🌍 Netherlands: Europe’s Little Giant

    Despite its small surface area, the Netherlands is a country with a great influence throughout the world. It attracts attention with its touristic charm, historical richness and liberal atmosphere. However, check out this video to get to know the Netherlands better!

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    🏞 Geography and Location

    The strategic location of the Netherlands plays an important role for trade and economic development in Europe. Although it is bordered by neighbouring countries, its coast on the North Sea and its location in the centre of Europe make the country the heart of trade.

    πŸ‘« Population and Culture

    The cultural diversity and tolerant atmosphere of the Netherlands make its inhabitants unique. An open-minded and relaxed lifestyle supports the liberal and democratic nature of the Netherlands.

    πŸŒ† Amsterdam: Cultural Capital

    Amsterdam is the heart of the Netherlands. It is famous for its canals, historic buildings and colourful nightlife. Many tourists who visit the Netherlands do not return before exploring Amsterdam.

    🌊 Living with Water

    A large part of the Netherlands is located below sea level. Water management and techniques of living with water is one of the country’s unique structures.

    πŸ‘‘ Government and Cultural Features

    The Netherlands is a country governed by a parliamentary monarchy. The system of government and cultural habits reflect the uniqueness of the country.

    🚲 Cycling Culture and Other Interesting Facts

    Cycling culture is widespread in the Netherlands and shapes the country’s lifestyle. Also, learn about other interesting features of the country such as agriculture, economy and environmental policies.

    πŸŽ‰ A Fun and Informative Trip

    This video presents the aspects and uniqueness of the Netherlands that are waiting to be discovered. Don’t forget to subscribe and tell us in the next video which country or topic you would like us to explore!
    #netherlands #amsterdam #netherlandstravel #netherlandsdocumentary

    The Netherlands is a small yet impressiveΒ  country in Europe despite its size it is aΒ Β  popular destination worldwide due to its touristΒ  attractions Rich history liberal atmosphere andΒ Β  interesting culture however those planningΒ  to settle or visit for an extended periodΒ Β  showed consider some important factors beforeΒ  watching the video please support support ourΒ Β 

    Channel by liking and subscribing in the commentΒ  section let us know which country or topic youΒ Β  would like us to cover in the next video let’sΒ  begin when you’re ready the Netherlands centralΒ Β  location in Europe gives its strategic importanceΒ  despite being limited to neighboring countries theΒ Β 

    Netherlands shares borders with the North Sea toΒ  the West Belgium to the South and Germany to theΒ Β  east dislocation contributes to the country’sΒ  trade and economic development the populationΒ Β  of the the Netherlands is approximately 18Β  million reflecting the cultural diversityΒ Β  and richness of the country Dutch people areΒ  generally open-minded tolerant and relaxedΒ Β 

    Which supports the country’s libertarian andΒ  Democratic structure ansterdam is the culturalΒ Β  and economic center of the Netherlands asΒ  its capital and largest city known for itsΒ Β  canals historic buildings art museums and vibrantΒ  nightlife it is a popular destination for touristsΒ Β 

    It is worth noting that 26% of the country or oneΒ  quarter is below sea level and approximately halfΒ Β  of the population lives in these areas anotherΒ  50% of the country’s territory lies only 1 meterΒ Β  above or below sea level the highest point in theΒ  country werber is only 322 M High additionallyΒ Β 

    20% of the country’s territory consists of landΒ  reclaimed from the sea and lakes the NetherlandsΒ Β  has developed various techniques to live withΒ  and utilize water throughout history resultingΒ Β  in a system of thousands of water embankments andΒ  canals spread all over the country to NetherlandsΒ Β 

    Which is predominantly a water-based countryΒ  appears as a patchwork of lands and pondsΒ Β  divided by embankments and transformed fromΒ  water in other words a Netherlands without dyesΒ Β  is inconceivable as a member of the European UnionΒ  NATO and oecd to NE NE lands is also part of theΒ Β 

    Shenan area during World War II Germany occupiedΒ  the Netherlands which had remained neutral duringΒ Β  World War I despite the occupation the NetherlandsΒ  survived and followed a peaceful policy today theΒ Β  Netherlands is one of the most developed countriesΒ  in the world and a founding member of NATO and theΒ Β 

    European Union it is also one of the 11 EuropeanΒ  countries governed by a parliamentary monarchyΒ Β  although the Netherlands is a a kingdom the royalΒ  family has little or no say in the administrationΒ Β  as it is governed by a parliamentary monarchyΒ  following the general elections held in MarchΒ Β 

    2021 it took 299 days to form a new governmentΒ  making it the longest period without a governmentΒ Β  since the second world war Amsterdam is a regionΒ  in the Netherlands known for its canals and overΒ Β  2,500 floating houses the country has aroundΒ  10,000 house boats in total however authoritiesΒ Β 

    Plan to restrict their numbers in the future dueΒ  to water coverage and blockage the Netherlands isΒ Β  one of the middle populated countries in EuropeΒ  with a population of approximately 17 million theΒ Β  Dutch make up 78.3% of the population with 9.5%Β  being Western and 8.7% from other nationalitiesΒ Β 

    The total number of immigrants in the countryΒ  exceeds for million people and this number isΒ Β  expected to rise to over 8 million by 2050 DutchΒ  is the official language of the Netherlands withΒ Β  a dialect spoken in Belgium known as Flemish theΒ  distinction between these two languages is similarΒ Β 

    To that between British and American EnglishΒ  additionally almost 85% of Dutch citizens speakΒ Β  English in the Netherlands 38.5% of the populationΒ  are Christians 5.1% are Muslims and 5.7% followΒ Β  other religion religions recent surveys show thatΒ  50.7% of the population where religion was once ofΒ Β 

    Great importance did not believe in any religionΒ  this means that the Netherlands is now among theΒ Β  majority of European union members were more thanΒ  half of the population is atheist the Dutch areΒ Β  known for their straightforwardness and ClarityΒ  they are not afraid to express their opinionsΒ Β 

    Whether positive or negative and this is evidentΒ  in both their personal and professional level inΒ Β  business meetings for instance subordinatesΒ  and superiors alike are free to express theirΒ Β  views additionally there is no strict hierarchy inΒ  Dutch society and business culture an employee canΒ Β 

    Easily have a conversation with their managerΒ  about their weekend while having coffee theΒ Β  Dutch are known for their organization to theΒ  point where someone you have just met may evenΒ Β  schedule an appointment with you for a monthΒ  later in a society that values personal spaceΒ Β 

    It is customary to visit houses by invitationΒ  if dinner is not mentioned when you are invitedΒ Β  your hosts will either politely tell you thatΒ  dinner will be served and ask you to leave orΒ Β  they will eat dinner and continue to take care ofΒ  you afterwards this is because the Dutch typicallyΒ Β 

    Shop for Food daily and buy enough for one day atΒ  a time to Dutch and Joo dining out which is whyΒ Β  most households have mini bar shaped refrigeratorsΒ  the Netherlands is known for being one of the mostΒ Β 

    Frugal Societies in Europe even if people are notΒ  acquainted they do not neglect to greet each otherΒ Β  and they cross pots on the street if you are aΒ  foreigner and do not speak the language of theΒ Β  country you can introduce yourself by leavingΒ  a card in the mailboxes the card should stateΒ Β 

    That you have just moved in this is a commonΒ  practice in the country and most people willΒ Β  either return the card or bring flowers theΒ  habit of sending cards is quite common inΒ Β  all situations for instance people send cardsΒ  to those who have just got a new job to thoseΒ Β 

    Who are ill or to those who have given birth inΒ  the Netherlands it is customary for individualsΒ Β  to purchase their own cake or dessert on thereΒ  birthdays special occasions are highly valuedΒ Β  by the doch with particular emphasis placed onΒ  the ages of 18 25 and 50 wedding anniversariesΒ Β 

    Are also celebrated in the wedding themiΒ  Fireworks shows on New Year’s Eve are aΒ Β  long-standing tradition in a country injuriesΒ  caused by fireworks such as Burns have led toΒ Β  1,300 Hospital admissions on New Year’s Eve atΒ  the end of 2019 the Netherlands is known forΒ Β 

    Its rainy weather and reserved culture however onΒ  sunny days you may see people sunbathing in ParksΒ Β  during the winter months the sun rises aroundΒ  9:00 a.m. and sets around 5:00 p.m. while inΒ Β  summer it sets around 11:00 p.m. the NetherlandsΒ  is known for its con and relaxed lifestyle freeΒ Β 

    From stress people here live in harmony withΒ  nature and show great respect towards it thisΒ Β  is reflected in the country’s ranking as theΒ  fifth happiest in the world and sixth in theΒ Β  rule of low ranking cycling is a popular way ofΒ  life in the Netherlands bicycles are an essentialΒ Β 

    Part of everyday life in the Netherlands knownΒ  as the land of bicycles the country has about 23Β Β  million bicycles and 35,000 km of bicycle paths onΒ  average each person travels 880 km by bicycle perΒ Β  year and 1 million new bicycles are sold annuallyΒ  22% of bicycles are used for work 18% for goingΒ Β 

    To school and 14% for shopping additionally 31%Β  are used for entertainment purposes women useΒ Β  bicycles 80% more than men cycling courses areΒ  also available for those who RVE it the countryΒ Β  later the Netherlands is famous for its cheesesΒ  which have turned cheese making into a touristΒ Β 

    Attraction in addition to its famous canalsΒ  architectural structures houses and museumsΒ Β  the country is a mustsee destination some ofΒ  the musy places in nanan include Dan SquareΒ Β  to Jordon district with its beautiful canalsideΒ  houses the reeks Museum one of the world’s mostΒ Β 

    Popular museums the vano museum dear cast andΒ  the famous waxx Sculpture museum Madame tusosΒ Β  nardan is another city surrounded by water thatΒ  is worth a visit if you enjoyed this video pleaseΒ Β  subscribe to be notified of new content thankΒ  you for watching and see you in the next video

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