At Ducati Preston’s recent Open Day we sat down with Glenn to talk about that incredibly intense ’23 Bennetts British Superbike season, his thoughts on his time at the Isle of Man TT, his love for the NW200 and his recently announced ride for ’24 with the new PBM Racing Team.

    Strap in, it’s quite the journey!


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    I had to beat him I beat him two to three he read it he he read a great last year flip we pushed so hard there is no hard feelings on the on the championship remember following him into it and I was like people want to know about the

    Relationship and like I’ll summarize it it was amazing they say 130 like 12998 I was like yeah I looked behind at yourk corner I was like this is a dream I had to then concentrate to stay competitive hi he is is not high I am we are very

    Different people in 202 3 this man was involved in one of the most intense Bennetts British super bik battles in many a year he also extended his winning streak at the Northwest 200 to eight wins for 2024 it’s one man one bike one team PBM racing team and their goal to

    Win the Bennett British super bike championship and continue that Northwest 200 winning streak that’s Glenn irn and in association with ducatti Preston this is off track the motorcycle racing podcast you’ve done this before Glenn welcome to off track mate how are you oh good day I thanks for

    Having me uh pleasure we should have done this last year I think and H and park we were going to do it but yeah you got busy with filming and stuff like that yeah with a job on h a job on last year didn’t you do you remember the

    First time we ever did a chat I don’t even remember where we were sitting did we we done it over the like a a zoom thing or something didn’t Skype 10 years ago you just oh my word you were sat at home and you just signed for geing ging

    Kazak yeah so I do remember vaguely but I remember then yeah bang my head a few times from then hav there so yeah BL a lot A lot’s changed yeah we haven’t done it in the meantime so this is the first time on the new show so thank you 10

    Years later I have three kids and a few British sunmon ship races that’s not been that bad has it you’ve done all right it’s been all right I can’t complain no not at all we we’re down at ducatti Preston um it’s their open day so massive thank you to Ash to booie to

    Russ to um who’s the little fellow with the glasses thinks he’s funny win what’s his name that’s and foggy foggy here legendy foggy here as well really just on that yeah boie fair play to Chris Manchester group obviously jaat Preston Glasgow dunde um I think there’s more than more

    Than that Stoke he come on board as a personal sponsor um we’ done an event in Glasgow and I kind of went from there and you’ll see m visor this year and and side clips and he has been a dream to work with and so if you are a a jaali

    Buyer or you’re a bike barer in general you know please do support him because the support he has given me and I really mean this we done it da and since then three sponsors have come on board two of which are here today which has been

    Really nice to met them and their their kids and yeah Chris has been he’s one of them guys he’s you know you’ll come across especially in the r in world you get the tick tick tick people and and then you get the people that scratch each other’s back and we’re both

    Successful and he is one of those so very very grateful uh for what I have with Chris uh thanks a million Chris cuz hello I am meant to be downstairs working for you doing a chat show um and it’s absolutely Baltic out there I’m hiding upstairs in an office uh with

    Dave so yeah um I don’t think Dave is paying you for my time either but honestly Chris Chris has been Mega that we’re not going to s b is plug plug un sponsored FL look at this big Bo behind and they’ve given me a jacket as

    Well have to it back I will be handing it back before we leave yeah I’m dressed up like foggy I have the same one as foggy foggy’s a legend oh it’s good to see him is it he’s you meet someone like they say don’t meet your Heroes and yeah

    I think in life you automatically presume someone famous is a is a dick you automatically do presume it and maybe see think that about me and in the M year and hopefully they they get a nice impression Carl is so down to Earth picked him up this morning lovely place

    Where he lives class absolutely lovely um so down to earth normal and what concerns me or scares me is I feel like I’m very I like him in many ways so but I wouldn’t change that either because he’s his character and I’m mine and um yeah but the bond has started there

    Again that’s all through Chris um and hopefully we’ll see him uh at least at Alon Park but super bikes I don’t think Carl comes to many many races now but no he’s he’s not really he’s not too fuss we sat down with him back in November up

    At his place because I’m only half an hour the other side yeah he’s well under the radar and he’s just happy doing his own thing but he seems happy with life and he nice for him to come down and there’s loads of people here outside at

    Dcat Preston he rebr it you don’t call him foggy no you call him froggy but that’s a story for another day I’ll let you ask him so yeah frog froggy might be com along to support me at a few vsvs that’ be nice that would be nice hope he

    Listens he might we’ll we’ll drop him a copy of this we’ll tag him in it and make sure it’s all right mate 2023 for me was one of the most intense BSB Seasons I can remember in a long time and even going right back and we we sat

    Down with Jordan and Frank Junior yesterday and I was saying to them he like even right at the very beginning when the Birdman signed you and signed Tommy everybody sat there going like how long’s this going to take both big big characters in a completely different way talk to me

    About the the 23 season from your SE it was absolutely amazing um you know obviously from a success point of view we had 10 wins uh on team podiums more wins and more podiums than anybody success at the Northwest 200 as well which you know can’t be forgotten

    Continue to run out eight unbeaten super bike races there and it was an amazing season I I never look at the championship and like I never judged it on finishing second on the championship a lot of people like half a point how do you feel and like I say I believe H for

    Having to learn the bike and with very little testing remember Silverstone test was wet we didn’t go to dington test cuz it was minus five and Nara test we rid the old bike so it was kind of straight into round one and and we managed to win

    Straight away um I made a mistake at knill made a technical mistake at uh dington Park early on and from the midseason when I had to start winning races and regrouping I done that and I feel have done everything right to H win Championship obviously we know what

    Happened at Donington it’s one of those things it’s racing but no I really enjoyed it and I think uh it’s funny because as a person I could uh go to the bar with any of my rivals Tomy includ it I could have a drink and or a bite to

    Eat whatever is probably better thing to say and race elbow to Elbow with them the next day but when I watch Moto GP as much as that’s very much my character I see like you know PCO is very friendly with Baki and they’re all friendly which

    Is great because I I don’t but I’m not a feud type person I hate how it turned out with Tommy at the end of the year and that was not my side whatsoever it was very much one person orchestr at that um but to be part and to have that

    Feud and that Glen fans Tommy fans and then and the neutrals I’m so grateful to be part of a championship like that because the fans get so in I seen the demographic the other day and it’s like viewing viewing ours or few numbers of round one and it shows you every round

    And you get to dington Park and there is ridiculous Spike and then you get the brown hats and it goes even higher so we done our job as this is entertainment at the end of the day we put a great show on there is no hard feelings on the on

    The championship uh I guess I I learned a lot you know in in that year I probably understood that you know me and Tommy won’t see IDI and I say it again it wasn’t through like I always Tred to continue to be friendly with them uh some people you

    They they’re different whatever it’s not my cup of tea um there’s not much more I don’t want to get too sucked into it because I’m a genuine person I wear my heart and my sleeve I never ever go to do harm on anyone I care about people

    And I believe in the other side of the guards that that wasn’t the case how how deep you want to go into that relationship while we sat here oh you can you you ask questions I’ll answer you know uh like I say um there is no rivalry now um because if I’m sitting

    Here now and I created a rival for 2024 how can I know who my big opposition is going to be it could be Tommy it could be Andre at Honda it could be kyl and Ryan could be Jason could be Lee could be all of them I like

    I said I don’t need to create a feud to H motivate I’m very very self motivated I’m motivated because I love uh I often say I don’t even know if I really like motorbikes I just love the uh the competition if if it was I don’t play

    The Xbox anymore it was a game of FIFA or Call of Duty I have to win and um but I don’t have to hit someone to do that so you can ask uh you ask whatever you want the one thing you’ll get from me you’ll get honest answers and you know

    The people always look in the two sides uh there was a massive one thing I’d love to crack you probably in the social media post we’re going to address that because I waited for a moment to address that I thought it was going to be on

    Chasing the r but hav’t got over to do it so we’ll do it here because that was something that was a big defamation of my character and it it hurt me because well we’ll talk about it in a minute when whenever we want to get on to it

    Why I’m grateful for you’re sitting down with us today and it’s it’s a busy day and and I I appreciate your honesty and you know I’m not going to throw you under the bus so I will always make sure you’re happy to ask to answer the

    Questions first it’s not my style to do the Paxman thing and go this this this it’s um I can only ask from what I saw at the from track side from a across the season and it it came very apparent early if you were listening to Circuit

    Commentary not so much the TV but certainly the circuit commentary immediately after a race with Larry when the adrenaline’s flowing and I said this to um to Jordan and Frank Jr yesterday little barbs started appearing and one said one one said something else and I’m

    Kind of like listening to it and I think Tommy made the the comment about he’d ride through anybody which I think was snap wasn’t it somewhere around there then at knock Hill knill was before snap and no was before wasn’t it so I forget when he did that there was nothing there

    Was nothing said Till I think there was something said by Tomy at knill after we a good fight in there was something about and it was it was knill I remember when I heard it it’s like he might have won the battle but he hasn’t won the war yeah that was

    It that was and justly drive through me then at he declared all war that was the point where I can remember from knill it’s just remember the commentary like I thought it was called I thought we were Serv oh it was nonsense super op super oper that’s what

    It was yeah but I guess I guess fans enjoyed it um we haven’t had that for years and you know what like like I say I everyone’s different so I I’m not sitting here uh saying I dislike Tommy for you know how he is is not how I am

    We are very different people I you know I don’t like to create that feeling H I’m an honest person um he maybe if he needs to feel like that it’s fine him doing what he done because you have to do what is the best

    For you and if he had to create war and create this to motivate himself and and he won the championship and fair play to him it worked and you know that being said I do believe he tried his hardest to throw it away with with Alon Park and

    Donington and whatever else but listen we get chatter with that all day I think uh the one thing you know I guess there’s no point getting madly in the the relationship uh too much um I I could sit and any see I guess we were still chatting um what hurt me and what

    I guess uh I don’t carry any hate or anything to him um what where there is a little bit of ill feeling um there was a social media post when I and this is uh really really true and it warmed me up because I contacted H har

    At Honda who have an abundance of respect for he really helped shape my career and my mentality and really straightened uh straightened me up with such I was a little bit disappointed um and Har knows me and he’ll hear L and he probably go ugly and shut up but you

    Know I contacted him about this because I knew he also knew the the truth behind it um and I wanted him to rectify I wanted him to get Tommy to remove a post he put in social media so really this gives I guess this opportunity this isn’t someone quoting me and in writing

    Down and and mixing and stirring it you know this is this is exactly as what happened Andrew’s testing in uh herth with Honda um Tommy and Andrew new team obviously for Tommy and he we all know he was going to run number one next year and absolutely fair play the

    The most special thing you can ever do and you know again I I applaud him for doing it cuz a lot of people don’t do it and the boys were winding him up as in his team not me the Honda Lads they’re all having a bit of crack it’s banter

    Like this is R teams I know how it works that I was going to run 46 KN this the first this is news to me hey I would never change away from two unless I can win the championship and I can get one so Andrew says to me like I was like

    Well how’s Tess going usual you know good bit of crack just he’s my brother I care about him greatly and I just we’re addicted to lap times aren’t we like how you getting on he’s said oh good good the crack’s good the r and told me up that you’re going to be number

    46 so I want to make one thing clear I no I continue the story and then I’ll make it clear I rang a Andre from black AOG Graphics who would do like logos and stuff like he can make a logo for you yesterday if you ask him today bang logo

    Done so obviously there was no news about my future right so I said Andre can you make my logo like a Glenn Urban logo # 46 and and just do that for me cuz I’m playing to the wind up that I’ve been informed about and news coming soon

    So 3 4 hours later you know message people haa LOL all this and I got one message it went into an Instagram request folder so obviously someone I don’t follow and when I opened it it was like you’re disrespectful f and c and this and that and all the nearly all the

    Swear words in dictionary I thought whoa like it’s a bit of crack and then to be and to be fair he said you don’t know what the number 46 means to the Bridewell family after o and I thought oh my God and I’ll make this clear and

    You people can create an opinion on this cuz Everyone’s entitled to it I grew up in Motocross I grew up in short circuits when my dad was racing in Jey area then I grew up in Motocross we didn’t uh I don’t even know what channel BSB was on

    Was it even on TV back like it it wasn’t when when all these accident happened I wasn’t at one with the BSB I couldn’t have told you what number anyone was I don’t even know was Johnny Johnny Ray was me before because even went out with my cousin I couldn’t have

    Told you what number anyone El so once this guy says about that I went oh my God and to make it clear I have stood on the podium multiple times with Tommy this year when he’s won a race and I haven’t and I absolutely love seeing him

    It’s even near he makes me emotional now because I race with Andre and it must be the worst thing in the world what they as a family went through and I would never wish that upon anyone and I’ve seen him you know talking to O

    As he I’ve seen him on the grade but more special when he wins a race and I’m there in second and I’m like you know I’m I’m happy for this guy cuz that is like me it’s when you’re standing there on the it’s cool maybe for you guys

    Looking but when you’re there and on it you feel it you feel that nearly like tremble so I’ve always showed nothing but respect as anyone should I would never ever reference or or you can’t joke about anything like that it’s that’s not even in question

    So I rang Andre and said Andre I didn’t know that was ‘s number and he he goes no no I know and he said to Tommy and Tommy knew I didn’t know it was all’s number that that is an absolute fact 100% fact so I tried to ring him there

    Was no answer but he knew anyway and everything was cool he gets home after the test maybe home to his wife whatever and uh obious say maybe maybe someone has a an input in Tommy I don’t know and a screen grab goes up of my

    Post and I can remember you know I can confirm after speaking to St higs uh the 46 that I run in in memory of my brother as if Glenn knows I run that memory of my brother will not be given to any other riter it will be kept for me and

    He knew what he done that is so like it hurt like you can probably hear the anger me it hurt me so much I lost every bit of respect I had for him like I said I don’t hate him because carrying resentment Danny W won’t help me align

    To where I want to go in my career he pulled a dirty trick to me that sums up who he really is and that’s where the relationship ends and it will never resume and now you know the truth I know that you everyone to make their own

    Opinion on that it’s very hurtful that’s a difficult thing I what it’s what I was expecting but to hear it is is even more powerful in that sense because something that shouldn’t have got out once you understand it and where where it’s pointed to I genuinely

    Didn’t expect we’d go down this you know it’s Grand because everyone wants to I people love the people want to know about the relationship and like I’ll summarize it it was amazing I am so happy to have had that be part of a championship that had like the Rossy bad

    The Rossy giber ey whatever and I got the experience that and it was class for the series it was class they got more people in the game I hope they made a shitload of money it’s good for all of us going forward the one thing that was

    Wrong was that derogatory it was like defamation of character cuz that is not who I am I’m quite a soft person like I get emotional quite easy that hurt me and that that that hurt me it was a big lie and it made me here if I read that

    It made me look like a complete dick I had a sponsor that was going to not sponsor me because they’re like I’m not in the so oper yeah that’s when it’s not only on a personal level but a professional level as well it’s it’s right across the board how it you need

    To let me explain and these these fans us fans I’m I’m still a fan of the sport all day long even though I get to do this and and the work that we’ve done in the paddock I’m still a fan of the sport and while everybody can’t get on to to

    Find things like that makes it really difficult because we don’t tend to have that in BSB not everybody can get on everybody’s a big character everybody carries an ego you have to to do what you do Tommy are probably two of the biggest character like as you said and

    That is like it’s good isn’t it cuz like he’s like I’m loud he’s loud I speak my mind he speaks his mind and do you know what is funny right but right up would tell that because that like I say that moment you can never say never maybe we

    Can Rec conso in some way but I I I genuinely liked him when we went preseason testing and I traveled in the car with him and sty and he just says it how it is and I was like f we’re so similar and yeah and I learned a lot as

    A bike rider incredible um that his experience in the jacar helped me a lot very good with some of the techniques that it’s like time on the jakat and and that really helped FASTT track me it made me who I was in the second half of

    The season because I could see what he was doing and yeah grateful for what I learned from him it’s going to help me uh going forward and uh where we hopefully you know go and to get this Championship um and some of what I learned from Tommy will play a part in

    That and i’ be I’d be ignorant to not acknowledge it one thing that I’d like to ask and thank you for that going no you’re grand thank you mate I appreciate that um let’s talk about something else yeah my the last three rounds and this is about you now not about the

    Relationship this is this is you I found you fascinating on many levels last year there were I’ll be I’ll match your honesty there were things that I saw that I didn’t like but that was was the heat of racing okay but that doesn’t change who you are okay we were stood at

    The bottom of the Melbourne Loop and how upset you were go even as far as the toilets I’m like oh okay but fully understandable under the circumstances but the and I spoke to wit about this as well on the you there’s a massive practiceing of gratitude last year and mindfulness and

    There one point on the grid it was Al Park that Whit Wht said something to you no it’ll be what it’ll and I’m not going to do your accent and offend you it’ll be what it’ll be the stars of the line it’ll be like we know all that

    Tell us something different like you were trying so hard to keep a level last year and try and maintain that things went a little bit wrong at Alton Park in the post race press conference that was taken out of context but for you what was your approach to those last three

    Rounds yeah I don’t feel like any of it went wrong um Alton Park was again it was actually the the Euros sport interview and I my comments were took out of context exactly so like they were took Wrong by another party let’s say and there was a bit of verbal exchange

    Um I worked uh like anyone in BSB has always been talented you got the talent um I had a bit of a colored P that say um you know with some you know maybe Focus application I was trained hard but you know I made mistakes in life and I had some uh issues

    Problems addictions you know different different things that you know I don’t even like to use word had cuz you always say have cuz you know I become complacent they come back so I feel like I held I held my career back for a long way you know I riddled myself of anxiety

    And and different things and I find a way and and one of the things I want to change about myself this year 24 is to actually give less away so I’m probably not going to tell you as much uh you know so you touched on it yeah I’m a big

    Manifestor um I love my meditating I love my journal and I love I love writing my future you know like P could look and go he doesn’t have what he writes down he has but you know I’m really really into that um had it worked for some people some people think it’s

    Do L I would have thought it was do L three years ago and I genuinely the word it may have come across I was trying hard I was wasn’t trying hard to be in that way um it’s something I developed a big passion for in life and something that I think H you

    You said it practicing mindfulness why do you do it well it helps you take control of your thoughts especially in the the heat of the battle um and the Heat of the battle to us is on track the stuff off track that we’re humans are always going to say silly things you

    Know and you regretted 2 minutes later flip Shake we I’ve done it a lifetime um but on track what really pleases me uh when it came to crunch time we didn’t make a mistake at oon we went to basically I needed to perform from Thon we you and say we beat

    Tommy this isn’t in the Rivalry way he was my Championship rival we beat him three out of three there went to Cadwell where he is phenomenal I had to beat him we beat him two out of three he read it he he read a great last flip we pushed

    So hard oh I remember Tommy losing the front that the G snack Fair plate on the last lap and and like I should have gave up but then finished second but because you can’t even they not going to pass anyone at that level before the Finish

    Sign you can’t pass from mansway L well maybe that first she but was tight it was tight and he defended well I lost to front at the bottom of the mountain still pushing but where was I I wasn’t even going to pass him after that that

    Was an amazing we two out of three there we two out of three Park kept ourself together we were incredible at Darlington Park in terms of practice Pace the race where the incident happened was raining I know it looked like we were going to slow at the front

    But when you’re the first bike when the track when the track’s raining you don’t know what the level is if there’s a 10 bikes in front of you and they’re going slow you can go slightly faster than slow and you can ride the front and

    That’s what Tommy done and he had to do it and fair play done it but again we we kept our head the accent of dont I I wasn’t through any pressure or crumbling I went to bran hatch and I had a task and I done everything I could do if I

    Could change one thing they pass and race one say if that had a reversed it would have meant Sunday would could have come into my hands done what I done Sunday would have been enough but I was trying to pass on a scale Atri sort of line and it

    Was dump and it was on the dump and it was uh it also came from about 17th in the grade had a really bad way qualifying but again I felt like I handled myself and and it’s funny cuz you go away over winter and you switch

    Off a bit from all that and and then now you’re like I need to get into that mindset I was in last year and it’s just building and we’re getting back into it and I’m doing my things I’ll not say much more on because you don’t you don’t uh look

    P could listen go I’m like I’m not even going to try that whether it works but I felt like for the first time in my life and I’m certainly not perfect that I had full control of my thoughts and uh and my emotions cuz you talked about that it

    Was such an intense championship and I have let myself down in other years that were nowhere near as intense and much uh were you it would have been easier to control yourself and I didn’t ra now it was like say poti a year it was hard to control yourself and I felt

    Like I done it and like I say I have no resentment to last year I I love that Championship it wasn’t just me and Tommy there was Kyle Ryan Jason was in there at times leam was in there brooksie won a couple of races early on um Lee Bob

    You know some super rides in the kawazaki the young Lads at Thon all you know it’s funny they all wake up and then they go they they think they all went to cell and landed Charlie landed in his head Max landed in his head it’s but them guys have come their their day

    Will absolutely come bsp is ruthless I don’t feel I’m rwh near my level yet I feel I’m only getting better and better the jobs changed we eat so healthy we train so hard the longevity of the sport is different than what it was 10 years

    Ago um can you winrace Su B races into your 40s absolutely if you’ve got the hunger the passion the dedication I and I mean this I love what I do now more than I’ve ever done it and I credit my dad and my upbringing a lot because we were always given the

    Opportunity but we were never burnt out but I think if I’m being brutally honest I think it’s because I I sabotaged my my career my mental health for you know a large number of years that now I’m like free from that I can really enjoy racing

    And I can show people what I can do on a bike and I couldn’t do it without the team the team have been absolutely phenomenal last year and you know the one thing I would change about 2023 was you know if the the Birdman just could

    Have hung around and you know we we know it was tough and what he went through was really difficult and you know if if to be what was to be if he just could have even got to Bron hats and uh he went out and signed I guess the dream

    Signing the two3 in the championship from the year before and he was shrewed it was a big decision and fair as Jordan said that was her dad’s success last year he picked the team he done this but now we go and continue and we we we look

    At going One Step better for me let’s talk about 2024 congratulations on signing the New Deal finally thank the ink isn’t even dry yet I don’t think what this is it was done on Monday Monday yeah so really was lit PBM racing team yeah PBM uh what 2.0 as Jordan said

    On the show last time what’s your thoughts really excited um look it’s very much unchanged in terms of the technical aspect crew chief Electronic Engineer mechanics Tire Tech missing his pretty much maybe 18s or two but the the main Cog is is there uh team manager Johnny Mo have a great relationship used

    To be mccrew Chief um many of the team sponsors you know Bruce from Hager they’re they’re all still there um Jordan and Frank have stepped in I see a lot of Paul and both of them and you know I know their their mom Karen as

    Well and you know she’s a she’s a lovely lady too and I think uh Jordan and Frank having the blend of mom and their dad to me there’s discipline there there’s uh the addiction to winning you know for for sure and I think there couldn’t be better team bosses to not many team

    Bosses or many people could step into the rule of being a team boss at PBM after pull bird and the only two people that could honestly probably do it is his children so yeah like I say I do practice gratitude a lot and I use the word a lot

    And never used to use it I am very grateful that they decided to to continue and continue with me one-man team something new for me H little glimpse of it in the past in merly Super Sport days it always worked uh you know the way I say it I’ll just be completely

    Honest if uh they decide to put their eggs in my basket and I’m this Rider that can win the odd British superback race you know your talent’s good enough to win the championship but you haven’t just shown you can do it consistently or one 10 races in a year you’re going to

    Feel Under Pressure right I know what I can do but haven’t really done it and they want me to do it this is pressure I know what they want me to do I know what I can do statistically what we done last year percentage of wins podiums what we

    Achieved at Northwest it’s all been done you know the championship was ever so close it could have went either way and can we go and do it this year of course we can there is nowhere else I’d rather be look there was loads of rumors there

    Was a good offer from America it wasn’t a lie but I’m a family man of three three young kids I love I tell everyone BB fly over Thursday morning I’m home on a Sunday night if I’m lucky the Indian still open I love a cheap me on a Sunday

    Night me and Andy and wesy and Nicky coats and sometimes L St me a big Indian then you you’re sitting busted like on the sofa like oh mous dry Wake Up 3 in morning that much coughing in you on Sunday I’m watching the racing back in

    Euros Sport and I love what I have it gets I’m allowed to do the Northwest have you said to me word shooter bag champion [Laughter] part two here we go slight Interruption Glenn had to go down on stage and do um a little chat for deatti Preston um

    Alongside foggy so welcome back Mike thank you for coming back and not legging it out the gate CH m is bloody freezing night there and this room was cold earlier but now this room feels like a feels like a sa now it actually feels like it could snow today but yeah

    So to continue where I left off I was just saying uh you know the career I have uh BSB Northwest like if you said me Glenn you can go to super bike look of course if Factory jali came calling you of course you’re going to go but

    Being a a world super bike rider on something that cannot fight deeper into the top 10 doesn’t interest me whereas being a British super bik the potential to be a champion and the potential to win some International uh road races at Northwest I love my career I absolutely

    Love but you know it’s it’s perfect for me I don’t know if it’s CA I’m Irish and we have a deep connection with road racing um but this career has allowed me when to say this career I mean being a British super bag Rider has allowed me

    To take off the ma GP to win it I become the fastest ever person around it to make my debut at the AL Grand Prix and to get a double Podium on a 600 along with the late William Dunlop and Lee Johnson um to get success at Northwest

    It’s allowed me and well I keep forgetting I’m the fastest ever newcomer to on TT so yeah PSV has G me a great career and it’s allowed me to uh be different you know as we saying before it is a we bit different what I do and I

    Love it man one thing let’s talk about road racing there’s there’s we’ll talk about the Northwest in a second I want to talk about the TT your debut was incredible with the right team around you with the support of John mcginness and havve and Honda you couldn’t really have been better

    Placed to make your debut with around that course there’s a question I want to ask at the end and it’s up to you whether you answer it but tell me about your experiences and and finding your way around the TT and building to that you know the the TT experience it started

    From the classroom let’s say the YouTube laps uh the game oh countless hours spent in the game and the Trip’s over the high car that can’t do more than 40 m hour climbing up from the goose you know me like going nowhere laps in Lamborghinis that James good met man

    Owned 1886 I’m sure everyone knows it t86 is where you go to have a good night in the is man and laps in Ferrari laps with Hickman laps with mcginness PR events where you know M John and Honda and Laps where milky the all them laps with like even writers like Mikey Evans

    And that good is man Riders people that I’m friendly with with red motorcross with there were Connor cumins there was so much from India I had this notepad I still have it L’s kept it for me and I I believe anyone that writes down what they’re learning will like ingrain it

    Into them and I would make like each lap I done with each person into like a multi page spread and I could go right Conor cumins turn three he said this heck said that and you kind of make a well the majority said that so that

    Would be this the strong point it was good I felt like uh like I could go in the morning and I could tell you everything about the course because I got so I got so obsessed with it why do you get obsessed well you’re doing on TT

    And you’re a motorbike rider so this thing we ride motorbikes cuz we like being competitive we touched that already it’s it’s the addiction to being successful you know it’s not oh this is good crack FL IR it’s the you may win or you may win

    You know in my case it wasn’t me winning year one but you win as in you achieved something like I achieved that was like a mini win as such um then you also want to be safe so the more homework you do the faster you’re going to be and the

    Safer you’re going to be and and that’s uh and that’s really what it was uh you know yeah having John as a teamate it was amazing more so to see him up close as uh experiencing his 100th start yes John was able to tell me loads but and

    Jo would probably say as well as well it’s me on the bike you could tell somebody everything about the TT once you put them on a bike and you’re wizm by lump poost and trees and blind corners and Sun that you can’t see and dump patches and Wildlife flying about

    It really doesn’t matter what many people have said other than take take it in and put it in there but it you’re on the bike so I feel like the Honda team Harve was great at controlling uh you know we’re not targeting fastest newcomer you’re get ask that all the

    Time we’re going to ignore it we’re not getting sucked into it and I’m really grateful for that because we we didn’t we didn’t get into what you think you can achieve I I’ll be honest I remember Hickman sent to me in NEC um the year it would have been the

    End of 2021 because obviously the co delay Etc he said you’ll do 133 in your debut 132 and it’s funny I believe if I had him in the debut this year because the track was Ultra fast we would have been like 132 133 the year I done made my

    Debut and people are listen to this and go you can’t do that in your debut but that’s remember Hickman they were just about 133 maybe even high 132s I was 12998 or whatever like I was nearly 130 on a year like P is guys that went back

    Last year that were a mile hour s than me we’re doing like 131 last year the resurfacing from Ginger much F traic 15 M hour quicker down sway yeah so that uh but that’s just luck of the draw and there’s little things that’s a competitive base coming out of me like

    You I could have done that could have done this but look I had a i breaking TTM the two parts the practice week I absolutely had an amazing time weather was good uh no pressure no pressure all all fortnite anyway but quicker quicker quicker quicker quicker my last lap of

    Practice uh Lee Johnson passed me must been somewhere around Brandy silbury and I managed to tag in and get a full Nicks lap behind him and it was like 128. 7 and that was in practice and that was a good lap and what I learned was Lee was

    So quick in the areas that were so dangerous and oh big they have something I don’t have like Northwest I ride all them dangerous areas like where you know where Malachi’s instant was and that God Rest them I’m not that fascina areas and where I feel I can sort circuit it I

    Probably use my ability and I Remember full Lee and from gber Castle oh my word big left right big wall on the outside of you big dip of a compression oh remember following him into it and I was like he just turned in so early so committed trust I guess that’s what they

    Do to be a TT winner I don’t have it you know I admire them more from not more from M them anyway but when you see see believeing the lean angle the commitment the maybe they maybe they’re just prepared to they’re prepared to go to that limit

    And I lost so much time I gained a bit back at graer Bridge by Bal cran which is a Crossroads so if you get your breaking WR you just go straight on I must have took like 12 bike Lings out of them on the brakes and I was right back

    On them in the Glen hen and that’s how I wanted to ride it and that’s how I read it over a course of a lap obviously that would that we string would break a bit more and and Lee would pull away but that was that I remember following Dan

    Nen three ass sets in Northwest and the Coast Road as well and it frightened me and it’s just not something I’m prepared to do um but I loved it I came to super bike race one and I’m not going to lie as much as it wasn’t about records I

    Knew my last lap was pretty good but you’re flying about on your own and you don’t really no like you’re not using a ad the timer are you up or you down and I came in and I could tell there’s all this m clapping and all I was like I

    Must have done it I was like they’re breaking new come record yeah you broke it and I was like please say 130 129.99 I was like yeah it was like but look of course I was in one piece it was great and that was amazing from then the TT turned the

    The new format so which you would think would help you every morning then even when super bikes didn’t have a race cuz I was only in the super bike class and the stalker ref Fair as it was only in a big bike you have these new practice

    Laps but but it rained like every night on Race week two and you’re like what I found was mad you’re on the grade and they’re like dump patch of Glen H and so someone said to me Glenn where’s Glenn Helen well obviously there’s Glenn Helen one and two but Glenn Helen is primarily

    From Balan to I guess crun of body stra CR of straight yeah that’s where you come out so when they say dump PS I like where the hell is the dump PS so you’ve got two ways are you going it and again I admire them how they do it cuz I know

    Michael dun my brother watched at hillbury on a 600 race and there was dump at hillbury and they know where the dump is and he was full scale committed him and Hickman Andre talks about goes Glenn they they know where to be when there’s dump and they didn’t rule I get

    The B cran and I’m start riding like I’m going to Asda and it’s only a practice that so it does even matter what you do but the time I get the crunk of a I’m like right I seen the out patches obv he didn’t hit them and didn’t crash I think

    The TOs are cool now I went that slow so then I’m completely out of rhythm do you know what I mean like and then you look behind you and I started to lose momentum now at the same time we obviously had one of the worst weeks

    Ever for for fatalities and that was a minting on me um there was a not pressure there was a huge demand and pressure from media of commitments required for me in that fortnite and even at breakfast we had to have this camera turned on in the house and you

    Know I’m not I’ll just say it how it is and I know all the lads think it cuz John you remember send the with a sort bit of a private conversation they say look I’m the same as you I’ve been thinking this every year and I was eating breakfast for Freddy and camera’s

    Catching you like is this cat capturing my last breakfast for Freddy and can I guarant like nobody can guarantee anyone there having dinner tonight because the world Works in funny ways but that’s just how I think and I think it’s because I’m a father of not just one

    Child two Childs this time there was the third one I think we was maybe pregnant with phbe yeah um and I just couldn’t even guarantee I was having dinner with was finding it hard it was getting harder and harder senior was me to be on Friday wind was horrendous it was

    Delayed to Saturday wind was no better I get I get blue if it was a short circuit we would not have been racing I’m telling you now it was like these Silverstone tests we’ve done where we’ve had the crazy wind a few times we would not have been racing I’m not complaining

    Because I absolutely loved it it was funny in the sectors uh kind of two Ramsey I improved yeah so my ID lap time was I’d say like 130.7 mph over the two races on the mountain oh my God I coming down into the 302nd the wind took me in

    Lap one from the inside of the track not to the white line as I know it might be Crossing but it moved me to the white line I knew it wasn’t moving any further I rolled off lap two for it and it still took me to the white line it was nuts in

    My last lap my clutch basket Hond have a problem like warping them so I actually could have continued but makes you feel like your rear whe Square you get this huge J and it pulled in and a turn from brandley uh hillbury start to roll off

    Because it was getting worse and I came in for the pit stop and I rolled down into it didn’t even re into the pit stop I didn’t even use a pit Lane limit or anything like that it was turn that lap was still like 1286 or something you

    Could we have an on thewind TT races I do believe even with my style and how I ride a road race and taking less risk than others but getting with your ability and saas I do believe over time the ability my natural biking ability could win a race

    Do I have what them guys have and that’s you know one p saying he’s just said he come home and he didn’t the answer is I don’t have what they have I respect them absolutely hugely it’s a talent alone to be able to shut off from reality I guess

    To be prep like I done the TT but I wasn’t prepared to die and I think them guys are and you have to admire it cuz it death scares the hell out of me and F mental Place loved it is it worth it you don’t

    Do it for money because I didn’t get a penny of start money and that will surprise everyone I did not get do you know what I got 1,00 quid of prize money for doing the is Man TT 1,100 quid unreal no how come no start money uh don’t look I was paid by

    Honda for a contract that he r as said we are not paying you do a TT because you’re a Northwest winner you’re PID and you’re not you’re not talking big money at all BBS re earn your money I think uh Northwest got 500 quid my first year 500 quid so again it be

    Similar and then you’re in your way so I guess I guess it comes but nah not worth it that’s incredible not worth it is it Hickman makes a fortune like of course yeah John’s made well over the years so there’s a great career to we made in it

    If you want to push thing is I have a career yeah so I earn money without having to do that AAL job and and we’re very lucky and fortunate with what we do and what we get so I guess it makes it easier for me to walk away if them guys

    If their careers Road R and they can’t walk away and still earn the money they have to so they’re in that like it’s like a limbo land is it they have to do it you to do it I don’t envy them no cuz I was able to make a good decision well

    You did it because you wanted bloody hell like Dean Harrison Ling the bits as a riter and as a person Peter Hickman same Michael D up amazing been through so much how he recovered this year Lee you know been through a lot with you know his father and everything and again

    He’s a father and he’s went and W 600 races there Connor look where I hate heights I’m not joking I hate heights and I know I was really quick in the mountain cuz it’s quite short Circ yeah you see The Veranda especially and the 33rd I was never for crashing the

    Milliona years I am pet see if I was Conor cin had have died by blackout had have blacked out even though the injuries may may not had a blacked out I hear hides I love the course on the mountain [ __ ] every short circuit Rider does that don’t they Steve play the

    Corners he held that sector time only like second off hickey in the last one and two seconds you know majority of the mountain Ginger holder Ramsey oh my God like a like they told me had to be bumpy M you can’t even the thing and they’ve re but they’ve

    Resurfaced that now haven’t they which helps with thef soby where soby you can’t see you go should be 200 M hour you’re 180 cuz you’re like I know you’re looking at the end of the tree there’s light look look at the light look at the light when you

    Get the little light you’re at to Kink at the end and you can see and it’s smooth and you slow down for S the bridge then you get by a ginger hle say that again out loud me seriously listen to what you’re saying about it’s nuts

    It’s berserk but there is some parts and again like you your Mill is very dangerous s WR it I loved it it was good through it you know loved GBA as much as you know s Lee was incredible loved GBA love GBA Bridge love gors Le biger

    That’s a big balls cor look look I loved it I don’t talk B TT it just wasn’t for me I think because of my situation where I am in life I have a career there’s no need to do it I didn’t do it for money I satisfied myself I satisfied myself I

    Ticked it off I believe the year I made my debut in made it tough for me to continue because everything that happened and Paul bird when I went to sign the contract with him this is so why am I not at the TT well we find it

    Hard to make big decisions as Riders it’s easier to go with the flu and he said Glenn thoughts in the TT and I said Paul take it or leave it and he went good cuz you’re not doing it we shook hands and in that moment it was

    Like honestly and that’s that is only when I knew I didn’t want to do it cuz he made the decision for me and I was like yes cuz you do things to please life and we should we are people AR we had a deal with Honda Honda put a lot of

    Commitment in a lot of time there was never a gun held in my head like I say Harve Neil Fletcher they were amazing the whole team was amazing but they commit it and you feel well they’ve done this so I have to do it you know thank you right that’s to you

    Outstanding no and I’m grateful for we’ve know each other a long time you know like I said I’m not going to steer you somewhere you don’t want to go or that we don’t really need to cover one thing I ask everybody who does TT because having I worked there in 22 with

    OMG with James as you know and it was a a horrendous couple of weeks for the reasons that we know um but one thing that always fascinates me is the Glen crer Road the atmosphere up there is absolutely electric but that final point when you go into no man’s land and

    You’re paddling through and your TAP man’s there he’s got his hand on the shoulder describe those sort of 15 seconds to me it’s funny they were the best the worst for me was sitting on the grid in that line you’re off at 22 bit of family around you bit of Team very

    Aware of what you’re about to do we know there is want to do it you can’t wait to get going do you know like when someone’s passed away and You’ went say I’m sorry for your loss and you nearly can’t speak you get trembly lip I was getting that

    On the grid Ms were like my best mate with wingman Laura hug M you you get that high five I got it at BSB that good looking going win this you get that from M West really get it every time TT was like like like I could say it in him you

    You you go into this uh mindset as a writer you can read the nerves of everyone around you I get it at Northwest too and it’s amazing I I got it last round at BSB it is bloody powerful and that’s what cu the nerves at TT are escalated you feed off

    Everyone and I remember sitting down it’s SM the graveyard’s right behind you just n tearing tearing seils off about 18 me and Dereck are sitting in the curb good luck on great one just sitting there well well good luck good luck someone takes a photo and you’re like

    It’s take a smile know when you’ve been smiling for half an hour you can’t smile anymore like and you’re like I know D thinking and dark knows what I’m thinking it is so powerful unbelievable so to get the that bit asked by getting sidetracked and you’re left with your

    Mechanic only and he pushes you down and you get in little bit where it’s you you start your bike and you paddle the helmet is on visor down you’re buckled up you’re all you’re thinking of be doing is a tap with a green light go the

    Nerves are gone that stage and see once you go best feeling in the world best feeling in the world talk about a contrast worst feeling in the world best feeling in the world 30 seconds on the drop of a clutch unbelievable gives me there it was powerful I loved it what

    Was your favorite bit of the cost obviously i’ everyone know short short guys of the mountain so I was most competitive uh from G neck back to the Finish Line I was competitive um the road rry bits I would say I really enjoyed Union Mills and I enjoyed G yeah wonderful thank you

    That’s I mean I I can listen to to Riders talk about comes out the pass here but it is it’s so powerful it’s the here I feel like the adrenaline’s gone that’s why I do this because it’s the human side of it and that’s what’s so

    Important people don’t get the see us as you know the SE as Racers and helmet down and lers on and yeah press conferences and post race you know thank the team blah blah blah thank the sponsors great race yeah enjoyed that fight we are people I’m a human as much

    As you are come just say you’re a dad you’re a husband at some point in the not too dist I go home and not get a buling off the misses for being again this weekend never thee oh noris she I couldn’t do what I do behind every great

    Man there’s woman this year I’ve been in Thailand I’ve been in Italy I’ve been in Spain I’ve been in Manchester a couple of times oh my word and we have three kids and look at me I’m absolutely crackers and my kids apples won’t fall far from the tree I have them for an

    Hour my own in the house she’s right her nails done tax are you nearly done yet like I can’t do as she do fair play back yeah um just keep on the road racing theme just for one more more event the Northwest 200 love it that place is

    Childhood memories I’ve said this many times I don’t want to s a broken record my early memories are granny and granda’s Caravan and Jer Hill Turn Turn one at the beginning uh bicycles with my brothers uh my cousin Lucy who is now married to K Cru yeah um that was us our

    We group we used to get some money guarded up and go to The Fosters chocolate store and get your weight out picking mixes and chocolates and Honeycombs and all that stuff and spend the week flying away barries on the amusements eating ice cream watching my

    Dad race then my dad retired and we went and I I used to hait after he retired walking through the pic with him and I know how my son feels you can’t move from A to B I feel like David bagum for that week that week only just to stress

    That definitely don’t compare to David bagam and it takes it might take an hour from get the ad in the padic or we need to go out for dinner an hour later you’ve moved 10 people I just be like tugging at come on DG come on and I see

    Freddy do to me now so I’m aware of that and I try to right think of him so a lot of childhood memories loads of special memories Michael dun when the 250 R after Robert’s death um hairs my arm stand up member programs at Black Hill oh unbelievable whaton Joy David Jeff

    Moody Simpson Callum Ramsey Wy cter all them Philip mcau Brian Reeds Michael R loved Michael rer absolutely loved him um player I remember it all and then I made him my debut and I fought for a win in my first year soon ear already won and then I came back I

    Miss year the just weird just wanted to make sure it was definitely there to see my son to be born and took year rud race and went in 17 first race was wet was like go do want to win a wet race One race two great battle with silly 18 so

    Grateful to come around in lap one plus 5 Seconds I couldn’t believe it it never happens I thought Andre he pit boards me I thought he hasn’t put the not point in front of the five I looked behind at your corner I was like this is a dream I

    Had to then concentrate to stay competitive um great double won a wet race in 19 something I never thought would do H Co came 2021 great fight with David to you can remember everything race one of 202 great fight with Todd cops pushed me hard in race two that

    Year and last year was a very difficult year we struggled a lot with bike sell up Tuesday and Thursday it was definitely of the year for the guys to to end my streke and we turned it around on Saturday bike wasn’t perfect we went for a safe friendly stable bike cuz it

    Wasn’t it was far from that in practice but it wasn’t Nimble but i’ just done enough H races were cut short which is a bit annoying but in race two I had started to stretch some it was over a second ahead and red flag come out so we

    Finding our stride and that’s eight in the row the record in super bikes is nine Joey and Michael R hold it jointly nine over their career I think we’ve done it consecutively is absolutely Banas we we can equal them consecutively that’s a dream equal them consecutively

    If it could be if it could go 10 consecutively that’s a dream but them you T you’re going to want to win race three aren’t you and may as well go 11 so I love it it’s so easy to be motivated by something that you have

    Deep desire and passion for I feel it now talking about it I absolutely love the place it’s a holiday Vibe I could go up there in the winter and I feel alive when I’m there um yeah special special event and that being said everyone expects me to win I get that you cannot

    Go to road racing look I I know what I want to do you got to go out there on Tuesday it might feel right and it doesn’t feel right with what’s around you you’re you’re nowhere near it because you roll off a lot you never

    Know we know what we can do we need to go steady steady if we’re there we’ll have a go if it’s not happening it’s not happening but can we go 9 10 11 of course we can it’s not going to be through lack of trying is it I love it

    Five of my wins there all been on jakati with PBM so like I say it’s connection with this team first Northwest Win first BSB win first BSB Podium first uh BSB po position first BSB uh rostrom Championship position we just need now first BSB Championship that is the so goal and the

    Continous St at Northwest and to come back in 2025 and retain the British championship and one lay want to hold on to some I get it hold on to it like the Northwest streak and I know when we get the BSB Championship we can get it this

    Year I think I will hold on to it the following year I just need to get it first what do you need to do I think everything I learned this year from the midseason I learned a lot technically Eugene L helped a lot chicat is a bit

    Funny bit different rear Breck you got to use it in some special ways not just the normal way of using rear Breck that helps in many aspects Corner entry Edge grip exit from we applied that we became very strong that was a race three of the

    Brand hats in the middle of the year we had a great race with Tommy Tommy B me it was a phenomen race from then we were the form Rider so I was missing that ingredient once I got that H continue my Outlook in life I’m happy I’m very he’s

    Must thinking like a broken record but I am genuinely very grateful for what I have I have an amazing family three kids a career that allows me to have a lifestyle I wouldn’t had fixing fridges I I lead a normal lifestyle but I can go

    On a few holidays a year and I can treat my kids and a new we all say don’t spoil your kids are going grow up in baseball Pricks and all that but come on I love them the bits I do anything for them I have a team that the team can give me

    Everything I need I can give myself everything I need I have the sponsors the family the support even the supporters you get something I’ve won a lot of supporters over and do you know what M just go and do what I done this year if we do that

    Continue our ways we can definitely be British shter bik coming cuz I statistically Harve always said to me how can you you say you’re going to be temping when you’ve won like 1% of races I was like [ __ ] shut up he’s so right last year I won 10 out of

    33 so it’s at 30% RAC pretty much we podiumed in I presume well over 50% I don’t know how how many it was and it could have been a lot more could have been a lot more I think it will be more this year the early grinder

    Lost kind of lie out to happen no no way I can’t wait to how it unfolds I have two questions just that we have definitely definitely you’re definitely on the timer now we have our patreon scheme okay we we have um some great supporters who pay to have

    Early release on the show and I get to ask questions as well one nice one um so Craig L thank you very much we’ve got two questions um what was missing in 23 for you and what Improvement does that bring for 24 technically I just did not

    Understand how to ride the bike to its full potential until the midpoint of the season um that then probably was enough to win the championship but with no buffer so what happened at dington is not why I lost the championship that was what it was if I had been stronger

    Earlier in the year I maybe could have afforded that to happen so we were strong we won it round one but we just weren’t I just wasn’t getting the magic out of the bike now we know how to get the magic out how’ you get the magic out

    Glen come on Christian rid in Jak can that’s one thing I’ve learned I’m saying that I’m talking a lot but I’m not giving away the the way the way details no the details are important they’re staying in the back pocket um was it always PBM for 24 or were there other

    Tempting offers uh there was great offers so like I’m quite an open book as such um and without giving everything away look I I had great conversations with Philip M respect Philip hugely and local team it would be a dream to win a championship with them you know it would

    Be but PBM feels very much in a non-c complacent way like a home for me um they get me and I get them there was certainly no complacency they expect and I expect we deliver together and America was appealing attractive offer financially it was good three kids

    School I loved in school run I’m there Monday morning Monday afternoon Tuesday Morning Tuesday afternoon drop him off get a quick coffee goodly JY just works get home after the son I get an hour with the girls down pick Freddy up and I spoke down Garder you know actually text

    Me and and I be cool he wasn’t giving any away KN maybe was there ever an option with OMG for a third bike I don’t think so you know uh we we had a brief conversation I I really respect Alan I love how he’s come in and being

    Competitive and works well and love racing against them because they’re good guys you know that was never really an option uh the serious options were uh stic um and Rory then ended up taking uh that ride um Marin was a serious option but it was very early on Tim needed a

    Commitment you know way like you’ve probably talking in Ry Brans hats and do you know what why did I hang out and wait for the te I love the te I have faith in the team I have huge respect for what they have all been through and how they’ve carried themselves in the

    The difficult period of late and the effort to go in to raise a million quid they r on a super bike One Man team on a jaati two young people in the team manager have done that I’m I’m happy I’m here because I want it to be here and I

    Feel want it here as well it’s nice feeling that’s important yeah and they want to win their 10th title and I want to win my first we may as well do it together you might as exactly nobody else you’d rather do it yeah no it all

    Started in PBM it’s not all ending at PBM right now because we have years left maybe it will all end with PBM and years down the line I don’t know y never know what the future holds the world’s gone mad and it we could be it could be

    Racing in VR reality in five years Time Racing you be racing get communities keep talking about might not even be motorbike tracks we be sitting in sofas rest other I love what it do I love talking about love doing podcasts people say oh podcasts or

    A nightmare AR got to give your time up talk about something you love M house is talk me something you love with someone that loves what you love exactly right that’s what we do very final question go for it what’s your best higher car story

    Glenn I took a I took a huff last year and Andrew reminded me we’re on a Motocross trip Spain and I’m the biggest rer in the world but it was so tired we were late for dinner I think we been go-kart after the Motocross riding and we come there

    Roundabout and my brother grah was driving and grah may or on they were all wired up in the head and i’ had seen this roundabout during the trip I think it was on the way outlet one of the days and it’s got proper State cows you can’t

    Go over it you’re in Spain you sort of feel in it’s mad you go away in different country and think you’re Invincible but police are probably beat the [ __ ] out out there and uh we tried to pass our mates another car GRE was straight over the roundout flo four flat

    Tires stuck at the side of the road getting hungrier getting hangry and I took the huff and the boys remind me of it and you know who saved today and and God Rest him Ral Tes um pass away TT last year that guy pulled us out of so

    Many holes so he used to come and meet us in the Motocross trip every year uh he rang the high car company spoke don’t know what he said there was never a bill they came and picked the high car up we didn’t have a high car anymore but we

    Were happy we got away with it and Conor cumin had an issue Insurance one year when he got injured R sort at l out I got injured a month later after Connor on a short circuit trip down Al Maria um I made a mistake with my insurance and

    Took it out for the start one month later than the incident not one day earlier and then there was never a bill R was phenomenal to us so yeah that that that one that one hurt hard not a don’t want fin on a sad not but that har car

    Story he saved our B and we sat there with five probably six of in a five seater four flat wheels and I make G and this Ot Ot I’m the big if it was me one moment I was I hate being hry tired and and hungry that’s when you get the bag

    Glenn it’s your worst thing Glenn ow rock and roll Che hope he all enjoyed hope he enjoyed ladies and gentlemen Glen I’m want to do my real job again


    1. Fans definitely enjoyed 2023. Loved the back and forth you guys had. Couldn't have asked for a better season. Tommy may have won 2023 but on a Honda in 2024? There will be a new winner this year. Best of luck Glenn.

    2. Glenn was my nephews team mate at MWR, sadly my nephew passed away racing at Cadwell in a BSB support class. Glenn has always been a class act and he always remembers me on the rare occasions i see him. This was a great interview and a fabulous insight in to the man he has become. Best of luck Glenn for this year…..

    3. Pure entertainment, I could listen to this man all day long, such passion, unfortunately misread on so many occasions, he’s gotta be 2024 BSB champion, thank you for a fantastic interview.

    4. wow, really changed my opinion of him has that Interview, and it's interesting to hear some of the background to the issues between him and Tommy in 2023.

    5. Fair enough explanation of the number post, have to admit I didn’t like this when I saw it and thought Irwin was a bit of a d… for doing it… you would hope Tommy would also apologise 🤷‍♂️ but fair play for coming out and saying this

    6. What a legend Glenn is. His honesty and natural ability as a short circuit and road racer is exceptional. He was robbed of the BSB championship last year.. Roll on this years Championship.. Best of luck Glenn

    7. Great interview, Let’s hope Bridewell the ✊🏻✊🏻💦 doesn’t take you out this Year and You have your Year , Irwin 2024 champ

    8. I'm one of the neutrals so I'll reserve judgement until Tommy undoubtedly has his say but it's gonna have to be good to recover his standing in my eyes from what I've just heard here. Glen's either a really nice guy or a bloody good actor!

    9. Glen is such a hard fair fast beast of a rider ! i was lucky to have met n chatted to him here at the TT what a stand up honest lad and fookin fast ! family of amazing riders the irwin's 🙌🏼🏍️🇮🇲#BSB2025 champ 🏁

    10. He’s such a nice bloke, open an honest. He has the talent to win TT’s but, fair play he’s not willing to push it. Some are, some aren’t. Super bloke, great podcast 👍

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