Escape To The Country Season 17 Episode 43: North Yorkshire

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. What is it about the people who find the house that they don't know what DETACHED means? This couple specified DETACH and the first house is ATTACHED on both sides! I skip through the tour. And the second is ATTACHED on one side! This show is a waste of my time.

    2. The mystery house was all wrong. It should have been a beautiful 4 bdrm, lg kitchen, nice back yard in town. Only the price made house #1 appealing. Show missed the mark.

    3. How would Richard, the guide from the Rambler's group know how those rock formations came to be…320 million years ago…. only in his imagination… and an ice age 15 thousand years ago….try the Noahic flood as told in the pages of scripture instead of his made up theories …

    4. I've really liked all of the homes shown in this episode! The mystery "house" was so unique and unbelievably beautiful! The outside area was lovely too! For them house #2 would have been perfect though.

      I've enjoyed this episode very much (except for the skyr making, I skipped that).
      Thanks for sharing!🙂

    5. I loved the mystery house! So whacky but in the best way possible from the outside and the inside just stunning. But then I love huge rooms and basically cannot have enough space around me. House #2 was also very lovely. It was attached but didn't feel like it. I do hope they found their dream house and are happily rambling across the dales.

    6. Another house with a garden immediately caught my eye! Beautiful and no stairs yet. The third house was all about the sunny round room… But it always surprises me when people make an offer on a house that appears on this show, and then the owners reject the offer. How come? In the meantime, did they get a higher offer than the price they initially set or what? Such a disappointment for those who are looking for a house in the show.

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