In the summer of 2016, our family biked across Northern Europe on two tandem bikes. We started in Amsterdam and bicycled across the Netherlands, Northern Germany, Sweden and finally ended up in Copenhagen, Denmark.
    This part of the bike tour takes us from Helsingborg, Sweden to Copenhagen, Denmark. It features Helsingør, Kronberg Castle, Rungstedgaard, awesome cycling infrastructure in Copenhagen and a tour of Freetown Christiania.
    Subscribe to this channel for more great bicycle touring and cycling culture videos videos.
    This bike touring video was shot using Gopro Hero4.

    [I Like to Ride My Bike Theme song plays] In the summer of 2016 our family rode from Amsterdam to Copenhagen. Here’s the last leg of the trip in Denmark. We started our ride in Helsingborg Sweden and then took a short ferry ride across to Helsingør Denmark and the first

    Thing we did there is go to Kronborg castle. Which was super cool. It was a really short day of biking only 20 kilometers from Helsingør to Rungstedgaard. Where we stayed in a beautiful hotel in the country. We were all starting to realize our trip was coming to an end and we were actually

    Wanting more cycling our legs were all ready to go I’m sure we would have been happy to a cycle 80 or 100 kilometers on these beautiful roads. now this looks alright Soccer nets!! In Rungstedgaard the hotel was situated in a beautiful spot in the

    Countryside lovely setting for walks and the breakfast was awesome. Now we know why the pastries are called danishes The next day we had to ride from Rungstedgaard to Copenhagen which was about 40 kilometers You can see improvements in the works here on the right that’s the old bike and pedestrian lane over there

    You can see that used to be a very small and that whole bike and pedestrian area became the pedestrian area and then they took over some of the road here put that four cars (bycycles I mean!). on the other side they’re laying brand new pedestrian and bike lanes.

    Coming into Copenhagen bike lanes and bikes everywhere top light for cars bottom light for bikes Is it here Kyle? Is it here? here we are approaching our Airbnb where we stayed in Copenhagen for a few nights Copenhagen is said to be the greatest city in the world for cycling and we’d

    Have to agree it has incredible cycling infrastructure like this amazing bridge built just for cyclists also need to hear Kyle start to figure out one of the reasons why it’s so great to have the EU listen to what he says here Does the Danish government even know we are in Denmark? What?? No

    Kyle: Did the Swedish government know we were in Sweden? Dad: No Kyle: No?? Dad: No Kyle: Did the German? No So they just think that we were still in Amsterdam? I guess. I don’t think they care another common feature here in Copenhagen is parked cars parked to the

    Left of the bike lane so the parked cars give added protection and separation to the bike lane it’s up on a level and also protected by parked cars no cars seem to Park on the bike lane. I do not think that would be well tolerated here.

    You can see the omnipresent tri-level the streets with ramps all over the place lower level next level up and the top level for pedestrians you can see there’s two little smooth things those are for strollers so it’s a smooth ride

    For the strollers along the cobblestones we’ve seen that in a lot of places here here we go not only are there lots of bike paths beside the roads in Copenhagen there’s also lots of bike paths all on their own like this beautiful path by the canal Do you like that song? It’s okay.

    Weren’t you going to make a panda song? There should be a panda song I think There is. There’s two One by me and one by . . . . .Designer. one of the most impressive things about cycling and Copenhagen is their commitment to the bike lane even through large construction projects like this

    You can still see there’s a separated bike lane that was kept running even through this major construction area then as we cross the street we rejoin the existing cycling infrastructure here with a separated lane on the left Here’s another great example of a temporary separated bike lane built right in the

    Middle of a construction area of course the result of all this amazing cycling infrastructure is bicycles bicycles bicycles and more bicycles Copenhagen was our last stop on our tour and we had a few days to enjoy the

    Sights of the city one of the things we did is go to Tivoli Gardens. This very old and very fun amusement part and we did rollercoasters and then bigger rollercoasters another thing we had time to do is visit a district in Copenhagen called

    Cristiania which is an autonomous anarchist district inhabited by about a thousand people. In 1971 this former military base was occupied by these people they’ve been living there ever since with they’re kind of own anarchist government going on. There’s been a lot of controversy about the area it was a

    Really interesting area to explore. Parts of the area we were forbidden from taking photographs or video of because of the cannabis trade that goes on there the Danish government is aware of what’s going on there and there have been conflicts with the police in the past

    Also in Cristiania there’s some very interesting cargo bikes built and we visited one of the factories that makes those we had a few days in Copenhagen so we spent a lot of the time just riding around the city seeing what it’s like to

    Bike in the greatest biking city in the world and one of the days was really rainy but even on a rainy day like this the amount of cyclists was incredible one of the things that’s so nice about cycling in Copenhagen is the wide bike

    Paths allow people to interact with each other socially as they are riding along as you can see these two women just riding along having a nice chat with each other we saw tons of whole families on single bicycles to. On our last night in

    Copenhagen I noticed that there was an interesting looking Club in the basement across the street of where Airbnb was. As it turned out it was an arcade an old-school 1980s style arcade with all of my old favorite games so I finally got to beat my kids at video games for a day

    Well our trip was almost over it was time for us to make our last ride and our last ride was going to be to ride to Copenhagen Airport and pack our bikes up and head back home but again Copenhagen did once again amaze us with its bike paths all the way

    To the airport in fact it took us all the way to the front doors at the airport we should check what Terminal we are in Two way bike paths now! Mom: Excuse me? Pilot: Yes Do you know what terminal Iceland Air is in? Uhh Three. Thanks! Next one. A little bit further.

    Thank you You are welcome. oh wait that was a video sorry [I Like to Ride My Bike Theme song plays] you


    1. 4:35 You're right, parked cars generally respect bike lanes. One of the great things about great cycling infrastructure and lots of cyclists is how cars interact with the cyclists. You have a much better understanding of each other and you're more likely to be respectful of each other, when you you're used to sharing the roads all the time.

    2. Totally agree with you about the EU , unfortunately even though the Scottish people voted to stay in , the English government are taking us out , why because there is no equality between our country's, we are not treated equally , so free Scotland love your videos.

    3. Wow great videos. In your opinion which city is more bike friendly Amsterdam or Copenhagen? I bin to Amsterdam and I can not imagine city with more bicycles and more infrastructures for bicycles than Amsterdam. Greetings from Serbia.

    4. Copenhagen is great, but the ones who called it the best cycling city in the world, were they themselves, Honestly, from the cities in the Netherlands that I have seen, and also statistically the numbers of cyclists are at an even higher level. And the infrastructure in Amsterdam is already better than Copenhagen (also see the video made about this by 'Not Just Bikes') And Amsterdam is by far not even the best city in the Netherlands in terms of infrastructure.

    5. O you like Copenhagen. I have been there once, I from The Neterlands by the way Rotterdam, and I did not like it at all. People are so boring. Sweden and Denmark cost you a lot of money and for what? Boring boring. Next time go to France, people are not boring. They are normal people, they will help you if you have a problem, but they also can have a bad day. Like normal people. Denmark was the most boring country I have ever been.

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