Finally, after a month of procrastination, here’s the third part of our Arctic to Asia Cycle Tour, which took us from Trondheim in Central Norway down to Oslo, stopping off at the Atlantic Road on the way.

    Please enjoy watching two bike-packers with no prior cycling experience attempt to navigate their way through Scandinavia.


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    Music at 01.17-01.57:
    ‘Talk to Her’ (Swiss Army Man OST) – all rights belong to Andy Hull and Robert McDowell

    So they have these things that help cyclists up the road in TR time kind of strange to actually see street lights for once cuz it’s been light all the time so far and this is a dark this is the darkest we’ve seen it for about a month we made a friend it’s so Sweet so we are now in Christianson it’s uh it’s nice being back on the road again after so long but the start of today our first day Cy in like 6 days properly it’s been really Hilly I’ve heard about this place so much and I’ve been to Norway lots of times but never had the chance I’ve never been to this part of Norway so seeing Tron time Christian sun or Christian Sun actually cuz it’s a Christian sun in the South um and the

    Atlantic Road that’s quite special for me that there are two tunnels um that don’t allow cyclists and the only other way around is a 60 km detour so I think what we’re going to try and do is hitch a ride on one of the camper vans or something that we’ve seen

    Driving past and if that doesn’t work then uh we’ll try and look for a bus and on top of all of that I’m finding today quite hard for some reason I’m feeling a bit homesick um I’m getting tired really quickly so yeah just kind of a bad

    Situation we’ have been offered a lift in this camper van by a lovely couple or love or G Hill G Hill and they have saved us like a day and a half traveling and a lot of stress we now walking to some caves climbing up here with Them it’s nice to be inside it’s just started raining as wellar we slept in another uh waiting room last night and this is a noise we had to put up with cuz the fairy never stopped running um so we’re knacked that is the first sign we’ve seen to

    Oslo how does it feel Mariam unbelievable fantastic but 337 km to Oso we’re out of fuel um for our uh cooking stove so we have some Pastor we’re actually going to have to knock on some doors um to ask if we can heat up the pastor there um which will be really

    Embarrassing we have we’ve had to do that once before as well and it did work the second person I knocked on said yes um so fingers crossed someone’s going to let us do it luckily last night we knocked on Sven and Barrett’s door and they invited us

    To stay in their cabin um in their Garden which is amazing cuz we really desperately needed a place to stay otherwise we would have been camping again um or paying for some really expensive accommodation okay this is great thank you thank you for stopping by fan has a uh studio for photography

    That we’re now heading down to to do some professional uh shoots that are going to make us look really really really good so we’re in the river and it’s nice and cold it’s like what time is it 1:22 in the Morning we’re in uh what’s the name of the mountain and S SN this is Uh we’re saying goodbye goodbye okay so it’s really really raining now how you doing Marion yeah uh really good day to be back on the road hopefully by the time we get to vinca it would have calmed down a little bit I’ve broken out this waterproof for the first time on the

    Trip it’s doing really well Miriam is soaked even her shoes yeah um so this is great my helmet Is it’s my mom’s birthday today so I’m not there to celebrate with her but um I guess I’ll have to say happy birthday on here so Mom I won’t say your age on here for everyone to see uh you’re welcome but happy Birthday I made a friend cycling I Mohammad nice to meet you nice to meet you so we’re racing now so it’s currently um 53 I think in the morning and um yeah tonight we are staying in this uh cabin uh we’re kind of in the middle of Nowhere this cabin is about 200 years old so you have people who’ve uh carved their names into the walls here um there’s some a lot of people hid here in the war I think um there’s uh 1840 we’ve got some some fans how do it feel to be back on the road Miriam good good very warm yeah already out of water only in Norway God animals Everywhere when I go up a hill like this I find it really hard to uh get out of habit of um taking regular breaks which really slow you down you just have to set little goals for yourself in your head and then once you’re there set yourself another goal I’m sure that some

    People find that easy but for me and for us I think I think that’s actually part of the reason this trip has taken so long because we started in the North in some pretty mountainous areas and uh we were just taking breaks all the time and

    As soon as we we stopped doing that we started covering much better ground though that’s easy for me to say now because we know that tomorrow we don’t have to do any biking and we’re stopping in Oslo for a while so yeah I say I’m getting out of the habit of taking

    Regular stops but part of that is easier because I know I have a rest day tomorrow and the day after probably 1,500 km on the road and there’s our first sign to sun which is where my grandparents live 46k woo oh I can’t believe we’re getting this

    Close this ride is nice man this is such a good feeling I can actually see my grandparents house through the trees across the water there we are so close this is just the best feeling it’s been a really really really hard start to the journey uh start in no way uh really

    Special thank yous to the Berg family yes of my family hello hello world had to stay with them for like three nights the SAR family who had us with them for two nights um Barett uh jorgan and Rene I I’m sorry if I pronounced your names wrong but uh

    Thank you for letting us camp in your garden giving us food and all of that and uh thank you to cnra andrees and Thomas the the uh walking encyclopedia uh they let us stay with them last night really big thank you to uh to all of you and uh I hope we we

    Meet you all again cuz you’re all amazing here we are cycling along the river that goes through Oslo we’re in Oslo finally kind of weird being a city again after it feels like we’ve been in the wilderness for so long official Norwegian Birthday song yay early birthday celebrations


    1. Love this! 😀😀 The drone footage is spectacular! Your edits are on point, the storytelling is amazing. Thank you😀 Til de norske: kjempesnilt av dere å ta de inn i hjemmene deres! Varmer et norsk hjerte ♥

    2. Yep I know just how a 60km detour can seem like the end of the world. Hardest thing about this kind of trip (for me) is living with the huge amount of time things take. Like, it’s ok for this little hill to take 45 minutes. It’s ok to wait for 18 hours for the next ferry.

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