chamber and other places and I thank you Madam Mayor thank you thank you Councillor state and have the right to reply which always thinks a bit unfair so so that’s really good that and that’s cleared up now, thank

    You, these minutes are approved. item three items of urgent business I’ve not agreed to any urgent items of business this item three items of urgent business I’ve not agreed to any urgent items of business this evening. item 4 declarations of interest are there any declarations of interest to be made

    ITEM 4 declarations of interest are there any declarations of interest to be made this evening? announcements on behalf of the Mayor and the Leader of the Council I would like good I would like all of us to take a moment and remember thorax fallen of World War II on page 7

    Of the agenda white Edward C P Smith Thomas 0 Evans George A God South Frederick tree Hubbard Stanley 0 Dawson Walter met on page 7 of the agenda white Edward C P Smith, Thomas O Evans, George, A God South Frederick tree Hubbard Stanley, 0 Dawson, Walter met on Ronald J

    Following the very sad news of the passing of the best friend Mayor Luke McKenzie I would like to hold one minute’s silence in respect of the loss and I would like you to stand for that thank friend mayor, Luke, McKenzie, I would like to hold one

    Minute’s silence in respect of the loss, and I would like you to stand for that, thank you. thank you thank you, madam Mayor. as we approach the elections I’d like to thank all councillors for their hard work over the last 12 months and for those that are retiring from the Chamber Councillor

    Collins peers now Tandy and of course you Madam Mayor I’d like to thank you for your service to the community in the hard work over many many years to your residents and to those and to those seeking re-election good luck and I look forward to seeing you all at the EGM

    The hard work over many many years to your residents and to those and to those seeking re-election good luck and I look forward to seeing you all at the EGM of the Council. I would also like to thank Alex’s McFarland our director of

    Comes who will be leaving is very soon and I’m sure everyone would agree she’s done a fantastic job the Communications comes he’ll be leaving is very soon and I’m sure everyone would agree, she’s done a fantastic job, improving the communications of the Council.

    Members will also see that at the front of the Chamber we’re welcoming new members of the US all T team for the first time sorry for the first full council I’d like to extend a warm welcome to them all working with first time, sorry for the first full council, I’d like to

    Extend a warm welcome to the mall and look forward to working with him in the future. in order to fulfil the promise made by my administration can I confirm that I have identified that we so that we have identified the extra savings required to balance the

    Budget which supports my administration’s decision to not implement another 10 percent council tax rise 830 thousand pounds in savings was needed budget, which supports my administration’s decision to not implement another 10% council tax rise, 830,000 pounds in savings was needed to be identified. 430 K from Adult social Care with savings identified coming

    From continuing healthcare funding and a reduction in the in the Andy are bad debts and appeals provisions these all level of estimated growth in relation to Casey’s transitioning from Children’s Services of these cases would be brought to Overview overview and and scrutiny and to cabinet in the next municipal year for full scrutiny.

    Members will also be aware that currently send in focus week and I hope that Members have taken advantage of the officers getting involved members will also be aware that currently send in focus week, and I hope that members have taken advantage of the officers of getting involved.

    I am pleased to announce that work will start in the Town Hall on the various measures to improve the safety for members and and our officers at work here and to improve access for those with disabilities this work will start throughout April whilst were all out fighting throughout the

    Improve access for those with disabilities this work will start throughout April, whilst were all out fighting elections and throughout the summer months. any changes that affect members specifically of course will members will of course be any changes that affect members, specifically, of course, will members will of course, be consulted.

    I was happy last week to attend the opening of the Stanford mosque and thorough Muslim Centre on Wednesday the 6th March in Stanford-le-Hope with the Mayor in addition to being an important community centre it’s also a place of worship for Muslims in the east of the borough and I hope

    They feel at home in their new location this administration has been committed itself to incorporating sorry pass review turning to the past review this administration has been committed itself to incorporating all elements of the recent pass review this was heard at where this committed itself to incorporating all elements of the

    Recent past review. This was heard at cabinet this week where this view was confirmed some actions are currently being implemented some will require a complete new action plan which is being worked on some will incur additional costs which needs to be calculated and confirmed by gain reiterate all the

    Recommendations will be implemented and I look forward to bring in further updates to the Council calculated and confirmed by gain, reiterate all the recommendations will be implemented and I look forward to bring in further updates to the Council. on a very disappointing no Thurrock has has generated bad

    News yet again Members are aware that a complaint was made to Standards and Audit about the conduct of a council is Councillor and news yet again, Members are aware that a complaint was made to Standards and Audit about the conduct of a council is a councillor and potential racism.

    I am sure that the leaders of all three groups on the Council will not tolerate any racism in their groups as leader of the Conservative party I pledged that any candidate or Councillor found to have been racist will no longer be a member of this group this this particular

    Complaint was upheld and the Standards and Audit Panel was clear that the Councillor was racist the Standards and Audit Panel asked that the Member to complete a training course and apologise it saddens me that neither appears to have been done although it was reported in news that

    Course and apologise. It saddens me that neither appears to have been done, although it was reported in Thurrock Nook news that both had been done. it also saddens me that the subsequent comments on social media about this racism has continued with this member liking posts that reaffirms this racism I’d like to ask

    Councillor bones to reflect on his actions since the Standards and Audit Committee met and after reflecting offer a public apology for any hurt that’s been caused and to agree with me that racism in all its ugly forms should not be tolerated in this Chamber on social media and in the

    Community at large thank you my demand to agree with me that racism in all its ugly forms should not be tolerated in this Chamber on social media and in the community at large, thank you might imagine. sorry sorry, sorry. item 6 questions from members of item 6 questions from members of the public.

    I will now take Councillor space I will now take Councillor Spain wants to speak have your point of order Councillor have you a point of order, Councillor spate? I do sorry amalgamate I do specific I do sorry amalgamate, I do you’ll know to ask me for the specific.

    Quotations but I I it doesn’t take long as it from three or minutes ago quotations, but I I it doesn’t take long as it from 3 or 4 minutes ago speaking about, being reasonable in this Chamber and I just find that was being reasonable in this Chamber, and I just find that was

    Absolutely appalling. have you got the actual hang on play because I’m speaking I would ask the council estate. have you got the actual hang on play, because I’m speaking? I’m going to hear what you’ve got to say but can you give carry out Gary sit Gary Hopkins, Gary sit down,

    Can you all stop please me the number of the point of order that you’re trying to no I can’t Madam Mayor if you’d like I would like to ask the democratic so if I explain would like to make know I can’t madam Mayor, if you’d like, I would like to

    Ask the democratic, so if I explain what the what a point I would like to make, then there may be appointable if there isn’t there isn’t but at the end of the day I believe it is fundamentally the right of members when they are called out named in this

    Chamber to be able to respond and Councillor Byrne was just being called out in this Chamber he’s asked me to respond on his behalf as he sparked Councillors spate and that is not the agreed code of conduct within this Chamber that everyone has signed up to so I’m sorry on this occasion

    You’ll have to stay seated thank you well disappointing Madam everyone has signed up to, so I’m sorry on this occasion you’ll have to stay seated thank you well incredibly disappointing, Madam Mayor. I item 6. I will now take questions from the public one question has

    Been submitted and accepted by the monitoring officer these are set out on page 31 of the agenda I will now take questions from the public, one question has been submitted and accepted by the monitoring officer, these are set out on page 31 of the agenda.

    For the benefit of the recording of this meeting I would ask that the questionnaire read out their question when asked to do so I would also informed the questionnaire that any supplementary question they may ask should not take the form of a statement but must be related to the original

    Question of all the answer that is given our Councillor world can we all stop talking so that we can hear the member of the public question one good evening Mrs. citizen please make your way to the public speaker microphone read out your question hear the Member of the public question one good evening,

    Mrs. Citizen, please make your way to the public speaker microphone and read out your question. Thank you OK, my question in the name of transparency and accountability how do you propose engaging with local communities in the decision making process regarding the uses of Section 106 money arising from developments in their

    Communities in the decision making process regarding the use of Section 106 money arising from developments in their area? thank you thank you Councillor thank you, thank you, Councillor many. thank you Madam Mayor thank you Mrs. sister some for your question Madam Mayor as is well known the Council

    Commissioned to Planning Advisory Service to undertake a peer review of the Council’s planning service last year the aims of the review would develop following extensive conversations with Thurrock Council as well key stakeholders as part the aims of the review were developed following extensive conversations with Thurrock Council as well as a number of

    Key stakeholders as part of the review. the pair of the peer review focused on five key themes which included community engagement with a focus on how the planning service undertakes its community leadership role and community aspirations are fervour theme was titled achieving outcomes specifically how well the service

    Leopard she’s national and local planning policy to deliver the sustainable development and planning outcomes its community requires Madam Mayor 11 recommendations were issued following the review and as as has been made clear by the Leader of the Council will seek to implement all of

    Them including those that aim to promote community input to this end I’m pleased to advise that we have recently approved a high level action plan that raised in To this end, I am pleased to advise that we have recently approved a high level action plan that addresses the issues raised in the recommendations

    Of interest to Mrs. system will be recommend recommendation 5 of the past Review which urges for the appointment of an infrastructure planning officer to oversee the management monitoring and collection of Section 106 funding once his appointment has been made a key function of the new

    Postholder will be to ensure that a whole 1 0 6 processes more transparent and this includes capturing the views of local communities thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor more transparent, and this includes capturing the views of local communities. Thank you, madam Mayor, thank you, Councillor, mainly

    Ms cities assistant do you wish to propose a supplementary question yes thank you thank you for the answer and that’s encouraging to hear that things are in in in hand at the moment there’s there’s no current engagement with local residents so I’d like to ask the following supplementary

    Question we know that there is 570 thousand pounds worth of sexual 1 and 6 funding arising from the deeply unpopular PDR development on ship Lane in iverley we understand that it is to be spent on a 3G football pitch to replace the lost training pictures on ship Lane if this

    Pitcher iverley football club they’ve got the land there and floodlights already in place they don’t finish up for extensive local use through an expansion of their existing community use agreement which would be very popular among local footballers of all ages and it should be noted that

    Were there are new training pitch they’re going to struggle to meet their current community agreement. because of their promotion they need a new type of main pitch and it won’t be capable of the playing time that they need the alternative which is we know is being considered

    Would be to build on the historic Belsize Park this would entail considerable loss of parkland for general use and they already have very good well drained pitches on the site and they’re while I might be used and we know that Councillors are keen on protecting our green spaces it’s

    Also unlikely that the funds available councillors are keen on protecting our green spaces, it’s also unlikely that the funds available would cover the full cost sorry to interrupt you but at year getting to be a statement rather than sorry to interrupt you but at year getting to be a statement rather than OK.

    Yeah OK yeah OK well, I’ve just. to the question yeah OK include so just say so it would be by far the cheaper option they’ve got the facilities and we would also like confirmation that no decision would be made without local public consultation so that’s the thank you Councillor mainly

    And we would also like confirmation that no decision would be made without local public consultation, so that’s the thank you Councillor mainly thank you Madam Mayor I think Mrs. shysters and raises some some very valid points and on the issue of whether the the

    New proposed pitch should be built on Belsize Park I can say we are as one I think it would be akin to vandalism of a grade II listed parkland and I speak as an individual not as the portfolio holder with responsibility for but I wholeheartedly

    Vandalism of a grade II listed parkland and I speak as an individual not as the portfolio holder with responsibility for planning but I wholeheartedly oppose the the the construction of a pitch on Belsize Park which is as I say would I think seriously detract from its

    Characteristic which is open parkland and we should do all that we can to to protect very important characteristic I do I think a number of sites are being considered for the for the new pitch or quite Roy I’m yet to see the numbers

    Stack up and see how the contribution that has been made could possibly fund a new free G page but Belsize Park I understand is not the is not the only location Aries aside quite nearby which I think the Park, I understand, is not the is not the only location

    Aries or aside quite nearby, which I think the council is exploring but I take on board your comments and I think that’s something that the Council can certainly give consideration to as long as the the new pitch was available to the community the overly community this had to bear the brunt

    Of the awful pdf planning to. As long as the the new pitch was available to the community, the overly community that’s had to bear the brunt of the awful pdf Planning application, I think, you know as long as that is available to the community its

    Precise location is not is not really relevant it’s wherever it’s accessible so all I can say to you is are certainly speak to officers and asked them to consider that proposal and if they need to talk to Ebley football club or even yourself and local councils I’m sure we can do that

    Proposal and if they need to talk to Ebley football club, or even yourself and local councils, I’m sure we can do that. Thank you, madam Mayor, thank you she’d like to return to your seat thank you, she’d like to return to your seat. item 7 petitions from members of the public and Councillors

    Please be advised that in accordance with the Councillors petition scheme 3 notices of petition had been received petition 1 Councillor Polly please read out your first position petition relating to inconsiderate parking at various locations within your ward including but not exclusive to Stifford Road Danby Crescent and Garrone Lane

    You have three minutes to speak Councillor Polly but not exclusive to Stifford Road, Danby Crescent and Garrone Lane. You have three minutes to speak Councillor Polly. thank you very much thank you very much, Madam Mayor. I have presented the petition already to Democratic Services but as we’ve spoken in this Chamber previously

    About parking outside schools I think increasingly it does become more problematic there there are Services, but, as we’ve spoken in this Chamber previously about parking outside schools, I think increasingly it does become more problematic there there are three. quite significant areas within the Walter Bella stuttering

    Kenny problems we inconsiderate parking and the residents have approached me to to act on their behalf and speak on their behalf to try and take a holistic approach to what may to stand from speaking with Highways engineers and that this may not be the best option and whether there’s

    Palpable with Esau novel things, so the petition needs for my residents requesting that we. take a look at the inconsiderate parking Darwin take a look at the inconsiderate parking, but especially in Denbury present, thank you. thank you Councillor Polly Councillor respond thank you, Councillor, Polly, Councillor, Ben many would you respond?

    Thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor Polly for your your petition I know that you have raised issues around parking and road safety on behalf of your your petition, I know that you have raised issues around parking and road safety on behalf of your constituents.

    It several times in this Chamber and it’s good to see you doing so again obviously I can’t give a decision tonight but it goes without saying we will certainly consider the petition and what what it’s calling for cabinet recently approved the integrated transport block allocation and the

    Schemes that will be funding under that in the next financial year and I think I’m writing saying that the Area intervention programme will focus on areas of south Oakington sold very much hope as part of that we can accommodate some of the some of the petition as appalling for

    Oakington sold very much hope. As part of that, we can accommodate some of the some of the things that the petitioners are calling for. Thank you, madam Mayor, thank you Councillor mainly petition to Councillor thank you, Councillor, mainly petition, to Councillor Polly please read out your second petition relating to the

    Community request for the council’s help in identifying possible sites for registered charity to set up an academy you have three minutes to speak community request for the Council’s help in identifying possible sites for registered charity to set up an academy you have three minutes to speak.

    Thank you very much Madam Mayor Reynolds is we’ve got another I present this petition tonight and especially when we we’ve had players from Reverend Darren below about community cohesion and about living together renew E and the richness and the culture that we have hearing Thurrock

    That does absolutely need to be celebrated in fact at our very own the richness and the culture that we have hearing Thurrock that does absolutely need to be celebrated in fact looking at a very young Councillor agenda, our vision and prior is full for Thurrock or a borough

    Where people of all wages are proud to work and play live and stay high quality consistent and accessible plots public services which older right first time builder partnerships with statutory community voluntary and five groups to work together to improve health and wellbeing communities empowered to make choices and be safer and

    Stronger together this petition Madam Mayor absolutely echoes our vision communities, empowered to make choices and be safer and stronger together this petition, Madam Mayor, absolutely echoes our vision hearing Thurrock. so the petition is the undersigned members of the community E request direct council to initiate a dialogue with the

    Charity al-Falih Academy regarding the establishment of a cultural and education centre to serve over 5 per cent of our community it is imperative that our community has access to resources that promote cultural understanding and educational enrichment the proposed centre would not only cater for the needs of a significant portion of our

    Population but also to foster diversity inclusivity within our community we urge direct council to take proactive steps in engaging with the Academy to explore the possibility of user utilising premises for the snowball endeavour by working together we can create a vibrant hub that celebrates our cultural heritage and provides valuable

    Educational opportunities for all members of our community allegedly when I met him where we attended a function where we didn’t say educational opportunities for all members of our community and, as you will know, met and where we attended a function where we didn’t say date see 0 0 0 0

    All continence coming together for a reference from Bosnia from Middle Eastern countries from from Africa from mainland Europe motto hearing Sarah keys from claret to the world we welcome the world and we would like to support this petition Madden Mill to Councillor Polly Councillor Ben Maynard you wish to

    You Madam Mayor just reflect and I think on the leaders comments a moment ago about the ugly sign off of racism some amongst their number have expressed I think it is a very refreshing to know that equally there are Members of this Chamber and Council Polly’s chief amongst them who

    Speak for all our communities often what she does goes unseen but I don’t think any of his need to be told that she is a store ward when it comes to representing all of our communities the changing face of our communities and making sure that they are not the objects of ridicule but

    In fact I welcome part of our community I hope that the petitioners express their sentiment during the Local Plan. Consultation process or the the the the the site specific obviously hasn’t the the site specific consultation should I say, because we obviously hasn’t consulted on the local plan, yet

    But in any case I think we we we pledged to be a more listening Council and in that spirit we should definitely meet with representatives of the community that Councillor Polly’s representing and see what they wish to convey to us

    If we can help them in any way or advise them in any way than we should do so thank you Madam Mayor Councillor Maynard us if we can help them in any way or advise them in any way than we should do so, thank you, madam Mayor, thank you Councillor Maynard.

    Petition number 3 this is by a Councillor Read sell read out petition number 3, this is by a Councillor red cell, please read out her petition. I would like her to read out her petition regarding readjust the speed limit on Woodview from 40 to 30 miles

    Per hour blocked shots roundabout King Edward drive you have three minutes to speak to your motion thank you to opportune Kim edema I won’t need three minutes thank you blocked shots roundabout King Edward drive, you have three minutes to speak to your motion, thank you to opportune Kim

    Edema, I won’t need three minutes, thank you but, you’ve already read out my petition but the residents have wanted to speed restriction in this area for so long we have put something in before about five years ago there has been many accidents in the air on both sides of would view

    It seems that now is the time is right as we have just had a lowering of the limit put on Stamford Road with the Turner to the One News score and treetops it now just had a lowering of the limit put on Stamford Road with

    The tuna to the One News score and treetops on the other side, it now seems that we have a limit on the A 13 the whole day 13 reduced from from 40 to 30 which seems silly when we go from the 40 limit on

    Stanford Road to black shops roundabout 30 them back up to 14 would view and then as we get ticking up would drive expect down to 30 again so it just doesn’t up 14 would view and then as we get ticking up would drive

    Expect down to 30 again so it just doesn’t it doesn’t marry up. when we need to do that that there are people who live in would view and both sides of would feel which comes into Councillor Kelly and Councillor Gledhill they will support

    In would view, and both sides of would feel which comes into Councillor Kelly and Councillor Gledhill ward, and I hope they’ll support in this one. it just seems that we have so much worry with there’s been loads of accidents many accidents there with pressure with

    Motorbike so I was there with a resident last night and some motorbike we’re not there must have been doing 80 or 90 up the road so it it’s just a bed I’ll just think this is the right time where we’ve made the limit on Stamford

    Road back down to 30 it’s a good time to do it now it will mean that you leave Stamford Road come onto the roundabout and go into the same limit is just seem silly that we go on to Lodge Lane and it’s still 30 but we’ve turnip would view

    In its 40 so I think we need it on both sides so just saying that again I hope Councillor Kelly Councillor Gledhill because we’ve done this on both sides of the road and it comes into both our wards so thank you very much Madam Mayor thank you Councillor red-soled Councillor mainly

    Sides of the road and it comes into both our wards so thank you very much, Madam Mayor, thank you, Councillor red-soled Councillor, mainly, thank you Madam Mayor as as we’ve always request we will consider it of course whenever making any highways decision particularly in relation to speed limits and altering speed

    Limits the council always takes a data-led approach and will have to see whether the date of justify such such a move and we also have to consult with partners such as the police or ultimately it would have to such such a move and we also have to consult with partners

    Such as the police or ultimately it would have to enforce any new. speed limit no more to be said I don’t think Medmerry other than to say we will consider the request that Councillor Read saw was submitted on submitted on behalf of our residents and respond in due course thank you Councillor

    Mainly item mate update report in respect of those this report can be found on page 33 of the agenda and its information on the status of the petitions. Hang on can I just get to the end of my centre handed in at the council meetings and Council officers

    Hang on, can I just get to the end of my centre handed in at the council meetings and Council officers. Councillor spate you have Councillor spate, you have your hand in the air. I do, Madam. it is with great sense of disappointment but you asked

    It is with a great sense of disappointment, but you asked earlier on. I would like to make a point of order and I’d like to make it relating to chapter 2 section 3 point 4 Councillor space is to do with this site merits a point can I finish can I

    Finishes I told my home before you started but you just I don’t know if you had to do with this site, merits a point, can I finish, can I finishes, I told my home before you started but you just I don’t know if you had noticed that,

    I am quite happy to wait to the dismay and then before scrutiny I’ll raise my hand again I am quite happy to wait to the dismay and then before scrutiny, I’ll raise my hand again. at the moment I’m gonna I’ve began this report so will go

    Into long taciturn apparently I cannot go backwards so there’s something that was already talked about but let’s see how it all begins to power now so this report as I said can be found on page 33 of the agenda and is the information on the status of petitions handed in at the

    Council meetings and the council officers can be found on page 33 of the agenda and is the information on the status of petitions handed in at the Council meetings and the council officers. ITEM 9 appointments to committees and outside bodies statutory and other panels leader do you wish to make any

    Changes at this point thank you Councillor ITEM 9 appointments to committees and outside bodies, statutory and other panels leader, do you wish to make any changes at this point, thank you, Councillor Kent. Councillor spate Councillor spate, thank you. is any Member in this in disagreement with what was agreed

    Just now that we’re not changing anything yes thank you I don’t know quite how to work that right item 10 overview and scrutiny function leader would you please introduce the I don’t know quite how to work that right item 10 overview and scrutiny function leader, would you please introduce the report,

    Councillor spake can you hang on a minute can you please Councillor space, can you hang on a minute, can you please? no it’s okay leader would you please introduced the report that can be found on page 35 to 38 speak on this report no, it’s okay, leader, would you please introduced the

    Report that can be found on page 35 to 38 you have five minutes to speak on this report. madam Mayor and perhaps and I think Councillor spate wishes to make a point of order perhaps he can raise his paint a

    Point of order and then we can move on to Item 10 I was actually gonna wait until we got up to great Greater Essex devolution I thought I’d get through this bit and then do that because I did say to you that’s fine I found that that

    Would be a natural break from doing this business bit and then do that because I did say to you that’s fine I found that that would be a natural break from doing this part of the business. I’m sorry if you find it comical but I just thought that to

    Me seem natural and as I’m chairing the with me I’m sorry if you find it comical, but I just thought that to me seem natural and as I’m chairing the meeting, please bear with me. right. where were we introduced the report thank you Madam Mayor Members have before them a report which makes

    Recommendations for a new structure of one’s committees the report details a series of meetings and discussions with members and the Centre for governance and scrutiny who were estimate recommendations for improvements the report was considered by General Services Committee on February the 13th and two recommendations were made and they are

    Contained in this report this report reflects the work of an external national body in collaboration with members and officers the recommendations represent the changes required to deliver the Council’s improvement recovery plan to install to ensure stronger governance in decision-making and the effective discharge of the required to deliver the Council’s Improvement recovery plan

    To install to ensure stronger governance in decision-making and the effective discharge of the O and S functions I’m happy to take any questions or comments Madam Mayor thank you thank you Councillor Kent do you wish to speak you have four minutes to speak thank you Madam Mayor we’re

    Gonna be supporting the recommendations we’ve been through a lengthy process there’s been lots of debate there’s been every opportunity for all members to have an input before we’ve got here this evening and I just want to repeat something that I have often said I I I’ve spent

    Scrutiny functions and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a scrutiny function that really works and really does what members of those authorities would like it to do and I I think you can put in place almost any structure or any process you want but unless you get the culture of the

    Organisation and you get a culture of that body right is never going to quite work so I just hope that everybody kind of grips the opportunity with a new structure in the new municipal year to have a fresh start and I think that the one thing that doesn’t come through and nothingness if

    If I consider we need to consider it later is the support that is going to be given to those scrutiny committees to that scrutiny function and that’s actually coaching members on how they get under the skin of an issue areas that they should be probing the kind of questions they should they

    Should be asking and I think we’d will need external support to to mentor and coach members through that and I hope that as we as we move through the new media municipal through the new media municipal year, we could make sure that is put in place

    That’s all I want to say Madam Mayor I think it’s a better structure than the one we’ve got at the moment and we will that’s all I want to say, Madam Mayor, I think it’s a better structure than the one we’ve got at the moment and we will be supporting.

    Thank you Councillor Ken and I agree with you and Councillor spate is there anything you would like to say yes very briefly I wouldn’t endorsed much of what Councillor Ken said and like himself I have a widespread experience of many councils across the country and scrutiny is a problem in many

    Councillor Ken said and, like himself I have a widespread experience of many councils across the country and scrutiny is a problem in many, many areas personally. I don’t like what we have in front of us and I’ve spoken about that at the appropriate time and the majority

    Decision has gone forward and that’s democracy and we must adhere to it and we will give it our best shot and I will be supporting it as much as I possibly can and adhere to it and we will give it our best shot and I will

    Be supporting it as much as I possibly can and I’m sure colleagues, we’ll be doing the same I do worry that the the way we’ve talked about silo working and breaking down silo working and and it’s been fundamentally really important this Council that we do that I’d have an inherent fear that by

    Doing what we do in we’re gonna create three big silos and people are going to get lost walking round inside them but we will give it a go I am I’ve got absolute confidence in the senior leadership team they’re coming on board with some good ideas they’re bringing change to Thurrock and

    Whether it’s good change your bad change we will find out in the course of time but I do welcome the change I personally I’ve had the luxury as I’ve said several times have been able to express my opinion I personally will not be voting in support of this but I will certainly

    Sure that I have been able to express my opinion. I personally will not be voting in support of this, but I will certainly be making sure that I personally support it as we find our way through the next civic year as we find our way through the next Civic Year,

    Councillor spate is there any other Member wishing to speak now Councillor leader would you please sum up thank thank you Madam Mayor I’d agree with what was just said earlier and that is this is this is a report this doesn’t actually change anything it’s the members that change it so yeah

    It’s really important that there is full engagement for participation by members and that we do provide the right support and training so that better scrutiny of of the executives policies and decisions can provide the right support and training so that better scrutiny of of the executives, policies and decisions can can take place.

    I will now proceed the recommendations but I believe that Councillor space is not going to be supporting all of these so I shall I do it separately so I number 1 agree with the restructuring of the overview and scrutiny function to consist of three Committees people Place and corporate as

    Detailed in this report and appendices are we all in agreement with that one function to consist of three Committees people Place and Corporate as detailed in this report and Appendices are we all in agreement with that one? great thank great, thank you. I think I think I think you should OK so anyone

    I think I think I think you should OK, so anyone against. turns up one person against no turns up one person against no right. though shall we go for one abstention though, shall we go for one abstention then? three of you thank you we’ve got three names

    Three of you, thank you, we’ve got three names. and those who just do not want to vote anyway cuts a fourth option isn’t it no overview and scrutiny committee structure starts from the Municipal Year 2 thousand and 24 to 2 thousand 25 are we that one? are there any abstentions

    Are there any abstentions? or any person not wanting to vote or any person not wanting to vote no. subject to the number 3 subject to the addition of two substitutes per political group to be added to each Committee agree the terms of reference of these committees

    At appendix 1 and delegated authority to the monitoring officer to include them in the constable constitution hands out while those who agree with that at Appendix 1 and delegated authority to the monitoring officer to include them in the constable Constitution hands up all those who agree with that one. are there any abstentions

    Are there any abstentions? anyone against anyone against. item number 4 sees one local development plan Task Force and to the hidden and extreme harms prevention committee from the 2 thousand 24 25 minutes per year in accordance with the centre of governance and scrutiny is finding and

    Recommendation who is in agreement with this one hands up from the 2024 25 minutes per year, in accordance with the centre of governance and scrutiny, is finding and recommendation who is in agreement with this one hands up. who who disagrees? who abstained who abstains? so I’ve got two extensions Monday’s

    So I’ve got to extensions, one disagreement. changes. thank you thank you. number 5 formally adopt an Overview and Scrutiny Protocol attached at Appendix II and incorporate it into the Constitution as part of the forthcoming revised overview and scrutiny chapter hands up all the Constitution as part of the forthcoming revised Overview

    And Scrutiny Chapter, hands up all the or whose support that one. have I got any abstentions have I got any abstentions? anyone against thank anyone against thank you. item 6 that the Lower Thames crossing Task Force continues as a body until such time the place overview and scrutiny

    Committee considers creating a lower terms crossing task and finish group hands up all those who support that one are there any abstentions is there anyone against thank you and finish group hands up all those who support that one, are there any abstentions, is there anyone against? Thank you

    That the numb item 7 that the place overview and scrutiny committee may be able to create two task and finish groups in addition to the Lower Thames crossing group committee may be able to create two task and finish groups in addition to the Lower Thames crossing task and finish group.

    Do we all agree with that one do we all agree with that one? no one against and no abstentions no one against and no abstentions, thank you. right so I’ve got it that all the members mainly all agreed to the recommendations right we’re now coming up to a toe

    To or about them no we’re not 7 50 so Councillor spate I said I would hold it there because that seem fair place to do thank you Madam Mayor for your indulgence yet again I am referring to a matter that is taking place at this

    Evening’s committee meeting so I don’t think it’s I’m a historical matter of such I’m raising my point of order under Chapter 2 of the Constitution 3 taken place at this evening’s committee meeting, so I don’t think it’s I’m a historical matter of such I’m raising my

    Point of order under Chapter 2 of the Constitution 3.4 F can you wait for a minute so we find it I can read it out to if you like no that’s OK I’m sure they can find it no that’s correct

    Can you wait for a minute, so we find it, I can read it out to, if you like, No, that’s OK, I’m sure they can find it, yes, no, that’s correct. we are happy for me to continue sorry that just to anybody

    Who isn’t familiar with that it says that at a full council and ordinary full council meeting which this is the meeting matters of public interest to the Council. will receive any announcements from or on behalf of the mayor or the Leader and what we actually witnessed this evening was a personal and

    Subjective attack on a member of this Council it was an opinion it also to my mind massively invalidates the structure of the Council because the Audit and Scrutiny Committee discussed this matter in public at some length when all the statements that were relevant to the history

    Were discussed and I don’t have a view either way in terms of guilt or whatever but I do love process and that meeting decided that it would report next year in the next Civic Year to this full council meeting the outcome of that Panel hearing therefore I think it was entirely inappropriate

    Decided that it would report next year in the next Civic Year to this Full Council meeting the outcome of that Panel hearing. Therefore I think it was entirely inappropriate I felt it was entirely inappropriate that the Leader expressed not just his personal opinion but a political

    Statement on behalf of his group regarding racism and I do not believe that it meets the criteria so I would like to make a formal complaint I will leave it there and I will ask the legal team to look at it and we can deal with it in

    Due course thank you Councillor space so we will begin to have a look at that and I’m sure someone will come due course. Thank you, Councillor space, so we will begin to have a look at that and I’m sure someone will come back to you.

    Thank you I’m going to move on I’m going to take item 11 Greater Essex devolution leader would you please introduce the report that can be found on pages 69 to 74 you have five minutes to speak thank you leader thank you Madam Mayor it’s a shame the Council can’t when

    You have five minutes to speak, thank you leader, thank you, madam Mayor, it’s a shame the council can’t come together as one when racism is. is is that no council out against Councillor every can you just hang on a minute I have asked you to talk about

    Greater Essex devolution so Councillor spate has said his bit you’ve said your bit will wait until we’ve decided what we’re going to do about it and what is necessary so would you please keep to Greater Essex devolution please thank you Madam Mayor last year the Council was informed that the

    Government at Hove offered Greater Essex the opportunity to work towards a level 2 devolution Deal Thurrock Council Essex Council Southend on Sea City Council and the police and fire commissioner Roger Hirst have worked tirelessly to bring about a deal there would be agreeable to everyone unfortunately the government has decided to pause the

    Negotiations until after the general agreeable to everyone. Unfortunately, the government has decided to pause the negotiations until after the general election whilst this is disappointing I do hope that after the general election negotiations can continue and a deal that will bring greater prosperity and opportunity for our

    Communities can be agreed I’m happy to take any will bring greater prosperity and opportunity for our communities can be agreed, I’m happy to take any questions, Madam. thank you Leader Councillor Kemp would you like to thank you, Leader Councillor Kemp, would you like to say something

    I I think the the pause is regrettable I think it’s a huge disappointment has got to be clear we need the economies of scale across Essex to to help us improve the way we do economic regeneration the way we improve skills especially adult skills adult skills in Thurrock are much much lower

    Than they should be how we work together on transport how we improve public transport not only across Thurrock but are put across Essex and how we improve support to businesses especially to small businesses so I think this is is I I wasted Thurrock but are put across Essex, and how we improve

    Support to businesses, especially to small businesses. So I think this is I, I wasted opportunities not not a party political point but whatever flavour of government we have after general election will come back to some form of devolution some form of devolution deals and

    It is imperative that we redouble our efforts and make sure that we get a deal that works for us in Thurrock and works for the whole of Essex because I genuinely believe that by working together will get much much more than the sum of

    The parts you Councillor Kent would any other Member like to speak on this report each each Member will get four minutes to speak on the the parts you Councillor Kent, would any other Member like to speak on this report? Each each Member will get four minutes to speak on minute.

    Councillor Howden would you like to speak thank you Madam Councillor, Howden would you like to speak, thank you, madam Mayor. I I do join Councillor Ken to a degree I I do join Councillor Kent to a degree in. in devolutionary former Saturday different devolution is expressing concern that devolution is not going

    Changing the constituted the constitute in parts that we have power over our reform is changing the structure itself. the reality is unfortunately reforming Local government in England is a little bit like trying to achieve well pace at the UN everyone agrees with it as a matter of principle but

    Unfortunately all the component players believed that they are the only people who have got a viable solution of of how to go about it principle, but unfortunately all the component players believe that they are the only people who have got a viable solution of of how to go about it

    The reason we need reform and rather than devolution is because I’ve Road in the Chamber several times against the extend and pretend option we’re going down the authority is not a viable authority based on its current make-up it shouldn’t have been made a unitary authority in the 90 s it

    Is too small is demography doesn’t allow you to run a proper healthcare economy I said this multiple times is why all members voted three times for an investment strategy we couldn’t become sustainable even prior to the investment impairments and that is the point would go to address I’m

    Disappointed we have an adequately used the prominence that Thurrock now has because of Irish shoes to advocate more strongly for actual reform rather than prominence that Thurrock now has because of Irish shoes, to advocate more strongly for actual reform rather than devolution now let’s be honest about why this scheme has

    Now let’s be honest about why this scheme has specifically faltered. is specifically faltered because of their old cliché that Turkey’s won’t vote for Christmas because the only way that you achieve local government reform is by being quite blunt that the reason that so many people don’t want reform is

    Because they are scared of a backlash based on reform necessitating I needed growth in jobs I growth in housing and a reform of the council tax system that moves to a consumption reform necessitating I needed growth in jobs, I growth in housing and a reform of the council tax system that moves

    Taxation to a consumption-based system. these are the reasons that people create for rage about why reform can’t go forward because they are purely worried about the electoral consequences for themselves turkeys don’t vote for Christmas well I think that this Authority this particular Turkey could be quite robust about that

    Festive season the reality is based on where we are now even if the investment impairment is wiped out we have only got about a decade before the social Care burden absorbs the entire local authority budget at one stage I think we’re project in 2 thousand and 32 by the time we are

    Simply Thurrock social Care authority no bins no know anything other than think we’re project in 2032 by the time we are simply Thurrock social Care authority, no bins, no highways know anything other than statutory services government of whatever colour will eventually need to

    Reform in South Essex no ifs no buts they will have to intervene in a significant way so if that intervention is gonna happen anyway let us be forthright and let us offer ourselves as that Turkey let us offer ourselves as a place

    Where we can test or consumption buys tax to get rid of council tax and business rates let us cut 60 per cent of the councillors that we have and let us truly smashed through the barriers that we have when it comes to delivering housing growth and when it comes to delivering

    Jobs growth we thought can have its Tamworth moment we can be that Rosetta Stone and prove that we are a growth, we thought can have its Tamworth moment. We can be that Rosetta Stone and prove that we are a place that can get it right

    And when I say that we can end this extend and pretend nonsense this is not a theoretical thing where I’m pretending that thought can do something so out of kilter for the rest of the country what who would never have had a local authority that would have come forward and said we

    Believe abolition is the only way forward for us we believe in consumption base taxation we believe in housing growth in a way that hasn’t been attempted before anyone in his measures would jump at the opportunity I think we can be forthright in that way and we’ve got to try

    Growth in a way that hasn’t been attempted before anyone in his measures would jump at the opportunity. I think we can be forthright in that way and we’ve got to try something thank you Councillor Howden is there any other Member wishing to speak Councillor spate

    Thank you, Councillor, Howden is there any other Member wishing to speak Councillor spate, thank you, madam. I chair the sentiment of colleagues that there is something of a missed opportunity here I hope it won’t be missed I share the sentiment of colleagues that there is something

    Of a missed opportunity here, I hope it won’t be missed for very long. I do think there is a huge need for joint working across a wide range of subjects where we can all benefit the one that immediately springs to mind is

    I do think there is a huge need for joint working across a doesn’t really work to support that and it’s the same going wide range of subjects where we can all benefit, the one going the other way people in Chelmsford might have to come that immediately springs to mind is transport.

    We are isolated in Thurrock we need to Thurrock. for some specialist treatments at some point in the future with so we need to work hand in glove on those particular issues there are other areas where we can work together as well I don’t know whether members in the here have been monitoring

    What’s going on in Basildon regarding their waste collection service baddest lyrics has been I think we could actually share some knowledge with the people of baseline because there are in all sorts of problems with their bin service and then multiple ways in which they change it it’s

    Another example where sharing experience will work so I think it needs to be very well thought out there needs to be some very clear definitely clear definitions of where boundaries do lie and where boundaries can be can be mixed but I think nothing isn’t a terrible my one fear would be

    That we’re going to go through the Helen whatever we’ve got Brimstone we’ve got to go through for the next couple of years financially we will then start to see coming out of what we’ve had to go through and will also start to see the benefits of the free Port which is fundamentally something

    Confined by and large within Thurrock ford’s port, which is fundamentally something confined by and large, within Thurrock. Obviously we’ve got ford’s just along the way to the west but going to the west, but fundamentally historic and Thurrock are going to bear a lot of the the pain that will inevitably come with some

    Of that development the industrial development in whatever as will down at DP World terms enterprise park if it happened so what I would not like to see is that we wait so long we weather the storm and then the financial benefits that we would put to good use in Thurrock will then

    Suddenly be spent in leafy North Essex so I think we have to be very prudent we have to be very very cautious but certainly I welcome the whole concept of devolution and I look forward certainly over the next civic year hopefully

    To get in a start on it and see where we go beyond them thank you Councillor spate is there anyone hopefully to get in a start on it and see where we go beyond them. Thank you, Councillor spate, is there anyone else wishing to speak now leaded would

    Leaded, would you like to sum up? he thanked him at a mass I’m just to give Members some reassurance as well although devolution is not happening we do have South Essex councils which brings together the leaders and the chief executives of South Essex Council and

    They’re working very closely together to try and bring about ways of working together so cross partnership there’s a lot of work going on their toes totally agree with the thoughts whatever the deal is has got to be for the benefits of Thurrock with regards to free ports certainly

    Since I believe is one of the things that I became Thurrock needs to benefit from free ports it’s it’s in our area and I’m pleased to say that on the board not only I’m I on the board shouting for Thurrock but also we have the full support of both our members of work

    Only am I on the board shouting for Thurrock, but also we have the full support of both our Members of Parliament who do a lot of work in Westminster to make sure that any benefits from the free ports actually comes here to Thurrock as well

    Westminster to make sure that any benefits from the free ports actually comes here to Thurrock as well. thank you leader are now proceed to the recommendation that full Council notes the progress and current pause of the proposed Greater Essex devolution Deal do members recommendation

    That Full Council notes the progress and current pause of the proposed Greater Essex devolution Deal, do Members note the recommendation? thank you. ITEM 12 council tax second homes premium Councillor Snell would you please introduced the report that can be found on pages 75 to 80 you have five minutes to speak thank you

    Snell, would you please introduced the report that can be found on pages 75 to 80 you have five minutes to speak, thank you. thank you, madam Mayor. this report is a follow up to the council tax premium report that previously was considered by Council on the

    28th of February at that meeting Council voted in favour of an amendment to defer their decision and approving the second homes premium from the 1st of April 20 25 for of an amendment to defer their decision on approving the second homes premium from the 1st of April 2025 for further consideration.

    There are currently 299 properties identified on the council tax system as second homes however as second homes are currently subject to standard council tax charges it is recognised that this information may not be accurate and therefore communication and validation exercises will be undertaken before premium charges could be applied

    Accurate, and therefore communication and Validation exercises will be undertaken before premium charges could can we use numbers potentially subject to the premium be applied. cannot be validated at this stage however based on current numbers the combined effect would be would amount to an to an additional 405,000 pounds in council tax revenue from

    2025 26. the government intends to introduce a mandatory exclusions where the second home premiums will not apply guidance on this Madonna has been received by the council but not in time for it to be included with this report where the second home premiums will not apply guidance on

    This Madonna has been received by the council, but not in time for it to be included with this report. this is the important bit the legislation requires that Council make the decision to introduce the premium at least 12 months before the financial year it applies therefore

    Should the Council wish to maintain the option to charge the premium for 20 25 26 it needs to make an initial determination to introduce by 31 should the Council wish to maintain the option to charge the premium for 2025 26, it needs to make an initial

    Determination to introduce by 31 st of March this year, the Council has the power to reconsider or revoke any previous decision before the financial year it is due to be charged therefore in this instance if approved before the 31 st of March 2 thousand and 24 the council will have the

    Option to reconsider its implementation within the new financial year therefore allowing plenty of time to the government guidance to reconsider its implementation within the new financial year, therefore allowing plenty of time to review the government guidance and its impact. so finally Madam Mayor and to be clear but I agree in the

    Recommendation to accept the second homes premium today it doesn’t mean that the Council was agreeing to implement it that decision will rest with the administration is doesn’t mean that the Council was agreeing to implement it, that decision will rest with the administration in the next municipal year.

    Thank you thank you thank you Councillor snail Councillor Ken would you like to say anything thank you, thank you, thank you, Councillor snail, Councillor Ken, would you like to say anything? only decided by the way that we recommendations only decided, by the way, that we will be supporting the recommendations.

    Thank you Councillor Kent would any other Member like to speak on this report Councillor spate think is appropriate I should given that it was made at raised at the last meeting I think we’re playing guessing games here and I absolutely get to get out that Councillor Snell was just

    Bought in we’ve got a Joker in the pack that we can bring out if we’ve got it wrong I’d like to think we made policy where we knew that we’d got it right I remember and I may have got this wrong my hearing is not what it was when we

    Discussed finances at the last meeting I think the figure was whoever came up with the figure was roundabout 45 thousand pounds now going up to 405 meeting, I think the figure was whoever came up with the figure was roundabout 45,000 pounds has now gone up to 405,000 pounds

    And nobody really knows and as Councillor Snell quite clearly pointed out there are 289 homes we don’t know how many of them are going to count we don’t know what the government’s impact is going to be in fact we actually know very very little about what we’re doing and we talk about

    Growing this Council and being mature and knowing what we’re doing and being in control and yet again were playing guessing games now OK we can change our mind next year but what signal does that send out vote the way that you want about the majority people will will come to a decision but

    I think is wrong and as I outlined at the last meeting I think he’s fundamentally wrong because I think it’s hypocritical I really do think we’re following a pack mentality here this this whole second homes brought about think it’s hypocritical. I really do think we’re following

    A pack mentality here, this this whole second homes policy was was brought about to bring second homes in rural areas in holiday areas and in on the fringes of towns that were being used and and could be used for a local need we’re talking about 289 properties

    Here that we don’t know very much about as I say we also have a very very great top team sat over there that are going to do wonders for this borough how many of them are actually going to be moving into the borough seven days a

    Week or actually are they going to become in in in staying in temporary accommodation effectively a second home and then going back to their homes at the weekend and there’s nothing wrong with that I’m not criticising it’s the way industry works it’s the way people deserve to live their

    Lives but I don’t think we should be penalising people when we don’t do it ourselves thank you can’t suspect Councillors now would you like to sum up we should be penalising people when we don’t do it ourselves. Thank you can’t suspect Councillors now. Would you like to sum up

    Thank you Madam Mayor I thought has made it quite clear actually that amongst those 289 property that had been identified as second homes that actually more work doesn’t that we could potentially use to help us with our situation need to be done so I’m actually agree with Councillor spy

    On that but I think given where we are as a council and in then we need to make sure we can use it should we need to and this is what this does this is bringing us the opportunity to bring this into effect should should it be

    Required if we don’t do this then that’s that’s off the table now we’ve been for a very trying year trying to get the budget sort out for this year I think we need all the the tools we we could get to try and make it work next year as well

    And of course you talk about people coming into use in temporary accommodation that doesn’t necessarily means a second home temporary accommodation could be rented accommodation it doesn’t mean that’s a second home so we are going to look at this we are going to check this out

    And it’s not a guessing game we will get we will end up where we end up but we are saying Give us the power to use this and we will decide next year but whoever the administration is whether to use it or whether or not to

    Thank you thank you Councillor snarl and on in light of what Councillor spate said I will now proceed to the recommendations but I’ll do thank you, thank you, Councillor Snell, and on in light of what Councillor Speight said, I will now proceed to the recommendations, but I’ll do them singly

    1 point 1 the Council approves the introduction of 100 percent council tax premium in addition to the normal council tax on property is classed as second homes from the 1st of April 2 thousand and 25 all those in agreement tax premium, in addition to the normal council tax on

    Properties classed as second homes, from the 1st of April 2025 all those in agreement. all those who are against all those who abstained all those who are against all those who abstained. Councillor Ben did you do anything thank Councillor Bowen, did you do anything, thank you.

    1 point to that Council notes that in approving 1 point 1 the Council retains the option to amend or revoke the decision before it comes into force on the 1st of April 2 thousand and 25 are we all in agreement Council retains the option to amend or revoke the decision

    Before it comes into force on the 1st of April 2025, are we all in agreement? thank you is there any abstentions thank you, is there any abstentions? anyone against thank you anyone against thank you, sorry 1 point 3 that the Councillor prose in the LA in line

    With 1 point to the decision will be returned to the Council for review within the budget setting report for 2 0 25 to 2 0 26 are all in agreement with 1 point to the decision will be returned to the Council for review within the budget setting report for 2 0

    25 2 2 0 26 are all in agreement. is there anyone against is there any abstentions is there anyone against, is there any abstentions? do Members approve and note the recommendations yes thank you item 13 Local government Boundary Commission England boundary review 2 thousand and 24 to 2 thousand and 25

    Leader would you please introduced the report that can be found on pages 81 to 86 you have five minutes to speak on this subject thank you Leader introduced the report that can be found on pages 81 to 86? You have five minutes to speak on this subject. Thank you leader, thank you, madam

    I’ll keep my remarks very short but I just have one amendment to make to the recommendation 1 point 2 and that the consultation includes the Vice Chair of the working group I believe that the Chair of the the working group also would like to speak on this and proposed an amendment

    Consultation includes the vice chair of the working Group, I believe that the Chair of the the working group also would like to speak on this and proposed an amendment, thank you Councillor Kemp would you like to say thank you, Councillor Kemp, would you like to say something?

    Sorry Councillor Morris scope thank you Edinburgh yes it’s as the Chair of this group HC it’s been my pleasure to work on it and I would like to put a recommendation for 1 point 1 where it actually says there were the two members that

    Described in paragraph 2 point 4 in the report had actually like it written in that it will be one of the members would be coming from West Thurrock and the second member would be coming from one of the wards in the east of the Borough thank

    Coming from West Thurrock and the second member would be coming from one of the wards in the east of the borough. Thank you, Councillor Cook would only member like to speak on this report options, which I think we’re gonna have to rewrite what we

    Cook would only Member like to speak on this report. know. no. either do you wish to sum up you have two minutes his core easiest just hang on a minute yes his core easiest, just hang, on, a minute, yes. East on which one on one point on which 1 1 1.1

    To save time Councillor Cook Morse Cook would you like to read it out yes and that would be a to save time, Councillor Cook, Moores Cook, would you like to read it out, yes, and that will be easier, wouldn’t it? problem so recommendations 1 point 1 the Member’s boundary

    Review working group recommends that full Council makes a submission for the creation of a new perfectly review working group, recommends that Full Council makes a submission for the creation of a new perfectly to on terms ward. I’d like to add in the name to be confirmed because I don’t

    Think it’s as role to to choose the name for this particular ward with two members one Member coming from the West Thurrock ward and one member to come from the particular ward, with two members, one Member coming from the west Thurrock ward, and one member to come from the east of the borough.

    Thank you Councillor thank you, Councillor Morris Cook. all our Council in agreement with that amendment all our Council, in agreement with that amendment. is anyone against is is anyone against is anyone abstaining? so Councillor Morris Cook that’s so Councillor Morris Cook, that’s what we will do

    1 point 1 to delegate to the Chief to the Executive Director for Corporate Services in his role as monitoring officer and his nominee authority to draft and submit their great consultation response following consultations with the Chair of the working group his nominee authority to draft and submit their great

    Consultation response following consultation with the Chair of the working group. and the Vice Chair so we’ve got to write that bit in do members agree with those and note that recommendations grade no one against no and abstaining 3 and the Vice Chair, so I’ve got to write that bit in do

    Members agree with those and note that recommendations great no one against no and abstaining, thank you. annual Pay Policy Councillor snow would you introduce your annual Pay Policy, Councillor snow, would you like to introduce your report? thank you. thank you, Lord Mayor.

    In order to comply with the Localism Act 2 thousand 11 it is necessary for full Council to approve a pay policy statement in advance of the financial year applies but necessary for full Council to approve a Pay Policy Statement in advance of the financial year to which it applies.

    Sorry the annual Pay Policy Statement for 2 thousand and 4 25 includes changes to apply the N J C pay award and the outcome of the review of senior Manager pay the proposals mean that the Council will no longer be required to commission an independent assessment to recommend pay

    Awards or determined grades of grades for Council will no longer be required to commission an independent assessment to recommend pay, awards or determined grades of grades for each senior post. this represents a saving of approximately 4 thousand this represents a saving of approximately 4,000 pounds per annum.

    The decision to apply the N J C paywalled will not result in any higher increases than the Council’s current method for increasing pay through an independent recommendation submitted for the budget process each year this is because the current collective agreement with trade unions guarantees to match the cumulative value of the NCCA awards

    Over the period of the agreement if it if they the current collective agreement with trade unions guarantees to match the cumulative value of the NCCA awards over the period of the agreement if it if they are higher. the outcome of the senior Pay Review includes the

    Application of N J C cost of living pay awards the cost of which over time will be broadly the same as the current method for increasing pay based on an assessment of medium which, over time, will be broadly the same as the current method for increasing pay based on an independent

    Assessment of medium pay each year. other than one-off adjustments to implement the outcome of the review the cost of the new pay structure on no higher than the current arrangements just say Madam Mayor this has been through general services and it was agreed through

    Their as well but open for questions thank you Councillor Les now Councillor Kemp would you like to say something if so you have four minutes to speak I thank you madam areas Councillor snow says this was debated fully a general services committee I think we were in unanimous agreement

    There so we will be supporting the fully a General Services Committee. I think we were in unanimous agreement there, so we will be supporting the recommendations mistakenly. thank you Councillor Kent would any other Member like to speak on this report each Member will get four minutes no

    What the Chamber and go to the recommendations places. thank you, Councillor Kent, would any other Member like to speak on this report, each Member will get four minutes, no thank you, and Councillor Snell would you like to sum up I will now proceed to the recommendation 1 approve the

    Council’s annual Pay Policy Statement 2 thousand and 24 to 2 thousand 25 attached as appendices to that recommendation I will now proceed to the recommendation 1 approve the Council’s annual pay policy statement 2024 to 2025 attached as appendices to do Members approve that recommendation. thank you thank you.

    Item 15 verbal update from the best value commissioners Gavin Jones would you please like to introduce this item you have five minutes to speak Gavin thank you thank you very much indeed Madam Mayor thank you Members for affording me it is time to give you a brief summarised

    Update of the letter that commissioners wrote to the secretary of State on the 22nd all had update of the letter that commissioners wrote to the secretary of State on the 22 of January, and I believe you’ve all had copies of that letter. to you now just to remind

    To you now just to remind you that this was the first letter that was written under the new commissioner regime because October that this was the first letter that was written under the new commissioner regime, because previously, of course, of October letter. Essex County Council was the commissioner for for Thurrock

    And the secretary of State change that model such that myself and Nicole will became named as individual commissioners with no association to Essex County Council as part of that intervention myself and Nicole will became named as individual commissioners with no association to Essex County Council as part of that intervention as well,

    I’ll bring out some key themes if I may Madam Mayor and then invite some questions as feels I’ll bring out some key themes, if I may, Madam Mayor and then invite some questions as feels appropriate. first of all the headline I think is very promising in the

    Terms of the way the Council has accepted where it is and it’s ownership of its recovery plan which I think we see very clearly evidence across the whole council and I think that was evidenced by Councillor accepting the enhance improvement and recovery plan that was required under the

    Directions as well so that was a very positive sign for us as commissioners of course so I do have to put that in the context of that the financial position for the Council remains very precarious and there is no line of sight within the current intervention period as to how you will

    Achieve financial sustainability however you are making progress in a number of areas I think one of the things that we were keen to see with your ability as a council to take some difficult decisions which were quite painful around the budget and around services and I think we seem

    Clear evidence that the council is proving that it is prepared to make those while our very difficult decisions for you on behalf of your residents as well one of the areas that the best value inspection report highlighted was issued between member and officer

    For you on behalf of your residents as well. One of the areas that the Best value inspection report highlighted was issued between member and officer relationships. and how that was not universally positive I think we’ve seen some considerable improvement in that where there is

    Respect improving on both sides for members to officers but equally officers to Members as well we have highlighted where that’s not being consistent but I am confident and hopeful that that situation is going to improve and we’re going to see a continued improvement as those relationships

    But just so fundamental for the good running of the as well improve and we’re going to see a continued improvement as those relationships but it is so fundamental for the good running of the Council as well. the one of the areas has been really key for you is

    Improving your capacity and capability organisation late and that was cost has played out during your recruitment programme I think I have to say we have been very impressed as commissioners not just in terms of the results you’ve attracted some very high calibre staff here that we’ve had

    Mentioned here tonight as well but actually the way by which you engage in that recruitment the way that many councils have involved whether it be through stakeholder groups or indeed through the actual recruitments themselves I think it did you credit as a council in you groups or indeed through the actual recruitments

    Themselves. I think it did you credit as a Council in terms of how well you manage that as well the the advice I would think you’d think carefully in the context of culture is that you now have there’s a great calibre of officers joining some already very good

    Officers in your Council but think carefully that you still continue to provide that a supportive culture for those officers so that actually they feel they will want to stay here and be part for the long term for the council to of its recovery

    Those officers so that actually they feel they will want to stay here and be part for the long term for the Council as part of its recovery as well. on governance side I think we’ve seen it’s a recovery Board very good engagement for Members improvements

    On governance side, I think we’ve seen some considerable improvements around governance. towards that as well there is a very clear for us improve decision-making that you’re making which I think is helped by a better forward planning of your agendas as well, and good grit from officers in that as well.

    I would can advise Members as a Council to continue that focus on that and particularly in similar discussions ensures that they retain the focus that is required for good quality discussion as well on performance reporting you’ve done some extremely good work actually I have to say

    In terms of your performance management and insurance framework encourage you to build on that and particularly your use of data and how your starting to use up much more effectively for good quality evidence based decision it so it’s fully support the work that you’re doing there as well

    We’ve talked about the finances I won’t go into any particularly detail onto that I think he’ll only very well aware of that situation other than that of course elections are coming up is there is a change of administration or a change of the make-up somehow please please please you

    Still have to focus very much on that financial challenge that you have as a Council as well and very briefly in summing up I think the things that we’re looking forward to seeing moving forward is build on those things that you have done I’ve talked about maintain your robust focus on

    Finances develop at pace your Transformation Programme develop a new operating model that you’re starting to do some work on that and look forward to seeing your emerging Corporate Plan which really sets out your centre prioritisation Madam Mayor thanked forward to seeing your emerging Corporate Plan which really

    Sets out your centre prioritisation. Madam Mayor, thank you very much indeed. Gavin leader would you like to respond thank you Madam Mayor thank you Gavin for your report I I think just a couple of marks I mean that the the third letter is welcomed and there’s some there’s some really good points

    Now clearly we’ve still got a long way to go but as you said over the governance improve decision-making forward planning the onus changes that were making the training for members financial sustainability as it says in the letter that therapy is making good progress to implement the

    Necessary changes therapies at the foothills and as you said we did successfully get through a budget I think letter, that therapy is making good progress to implement the necessary changes therapies at the foothills and, as you said, we did successfully get through a budget. I think

    As we’ve said we’re it’s a it’s a long journey we’ve just started it we are making some changes I think the bit that’s disappointing for me and we’ve seen at this evening is that the behaviour of a small number of members in Thurrock has the ability to impact the progress of the

    Intervention I’m quoting from the letter too much commissioners and officers’ time is being spent dealing with members who do not show respect and courtesy to officers that we expect to see however having said all of that despite the actions of a few we have seen a strengthening of Members Officer relationships and that’s

    Promising I too would like to say I think relationship between officers and members has improved a lot and I think that has gone a long way to making promising. I too would like to say I think the relationship between officers and members has improved a lot, and I

    Think that has gone a long way to making this report so so positive that we are able to say that we’ve started the journey but we are we are making headway by the effort of nearly all 49 Councillor so thank you thank you Leader

    Councillor Kent would you like to speak you have four minutes so minimum one of those that has the opportunity to meet with Commissioner has never get regular basis to take part in the various interventions four minutes so Madam Mayor, one of those that has the opportunity to meet with Commissioner has Norgay regular

    Basis to take part in the various intervention boards. the the the we have so I do of course recognise the progress that we’re making and I think one of the most pleasing things is that there were no surprises in either the letter all the ministers

    Progress that we’re making, and I think one of the most pleasing things is that there were no surprises in either the letter or the Minister’s response, I’m not sure we would have been in a similar position in a year ago so I think that is a sign of progress we are at

    The very very early stages I think the situation is still more fragile than sometimes we accept and the finances are still I wouldn’t even say on a knife-edge are absolutely more fragile than sometimes we accept and the finances are still, I wouldn’t even say on a knife edge are still absolutely disastrous.

    We do have to remember that this year we will be paying the equivalent of 138 per cent of this Council’s budget in interest payments on our debt next year that will still be well over 30 per cent that is utterly unsustainable so we

    Have a long long way to go I just just want to end because as I say I have lots of opportunities and I want to all other Members have to say by thanking Gavin authorities before we ended up in this situation commissioners were kind of seen as the bad cop that comes

    In they’ve been incredibly supportive and incredibly useful I’m almost moved to the position where I think that almost every authority no matter what situation they’re in should have a Commissioner that comes in and acts as that critical friend on a constant basis because that’s what I believe

    Gavin and his team of pain so I just like to put that on the record and and to thank him for his efforts on our for his efforts on our behalf. Thank you, Councillor Kent. Would any other Member like to speak on this report,

    Gavin would you like to sum up you have two minutes thank you very much indeed Madam Mayor so I think I’ll just note the comment if I may form the to leaders an echo that final point that really promising the way that you have engaged

    With your recovery it is so of course a very long journey and sadly because of the financial position of the one bit I should’ve added Madam Mayor is because there is that not yet that line of sight financially with any intervention period commissioners are working with government department

    And trying to look at some creative opportunities for trying to address that longer term picture I suspect that that will be potentially more fruitful conversation poster longer term picture. I suspect that that will be potentially more fruitful conversation post the General election

    And we’ll see where that takes us thank you and item 16 revised political balance leader would you please introduced the report this report can be found on pages 87 to 92 you have five minutes to speak thank you madam a you’ll be pleased and I won’t be speaking for 5 minutes I

    Think the report is there for members to to note and at this stage in the political cycle and is about to go into two elections I don’t think there’ll be any changes that and at this stage in the political cycle and is about to go

    Into two elections. I don’t think there’ll be any changes that would be necessary. thank you Leader Councillor Kemp would you like to say thank you, Leader, Councillor Kemp, would you like to say something? I may just just exceptionally pleased to note the report May I just just exceptionally pleased to note the report.

    Thank you Councillor Kent would any other Member like to speak on this report now thank you didn’t think thank you, Councillor Kent, would any other Member like to speak on this report now, thank you didn’t think so. Leader would you like to sum up you have two minutes

    Leader, would you like to sum up you have two minutes. right I will now proceed to the recommendations 1 point 1 the political balance and allocations of seats as set out in Appendix 1 be noted are we all agreed and you’ve noted it right, I will now proceed to the recommendations 1.1 the

    Political balance and allocations of seats as set out in Appendix 1 be noted, are we all agreed, and you’ve noted it? 1 point 2 so that the group leaders make any changes to seat allocations in accordance with a new proportionality yes no thank you greed do Members note the recommendations

    Of all both of them thank you allocations in accordance with a new proportionality, yes, no, thank you greed, do Members note the recommendations of all both of them, thank you. ITEM 17 questions from members members’ questions can be found on page 93 of the agenda I would ask these those

    Members who have submitted ITEM 17, questions from members Members’ questions can be found on page 93 of the agenda, I would ask these those members who have submitted questions. to please read out their question when asked to do so there are three questions to the Leader and two questions to

    Portfolio holders question one from Councillor spate to the Leader Councillor splayed please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda the Leader Councillor splayed, please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda, thank you madam.

    Over the past year the Council has engaged in drafting its policies for the change in waste collection there have been many discussions and meetings at a number of them I and others have raised the issue of how the additional fee for

    Brown bins might be paid at every point I was told it was likely that residents would be offered the option to pay the additional amount through council tax payments recently residents received notice of the change and were given one option to pay by one payment online and in a lump-sum this

    Is the portfolio holder not believe that the 80 pounds in a single amount and that it disadvantages those in the Borough that do not have access to online services. thank you Councillor spate leader would you like to respond to this thank you Madam Mayor and thank you Councillor

    Spoke for your question I’m not aware of any discussions or meetings that have taken place where it has been discussed or agreed that a payments for the garden waste subscriptions can be made through council tax payments as this would not be possible as one payment is a statutory

    Payment of tax and whilst the other the garden waste subscription is a discretionary payment for an optional service that residents can subscribe to if they wish residents wishing to join the service can do so online or they can call the contact Centre where a subscription to

    The service can be set up and the online or they can call the contact Centre where a subscription to the service can be set up and the payments taken. residents who may have difficulties that prevent preventing them from joining the service online or through contact

    Centres can get a friend or a relative to help them on their behalf them from joining the service online or through contact centres can get a friend or a relative to help them apply on their behalf. thank you Leader Councillor spate do you wish to propose a supplementary question I

    Thank you, Leader, Councillor spate, do you wish to propose a supplementary question, I don’t Madam Mayor? memories such a wonderfully memories such a wonderfully selective thing, isn’t it? there there you go. I find it quite amazing that you can stand and say what you just said Councillor Jeffreys because the leaflet that went

    To everybody does not include some of the information that you’ve just given as what residents should be able to do if you look online at innumerable forums across the borough there are people saying what do we do I’ve got a leaflet it

    Says I can’t do this whatever do I have a QR code on we already been is this going to work is that going to work how is this going to happen we did not communicate that information and you have just added stuff in there so can I

    You spoke last night and sorry on Monday evening and you spoken against about how brilliant and a much improved our communication system is I think what we need to be doing is communicating more information to our residents and I ask you again do you really think we have been fair to our

    Residents on this significant change to their our residents, and I ask you again, do you really think we have been fair to our residents on this significant change to their lifestyle? thank you Councillor spate leader would you like to respond thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor spoke for your

    Supplementary I think as a Council we’ve given out good communication every household has received a letter explaining what the spoke for your supplementary, I think, as a Council we’ve given out good communication, every household has received a letter explaining what the new services,

    Explaining how they’re able to pay by going online I think there has been you mentioned social media there have been social media posts both on Twitter and Facebook and there’s a whole campaign that’s about to start where people will be informed about the changes to the bin service what I would

    Add to councillor space is that I know he and his other group members are regularly on Facebook are they’re attacking the council or attacking individual Councillors perhaps if you put her comments on their giving people actual information I bring the call centre there’d be able

    To take the payment that would be more helpful than the attacks on the Council thank you leader and Councillor spate do you wish to propose the second second supplementary question about cautious but I certainly don’t hang on Councillor spate when you speak could it be a question rather than a monologue thank

    Second second supplementary question about cautious? But I certainly don’t hang on Councillor spate when you speak, could it be a question rather than a monologue? Thank you works the other way doesn’t it as well we’ve had plenty of monologues this evening yes the question will be it’s very

    Simple a statement has just been made that every household in this borough has received a leaflet can I ask how that there’s been authenticated that statement what checks and balances have been in put in place how have we recorded where the leaflets have been dropped where they’ve been

    Dropped and I would also well he says I can only ask one question but I would love to know how many people have actually sign up I think in the briefing we got it was about 800 people but we clearly haven’t done this right but

    You made a statement how do you arrive at that statement how can you authenticate the fact that what you just said that every household in this borough has had a leaflet because I’ll tell you now that ain’t the truth thank you Councillor spate leader would you like to tanker Councillor

    From the Council talking about come on you lot put your hands and we’ve been received the letter have you look your backbenchers are putting their hands up hands up if you received it, and here we go, I think there’s a good cross section of the Council.

    Believe it or not people do actually live in different parts of the Council so like with any communication that goes out we’ve sent it out and we we are aware and the reason we are aware that people doing it is because people are signing up for the subscription and it’s across the

    Borough every single ward has people signing up at the moment is standing at around 20 percent and they still the borough, every single ward has people signing up at the moment it’s standing at around 20% and there is still some time to go.

    And she was made Council fate could you be by way and she was made Council fate, could you be my way? either thank you Madam Mayor either thank you, Madam Mayor, where a wet. we’re aware that 20 percent of the borough has already signed up

    We’re aware that 20% of the Borough has already signed up. and 20 20 percent of the borough has already signed are 20 20% of the Borough has already signed up and were matters across. can you all stopped for a minute or hang on a Councillor

    Maynard can you be quiet we don’t need everyone and can you all stop for a minute or hang on a Councillor Maynard can you be quiet, we don’t need everyone joining in. right Councillor spate you asked a question the Leader is now answering the question and if you could

    Councillor spate, you asked a question, the Leader is now answering the question and if you could. no I just want you to be quiet so I want to listen the Leader has to no, I just want you to be quiet, so I want to listen to what the Leader has to say.

    So just be quiet and listen so just be quiet and listen, thank you. thank you Madam Mayor the other thing that I can confirm is that the distributors have GPs so they were able to track where they’ve gone in which streets they’ve gone into so I

    Am fairly confident that whilst there might be one or two houses that are still to be delivered to the vast majority of them have received a letter from the council and if they haven’t I’m sure they’ve read your post telling them about vast majority of them have received a letter from the

    Council and if they haven’t I’m sure they’ve read your post on your blog telling them about it. thank you leader question to from Councillor spate to the Leader Councillor spate please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda thank you can the

    Portfolio holder give the Chamber details of provisions being made to offset the problems of flooding Stanford West portfolio holder give the Chamber details of provisions being made to offset the problems of flooding in the Stanford West ward? thank you Councillor spate leader would you like to respond

    Thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor spoke for your question a site meeting took place on the 18th March with Stanford ward councillors Councillor piccolo and Councillor space and myself to engage members before a wider public engagement takes place to create a flood management scheme

    For risking Road and Runnymede Road to mitigate potential flooding in the Stanford-le-Hope flood management scheme for risking Road and Runnymede Road to mitigate potential flooding in the Stanford-le-Hope West Ward. engagement exercise we’ll we’ll be undertaken after local elections in which residents will be able to work with the

    Design team to enhance the open space adjacent to Runnymede Road and Ruskin Road so that increased water storage can be provided in a sustainable manner additionally the Council is working with the catchment to coast team to install water flow monitoring equipment around mucking quake so the

    Evidence can be gathered to lobby for mocking Creek to be dredged for reference supportive London Authority controls this watercourse from the estuary up to the London lobby for mocking Creek to be dredged for reference. Supportive London Authority controls this watercourse from the estuary up to the London Road bridge asset.

    Thank you Leader Councillor spate thank you Leader, Councillor spate. yes I was at that meeting and we did talk about Ruskin Road and Rooney made but we it was also said at the meeting which it just chosen do not mention the problems on Polly

    Road the problems on bail Ellis the problems on Kingsman the problems on Wharf Road so that’s all part of the same ward but never mind a really good scheme coming up on Ruskin is really very good but what I would ask you Councillor Jeffreys is flooding we’re told in Stanford is a

    Major problem so much so that land that the council bore is now effectively worthless so can you give us an update on the situation regarding the land that the council purchased for 4 point 3 million pounds I believed thank you, Councillor spate leader. thank you my Lord Mayor thank you Councillor despite for

    Your question in a word no but I’ll thank you, my Lord Mayor, thank you Councillor, despite for your question in a word no, but I’ll write to you with an answer. thank you Leader Councillor spate do you wish to respond well I hope you don’t use the same postman that it was the

    Last answer I was due to get because I didn’t get one thank you, Leader, Councillor spate, do you wish to respond well, I hope you don’t use the same postman that it was the last answer I was due to get because I didn’t get one. but but there you go.

    I’m sorry I just really don’t think that that’s acceptable that the Leader of this Council does not know that the Council bought they sit some questions it will be a quick answers paid no I don’t want the bit before I just want the question the question is the Director of Place stated to

    Committee the land that the council answer, spate no, I don’t want the bit before I just want that question, the question is, the director of Place stated to committee the land that the Council had on. will usually be the Daybreak windows site was effectively

    Worthless because of flooding now that is a matter that is now in the public domain do you really think this is the best way we should be carrying out our business worthless because of flooding, now that is a matter that is now in the public domain, do you really think this is the

    Best way we should be carrying out our business? Leader would you like to respond thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor spoke for your supplementary question I’m not sure whether it’s asking about this meeting or the way in which you’re asking questions I’ve said to you I

    Don’t know the answer to the question I’ll find out for you and come back to you I’m not aware of what you’re talking about and 2 and 2 answer I can’t be aware of everything I know my I know my failings yeah I don’t know where

    Everything and if we don’t know it I’ll admit it unlike some people are won’t be using the Royal Mail by the way I’ll be using the in-house e-mail admit it. Unlike some people, I won’t be using the Royal Mail. By the way, I’ll be using the in-house e-mail to respond to you

    Thank you leader question 3 from Councillor Polly to the Leader Councillor Polly please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda thanks thank you, leader, question 3 from councillor Polly to the Leader Councillor, Polly, please read out your question as

    Set out on page 93 of the agenda, thank you. thank you Madam Mayor with the later place advice if any schemes under the Essex police Safer streets initiative have been put forward for Thurrock thank you Councillor Polly leader thank you my Lord Mayor and thank you

    Councillor Polly in the year 21 and 22 as part of Round 2 of safer streets fundings we were awarded 432 thousand pounds with 193 thousand 380 pounds match funding for the Youth within grace High Street in 2 thousand and 23 24 we were awarded 16 thousand 320 pounds which formed part of a

    Wider Essex bid for resources to support Transport Safety officers from the Department of Transport with information leaflets personal alarms torches and anti drink spiking awareness forming part of that funding additionally in 23 24 through the police Fire and crime commissioner’s office for it was awarded 9 thousand 286 pounds for addressing

    Violence against women and girls in Corringham which included CCTV improvement additional officer patrols and self-defence classes and a further 15 thousand 417 for operational dial to address anti-social behaviour in West Thurrock and Chafford Hundred Additional officer patrols and self-defence classes and a further 15,417 4 operational dial to address anti-social

    Behaviour in West Thurrock and Chafford Hundred station. looking ahead for 24 25 will receive 5 thousand 589 pounds to install a new lamp column and CCTV overlooking the playing fields in a lyric Close and a further 10 thousand 731 pounds for Transport Safety officers again Essex Wide thank you Leader Councillor

    Fields in a Limerick Close and a further 10,731 pounds for Transport Safety officers again Essex Wide, thank you, Leader, Councillor Polly. thank you very much and thank you very much later are very thank you very much, and thank you very much later for that very detailed answer. I do have a supplemental

    I do have a supplementary question. understand on the 8th of marching on International Women’s Day Essex police together with the Home secretary the place far Crime Commissioner welcomed 79 new officers to the force 32 of which are women would this is welcome news place far Crime Commissioner, welcomed 79 new offices to

    The Force, 32 of which are women, would the Leader not agree that this is welcome news indeed? thank you Councillor thank you, Councillor Polly leader. thank you my Lord Mayor thank you Councillor policy you supplementary absolutely 79 new officers but you know what

    I think we’d be even better news if more than the 32 were our police officers from more female police officers women were a country of 50 think it’s recruited because they do make superb officers but you are quite right, 79 new officers is great news, thank you, Councillor Polly, thank you.

    Next question from Councillor Polly to Councillor Deborah Arnold Councillor Polly please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda next question from Councillor Polly to Councillor Deborah Arnold Councillor Polly, please read out your question as set out on page 93 of the agenda, thank you.

    Thank you very much McDermott following the review of thought several years scrutiny arrangements until recommendations put by forward by the centre of governance and scrutiny would the portfolio holder please advise what consideration will be given to existing work recommendations put by forward by the centre of governance

    And scrutiny would the portfolio holder please advise what consideration will be given to existing work programmes. thank you Councillor Polly Councillor Arnold thank you, Councillor Polly Councillor Arnold. thank you Madam Mayor and thank you Councillor Polly for your question as you know it’s not for Cabinet to suggest

    The work plans for an overview and scrutiny committee it will be for the chairs in their committee members to have oversight and give consideration of the existing work plan when setting and future members to have oversight and give consideration of the existing work plan when setting and determining their own

    Work plan for the forthcoming year. in accordance with the new model winning consultation with Corporate Directors and the administration’s priorities and plans the new terms of reference set in accordance with the new model and in consultation with Corporate Directors and the administration’s priorities and plans, the new terms of reference set out that.

    Sorry I I think Councillor Morris Cook wants to comment because she had talking out at the top of Surrey Madam Mayor is just that Councillor Polyus for existing work because she had talking out at the top of sorry, Madam Mayor is just that Councillor Polyus for existing work programmes.

    All new ones sorry Councillor please just let Councillor Arnold answer the question thank you and I think that Councillor Polly would be able to correct her you Arnold answer the question, thank you, and I think that Councillor Polly would be able to correct her herself, thank you.

    Councillor Arnold would you carry on thank you I’m talking about the existing work in plan is still not for Cabinet to suggest the workplace to an overview and scrutiny committee it will be for the chairs in their committee members to have oversight and give consideration to the existing work

    Plan as I said when setting and determine their own work plan for the forthcoming year it’s not for the Executive Cabinet to set either of those work plans determine their own work plan for the forthcoming year, it’s not for the Executive Cabinet to set either of those work plans

    It will be in accordance with the new model and in consultation with corporate directors and the administration’s priorities and plans the new terms of reference set out that to task and finish groups could be established at any one time and should not run longer than

    10 weeks in duration there is obviously an expectation that Committees are fully informed and have researched into issues before can giving consideration to establishing a task and finish group and perhaps councillors in the room could actually listened to the full answer before task and finish group and perhaps councillors in the room

    Could actually listened to the full answer before interrupting. please come on we’re not going to have please come on, we’re not going to have cat fights. Councillor Polly Councillor, Polly, yes thank you very yes, thank you very much, Madam Mayor. what supplemental question was out of concern from

    Councillor originals question at last Full Council about what was happening with the petition for the or the motion for the Task and finish Group for the the road safety aspects around our schools have been busy eat Y just yesterday with Dukes I was very impressed with the council and

    Aspects around our schools have been busy eat you just yesterday with Dukes I was very impressed with the school council and their their comments and suggestions on that and I would have wanted to lose that task and finish group as I think that was supported by the Chamber and would the put Councillor

    Polly could it be a question yeah sorry so would was supported by the Chamber and would the put Councillor, Polly, could it be a question, yeah, sorry, so would did portfolio, Holder join me in welcoming the fact that this has been added into the Work Programme of the Task and finish Group

    Has been agreed to join to start in the new system in thank you added into the Work Programme of the Task and finish Group has been agreed to join to start in the new system in June. I agree that it’s really important that each committee Thank you, Councillor, Arnold

    Definitely looks at the work plan that is currently in place and being worked on and cut that with the existing priorities for their new year and determine their work plan yes I would hope that would happen but as a Cabinet Member

    I can’t set the work plan but I can hope that those setting setting the work plan will look in favour on their absolutely thank you Councillor Arnold Councillor Polly. thank you question to Councillor John Kent to Councillor B mainly Councillor Kent please read out your question as set

    Out on page 93 of the agenda thank you because the state cinema is falling further into disrepair or the portfolio holder update us on efforts the Council is taking to fulfil its responsibilities to ensure the upkeep of this listed portfolio holder update us on efforts the Council is taking

    To fulfil its responsibilities to ensure the upkeep of this listed building. Councillor many Councillor, many me. thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor Kent for your question Madam Mayor since ownership of former state cinema changed in June 2 thousand and 23 the Planning Service has been working closely with historic England play services

    Essex County Council conservation specialists and the new owners to try and safeguard the future of this important local landmark this has continued since Councillor Kent last Halton update via Full Council in September to try and safeguard the future of this important local landmark this has continued since Councillor Kent last

    Halton update via Full Council in September last year. during this time officers from the Council and other organisations have been emphasising the importance of ensuring the building is secured and protected organisations have been emphasising the importance of ensuring the building is secured and protected in the short term.

    The owners have now undertaken surveys of the including the drone the owners have now undertaken surveys of the building, including the drone survey of the roof. they have also been seeking contractors to carry out essential repairs but this has proved problematic the scale and they have also been seeking contractors to carry out

    Essential repairs, but this has proved problematic due to the scale and status of the building. the owners have now appointed a contractor who has produced a method statement and this will form the basis for a scheme of urgent repairs the council was informed this week

    That the owners Insp is expecting works to start in the next few weeks in the council will of course monitor this in addition Madam Mayor the owners have now submitted to the Council of pre-planning application which I understand officers have given a positive opinion on the expectation

    Now is that a formal planning application will be submitted in the near future so that the former state cinema can be preserved in the long term and become a functional building once again as it was always intended to be thank you Madam Mayor thank you Councillor mainly cancer Kent do wish to

    Propose a supplementary question functional building once again, as it was always intended to be. Thank you, madam Mayor, thank you. Councillor mainly cancer Kent do wish to propose a supplementary question madam Mayor I’m grateful for that response but I noticed the response started at June 23 can the portfolio holder

    Explain why the Council wasn’t using the powers at its disposal to insist that the previous owners took greater steps to preserve the upkeep of the building thank you Councillor Kent Councillor mainly thank you Madam Mayor yes because the council is of a different opinion to Councillor

    Kent we’ve sought legal opinion including the opinion of a barrister or whether that option is available to the Council and the advises that it isn’t so it’s quite simply Madam Mayor the Council does not agree that it can take the steps that Councillor Ken believes it can take now it’s

    Very only one he disagrees that’s that’s the advice I’ve been given I’ve been given it more than once I was given it today I am advised that that is the opinion advice I’ve been given, I’ve been given it more than once I

    Was given it today. I am advised that that is the opinion of a barrister and madam Mayor I though is not for me to challenge that but the Council has as I said taken legal advice does not believe that is an option thank you Madam Mayor thank you

    Councillor mainly Councillor Kent metamorphic Councillor Molly misunderstood the question I’m not talking about taking retrospective action what I’m asking for is why no action was taken against the previous owner prior to June about taking retrospective action, what I’m asking for is why no action was taken against the previous owner prior to

    June 23. Councillor mainly thank you Madam Mayor Councillor mainly, thank you, Madam Mayor. it wasn’t and I think as I’ve said before in this Chamber the condition of the the the poor state of repair of the building didn’t happen overnight it’s been a long term

    Neglect a long term deterioration of the building and I think all along the way all along that journey we can ask ourselves why didn’t we intervene sooner I think all along the way all along that journey we can ask ourselves why didn’t we intervene sooner why didn’t the council?

    Take action sooner and I think we we’ve we’ve missed opportunities the fact of the matter is we are where we are now and there is the chance to get a positive take action sooner and I think we, we, we admit, missed the application and the expectation is that a planning

    Opportunity, the fact of the matter is we are where we are application will come forward but there’s no guarantees now and there is the chance to get a positive outcome. that there and I think we have to be very clear that if the the issue of

    That doesn’t happen I would I would very much hope and expect to see a planning application in the first quarter of the new municipal year and if that doesn’t happen then I think we need to be very clear we expect to force with

    Action to ensure but a word of caution Madam Mayor it’s not a simple case of popped along to the High Court enforcement action carries great risks is not a why these Felix if the Council were to pursue that route in effect effectively hashtag as to issue an urgent works notice that could very

    Likely compel the council to carry out the works that we seek to preserve the the former state cinema that could place an astronomical cost on the that the Council’s finances I was given the figure for that some days ago and it runs into the hundreds of thousands of pounds

    Enforcement action is not an option that should be taken lightly absolutely has to be the last resort and in that in that event, members needs to be very clear that it would involve very likely the Council committing hundreds of thousands hundreds of thousands of pounds. as part of that enforcement action

    As part of that enforcement action, thank you, madam, thank you Councillor mainly item 18 reports from Members representing the Council on outside bodies does any member who represents a Council on an outside body wish to rip wish to present a report Councillor spate thank you my Lord

    Mayor just very briefly members will recall that from time to time I’ve reported on the situation regarding East Thurrock Community Association premises I’m delighted to report that a significant amount of progress has been made George brokering a deal I’d like to pay tribute to the team

    Rob large has led under the direction of the Director Place in working with committee members at the club we’re close to a solution that I think will suit everybody round the there’s a few figures Place in working with committee members at the club. We’re

    Close to a solution that I think will suit everybody round. The there’s a few figures have yet got to be juggled but I very much look forward to the fact that within a relatively short amount of time will be able to report the

    That premises has now become a genuine part of the local community owned by the local community operated by the local community and for the local community so I would like to thank all the Council that project thank you local community and for the local community. So I would

    Like to thank all the Council officers who have been involved in that project. Thank you Councillor spate, item 19 minutes of committees these are listed in the agenda on the contents page item 20 motion update report this report can be found on page 95 the agenda and is

    Information on the status of motions agenda on the contents page item 20 motion update report this report can be found on page 95, the agenda and is information on the status of motions. chapter 2 3 point 4 Jahanara I’d just like to make a

    Comment to the meeting based on that I think it’s a constructive comments but if you allow me to make it I think I was reading a bit and then you’ve put your hand out and then you’d want to cope so comment, but if you allow me to make it, I think you’re a

    Council, I was reading a bit and then you’ve put your hand out and then you’d want to cope so hang on a minute. so let me see where I was I was saying the report can be found on page 95 of the agenda and is information on the status of the motions yes

    So let me say where I was, I was saying the report can be found on page 95 of the agenda and is information on the status of the motions, yes, that’s what I said. so now would come into the clothes of the business tonight

    So now would come into the clothes of the business tonight. so so you want to. so what you’re saying is you’ve got another point of order on something so if you stand up and tell me what point of order is right it relate to chapter 2 3 point 4 J and R it

    Relates to motions brought before this committee and I’m trying to be constructive here and I’m not being critical of anyone is something we’re trying to improve the way the functionality of this Council works as Members will remember at the last full council meeting Councillor Burns

    Had a question which he deferred because Councillor piccolo had got a motion to be debated the meeting rang on Councillor piccolo deciding an estimated the expecting to happen none of us knew as members that Councillor piccolo quite within his right withdrawn his motion it was about Stanford railway station are massively

    Important topic to those of us in Stanford had we been made aware that the motion had been withdrawn then I’m sure one of us would have put a motion in or possibly raised another question on Sanford rotation my suggestion is that when we

    Have a deferred item from one meeting that is supposed to carry over to another if that for any circumstances whatsoever doesn’t happen around Robin to all Councillors be issued just informing of that and so everybody learns a little bit more about what we’re doing as a Council thank

    You my Lord Mayor thank you Councillor spate but I think suspect, but I think we’re going to refer this to the hang on refer this to the refer this to the third. the constitutional working group to have a look at OK you Councillor the constitutional working group, to have a look at OK,

    Thank you, Councillor Reid, sell. thank you Madam Mayor just Councillor Hancock thank you, Madam Mayor, just Councillor, hang on. can you be quiet in the back row because I can you be quiet in the back row because I can’t hear? Councillor Reid CIL I hope this is going to be a point of

    Order and you’re going to tell me what point of order you’re going to speak account it’s not a point of order Madam merits on the motions that we’re on I just wanted to make it clear to all in the Chamber and Councillor Polly mentioned it a little while ago that the Task Force

    Make it clear to all in the Chamber and Councillor Polly mentioned it a little while ago that the task force is being set up. for the motion I put forward I’m not happy that I put that motion in in October it is now coming up to April and it

    Won’t be put forward to July so with it is getting on for nearly a year and we we it was a good motion we was all involved with it and I really am cross I mean officers have come back or given their Jew that we are going to do it but

    They say they’re doing the work now of what the Task Force should be doing so I’m really crossed it if this is can we play say that in the next municipal year it’s going to work better with motions thank you Madam Mayor I actually agree

    With you as well so I did I did read that and I can understand your point it shouldn’t take a year and it should have been Task and finish thank you I actually agree with you as well, so I did. I did read

    That and I can understand your point. It shouldn’t take a year and it should have been Task, and finish thank you Councillor piccolo have you got a point number to quote me Councillor piccolo, have you got a point number you’re going to quote me?

    Now it’s I was aware that something sorry madam Mayor I was aware that suddenly might crop up our now it’s I was aware that something sorry, Madam Mayor, I was aware that suddenly might crop up outstanding consultation. and if I may respond to clarify and if I may respond to clarify why.

    The meeting or it wasn’t brought to this Council tonight as I suggested that it will slow piccolo though it isn’t a point of order so really it’s on the agenda is apparently carries you I’m I’m answering Councillor respite or explain to him why the meeting never took place I was going to say

    That this isn’t quite the forum to have it explain to him why the meeting never took place, I was going to say that this isn’t quite the Forum to have it in because it’s Councillor Warrell I do know what I’m doing can you from the back row

    Councillor Warrell, I do know what I’m doing, can you shush from the back row, of or maybe of, or maybe you met them input? I say it would have been handy for okay the rest I we understand that but I think we’ll talk about that in a different forum OK thank you

    I say it would have been handy for okay, the rest I we understand that, but I think we’ll talk about that in a different forum, OK, thank you the time is nine o’clock this concludes the business of the meeting this evening and I now declare the meeting will be

    Closed but before you all get too excited please can I remind you members to take all you their rubbish home or use of bins near the exit of the Chamber and I’d also again like to invite all the Members and officers back to the


    1. Is there a local council watch group?
      Look at Colchester council watch to see how councils can be held to account and scrutinised by the public.
      Also look at Thetford council watch.

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