Paige Pauling – Kira Mertens

    Good morning ladies and gentlemen sorry sorry sorry good morning DS and heren welcome ladies and gentlemen to finals day here at the 2024 Dutch open have you all had a good weekend so far who is here for the first time ah not many virgins okay okay fine

    Well everyone then will know how this works we have 11 matches on stage for you today and we are going to begin with our girls final played over the best of five legs and we welcome to the stage first of all the wdf girls world number one from England paig [Applause] poing [Applause] Her opponent is 17 years old from Germany please welcome k captains e thank you ladies and gentlemen first leg it’s Paige to throw first game on 140 41 43 20 45 43 97 84 [Applause] 140 60 p you require 36 game short and the first leg paig paing second leg it’s Kira throwing

    First 43 100 26 100 45 59 45 140 61 page you require 102 30 29 page you require 72 32 42 Page you require 40 35 60 page you require five no score car you require 150 60 page you require five one car you require 90 40 page you require

    Four game short and the second leg page falling Third Leg it’s Paige to throw first game on 81 [Applause] 60 100 [Applause] 18 81 63 41 59 100 page you require 118 98 45 page you required 20 no score 58 page you required 20 no score Kira you require

    116 100 page you requireed 20 game shot and the 2024 Dutch open girls Champion Paige [Applause] Pauling

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