Hey guys, welcome back to my channel!

    In todays video we head to Dirt farm (black mountains) with a huge squad!

    It’s only my 3rd time here and each time we have had different riding conditions! Unfortunately full moto was shut due to rain damage as I had planned to start ticking off some of the gaps on moto…but We will be back! Hopefully in Spring/ summertime!

    Enjoy ☺️


    Hey guys and welcome back to my channel Lauren brings the goods flooded absolutely everywhere else so today we are at dirt farm we have a massive crew of us I think is it seven of us right yeah seven and we’re just waiting for them to come up now and

    As you can see it’s quite wet but not as wet actually as anywhere else right now um so yeah going well so far and I think we’re going to go into Rabbit Run so yeah let’s just go hello Trails Blues red blacks is w r we’re doing

    Mot hi I’m going to do mot into the Gap bit into the step up at the bottom yeah not breaking don’t break it come on oh ow CL hold on back to the top big what SE har fire baby oh come is sh finally the sun is out um what what lap

    Is this four four yeah fourth lap think we might do something else not sure yet but yeah let’s go come on from the top B oh my fck oh my God go ah oh what oh she’s a yeah you are good go Good I I think they would have waited here W they oh wait is this the way red I didn’t know where I was going I must ad neither I just saw drastic maneuver here I didn’t know they must have gone up rather than down just might as well wait for kiky

    Though depends which way they went I reckon Lauren when we went down she probably went High yeah she went right I feel like she shouldn’t she no that leads all the way down to the tube oh does it yeah oh it’s like well I’m happy just riding what we’ve been

    Riding same or the burn one the burn one I J money then Taylor oh my knee St Wet through here riding in soup Lely


    1. You have improved so much in the last couple of months, slowly that fear is reducing and the sending is getting bigger without even thinking about it. Well done…. "lets av it" 😂

    2. im getting back into riding after loseing my leg 19 months ago due to a mtb accident super sick video gets me pumped to get back out there. safe sends

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