In this episode, I am planning to ride to a small village called Mfuwe, in Zambia, right at the South Luangwa National Park. There is a long dirt road leading there, but that route is not without dangers. It’s still rainy season, and the rivers there are full of crocs and hippos and there are no bridges. So I have to figure out if the water levels are low enough so I can cross but I’m getting mixed information from the locals..

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    Yeah no, they also said do not go there,Β it’s way too dangerous There are so many lions Lusaka, ZAMBIA Season 7 – Eps. 91 Good morning Internet it is 9:05 in the morningΒ and welcome back to the channel

    Welcome here in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia and today I amΒ starting to make my way towards the east sideΒ of ZambiaΒ  But again, there’s a little bit ofΒ uncertainty about the route that I will be ableΒ to take So let me show you on the map kind ofΒ where I’m trying to go to

    So I am now right over here, and I am planning to go to.. I think it’sΒ this area Uh, around this part of of Zambia, so I’ll first follow the main road to Petauke and from thereΒ I really want to cut across through here

    But I don’t know if that’s possible because if it hasΒ been raining then the water levels might be tooΒ high And there are some river crossingsΒ  and if the water levels are high there’sΒ Β  actually crocodile and hippos in there. And itΒ is way too dangerous to try and cross them

    So in Petauke I’ll just start asking around to seeΒ if it’s possible to take that route And if not I’ll have to find out uh, yeah I have to figureΒ out a different route And there she is nice and shiny! Thank you. Bye bye! Bye bye

    It’s hard to imagine, because sinceΒ I’ve crossed in Zambia the weather has been like this It has been hot, it has been blueΒ skies and dry. No rain whatsoever Even though we are still in the Zambian rainy season SoΒ that just shows that you know, it’s always a bit unpredictable

    I don’t know if you can seeΒ this, but like how is this car like.. It’s going like this! How is that possible? It’s impressive,Β impressive It’s a lot more hilly on this sideΒ of Zambia And I’m also noticing that thatΒ changes the weather, see

    So.. I don’t know I would not be surprised if it has beenΒ raining here Even though it was dry on the west side of Zambia Wow, this is bad, ooof. Can’tΒ see anything ah My goodness [Dutch], this should be illegal This is not normal [Dutch] Oh wow! It is beautiful here That’s a cool bridge

    Wow, look at this All right This is the town Petauke The edge, I’m just going to ride aΒ little bit more into town And then just uh.. start asking around, if peopleΒ know if the road is doable or not Hey, how are you? Um yeah, I have a question first

    FromΒ here to Mfuwe , is the road open? Is it dry, do you know? Yeah Yeah sure.. there is noΒ there no rain, there are no rains No rain – No rain – For a long time no rain? Yeah sure. Okay, but do youΒ know anybody who has traveled that route recently? Mfuwe?

    We don’t know how bad it is But it will beΒ okay, but we don’t know how bad it is right now Yeah, ’cause I heard that 3 weeks ago, there was quiteΒ some water But not now, because.. three weeks ago? Yeah We have not been experiencing many rains for.. for about a month now

    About a month, okay For the wet place.. the ground is no no.. *inaudible* Yeah, so it should be dry Certainly! Certainly – Certainly – Okay, I like the certain! Okay For a month, there has not been falling, so.. not been so Hm? For a month, nothing has been falling

    No rain for a month No rain Okay. Okay that’sΒ good news but I think I’ll.. I think I go tomorrow You go tomorrow – Yeah It’s quite far So you spend night around Yeah. I think so Huh? – Sure it’s okay – Sure okay AllΒ right, thanks so much for the info. Bye bye Thanks

    Okay, that sounds promising. That reallyΒ does sound promising No rain Yeah, I’ve seen some pictures of people on that road about I thought it was 3 weeks ago And then there was a lot of water ButΒ like too much. He says no rain for a month so.. that sounds good

    But I think I’mΒ going to do it. I’m going to attempt it but not today Because it’s now 2 o’clock,Β so it’s not super late But it’s 175 kms and yeah, never underestimate how long that canΒ take you, you know

    So I think it’s a better idea to stay one night here, and then start earlyΒ morning tomorrow So then also just in case if it turns out that it’s not possible, I can stillΒ turn around I still have time to turn around because uh, yeah it’s quite remote you know

    There’s not much out there, so I’d rather have the full day to uh, cover that distance I passed aΒ couple of uh, places to stay so I’ll just stay somewhere Okay, change of plansΒ again. I’m not going to stay here So I thought let me ask uh, this manager

    You know, if he knows anyone who has traveled that road recently And uh, when I asked him like,Β hey can I take this road? He’s like, absolutely not! I was like, oh He even made some phoneΒ calls to some people in Mfuwe, that know that area really well

    Um, and I was just listeningΒ to the conversation with that guy and yeah no, they also said do not go there It’s way tooΒ dangerous. So I’m going to follow the advice you know They all said don’t go there, especially onΒ your own on a motorbike It is full of animals and like, the dangerous kinds

    Crocs, hippos, elephant,Β lion and you know sometimes the track is blocked by fallen trees And yeah, they saidΒ only go if you’re, if you have like a proper good expedition vehicle, you know Or at least ifΒ you’re two people but they said don’t go alone

    So I’ll take their advice. Uh, it’s a shame becauseΒ I think it would be a really interesting route But I think I should listen in this case. SoΒ I’m going to go around Well, I’m still going to go to my destination but I’m going to take anotherΒ route

    And so I thought there’s no point in staying there, because now I have to ride more tarmac AndΒ it’s only 2:15 so I might as well just continue Oh, I wish I had one of those littleΒ parasols ‘Cause it is so hot I love these I am getting closer and closer to the absolute wilderness

    How are you? – I’m fine, how are you? You from where? – I’m from the Netherlands From the Netherlands – Hm GoΒ and see our beautiful Mfuwe in the National Park Yes I will thank you, bye bye I am getting closer to the big river So.. oh.. ha ha

    That’s a little bumpy So I’m already passingΒ all sorts of, hi Little rivers, like this one But uh.. everywhere there’s bridges so far,Β so that’s good for the crocodiles and the hippos Getting real close to the riverΒ now So that’s of course also where the big animals come to drink, like elephant

    I’mΒ just riding careful just in case, if there’s an animal Oh, there’s an elephant! Look, there’s an ellie Hi It’s not a very big one Aren’t you gorgeous huh? Not quite sure what to make of me probably See That’s why I wasΒ riding careful, because I was like it’s possible that I encounterΒ some animals here

    Oh, that was my first elephant I’ll probably see plentyΒ more because there’s a lot of wildlife here It’s like, they’re so big andΒ still they hide well because I only saw it at the last moment I was like hey,Β there’s an elephant standing behind that tree Oh, there’s some uh.. gazelle

    Uh.. what areΒ these? Impala? No yeah surely impala A bunch of them So this is my home really cute right? And then here.. I have a porch and I can just sitΒ here overlooking the river And there’s monkeys All right, there we go

    All right, it’s time to head deeperΒ into the forest and see some animals Unfortunately, I am not allowed to goΒ  on my motorbike, so I am now in a game drive vehicle Uh, with a guide and a driverΒ and we’re going to see if we can see some animals They’re so close

    Look the river is full of hippo. I don’t knowΒ if you can see them. Look at the hippo Amazing right? Wow. What a place, thereΒ is so much wildlife everywhere, it is insaneΒ Β  And as you can see the sun is now setting, soΒ it’s going to be dark soon. It’s going to be interesting

    All right, so it’s getting prettyΒ dark now So let’s see if I will come across some animals that are active duringΒ the night Such as lion, hyena, what else? Porcupine There are so many lion! I’m going to end this video now becauseΒ there’s lion everywhere. See you in the next episode


    1. Thank you for showing animals and their habitat in this part of africa. Every big channel when they want to show african wilderness they only show serengeti or Maasai Mara

    2. Abrar Hassan
      Abrar Hassan is a Pakistani biker and vlogger based in Germany, known for his travel and adventure content. His YouTube channel, Wild Lens by Abrar, also tour of Africa, I think your should join him in this Trip

    3. It was beautiful having you in the great country of Zambia.thankyou for the publicity .πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡² Zambia is a good country find time to visit it and see it's wonders

    4. J adore les animaux sauvages. Je vois qu il y a encore beaucoup d animaux… Tant mieux !
      Longues vies a eux ! 😘😘😘😘😘😘πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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