A brilliant historical battle in 1212 AD Total War as the War of the Roses has begun! House York has attacked King Henry VI and his Lancastrian allies! The two feuding factions battle for the town of St Albans! Will history stay the same or be changed in this epic battle!

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    Hey legionnaires and welcome back to 1212 a and England is in the middle of a civil war this is the first battle of St alens here today and it is the start of the War of the Roses of my gosh is this a bloody bloody battle we have St Albin

    Here this Mighty town that the lancastrians are defending with their King and they’re fighting off against the yorkist Rebels the scum who Dar to rebel against their rightful King so yes we have a glorious battle here a nice 3v3 with 122 ad is a technically historical Battle of sorts uh I actually

    Even though I am like English don’t really know a lot about the English uh so like the War of the Roses really do not really know a lot it’s not really an area of interest to me oh my gosh these buildman already focused down sorry getting distracted by what was actually

    Going on in the battle but yeah I’m not really um much uh very knowledgeable in the uh Wars of the Roses they kind of come about because of two basically factions fighting uh for sort of control of England you have the yorkists and also the lancastrians um and they both

    Are backed by powerful rulers the r you got like I certainly know that war the orc and then later on the uh the lancastrian ca is quite a major you know he’s a king maker basically a king maker and a king breaker um but yeah we have

    The the English here defending and we have on the attack we have the Welsh who basically have the same roster as the English but it’s just a way to distinguish uh the two sort of sides instead of just having lancastrians and uh like having English versus English

    Basically it’s a shame that isn’t like a War of the Roses sort of roster so you have like lancastrians and yorkist and have like sort of like white roses and red roses on them that would be quite cool in my opinion Archer Fire coming in doing a

    Lot of damage to both sides here and yeah a lot of bloody fighting already going on a lot of blobbing going on I like to say as well um by both sides here really blobbed up we do have a I think there’s a reinforcement Army on

    The way here so this looks like it’s uh and we have gold chevr on General who’s dismounted I don’t know if he’s meant to be dismounted but he is dismounted um and yeah so he is uh going to arrive he’s getting nice long columns there very glorious

    Very very nice and yeah it does seem as though we’ got hobar here as well so yeah everything’s tier three as it should be uh this battle is fought in the 15th century it’s uh fought in 1455 so literally 2 years after the war or 100 years wars over and the English have

    Lost that they into another War but an extra bloody one because it’s Englishman killing off Englishman enemy units have been ried yeah it does seem as so we got sergeants here losing in the front lines against sergeants of England isn’t really like I said a great variety it’s

    Just a big old bloody fight for this choke point but yes if you’re enjoying all 122 ad action and would like to see some more and do remember to leave a like subscribe don’t forget to leave a comment as well if you’re enjoying the medieval [Applause]

    Action you can see here that the English I think are winning this initial engagement I think looking at like the units you got a lot of Sergeants and Welch Spearman losing I feel like the maybe the um lancastrian should be the Welsh cuz eventually obviously the chuds take control of the Lancaster faction

    And they are kind of like a Welsh descent but anyway got the sergeants here getting rear charged by English Knights they’re trying to break through this and they did not realize I guess the knights could just snip around the sides and they’ got rear charged pretty hard there Welsh

    Spearman now come around to support maybe to stop that from happening again so they’re trying to break down barricades so they can then get in a different way uh we have 6,300 uh Defenders against 7,100 attackers got shock this amount of man of arms here getting focused down as it comes on in

    There they are bows here like the long mov are doing a really really good job they’re going to need this other Army here soon rather than later I don’t know if he can run or if he got a March or what they need it here soon we’ got

    Mount sergeants and uh looks like a a general here as well getting ready to uh to come forward looks like the m sergeants might rush in maybe to combat that General who sorry not that General that Cav unit here it looks like we’re going to see a charge onto the Spearman

    Here it’s a great charge I don’t really know what the unit was going for if it was going for the sergeant or the Welsh Spearman yeah the mountain Sergeant there probably going to get dealt with very soon by the Welsh Cav that’s coming in as you can see lots M of Sergeants

    Rushing on in yeah this is like really close quarter fighting I mean you got like things like knives and axes that be being used instead of like s your swords and Spears up like just the crush of these bodies is incredible yeah this is sent in by a member of my

    Discord person that created this scenario I was like prob we going to should check this out it’s a fairly cool start to a a war the Roses series I think they’re planning to do I think they’re planning to cover like quite a few of these uh these battles so it be

    Interesed which other ones they do there are some biggies like tton and I guess Bosworth field but we have done that one before um but there are some biggies that they could do that’s for sure and they started off with the uh the initial engagement which is the first battle of

    St Albin which kind of gives away there are more than one battle here at St Albin which uh yeah I think both sides win one of the battles St ALB um historically the Orcs win this one uh whether they’re going to win here today I do not know there’s a lot of the

    Routings yorkists as you can see here we got Spearman wavering for the lancastrians and archers AR getting folks down both sides use long bow to sort of counter the other si side long bows and we’ve got Mountain sergeants here charging into the English sergeants to try to inflict as much damage on

    These guys as possible men are running standard fight damn you and looks like using C to sort batter down these barricades I don’t know if that really is effective Al we have C over here in plong Mele we got Spears supporting either side refuses to ad try and I guess you know give

    Themselves the advantage in this this C fight it’s a bit hard to tell who’s fighting where and the spears fighting each other at the front line here telling who Cav is who is pretty much impossible and that’s like how it would have been like the chaos of a medieval

    Battle like both sides and like I guess just got to like you got to look at like the emblems that everyone’s wearing that’s an enemy he’s wearing I don’t know a red a red uh Rose or a white rose I don’t even know if they would have worn many roses to be

    Honest would have been absolute Chaos on these sort of battlefields yeah the front line is actually kind of starting to break here The Archers for the attackers for the for the yorkist is actually you know side to do a lot of damage to these sergeants Here sign a waiver we are

    Seeing reinforcements come forward and I mean the Defenders have plenty of shocking you like English foot Knights back here as well they’re going to be very much needed in these choke points as so you wonder whether the attacker should have saved some ammo for those cuz uh they do have pretty good um

    Chances of killing those guys they have zero miss or very little I don’t know if it’s zero but it’s pretty low I know in tdd it’s zero whether it is in 122 I actually can’t remember here we go Spears shunting forward they broken through here so I

    Guess they’re going to try and want to get through to these archers these re new Longos I think they’re okay in melee but I’m not entirely sure sergeants are being sent in to try and plug the Gap and is looking a little bit chaotic down there for the Defenders um yeah the

    Fight over here is still not going so well the C losing to archers and Spears no surprise there really should have just got out of that fight earlier we have got archers as well that can start to shoot into the flanks these Spears they want to do some damage there

    Finally the reinforcement Army has arrived and it looks like it’s going to attack on this flank here to try and I guess sort of send some forces Direct Defenders this Direction I mean there are some already but they’re going to need some more here if they want to stop

    This fresh uh yorkist Army from breaking through the uh English Knights are nearly through this barricade but it’s taken them a long long time and more Cal now on the other side M Sid flank around this side trying to attack archers and also shock Infantry keep battling on

    Boys I thought a gentle down there the guy with a golden hat but he’s just no he’s just got a bit of style he has this amount of Mana arms here getting focused down in the back by archers right now even though they’re having to help their Cav out they are sacrificing themselves

    Almost cuz yeah they’re getting focused down look at that 30 of them dead already and you can see the Cal here actually Mount Sergeant forcing their way through they’ve actually broken through line and they might do the same again here they’re charging into the sides wavering these sergeants here I don’t

    Know if you can easily see this but yeah look at this the m s nearly through and yeah the sword line is starting to crumble there a I don’t know how easy it is for them to maneuver here but they need to be careful enough to pull

    Through we also have knights in here English Knights for the Defenders for the lancastrians defending Henry I 6 making sure that he is uh safe and protected I don’t know if he’s actually here enemy and return to the general body I guess one of these might be the

    Uh the king don’t know if they have a king’s bodyguard um oh yeah here he is King’s body guard there you go sweet just as I said so that is clearly Henry the 6th back there he’s very much safe and sound they do actually capture him

    In the Battle of St Al they actually manag to capture his person make him a prisoner of war apparently didn’t really know what a lot was going on on he was supposedly a bit uh not very clever put it like that I’m going are breaking off looks as

    Though yeah the sergeants here actually managed to push these back mounted sergeants and got stuck into melow with these other dismounted sergeants and they have been focused down and forced out of that front and what could have been a pretty catastrophic there for the Defenders they managed to stabilize just

    About and they’ve got some Spears and some Knights here and they look like they’re going to try and maybe flank around try and do some more damage here try and get him behind these attackers which are still you know struggling on on the front lines here over on this

    Side it actually looks like they’re nearly through as well pole arms here um being focused Down By The Archers just outside the wall with buildman stood no chance they are pretty much dead shock infantry excelling against the spears here B through their Shield wall bit outdated those Shields there

    Boys you flid Le should not be on there you’re no longer kings of France Sor and England they claimed that they the English kings continued to claim that they were Kings of frss until George III which is kind of a cool fact I mean like they didn’t even hold France at all

    Apart from like Cal at this point um so yeah the king of Cal maybe there you go we got a breakthrough here looks like Cav uh Sant just lead the way got a general uh breaking on through I don’t know if he’s really doing much damage to these Sergeant but that’s they are

    Losing now there you go yeah I think that’s Arch fire and also the General charging so using the C to try and break through they need to get Spears and swords in here just to uh allow the C to pull out and they can do such uh they

    Can do other actions simar to the one that just there got sergeants here pressuring this flank The Defenders out are being attacked on a lot of flanks but yeah the English Knights have managed to rear charge and break everything over here and that is devastating the Welsh Spears coming up

    To support they’ve just got a few reinforcements left to go in on this fank here a lot of troops actually breaking and wavering and going and it looks like the Spearman here now going to defend this this choke point and just not allow the uh attackers back inside

    They want to kind of secure this area and yeah they with this uh English Knight chasing down these sergeants they are actually trapping everything inside as well we got Hobs over here so there’s a Javy Cav unit these guys just you know javing into the SP and trying to weaken

    Them a little bit I mean they got a great missile block they’re a pavy spear pretty much they’re going to stop most of the javelins nice and easily it’s not looking good right now for the Yus [Applause] cause [Applause] cowards enemy units have returned to the battle we see the fighting still going

    On in the street archers coming in trying to support the attackers the sergeant yeah they are winning this fight no surprised they got more troops here ready to support shock infantry here is going to beat them back of archers or whether it’s other stuff yeah the

    Um you can see here these archers I mean they’re focusing on sworders is great but could they just not kill the swords with other swords they should be really focusing things down like the English foot Knights which are winning decisively down here against the Welsh man at [Applause]

    Arms using the axes and the sort of hammers dra B through the armor and there you go I think they scared off the uh the yorkist there I really want to keep calling the attackers of lancastrians it’s just not right at all oh this is not good a

    General is trapped inside the cement he’s getting focused down as well by archers over here so there’s about five six to resue archers there focusing him down and then also the Cav is just here just to pin him in and just hold the line and just allow The Archers to just

    Focus him down in the back and it looks like run from the enemy I’ve see a lot of the reinforcing Army now shift from this flank over here and they go all the way around here to try and attack through here and no wonder they’ve managed to they managed to break through

    I really don’t know they sneaking up this Gap here maybe I don’t know if they can that must be how they got here cuz there two speed it’s inside the walls being battered by looks like shock infantry or sergeants and shock [Applause] Infantry Spears yeah they’re losing no surprised

    They haven’t really got any support and they’re wavering wow 120 men they’re wavering incredible stuff um over on this side here yeah the attack is kind of forward they’re running out of reserves running out of Manpower and it looks like they’re going to have to uh try something else want to

    Try and BR B through the spear line they are now shooting these English foot kns which is good to see but little late they should have been attacked from earlier and there you go General has been killed I think that is oh he’s he’s here now he’s pulled out of that combat

    And he’s now gone into the combat over here against Spar that is one of the Welch armies one of the yorkest armies without a general and I think we’re going to see a rear charge here from English foot Knight or English Knights into the back of these swords here and this should be

    Devastating there you go this Cav unit might route might die but uh it will be worth it it’ll be worth it I’ll take that Sergeant with absolutely our numb now alive 3,800 against about 3,800 is finally balanced is this Siege or battle I don’t know if it’s

    Really a a Siege as such they kind of get just having a normal battle inside the settlement got General fighting manat arms here which I think is like the Knight for the Welsh Yeah looks like General’s bodyguard wants to get stuck in and help try and Route these these guys two of them now in there I don’t know if Henry’s Henry the six come forward yet as he oh he is in there he’s getting stuck in the king’s bodyguard refuses to admit defeat

    It’ be a bit clu like what am I doing here why am I finding my own subjects probably but you’d understand they’re traitors and he dealing with but yeah we got a Cav un charging out here looks like he’s going to just try and take out some of these Sergeants probably should

    Go after these archers try and science them there’s now C coming over as well M sergeants here trying to deal with this little Sally out that’s going on they’re going to be like taking advantage of that they’re like yes please we’ll kill that Cav and that sword that’s SED out easy kills for Them yes still the struggle goes on Balance power is Shifting in favor of the Defenders they now have about 100 man advantage running they fighting continu the bodies are piling [Applause] up and then yeah General before got I mean they just need to charge in and get

    A nice side charge this General is just stud you can get a nice side charge side of that uh that speeding if he’s not looking at you hit it hit it in the back hit it in the side whatever you got to do I’m somehow the sergeant has also won

    Against the English Knights over here it’s incredible surprised by that there you go the man Sergeant man break some of this uh Sally out that’s going on here by the by the lancastrians and it looks like the mounted Sergeant is going to go in again stop them boys stop them [Applause]

    Up Spearman actually even though there’s not many of them left holding strong well as I say that they start to lose of course they do commentator’s curse shock is coming down to help another Target for the C to hit there the shock [Applause] inry forc these Spears back they have to

    Jump over the wall if they want to survive break their legs or lose their life it’s not a great oportun and yeah looks like they are done for the uh Welsh generals here trying to Rally rally the boys yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this

    Battle and if if you ever want to get involved in any sort of scenario battles yourself feel free to join my Discord the link is down below in the description it’s the best place to go to get involved in any historical battles oh that guy’s got

    A got sort of a rose on him he got some trees in it as well a white rose I mustard he is a traitor a yorkist fighting for the lancastrians despicable stuff yeah lots of green uh SW cross swords here now for the Defenders of seeing English foot nights

    I mean King’s bodyguard he’s pulling out but he’s still winning that fight the enemy have ried their un keep side charging these units here they’ll slowly Whittle through them seems like the main force is left over here now which just really archers and Cav there not really

    A lot of infantry um though this is an infantry push men are running cowards they’re going to keep cych charging The Spar it seems that’s what they’re going to keep [Applause] doing [Applause] and then yeah so they might break through I don’t know if the Cal can

    Really do too much you remember the days when the hobar were a light uh shot cap I didn’t realize that they changed running from the enemy kind of interesting gotam gives England a little bit more of uh I don’t know variety longbows now having to hold this

    Front line here for the Defenders I don’t know think they’re that glow on troops but maybe they’re just resting up the more the more Elite troops it looks like oh we’ve got General’s bodyguard over here he’s sending that General packing he’s like how dare you attack my my long

    Bows my precious Longbow men and looks like yeah there’s am of man of arms here yes carving through those long M they might want to get some other stuff in there like the heavy Billman get them in there they can counter those man arms very nicely we keep them at a distance a

    Safe distance [Applause] our men run from the enemy this is [Applause] shameful keep fighting boys they got some troops routing oh yeah they’re routing the wrong way though what we got here spear militia some of the Dres [Applause] [Applause] they’re literally holding back the lancasters right now with one tiny sword

    Unit men have regrouped oh well this one I guess is sort of holding the back as well but the lancas could break out any time and probably start to do a decent amount of damage uh is this general just mounted no he’s still mounted there is a dismounted one

    Somewhere he’s not here though might be that one all the way back there actually it’s gold chevron this fl’s looking definitely like possible the attackers I mean they got Billman here and shock infantry there isn’t a lot left here that could break through this uh like needs to break through that side it’s

    2500 against 2 400 so yeah again the attackers are not far off you know getting sort of like the advantage again whether these archers could shoot into the buildman probably do some damage to them but it looks like actually the bill the the bildman for the attack is are

    Winning so might not be an issue yeah if the archers wanted they could shoot into the backs of these saws try and win the fight there for the shock [Applause] infantry do not stop they’re going to bait out these swords aren’t they they’re going to bait out

    The swords and they’re going to charge him with the c yeah that’s a a cheeky little move there I don’t think that’s a fault by the players it’s just the uh the unit just you know continuing it his attack after you given an attack order yeah they’re

    Going to lose that sword for that that’s really smartly done there by the attacker both sides now 2400 men it’s still very much in the balance keep still downam if the uh the whole arms really do much to each other here they’re both even as well I feel like you need some archers

    Here to someone to turn this around ah and here we go The Defenders provide some rest new longbows I imagine these guys are going to set up in tiny unit I never realized and I think they’re going to start shooting into the side of that buildman there and they’ll probably turn that

    Around they’ve also got some more if they wanted to and yeah I think that’s the last sort of chance that the attacks have got to really breaken in if they destroy this opportunity here the Bild are losing sorry are winning and yeah if they can manage to silence this bilding

    They’ve got a good chance I think of winning this one the Defenders Mar sergeants here actually nearly shattered through the spear line here and looks like we’re going to see a general be shifted over along with some sergeants I think have returned but yeah M Sergeant

    There falling back are now to die we’re going to see the dismounted man arms going so nice cycle of units there by both sides or really by the attackers you know getting uh getting him to C then pulling it out and getting the shock in there SP has no time to

    Rest General’s bodyguard needs to be careful he’s going to get uh really too sucking in a long melee here with theed man arms but looks like he’s going to Route It Anyway the more stuff coming over oh archers these guys still have ammo they should not be going into melee just yet

    Let let maybe shoot down on that General a little bit more or do something like I said probably need to kill this heavy Billman but it looks as though um the attacks are kind of really out of ideas they don’t really know what they’re doing at this point I mean they haven’t

    Got much left that they can like you know break through with what they’ve got left is like Cavs archers um minimal shock or or sword infantry to really break through they still got like one healthy sergeant here but that is really everything on that far side’s pretty

    Battered and seen a lot of action and there you go yeah the mountain Sergeant tried to break through just kind of just got themselves impaled on spim and I think that’s what they achieved there and they could send in The Archers I guess into melee try you know fill the

    Ranks with a bit more mass but don’t know if that’s really going to achieve a lot and I think yeah the General’s actually charging out B here from the uh lancastrian player his Riders yet oh overextended he’s trying to pull back General hopefully doesn’t lose it he’s still at

    Half strength he should be okay but lost a lot of that bodyguard pretty friver usly there and I think the bman down here is starting to lose think they are starting to get focused yet absolutely focused down by those English [Applause] longbowmen the Yus clearly made a mistake by rebelling here [Applause] today

    [Applause] [Applause] our men run from the enemy this is shameful it looks like I think the battle is pretty wrapped up I’m going to fast forward through a few of this now and just see whether uh they do anything doesn’t seem like um they’ve attacked on

    The side a little while and looks like they looks like the Defenders quite a to sit here with their bildman and looks like the attackers aren’t going to charging well actually I say that spear militia might there is 2 minutes left of this battle but there’s definitely far

    Too many men for them just to master out so I wonder whether they’re just going to see uh one side concede I imagine it will be the attack as if it’s going to be anyone that’s going to concede don’t think a master is going to take place both sides have

    About 2,000 men left so very evenly matched but it’s just the num it’s what they have left is um yeah for one side is just is a they’ve got a lot of shock to start with there’s a lot of the shock still got a healthy shock here they’ve actually have broken through the

    Attackers have actually managed to get in our men run from the enemy this is shame there you go Hobs and uh and archers is all you need to break through this city I’m going to see the mountain sergeants come up I wonder if they’re going to smash into uh the shock here

    Yep they are there you go in they [Applause] go the Shar actually I don’t think you’re dying too badly I think I wonder whether the spear unit retreating actually took the charge and then the shock is just you know yeah it’s actually winning that fight now against

    The mount that is a a nice surprise and yeah all the shocks is going to pile on in and just try and kill these guys they are trying to hold them back The Archers and the assaults here really can’t go many places and it looks like we’re

    Going to see in about yeah 20 OD seconds we’re going to see I think a yorkist concede and the lancastrians are going to change history and win the first battle of St alans a glorious day for House Lancaster and Henry the and Henry VI 6 is Victorious here today A peric Victory

    And we’ll quickly look at some of the result so yeah this was sending by iki who was playing as one of the English armies I think he’s playing as uh Henry VI 6 himself with his Kings bodyguard here so he’s got 162 kills with them his dismounted like English foot Knights

    Getting 198 kills here 247 with another there and then we’ got the uh Spears getting 159 kills Billman 108 his Sergeant 188 kills and his archers 200 kills and one of his Cav getting 576 kills then we have Gio playing as the second Kingdom of England or the second

    Lancastrian Army 222 kills with his General before it looks like he fell or maybe routed uh the Billman getting 116 kills his U Sergeant getting 60 kills and the reue Longbow getting 130 then his English Knights getting 182 81 kills we have Jack playing as the third and

    Final uh Lancaster Army 191 kills of his English Knights there his bow getting 120 127 his Sergeant so 150 the Billman 124 and then we have confused fruit playing as um one of the orchest armies 104 kills with his General there 26 kills with the Mana arms uh5 with the

    Sergeants 101 with one of his archers 104 with another one here um and then 119 down here with another one so he did okay with his archers actually then F playing as uh the second York Army getting 177 kills with his dismounted arms 157 with another there 123 with the

    Bman 115 with the sergeant 170 kills with his archers 132 kills another there and his mounted sergeants 114 kills then based teamm maker playing as the final uh attacker getting 124 kills with his King and then he’s got 165 kills with his archers and then 126 121 with

    Some more there and the Cav again really suffering in this one but there you go guys that is today’s battle I hope you did enjoy the first battle of St Al certainly was a fun one if you want to see more 1212 ad action in the future do

    Let remember to leave a like subscribe if you’re not here hit that notification Bell and leave a comment and all that Shenanigans and I hope you enjoy the content that’s now appearing on your screen but until next time I’ll see you in the next one


    1. It was supposed to be a 4v3 but the forth was unable to join so it wasn’t as balanced as we wanted especially with the better players on defensive

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