Welcome to the spookiest channel on youtube! Here are 4 very scary bear encounters caught on camera that will give you nightmares!

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    Watch the FULL bear encounters playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFcp6PpV30M&list=PLqREUt1n_Pzc9lTu0-xOwRryPwh2kZ_wq&index=1&t=5s

    Credit to the owners of these clips!:
    #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcMJZLaC9Q&ab_channel=VahidCullsberg
    #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps9B60PD2tc&ab_channel=js4golf2
    #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFi7hjwiXP4&ab_channel=NorwegianXplorer
    #4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLMa5-n2OVc&ab_channel=BradParas

    In this compilation video, we go over multiple clips from bear attacks, encounters and even charges. What makes these ”caught on camera” moments so scary is the fact that they were filmed in remote areas like a forest, katmai national park, glacier national park and even sweden.

    We even feature a moment where tourists encounter a huge grizzly bear and need to run away to protect themselves. In one clip, a man even has a dog vs bear moment.

    Encounters with black bears, brown bears and even kodiak bears are actually way more common than you might think. They often happen to people who are hiking, camping, mountain biking or even hunting.

    It just turns out that some of them were lucky enough to capture footage of these near death experiences that almost went wrong on camera and go pro. This leads to some very creepy videos.

    Thankfully, many people on hikes carry bear spray, which prevents their bear encounter from turning into ”gone wrong” viral moments.

    Get ready, because these bear vs man moments that could easily be considered near death experiences are sure to give you the chills.

    Background music by CO.AG Music, Marc v/d Meulen (bandcamp.com) and Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

    DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to clawsforbusiness@gmail.com.

    Number one while preparing for an overnight on top of a mountain in swedish lapland youtuber vaheed koolsburg and his husky feared for their lives when they encountered a very young and curious bear here vahid seems to be enjoying the stunning view when riley his dog spots something

    Unknown moving in the tree line down below the man acts quickly it proceeds to tie riley to a leash to prevent her from running after the potentially dangerous animal after getting a closer look vahid confirms that what riley spotted is in fact a bear and tries to get a clean

    Shot of the beast with his camera i think i saw a bear there are some birds in distress over there i just saw an animal move a few stressful minutes later the camera finally catches the bear unfortunately moving towards the mountain on which the unarmed man and his dog are currently settled

    It’s coming here trying to make his presence known vahid repeatedly screams at the beast this only seems to make the animal more curious as it then begins rushing towards the noise and eventually reaches the bottom of the mountain what’s coming here hi hi bobo telephone don’t come here next

    Out of pure self-defense for his and riley’s lives vahid throws a few of the largest rocks he can find down the hill in order to at the very least scare the dangerous beast away Next None of the rocks hit the target but thankfully it still seems to work as the bear gives up on his hopes for dinner and runs back into the woods vahed and his dog are truly lucky to have escaped from this situation completely unharmed what would you have done

    Would you have run away with your dog or stood your ground like vahid did number two on an organized tour of glacier national park in montana a group of innocent tourists came way too close to a huge grizzly bear trying to mind its own business after spotting it a small

    Portion of the crowd attempts to get closer in order to grab a few nice pictures of this majestic but also very lethal animal suddenly the beast begins running towards the tourists fearing for their lives they quickly get out of its way and get back with the main group

    Yeah he just wants to get through the thankfully present park ranger takes on her duty to protect the tourists and starts yelling at the bear he’s going that way yeah go go go go go go go go go go surprisingly uninterested with potential weeks worth of food right next

    To it the beast decides to mind its own business and to continue on its path i hope those people realize how lucky they were that that grizzly bear wasn’t due for a meal and didn’t feel threatened they should all be very thankful to still be alive and in one piece number three

    While on a peaceful hike of kings canyon national park youtuber norwegian explorer had an intense standoff with a very menacing bear that could have ended very badly when arriving on scene the man realized that the bear was watching a nearby couple as they were packing up their camping gear

    It probably smelled their food from a mile away and decided to come take a look for itself go away bear go away go away go away can’t stay here after a few tense minutes the beast attempts a terrifying bluff charge to scare him away unfortunately the man doesn’t really get

    The message and continues to stand his ground against this extremely dangerous animal go away the other way go away go go go go turn around turn around the bear doesn’t seem interested in leaving the scene as it’s obviously smelling something that’s making its stomach growl after another few minutes of standoff

    The beast bluff charges the man again finally feeling threatened both the man and one of the nearby campers start yelling like angry animals to try to scare the bear away clearly this seems to work as it quickly turns away to run back into the woods leaving behind a potentially delicious meal

    Oh he’s coming ah [Laughter] [Applause] Hopefully those campers thanked the man for putting his life in danger to help them what would you have done in his shoes would you have risked your life to help those campers or completely ignored them and run away thanks for watching to the end make sure to like and subscribe if you enjoyed

    This video see you in the next one


    1. I have a scary bear encounter that my daughter had recently but it won’t let me post the pictures . She and her friends were hiking in the Smokey Mountains a few days after Christmas and encountered a black bear. It wanted to walk on the same path that they were on. It came right up to them and just walked right passed them! She said it was so close she could have reached out and touched it ! I wish this would let me show the pictures. It was crazy.

    2. somebody should tell these retards taking photos that a bear is much faster than a person. It is unbelievable how they are allowed to be where they are.. if that bear runs towards that group of people, it is impossible that all of them, especially those ultra-fat guys, have time to run for cover.

    3. "Uninterested with potential weeks worth of food right next to it…" (4:31) Oh, yea. Those Obesity Club members would provide the grisly with months – not weeks – high in calorie nutrition.
      The poor animal is under an obvious spell of political correctness, to its own detriment.

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