After finally spotting the bison we started heading towards Lithuania ❤️

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    We’re Dean & Nala, and we’ve been best friends since December 2018. I was cycling around the world when I heard Nala meowing out for me somewhere in the Bosnian mountains. With no intentions of keeping Nala, I knew i had to save the wee kitten and take her to the vet – but I was well aware of the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge considering I only had a bike. However, despite my concerns, Nala quickly climbed out of the front bag on the bike handle and straight onto my shoulder. Since then, we’ve been travelling the world together. So feel free to tag along if you’re interested in following our journey and adventures around the globe ❤️

    Right that’s what’s on the move again guys we actually stayed for one extra night and such a beautiful place just totally in nature anyway our plans now we’re just going to slowly drive towards Lithuania I think we’re going to stay one more night in Poland tonight and in

    I we’ll update is more later on so let’s drive there we go so we just pulled up this we bit here um it’s 4:00 but I think I’m going to keep going now that I was just woken up hello yeah I think I’m going to keep

    Moving we’ve got a load of Caravans and Tents around the side of the lake here I might just go for a quick swim dry off and then just drive to Lithuania I think it’s about another 30 40 minutes until we’re there so I think I’ll get

    There and I find a place to camp and live here beautiful spot so let’s get in for a e swim what a beautiful Lake OH got two swans there as well wonder if we’ll come over and say hello we go clean the waters as well oh God it’s going to be cold this

    One or no is 3 2 1 yes oh this ones are coming as well amazing how beautiful is that and then that one is going around that way that looks a young one it’s got we small wings that one looks a bit bigger of all and here comes a boat now as

    Well there we go all freshened up so we’re just looking at the map just now it is now quarter 4 and we have got a 1H hour drive until we are in the place where we’ve chose to go in Lithuania and the border is just before

    That so we might as well start driving I’ve also noticed it also puts the clocks 1 hour ahead as well so I it is really qu 5 for us by the time we get there now still sound asleep don’t you wave your tell to Me so hi let’s keep driving Here we go the Polish border is just around here so we’ve not got far maybe about 5 minute drive and and then we’re in Leia there we go that’s us in lethania over new country I think that’s country number 32 for Nala so let’s see what this has to offer

    Look at that girl D oh B jump you comy we going in go this Tower right we’ll pull in here guys and we’re going up and we’re going to go up this big tower here it’s like a we Viewpoint what a beautiful view it is I’ll show you this then we

    Go right jump off thank you all cool you going to lie there are you you do that then so I think that’s where we are no idea can’t see it again but we’re going to go climb that and get the view at the top it’s beautiful looks like a beautiful

    Area come on we’re all waiting on you come on in level one she’s got this stop and sniff every bit haven’t you he look at that no she like you right should we go down now should we go there come on then you lead the way come on lead the way

    This is when she starts sprinting she goes come on almost done and we made it there sorry go a new be what cool structure we really need to find somewhere to Camp because it is now 20 to 8 we’ll be losing light soon not we’re not sitting looking down a banking all

    Night we’re not sitting looking down this hell night girl no we are not oh lucky you’re cute Al n there’s a flash of lightning that Way’s clear and there’s folk playing on the track there but we’re good to go good morning well I had an Absolut fantastic sleep looked at the clock it’s

    Half 8 I never normally wake up this late but then if you think about it it is an hour later as well so it’s really half 7 it looks like it’s going to be a nice day the skies are blue should we get out for a we

    Walk should we get for a we walk yes okay anyway let’s get up let’s get a walk let’s maybe go for a we swim and let’s make plans let’s go yes oh scratch your belly yes scratch your belly should we go for a swim should we go for a

    Swim you won’t want to come for a swim will you no that was too rough dad that was too rough right guys I’m going to go for a quick swim got my goggles um the water looks clear so we’ll see what we can see when we come

    Back we’ll take n we walk I’ll show you this beautiful place where we camped last night and then we’ll make some plans so you coming nope looks like I’m going for a swim on my own so let’s go let me get my swimming shorts this is where I hang my wet

    Shorts just in the back of there and then by the time I get them again the next day they’re dry UNP them someone will be looking at Mar just now shorts On let’s go oh yes this looks absolutely beautiful this looks beautiful so this is our camping spot last night we just parked behind these trees here um beautiful Lake bins I think that’s a shower and there’s even an Eco toilet as well and also it’s just absolutely spotless

    Area just perfect so let’s have a look at this water looks nice and clean Sandy Bottom got some fish over there it doesn’t look that clean actually here we we go it’s getting easier every single day to get in the water so three 2 1 oh yes absolutely beautiful I’m hoping

    By the time on my way up Finland and Norway it starts to get cold and the lakes start freezing over I would love that cuz you get a lot of saunas there so I’d love to go for a sauna then jump in the water afterwards that would be

    Beautiful hey look at this absolutely beautiful we’ve got a wee bird watching Tower down there as well I went there last night but it was kind of dark so the camera didn’t pick anything up it’s still very shallow quite far out and I’m standing let’s see how deep it

    Gets oh see after you’ve been in for like a minute it’s just like a warm bath it’s beautiful can we stand only just that’s me on my tiptoes oo it’s deep going down going down turn around oh it’s very soft sand as well right let’s get out let’s get Nala

    For a we walk um tire her out so when she jumps back in the car she’s just tired and she falls asleep and then let’s start making plans so let’s do this big jump we got a couple more other people turning up we got a few bags of them what you

    Say she’s got to go have a we Explorer the car first give her a we sniff around again she loves that back bit there oh look that butterfly is beautiful so many butterflies here now is in hunting mode oh blue butterfly so many wasps as well beautiful yes

    Right guys so we’re just looking at the map just now we are going to travel across to the east side of Lithuania and there’s a beautiful castle out there we put we put a story up on Instagram and we asked for suggestions of where we

    Could visit in this country and a lot of people are saying tracky Castle I think that’s how you say I’m not too sure but we’re all packed up we’re ready to go Nal is sitting behind me she is sleeping I think she doesn’t like looking at the map with me the

    Same all right out cold she’ll soon once we start driving she’ll soon jump up here so I it’s a 2-hour Drive guys we might not do it over there we’re just going to drive through the countryside see if we can find another beautiful place maybe to Camp up and I that’s what

    We can update you on so let’s drive absolutely stunning place to spend the night but let’s crack on we’ got we ladyb sleeping on our window oh hey look at that look at that place C here yeah that is just beautiful you think now I again that

    Water won’t appe to you but that looks absolutely gorgeous what do you think here we go so there’s a lake just down here and hopefully there’s a spot for us to Camp I can see the water anyway right there right I’ll just jump out have a we peek of the area

    First see what we find cuz we’ve just put nessi back into there beautiful we there perfect spot um I might actually sleep in the hammock tonight I’ve not slept in the hammock in a while if it’s going to be a dry night I might Chuck

    That out and we spot for a fire don’t think we’ll have a fire got a rubbish bag I’ll take that away and then down here we have a few M Hills we have this lake to go for a swiming how beautiful is that big fish has just jumped right there how beautiful is

    That oh and the water water’s crystal clear as well perfect getting there for a we swim after taking walk just now how was out look at the roots there’s a wee bit rubbish lying around but I’ll pick that up as well get that all cleaned up looks like a good

    Area right I’m happy with this spot so let’s go back to the van and let’s get the hammock set up I think tonight blue skies hopefully it’ll be a dry night and let’s Get N Out and let her start exploring right guys so Camp is set up

    Already hammock is out camera is out and Nowa is over there eating grass but um I we’re just going to be quiet for a we bit and see what birds we see if any come down there way behind the car now but how perfect is this area absolutely stunning it’s Friday as

    Well so hopefully we didn’t get bothered by too many people in the evening um I’m going to let now have a we walk about for maybe 20 minutes and then I will get down there and go for a swim there’s a bird we spining look at that got a we Wildlife path

    There hopefully we get this SE on foxes tonight dear oh look hello Mr Frog white look at that we guy anyway he’s walking over here so let’s just put him down off you go there’s another one there must be loads of frogs here right guys so that’s another way back in

    The van just now we’re going to go down to the lake and got my swimming shorts on got my camera there’s a few beautiful looking birds in the center so we’re going to see if we can get a few good pictures or videos of them but the plan is to sneak in

    Quietly and get some pictures there go it’s got to be nice and quiet easier said than done when you’re getting into cold water that’s the coldest part done oh it’s getting deep fast three two I need to submerge up to my shoulders three two one that’s cold that’s cold but refreshing

    Anyway let’s see if we can get some of these parts there we go we actually got a picture of the bird so I’m going to take this back to the van and then come back and we’re going to go we swim see what we can see underwater

    Now also got my we go faster shoes under water so I can chase the fish if they fit these are the last size I had in store so give them a go there go goes on let’s go is Off and that was a cool we S I don’t know if you’ve seen much but it was refreshing and there was quite a few we fish around that tree anyway let’s go back up see Nala and see what time is make a plan for tonight let’s go what the you go look

    Yeah so it’s just coming up for half eight just now we just going to give n another we walk before we go to bed make some dinner oh she see’s a grasshopper yes there we go Happ go right guys we are just going to have an early night tonight and we’re just

    Making dinner just now I’m having do Nala is having her favorite we dry crunchy chickeny flavor stuff but um I going to have an early night and we’ll see you on the morning good Night w


    1. Hi Dean and Nala, it's so fun to watch Nala sprint down curved stairs. This utube from Poland into Lithuania was just full of beautiful views of meadows and bodies of clear water. Such a happy vibe. Wishing you both well and see you in the next one.😀😻❤️

    2. Amazing to see your life , what the 2 of you are doing in the word 🤩 hope you Drive to 🇵🇹 my kings want to meet the Queen NALA the hapiest cat of the world

    3. I wonder how many people commented on the cat tree as they walked past Nessie, thinking that’s agreat idea. Nala is getting more cuter everyday. 🐾🐾🐾😻😻😻

    4. You are in countries where politics are crazy right now! But you show the human and natural beauty of these countries. Then from your viewpoint, which these countries deserve, cause your view is so joyous and warm. Nala is a bonus.
      Please, stay safe. And a hearty meow to dear Nala.

    5. Thanks for this nice sharing. Nala is a happy cat and she never gets bored and the trust between this two globe- trotters is wonderful !
      Rich Nature and life every where in this spot. Very interested to see the next vlog.
      Thanks à lot Dean and good luck.

    6. What an incredibly fun and interesting life that cat lives! I like chilling out to these vids while I get on with my work,.Very relaxing.

    7. Great video, really worth watching!
      When is the video from? From last year? I ask because it was still so bright at 8.00 PM and everything is so green, all the flowers are already in bloom and all the trees have leaves. Because here it's already dark and blooming at 7.00 PM, apart from snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils, there's still nothing and the trees haven't even had time to cherry blossom yet.

    8. I was always a dog person and some years ago my daughter brought a cat home that nobody wanted ….she was having kittens that my daughter had not notice..She looks very much like NALA ..She had three lovely kittens one was ginger one was black and white and looked like her……we kept the black and white one, he is a love big cat…..Now my lovely friend Maze sleeps on the pillow next to me……We have a lovely friendship….Best wishes to you all from Cheshire .England…

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