Welcome back to my weekly vlog! I missed this last week… come take my content creator career very seriously and book a hotel suite for 24 hours to get the best content possible, have some me time and recreate the viral crispy potato salad.

    All links below – enjoy!

    M x


    SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwi3sz8jAVs1OlHbpgbXyA

    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/molliecampsie/

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    SHOP MY LINKS [https://bit.ly/3DXkljS](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbS00T2U2NV9TNlhuQ1hpWmNMWnlIQ2x5a1hGd3xBQ3Jtc0trMVZldkJTcF9tZV80T0RRaHVwUlUtaklKQUVlS2xGVjEteWNQSnpyckowSTRrRzBkam5hbVVTZFVCcVlKdFhUb3ZSUTB4Sk1ZSWNuU21MNWY4ZDFRQ1E3QjdhanlndEJSOHA3dUlhSWhTcEpZQkowOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3DXkljS&v=kE52bo0gzSs)

    EMAIL ME molliec@insanityhq.com


    🔗 LINKS – in order of appearance

    Adidas t shirt [XL] https://bit.ly/3ZOrhJh

    Current brows routine https://liketk.it/4ysRX

    Adanola loungewear [XXL] https://bit.ly/49P9Hc8

    Vlogging camera https://bit.ly/41wNDzL

    Tala headbands https://bit.ly/485kCgl

    Elemis cleansing balm https://bit.ly/476PayE

    111 Skin patches https://bit.ly/4cuHXv8

    Makeup remover pads [dupe] https://bit.ly/3VpvT8B

    Cetaphil cleanser https://bit.ly/3sjYgch

    Cetaphil moisturiser https://bit.ly/3QxTlML

    Pink pyjamas [UK 18] https://bit.ly/3T4Kh3t

    Potato salad recipe https://hungryhappens.net/crispy-smashed-potato-salad/



    Some of the links above may be affiliate links, which means if I have led you to make a purchase and you choose to buy something through one of these links, I may receive a small commission from the retailer. It makes no difference to you as a consumer, but I may receive a small compensation from the brand.

    Good morning welcome back to the Vlog I didn’t Vlog last week do you know what they say Insanity by name Insanity by Nature so if there are any creators out there and Insanity comes and knocking I can’t tell you how incredible they are they kept me very very busy

    Last week actually this week is super busy which is kind of what we’re doing today I’m off to a hotel to shoot some content and it’s kind of stressful because this is my version of stressful by the way my influencer version of stressful but I have check in at 3: and

    Then obviously check out at like 11: or midday whatever it is that for me is stressful because if you think about the hours of light I have to shoot it’s not like you have 24 hours worth of location and light I called up the hotel and I

    Was like is there any chance you can do early check-in the time is 10 to 10: and they say my room is almost ready which is really really kind we went to Winchester this weekend spend time with our friends and they’re like oh you know

    What you up this weekend I was like oh I’ve got a really stressful Hotel day tomorrow the only reason why it’s stressful for me is that I have this crippling fear of like being late all the time which is a great thing because it makes me incredibly punctual all the

    Time um but when you have this like 3 p.m. check-in 12:00 noon obviously the parameters have changed now which is great because it just helps really ease my anxiety on not finishing the task by the deadline set that’s where I feel a little bit nervous and my friends are

    Like he hang on you’re going to go check into a hotel tomorrow have a nice shower and film it and probably get like a caesar salad and chips and that’s your stressful Monday I was like guilty guilty yes I thought it would be funny to take you along and show you my stressful Monday I am here in the room so this is the back like biggest baddest best room baddest isn’t like bed this is what it looks like when you walk in with a TV I cannot wait to watch TV tonight and then this bed is must be an emperor cuz it’s

    Definitely bigger than the one that we have at home and then through here is I guess think a Walkin wardrobes Great Space basically the reason why I booked this room but the lighting’s so good Big Tub which I probably won’t use just so much light really good mirrors to like

    Bounce around and film different angles even like this angle with just the depth of the room behind you is so nice and the shower which is the most important part and due to the fact they did kindly give me early check-in I am going to get

    To work so I’m going to unpack my suitcase work out some kind of short list wash my hair as part of the ad and I haven’t washed my hair since Thursday it’s Monday feels like longer if you have any tips to getting your hair to learn to like clean itself a little bit

    Better or or if you just have to go through this process of abstaining from cleaning so frequently that’s still good to know I will unpack now and then start Shooting we are mid shoe it is going well the early checking was a game changer I just need to sty my hair and then prep for tomorrow or might even shoot my second ad out of three after this depending on the light got to tell you I’m craving the Caesar ASAP so I

    Might leave two ads tomorrow we’ll see she is wrapped she is exhausted uh shooting a second ad I don’t think so I just wanted to show my outfit quickly just a little oversized Adidas T-shirt I kind of went through like a tight phase I’m still in a tight phase

    Like I love a skin but I just am reaching for like an oversized maybe it’s cuz we’re coming into spring/ summer and like this with a pair of biking um like cycling shorts it’s just my go-to summer outfit it’s like when it’s really hot and then then on the

    Bottom I’ve got these adanola Lounge trousers they actually call them everywhere trousers and they’re they’re modal trouser I’m not making the crotch look too appealing but they are really comfy in there elasticated pockets and I think I’ve got them in an XXL that sounds about right just a

    Little comfy outfit for this lady who is about to fill her belly I think it’s like half 2 which is seriously late for me 2:12 we are we are overdue for a um it’s a girl dinner that’s what they call it isn’t it baked sourdough with brown butter pepper squid my goodness

    Bottomless drinks until 400 p.m. can I get a chicken Caesar salad please and some triple cooked chips with some ketchup and mayonnaise please thank you very much the relief I feel that a salad is on the way buts it’s not fun shooting yourself in the shower it’s a bit

    Stressful and it’s just slow and I just care about the production so much and also not revealing myself there’s a lot to think about and yeah it’s half 2 What on earth am I going to do for the rest of my day I have enough time that I

    Could go to the gym but should I not go to the gym because I’ve just wored my hair and I’m shooting tomorrow it’s just it’s girl schedules food is here I love trying new things so I am all up for curry Mayo um there’s bacon

    In my salad I don’t eat pork I swear that wasn’t on the menu so I just pick it out but Lu they they’re big bits and they’re kind of on the side I mean I don’t hate it and then here is the salad some really chunky fried croutons

    Anees again I don’t think that was on the menu but I do I really like anches and then my condiments and the chips are just absolutely huge um with a side of bacon like this that’s bigger than a finger and I hope you understand when I

    Say I need to put my hair back to eat I need to fully get immersed in this I think like if you watch my other Vlogs what you will deduce is the obsession with food probably quite a healthy relationship with food as well but it’s

    One of the most exciting parts of my day I think it’s time to take off my makeup also gives me an excuse to show off my heavily curated this looks so much like a Vogue bathroom travel toilet actually quite when it’s closed it’s not huge but it’s everything I am going to

    Start with a cleanser to take my makeup off this is a mini a mini LMS Pro collagen cleansing balm when it’s done I will refill it with like for like or something similar and that’ll be greato just reuse all the little plastic um pots that I have in there but also

    Saw I’ve got some one1 skin I was like I in a hotel I am working I could I could use this and not feel guilty took these from home as well I think they’re they’re kind of like a face Halo but I haven’t used them before Isn’t It

    Cosmetics one and I’ve got all of my skin care I’ve got all of my skin care and makeup in here and even some Min brushes I was like how far is the closest Crispy Cream counter it’s 400t from here the world’s are oyster but I

    Think we’re going to have a tea in a Kit Kat now it’s so peculiar look kind of feels like a a bath sponge and a makeup remover it’s doing a very good job that is so impressive that’s got like everything off and that was just first

    Cleanse there we go clean as a whle moisturizer I know this one is the Cetaphil daily moistu it’s the hyaluronic acid one I’m going to do the eye masks because every moment’s a special moment isn’t it and because I’ve got two ads tomorrow these should prep me and make

    Me look Gorge gorgina I can’t stop saying gorina perfect time for a kit K now we sit in bed oh my goodness oh my goodness what a happy little woman you are watching A Place in the Sun this is my retirement Plan that was good that was really quiet that was like two other guys there so I could just do my thing my gym thing and it’s like half s now Monday evening so I’m going to hit the uh hit the old Westfield see what food they have

    Available for me I’m going to change into some comfies have a little shower actually change some comfies and then take about 200 steps over there to Crispy Cream oh I mean the food hole I mean the food Hole what a strange little woman you are Molly yeah fair enough this is weird like being in a shopping Center when it’s dark having dinner by myself it was between what hackers babit eat tie I think it’s called and then I just thought I want something a little bit healthy so

    I went for something new this is a prawn faux noodle soup so yeah it’s prawn with chicken broth which I don’t actually think I’ve tried before but it sounds really healthy um but and I didn’t plan this Crispy Cream is literally there it would be so rude not to if they’re still

    Open I will get one I think i’ sa it to the Gym I decided to not get the Crispy Cream is what I would say if I didn’t love treating myself I love these things so much so I got the original glazed I was torn between this one and the bis off look at that it reminds me of when I had

    Um cervical problems though but this is oh my God come on this might be my favorite sweet treat in the entire world I’m sorry this is now just become a channel where you watch me eat so good there’s something about being alone somewhere you don’t know there’s just something romantic about it

    Like taking yourself for dinner and being in your own company and not talking not engaging with anyone just like being in your own head and your own thoughts and doing what you want to do on your own time I think it’s a really lovely thing and it’s not something I

    Get that much of now being in a relationship I’m just enjoying it I’m soaking it all in I’m really glad I went to the gym as well I definitely feel like I’ve got some endorphins going around my body after that agenda tomorrow TBC taking an hour at the time

    I’m just going to get into bed watch some television put my feet up again and enjoy the rest of my evening it’s qu to 9 now so I will see you tomorrow morning I was going to say 9 night night but that sounds a bit weird see you

    Tomorrow good morning had such a bad night’s sleep this the time 6:41 on Tuesday morning if you didn’t know I’m a thermo regulated mattress kind of girl we’ve over optimized for our sleep set up at home orgo anytime I go anywhere even if it’s like a better bed but a set up really

    Nice hotel I can’t sleep cuz I just overheat so much a little bit puffy and pretty tired spot right there so um but I wanted to get up now breakfast starts being served at 700 I’m going to be down there the budget the time budget is 7 till half

    7 7:30 till 8 we’re back here we’re getting ready prepped a little bit of hair a little bit of makeup and we’re doing first ad at I guess 8 and then we’ve got 4 hours till check out but they’re always so friendly here with like adding some extra time on so I’m

    Not too stressed and then maybe go back for a little bit lunch at at Westfield I don’t know might just go home as well we’ll see how I could go home and get J the juice let’s see what happens it’s an exciting day Anything could Happen I exchanged my who drinks voucher I got a coffee and a massive bottle of water and we are on schedule despite me locking myself at my room got a replacement card hair and makeup done brush this through and make it a little less distracting um but I’m going to see

    You after I’ve shuted my ads wish me luck might do a halfway point where I feel like I can breathe but I mean goodness knows what the time is now it’s probably 10 to 8 5 to 8 so I got 4 hours which like is so doable I just worry

    About running out time so I will see you after my Triumph wrapped wrapped add two we still have add three to go took a little bit longer than I thought it would but I’m just overthinking things quality of content is so important to me and I’ve never worked with the product I

    Didn’t 100% believe in I have never uploaded content that I wasn’t 100% happy with and I just hope that those standards never ever change I think when they do change I know I should probably retire but I just want it to look amazing and to do my best and I have

    Genuinely so much pride in my work like I feel so fulfilled when an ads does really well for a brand from a production and quality of content point of view and then also like engagement and set I just care and I love that I care cute pink PES aren’t they I’ll link them

    Below feeling feeling confident otherwise I wouldn’t be talking to you now like we are nearly there so hopping in the shower uh speak to you in a bit we did it I am relieved I actually called that reception I was like can I can I is anyone in this room like could

    I st like an hour or two didn’t need it but it was it chilled me out to know that if I ran over it would be okay um I so it’s 11: a.m. now I can’t believe the amount like I’m so proud of myself and I think they’re going to be great I’m

    Really looking forward sitting down getting the files on my computer and doing some editing I might do that later we’ve got we we have a busy week Vegas Friday noou Thursday I don’t think that’s right but um as a Kardashian line I’m not actually going to Vegas but I

    Did watch you know who I love watching at the moment Holly Brooks She’s Like a fitness food gal she’s just moved to California and she did a Utah run I have never been so influenced to go to America and do a run I might stay in

    London and I might do a 5k at some point but I’ve already got like the running bug but that’s just Testament of how influential the internet can be because I’m just seeing a lot of it everyone’s doing half marathons um I would be lucky

    If I was able to do a 5k I can do a 5k it’s just exhausting and it’s like a 45 minute thing for me so now I’m going to pack up I feel like I kind of just want to get home and chill out edit sit down and edit with a

    T well that is a wrap on another very successful shoot in this hotel time to go back Home I’m home I’m doing something the internet is loving at the moment it’s the smashed potato salad I think it’s called I found this one online and on Tik Tok if I see a recipe that I like I have like a little folder that I save it

    To and I share it on my Instagram and everyone liked the look of it I haven’t tried it yet but I know everyone’s doing it so I was like yeah I’m going to do that and I had all the ingredients from our Tesco food shop on Sunday I have my

    Freshly boiled ters as they call them um I’m going to transfer the these to What’s this called baking tray with oil salt and pepper then they will go in the oven at I think about 200 for up to an hour and whilst that’s happening you get

    The rest of the salad ready so it is Greek yogurt mayonnaise Dijon mustard vinegar I’m going to switch around this is taking way too long cucumber um shots I’m not sure how many I need to look at the recipe got some dill parsley a lemon juice of a

    Lemon um salt and pepper and I think that’s everything that I need I haven’t stuck fully fully to the recipe I just wanted to do like a smaller amount in case it doesn’t work out but I think I can do more of the salad and then if it

    Works out well and it tastes good then I can bake some more uh potatoes tomorrow it’s so much easier if I just link uh the recipe Below in the description box so I will do that for you genius way to get oil salt and pepper on your

    Potatoes doesn’t work very well it gets stuck to the bottom of the glass just another example of when recipes make it look really easy and it’s not it’s not bad though is it that was 3/4 cups Greek yogurt I need do half a cup of mayo which sounds like a lot

    This is um this is a/4 cup I might just do a quar cuz that feels like a lot this is maybe where I go wrong with recipes is I don’t really follow them properly I do just shy a half cup of mayo two tpoon of Dion

    Mustard I can get down with that buy yourself these little cup things because so many of the recipes I have are American I guess it’s just so much easier to go by their cups and I don’t have scales nor do I want them I think so they’re just really

    Handy we have like no storage space as well in this flat so I need to be really picky with my utensils this lemon squeezer I use all the time so doing half a half a lemon lemon juice two teaspoons of red wine vinegar one large minced garlic

    Clove this is just a test run but if this is any good then I obviously have enough here for tomorrow I could do some new potatoes and literally and then have it with like a piece of salmon or something by the way I have never in my

    Life bought Dill but I feel like it’s a lot of things that I like and I opened it and I smelled it it’s unbelievable like I’m very bad with my herbs and cooking and general but this is so tasty and I feel like they have a lot of this

    In the Jo and the juice spicy tuna and it’s just something that is really good so if I was doing salmon as well I feel like Dill’s supposed to go with salmon quite a bit one4 cup of Dill that’s a/4 cup that’s that’s going to be so much of

    That I do actually think I’ve put about a qu cup up in Now cast again don’t think I’ve ever bought it can’t actually smell this I think I get put off a lot cuz it looks so much like coriander which I don’t love I guess I’ll finally

    Chop this and see what it tastes like as well if this tastes any good I will be amazed because there’s lots of new things in here for me that I don’t I can’t eyeball and so I don’t really know what I can’t imagine what the flavor is

    Going to be like one medium cucumber the whole thing I don’t trust that I’m going to go with about that amount and it says you need to De one shot this is where I feel like I would double the garlic and double the shots and then apparently salt and

    Pepper six turns I don’t know it doesn’t say I don’t think e more pepper I mean that looks really professional I think really good consistency I haven’t done a taste test I’m too scared I’m going to wait until the potatoes are in there but that looks very professional speaking of let’s do a

    Tater check they’re looking amazing I think boiling it is the trick beforehand let me show you like crisping up really really well I will actually do a taste test now like live of the salad cuz I think it’ be quite funny I am not feeling that confident I just there’s

    Just too many things in here that I haven’t used before what are the herbs going to be like and I don’t love cucumber I just I have it a lot in like chopped salads but I don’t yeah don’t love it that’s great it’s going to be amazing

    Oh I smash that I can’t wait to have that as a meal these are my ters with hindsight I could have had a lot more I feel like they kind of shrunk but should be enough for a lunch look at them bubbling away this is so good so I

    Feel like you mix half and then I’ll put half on top because I do want to try and get an Instagram picture s a picture maybe for the thumbnail we’ll see how good it looks I might even do a little bit of hand modeling at the same time

    Those potatoes didn’t need anywhere near an hour by the way I think they’re so small I think they were probably in there for for shy of half an hour I am so nervous I can’t believe how much energy I have as well like I thought after the hotel shoot I’d be a

    Bit wiped but she’s she’s got more steam in how the girl does so I’m going to kind of make like a bed of this salad first keep it really neat cuz I’m going to try and get a picture yeah I’ll probably use half the salad oh this is

    Going to look so pretty I’ve got such good natural light in here for food as well oh my goodness these are so crispy like the sound of some of these look at this one what a specimen look at that I actually can’t wait to try it okay no

    Pressure one of the best things I’ve ever tasted in my life my new obsession cook this tonight my toes are dancing enough garlic you know I will be smelling after this but oh my God is it worth it well I feel like I want to end this Vlog on a

    High oops thank you so much for watching so many of you comment but aren’t subscribed so please do subscribe if you really like watching my Vlogs thank you for tuning in and I will see you in the next Vlog bye


    1. Scalp exfoliation and clarifying shampoo will help keep you hair clean for longer. Especially if you have product build up. I used to wash my hair 3x a week now it’s 1x!! Xxx

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